t; qt, I. » - - 17 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. DOWMANVTLM O6NTAE!O PAGE THM1! FARNELLL- HOAR The wedding took place in St. James Bond United Churchi, 'Toronto, on Saturday afternoon. January 17, cf Dorothy Heleii JUne Hoar, daughter ef the late Ir. and Mrs. Sulas Hoar, and James Herbert Farneli, son cf Mr. end Mrs. James B. Farnel of foranto. Standards of gladioli and car- nations in pink and white d2-1 torated the church and the cepemony was performed by the Rev. Bruce Miller. Dr. Pe- ters pleyed the wedding music. The bride wes given in mer- rnage by her brother, Mr. Ever- ett V. Heer of Bowmanvillc. She ware pink lace over nylon net with a matching hat of pinkc brocade. Her flowers were a corsage of white gerdenias. The bride's sistcr, Mrs. Hec- ry Kerr of Oshawa, was her at- tendant weering a dress et pel2l blue sik. pink flowered ha, and corsage of pink carnations énd sweetheert roses. - Mr. William Farnel ef Peter- borough» was best man for h.,3 brother, and Mr. Charles Hoar, Toronto, nephew et the brid.-, was usher. A re,-2ption followed et the Scerboro Golf and Countrv Club, the groomn's mother wear- ing royal blue satin with ce- sage of pink roses. .: ra bridal trip te New York, ,,$!bride chose a dress of tur- quoise crepe, white hat and gloves. Mr. and Mrs. Farnel will reside in Scarboro. h1edicaI Mirror .Vote to readers: Thanks for al lhe nice letters. As many ques- lions as possible wil be answered in this column, but for ob-ious reasons replies must be brie f. Q. "Mly daughier ùr 15. I have olwrq,s' accompanied her when 1, its 10a dorors officeewere vreceesary. She now shows re- aentment to my bein g present. $hould she be allowed to go *lonrr?"-A parent. .A. Yes. by ail means. There >àeems little doubt that the aver- age adolescent readîs more favor- atly to the physician and his 'edvicc when the youngster feels responsible -for his or her own carc. They like te state their problems in their own way and dislik;e being brought into the doctors office in the wake of one or both parents. Under certain cirçum stitnccs the parents shouid, of qr~, be close enough et hn consultation but-gener- Vaily,'l ne adolescenrt should be e ncouraged te seek his own med- ical care and net huddie in the ~'shadow of the parent.1 A4nswers do flot Piccessarily rellect the opinion of ail doctors. The diag-' Ptosis and treat ment of di.ease 1 the jimncion of the patient's personal physician. Questions? dirccted to Dr. J. D. Ralaton, Science Editors, P.O. Box 396, Madison Square Station, N. Y. 10, N. Y. will be tncorporatei in these celutnn.ç when j,poisible. The bride attended Bowman- ville schools, Torento Teachers' Collega and Sbaw's Business College. After teacbing at Sbaw's scheel in Darlington, she jeined the staff of the Brit- ish American Oul Company, Tc- rente, as secretery. Mr. Ferneil, an engineer. is e greduate of North Toron te Collegiete endl University of Toronte. jPrier te ber me'riege, the- bride was enterteined -Ut mi- cellene:aus shewers given by Miss Dorothy Henry and Miss Helen Bolen, and Mrs. Flett ail ef Toronto. She was aise guest of hongur et a supper perty and presentatien wben Miss M. Parker and Miss K. Clark were hostesses. A tee was given for ber by hec essocietes o! Britisil American 0;1 and the presen- tation made o! a bridge table and chairs. Mrs. Heslett's grou.a o! St. James Bond United Church gave a luncheon and presentation at the Universîty Women's Club. BROOKS - BOYD King, Street United Church, Oshawa, wes the scene o! a wedding et 4 o'clock, Saturday attern2on, January 31st, wbený Marion Yvonne Boyd, djaugi-1 ter ot Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bovdý', o! Orono, was united in mer- riage with Ervine F. Brooks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geerge Brooks o! Bowmanville2. The Rev. N. T. Hiolmes officieted. For the ceremeny the bride wore d street length gewn o! carnation white silk organza over silk faille. Folds eý thel material accented the full lengtli e! the gown and two floeting paels