- ~ - ~ a n - £ ~ TRUMHDAY, ME. loth. 1959 MM C"ADUN S TATESM, DBYWMftLMII CMT, U 'l ewcas t/e Social ana £/eersonal Mr. and Mis. Wm. Barr of Bowmenvillceand Mi. and Mis. Mike Akimow and childien of Port Hope were Sunday visit- ors with Mi. and Mis. G. H. Hodgsen. Mi. and Mrs. H. C. DennIs visited in Oshawa on Sunday with Mi. and Mis. Alden Pol- lard. Owing te last Wednesday be- Ing Ash Wednesday there was no reguhar meeting of the St. George's Evcning Branch, the mnembers ettcnding the Chuîch Service and holding a brief business meeting later in the parish hall. Next reguler meeting of the Brench will be held on Febru- aiy 25th taking the form cf a sewing meeting. The reeve and members of the village council plan ta at- tend in a body at the general meeting of the Lake Onteria Devehopment Association in PK- teîborough this Thursday even- ing. Mi. and Mis. H. M. Buxton cf Lindsay were Sundey visit- ors with Mr. and Mis. R. B. Rickard and family. Mi. end Mis. Bill Hey and childien of Angus were Tues- day visitais with Mr. and Mrs. John Huekard and famihy. Mi. and Mis. Reg. LcGresley, Mi. and Mis. Ferncomb LeGres- ley, Mis. P. F. LeGresley and Mr. and Mis. Francis Jose were in Peterborough on Sunday where they attended a Baptism Service at Ahi Saints Anglican Church. Aîchdeacon C. W. Bal- four officieted et the Baptism o! bis greet great niece, Sarah Anne, infant daughter cf Mr. and Mis. Farncomb LeGiesley. Fiiends of Mis. Gordon Gar- rod Jr., wilh be sonry ta leain that she is a patient in Merm- oriel IHospital, Bowmenvill2, where she underwent an opera- tion on Mondey. Big Weekend of Sports Planned for Newcastle NEWCASTLE - Hockey and full program of hockey and figure skating fans will have a skating the Newcastle Lions bigweeend'ahadof thein Midget Hockey Club. now in big eeknd aeadthe Ontario Minoi Hockey Play- with the Minor Hockey and f ig- downs will be meeting the tire skating night planned by league leading Bowmanville the Recreation Committee for Lions Midgets in a top-notch Friday evening: the Little Nl. minor hockey game. L. tournament planned for Miii- On Saturday a Pee. Wee and brook on Saturday with two a Bantam team fromn Newcas- local teains participating andtl i bpayninheds the seond gae o anteing- trict Little N.H.L. Tournament H.A. Playdowns when eanng t Millbrook during the day and ton is here to meet the New- in the evening the Newcastle castle Lions Midgets on Satur- Lions Club M1idget teamn who day evening. eliminated Orono by a score of The Recreation Committee's 12 ta 9 on the round will be big annual event will get un- pîaying th-e Cannington entry in derway on Fiiday evening at the O.M.H.A. playdowns in the 7 p.m. with Pee Wee hockey Newcastle Arena at 8 p.m. The followed by a Figure skating Midgets were scheduled ta play exhibition by pre-school age in Cannington on Wednesday children. At 8 p.m. the Bantam with the return game in their Hockey teams will be showing two gaine series to be played the results of their winter's ex- here on Saturday evening. perience in their weekly hockey games followed by an exhibi- bers of fthue Neatl b e gue- tion of figurewsktlg bygmee- .A. Eecrs Skating Class. E Then at 9 p.m. ta top off a R,À 4,500,000 Motorists Choose State Farm t 1Why? They enjoy top. iotch protection and', rock-bcttom rates on autoI j nsrance. Do you? Ca]U, mie. DIRK BRINKMAN Mill St. N. Telephone 3671 Newcastle Sftet Faim MuIn i tlmàlo liuuîao Cn9' Canadien Head Office: Toronto NEWCASTLE - The Southi East Group cf the Woman's As- sociation cf the Newcastle Un- ited Church met on Tbursday, Februeny 12 et the home cf Mis. C. T. Fotberill. The Devotionel service con- sisted of the Seripture lesson read by Mis. Farrow, a staîy and severel lovely pocins on lave, i-adi by Mis. M. C. Fisher andi prayer by Mis. Dickinson. During the business paît