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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1959, p. 6

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PAGESIX911. ~AAnIN SATESAN.NOWANV!LEONTEIOTEURSDAY, ME. l2th. 1959 Police Chie f Kitnev Submitsi Approve Zoning By-Law ab lice 'force ton Coun cil Extensive Report to Council Dîscuss Pot, The anue report of the Bowmanville Police Department These were lengthy lnvestiga-ot a Ii g wa3 ubmtte byPolce hie Benar R.Kitney aI the meeting tions and on one occasionI had1 cf he ewnCoucilhei onModay Feruay 2in he ounilte go o t he Ontario Reforma-t Inspector J. A. Strlnger of the ofChmerw. oni ed nMnaFbury2i h on tory on the investigation. Liquor1 Ontario Provincial Police and Chamer.Control Act prosecutions were Corporal Gardon Keast, offices- Te th' MyradMm so the MncplCuel up. One man was chargcd with in charge of th'e OPP To Maor d emers t Mncpa'oni:suppîying liquer te miners and mrent, Bowmanville. were pre- I wold ikete ubmit the following report ef the Police 1 13 minors weme charged with 1 gent at the regular menthly I5epartment for the year 1958. TItis was 1he Cenlennial of lte obtaining liquer. By-Law prose- meting et Daslington Township Town of Bowmanville, and police-wise it was celebrated without1 cutions ar'e down because o!flte Council heid in the Township incident. Centennia: Year PelicY of warn. Hall on Thursday aftes-noon, Complaints recasded-Major 624, Miner 536. Total complainta 1160 'fncte cf ormefpa rg.Tif- Februa.ry 5th. fote - I c foetmeprig hs Possible methods o h u Accidents Investlgated by Police 1958 195711 ~ ture policlng of Darlington were Nu.mber of Traffic Accidents 152____117_ discussed. Reeve Roy W. NicIt- Number Kilied in Traffie Accidents _______ 0 o ols appointed a committee con- Number Injured in Traffic Accidents 14____7_ sisting of the Deputy-Reeve Gamnet Riekard, Councilior E. B. Other Accidents Investigated 1ITruil. and Walter Rundie. lte Number ef Persons Kiiled in Other Accidents ----- 1O Township Clerk, te take up the Numnber of Persons Injured in OtItes- Accidents o intter wilh the Attorney-Gen- Number o! Persans Downed c rai's Deparînient in Toronto. 6 AutoThets 158,9; 157,18. ll ecovredGeneral acceunts totalling $16 AutoTheîs -195, 9;195, 18 AI recvcrd 35.20 were passed for payment. Bicycle Thefîs _ 1958, 10; 1957, 16. 8 bicycles recovered in 1958 Road acrotints amounting to $18. 517.42 were aIse passed. Il was Eight cars stolen in other cemmunities were ecoxered here by eic eacur 6fo this department. stxip cf ]and in Hampton from Value of Other Goods Stelen Geor'ge Wright for te local Puî- 1958 -------_ _ $15162.69 1957 -------4--- blir Sehool road. - ' jA by-la\v adoptivg lte official Value of Other Property Stolen and Recovered pm:t foi' Che tewnship xvas pas- 1958 ---------$ 1,745.40 1957 -- :-c.8200sd. lTe Darlingtoît Zoitinc by- 317 males and 3 females ivere charged in our courts for a total of la\v was al-e given third read- 337 ,, n-,ing and declared ln operatien. 37charges. This is 25 lcss people cnargoci in 1958 titan w~ The Tovnsltip Couitril also charged in 1937, and 48 less charges. Er-eakdowýn of chLirgczspa-sec a Dorg Contre!yla as follows: a pt'e'eîtative nteastli' agatitst Righway Tratfic Act ('riminal Code Liquor ('ontrol Art ramorr 1958 1957 1958 1957 19ýZ8 19514 --* e.5% by' defective mtre six-week nap. Lucky ol 178 13 8 57 118Bernird R. Kitney jvehicles. 