- r r - e e- - -r-w-tv- - PAGE V "M C(ANAfl!AN THURSDAY, Tno.Ulm, loge ,D irectoi Fý rHei SAnn Of,ýent w 14Iliary tot¶ie Canac Iheld at the Legion H 4i day evening that Coi ~lBate, the Zone Comr znmake her officiali- Auxiliary on the fii e vening in March. TI statement vias give STreasurer, Comrade Ser. S The President, Coi ence Knight, thankei Sbers for the excellen' et three events re Ssaid that there had Sof helpers. She c volunteer to be ca Ivenor for the Kir Ladies' Night to be Legion Hall on 1 Comnrade Ann PiPE president, was app venor. Prepare For Bi The Secretary, Ci 4~ lie-Bates, who bas director for the ar Entertainment, ma( appeal to members the Legion Hall or discuss plans for th the convenience of1 Comrade Bates wil Legion Hall on Si noon at 2 o'clock, the evening at 7 mnembers can meet entertainment eiti afternoon, or in, whichever they pr( eithe1r at 2 o'clock,c but be sure to conr Bates urged. The birthdays Rose Overy and Con Downey were celeb rade Kitty Newmia rade Ann Piper w iners'of the draw. Comrade Florej INSURA SERVICE TO ONTARIO Farmlng today laes. And thi man-farmer has investment in fai equipmeflt, lives That farm inves be protected r np A nnpanI f EVrwifff 5' !p in Planning Auxiliary Show s made at convenor for the catering at the adies' Aux- Beefeatens Banquet thanked ai] ian Legian those who assistcd. She said [ail on Mon- site particularly appncciated ai: )mrade Rase the extra balp given by Com- mander, wiil rade Ann Piper. Comnade Aud- visît to the rey Bate, 2nd vice-presîdent, ist Monday wvho was catering canvenor for 'he financiai tbc Venton wedding, also thank- en by the cd ail those who had assistcd Ruby Palm- Comnade Susie Graham reparted .on the iàst social cvening beè ýmradc Flan- by the auxiiiary for which sht -d the mem- and Comnade Dorothy Faim werE t wark done 1ca-convenons. cently, and Send Cheque to Fine Viotims been plenty It was decidcd to sendi :lled for a cheque ta assist the family wh( atcning con- lost ai] their possessions in tbi csmen Club fine which destnoyed thein boust Sheld in the on Sunday at Tyrone. Thg Mfarch 28th. cheque is ta help tlicm purchasq er, tbe past pots and pans. îointed con- Comnade Edythe Rundie, th, representative of tbc Ladie5 g Show Auxiliary to the Canadiai 'ommade Mii- Legion for the Bowmanvill, been named Branch o! the Canadian Bei nnuai Spring Cross, neparbed on the meetin, de a stnong beld last week by that organiza Sta came ta tion. She told of tbe arrange n Stinday ta ments fon the boan cupboarè he show. For blood clinics, and disaster wori the members that have been made by tih il be at the Red Cross. ýunday aften- Comnade Piper. tbc past pres! and again in dent, on bahal! of bbe member o'clock, sa pnescnted a beautiful leathE L ta plan bbc handbag to Comnade Audre r in l the Bate in appreciation o! bbc wor the avening, she had dtonc as secretany. Conr -efen. "Came rade Helen Wallis, lst vic( or at 7 o'clack president, made the presentz ne," Comnade tion of a bandsome leathr clutch punse ta Comnade Rul o! Canade Palmer, the treasurer, in ai nrade PamelaI preciation o! hem devoted wor] brated. Com- Following bbc business imee in and Com- ing a social evening was enjo, 'are the win- cd. Pnice winners at cuchi were Comnade R. Palmer ar !cc Knigbt, Comnade Rose Baba. The prizi fan "'Name That Tune" Wei won by Comnade Audrey Ba and Comnade Millie Bates. Pni: winners for an amusing gar o! blindfold