THE eAinADYN STATEMMK ZWAIV!L, !TAPM Many Jobs Attributed To'Do IfNow' Campaign Norman Hodgson, Manager of of Labour, will this winter total the Oshawa Office of the Na- well over 42 million dollars. tional Employment Service to- Thev are: the metropolitan day announced an increase in conservation area projeet in the the number of men employed Greenwood and Glen Major area Iocally due to the winter em- north of Pickering, the Osha wa ployment "Do It Now" campaign creek and park clearing pro- and the municipal winter work jects. three sewer projects in incentive program. Oshawa. one storm sewer pro- Although he pointed out t1at ject and one park clearing pro- It was impossible to assess ex- ject in Bowrnanville, and brush actly the number of men directIv clearing of township roads in affected by projects of this ný Cartwright, Manvers, Port Perry ture he said that a feu- figuresanAax were available which could bc At the nmoment these projects directly attributed to the mi have contribiited directly to the As egads he Do : N~v"employment of 106 labourers cAspanrs heoDgon saNo\%," who \w-otild otherwise have beca cma t'- pr.od fronovemb unemployed t h r o ughout the inte pro roiN\tnb w %inter. It is estimated by Mr. 1een placed as1,, el nen adHodigson that thest, projects will bf th progr aam F: ,--o' r'~mer l onînuewell on imb April thus o6 theo ani . %cconrc iiuunting for rmany man hotîrs 16 toJanua- 1., 30,oortlabour. placed. arnd dNIr: crv r. lHodgson stressed the im- Jadinual 43me6 Io e airportance of the -inter employ- acdiioal4 mn.ha ztcre ment project pointing out that j6hs under the sqwcshne %hen men are îîncmployed dur- There are severa' proiJe,ýtz un- ing the off season it is the corn- der way in Oshawai and distrI"ct munity in general as wl as the which qualify for provincial anl men themnselves who suffer and federal aid under the municipal that for the general welfare of winter works incentive progr-am our commun.ity it is most im- which, according to the Hon. portant that as many of these M~ichael Stan-, Federal Minister men as posible be employed. IWORK. WINTER' *IMPROVE YC NUoi BUDGET VOL IMPROVEM Eb UPTO WORK )UR HOME w JR HOME YTS HERE McGregor Hardware Limited 95 KING ST. W. q.- *difttr WeSP IeI MA 3-3386 I s "DO Il NOW!" You wiII be acting in your own best interest, and at the same time be helping your com- munitY, if you get your repairs, remodelling, interior decoration, maintenance and dlean-up work done now. During the present seasonal luil, qualified workmen are seeking work and waiting to serve you. Men and material s are available NOW They may be hard Io gel nexi summer WHY WAIT Do IT NOW For information call your local National Employment Office 22 Albert Stréeté, Oshawa Rkmdolph 5-3581 Jwho arrivd from Massachus- etts in 1793, and settled near the present city of Oshawa. Jeremiah Aninis, the father-in- law of Mrs. Annis, moved and setbled in Scarborough in the year 1820. The familv bas re- sided there sinco that time. Mrs. Aninis, left ber homo aine years ago ta make her homo witb ber daugbter and son-ia- law. W. Harold Gibson of New- castle. Due ta failing bealth she bas been at Strathaven Nursing Homo for the past five years" She is survived by one daugbter, Grace. The funerai service beld on Thursday, February 12 at the Nortbcutt and Smith Funoral Home, Bowmaaville, was con- ducted by Rev. Harold Turner. The palîbearers were, Mr.î Chas. Mason and Mr. Bort Ken-î nedy of Agincourt, Mr. Fred Ma- jor, Whitevale; Mr. Thomas Harding, Milliken; Mr. Alfred Greeawood, West Hill, and Mr. W. T. Heron, Pick ering>% Interment was at Washingtonj Cemetary Scarborouh. wbere the service was in charge of Dr. IStephen Mathers. Headlines- Create Stir Among Liberals cScreec/i (9wL fly John James and Barbara Brown Girls' Basketball At the tournament in Picker- ing last Friday night, the Jun- iors won one and lost one. Tbey won àgainst OCVI 20-10. Nelle Witvoet was the leading scorer with 8 points and Donna Bragg had 6. Ia their second game, Donevan won 13-1l. Linda Rackham scored 6 points and Donna Bragg 3. The Seniors' won against OCVI 15-1l. Barb. 1 Brown was the leading scoror i with 6 points and Marilynj Housiander had 5. la their se-1 cond gaine they tied with Don- evan 7-7. Marie Coonev scoredi 3 points and M. Buttery, Elva Reid, B. Hughes and B. Brown each scored 1 point,. The Bible reading the last two weeks lias becîî done bv Mary Ana Heavoysege, Eleanor Heard. Mosten