91'7 by DEFECTIVE ho ieg!ohr usrie, Municipal By-Laws Juvenile Delinquent Act Rev. Sýtatute,; Ont. hs1ondcnttied Frauduient cheques cashed bv 1.hould like to state we get a big 1958 1957 1958 1957 1958 19516 illabrndîcntned erchants took a gond deal of kick out of the erratic mutter- 40 Ju fl~Dohunquents Actt Wýas'tiîe and effort in 19,58. On, two!ings found in Sugar and Spice 40 102 6 5 abt lacint saine. The Rievîsed!cases peniîentiary terms werelIand consider it a considerable In breaking down the rharges,!rfrom emplov er 1that account.s for statutes of onîar ïo prosecutiens handed out by ýthe convicting asset te your paper. Guess unde H..A.(th Hihwayi-nst f te .vaij ofothr godswere up bceause of t'le coi"- Justice. On another case, as a 1 humour (or flot) is ail in the unra HTAca l(ethe ih wayst fteýaec thrgnspidint.sfroni the scio' -and result oet diligent and prompt in- viewpoiflt. TraficAc), clsewath ~asstolen. 1w ýo perse:'.s were charg- homes of iniors spcnding theirivestigation, a stoien car ring kept on overloading and resuit-1 ed with crinliai neg-.egceC. one time in the pool roemi. This boe nU f another cîty. pd n 1 dffeen fimsbeing persan wîth wc.und n. Drn pool roo'wi is cioscd and the bit-lrTwo trips wvere necessary ta PTA t"'~T1 charged for overloads up te the y ear. 1Ivas, reque:sted to uatîon cieared.. gîe1evdenc on nothr frud 13,500 lbs. This type of en- make iliree ivesgit:ns bythe gieeiec ninte ru forcmen isnecssay t hep Cown:nv.v ng er- Seven hundred and fifty-five invoiving $75,000.00. 1 wili be focmn sncsayt epCo;-iAltorne v o-avyaai nMrho his! On eesath Wo n' our road life. Criminal Code ais. As a resui « a cornvic,ýon messages ere legged in the awyaani achf eddythe Wmen 'sr charges are up. Seven persons ;registered ag-ainst a yzrzmani radio leg. The radieoivas re- same case when it will bc heard 1 InstitutehedterFrur were charged with breaking and1 for having camnai kr.owedge cf placed by the manufacturer at, in High Court. As a resuit orj meeting at Mrs. Russel White's entering; one person with theftla girl tinder 14 vea-4; c! age. cett the town in JuIy'cf, this sitaintrog h c-Mr.CMeerctds 1958 because cf the unsatisfac- operation of the Chamber of presideiit for the meeting. The uuuoeuuuu.uuuoeuu.uuuuuuu..u..uuuou~tory service of the first unit. We Commerce, as soon as we are, minutes of the iast meeting were 1now have F.M. service. notified cf cheque artists in theI read and approved. We decided Dodd's Chaae'u Drîstan Cnldent Car travelled about 1,070 area, I contact one merchant, te donate $10 to the Sick Chiid- miles per week according te the, give hîm the information; he ren s Hos)itai. It was aise, de- PUS Nervs Food Tablets Tabs. autc mobile log. Besides this it! contacts three more merchants cided to ho1ÇVe a euchre party at cest $823.40 in car rentais to lookwh întrnoiyheeme Mr. and Mrs, R. White&s Feb. 20. 69e 899e - 2.23 1.25 1.23- after the business of the Po lice rmerchants and se on until the Current events were read by Department in 1958. $600.00 per town is covered. The best policy Mrs. Peacock. a paper on Miss year is recoverabie from the for ail merchants is te refuseCamn n,î aetn eg- Counties fer the transportation 1 te cash the cheques. Refer them edwr edb r.Tik SPECIALS SPECIALS of prisoners te and fmem Magis- to the banks. That is bank bus- eo.n chere readb rs. ,thick-x trate's Court. A satisfctory ess. Ail of the banks n o n.Lnhwssre.tenx 73e size COLGATES P VTF souintâh eodcr ques -$have night depositories. WemetgtebatMsC.ety' J J BABY POWDER stin a ntheî eced We have instituted an escort service, home under Miss Powell's group. !N RLS are working on it. I frem the merchant's place cf Wednesday evening the 4-H 2 For .29 «business te, the bank, and we club girls held their last meet- 2 For .29 Bth fo SOc motor vehlicle ac- heartily recommend this service. ing at Mrs. McAl1ister's. Covers 'e vestigated. As a resuit of these1 During the year, ex-P.C. A. were made for their books and ose size HAL-o 2,F,, 98 Vacuum Bottles__ 79a i 'accidents, our persans injurediDenisem resigned and Sgt. S. samoles of material distributed. 