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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1959, p. 19

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q eA lq% v A MU WA I9.D A DAUwO U ?L UwAU? TUE wP £'AdéffUAEBMN w TVJtAnVu ÔAA&i1 unAj JÇlassofid acrcjq of Thcmks Io WOte te express sin- eere than"eita ny friends forl Abolis.h Capital Punishment Durham MPP- Teils House kindnesas--hown duri-ng mny r-e- I1 Former Reform Institutions cent ilUness. IMiiter Rev. John W. Foote, Ernest Laird. 8-1* V.C., told the Legisîsture recent- ly that capital punishment The. famiiy ai the late Mrs. should b. aboid-ied. Alice Deianey wish ta thank Dr. Mrotti rgesv Sieonthestff i MmoralConservative memben for Dur- Hospital and their many friends ham adta sln sjde and neighbours for thein kind- 1,adrn.state a ilong atjude s ness during the iliness and death adjuisreflbetres et thir moher.always the danger that "a grave 91 thir moher.and Irreparable injustice" may 1 wouid like ta thankcMY e don.. o teqesino Many friends, neighbours and' urigtth qesona »elatives for the cards, fruit andicorporel punishment, Mr. Foote gift set t medunng y say.said thit he did not agree wlth git SusnnyboomeHopigmtal, isaan officiai ai Guelph Reforma- gtrSn b78,kCaoaialegan, tory who said the 1952 riot was 1owanviir78, anadianch 42on parily due ta an order by Mr. 4ohwanvlead'rnc 2 Foote ta do less strapping. .Ohw. Gea. Meadows. Mn. Foot. raid that some af- 8* i fenders, even if given a favor- _______able atmosphere in which ta ne- We wish ta thank al aur kindI habilitate themselves, f ail ta res- friends ai No. 9 and Bowmnan- pond ta réhabilitation. ville for thein floral tributes and "There are many failures be- kind expressions ai sympathy cause af the refusai ai a great shawn us in the ioss ai aur be- many people ta change their Iave husand nd ftherand thinking and their way ai lufe," we especially wish ta thank Mn. 'he said. They are as they are, Russel Qsborne and Mr. Parney and that's the way they are de- Martin. terniined ta stay." Margaret E. Tucker and He praised the work ai rehab- Farnily. 8-1 ilitation officers in the. varlous W. wsh t expess ur nsintitut.ions who were doing We wsh t exressour in-great work because they like the cere thanks ta the nurses and, pnisoners and wanted ta help staff ai Memoriai Hospital, Bow- them. mnanville, and ta the manyi "It makes me indignant ta friends who sent us cards andi hean people say'what is being renmembered us in their prayers I don?' Mr. Foote said. "We have durîng the past days. A special -1don aytng whc ar thanks ta Dr. Miklos, Dr. Arn- jn aytig bc r old, Rev. A. W. Schaafsma and' Mnr. Dudley. Okke and Nita Bouma. 8- A MacDuff Ottaw2 We wish ta express Our heart- feit thanks and appreciation for of sympathy and floral ofieringi T re from aour relatives, friends and peighbaurs during aur bereave.!1 Ottawa - We seem ta b. ment in the las: ai Our beloved - doomqed ta an endless repetition trife and mother, Pearl Weather- oai the issues ai the 1957 federai ut. A special thanks ta Rev. P. campaign, perhaps right up ta Itameril,' Dr. Gili, Dr. Miklos, the next time the Canadian pecial nurses, staff ai Memor-pelegtacne o as »4. H. Barla, omn.l ad judgment on their government. WilfrdWeathnil ad The Liberais,. stili stinging1 Family. 8-1' from the double rebuke they ne- ceived inom the votera, are ful 1 af Invective and patulant criti- We wish tai express aur aP-, cism of the Diefenbaker goverfi- p!eciatlan ta, the Bowmanville, ment. Even If they have viorn w ire Dept. for their quick ne-1 out the expression "Tory times sponse ta aur caîl and their co are hard times", they'ne stili operatian in returning ta, put out. tiinking it. The governmant the blaze a few day: later. la't îettîng any opportunity go Our grateful appreciation ta by ta rub the Gits' nases in the &1l friends and neighbours wha, 1 political dirt. Its almost invar- penhaps overlooked by us, assist- iable defence ta criticism is thie ed in any way at the scene of l ad dodge that, "the pe-opla the fine