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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1959, p. 18

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----~-~--. Tm CÀNAD!A1i TATEMUi. EOWMANflLU. ONTARITO THURSDAY, MZ. l2th, 1989 Salvation Army Off icer Teils of His 50 Years Un Rehabilitation Work An exceptionally stirring spe- ech on the rehabilitation of pri- oners and 'down and outs' was gîven by Lieut. Col. Wallace Bunton, Toronto, on Friday at the luncheon meeting of the ]Bowmanville Rotary Club heid et the Flying Dutchman Motel. Out of town guests present ,vere' Lance Beath, K. E. Markie and1 Allan Evans, ail of Oshawa, and H~arold Frarne, Don Milîs. The president, Rex Walters announced with regret that the club had received the resigna- tion of two excellent members. HIe paid special tribute to the' fine work Bruno Miller bas done as treasurer, and expiained that Mr. Miller, who resigned from Specialty Paper Produets, Ltd:, has accepted a partncrship in a Toronto business,. Keith Billett lias ieen appointed éliub treas- tirer for the balance of the year. Mr. Walters said the Bowman- ville Rotary Club is also sorry to accept the resignation of Rae Rundle, who has been transfer- red to Napanee where he will mianage the large A.&P. store. The birthdays of two Rota r- lans, Don Morris, and Captain Norman Cales, were observed. The winners in the hockey draw were, Rex Waiters and P. G. Newell. The sing-song was led by Ross Gilbert with K. N. Mor- ris at the piano. Capt. Norman Coles introdu- red Lieut.-Col. Wallace Bunton, Toronto, the special speaker. He stated that Col. Btinton ,vas born in Stellarton, NS.. and in his youth had -been a keen sports m-an, being well known as a star football and basebail plaver. Col. Bunton has had an out- standing career in the Salva- tion Army, Capt. Coles said. He pointed out that hee bas had mar- ked success in the rehahilitation oif prisoners. Coi. Bunton has been devoted to bis ýwork for' prisoners in penîtentiaries and jails for 50 yc'ars. Capt. Coles rprmarked that Col. Bunt-on has been a flotir- Ian for 32 v'ears. He is a mcm- ber of the Toronto Botary Club. and has becorne known a speak- er at many other Rotary and service clubs. A Cheerful Outlook In the present sonexvhit <it. ficult times it is more import- ant than ever to have a cheer- fui outlook, Col. Bunton stated. le advised the audience to mnake the best of everything, tbink the best of evaeryone, and hope thr, best for themnselves. He siressed the fact thit many aiew ideas regarding reformnat ion are being presented in the daiiy' press and over the air. But hie reminded bis hearers that there is no substitute for practical ex- perience and personal kýnowv- ledge. "If many of tlhýesP people Arit- ing and talking about rcform- ation were ta take a vear's cou r- se at a perîitenfiarxr the *v would see the other side of the inside," he asserted. "It is the best way ta obtain valuable understanding of the men confin ed there and of the problems of rehabilitation," he said. Need Commonsense "We need ail the comnwon- sense that God has given us," he continued, in explaining the ibest ways to beip prisoners. "No two are alike. They are individuals. They do not think alike, act a- like, or look alike. They cannot be reformed as a mass, but only as separate individuals. Col Bunton mentioned that lie is often asked what he thinks about the prison systemn and re- form work. He said that after his first vear in such work, he thought he could tell anyone aIl about the administration oif the courts and prisons, and the problems of convicted crimin- ais. After the second year lie couid tell less, after the third year scarcely anything. Stili in Kindergarten "After 50 vears I realize I amn still in the kindergarten of this special knowiedge, and I arn learning every day how to go about helping prisoners in a way that is best for the individual and for ;,,cietv," he firmly stat- ed. He