* '- t . t ~ t-.- - . t b % '. *-.....- - THURSDAY, ME. lmt, 1059 - M AE1AX TAIIMMN. UeWIffLI. OAM --- l-PAGE mm A Weekly Feature CARTOON CAPERS CONTEST FOURTEENTH WEEK $1000 WEEKLY UN MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES $1 00.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE AT FINISH 0F CONTEST Advertisers Merchants. on This They wil Page, Wei at al times b e awarding ýeks, they wiII give you the best value possible at the someone award $10.00 someone in Merchandise $1 00.00 Certif icates in merchandise Lowest Prices. Patronize your Home Each Week and at the End of 26 Certif icates. DO NOT NEGLECI TO ASK FOR SALES SLIP WREN DOING BUSINESS WITH ANY 0F THESE FIENS - READ THE RULES CAREFULLY Each week there wiIi be an extra word Insertedl n a few of the ads appearing an this page. Read the ad%, flnd the extra words, put them together and when properly arranged they will give you the titie of the cartoon. Write theise words on a piece of paper and list the firms in whose ads you tound each word. then see if you can write a better titie. Send in your entry ta CARTOON CAPERS. c/o THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. NOT LATER THAN MONDAY NOON. SHEPPARD JOINTDAN OD III LUMBER 96 Ring Si. E. Bowmanville SPECIAL! New Shipment of English Bone But CUPS AND SAUCERS Choice of numerous shapes and designs Only 98Ç each HOOPER'FS JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP 29 King St. E. Bowmanville For The Dest Famous Reading' Anthracite Stove Nut - Pea - Briquete and Fuel Oil Finest Quality Stove and Furnace Hil Cal STEPHEN FUELS MA 3-5410 Bowmanville WHITE SALE CONTINUES WITH THESE SPECIALS Push Button Defrost 10 cu. f4. REFRIGERATOR Reg. $389.95. White Sale $339.95 Automatic DRYER Reg. $279.95. White Sale $239.95 Cushion-Action. WASHÊR Reg. $189.95. White Sale - - -------S129.95 and trade-in MArkel 3.5715 Brouwer's Research Orthopedic SHOES For Children Simcas 5to 4 B, D and E Widths Face $6.95 Io $8.95 Lloyd Ellis Shoes 49 King St. West Bowmanville "SERVES YOU WELL!" MA 3-5778 "SA VES YOU MONEY!" "'No Job' No Job We Do Thern Ail! PHONE MA 3-5602 Special! IFRIDAY and SATURDAY COOKIES 2 Dez 35c, Store fours: Open Ail Da.y Wednesday Ciosed Friday at 6 p.m. SEVERN'S DAKERY 53 Ring St. E., Bowmanvllle Phone MA 3-5654 JOIN THE BOWMANVILLE IVORK CAMP'AIGN ""DO IT NOW" For your necessary Pain! and Decoratinq Supplies SEE Abernethy Paint & Wallpaper 33 King St. W. MA 3-5431 Drugs IVe Deliver Too Small"i Phone MA 3.5792 Radio & Televislon Sales and Service Dealer for RCA VICTOR Radio and TV New or Used Cars - PLUS - Dependable Service SEE RoBISON MOTORS Limited 166 King St. E. MÀA 3.3321 SÂkIio!i as weeK t utitest: Miss Janice Byers R.R. 3, Burketon, Ontario Correct titie: "New addition for the acrobats» Winning titie: "Mr. Stork flies through the air with the greatest of ease, Carrying that new addition on the flying trapeze." Advertisements in which words appeared: Breslin's Ladies' Wear, Jack Brough, Plumbing & Heating; Rickaby's Big 20, Peter Kowal Real Estate, Ken's Boys' Wear. Work Up to Winter Work BUDGET YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENTS ITERE First Payment April 304h 95 King St. W. Expert Watch Repairs Authorized BULOVA