i -- - ~ -- 'r ----t'-.- **,.~**~~* - ~ -. - - T - - * * - -' . - .-k4~~4-.-<-.., PAGN WOT3ETEEY# ?W~ E!ÂWAnTAV N9'ALRr.? UN'UIMPA ,'ww. -mmi SiERVICE VOLUME UPPED BY SALES-WISE 1H LOCAL D EALÉR Editor's Note: The following article appeared in the International Harvester publication "Dealer News." We thought it would be of interest to our readers. Five Men Working the Year Around Back eight years ago, Tom Cowan, 1H Dealer at Bowmanville, Ontario, had to lay off his service man in the winter for a couple of months. There just wasn't enough work to keep hlm busy. Today, from the resuits of a steady and persistent service sellingr program, aimed at farm equipment and trucks, plus a fine of Industrial Equipment includingr backhoes, loaders. dozer blades and small crawlers which are becon-ing more and more popular with contractors, Tom has f ive men work- ~ ing steadily the year around. He takes three or four additional men on during the busy season and has enlarged his service shop twice. The latest addition to this up-to- date equipped shop is a "Dynamometer" which takes the guess-work out of checking your tractor. It can be attach- ed while the customner is present and prox'e to him the condition of the motor. "Just better than 3(, 17oof all every call is boosting our shop the service jobs we do are the work." Tom said. resuit of direct selling," Tom To further this service policy Cowan states. On every ecail1 r. eith Lathangue was added Tom keeps his eyes open to spot to the Sales & Service Depart- a machine that could stand riý- ment last year. Keith is weil pair w6rk. 1-e asks the eus-iknown in Bowmanville and tomer a direct question: "When district having operated a taxi j are you going ta pet that nia- tbusiness here for manvy ýears. chine repaired?' This is fol-1 He is a member of Bowmanv-il1 Jowed by a statement as to ITowvn Councit, a position he lia when his service shop coiildlIheld for fit-e 'years. handie the job. Sellirig service ins't just lim- -We know by our steadilv in- ited to Tom's effort out in the creasirxg service business, over field. Leon Moore, who handles 400% in the pas. seven years, the parts department, gets *n A that a mention of service on1 consid2rable service sellind Trouble Shooting Equipment lor and Bob Collacott, who do the farmn equipment wo rk, and John Myers on trucks, totals up to aroîînd 100 years. There are flot mian 'y problems they can- not solve accurately, and do the work skilltully. To keep up-t;o- date, ail service bulletins arel read by them, initialed and then filed for anv future re- ference that may be necessary.1 Shop equipment is mode- t-3 meet the requirements of to- day's machines and engines. «'If it has a sound, profitable use, igoes in but we don't clutter the Place Up with gadgets," is how Tom Cowan sums up his shop. The tool crib bears this out, where many types o! gauges and special tools are available for the mechanies. Ail parts used in repair work are those recommended. by the manufac.- turer. Following the maker's Irecommendation gives Cowan Equipment a sound basis on whi ch to guarante2 jobs and keep ihe customner happy. "We are in business to make a profit fromn our service opeî'- ation iust as we do fromn our sales of new and used equip- ment,' Tom Cowan said. Thrc sales and service sections work together. One selîs the other. Wes Taylor cited an example of how on a Sun day afternoon drive alongc concession roads he developed some very good business in bath service and equipment. He knew a particu- lar tarmer was having trouble jwith a binder of another make. Wes stopped in to take a look at it. The machine needed same wvork and by Monday the farm- er was out in the field cutting grain. This one service job ha3 resulted in hiie sale o! two Mc- Cormick balers and two elevi- tors along with ahl the truck and machine service work at the farm.1 With service work increasing- better than 400%, Tom Cowan has apened two additional areas. His original service shon measured 20 x 40 feet. Another section was buiît on three years ago. The second addition com- pleted earlier this year is 40 x 40 feet, has 16-foot ceiling and 14-foot doors to handle the large trucks o! several fleets being serviced regularly. Thel total size o! bis service section now measures 120 x 40 feet. Layoffs just don't happen at Tom Cowai's any more. Serv- ice is a profitable business the year round because it is being sold by the entire staff. Customers Corne First at Cowan 's When one of their customers bas a mnachlnery problem, the entire Cowan Equipment organization goes to work on it immediately, putting their expert knowledge and years of experience into action until the right solution is found. As a resuit of this competent, quick service, Cowan's customers find their machines back into produc- tion with a minimum of delay, saving valuable Urne when it is most needed. This photo shows the head of the company, Tom Cowan, left, working with the head of the Sales and Service Staff, Keith Lathangue, on one of those mechanical problems that plague farmers in their opera- tions. With this new "Dynarnometer" recently acquired by' Cowan Equipment Co., troubles within tractors can be spotted within minutes. In some cases it has added as much as five horsepower to the output of the tractor after only minor adjustrnents. Well known machinist Wes Taylor is shown at right watching the controls. Assistîng him in the foreground is MUarvin Hannah and Jack Lantagne is sitting on the tractor. over the counter. Parts pur- later, so Tom took a trip out ta chased are often a guide as 'J te farm ta see how they werc v.nt te toubei;anda tvli being used in a tobacco field. nuss a opporu Hetv oesn't.