skill were won1 Commade Jean Firth, Comna( ýNCE Gail Downcy and Comrade Fio - ence Knight. - Intcresting motion pictures - the Legion Drumhead Servir the Centenniai Parade, TI FARMERS Orange Parade, and the Bur: Night Supper, wcre shown1 George Graham. The Presidai is Big Bus- Comnade Florence Knight, thar te business- cd Mr. Graham for showing1 siebe entertaining films. Comna s a szal Ann Piper, the past presidei rm property moved a vote a! thanks ta Cai stock. rade Susie Graham, conver for thc enjoyable social. A deliciaus lunch was serv stment must by Comnade Jean Firth and li against assistants. pnysical damage lis, o financial loss resulting from aneghigence lawsuit or ac- INNISKIL.La1 cident or sickness. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sharp and A F iabiityprovides' Kathy wee recent dinner guests "a FamLably of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, ,tEýndable protection for Haydon. farm investment! Miss Lorma Wearn, Grace Hos- pital, Toronito, was witlh her par- For fire insurance on farm ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn. buildings, sec your local lire IMr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick mutuai and Robin, Toronto, were with muttil. IMr. and Mrs. S. R. Petbick and Miss Nancy Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett, Marie and Wayne were visitors H oward B. Foley with Mr. 0 BecketTyrone. R.R. 3, Bowmanville spent a week's holiday with Dale Phone MA 3-3277 Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Pethick and Ruth, were recent visitors CIA at Mr. and Mrs. Hamry Strutt's., Co-Operators Insurance Osawa. Association Mr Lionel Tilley and son John, were recent tea guests at Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wriglht's. Mr. and Mrs. Cari Ferguson, IM4POIRTANT.NEWS- HOC PRODUCERS HOC SHIPPERS PORK PROCESSORS Effective on and after Monday, February 23rd, The Ontario Hog Producers' Marketing Board and the Ontario Hog Producers' Co-operative have passedl orders in respect to the marketing of hogs in the Counties of VICTORIA, DURHIAM, PETERBOR- OUGH, NORTHUMBERLAND, HASTINGS, LEN- NOX & ADDINGTON, PRINCE EDWARD AND FRONTENAC. Ail hogs for market purposes (with exemption in sales to a local butcher, to a producer or to a consumer) must be delivered to and assembled at one of the 19 market points established across the province. No person may buy or sel hogs for market purposes (with exemptions as per regulations) from any place other than the 19 market points indicated in the orders. Market points convenient for shippers and producers in these eight counties are: Ontario Stock Yards, Toronto Lindsay Community Sale, Lindsay Newhurgh Sales Ban, Newhurgh Garrison Livestock Sales, Picton Hoard's Station, Conununity Livestock Exchange, Camphellford Peterborough District Co-operative 861 Lansdowne St., Peterborough Eniquiries on any aspect of this farmn organization or its marketing program are welcome at any time. It is suggested that producers consign their hogs with shippers transporting to yards the most economical distance from their farms. ERIC FALLIS President HOWARD MALCOLM Secretary DURBAN COUNTY HOC PRODUCERS# ASSOCIATION Bernice and Roy, were Sunday visitons at Raymond Bottrell's, Newcastle. Miss Pat Hoskin, Blackstock, visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mns. Wallace Grfffin. Miss Mary Griffu aspent the weekend with Miss Mary Joncs, Bowmanville, and accompanied Miss Jones on Sund.ay to Visit hem parents at Port Hope. Mr. and Mns. Allan Werry, Iattended the Masonie Lodge banquet at the Lions Centra, -Bowmanville, on Saturdey even- ing. IMr .and Mns. Rosa Sharp and rKatby were recent callers et Mn. 1- and Mns. Allan Wemny's. d Mr-j and Mrs. Herman Haass- d and Ranny. Bowmanville, wene e Sunday visitons at Mn. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Relp'h Virtue, had Sunday dinnen with Mr. Jas. A. Werry. jThe Service Clu-b, are spon- csoring a card panty ta be held et ;e bch Enniskillcn Hall on, the ev- ie eninug o! Feb. 21, at 8 p.M. ;e Euch-rc, Lost Hein and Crokin- oie. Pnizes and lunch and ev- cle enyone wclcome. s, Mr. and Mns. Allan Werry,- iShanon and Sandra, wcre Sun- le day guests of Mm. and Mrs. Boss ,d Lac, Kedron, being the occasion g o! Mn. Lce's birthdray, "Congrat- a-ulations." e- Mrs. G. Yeo is still a patient d, in Memaniai Hospital, Bowman- k, ville. Wc wigb ber a speecly ne- ie caveny. The Chair bad another suc- icessful Croinole Party on Fi- s, day evening, Feb. 13. Watch for er mare coming dates. ey Mns. E. Stutt is still in Osh- 1 rk awa hospital, improving each c- day.1 e- Miss Shirley Milis. R.N. and1 ýa- Mr. Bryce Larke. Kingston, Mn., er and Mms. Bob Baton, Whitby, by with Mn. and Mms. W. Beglcy p- for thc weekend. tY- y- BLACKSTOCK At thc r e g ular Expioners meeting Thunsday the business period toak the foi-m of a Star cercmanly. Two girls received thein second Gold Star; one girl rcceived- hem finst Blue Star, and six girls reccived their se- cond Rcd Star. The missionary exploration continued witb tbc expedition onu Hawaii. Meeting closed with a small Valentine Party. Owing rta the vcmy bad wea- ther Tuesday night, thc attend- ance was smali at the eucbnýe pamty spansonedr by tbe L.O.B.A. but a very en-joyable time was spent. Pnize winners were: high lady- Mrs. Perey VanCamp; high, gnt- Mr. George Crozien; door prize- Mn. Tom Camp- bell. Sincera sympathy is cxtcnded Mn. and Mns. Jim Coabes and f amily on the sudden. death o! their three montrh's oid daugicter Janie. Several froin here attended the World Day of Prayer ser- vice in North Nestieton, Ficbay. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston rcburned home Tuesdiay from a six weeks' visit with ticein dau- ghter and family, the Roy Av- eny's o! Tilibuny. -Mrs. Mollon, Part Penny, spenci a couple of "days wibh ber son Harold MaTtyn, Mns. Mantyn and~ boys. Sary ta repart Mr. Orr Ven- ning is 111 ln Lindsay bospital. Glad ta, report Mn. Jack Bery is murh. improved and was able to spend the weekend at his home in Guelph. Mr. Gardon Paisley spent tice wcakend at bis home ini Dunn- ville. Thene w-as a very good attend- ance at ni-e United Chuirch Sun- day morning considering thc slippcny noads. The beautifuý flowens wenc piaeed thene b) Mn. and Mrs. Jim Coates in me. mary of their littlc duugtei Sryta hear Mn. Edgar Gib. son, Cadmus, had the misfantunr to fail on the ice fracturing hit collar ibanc. Glad ta bear Mrs. Gnan, Thornpson, Nestiaton, is prognes sing favo'a-bly in Pont Pcr hospital. Ail the High Sebool teacher attended tice convention fa: High School Teachens a! thi amea in Whibby Tuesd'ay. The annual Cartwright Cuni ing Club Bonspiel was held Sal unday on Sunderl'and rink. Fint pnize which was a \vrougict irai magazine and smoker stand aacl was won by a Sunderland tear skipped by Chester