of the meeting plans were made for a banquet and other activi- ties for coming meetings. The folhowing officers of the giaup were electedi; Leader, Mis. Jase; seccetamy, Mis. Carveth and Treasurer, Mrs. Dickinson. A recreation period consistcd cf severel i-cadings and twa contests with Mis. Fisher, Mis. Rodgeîs end Mis. Jase coming out as the winncrs. The meeting chosed when Mis. Fothergili seîved mest deiciaus refreshinents and ahi came away feeling it had been e most love- ly and successful meeting. Newcastle United, Church Rev. M. C. Fisher, B.A., Mrnister Mr. Norman B. Williams, Oîganist 10:00 a.ni. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. - Sermon Series: THE LORD'S PRAYER No. 2 "How Does God's Kingdorn Corne?" GUIDES, BROWNIES AND CI.BS WILL ATTEND 3:00 p.m. - BIBLE SOCIETY MEETING You are invited to attend these services Minor Hockey and - FigureSkating Newcastle Memorial Arena Friday, February 20 7:00 Pee Wee Hockey 7:30 Pre-School Figure Skating 8:00 Dantam Hockey 830 Newcastle Figure Skating Class 9:00 Newcastle Lions Nidgels versus Dowmanville Lions idgels Lge. Leaders ADULTS 50e - HIGII SCHOOL STUDENTS 25c Ail Proceeds for Newcastle Memorial Arena Sponsored by the Newcastle Recreation Committee Recreation Committee Plans for Hockey Nights NEWCASTLE-The February 1 meeting of the Newcastle Re- creation Committee was held in the council chamber lest week with Cheirman Doug. Walton presiding. The two main items cf busi-i ness includcd the completion of plans for the Miner Hockey and Figure Skating night te be held on Friday evening, Febîuary 2th and the Little N.H.L. tournament being held in the Millbrook Arena on Saturdey, February 21st. IMis. Doug.' Cunninghaman Mrs. Stan Brown were appoint- ed a commîttee to arrange for the transportation of the Pee Wee and Btintam hockey teams tc, Millbîook for the tourna- ment on Saturday. It is hoped as many as possible of the par- ents wiil take their cars and supply the needed transporta- tion for the boys. Members of the committee decided to purchase a display cabinet in which to store the varlous trophies and Tracy Em- bley was appointed ta look after this matter. ,Start Pee Wee Playoffs NEWCASTLE-The first two Peter Werry from Terry Walton games in the play-offs of the and Pat Goodwin; Fat Goodwin local Pee Wee League were play- from Terry Walton and Johni ed ast Tuesday evening with Cunningham unassisted. the Rangers and the Canadians Eric Taylor and Bill Scott, taking the honours. both of the Canadians, drew two In the fiîst gaine the Rangers penalties each in this game. defeated the Leafs 3 to 2 with Orono Iins Wayne Flintoff from Brian Pick- In place of the regular games ering, Neil Vout and Peter Lake onl Saturday morning the local scoring the Rangers' goals. Both Pee Wees met the Orono Pee Leaf goals were scored by Wee team and went down to Scott Rudehi with Dennis Rud- defeat by a score of 6 to 3. man getting an assîst. Orono goals were scored by Wallace (3), Reid (2) and Best, Tim Gray of the Rangers was whiîe Dennis Rudman,, Fred given the only penalty of the Alldread and Brian Pickeringl game, for tripping. scored for the locals with Tim! In the second game the Canad- Gray (2ý and Jim Alldread pick-; lans defeated the Wings by a ing up the assists. score of 4 to 3. Donny Rickaîd, Penalties were handed out ta with two; Ronny Goode from Dennis Rudman, Peter McCul- Fred Alldread and Bill Scott lough and Brian Pickering while were the Canadian scorers. the only Orono penalty was giv- Wings' goals were scored by, en to Rogerson. Elect Mrs. H. Kelsey President of Lionettes NEWCASTLE-The February1 meeting of the Newcastle Lion-i ettes Club was held in the din-1 ing-room of the Queen's Hotel1 on Thursday evening with Pie-1 sident Mrs. Chas. Megit, pre- siding. Follewing a delicious dinner,1 the president