added that it is import- ant neyer to m-ake such a mis- runs a mission for the unfortu- nate in a large city. "God wants us ta help al creeds, colours, and nationalities. If a man needs, help or advice, then that is my business," Col. Bunton said. He reminded the Rotarians that 'e ven a cup of cold water given in charity is a joy in the skies.' Reeve W. David Higgon mov- ed a vote of thanks ta Col. Bun- ton for his splendid addxess. He asked that the speaker be in- vited to again corne ta Bow- manville in the future ta ad- dress the club. The president, Mr. Walters, also expressed ap- preciation ta Col. Bunton for the address lie hed given with such insighit. He presented him with a copy of the history of Bowmanville. New Officers Elected for Kennel Club A meeting was held recent- ly oif the Ontario County Ken- nel Cluib at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Whiteside 'i guided person think lie is a hero. 'Oshawa. Officers for 1959 were Thev must be impressed that e]ected and installed as fol- tbey have brought sorrove and lows: President, Mr. M. E. torture to other people. Not un- Whiteside: Vice President, Mr. tii a person knows hie has da- H. F. Porter; Secretary Treas- aged society, as weil as wronged urer. Mrs. H. F. Porter; Trophy himseif, wiil he form a true ini- Secretary, Mrs. Ross Souch; tention for reformnatian, the Show Secretary, Mrs. H. F. Par- speaker remarked. ter; Publicity, Mr. William Grace Can Restore Clark; Show Superintendent, Col. Bunton stated that ex_- Mr. Ross Soucb. perience has proved that grace The Club is planning a Cham- can restore a broken man. ai-d pionshio Show to be held in tha kidnes eu e o tu gra-Oshawa in Julv. and it is hop- test assistance. He told of the ed nld bdec lse various cauFes behind the forti- in this show. Judges have been ation of a criminai. such as brok- seiected, en homes. commnon-iaw marnia-I A feiv new members would ges. divorces. poor training, bad be welcome and information can youthfui companions. be obtained from Mrs. H. F.. Bad EviromentPorter. 213 Roxborough Av,,.,I Bad E~-iromentOshawa, or Mr. Ross Souch, 598 "IJf ve are to have good men Carlyle Court, Oshawa. The re- and vvonen for tomnorrow the1 gular monthly meetings will be place -bere the-% should receive ibeld on the second Monday in the greate'zt hclp is in the borne, the rnonth. lie said. He expiained that a gooci home is the greatest char- acter building agencY in the tv'emorial Hospital woî-ld. He stated that it makes his-boo ingle wben he sees ~Rpr felloxxs. aged from 16 to 25, who W e ky R p r have committed some of the ý\vorst crimes anvone could be For the week of Feli. 2 - 8:- (hiargerd w itii. Invxestigation w'l1 Admissions ------------------ - -64,I tIrace back the causes of their Births, 9 maie, 7 fernale 16 downfall to bad environmient in Diseharges-----------____ 65 chiidhood and voutb, lhe said. Major a perations --- -_ 13 Hc gave an instance of a boy w-ho had b-een tatigbt ta lie and steal b his owvn fathen, as wel as to obtain goods by false pre- tences. He asserted his convie- tion that juvenile deiinquency is often a step towards a seriaus criminai life later as an aduit. Col. Bunton toid of the rnany men with whom he had talked, and w-ho bad confided in hâm whiie in the death ceil. Many exempîified the step by step ac- tions from chiidbood that had led them to the deed for wbich thev faced execuition. He gave, nsncsof beart warming con- versions, and the resultant stren- gýth -with which some had gane ta their death. Lasting Rehabilitation In answer to the many who have asked him if the criminal is worth saving. Col. Bunton stated that he tells tbern "Yes, a thousand times.' He gave many wonderfui exampies of the last- ing rehabilitation of confirrned criminals as the resuit of a help- ing hand. He also told an inspir- ing story of such a man wha since bis conversion has devoted ais life ta assisting others and McGregor Hardware Limited 