edded beck interest. El- bow length mittens comple- mented the short sîcevos. A Swedisb pearl crown with rbinestones beld ber shoulder length veil and she carried al Colonial bouquet of pink sweet- heart roses and lily e! the val- ley. Miss Carolvn Joncs of Osh- awa was mad o! honor weer- ingr e st"eet length dress et ice blue silk organze styled iden- tically with that worn by the bride. Wîth it she wore e fza- tberod bandeau beaddress, and carried a Colonial bouqueto! yellow baby chrvsanthiemums and lily et the vall2y. Mr. Glen Large performed the duties e! best man. Fcllowing the ceremony a receptizan was beld et 123 Elgin Street, East, Oshawa. Fer th e heneymnoon trip te Ottawa and the Laurentians, the bride. tra- velled in a royal blue shceth dress with metcbing bat and gloves and bleck Persian lembl. jacket. On their roturn the couple will reside in Oshawa.' 1 M rs. C. Rowan Takes Topic W.A. Meeting BETHANY-Tbe membera ot the Woman's Association et the United Chuncb were entertein- ed et the home o! Mrs. J. C. Cummiskey for their meeting Sterling Silver Hand-set RHINESTONE $425 L & F. ¶4 MARR'S J EW ELL E RY 43 King Si. W. MA on Tuesday, with Mrs. John White 'presiding. In the absence cf the secra-j tarY, the minutes and corres- pondence were read by Mrs. Preston Neals. The memb2rs were pleased te welcome back Mrs. Mansel Finney, who had been absent froma many meetings due to illness. Mrs. Finney expressed thanks fer the boxes of frut and cards sz-nt to ber. The Young People's Union offered te retinish the basement fleer. if the Woman's Associa- tien would provide the cost of varnish and their offer was ac- cepted. The pro-ram wvas in charge o! Mrs. Clar2nce Rowan who gave the topic "The Great Com- rfhandment". 'A new command- ment I give te you, that you love one anether, even as 1 have lov2d you, that yeu also love ene anrether." " The two most powerful heal- ing forces in human relations are understanding and love", said Mrs. Rewan and continu- ed, "We are surriunded by peo- ple who long fer them, but we otten shut the door on the,.r need and keep Christ and bis teachings te ou rselves. When you give understanding and love to others they return te you many-fold. Try it and sce 1 for yourself." The Scripture lesson was read bv Mrs. Carl Porteous, with Mrs. J. C. Cummiskey giving the lesson tbou.ghts and lead- ing in prayer. Readings pertin- ent te the topic were given by Mrs. Walter Rowland and Mrs. R. Challice. Followinfi the benediction a secial heur was enjoyed witb lunch served by members of Group Two. Mrs. G. Mulligan expresscd thanks te the bostes and those wvho -hed assisted., Thrre were 18 members pres- ent.1 Resuits of j Conservatory Music Exams The following is a Eist of suc- cessful' candidates in examina- tiens beld recently by the Royal Conservetory o! Music ef To- rente in Bewmenville, Ont. Thc nemes are arraeed in erder o! menit. Grade IX Piano Honours-Ine B. Reed. Grade VIII Piano Honours-Elizebeth A. Werry, Marie Pedwiell, Kethryn Sie- mon: Pass-Lloyd Wilson, Lar- ry Thomnpson, Jenice Beech. Grade VII Piano Honours - Lvnne Steinton; Pass-Deris Griffin. Grade VI Piano Hoflours-Julie Hawkc; Lin- de Scott. Grade V Piano Honours--Jeen Frances Tam- blyn. Grade IV Piano Honours-Betty-Jane Werry; Susen Wearn. Grade IHl Piano I{onours-Phyllis A. Emm- son; Pass-Carol Stecey. ne Grade H Piano H1onours-Elizabeth Herbert, Pass-Janet Robson. Grade I Piano First Class Honours - Jean White. Grade VI urgan H-onours-Henry Vanderkooi. 