and those viho remain- Ichose us--wha are you ta, say ed until marning watching the wa're wrong" othen buildings.I .Sincene thanks ta Syd Word- As for the CCP,. its mambers en for trucking the iured cattie are In a desperate iigiit ta keep ta Toronto, and ta Grant Ben- the party on the political Map, nett, Vc, Cookson and Orval lay the groundwork for the new Mht r tucking the salvag-. party which will succeed it ed CWte L Thanks ta Harvey through tiie co-openation af the jnd »LÇ93rooks and Alvin Met- Canadian Labor Congres:. The. ~calif forhousing same. eight Socialists in the omn Spaciai thanks ta Harold Wat- have ta about ta b. heard t i son and Dick Trimbla for 80 I ven the hubbub. kindly avaîling thein dairy barn Sa it's undenstandabie, per- to us. And Mick Brown for hi$ haps, that most of the time of efficient equipment placed in a 1the. Hou:. these 'days is devot- inatter ai hours. Also ta The ed to name-caliing, pointless in- Oshawa Wood Products, Van- terjections and deliberate poli- atone Feeds, Rosi and Bob Stev- tics. But is it necessary? Thie ens, Roy Nichols, Ray Gaoyne, government, surely, has a big Keitii Ormistan, Ben Browin and enaugh mandate ta ignore the The. Oshawia Dairy for their taunts and get about the. busi- varied co-oparatian. ness it wau charged with by the Heatieit thanks for ahl lettens, votera. And it's gettlng late in *ards, food and kind offers. the. day ta blame ail the. evils Sincerely, ai thie economy on a gavern- The Muir Family. ment that went out ai office 8-1 neanly twa years ago. « Most likely, perhaps, la the - ForRentexplanation that the gavern- For entm ent chooses ta nepiy in kind ~to kecp the spotlight away from HEATED apartment. Telephone its tender points-the promises MA 3-5555. 8-1 stili unîulfiiled, the. rash state- ments it mnade in opposition, the ICIGHT-room house. Telephone faiîures In its poîicy. For there MA 3-3573. 8-1 are faîlures, as tiiere are with TrWO-bednaomn house with bath, every government. West ai Bowinanville. MAnket, The apposition parties, too, 3-396. a.~must get sharper witii their 3-3961 knives if tiiey are ta bare the IPIVE-room hause and bath, ail truth ai those failures. The Lib- furnace, ganden. Phone MArket erals continue ta, rely taa heav- 1.5979 ater 6 p.m. 8-1 ily an their four "horsemen"- - Pearson, Martin, Chevrier and ]WODERN thnee-raom, private 1 Pickersgill - who are already bath. Suitable for single or severely overworked. double accupancy. $55 a month. The back benches remain vir- 13 Temperance St., Bowmanville. 1 tually sulent, althougii there a 3-t!; been a limmer of hop)eta -quantities. We have aur ovin 1 ment and party tiirougkh ail snarkat. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1 emergencies. But you'Ill ear a 1. Phono callect to Bethany lot mare about "one-man gav. y r IL. 28-ti ernment" before the, 24th Par- Diament is through. Tii. whole thing wouid be a Vlanted ta Rent lot more palatable ta House ai Commons observer: if the tiiree- mndire furnshd rn circus would corne up with r.y5e Pon Ml3512. 0-19 jaome r.ew talent anci matenial. re P hneMA -5 Personçal Capttal Miiicapsules I Thre's a lot ai nonsense ap- WHy FEEL OLD? Fac! Yearsipearing inipint these day: Y0unger. Ostrex Tonie Tablets: about the. gavernment's enter-t ~,revitalize thousands past 4(),j tainnient brancii, th@ Cgnadian Only 60c. At ail druggsts. 3.g Broadcasting Corporation. 1 It~s patently true thatth j HyQENIC supplies - (Rubber Cj3C spends too much, faîls ta geods> mailed postpaidi n plain, aiten ta keep a tight grip on! sealed envelope with price it. 1 purs. strings, and &ometimes1 SlX samples 25e, 24 samples dispiays a sheoiçing lack of $1.(00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, sanse in its direction. But to Nov.