95 KING ST. W. MA 3-3386 Minor operations -----------2 Emergeney treatrnents 12 Visiting hours 2:30 to 4:30 p.rn. and 7:00 t<i 8:30 p.rn. SOLINA The Library meeting was held on Tuesday evening in the li- brary at the hall. Minutes of iast meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. J. Knox. In the absence of Chas. Shortridge who is at present in Oshawa Hsi taI, the treasurer's report was read by Mrs. L. Kelîett. Duning1 the year 50 new books were ad- ded and at present thereis splendid supply of good books on hand. New members will be welcorned and fees will be ac- cepted by the Librarian, Mrs. L. Kellett. A letter oif appreciation for the plant was received from Mn. Shortridge. The committee to purchase new books for 1959 is Mrs. G. Knox, Mrs. Terry and Mrs. L. Keilett, Members of the boaird' are Chairman- Mrs. Geo. Knox, Vice Chairman- Mrs. J. Knox, Secretary- Mrs. S. Milîson, Treasurer- Chas. Shortridge. Other members are Mrs. I. Har- dy and Mrs. R. Langrnaid. Lunch was served during the social hour at the close urf the meeting. Bradley's Comniunity Club met Friday night at the school, Mrs. R. Parr presided for the program which included a piano solo iby Bruce Bowman, mouth organ mnusic by E. Cryderman accompanied by Mrs. E. Cryder- man at the piano and beautiful coloured slides shown by Miss Louise Hartrnan of Enfield. These were scenes oif Canada and Undted States taken while on a bus tour with many other teachers. The next meeting will be in the form of a card party on February 20. The men of the Hampton Cir- cuit Brotherhood entertained their ladies at a pleasant social evening in the new Municipal Hall at Hampton on Wednes- d.ay niglit. The president, Wes Yellowlees. opened the meeting and weicomed, the ladies and Rev. Reed led in a brief war- sbip service. Delightful piano selections b;' Mrs. Cherles Nay- ]or were much enjoyed by ail. For the remainder of the even - ing Court Whist was played. Mrs. J. Knox and Clarence Tînk received prizes for having high- est scores while Mrs. M .Mount-!l joy and D. Hall received con- solations. Tasty nefreshments were served by the men. Soline Good Neiglibors Club will meet Wednesdav night. Februarv 18. The pragnarn will teature selections by the Kedron Maie Quartette and a talk on ber recent trip te Chicago with other 4-H Club mnembers, by Helen Knox. Plan to attend,. Mrs. Raîpli Davis and Pat at- tended a shower in honor oif Marilyn Davis, bride-to-be at the home of Mrs. Frank Taylor, Courtice. There was an attendence oif 95 at Sunda.v Sc-hnol n unday. Harvev 'eiio-wleeq is arting su- Permitndent for t.he and Pat Davis j2 Pian'St. H-elen and Pat Knox sang a duet at the church service, Sun- day afternoon. Mr. and Mn. Linton Herron, Oshawa, were Sunday evening visitors with Miss. Gladys Yel- lowlees. The W.I. will meet Thursday night. February 12. Rev. Logan of Eniskillen will be the speaker. Anyone having good used cloth- ing is requested, to bring it to the meeting for a needy family. Mrs. Addie Tink, Mrx. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and fanily were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Perey Dewell and farnily, Hampton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and Mrs. Addie Tink were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Preston and sons, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. C. Langmaid and children were tea guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid wereSunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill, En- niskîllen, on Mr. Langmaid's birthday. Mrm. Bruce Taylor and Walter visited Mrs. O. Ferguson, Osh- awa. Rev. and Mrs. R. Sherwin. Belleville, Mrs. E. Larmer and Mr. Glenn Larmer, Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and William visited Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ma_9ee. Oshawa: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cook, Myrtle, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake, Sr. Mr. and, Mrs. Sid Mitchell, Bownianville were tea guests on Sunday with Mr. a.n.d Mrs. Frank Westlake, Jr. and family. Mr. and Mrs. D. Fiett and Lin- da were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Flett, Frazerville. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vice and Mr. Everett Vice were Saturday evening visitors at Harry Knoxs. Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett and farnily were tea guests of Mr. and, Mrs. Bob Flett and girls, Colurnbtis .on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox vis- ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. Evans, Oshawa. Mr .and Mrs. Rae Pascoe vis- ited at George Gilroys, Colum- bus, Glen GlaspelI's, Taunton and A. Beevor's. Oshawa. Miss Rilda Hockaday was a tea guest on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N. Wotten. Mrs. K. McMinn and children, Miss Jean Crydermnan, Mr. and Mrs. H. Freitag, and children, Miss Carolyn Freitag, Oshawa, visited at E. Crydernan's. Mr. and Mrs. R. Crydermar and children Were visitors of Mrs. S. Rundie and Jean, Bow- manville, on Sunday. Mr. E. Ormiston, Ebenezer; Mr. and'Mrs. Walter Ormiston and family ,Harmony; Mr. L. Tilley and John, Enniskillen, visited at Tom Baker's. Mrs .S. E. Werry is visiting Mrs. Percy Langmaid, Oshawa, Mr. and, Mrs. Bernard Gordon, Hampton, visited at I. Hardy's. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry were Saturday guests at N. Mof- fats Oshawa. wL M Well Organized Committee Runs Stag Dinner These members of Rotary and Lions Clubs of Bow- snow and didnt arrive until late. This photo shows, manville conducted the 200 man big prize "Stag" night at back row, Ieft to right: Fred Cole, Ralph Ames, Jack the Lions Centre. This very popular annual event again Brough, Dr. W. Rudeil, James Bell, Wm. Thiesburger, was sold out on Thursday and proceeded without a hitch, Tom Rehder; front row: B. L. Burk, Glen Lander, Don except the entertainers overshot Bowmanville in the Morris, Bob Kent and Frank Jamieson. -Photo by Rehder Purebred Hioisteins Burned in Courtice Barn Blaze Darlington Township has suffered serious f ire loss Varcoe's, the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Epworth had during the past two weeks. Last Wednesday about 7 p.m., been destroyed. Later in the week, on Lawso"' Road, a this huge barn on the Archie Muir & Sons property atichicken house owned by Mr. and Mrs. Norrç,SI_'Butters Courtice was burned to the ground, killing approximatelyj was burned with a loss of 400 hens and 200 c~ 30 head of Purebred Hoîsteins. Eariy in the week, at -Phot e,4' CAMPAIGN Climb son the Band Wagon You too are wetcome to use our budget plan 6 - 12 - 24 or 36 months to pay No payment until April 3Oth -We wilI measure your job and give you a detailed sketch of how the work. could be done ) - w s Do it Yourself Basement Recreation Rooms have been a specialty with us for many years. We are qualified to guide you on the many important phases of framing bclow ground level. Take advantage of this We can arrange for one of our good Contractors to do it for you :3 This is Unique T.he service represents hundreds of bouses and is a compilement of the outstanding homes in al price classes that have been buit across Canada in the Iast few years. A complete set of Plans and Specifications for Eleven Dollars. qqupiLm, .Check List LUMBERInsulation LU M BERStorm Sash Extra Closetq liiiAR Garage or CarportO SHEPPARD ILL' A ANO DIII Renovate Kitchen Modern Bathroom Lu MBER Recreation Room Él ! .*- S CU Vlai e sddtoalRo nowmaEvluie MONUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY MARK ERS ( ~ 4 tue& altd. ut *Uknf.Ofp"M".e 0 U,, STAFFORD BItOS. Stafford Bros. Monumental Works 318 Dundas St. E., WVhitby Phone Whîtby MOhawk 8-3552 BE A PART 0F THE "n I lT 140W - - - - - - - -- - - - i BRAWINC BLUE PRINT SER VICE PAM MORIMW à vô ituny ai. L. RAMI 3-571b

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