ý, With this information he put in its. ppruiy aflo a fairly large stock. Now 20 Anoherfeaureof om ow-or 50 uther farmers are buying Anolhr llatre f omCO%ý-:them by the dozens. Parts -an.s se rv ce policv is directly 'business bas shown an increase -- cnn,,-ed wih he parts de- every ear, and Co an Equp * aren.- en afarmer ment takes full adra ntage %wan*,s a part he wants it fast,ý the prepaid shipping arrange- and .k e1 ' gte t ah1. ment. To nS a;d as he exp'a:ed tmat 1 everv ca-.- arc'urd 1 p.m. eith2cr Service is just about a round- he or Leon te'euhare the d'.z- the-cloek business at Cowan trict .offce for parts req-uired Equipment. During the heavv jr.a n~ .- Le~ .~,~s ':farm equipnlent working sea- spec:al e . ocarge is sons two service trucks are oio made 'oa*-cý cL;stoier. -Farm- the road everv day, and often ers know t' can ge, p ar,-ts i n, far into the night. Carryin.- a hurrY tram us and this verv such things as points, carbure*- fact boosts our machine serv- or parts, filters, shares and ice," Tom states. tools, the trucks move troin When thev. receive more than farm ta farm, with the me . one request in a short period ofchickengmhnsan time, for a part not regular1'- trucks in profitable operating earried in stock, it is put on a : condition for customers. permanent card and ordered in, AI! the service selling in the regularly. A caqe in point was world will not produce a steady Out in the second building addition recently com- a request bY a farmer for a 16" profitable business if it is nat pleted, mechanie John Myers services an International! sweep. None that size had ever backed up by top workmanship, been sold in the area. The re- tools and materials. The mech- AC-160 recently sold by the firm. quest was repeated a month anical experience of Wes. Tay- Cowan, 134 King St. E. Equ ipment Bowma nville. ,Co* MA 3-5689 INTRODUCTORY OFFER 0F 1959 ULTRA - MODERN KELVINATOR AUTOMATIC DRYER 2-Speed. Reg. $249.00 AUTOMATEC WASHER *2 automatic washing cycles. Magie minute pre- -scrubbing. Using only 9 gais. of hot w~ater. Reg. $359.0 Introductory Offer$ 50 0 WRINGER WASHEIR *With pump. 11 lb. Thermo tub. 12 vear warrant-y. Reg. $14900 Introductory Offer ------- $1 9 0 APPLIANCES 30" ELECTRIC RANGE Perma-View, Non-Fog Window. controlled. Reg. $299.00 Introductory Automatically Offer --- .... $19900 15 cu. fi. FREEZER 560 lb. capacity, 5-vear warranty on freezer plus Reg. $3-ý30year food spoila ge warranty. Introductory Offer -29e5.00 We carry no line of rnprchandise that is not a quality product which bas been thoroughly investigated before ptirchasing. See us for the Best Buy in METEOR and MERCURY Cars Also Good Used Cars PHILIPS TELEVISION FEATURING THIS MONTH 17"POTALE FOR 1959 PHILIPS HIGH FIDELITY 171RTgABLE)$1900 Cmilo aioadRcodPae For*-- 21" TV SETS- SFOFREHMTIA- From -~$2.0up-ASFO REHMTIL- USED APPLIANCES USED TELE VISION MeClry Rfrieratr $9.00 Philco 21" with one-year ivarranty on Guerney Gas Range $1.0-wpcuetb 100 Wringer Washing Machine - --- $25.00 21" Hallicrafters WE WILL GLADLY GIVE YOU FREE ESTIMATES Table Model $ __ __ 85.00 ON ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS 17" Croslev _ $75.00 Leon Moore heads up Cowan Equipment Department that has shown a sales increase every UNIVERSAL 3-POINT MITCH and fulli une of 3-paint hitcth impie- ment-or use on>' 3-paint maounted tools you alfeody own. IINTERNATIONAL HARE Parts All used equipment is thoroughly checked over by' ya.Bob Collacott. Necessary repafrs are miade before it is ya.resold. t, <o v -o*' -.. . ........ - 2 3-PLOW Lowest Priced Diesel in Canada You can't corne anywhere near the all-new B-250 for downright dollar-value in a 2 - 3-plow Utility tractor. That's our dlaim. But You Be Trhe JU DG E Take the wheel and take to the field. Prove the B-250 for power - for performance - for farm-easy features. Get ail the facts on IH Diesel fuel-and-maintenance economy. Compare the B-250 point-by-point with any other Ùtility tractor in or near its power range. Then compare the price which makes the B-250 Canada's lou'est priced diesel You'l agree it's an unheatable buy. DIFFERENTIAL LOCK Easy pedal aperotion Iocks diff erentici when ne.ded - gives yQu ao straight thraugh- asie which reduces wh..I slip, gets you thraugh soft-going. SUflT-IN WRIGHT TRANSFER Autamnoticolly opplies "wheel weight' te balance trem. tien with.tii. Ioad. Yeu i.ep going whon others slip or spin. A Iightweight B-250 + Weihtronsfer and ahev-uyta or Cown quipmemnt .Co. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER DEALER 134 King Si. E. Phono NA 3-5689 'I HERE ARE SOME 0F THE MANY BIG FEATURES: 4 TIM CANADUN 19TATESMAN. i, v 400' Phone MA 3-5689