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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1959, p. 5

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i- - ~- v--' - - - w S. c à - e---------------. ..-- -'........ TRI SDAY, nB. 12th, 1959 V£4£à-llkj -Z&N<2UE LVU Wh.r's nIy one rensomu ........ ---- Colour texture end carefree living ---tii. ai yours when you decorate with WalIpaF A BERNE THY'S PAINT & WALLPAPER '&3 King St. W. MA 3-5431 BOWMANVILL *41. '/4' GIFTS ARE 1EARLS $1.00 UV MORE PRECIOUS FR03I YOUR JEW Hoopers 29 King St. E. i "Parents Must 5( SOwn Deeds ar Home and Schoc Good discpline resuits ~ Begwin Early Velf-di5cipline, Dr. W. F or He emphasized that b?~tod arents attending th us- knw hat thev Home and School Associýat, ion .iw7lat they conside mieeting he!d at Ontario Street right, then set an exai Sehool las't Wednesday evening, ther own deeds and be Feb. 4. The second verv necmssi An o-;-erflow crowd w-as prez- in achievin.g discipline, ent to h2ar Dr. Koerber speak was 'o begn vervY ear on th2 subject of discipline. c11ids life. He cited1 Vice-Presldert M-s. Ralph Ames of an eight-'. ear-old w presiding in the absence of Mri ' attempt at discipline ca D. McDonald. President, gav-c .j eight years too late". warm welco'me to ail attendin-i. Ral disc:.pline is and esnecialiv 20 guests from only in an atmo-phere i B. S. Nýo. 9 Home and Schor.l choiýces have to'be ma( Association. Mrs. William Cow- home w herc! the chief an convencd the program and "no". there :s no chouc presided dur.rg this portion. made; similarlv, if ev Dr. oerbr, ho i ms ec-is accaptable, there is tor.o2br ofhpeo Clssesp c- for choosing. This is wl borough Board of Educatio so-mîs, asond rtf alu. and who was the founder homni first princ'ial of Variety Vil- State Rules lage, told parents it was essen- "You dont reason wit] tial for them to have a standard, year-od or a four-vE of values. "'iou must malte up said Dr. Ko-crber. Ev( your mind asi to what vou con- older children, "if vou aider rzasonable behaviour, theri more mature individua be consistent." In the word dis- N'ou can state the rules. cipline, we find "disciple". What tions can sometimes bi Ère you a disciple of, the speak-1 But if vou have no ru er asked. What do you believe cant make exceptions t( In? Young children can g a -Mmra-1- lqeisald- St ii G rIi a cost o! $768-00. The Organ 1 E had been repaired and nebuîlttc -,. --The following are additional at a vast o! $1,650.00, a dona- 9 9 - I ~~~donations ta the fund for Bob- tion had been sent ta the Spring -________________________ -bv Falls, who was injured in bill Mine Disaster fund. On the I a car accident near Crooked Missihn side, Mn. Gea. Carter! MEN'S ______ Creek same months aga. Bobby reported $1,951.70 had been re-D R SPAT istill in Memorial Hospital, ceîved in donations and collec ,"Bo%%mativillc: tions, the Diocesan allotmerit1 f elborn Fane Harry Rowe - -~---- $10.0-3 S1,323, had been paid and alsoMebun lnl ______ ~~~~~~~Jack Taylor---------- 1.00 1$500 ta Diocesan Chunch Exten- Coos bowhacagrygey ndbu 1 van QUanrili -_ 25.00 sion Fund. A point o! note was, Clus rwcaca ry ryadbu Charlie Wood -- 3.00 contributions o! $107.20 fnomý Regular Price $9.95 PEARL PENDANTS jRov Cornish -__ 2.0() the Childnen's Lenten Boxes. $9 f Exquisite cultured Pearl Haroid Little *----- 5.00 This. s totally contributed ta LIMITED TIME ONLY 9_____ drop pendants in choice et R. P. Rickiby ------------- -5.001 Missions. TRIS ______vlystle Mrs. Ed'tb E. Johnson - 2.00 The reports o! the wonk ofWE K O L ! stlsPete Matineli ---- 2.0i) the different organizatians cav- - @ L T IS WEI NL $1.0 upNurse 'Anonyvmaus" 10.0,Ï ered an enormaus amounit oi $I00UPjEisw'orth Caswell - 2.00 work and sacrifice on behaîf of PHarold Casweii- __-5.00[somie o! the members in tim, BXErH OT WHEN THEY COME Mrs. Larnson Milsoni__ 00 space o no' permit o! record- Reua Ic 9 VLE;Bert Stapleton- 5.