Snaddej and also they raceivcd the tnc phy for the yean. Second pniz was won by Purpire Hil tear consisbing o! Keibh VanCami Harvey Grahcam, Courtney Gra ham and Herb Swain. Thes each ncceived a tie, tic pin an, cuf! link set. Third pnize, a wal Jet each, was won by anothe Sunderland beamn skipped by M Campbell. Severai from banc reattende and enjoyed the fowl suppe put an bytbc Haydon ladies]i Hampton, Cornmunit3r Hall, Sai urday evcnng. Mns. Carl McLatghlin, Grar and Neil, spent thc wcekcr with thce Jim McLaughlins, Er niskilen. Mn. and Mns. Stan Rahnc an 'Canal visited Mn. and Mns. AI Rahm, Tynane, Sunday afte noan. Saturday afternaafl in this diý trict we bad a nicc nain whi< helped thc waten situation a lh tic for a great many who ha% been ibuying watar for a loti the winten. But by night it star cd fneczîng xibhh ie nesult tic bbc hydro and talephone sy tems were sornewhat disruptE but not as gencrally as or would have expccted by tI haavy caating o! ice on al rai paies, fences etc. Sunday w cetainlv a day of beauty- real winten wonderland- TI sun shone on tbc ice ail di Iwithoiit melting it. Evidentiy a great many peop availed thernselves o! viewia the beauty by drivircg arour as the traffie on ti aýL main noaý 1was heavy. but exp 'ct most fo STATESMAM B OWMANVTLLE. ONTARIO Evenyone was happy. the wintry W'eather ouiside forgotten for lb awbile and S6.00 clear mwent into mUNI Ii the treasur-y of our Mission *Iu ii C ' Bard. Fet 1Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborne, T WIYWn. Mrs. M. J. Osborne,. Mrs. D Ha UILSPRNG Haine7, Mrs. Hne son and daughter Marion wv e r e guests at a "Sho,.ver" in bonor Di1 4 ~ f Miss M. Cowan of Ororo giv- VIS en by friends in Toronto on Fni- Ca' ldevening. Feb. 13. biu I - Regulotr Church Service xvas r 1beld at 10 am., the Rev. A. W. mi 'Hardin.g officiating. Attendaflce !Til 1 vas lcss than usual. not even the Hie i beauty, of the morning could en- tice miany of the rugular wor- shippers for the not so lovely ice bu undér foot was too discouraging. Si jThe selection sung by tbe choir. Mi "The Cburch in the WlldwOOd" wvas much appreciated ai-d en- at joyed by ail present. The first pa of a series of Lenten Sermons sel wtas given ibyMn. Harding fromnBc the lst chapter of St. John.. Pi j "There was a mni sent from God, whose name was John." Tc Sunday Sehool was hleld t t ilan ith 219 present. It Was conducted by the~ Superintench UAl lent Mm. George Harness. The 4 - - ~ aduit bible class was in charge l 19Ju" ve n W A. of Mrs. E. Wilson. .1 s A victim of icy conditions un-M I I ~ êà'% 1 derfoot recently xvas Mn. E. Sy- A H e rs OnU. .ions, resulting in a boe rn He rsofU. . JL/LlIiIy Aavs a man Of paction ourM fniend continues to do Ille ch ores P'- St. PauYs Evenîng W. A, beld God 1I had served my Lordd hall îs cheerfullY as ever.vVve trust i a mecting at the church Mon- as w el as 1 ïhave sorved iii, i ii not be too lo11g' until the c day evening Feb. 2ndxith King i-He xxould net have de- * cast is off and arm workable. Group One in charge of the p--o- ented nre nox Wrhat a ec of bcauty we ha- 7j gram. Mrs. Don Williams Coe.- In ea-ly tirnes Harrpton , beld this niornnln as we drdxv ui ti ducted the devotional perioci. Court, like rnanyý great housc_, our .,,,ndow blind:%' No man The secretary, Mrs. Manseil Sta- in En'gland, ,vas approached vmaeb2Uy tii-Th e1e' cey, read the minutes, and tilc %water. oa'h approach is or a Suniday mnornii'.. the purity treasurer, Ms D. William.,! by noad\ throughi the Tropahv of Fno-wý covered fields and the 01 gave the treasurers report. 