'Grade VII Singlng Pesa -Na-ncy Wood. *Grade VI Singing H-on aurs-Patricia Cheetbam. Crystal Heart-shaped PENDETTES on sterling silver chain 2 sizes $195 3-546 Married in Kendal Church Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Boughen were marcied in Kendal United Church on Friday afternoon, Dec. 12, 1958. The bride is the former Inez Mae Gordon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Spence Gordon of Kendal and the groom is the son of Mrs. Ralph Boughen and the late Mr. Boughen of Newtonville. Annual Meeting of St. Andrew'Ifs A ddressed On AlMember Canvass The annual congregational meeting of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church was held on Feb. il in the Church Hall. The business meeting was pre- ceded by a delicious pot luck supper convened tDy the ladies of the.,zhurch. Between 50 and 60 mehbers and children sat down to supper, over which the minister, Rev. A. G. Scott pre- sided. Immediately efter the suppcr the Rev. H. D. Blackburn, As- sistant Secretary to the Budget Stewardship Committee, of the Presbyterian Church in Canada gave a most interesting and en- lightening acldress on Christian giving and Stewardship as it relates the work of the church. He outlined his experiences in connection with "Ail Member" canvasses undertaken at a num- ber of Presbyterian Churches with which he had becn actively associated and the almost annoy- mng resuits thereof. He Was introduced by Mr. Scott and the appreciation of these present was expressed by Mr. A. H. Sturrock. Mr. Scott then opened' the annuel congre- gationai meeting with the sing- inc of a hymn, scripture read- ing and prayer. Mr. Jack Roughley end Mr. James Bell were appointed cha- irman and secretary respectivly. Mr. Scott submitted the re- port of the members of Session which indicated a sma'l increase in memnbership from lest year. He expressed the deep apprec- lation of the Session and partic- ularly of himself, for the moral and soiritual suoport of the me- mhership. The Session feit how- ever that attendance et the wer- shîp services could be larger. The Sunday School under the superintendency of W. Sturrock had shown merked improve- ment during the year. but more teachers were badly needed. Their thanks were expressed te Superintendent andi bis staff for their devoted work. The following additional re- ports were submitted: Sn'y School- Mr. A. H. Sturrock; Cradie Rol- Mrs. A. Paterson; Women's Missionary Society- Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin; W.M.S. TreasurersReport- Mrs. A. J. Campbell-, Ladies' Aid Report- Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin;, Ladies' Aid Treasurer's Report- Mrs. Coyle,; Evening, Affiliated Group - Mrs. A. M. Thomr)sen; Even- ing Greup Treasurer's Report- Mrs. H. Andrew; Finance Report - Mr. Jim Stutt: Auditor's Re- port- Mr. J. Bell; Envelope Convenor's Report- Mr. R. Simpson. The Chairmen, Mr. Roughley, thanked the various organiza- tiens for their very complete reo)orts. and for the work so willinrylv undertaken during the year In the interest and welfare of the church. After the presentation of the reports Mr. A. H. Sturrock and Mr. A. M. Thompson talked brie- fly regarding the "Ail Member Canvass' which would be untier- taken this year. Mr. Ralph Simpson then ex- pressed, the heartfelt apprecia- tion of the congregation to the minister for his untiring efforts in maintaining a high standard of worschip, and hds devoted in- terest in the spiritual wellbeing of the congregetien. In closing he also expressed sincere ep- preciation to Mxs. Scott who so ably helped W. Scott in the many and varied duties of the church and the Manse, and pre- sented them with a gift. This was suitably ecknowled- ged, by Mr. Scott in a few well chosen words. The meeting was closed by prayer by Mr. Scott. Nestieton Wl1. Program Gives Variety to Topic NESTLETON: Mrs. George Bo- wers was hostess to the Nestie- ton Women's Institute for the February meeting and Mrs. Jos. Forder was co-hestess. There wes a good attendance with a welceme from the President Mrs. R. Davison to everycne and especially Mrs. M. Emerson who wes in attendance after her ser- ieus iilness. M u c h correspondence was read încluding cards and letters of thanks from sick and absent members and friends for Christ- jmas remembrancçes and expres- siens of condoience. jTwo former members have passed away since our lest meet- ing , Mrs. G . Nesbîtt and Mrs. G. Proutt. A doynetion of $4.00 wes received f rom Miss Ethel jThompson, one of our three lite members. It wes decided te leave the proposed nomination until ddscussed et the District Annuel, and those interested jwill try te attend Summary Day in Oreno and Achievement Day inCvan. Since the tewnship Icommittee led by Mr. Earl Dor- reil seemns well organized it wes decided te co-operate with the yeuniz men already working on the Prov. Farm- Accident Sur- vey for the coming y-ear. A letter w~as read from the Uniterian Service Committee ac- knewledging donations te Korea and steting thet there is still need for swèaters. 