-),ti ing Eie details o! ahl ther ac- SPECIAL PRICE4 y C Dn Stapleton 5.00 complishments. Suffice it, if a -d 9 Philîp Gilner 2.10 few fnom each be recorded IClarence Saper 5.00ù Thé ladies bad completed ad i S u ps S t r , i.A. Jackson 100 veny busy vea-, with catering l i iis Wilhelmine Muldrew 5.01) annual tunkey dinner, and a MA 3-5747 RobtM rg a n -wil----2 _ .00 hhi bigtsad ad ail 42 King St. East Phone MA 3-3211 Charlie Stapletori - ±.ti0 erous donations of $300 each ta> lastin VA TffE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLIýE. ONTAIM PAGE PIVB ri rce~nrdi~riD~,e;.I h plque oran und an th r' 'Ikets were a'actioned Off by m ~ ~u rrp e P , R tirtng plu eorgain fud.andthe .rr1 en eBragwith Sam Turner acting *1Je IIIlaion R tii ng Fei de tCuchrsoaIIJud.Ter!P o i e c as clerk. These wr ucae IjE a ml one of ther oldest member- S trbution of$137form lercClub Hold Say Turs.etnebynd r, rs. Jion ofunn37frore conc- Another event of the evening TdB hhi u :z~e uilanorganza Dance at Hall pins to the 1958 Graduation tionof yunge matonshariClass from Providence School. carried on much the same typei On Saturdav evening. Feb. 7. Miss Carol Harrington. a for- of activities and had raised ove: the Provid-ince Women's Club mer teacher at the school. pre. $l50.0 fomwhchthey hau held their dance at the Darling- sented pins to Miss Shirle\r >1 C u T dpresented the Wardens wt ton Township Community Hall Coombes and Miss Ca.o $60.0 ad 15000fo ttat Hampton. Mr. Barry Locke was unable ta some decsions-the ones overý jboz plqead$000t50cues noydbprsent to receive his. paents ewhquechey aor nstakce, they casa the Restoration ftind and $50.00 both round and square dancing A delicious lunch w-as served tobel:u qece. orntnev the ca-i ie to the Altar Guild. to the music of Wally McKnight, by the committee in charge r t i, de detha "e w ii ~a ble IMr.E. . Brril rporedMrs. W. Wade, Mr. and Mrs. which brought an enjoyab'e imple by or red soc<ks, but parents de- Mr ...Ber Leor e n od~ae n og vnn oacoe ehaviou: !cîde the suitability of clothing that the choir had taken part Le S_______ad______ein t aclse rv thing astiart n the community service of ou- Rackham. Clarence Turner and - ne said, Dr. Koerber emphasîzed the iCentennial. The choir had pur- Harold Haînm on ca rs.Ln e ed of. IFu.e thy can ýa nptane of toe. aen akon hats, collars and music. They Johana, Wmi. Bragg, Mr. and y fL 9Y ST "I ther casn a cdvntage of thiegfrne so practise weekîy and assist with Mrs. Cliff Macklin, Harold Ham- hee ant parchldto do st oletg othstheorhi erie ah Sun- mond, Mrs. Wm. Malley and bm utprenkth is. " ee: oulet the day service by leading in the Bill Brooks. There was 'also a poss b recakt he dshe s-vt ou can buy music. prize for the group doing the possii 1crono h at oolw rh' Ibest square dance. nde wIc n a: s to qelcnahomt hat e The Altar Guild has several Duigteeeigadr wd i, In il ne s oelp. for ahomfiel. nonew members, who have swell- Drn h vnn a wor isa hil isloed or iîisef, oted the rank-s of those who work was made for a pair of motor ce to be for wYîat he achieves, there is regularly, and devotedly i rugs. This w-as won by Wally 'erythini usually no problem of dise!- peaigteatrec evc McKnight. Two woollen blan- onedpline," he said. . and arranging as well as sup- hy a ba-! Advice To Parents plying flowers. They are ai- Miss E. Flaxrnan; Sidesman s in the! The speaker summed up by ways happy to receive Memor- convenor. Mr. Geo. Webster. giving several practical point- ials to those who have gone vi Advisory Council - Rector er oparents. These încluded: haea he me eispedesufili- esW nod aontedelby Rector- ýh a tw'o- be fair--se,: ail sides o! the hv i e hi ldefl-nd pone yRco-r 'earold,:, qestin; rcognze te dife-ed and packed their bales, ID. V. H. Gibson, Mr. B. L ýer-ol," qestein cilrenognze th dffe-- quilted and sewed. Mrs. L. A. Burk, Miss