-Rubber Ce.. Box 91, Ham- suggest, as oea hain-newspaper -.ilton, Ont. 1-52 columnist did recently, that the worth'while.» Ha urged a special $2,000-year1 bonus ta teachers wha accepted1 positions teaciiing yaungsters in reform institutions.1 "Tha averakge teacher ha: two pnoblemn chiidnen," ha said. "These teachers hava an entire classroam i them. Yau',re nat going ta get good people unless you do this." He said he had follavi.d vith intenest the efforts ai various1 committees ta find new ways ta "launeh humans into aternity"1 but he stili believed Abrahami Lincoln vas igiit vien ha said he had neyer met a man Who1 via: any better for havIng been1 hanged.1 Mn. Foote said he agreed with1 G. E. Jackson (PC, Landon9 South), viho maved the speech1 from the Throne, -vhen he raid that the public ought ta keep in1 mmnd the. innocent victinis oai ciminals.1 111 don't agree with averything1 he raid but I agre. with that",i Mn. Foot. said.1 He sald he had once heard a1 man charged with il armedj robberies tell havi h. had turn- ed dovin $6 in one robbery "be-1 cause the people laoked so a.1 I"Everybody feit sarry finr bum. but apparentiy it didn'tj occur ta tiiem. an ta the man 1 charged, that the other 10 peo-i pie he robbed dldn't feel veryj happy about havIng $100 or $200 taken front thani," Mn. Foot: said. He noted that the Govenn- ment': liquor policy had been criticized for net being open enough. - "'That may b. truc but yau don't have te go ta China to get liquor if yau viant it," he said. "It is a policy of moder. ation and a good ane." Mr. Foot. told the. Hanse ho had became "vieary ai hearnig Education Ministen Dunlop be- labored by people who anea't thinking very clearly." "'There isn't one man ln tula province viio can hold a candle ta hum and viho ha: the. knowl- ed e he ha:," Mn. Foote said. H e said that because Ontario i: not g totalitanian stgte, no one couid force people into the, teaching profession and the only answer via: ta make teaching mare gttractive ta prospective teachars: Hie said that despite the cost he was glad there va: a place vihera a pivate memben couid stand up and air its vievis. Ha pnedicte.d that long after IBM and UNIVAC had repiaced the: Civil Service, there would stili be the need fon pivate mein- bers. "I don't iind It at ahl discour- aging ta be a pivate member, despite the. taik that pivate member: are the fargatten men," ha :aid. ra Report e Ring Circus crovin corporation is a "pinko' Trojan hanse" concerned with preaching the. gospel ai Social- ism, is just plain bunkuni. The CBC has so many faults that intelligent criticismn and expasure is needed ta proteet the pocketbooks o! us taxpay- ens. Intemperate criticism only strengthens the hands ai the ireespenders. Tii, most eaxely-awalted publication on'-Panliament Hill, next ta the iederýal budget, is Auditor-General Watson Sel- i a': annual report on govern- ment expenditures. H. digs Up sanie dandies, anid swings his critical axe !eanlessly. This year was no exception. Tiie high- lîght via: us discovery that an "invalid" vas hired as a con- stable on election day, some constables viere viomen, and there was atiier evidence ta suggest that ail the. many sec- tions of the Canada Elections Act were not ioliowed ta tiie letter. What inakes Mn. Seilar so In- dependent in hi: criticism? Un- like ail the other 185, 107 civil servants, he doesn't viork for the governiment. He's an em- pioyee rf Parliament ltself-the apposition as vieil as the, gov- ernment-and can oniy be dis- lodged by a vote ai bath the Commons and Senate. Which is suificient guanantee ta per- mit full and free expression ai biis vievis. It may interest you ta know that more of us are married today than ever before in Can- adian history. This is one ai the regular discoveries of the Bureau of Statistics. whicii keeps records ai everytiiing irom gir- dl, sales ta mousetraps. In the 1956 census-latest availabe- 65.8 percent oi us neported we'd tied the. knot, up irom 64.2 per- cent in 1951, 57 percent in 1941 and 51.6 percent in 1891. Untanio is thie "most married" province oi all, vith a rate ai 68.7 percent. B.C. and Aberta are close behind, foliovied by Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia and Newi Brunswick. Thie loy men (and viomen) are Que- bec, Yukon, Prince Edward Is- land and the Nortiiwest