73 szeJ JBAY IL 10oz N1zmaCramin~ motor vehlicle accidents; Venton retired on pension. They Plan-3 for our achievement day 73e izeJ &J BBY IL 1 oz Nozem Crarn1.2-5I doubled. This reverses the trendi were replaced by Police Cens- at Cavan Feb. 23 were made. or12 Bvcre adCob 90 found eisewhere in the province, tables Parker and Ricard. An Some of the W.A. ladiesnt as preflùminary provincial figures1 extra S hool Crossing Guard was tended the meeting of the W.A. show declines in fatalities, etc. 1hired'for Vinemt- Massey-echeool he4d Rt Garden Hill Menday ev- Broo Wapoem xtae 1.0-.75 ReitIt is hard to understand as we J and in particular Liberty and ening. A film strip was enjoyed Brom WamolesExtrct 150-275 Rlrtdeofot have the liquor outiets1 Church Streets. P.C.'s Freethy, by ail. Quinine Scotto Emulsion 1.00 - 2.00 Deedorant in this ceunty that couid be blam- Andersorn, Birdt and Parke.r On T u e n day evening the ed. In fact accidents in which t opltd courses at the On- Young People met at thet base-i 49e - 79o One-A-Day Multiple 89e liquer was a farter are down.itarie Police College during 1958 ment with two ladies from ýBri- Viais14-25-.579 Three five-year-old children P.C. Freethy is now attending an iho h pk ote-on were injured0-.i0-3.tor7vehicieIdentification Course at R.C.M .P. gtnwesoet h on Bcly's HghTstCd îerBn cients in hepator e. Thî Headquarters in Ottawa. P.C.'s folk. Canton and Garden Hill 1 samne trend is levident te the Ricard a nd Phillips have been as tedd Capsules oit-_____90c-1.50 Deedorant oPP eahethr n noidi h nai oie Mr. and Mms. V. Peacock vis- O.P.. Deachmnt hre ad'eCollee n f Otri olc 45 9e Hliu 011.5aise reverses the provincial Colg or 1959. This wiil give ited with Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Coe cid9o H alibutorange 1.19-1.98-ndsa,49 Arrid _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C a p s u le s - - 1 .1 5 -2 .2 9 -4 .2 9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tr e n d . A n e x a m in a tio n o f th e th e to î v u a p o lic e f o r c e 1 0 h t . L n s y e e t y causes f the accidents, shows trained for police duties.' The Mr. Rey Beatty and Mise Don- Balibrangethat somje "Rule cf The Road" iconstables werked an average na Mercer, Toronto, visited in Coricdin Arid as violated. In an effort te of 56 heurs per weck in 1958. the village Saturdey Tableta Aiphamettes 1.00-1.85-3.50 Rell on try and reverse this trend, The Chief Constable, 63 heurs. Miss Darlene 7Éhickson spent Ithrough the co-operation of!th Effective October 1 st, 1958. the the weekend with her sisters, 1.15 Trri-VI-gnl__ 1.55-2.80-4.00 89e 1958 Council, the Attomnev Gn-constables ivent on a 40-heurj Miss Beryl Thiekson and Mms. erai of the Province a 1d t e wek as a result of their col- Moore, Toronto. Mrs. Moore has sponsorship of Magistrate R. B. adtl lective bamgaining agreeme nt beenintehstabu om Buckley's Mixture 59c-85 Baxter, the suppling of equip- Jwith the town. About $600o.00 now ais th e sialbtishm Geritol ment and an instructor, Prov'in- i was paid in overtime for the Miss Suzanne Thickson %pent r WtIrn dVtans Pertussin_ _ 75c-1.25 cial Constable H. R. Cornieli, by months of October, November the eeantrill is loi With Iron and VitaminsCorporal G. Keast of