'The Sunshine Committee bas been trying te remember the many sick in the community. It was decided te atable unti.i the March nmeetig the ettendance o! our District Director et the Officer's Confer- once in Guelph in May. The beautiful appliqued quilt was shown and appreciation ex- tended te aIl wbo bed essisted in its making. Material is te tic purchased to complete enother one for e prospective buyer. Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm reported on the resolution re Reterded chiid- ren for wbich she is procuring further information. Nestîcton brencb wes asked te prepere the Blackstock Institute Fair Exhibit list and tbe following ladies were nemed committee for came: Mesdames C. Wilson, R. Davi- son, B. Heaslip and G. Thcmp- son. nhe secretary Miss R. Proutt read the list o! fees te tic sent te headquartcrs totalling 57c per member. It was decided te leave the foc et 50c for the present and ebsorb the extra 7c by seme other meens, as it was !elt mem- bers might be disceureged from joining if the tee sbould be in- creased, unlcss such is the gen- eral trend. Announcement o! the World's Day o! Prayer te be beld in.Nes- tîcton United Cburrh on Fridav. Fefi. 13 at 2:30 p.m.,.,was mae ind if satisfaciory te aur Dist. Pres., NMrs. Browýn we shall esk hon te bring distIrict greetings te our branch et the March meet..i.g. The members werc an- xious te have accounts of meet- ings sent in te the Lindsay Ra- dio station and Mrs. M. Emierson of!ered to prepare same. The WL L ng wua displayed amd.fti will be repaired where needed if possible. Mrs. H. McLaughlin, convenor of Home Economica and Health was in charge o! the following progrem: Roll Celi; "A Winter Salad or Soup Suggestion" and Mrs. Açlelbert Beacock gave a splendid talk on the day's Mot- te "To make our lives with oth- ers blend we first o! ail must be e friend." In the absence of the planned speaker on meats, Mrs. McLau- ghljn arranged a progrem of subi ects pertaining te the first letters of the topic HOME EC- ONOMICS. Homemaking- Mrs. G. Thompson; Onward In Our Outlook- Mrs. C. Wilson; Mo- ther- Mrs. H. Vine; Economics - Mrs. H. MeLaughlin; Every Day's Work- Mrs. K. Samelis; Courtesy- Mrs. F. Bruce; Op- portunity- Mrs. M. Fisher; Na- ture- Mcc. H. McLau.ghlin: Orgenization- Mrs. B .Heaslip; Money- Mrs. K. Samelîs; I- Yourself- Mrs. A. Williams; Church- Mrs. W. Vine; Shar- ing- Mrs. L. Malcolnm. Mrs. M. McLaughlin pessed around the C.A.C. bulletins and esked the members te tic pre- pared for a five minute dis- cussion of its contents et the March meeting. Mrs. K. Sam- elîs gave an oral flower contest for which she had net e correct set o! enswers and members f il- led the blenks with several al- ternative answers. The ladies of Mrs. Samell's greup served the usuel welcome cup of tee, sandwiches and ceok- ies fer whIch Mrs. Thompsen ex- tended eppreciation from the greup. In Mai-ch Mrs. Devison will ibe hostess, Mrs. Bowers co-hostess, Mmc. F. Bruce Group Leader and Mrs. Vine, Cenvenor of Agriculture and Canadien In- dustries, will be in charge of the program. Celebrate 57 Years Married Resi-lents of Oshawa for over forty-eight yeers, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Cox, 13 Elgin Street, East, Oshawa, held a family party on Thursday evening, Febru- ary 5th, to commemorate their marriage 57 years age, which took place in Bowmanville, Ont., with the Rev. T. W. Jol- iffe officiating. Mrs. Cox wes the former Mr~iss Blanche Pingle of Bow- manville, daughter of the lale Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pingle, anci Mr. Cox, also of Bowmanville, was the son cf the late Mr. and Mrs. David Cox. The couple have four children-Mr. Frank Cox, Mrs. Fred Smith (Flor- ence), Mr. Arthur Cox and Mr. Clarence Cox, ahl res iding in Oshawa. They have also thre grandsons. Many gift bouquets of carna- tions and chrysanthemnums, aIs.