Terri- tories. Tii. rate in the ternitor- ies: 56.8 percent, down from 61 percent 15 years earlier. The Anctie's inigid tempera- ture, hoviever, probabiy have little ta do viith it. For, as evenyqne knows, two can live mare viarmly than one. C.W.L.Names Nominating Committee A nominating committee for the coming election ai officers vias named at the meeting a! the Cathoiic Woamen's League ueld in St. Joseph's Parisi Hall on Tuesday evening. Mn:. Tam Mastenson via: appointed chair- man, wîtii Mn:. J. J. Cuddahee and Miss I,,oretta Kilgannon as members of the nominating committee. The lst vice-president, Mn:. Stewart Chishoim presided in the absence ai Mrs. Wilfrid Mc- Lean, the president. Mrs. Jo.l Cooper, Mn:. John Sweep and Mrs. Lea Gaulai wera riamed to take charge ai suiscriptions for the. Catholic Registen. Plans viere completed for the St. Patrick's Day Euchre and Bridge ta be heid In St. Joseph's Paisi Hall on Tuesday even. ing, March 17. Attractive pnize: for mon and viomen vinnens wen. decidad upan. Mn:. Bert Payne was appointed convenor for the lunch. Miss Ma. Bottrel neported an the progress made by the Swing Cirelie making articles fer the. C.W.L. Bazaar. The sew- ing circia Teets every Tuesday evening at her hou:., Liberty Street. It vas decided that the Bazaar viii b. held on Satun- day aiternoon and pvening, Oct. 10. Mrs. Lea Gouiaii va: named ticket convenon for the: special draw.c Perfect, Score Sixteen-year-old Bruce Boy- man o! Enniskillen, Ontario, ha: made a perfect score ai 140 points in the Junior Judglng Contest held in connection with the Ail- Canadian Hoisteins for the current showi season. Bruce': iudgment agreed exactly with tint af the judges at Canada': leading fairs vha made the. officiai aviards. Bruce was ana o! aight competitors viho had perfect scores amongst the 595 4-H boys and girls froni ail parts ai Canada via took part in the. contiest. Bruce stood in the. top &r oup for shovimanship at the Achievement Day ai Durhiam County Dairy Cal! Club last summer, vii.tva yaars aga, he vian the T. Eaton Tnophy ion the, best Holstein cal! in the. club. His intenests include music, h. iaving taken honours in grade eight piano, as vieil as being a member ai hi: highi sciiool glee club. Zero Hour By Eve Eddy Yaungsters like zero veather fan good skating. But I ar nont a youngster and I don't skate. Besides, I had tao many zero hours during my teaching day:. At one school I via: canetaker as vieil as teaciier. Zero hour for me vas haii-past seven ln the, morning vihen I fumbled viith frozen fingers ta get t hat cold key in the, lock o! the. school-iiouse door. Then, once inside, 1 !aced my daily Waterloo-that big box stove! I have na knack at ligit- ing a fire. The procedure via: always the same. First the. ash- e: muse be scraped out viith a frosty-handied scraper and car- ried out ta tiie ash-pile viere a cold breeze invaniably svinled a cioud of ashes in my face. Hali an hour and haîf a doz- en attempts later I vould ac- tually get a fire stanted anld I viould begin ta thaw out. By half-past eight I viould have my coat off, my ink bottie thavied and ail things ready for the, day's prograni. I shall neyer fonget my struggles ta get the classroom vanr on those cold winter mornings. A good stoker could have done it easily but I couidn't seeni ta get tie hang o! it. My pay as care- taken vas ten cents a day. That via: the, winter of '29-'30 and teachers vere a dume a dozen. I iearned one lesson from iirst-hand expenience - don't put a coid door key in yaur rnouth vihen it is tan below zero. Tvio littie girls learned the ganie lesson the sanie way. On their vay ta school they stop- ped an th-e bridge and touched their tangues ta the iran rail- ing. It vas a very cald morning far below zero and their tangues stuck fast. some o! thqg ather chuldren ran ta schooi and told me. W. tried holding al aur bara iiands on the, bridge rail but it vas no use. r&:. William: came running with a kettie et boil- ing water but ah* was afraid Cobourg Rotary Club Hosts for Convention In Toronto This