Howells. Gartii Taylor, Wayne Thertell, BillI Osborne, Owen Scott, Maril 'yn Houslander and Joyce Fisher. Our annual At Home was beld last Fridayv and was a great success. The auditorium wvas at- tractivel -v decorated iin a "Win- ber Wonderland- theme. In the centre of the floor, there was a huge snow-man sitting in a; red sleicb. Tho gym was gaily done in Pink, green and white1 streamers and baltoons. The r2- ception lino consisting of Mr. and Mrs. L. Dippoîl, Mr. and Mrs. L. Lucas. Mr. and Mrs A. Witherspoon, Mr. and Mrs. A. Strike, Myrna Peterson and Charlie Trim. welcomed about ono hundred and fifteen cou- pies. Thanks should be given to the Stiîdcnts' Council, the Ath- ietic Societies, the art classes and the home oconamnic classes, who helped ta make the formai so successful. The Sevenaires provided delightful dancing mu-1 sic and Marjorio Bruder sang 1 our theme "Winter Wonder-, land" and an encore. Exam time bas rolled around agala. They begin on March 2 so start studying now. Lucky Grade 13 don't write any exams until May. The Students' Counicil would like to thank everyone who belped ia any way with the At Home dance. Students are reminded that the Interscbool Talent Exchange nigbt will1 be held at Pickering on April 1Otb. Sevea schools will take part in this event so let's have B.H.S. well ropros- Gra;Oides 11 and 12 were excus- ed from school Tuesday after- nooon ta see a special matine at the show. The picture was "Tale of Two Cities" wbichj Grade 12 are taking this yearl and Grade 1l took it hast year. Admission was 30c. After a hayoff of two weeks, the boys' basketball teams have two games this week. Thev played in OCCI Tuesday after - noon and wiIl meet Pickering, ia Pickering, on Friday evea- ing. Game time will be 6:00 p.m. The teachers wiil give it another ta-y at- Orono Arena this Saturday night. This time they Ihave a ferocious 4tb place team in the Midget Town league ta compote against. In the game two woeks ago, Mr. Munday's team dofeated Mr. Sberidani's team 5-3. This Saturday's game starts arouad 5:00 p.m. J. Coulter 'Ains High Honors in Singing Exams Mr-. J. H. Dewdney, examiner for the Royal Conservatory of Music examinations in Lindsay rocently awardoéd ;a Pontypooli Liberals Elect Glen Fry As Bowman ville Pres. During Annual Meeting The largo crowd present at the annual meeting of the Bow- manville Liberal Association was indicative of the forward surge of Liberalismn in Ontario under the leader-ship of John Wintermeyor, Ivan Hobbs, the î-tiriag president, stated in wel- caming those attending. The meeting was hcld at the Lions Commu ni tY -Centre. Eleet New Prosidont Glea Fi-y was elected prosi- dent of the Bowmanvillo Liberal Association for the caming yoar. Others elected w-ero Mayor Wil- frid, Carruthers, lst vice-presi- dent: Lawrence C. Mason, 2nd vice-president; Dr. H. B. Rundle, 3rd vice-president, and Mrs. Ro- -bort Kent, secretary-treasurer. Members, af the organiziag comn- mittee7 will be appointed iby the exocutive. It was dcided that the executive will also appoint an assistant ta Mrs. Kent. E. R. (Ted) Woodyard, Liber- al candidate for Durham in the next Provincial election, made a stirring appeal in a bni ad- dross. Ho drew attention; ta the iadecisiveness of the Frost gov- crament' reg.arding the many pa-obhems with whicnh it is faced. Ma-. Woodyard emphasized the need oi the province for a forth- right business like Liberal ad- ministration. Robent Kent introduced the special s p ea ker, Arthur J. Brown, Toronto, presideat of the East-West Subway Associa- tion. Mr. Kent told ofMr Browa's extensive experienco in the field of education. He is a past prosideat of the Toronto Board of Education. Ho is also chairman of the Ca.mmittee of Stewards of the Xonge Street United Cburcb, a past president of the Bay-Bhoar Association, and in 1957-58 was president of the Moi-chiants Committee. Mr. Browa's wife, Jean MacKenzie Brown, is the Liberal candidate ia St. George, Toronto. 