1 dates buiit bv Geoonge Il, xvhic'zi glittering beauty of trees. shrubs F The Evcning W.A. president, led into the Outer Green Court. , Ynrl weecs. Or,- ( ou id o'ily stbnd Mrs. George Graham, welcoim-Like miost castlez, Hampton lias i ,, fomr olns n i d the guests and conducted a ceta genconynd nat tr.C ornc oiflesadA ~a iexn~~ a wveli brie! business period. Mrs. Bert1 Hamptj, i is. Hll saw t1iei,ý,nhrinAl bi.h 1Syer neported for the bazaur As'L-onon-iical Cîock, î'~~Ati kmow ifu1n,'P Th Lor ibCo - committee. ne Boleyn's Gatcxva v, The Haun- ther 0l" Guest so]oist, Miss Marjonie tedGa. ey, (haunte vCt 2tm~ Bruden. and accompanist Miss erne Hoxward), The C reat Gra-, , Mn. IT. T. Avres. R brother ofi 1Dixie Gi, were intnoduced Vine, plaîîteci in 1769, and th(, Irat ChVr-ni now .Fulard 1Mrs. Williams. Majorie san g very beautiful w'c~t in, a I'Guard While 1 Sleep". and the '. Gate b.>, Ti oi. Thle orkinal or- rlbcclvr .~t wt Imucb loved, "~This is Mv Task' gan is still in ls 1 iiI)'.Yo ve ]- in Ei~tod iwhich wvcre greatiy app'reciatcd. 1oan sce only p.,rt of IeCE1ott'ý ie on T11erdpy. Th get pakr Ms Kn buildings i.s a largýe part j i'ý h 1I0. Torn mr y vearq Mn. and neth Hull, was introduced b- occup 1aatc~ Vr.HîlYr.ve ie ' r~toJ Mrs. Williams. She told of bretmtd hhoc~7(1hr~Cna~Ov'r l'~ ~~~ !cnes or lu.scicu; grapes On ti-" ry coo's stoý e ' -l11br r- in1 two trips back to England. SheGetVn.wlhxa no JPn nr.Dt]r ielr left Montreal on the Empr2zs ajjj h ieý\Cj ý7rti- ý,urd 1of Scotland in 1956 and on the oee h cln,-r]m -ed ntr Empress of France in 1958. On Icvndteciig e~rdm pmdmoie hem arrivai in 1956, the Isle o! r Ms. H-uil lix-ed near Carclil" ;store of 1W'imcn kin3. Mn. .Ay- Man looked like a big black Wales, until she was, ten years nos n etired frein ur'5ld 1rock. Ahead lay Liverpool. Her o g.TeCni!Csl sy~ wr aiih'i f~ !first giimps!e of England xvas! still ier favounîte castle. Sile'other bro ,rs andl a sister x"ere j .a patch of land with a big bar- described Fainy Castie, on Carz- inrrnied tli, Fýme vc'ur, Freî of ;rage-balloon floatiag above. -tic3 Coke, which helo'ngccl ta the Iii-ertofl, WiltS ', ioldCecil Butte family. xvhich is built onicf Sali-bory. Soih Ei hodesip. S. t You are impressed with the lasal scale ihamt Aa ;tiny fields of England, looking 1dawrn e Sewthe moa agi ..and dNora of Taunton, Eng- ;like pocket-handkerchiefs sep- dnawbridge'the saw q Cat E - r land arated by bordens of h2d.ges, she ing of the ,and xisit'd W ý said. Eve'-y road and lane i3 minster Abbey, whcre Qi i 1j paved with asphaît. One carI, Elizabeth Il Mwas rrwnel e dirtve become homesick for a described the Coroiation CliaiilM O N E Y E iton dusty road. Yeti appre- (ail canved xith inilia1:) ciate the long Eaglishi twîlights th-tn f cr.I was AVAILABLE FOR (often ti11 1l p.m.) but are less surprise to th e NA. m-iernoL, appreciative of the rainy wear that they used v riug ne !O ther Mrs. Hull spent sainete chairs on the stone-f'e-ors of St. 1.OBT A E descnibing Hampton Court, on Paul's Cathearal for fuiie uisco the Thames River, in Hampton, th2 cnowds wlùLch are consta1 outside Teddingtoa, a district 1yoigai on.Sh A PH S O E *o! London. This manier was cibed the g,-eat vaulled d iR I P -S O E built by Cardinal Wolsey, Lomo i cd ceiling