E.. Flaxman, Mrs. V\7. paff oDEs R en wth nce n cildrn ad wach om- arkr, rporing or he Sn-1 H. Storey; Elected by Vestry -WUWMAR16WA! al srel ther panons; be p osit et;s e- ior or Afternoon Branch o! the Mr. L. A. Parker Jr., Miss V. ;. surely ioer t petathn; cre ct; re-n W.A., explained that they met McFeeters, Mn. F. Hoopen, Mr )e Exccp ovetemptaton; tdacytfuland every Fnidav and held a wor- J. Meachin; Representing Suni es ma cuneous-a ido't dolfran ethi ;t ship ai-d business meeting once day School - Mrs. C. Bettles; e,o youm underminewa chld'srtelfrest;nmonthly with a devotional ad- Guild-Mrs. W. J. E. Ormiston; o te m have anfd lsti naother t an drss. Our members take an Guildette-Mrs. V. Snider; f finally, develop a sense o! h active part in the Womnen's tennoon W. A.-Mrs. R. M. Cale.; tcEvening W. A. - Mrs. Honni- R 1Eý To live afull ifechildren i~Isale of Church calendars wc gld;VestnerkMr.F. ~ 'SRVC an dlssol aetr i endeavour to put a calendar iii Dilling; Auditors-Messrs. E. L. and raduis hould avthopre;- every Anglican home. The W. Oliver and T. Gatchell; Hon. àA.3-383 OWMANYILLE aiprrahs rcation, parcnriuio.ti-s W. A. Goodfellow, left, Ontario Minister of Agr- A. were able to give the War-- Member-Mrs. W. H. Densem. help lead to a well disciplined cutre, is here presentîng a watch to James T. Brown dens a donation o! $ 100).00 for t e adD.Kebr ecslOtaitertrn rsdn fteHlstein-'C hurch Extension. A Thank- life sa Dr Koeber Necasle, ntajothe ~tiingPreiden oftheHo o fferin.- was sent to the United The srpeaker was introduced ! Friesian Association of Canada. The presentatio n was 1Thankoffering fund in Toronto by Mr. M. Slute, principal of made at the annual meeting of the Association at Toronto, o! $40.00. SAVE WUTH Ontario Street School, and on J anuary 28, whîch was attended by over 1,000 breeders. Th EengBrchote thankad by Mrs. Cowan, witi Pot yJi oe T..ha ven25 mebrs. ofthern Vice-President Mrs. Ames add- -ht m i oe.WA ain voe t5is thespporo 1 1 ing a few words of appreciation. ima ian o y in aision of At lunch time following the an cholIndLky th Mson, epeing. a Mrobrcit a lsa tcIW.A. they also supply flowersUf immeiat Pat Prsidnt f S.B la kst ck I sti uteas a Memorial for Thanksgiving immedi9Assiat Pient wo! S.service. The United Thankoff- S. No. 9thAssoiai h lsojA 1 <1 .. ('I ering o! $10 was sent and a don- thn~d heBomavîleclb I31QI<J t S cr000o k ation off $50 was given the War- for the opportunity of attending. dens. $10 waq presented ta the~ Miss Vivian Sadler sang two 1 oko h iteHles solos, accompanied at the piano c LAKTOK Te Womnen s were made to f i n i s h the1 They also met their pledges in by Miss June Wood., Institute met in the Community Institute quilt and committeesI full. Another active group -s___________ Pareat-Teacher cbunt wasHall with an attendance o! 26 were appointed to arrange ex- the Little Helpers Who meet won at Central School by Miss wamen. After the usual openîng hbt o otFryadCr-m onthly, these are the pre- er; Ontario 'Street by Mrs. Vran roll which was well answered wright faîl fairs. Sample o! ma- ThSudy colprste M. SteVien aMss G. Gandin-eerîestehe'e aleteSunday Solcholdren e Dor: Vn c:itMasey y Mssby a "Highway safety rule" or tenial for drapes for Community an excellent report o! their ac- B. Roddick, Miss J. Gibson and a "He alth Habit". The Motto, "A Hall windows w-ene show-n and tvteteSno .S et Mrs. Barnes. person ail wrapped up in him- the purchase left with commit- t 10:0 a.. a the JuniorS.. et Gifts To Teachers self makes a pretty small pack- tee.S. at 0-00 a.m. dthe Jneedof During the evening gifts were t" a pie a by Mrs. Gi'b Program cnsisted !a helmspace is their greatest need. Both P-esented to three o! the tea ch- Tha -usnesow. "d d shneas"ohic sh wedo the Sunday Schools hold an annual eswohad been married: Mr,;. Tebsns nlddads hniaso hns ntrepicnic each summen at their * Customers report as hg as 50 miles per Imperial Tracy, the former Miss P. Sigs- cuss.on on the purchase o! a children, and how they could be closing service in the summiDr gallon. worth. Mrs. Van Dorp, former- book for the Tweedsmuir Scrap helped. Mrs. F. Hoskin gave cur- when pnizes are awarded for ly Mss orntar ad M s Book. Mrs. G. Marlow and Mns. rent events and Mrs. L. Thomp- attendance and effîciency in * Low initial cost Ban who was Miss V. Cap- Dalton Darreli will punchase a son sang 'The Syncopated Clock' r-- wonk thnoughout the Lw peatngcot Ban.e rsai s book and be a committee to and 'Peace.' Thanks were exten- The little children are taugt * o oprin cs. Tad e rs en. ttin work on same. Correspondence ded to Neil Ba-iley and Gib. Mar-1 new hymns thnoughout the i efrac o.ot Association. and a lette: on the survey Carl Wright's group served a party, with gifts, candY and! * Economy (Enquire about the 14 world records Mrs. Ames announced that made of farm accidents. Plans lunch, oranges. This year they pres- broken by SIMCA). th soito wsctrn o ented a concert and several o! thL scaion ais'catnigfor the pupils took an active part Lions23Club aies' Nigton A R eportthe programn. The Sundavi SOME 0F THE FEATURES Fraeb.83, o rise mTonto. sed A I o cieties R p r chools' mite box Lenten af- * -m Grsoae ucils t Toom n dS f ering to the Church's Mission î The best import buy of the year," says Tmom asho annCunven tio H ome an account was $107.20. Also ta; McCahill, Mechanix Illustrated. held in Toron-to, April 1 and 2. ýtheChurh Eta 3 Issnd Minutas w'ere nead by the ser- P ogress at S . J h 's b0.00. The children use envel- Up to 48 miles per Imperial gallon. tarY, Mns. J. Cuddahee. and the1j opes for their collections each First choice in its price group. financial reoont by treasurer Reports w-ene most gratify-- Rectors Warden. Mr. NihIS! udy y'e Mrs. J. C. Burdett, Jr. Miss Letain niomail organizations at (Jack) worked untiningly, u isBt'Famnrpr-(osmrBlei a. 5) Bragg was at the. piano for ops-! the Annual Vestny meeting oftot within a few davs o! his1 ed for the Chunch Restonation per, ening and closing exercises.j St. John's Anglican Church. A passîng. A man o! quiet dispos- Fund. The fund ta date stands' Following the meeting a sa- goodlyý number of the vestry ition, he was always cage: ta, at $22.734, receipts for 1953 M rial lime Nvas enjoved we wene in atte-ndance ta hear the pursue ways and means for the amounted to $4,295. U M Mns. CoDwan and her group serv.- reoto!he a's ctvts betterment o! conditions as he Officens for1l9, are: Rectors' P a l er otor S ales ed lunch. of ail organizations, and the found them, especially in bis Warden, Mr. E. G. Henning;, Warderi's report o! the past panish Chunch.I Peoole 's Churchwarden, Mn. G. CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH FARGO year. The ever.v member visitationj R. Cal-ta--: Delegates ta Synod,1 Too many people wha sas-e Ail accounts showed satisfac- held last November was not ki Messrs. M. Roeniglk and -Robt. SIMCA DEALERS ýE for a rainy day work on the tory balances and this in thbe fund raising campaign, but ;t1 Evans; Alternate delegates, M» 2 igS.Es A358 assumption that it will be a face of work already accom- did produce a spirit o! good- Lionel Parker and Mn. Gea,-. -M-1 0KnIt.Es A358 light shower. plished. In îeviewing a year's will and fellowship. A Bnoth- Webster: E-velope secretary, work within t.he Church, the erhood of Anglican Churchme-n Rector. the Rev. A. C. Hcrbert, is almost certain ta be formed said: 'Il is with a sincere sens-e this next vear. It is in the as-i of humility. yet with deep felt, sembling of ourselves together " EiDOl. thankfulness ta Almighty God1 for worshio, praver, study and "LET G EO RG E D O M__________________ that we are î'blp ta review the 1w'ork that w'e nealize what the

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