conducted a brieft business meeting during which a grant of $25 was voted ta the Cerebral Palsy organization and plans were discussed fori the canvass ta be made by the1 club in April on behalf cf thej Canadien- Cancer Society. The election of officers for the next year was conducted at1 this meeting with Lion _Percy 1 Haie acting as scrutineer. The' election iesuhted as follows: Piesident, Mis. H. Kelsay; vice president, Mis. W. Storks; secre- tray, Mis. P. Williams; treasur- er, Mis., H. Toms; social hostess, Mis. R.'Dickinsen; nose twister, Mis. D. Cunningham, and dir- ectors, Mis. T. Lewis and Mis. C. Gilkes. These officers will be instaîl-- ed et the Mamch meeting with1 members cf the Bowmanvillei Lionettes Club conducting the installation. The reguhar montbly drew among the members was won by the retiîîng president, Mis. C. Megit. Bible Society Speaker 1 To Visit Village Sundlay NEWCASTLE: Ncxt Sundeay af- which ail the separate branches ternoon and evening, the Rcv. of the Christian Church have Colin R. Ruddr, District Secte- been agîeed, namehy The Bible. tary of the British and Foreign For that reason the Society has Bible Society will pay a special always received the sincere sup- visit te Newcastle. He will adi- port of eyery denomination and dress a meeting at 3 o'clocek gîoup in the Chjuîch. It is pro- and in the evcning, in the Unitedi bably the mest genuine ecum- Church, will shiow a film entit- enical movement in the wold, led l'Apostles Island". It depicts in a pcnîod wben the Christian1 the wark a! the Bible Society trumpet has sometimes had an in the island cf Cypress. The unceitain sound, the Bible Sa Newcastle Branch cf the Society ciety's unswerving andi single- urges ail those concerned witb mindedi purpose o! spreading the spread o! the Gospel in the the Word o! Godi certainly ac- world ta attend these meetings. counts for its stability and suc- Duîing the year, the local as- cess. sociation under the able leader- Another reason for the suc- ship of President Ferncomb, cess of the Society is the met- LeGîesley Vice-Pies. M. Han- iculous care with which its tran- cock and Secetary-Treasurer slations are pîepared and prit- Albert Mitchell held a canvass cd. Realizing that a gowing which resulted in $111.50 being wold literacy has created a collected for the Society. Repre- wider reading public, andi edu- sentatives and ministers cf the cationai advances have biought churches cooperated in making keener criticism of ideas pre- the canvass a success and it is sented by Western nations, The hoped that , in the coming year, Bible Society bas striven for the resuhts wil be even better. accuracy and simpiicity in al The British ant. l7-cn Bible language versions it bas printed. Society bas been in existence --~*""h tasks as these, and many for onc hundredi and fifty-faur others, besides the gencral pro- years. Its success since its foundi- duction and distribution are ing date in 1804 bas been due ta maintained at enormous cost. several factors. Pembaps the The Bible Society policy is not greatest o! these factors has ta give away its productions in- been the production and distni- disiinately, since it is be- bution of the one thing about îieved that things received frec are less valued than those paid Ifor, but the cost of ahh sciptures I 's kept as how as possible. The Let' Lo k B ck~receipient pays what lie can. Let'sLookBack generally about one third of baie production ýcost, and in many cases much less. Those 10 Years Ago in Newcastle translations made in Canada for February 17. 