> shewers of greetingc caids, weréj receîved by the bridai couple of fifty-seven years ege. Both Mr. and Mrs. Ccx have fair health, Mr. Cox just recently returned te his home following a sojourn at the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. A feature of the evening was the family tree drawn by Mr. Clarence Cox. their son, who la also T.ix Collecter for the City of Oshawa. The Cox family have always been musical and several se"- ections were played by Mr. Clarence Cox cn his guitar, and he also accompanied for the sîng-song cf old favorites. Cards were enjoyed during the evening with prizes award- ed to Mrs. Fred Sills and Mr. A. F. Cox. Arn honored guest was Mrs. Cet Cash To-day For Old Appliauces through STATESMAN C L AS SIFIED S Phone MArket 3-3303 j' Anniversary Party for Mr. and Mrs. A. Martin On Jan. 12, 1919, Zillah Mary Deweil and Arthur Wesley Mar- tin were united in marriage by Rev. R. A. Delve at Courtice, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Martin drove in a herse and buggy to theiz present home on the farm on Martin Rd., Bowmanville, on their wedding day. On Jan. 31, 1959 their immned- iate family and relatives gath- ered at their home to surprise themn and help them oeiebrate their 4th anniversary. Durmng the eveniflg they Were presented with a Soier Chimes clock and an electric fry pan from their relatives. They aiso were pre- sented with rose corsage for Mrs. Martin and a wlilte carnation boutonniere for Mr. Martin. Mr. Martin gave his wif e a beauti- fui necklace and ear rings set with ruby stones on gold. Their Sam Gienville of Bowmanvi1kc, who is a sister of Mrs. Cox, and was her bridai attendant at the wedding. The late Mr. Charlie Dickinson of Bowman- ville attended the bridegroom. Mr. Cox is weil known through- out the district as a piano tuner, and a number of year.s ago sold Ford cars. Many wil remember the Cox orchestra. Lunch was served by Mrs. Fred Smith, Mrs. Frank 'and rs. Fred Sis. eight children gave them a suit- ably dlecorated wedding cake and a dlock radio, whidle their 27 grandchiidren presented themn with a ruby red basket of red and white sweet peas and two beautiful African violets. Those present besides mem- bers of the iinmediate family were: Mr. and Mrs. Art Loveil, Dexter, Mich; Mr. and Mrs.- Frank Dewell, Thistletown; Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Dewell, Miss Marguerite Martin, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Fred artin, Scarboro; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Martin Osh- awa; Mr. and Mrs .Sain Dewell, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell, Hampton; Mrs. L. Dewell, Mr. and Mrs. Ailf Dewefll Bowman- ville. 0 HOUSEWIVES-- DON'T BE-A CRANK BE A SELF-STARTER on a practical Business Training Course at the Oshawa Business College Evenlng Classes Tuesday - Thursday Evening 111 Slmcoe St. S. RA 5-3375 Rl efrsh Boy the family carton of 6 blg botties Smith Beverages Limited Bowmanville AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR Shaglin . . - a delicate, slub weave linen, in colouris te co-ordinate wlth ali our prints . . . citrus green, blue note, black, copin biue, powder blue, violet, blossom Pink, white, red, tobacco brown, beige, àqua. lllac. 39"1 wide - Per yd.- $1.69 Sunkist Prints . . . înany wonderfully washable siik-Ilke colours to choose froni. 45" wide - Per yd. $1.60 Woollen and Blended woollens . .. perfect for the light Sprtng dress or suit. In Sprlng's newest pastel colours. Fer yd - 2.29 up Printed Surrah, Magic Crepe, Pure Silka, Printed Chiffonà, are also ln stock, in dresa lengtha ouly. Special 1 One Week OnIy - Commencing Thursday, February l2th Your Choice ai Amy H AL F EARRING -RC ini the store m W>W-09.oro i 'ap