the Bow- and December as I found it im- Qatil Llquid or Tablets Nyal Croup Syrup 45e-75e Il manville Detachm-eilt of the possible ta give them timeoff he yeung folk atteitded the 1Ontaric Provincial Police, the1 for time worked during ti 1.3 - .29 - 549 Pinex Syrup --6ne-1.0O) Boxvmanville Traffic Clinic came pc priod. Clcrk E. Wessels -%vas Junior Fammners dance Saturday iot being. One leedad an addition te the staff in 1958. evening at Camhelleroft. nine young people have attend-1 Fifty-six revolvers, pistols and Miss Shirley Muldrew, Port cd and have rereived the in-, automatîc pistois were register- Hope, spent the weekend at ber pstruction effered in the rules of'ed ini 1958. May I take this op- home. * k the road. t has heen our ex-r portunity of remin ding ail cit- Chureh services and Sundnv perienre that tho lholders of izens who have this type of 1school were held on Sunday with liecste drive \vho have at- wcapon at home or in their of- an average attendance. C O W L N G Stendcd the clinir aare the nersons; fiee that they must be register- The txvo new eiders cf the PHRONEDR'W FT whoY fail the tests. Through c d. The ncw regiatratien, cf- church Mrs. Wheeler and MUs. G STORE poor attitude, they are not re- fective 1955. is a permanent type Quantrill. were ordained dur-mg XA 3-5699 R G T R TRUSSES i ceptive te instruction. Foui per o! registration rather than the the service. icent of ail motor vehicle acci- old plan which callcd for regis- The Marathon Rally of cars UUUUUUUMUUUMMMUUUUUUUUMUUUU.UUU....dents are raused by defective tration every five y7ears. that started in Toronto Friday _______________________________________________________________________the__________ Durig theyeain-enquiies, i- eveing pased trough ereii Mvestigati ons and rcquests for te evening about 160 cars pas- criminal records were carried sed between nine and twelve N E T W D.- S T. out, from Detroit and Regina ini o'clock, mostly litIle cars. NEXTWED.SAT. the west te Montreal in lte east. Some people thought the high- ROYAL ER le- I JThe moraleof thefeorce ihigh ~travel ruthv 21and ne matter3 requiring disci- off and detoured through here 2Matinees tion during the year. an Roads are expected te be icy - BOWMANVILLE MA 35589 Sa!., Feb. 21most successful year. I would anasrm speicdfo aI 10 a.nm. and ' the Counicil, the Citizens aI large, next meeting on Feb. 18 at Mrs. the Bowmnanville Detachmient cf R. White's home. THIS TIKURS. TO SAT., FER. 12 * 14 the O.P.P. and varieus other de- Mr. and Mms. Garnet ee partments mh extended Co-op-, and famil '.v Mr. and Mrs. A. A story of eration te my department dur-j Sheppard spent Saturday even- courage andr ing 1958. Thank yeu. ling wtih Mr-. and Mrs. E.'Fewler. adventure..... Yours tmuly, violent ~Bernard R. Kitney, KDO day...Chief Constable. 0v11 ialtyu when Rev. R. H. Love chose for his hodaway on WV sermon on Sunday "Unity With ve and IuhelV1~lf% Our Brethren". The choir assist- i .LJJ.YLIVJJALJO/Â d in the service and the fiow- a warrier! ers from the Doubles' supper TE«CLR*Ahre(Inîended frlstwe) wcre an arrangement of white 1- Ir ecameMr. and Mrs. Ralph Malcolm, baby 'mus and red carnations. iCindy, Karen and Joy' were eall- Satin-day evening. 