1949 instance, actually cost 49 cents The Newcastle Lions Bantaml eacb, and were sold for 7 cents. hockey team were ciminated The difference must be met fram the O.M.H.A. playdowns thraugh the support o! those who i the first round whcn they went to sec this great Book in were beaten twice by Keswick the bands o! ail men every- in Sutton on Tbuisday 5 ta 3 where. Increasing costs cf paper and in Orono on Saturday 6 to and printing. freight aid distri- 4. Lack o! an arene in Newcas- btotasainadamns tle was bhamed for the kids not toasation and th ral adi- going faîther. tain n h ral xad * . . cd demand, have createdi a pîob- The Rcv. D. R. Dewdncy wasem which cen only he met by rc-clected Charmai cf the wider supp*nt froin ail Churches Board cf Education at its in-end individuals who have a vis- naugural meeting. Other mcm- 'On' Of a God-governed world. bers were G. Porter, E. Fisher, The circulatioin of Scripturcs by R. Dickinson, I. McCulloigh, the British and Foreigni Bible W. Lake, G. Gray, C. Allun, K. Society went up fmom the fig- Aiken and Rev. W. Patterson. tice of six millions in 1950 ta Ed Berchard was the Secretery- rearly ten millions in 1936, and treasurer. in the first haif of 1957 over a * million Bibles werc praduced, At the reguher meeting cf the apait fi-cm portions, Gosn.els.. Woman's Missionary Society, aid New Testaments. The final Miss Blackburn and Mis. Mel- figure for 1957 was over a quai- low were eppointcd delegetes ter o! a million mare than in ta the Pîesbytcnial et Wbitby. 1956. Miss Norma Allun was piesi- dent of the C.G.I.T. andi the Stamp Collecter worship service et that meet- A wcealthy Calgary oil tycoon ing was conductcd by Jean cashcd e whopping personal Toms with Connie En.wright cheque et a hotel. A few days rcadin,« a pocin. Mis. Jack Nes- laten, Ihe bank sent the cheque bitt was the leader. beck ta hum. Stampcd acioss * the face cf the cheque was the Mrs. Howard Toms wes spend- pninted notation: "Not suffi- ing e few days holiday in Chi- cient fundis. Beneth it was cage whcre she wes visiting the apologetiec handwritten na- with is. Ethel Fettes. tation. 'Not you-us.", dinordon Àgnow, Ediior Phone 3621 MAPLE GROVE The February meeting cf the W.M.S. Afternoon Auxiliary was held on Februaiy 4th with Mis. C. Gicenhein, Vice Piesident, in charge. Fifteen ladies answered raIl caîl. A quilting was plan- ned for February 2th to staît as early as possible in the mcmn- ing with pot luck lunch. Mis. Ross Stevens i-cadi an article from the Monthhy on Steward- ship. Several lettens of thanks were îead from sick and beieev- cd for cards sent by the Auxihi- ary. Mis. R. Wordcn conducted the Worship service assisted by Mis. Chas. Snow'den. The pro- gramme was prcscnted by Mis. 1. Munday who gave an interest- ing talk on the Indiens i Can- ad. Home and School The regulai meeting of Maple Grave Home and School associ- ation was held in the West School in conjunction with Open House. The school i-ooms wcre openi from 7:30 ta 8:30 for par- ents andi visitais inspection. The President, Mis. Robert Bothwel wehcomed everyone, especially quite a nun-ber cf the fatheis. IMinutes of the previcus meet- ing were i-ed by Vice-Presi- dent, Mis. Wally Bothwell, in the absence of the Secîetery. Treasure-, Mis. Ceci Cuhlen îead ber report and bank bal- ance showed a credit cf $119.75. Teachers count cf parents was won by Mis. Biown's iom. Both racina from, the West Schccl weevoted $1.00 as the count was so close. After discussion it woas decided ta buy a new duplicating mach- ine, ta be sh.ared by both sebools. It wes also decided to send re- presentatîves ta the Home andi IScheel convention, ta be held i IApril. The pupils cf Mis. Biown's room entertainedi with sangs and square dancing. Those in Mis. W. Downs room presented re- citations, dance; and sangs. Mis. Biowrn then introduced the speaker, Mis. Campbell, who spake on oerebial palsy and Its effects. Two childien dernonstia- ted the use cf their crutches and braces. Mis. Campbell stated that there is nccd cf teaehers a'nd helpers in thc sehool. Visi- tors ai always wclcome, as