Weekcend This week, theo Rotary Club of X. L. Ruggles, President and Coorwill bs haut to over General Manager of the Bird- oothouand Rotarlani, repres- Archer Co. Ltd., Cobourg, willi çnting tbe 42 Rotry Clubs from preuide. Picton ta Fort CredUt, the According to Conference Brampton ta Guelph Atea all Chairinan Oliver Johns, the pro- of the 14 clubs lni Mtropolitan gram also will include the Gov- Toronto, aud up te Orangeville ernor'is Banquet and Bail on and Sheiburne, wben they meet friday evening: there will be at the Roal York Ifotol for a speclal programn put on by the their anrnual district conference. Wowlshop of the Cobourg Opera The principal speaker wilU bo and Drama Guild, and two To- Dr. Claude BlaseIl, of the Uni. ronto entertainers-Joyce Sul- versity of Toronto, wiio will livan and Jack McLean will speek to the gathering on r1i. alao be on the program. day noon. Gien W. Peaeocic At the Conference, a Rotar- representfing the. President oÏ Ian will be nomninated ta serve Rotary International, will be the as gQvernor of this Rotary Dis- gust speaker Friday evening. trict for the 1.959-60 fiscal year. Te Ssýturday Lunchon will He will take office on July lst. have as ito speaker, Mr. Paul 1959, as the officiai representa- Martin. Purpqas of the confer- tive of Rotary International, the ence, Cobourx Presiderit Lt world-wide organization of al Harp explained, la ta review Rotary Clubs in the. 707 district. the service work of the Rotary The new governor will be for- Clubs ln the district and ta mally eiected, along with more plan ways of lncreasing the et- than 200 other district govern- fectiveneu a o their future acti- ors representirig some 10,000 vities. Rot4ry Clubs in 111 countries, Conference semuions will b. at Rot4ry International's 1959 beld in the Royal York Hotel Convention, which will be held in Toronto. District Governor lin New York City in June. Compulsory Direction ln Effect Here Monda y Hog Producers ToId Eric Falli, Millbrooic, presIý dent <t the Durham Hog Produ- cers' Association atressed the need of ail members taking an active part in the organization, in hi, speech at the annual meeting held at the Townl Hall, Orono, on Tuenday aiternoon. Mr. Fallis reported on the woric accomplished during the past year. lie said the directors deserve special credit for their work in organizing, and getting people cut to vote during the hog plebiscite. The result was an 84.7 majanity in Durham for ta pour It toc close and it was no use either. Then Bill Loang, the black- smith, came wlth horse shoes hot irom the forge. With a stçady hand lie hung one over the rail between their two un- happy faces, then another on eacii side and they were soon free. They had sore lips and tangues for some days aiter. When I -came home aiter school on another zero day I found Mary Williams doctor- ing a stray cat which lay iimp and ehivering in a box by the: warm fire. She had thrown a pan of dish water out the back door and deluged the stray cat which was hunting for scrapa. It dash- ed inta the shed and up on the rafters wbere Its wet feet froze fast ta a crosscut saw. Mr. Williams and Mary car- rIed aaw and cat in ta the warm kitchen and got the cat lbase. Mary warmed it and towelled it dry. They fed It spoonfuis of warm mik and a certain mys- teriaus stimulant. But I arn sorry to say that story did flot have a happy ending. My bedroom, at the Williams' home was heated by a stovepipe iromn the box stove beiow. The stovepipe was rWght outside my bedroom door. I leit the door open by day but always bolted It at night because Mrs. Wil- liams kept the local stopping- place and she sometimes put traveilers ta sleep up the front stairs. Otherwise I was alone up front as ail the family siept up the back stairs. On-e night I was cold in bed. I had not heard any strangers corne upstairs so I decided to open my door and also get an extra quilt from the bed on the landing. Out I went, feeling my way in the dark, and pulled off a quilt. Two fur-buyers woke with wrathful roars. I dropped the quilt-and my