85 enjoyed ~IWWIUS~ U heto! crs at the Ray Robinsons and supper wvith gaVlntetbe And.. here at Maiconia while spen d- arrangements. The commtce Custe ing lte weekend at the Rae Mm. an d Mrs. R. Doiwm. Mm. and ber-ame * Malcoims in Janetville. Mrs. D. Love, Mr. and Ms. E.t Two complete shows nt 7 and 9:05 a' On Sunday, on complétion of Maidman and Mr. and Mrs .W. set. mat. 2 p.m., "Houseboat","Cp.Vd" eed. the installation cf an oil furnace Woodward et the C. and K i in the White Church on the hili, Deubles planned the Jr. Congre- and Special Valentine Candy Treats the congregalien enjoyed the Rev. o ve roghga esag ____________________________________! comparative comfort provided e.Lvbruhamsag by controlled heating. The com- te the girls and boys and Mrs. ja : 1 mitîce in echrarge ethavîng the ýW. Werry pnresenledwr d books -,n p 1 "BEST BUY" - Save 12c on 6 tins AlIen's - 48 oz. tin APPLE JUICE * * 29c "BEST BUY" - Save 24e on 6 tins Libby's Fancy - 48 oz. tin TOMATO JUICE - - 29c "'BEST BUY" - Save 20e on 2 packs BilIy Bec - 2 lb. Plastic Container CREANED HONET 49c "FEATURE" - Save 21c on 6 Jars lVagstaffe's Raspberry or Strawberry - 24 oz. jar JAN . . . . 2 r-,89c "FEATURE" - Save 30c on 3 jars Lynn Valley - 48 oz. jeu DBLENDED JANS - - 69c "FEATURE" - Save, lic on 6 tins '"bby's - 15 oz. tin Deep Brown BEANS 6 Fer,$1.00 "FEATURE" - Save 9c on 2 lbs. Easifirst SHORTENING 2Lbs. 49C L- - -IL rresn« Produce Select, tenipting Ban anas lb.19C Crisp, and Crunchy - Large size bunch CELERY . . . . 19c Sweet, jury, red - 3 lb. poly bag DELICICUS APPLES - 29c -Honie-grown hothouse IHURARD New.. green CARDAGE m m Lb. 29c1 m m ald and Dennis. had dininerFr. day evening wvith Mr. and MreS.' IR. Werry, Toronto, and enjoyed the Ice Follies at Mapie Leai Gardens. Mr. and Mrs. E. Parks, y and Walter visited with i'eltve at Mt. Horeb on Sunday.__ was prepared for pictures. Appreciation was expreused by the Jr. Congrefration and aise b y Presidents Bill and Bey. Snowden la the Commîttee and te Mrs. W. Davis for operating the projector. Çcîuples înterested in an even- iri aI Variety Village" in October are requested te place a deposit for their bus reserva- tiens with Mr. and Mrs. W. Davis or Greup Leader. Presîdent Mrs. W. Woodward welcomed the 29 ladies and the chidmen who were present for the February meeting cf W.A. fat Mrs. W. Werry's. The wer- ship service was presented by IMrs. H. Pascee with Mrs. P. ~Mountjoy taking the Seripture. 'Mrs. R. Lee ntroduced the speaker cf the attemnoon, Ms-s. Ray Scott, weil known to ail. "What Is A Friend?" was the tille of her very splendid talk. Aise, giving readings were Mrs. S. Ogle and Mrs. M. Walters. On behaîf of the members Mrs. H. Cossman presented an engraved spoon te Mrs. L. Van Monsjou who is seen te move te Montreai with hem husband, Hans and Peter. Mrs. Van Mansjou was very pleased te me- ceive *her gift. During the social heur Mms. J. G lover, Mrs. G. Glover and Mrs. L. Van Monsjou assisted by lte hostcss served lunch. The W.M.S. Preshyteriai in St. Andrew's United Church, Osha- wva, Tucsday, Feb. 17 with ses- sions aI 9:30) a.m.. 2 and 8 p.m. wvas announced. Members were remînded taImoll cail is te be answcrcd by articles for te May bazaar. Te Brownie Pack enjoyed a sleighi-riding party Saturday af- ternoon and later hot dogs and "BEST BUY" - Save 24c on 6 tins Paramount - Fancy - V's tin ]RED SOCKEYE SALMON 45c "BEST BUY" - Save 12c on 6 tins Aylmer Fancy - 15 oz. tin GRBEEN PEAS ZIFer33c "FEATURE" King's Choice - 28 oz. HALVES PEACHES 29c "FEATURE" Red & White Homogenized - 16 oz. 