well. Mis. R. Bothwell thanked Mrs. Campbell andi also the teachers for a vcry fine prograin. Lunch wes servedi by thc mo- thers of Mis. Bîown's i-cer. Mr. andi Mis. Léeslie Aldred and Joan, Orono, called on Mi-. and Mis. Russell Gimblett on Tuesday cvcming. Mr. and Mis. Eldon Essery and Marion, Courtice, spent Sunday with Mr. andi Mis. Russell Gim- bhett and enjayed a drive to Lindsay among other places. Mis. Thomas Barker and Gwen, Ba n croft, spent last weekend with Mi. and Mis. Wil- liam Anderson. Mr. Mac Laerty, Dunnvilie, spent a few days with bis bro- ther, Mr. and Mis. Jim Laveîty and famihy. Mr. and Mis. Wcs Down and Paul, Osbawa, weîe Sunday dinner guests of Mi. and Mis. Ran Brooks. Miss Diana Geddes spent the weekend with ber uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mis. Vernon Mac- Kenzie, Port Hope. Mi. and Mis. Roy Colhiss, Kimi and Misheael, Minden, were weekend gucsts cf Mi-. and Mis. James Geddes. Mis. Tom Colliss, Mi. Er-nest Colliss, Mr. an>d Mis. Jim Gedi- des and Jimmy, Mi. and Mis. Roy Cehiss and sons, Minden, attended the 36th wcdding an- niversary celebration for Mi-. and Mrs. Charles Best, et Pan- typool on Sunday. Ilose froin Meple Grave who attendýed the Valentine Dance on Feb. 13 et the Oshawa Air'port included, Mi. andi Mrs. Howrd Bradley, Mr. and Mis. Jack Hur- rie. Mr. andi Mis. Cecil Milîs. Miss Barbare Milis was a weekend guest cf Miss Barbera Lavender, Oshawae. The W.M.S. will meet at the Church on Friday morning. Feb. 20, for a quilting. Evcryone wel- corne, as the are f ive quiîts ta i-e .4one. A cod ti uIick Ilunch Organized Fox Hunt Satu rday NEWCASTLE-Aii organ- Ized fox liant bas been àr- ranged for Saturday &fier- Doon by the Newcastle SPortsnian's Club inaua at- tempt to deerease the fox population with the hope of lessening the rables epid- emie In ,thMs district. Those wlshlng to Join this liant are requeuted to be at the Newcastle Communlty Hall at 1:00 p.m. on Satur- day wlth their shot guns, no other guns allowed, a gun licence and Township licence. There wlll be no rdogs allowed on this hunt. Members of the Sports- men'ç Club and other Inter- ested huntsmen are urged te attend and brlng a frlenul or two to tht. liant In order to make a dlean-up of as many foxes as posuible, In the Sunday School hour, Mis. D. Barnett narrated the film, and the offering was -e.- cived by Elizabeth Greer and Herley Davis. World Day of Prayer service was observed on Frid;ay in Ked- ion United Çhurch at 3 p.m. Miss Millicent Luke, Oshawa, President of Simioce Street Uni- ted Church W.M.S. brought an inspiring devotionial message ta the ladies present. The service used by women throughout the World wes fol- lowed. Mrs. E. Mountjoy and Mrs. W. Woodward weîe the Leaders, with prayers offeîed by Mrs. H. Pascoe, is. G. Stins- ton, Mrs. H. Brown, Mis. W. Mountjoy and Mis. M. Walter who with Mis. C. Weiry received the offering. The offering was forwaided to The Women's In- ter-Church Council of Canada. Organ music throughout the service was beautifully render- ed by Mis. R. E. Lee who also ec- companied Mis. M. Mountjoy and Mis. L. Tregunna for their duet, ",Whispering Hope." Sunday even.ing, Mai-ch 1, at 8 p.m. in Burns Presbyteriafl Church, Ashburn, there will be a Relly and ail interested in Sunday School work are most welcomne. The Whitby Township Christ- lan Education Council have as the speaker at this service, Rev. J. K. Bîaheam. Rev. Brahani will lead in discussion during the so- cial time, which will be in the basement. Invite youî friends ta attend with you. The Mai-ch comniittee of the C. and K. Doubles are in charge cf the Crekinole Party ta, be held March 7, 8:15 p.m. in Ked- ron Lower Hall. Ail couples of the community are asked ta ac- cept their invitation, also the Aduit Bible Class have been ex- tended an invitation. Mis. H. F. Werry