dignity-and Skeda:ddl,,d! You might call that anotheri zero hour beeause in mny haste I collided with the stovepipes and dropped them, too. The two fur-buyers had to organize an emergeney work force ta put up the pipes. Weep- ing fnom smoke and shîvering with cold, they went at it and their language was anything but zero. A great many men shiver In the cold just because they ima- gined they had the fire of gen- jus. The Statesman Sold Ai Following Stores: Reg. tdmund'a Store, Bethany Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle T. gnwright, Newcastle S. )Srown, Newtçnville Porter's Gen. Store, Newtonville C. Pethiek, Enniskillen T. M. Slemon, Enniskillen F. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton Truil's Store, Courtice A . .Ribey, I3urketon Blyth's Gen. Store, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pantypool C. B. Tyrrell, Orono Wm. Turansky, Kendal Renclerson's Book Store, Oshawa goeum That Jack Bulit lUi. 4, Oshawa theq Hog Producers' Marketing Plan ta remain as it is for the Bruce Taylor, Enniskillen, gave the financial statement showing neceipts af $718, ex- penses amounting ta $410, leav- ing a balance oi $307. Don Sa- pies, Orono, and Clarence AI- lin, Newcastle, were the audi- tors. The. door prize was won by Murray Malcolm, Nestleton. Directars elected were: Cart- wright-Leslie Taylor, Murray Byers, Merrili Van Camp, Mur- ray Malcolm. Balfour Moore; Clarke-Don Staples, Gardon Wright, Bob Morton, Neil Mof-l fatt: Manvers-Chanles Morton, ]Floyd Stînson, Lawrence Sta- pIes, Ken Sinclair, Jack Wilson Art Rowan, Cavan - Leonardj McNeill, William Seymour, Erie Fallis, Harry McCamus, Russel Kennedy, Donald Lowes, Tom1, McCamnus, Herb Morton, Au- hrey Bland;, Dalington-Bi'uce Taylor, Keitii Ormiston, Albert Arnold, Don Lamb, Sid Cornish. Peter Vandervelt; Hopa-Mar- ley Wilson, Donald Morton, Lloyd Campbell and Elwood Gray. The. executive wiii be ai- .cted at the first meeting of the. board ai directors. Dele.gates appointed ta attend the. annual meeting ai the. On-I tario Hog Producens' Association ta be held in Toronto on Marc,î 1 16th and i7tii were Eric Fallis, Don Staples, Leslie Taylor and Howard Malcolm. Tii. alter- nates are Floyd Stinson, Don Lamb, Sid Cornish and Peter Vandervelt. Leonard Bayntan introduced Charles McInnis, president ai the Ontanio Hog Producers' As- sociation viho discussed the. di- rection program. He reminded the members that Durhami and- other s-ections ai Eastern Onî~- tario in Zone 2 will came under campulsory direction next Mon- day, Feb. 23rd j In an interesting address Mn. Mcîpnis spoke of the rejectloft of a plan the packers had want. ed for action selling. lHe pre- dicted that ai the feed anid pack- ing companies are getting inte hog producing that in the fu- ture hog producers might have to kili and seil carcasses. At pre- sent the producers cannot store carcasses but there is a possi- bility this might be changed. If so, when markets are unfavour- able they couid wait for them to improve, he said. Bruce Taylor gave a vote of thanks to Mr. Mclnnhs9 for his informative talk. Jim Boynton, the secretary of the Ontario, Hog Producers' Association al.-o spoke. He explained the elecq tion, and told of the importance of vertical integrationi in the hog business. There was a one hour discussion and question period. Turn OGd Furnituro Imi Cash with S T AT ES MAN C L AS SIF1E D S Phone MArket 3.3303 jAi 1 can get is -'DO IT NOW-WHY WAIT FOR SPRING' OSHAWA WOOD PRODUOTS CET THE BEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONqEY S - - - - - 'M' ,, - - --- - - w m 'D ~ p ~ ~ p p a HEADQUARTERS FOR ÀLL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS OSHAWA .WOOD PRODUCTS LIMITED 0 9 PHONES TO SERVE YOU e e BWLD NOW.. PAYMENTS START APRIL 30 UP TO 3YEARS TO PAY4 4 e MORTGAGES ARRANGED e Downtown Oshowc 84 SIMCOE ST. $QUTH - RA 8-1617 3OWMAN VILLE - MA 3-2130 Main Office and Showroomn COURTICIE - RA 8-1611 AJAX - ZIEnfth 2-9600 PAGE NMMM m im ,TMMDAT, m. le. leu i

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