Distributor 40 King St. West Phone MA 3-5463 For the Best Values .. . Real Estate Broker Residential - Commercial Industriel - Fermea 99 KInt St. 3. MA 3-938 SEE . .. Plumbing 9 Division St. - Heating Phone MA 3-5615 FREE ESTIMATES ON MODERNIZING YOUR PRESENT PLUMBING AND HEATING INSTALLATIONS Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3386 EJ{en M5 King St. E. The best one selected each week wlll be awarded $10.00 ln merchandise certificates, tend at any of the stores particlpating. IF TOU WISH TO COMPETE FOR THE FEATURE PRIZE 0F A $100.00 CERTIFICATE TO BE AWARDED AT THE END 0F THE CONTEST TOU1 MUST ENCLOSE A SALES SLIP WITR TOUR ENTRY or somethlng to prove-you have done business with any of the firrns partlclpatlng, as the best title sent ln during the contest, that has proof of purchase attached, will win the $100.00. Wlnner wlI be published each week. If You Have Seen ihe Resi . . . i Now See Il ROY Oldsmobile - BOWMANVILL MA 3-3353 Phone MA 3-5487 Try aur courteous pick-up and delivery service LUBRICATION OIL CHANGE WASH JOB and Fil1 'er up wlth Cities Service Premium or Milemaster Gas or Familiar Rave it ail done whlle you do your shopping ai PALMER. Motor Sales Cities Service Station Plymouth - Chrysier Cars Fargo Trucks Simca Dealer for Bowmanville and District 20 King St. E., Bowmanville Family Size BARBECUE CHRICKENS, with dressing Try these large size chickens just fui] of stuffin'. $2.49 Please allow us four hourg to fil your, order. Regular Barbecues - $1.59 BOWMANVJLLE FRIGID LOCKER SYSTEM PHONE MA 3-5578 73 King St. W. " THE CHEV"t 's The BEST' Now on Display ai W. NICHOLS Chevrolet Cars - Chevrolet Trucks LE COURTICE MA 3-3922 Iniroducing the 1959 Frigidaire Appliances ULTRA MODERN Refrigeralors m Ranges Washers and Dryers MASON & DALE HARDWARE 36 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5408 Fash ion Show BOWMANVILLE HIGH SOHOOL Wed nesday, March llth sponsored by name's 7 King St. W4 Laidies' Wear Phone MA 3-5854 Ail proceeds to Club 15 Appliaonce Specials EASY WASHER Reg. $139.00 - Sale - -- a5.0 MATGDRYER $40 Reg. $329.00 - Sale- -.2 9 0 REg.I $29.0- eR- ReN.D29X00DRSeR$990 USED 40" MOFFAT RANGE$90 Like new. Bargain $--5. MILK - CREAM - BUTTERMILK Cottage Cheese, Skim Milk, Krimo Chocolate Flavor "If It's Glen Rae It's Good" Fresh Daily to Your Door or at 'Tour Favourite Grocery Store Phone MA 3-5444 oI30ys Il Not Wfea'r 13owmanville "'Clothes of Quality for Young Men 6 Io 16" 6.70xl5 SAF-T-MILER FOR THE BEST DEAL IN: Kelvinalor Electric Appliances Philips Television and Hi-Fi Neteor - Mercury Cars Aluminum Windows and Dur~s SEE THE ADS ON PAGE 14 ICE SALT 100 Ibs. ____ 50 Ibs.-__ _ _ _ 25 lbs. ______ $2.10 1.25 75 Flour and Feed 116 King St. W. MA 3-5777 DON'T WATT 'TIL SPRING Bring your car In now for Ignition, Exhaust System, Cooling System, Brakea. etc. The TIEbAUTO SUPPLY LYD. AssoclA 1 éSTORE Ring St. W. Bownianville CREOPHOS 16 oz. DRUGS Il Ring St. E. MA 3.5893 TYRONE, ONT. WOOL m 4 oz. 98c for the popular heavy sweaters HARDING KROY BEEHIVE 31ONARCH WOOLS Everything for your Knitting and Crocheting Needs. Limited 134 King St. E. Phono MA 3-5689 et Bowmanville f These Town Rules For the Best in: PRESCRIPTIONS j j c~ 1 1 m m m 134 King St. E Phone MA 3-S«9