and the stone pillars. Barrister and solicitor Chagno e r y a! II.gla n in the The Toxer f London cveri 63 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa regt fHnyVII hnWl 18 acres of land. Some pars are RA 5-3525 sey was stripped of bis wealth so' e u tisalhsov he presented ta Henry VII gruesoibti salhý,iv as a peac-c offering this manor 1 Svensli the legend of thie ra- at Hampton Court, is tapes- times the sie oar brd, Three - - *tries, anid silverplate. Just the 1 . i ieo u mv hr same, two years later al] his are six there noxv, an dthez' Y lands and goods were cn c-win gsarie clipped. e td. e e cIame onrisca- Mrs. Mansel Stacev, thanked - te.HSxlie:'Wudt the guPst saeakeî for hen i.. I - ttrestin,- talk. Group One scrv-1 eW.M.S. Meeting cd a delicious lunch. Twelve ladies and three child- ren attended the February meet- ifIFfAV f J -ing of the W.M.S. held at the Ch rh' -'Parsonage Wednesday. Mns. Roy Chlur h Es ni fI l e Taylor, presidad. Roil caîl was Ilanswered by a "Step To\vard F rD y P a e y Peace." F rD y P a e Davotianai was taken by Mrs. rStuart Dorreil, han theme was ServicesM "Christ is our Ju-dga". Study S r ie & EN EED -Book chapter on Mexico was ta- BETHANY-The Wold's Day'APM NS EUD ýé ken by Mrs. Carna-ghan, MIrs fPa.nwsosrvd( e s R.TylrA Mrs.Glepnn 1L2r- _hn as 4,joit-serice 41--L inl were given showers. MRs.Botlaad netMrs. X lc P odue Np t- For the Program the hostess R. Bolnd e îel n s te OFL ID . RSH RI eah ir wthre pp- pràyens. Mns. R. R. Do sek' NO. 1 GRADE, GI nt r, a w it d yli a d m ci ag and M rs. Preston N eals sa - id and aach one made a Valentine "Coma-, Holv Spni" scmani n- and composed a suitable verse i-d a Si ri"a yMroh CA B for ber husband and read Wîte. tteognb r.Jh A B id Lunch was served. ThIe next he.ofmn xa cevdb ilt meeting will be at Mrs. Ramer MmsheXI anc iiwsrip ad Mrr ýr il's when thrlc rail uwîil ba Gervi i Muiligan and dedicated' an Irish sang and sing it." fru iîsînm wr lb chCurcl cCouncil o! Canada.FRSCULVEAV v ATR LEFFR C lce-__- TRIMMED, NO. 1i of t- ORS at HE D AMRIHSPINAI rs- A ery picasant Crokinole ed §IE A D panty m-i.s held in tire Suindýa- ne chool on Fnîday evenirg Feb. ce13 undr the aus~pies of the 2 clob g C GO Sission Bard. There xxas a verx'cloYg ra god atteî dence, lixe tables g:LS sene kept bus,,unIlI ,unh ice. _______ nehe tvo senior bignczst xccETA8E ýay Ruth Marvin and Jlohn 111 XTA P:I juniors, Dorotlly Mc-orneil ani APV CLV ple Donne Lee. A bouatiful lunch -4pV UUP ,ng 0 FMmiwas served at I10 p.c;. by tii: id, Leader of Mission Bad-rec cc ds Harry Beckett and ier.Ap - COFFEE )k petites were xxorkedr up h',- îhïtj Lds turne andisr'x-u'- .t~ea- ho nw l..i,--' 1t . J e- JUST ARRIVED! NEW SELECTION OP DU1S H ES FOR EVERDAY USE AND SPECIAL OCCASIONS Sev eral Pallerns Io Choose From 53 PIECES SETTING FOR 8.95 *HOOPER'S I JEWELLERY & GIFT SHQPp 29 ingSt.E. owmanville MA 3-5747 DuperoR ight Méats PORK LOIN SALE RIB END ib37c TENDERLOIN END lb47c ir CUIS or CHOPS tb69c Ay 1;; Grade "A", Oven Ready Roasting CHICKENS 4to 5-b ave. lb49C Extra Lean MINCED BEEF pecials >NEW CROP, iREEN kGE VASHED AND GRADE CH 9c >A aKED 1-lbti 6 9 ÀANNI VERSARk Y SPECIAL1S! Green Giant, Fancy Cut Reg. 2 tint 37c-SAVE 13o WAX BEANS 415Soz tns5 9c Pinnmpp!e &. Grapefruit Reg. tin 37o--SAVE 9o DEL MONTE JUICE 248 o tins 65 c Solid White Meat, Claverleaf Reg. tin 39e-SAVE 3o TUNA FISH 27-aztns75c Ingersoli RPeg. jar 59c-SAVE 6c