'a PEANUT BUTTER - "FEATURE"y Ayln'ir Brand - 20 oz. tin SLICED PINEAPPLE 2 Fer 59c VALENTINE FEATURES JelIy Beans, CInnamoni Hearts, Gums Golden Hour - Large pkg. CELLO CANDIES 29c Golden Hour - 1 lb. box Assoried CHOCOLATES 89c St. Valcntine's LAYER CAKE . - Qua Iity Meats tia. 59C swffi's Fresh PORK LOINEND ROAST .4 7c TENDERLOIN a.I355% Meaty Pork b S PARBERIR BS Tender, Young - Sliced DBEEF LIVER -1b. 43c -Lb. 55C Swift's Preniium - 1 lb. skinless Breakfast SAUSAGE i.h. 37c Swif l's - Sliced - Side - 1 lb. scalcd pkg. EVERSWEET BACON I.h- 63c SIfts - Sliced or piece loci PRENIUM BOLOGNA I LLUSTRATED IENCYCLOPEDIA . suv~mePOPULAR SCIENCE stff N THEEDITION MAY TO BupoG e 1, DM ~A WU K AN 99C Each il33C Birds Eye Frozen Foods Green Peas, 12 oz. pkg. 2/43c Mixed NVegetables, 11 oz. pkg. 27e Whole Kernel Cern, 12 oz. pkg. 2 for 39c French Frics, 9 oz. pkg. 2/39c THERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR. C BOWMAN VILLE - Wm. H. Tate MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grave Groceteria KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KING ST. - EAST 0F TOWN UINE ORONO - Cornish Marketerîa BLACKSTOCK - Blyth'1s Market rn~- - - - . -' L the fus-thes- spread of rabies. This by-law is the same as th.eone pa.ssed by Bowmanville Ton Council earlier in the week at the request et the United Coun- tics Council. Costs of the pound and dog control officer will be shared by Darlîn.glon and Bow- nianville. The. Dog Control by- law provides penalties fer con- travention o!f te by-law. Dags and cats are forbidden to, b. ai- lowed out ef control on high- ways, streets, or other publicI places. Any animal found wan- dering &t large wiIl b. taken le lte pound by the control officer. Te owners will be permiîted ta reclaim lhem within 72 heurs onI -pay-ment et the necessary fees. Unciaimed animalsis ltr that period will either be soid te people esiding o ut side the township, or Itumanely destroy- ccl. Darlingten Council agreed le ask lte Planning and Develop- ment Depamîment te include thc soîtItheast corner or lte town- sltip. aI the broken front and Ist Concession, in lte Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority with te rest of the Township. Aoproval was given for a srntal expenditure for thte winter %vorks incentive program._ hot chocolate at the Comrnunlty Centre. Paper and Rag Drive, Feb. 21, in lte atternoon will be ini charge et the Scouts. The first Fathers' Night cf Maxwell Heights Home and Schol wa hel onMondayg night with the men in charge.I Refreshments werc served by the fathers of Grade I.j Miss Beryl Mountjoy, London-, Mr-. and Mrs. E. Norton and sons, Markham, visited recently at the W. L. Meuntjoy home.. Mr. and Mrs. H. Pascoe ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. G. Leask, Solina. te Massey Hall, when they heard Ray Dudley, pianist with the Toroento Sym- phony Orchestra and ini sole numbers. Miss Jeanine Werry and Mr. Grant Spancer, Kedron members o! the Ontario County Mixed Quartette were in Greenbank United Church, Sunday mos- ing assisting in the service. Mmrs. Walter Davis and June attended a shower for Miss Mar- ilyn Davis Friday evening at Ms-s. Taylor's. Courtice. Mrs. M. Walter, Mr. and Mrs. H. Pasce wcre Friday dinneri guesîs at W. L. Pierson's, Osha- wa. John Morrow, Oshawa, was a Satumday visiter in te Pascoe home.1 Ms-. and Mrs. W. Werry, Don- ~ELECTRICAL CONTRACTIINGJ M WIRING- REPAIESl L GIGANTIC MIDmWINTJER ammiouàmmm- RE.D& HITE FOOID STORIES PAGE six l= CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILIX, ONTARIO . a TAKE IýOTICE that the annual meeting of the producer members of the Ontario Hog Producers' Co-operative ln the Durham County Group to be convened at 1:30 p.m. E.S.T. on Tuesday, February 17 at the Town Hall ln the village of Orono for the purpose of the conduct of the proper business of the annual meeting. the election of delegates and alternate delegates. Erie Fallis, Chairman Howard Malcolm, Secretary

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