was a i-e- cent guest of Mis. M. Moffat, Oshawa, a biithdiay pairty in honour of Mi. Charles Werry. Mi. C. F. Werry was in Guelph et O.A.C. attending a two-day Convention on Farm Accident Prevention, airiving there Mon- day right. The Ontario County deleg'ates wcîe billeted in Galt. While Mr. and Mis. A. Wcrry, Sandra and Sherron visitcd in the R. E. Lce home on Sunday, Mis. Werry andi Sandra attcnded service et Kedron. ett visited Mr. and Mis. Donald Lamb, EnniskiLen on Sunday afternoon. Mi. andi Mis. Samn Snowden, Blackstock, visited Mr. and Mis. Allan Snowden on Sunday. Mi. and Mis. John Aitdi.ison, Blackstock, were Sunday supper guesta with Mr. and Mis. Ron Rogers. Miss Margaret Snowden and Mi. Len Goodmurphy spent Sunds-y with Mi. and Mis. Bill Davldson. Toronto. Mi. and Mis. A. E. Goodmnur- phy, Sowerby, Ontario, are vis- iting Mi. and Mis. Manford Goodmuiphy. Miss Mildred Snowden spent the weekend with friends in St. Catharines. Mi. Lou Hoekin has been quite iii with pleuiisy for the past week. KEDRON On the way up 1 We're on the wayi up every way . .. and we'll have funt ail the way. Wi? Because ail our family started the. saving habit eariy. Everyone of us is a steady saver at THE CANADIAN BANKOF COMMERCE MONEY IN THE BANK MUANS PlACE 0F MIND BOWMANVILLE BRANCH - A. L. HOOEY, Manager NEWCASTLE BRANCH - J. C. PORTER, Manager Carveth Motors Ltd. CI Listen te the famnous Mid.States Four, and the JohnDere Singer. and " Dancers present your favorite numbers. CE 1 The Great Johnstone, magician.comic, presonts Max the Magnificent ln an '~unforgettabls escape acf. Se. internationally farnous vaudevifl eam iiiWillty West and McGinty, and xylophone artist WiII Mahoney in their acts that have thrilled audiences from coast te coust. Oddities in Farmlng ;..What's New for 1959 à .arire behind-the. PLUS... scenes visit te the John Deere combine plant te watch themn "Building the Sig Ones." R E Eo Ail Farmers and Theit, Familes. Just Briau FR E Yo%#r Fre Tickts ... Avoluable Now of Our Store Newcastle, Ont, t LONG S ULT and MnS. Gordon Baker and fUfl. - Miss Nellie Schipper and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Cameron and Paul Vanidetrink, Whltby, were Raymond and Miss Kocina were Sunday guests of Mr. Robt. Sizn. Sunôay supper guesta at Mr. and nhe February meeting of the Mrs. Gordon Baker. Home and School Club was held Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murphy Friday night with a good ettené. and family were Saturday iP- ance. Pies. G. Baker opened Per guests of Mr. and Mis. E. the meting and condructed the Penwarden. . business. Win. Johnsont presided Mr. and Mrs. E. Penwardien for the program with a recita- and nne and Mis. Lucy Pen'- tion by Allen Youngman and warden were Sunday supper Wm. Jolinson. Miss Sandra Gib. guests with Mr. and Mrs. C. son sang two solos an~d Mis. Penwarden. Archie Virtue, Tyrone, showed Mr. and Mis. Clayton ]Brown us severfil films taken on trips and Lindea were Sunday alter- of North Bey, Toronto, Hamil- noon callers at Mr. and Mrs. E. ton and many of local interest Penwarden's. Mi. Johnlsonl thanked ail who Mr. and Mis. A. Modlin, Tor- lied helped ln any way. Prfsi- onto, weîe Sunday visitor; at dent closed the meeting and a Mr. and Mis. D. Danielson. social time was enjoyed by al. Mr. andi Mis. Fred Broad, Mr. Intended for last week) Stanley Fletcher, Toronto, were Mr. and Mism. Wm. Clark and Sunday guests of Mr. and Mis. daugtter, Toronto, spent the G. Fletcher. weekend with the Harper fam- Mis. Sophie Kovaes and Mr. ilies. Gabriel Kovacs spent the week- Mr. end Mrs. G. Baker visited end with friends in Hamilton. Mr. and Mis. James Sawdon Mr. and Mis. Robert Caieron Saturday evening. Mrs. Sawder4 and Raymond, Miss Valda Koc- Wnitby, spent the weekend at ins were Sundiey guests of Mr. her sontshome.