CHEESE SPREAD 16oz jar.5 3c Jan* Parker (S", 24-oz Pie) Reg. 49c-SAVE 10o RAISIN PIE each 39c Choie Quility Reg. 2 tins 31rc-SAVE 2o A&P WHOLE BEETS 215 oztins 29c Fancy Quali'y SPECIAL 1 A&P TOMATO JUICE 2 48-oz tins 5 7c A&P Choe Quality Reg. 29e-SAVE Bc RED RASPBERRUES 315 oz ti79c Choice Quality HaIvez Reg. tin 21e,-SAVE Se A&P PEACHES 220-oz tns319C Prices Un This Ad Gueranteed Tkrotigh Saturday, February 2lst, 1950. SALEM Red Cross. Aids Salem W.A. will holdteiFir V cim abruar meeting at the hm %Mrs. Gerald Shackletofl ths urs. Feb. 19. Mrs. Fred Reect The personal tragedy to a mpton, will be guest speaker. family when f ire b-its their Mfr. and Mrs. J. Cetor and home, destroying e ve rything ianne, Toronto, were Sunday they possess, is considered by itors witb his mother, Mrs. F. the Red Cross as a dàsaster and ator who celebrated her 83rd worthy of ail the help tha-t the .t1hday on Feb. 14. Mrs. Cator Ried Cross can give. Happily the .eived wo>rd on Tuesday that local Branch of the Red Cross rs. W. Cator. Windsor, had the Society xvas able to render as- sfortune to fal and break ber sistance to the Swerdfiger Fam- ip and is now a patient in Dieu ily of R.R. No. 1 Tyrone, who ýspital. Windsor. Iost al1 their possessions in the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Black- fire- whicb destroyed their homne Lrn ani family. Don Milis, were Sunday. The Disaster committee aturdayv vsitors vith Mr. and contacted them to ascertain their Irs. F. Bladk:burf. needs and arrangements rere There ms a good attendance made to outfit them with what- tthe Young Peope's crokinole ever clothes they required for arty and Box Social at the' themselves and their seven chil- bhoa] last Friday ever ng. Mr. dren. >b Craig acted as auctioneer. At a disaster of this type, thie ,roceeds about $3ý2. lied Cross is authorized to pro- Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rundle, vide emergency accomodation, lwn, were Friday eveflilg vis- clothing and food to sustarn a Lrs with Mr. and Mrs. L. Welsh. family until permanent arrange- Several ladies from this coro- ments can be mde. In Ontario nunity attended the World's during 1958, 293 families, repre- ay of Prayer meeting at Tyrone senting 1,348 individuals wee ast Friday. assisted in this way by the Red Salem Home and School As- Cross. In the case of a major dis- ociation hem t-heir February aster to Bowmanville or district, neeting last Wednesday night. tie entire facilities of the Na- .tter.dance banner was aglain tional Society could be mobil- on by the Junior room. Mr. A. ized without delay. This is only [erkley, B o w m a nville. was. one of tàe manY ways Bowm.-ri - ,uest sneaker and !zave a veryvil ndstct ,'lbnet r'oerest!n!g talk on Pirent- Tea- frorn baving a local Red Cross rer relations. Mi-s Katby PR- Branch. rnka favoured wvith piano solos. unch wvas Ferved and a social A young busband who hai1 me enjoyed. agreed to the purchase of a We vwere auite thrilled on television set for Christmnas pro- Tuesday p.veniflg to SEe Mis,; tested wvhen he found that bis Marion Buttery, and szveral, wife had ordered the de luxe ther Durham County Junior model instead of the standard. 'armers on television. "But, dear," bis wife explained, Mr. and Mrs. C. Reynolds, "it won't cost more. Ail ve Claermont, were SurdaN, visitors b ave to do is to pay a littie ,ritb Mr. and Mrs. D. Reynolds. longer."-Canadailk. ,UOL Qr.,nýý ib49c