50 Vears Out of Date The appalmig stato of educa- tion in Ontario was denounced iby Mr. Brown. Ho stated that Dr. Dunlop, the minister of ed- ucation, is 50 yoars out af date, andi referred to the statoments of the minister concerning a re- tua-n ta the littl'e red scbool bouse. Mr. Brown said that 1,200 toachers in thîs province lack the minimum requiroments for their job. Ho paiated out that if a single hawyor, or doctor, who was not fully gualified, wore ta practice in Ontario thero wouid be a public outcry. He termed iA deplorable- thèt the province's fD"TD most important asset, the child- OBIT.UIRY.. ren., should flot have the best teachers. MRS. CHARLES HANVCK Lowering Standards Mrs. Charles Hancock o "The minds of our children castie died et the hom okt ir are being moulded by unquali-j daughter, Mrs. Wilb-n Teeple, f ied people. Yet the Conserva-I Wellington Street,F anville,. tîve government does nothing. on Monday, Feb. 1 E 59. She The only solution for this situ- \vas in her 8lst y e Thougli, ation offered by Frost is a pro- 1 she had been in poor health for posai to solve the unemployment many years, Mrs. Hancock was problem by urging people, who onlY sý2riousl.v iii a short time are out of wvork to enter the before lier passing. teaching profession, "Mr. Browvn Born Bessie Adair, the de. stated. He remarked that the ceased was a daughter of the government is lowering the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert standards of education, Adair of Bowmianville and livcd The speaker criticized the here uiîtil her marriage. Most Frost governiment in conne-ctio of her niarried life was spont wit th los f sme f he estinClarke Township and New. wxrcth thelsdofnsOmnoftharbctcastle. She vas a member of aiutral Hand inedottatNewcastle United Church and rindustndy n he poiagaourat- a hf emember of the Women's ric lndinth Nigaa en jMissionary Society of that insula had been takon over for church. industrial sites for fa1ctoriesý Pezcae vhrhsad which could have heen Ms.Hacok eaestw du in many other places. Ms acc evstodu He drew the meetings atten - ghters. Mrs. Wilbert Teeple (Elizabeth) of Bowmanville, tion to the fact that there are and Miss Ruth Hancock of New. 85 administrative tribunals in 1castie, and a son. Adair Han. the province, and that the Gor- (cock of Mimîco. Also surviving don Commission has been ap- are a sister, Mrs. H. A. C. Jack- pointed to invostigate thom, Hoeo Coai)ofMntIk n. spoe o th bref ocet. pre- and two grandchildren, Mr;* pared by the Ontario Section of NcilIM ay (Catherine Teeple) of the Canadian Bar Associationi Peterboroulgb, and Murray Han. which presented the facts con- cock nf Mimico. cerning the plethoria of commis- Mrs. Hancock rested at thth sions, and the undemocratic Morris Funeral Chapel until lack of appeal from decisions Tuesda 'v noon. thon at her e- made by any of them. sidence in Newcastle whe "In the last eight rnonths funeral service v'as held on three departments of the govern- Wcdiiesla.v aflernoon, Feb. 18. ment have bad three ministers The Rex'. M. C. Fisher of Newv. each. "Mr. Brown stated. Ho castie Un ited Church officiatod. pointod to, the number of cabin- Palîbecarers were neighbours, et posts in thc Frost goverament. Messrs. George Gaines, Jack 'There are 98 members in the Wade, Gordon Gray, Brcnton Ontario Legisiature, 84 are Con- I ickard, George Zwicr aud servatives, and there are 21 cab- Charlie Cowan. Interment was mnet posts.' ho said. Ho added in Boxrnanville Cemetery. that in Ottawa where there are 265 members there are only 23 cabinet positions. Ho called on Liboral workers to have the determination ta spread their beliefs for the good of Ontario. Ho empbasized that . the Liberals have the four fact- ors needed to win the next pro- vincial election, and enumerated them as: a good cause, an ex- cellent leader, fine candidates and efficient organization. Mr. Brown paid tribute to the Lib- oral candidate in Durham, Mr. Woodyard. WghaI Others Say IF YOUR PARTNER DIES... wilteflrm be endangered? FARM INSTABILITY Will ýessenti9l capital ho with- drawn; a stranger forced upon Calgary Albertan. 3-11 la his place; settiement No industry is more hazar- difficulties with bis widow en- dous than farming. If a bail ccuGinterpd? Business assurance storm strikes, or the crop is with the Sun Life Assurance dcstroyed hy drouth, not onlyi Compa.ny of Canada will safe- is there no income for the year gua rd .vour firm from sucli but there are hcavy expenrs es evefltualities. just the same. Taxes silhav Protect Your own firm ... Cali ta be paid, machinery payet me today. met, and so on. Farma econamists and poli- I Bne asn ticians have been botbered Y B ne Pas t this ever since the West was Rpoettv opened up. Could any sortof ersnavt insurance scheme be devised MA 3-3258 53 ~.St. to proteet the farmer against Bowman'ville loss of crop? 4 i I BE A PART 0F THE 111? TNOW Ç.AMPAIGN W Wr-mup Climb, on the Band Wagon You too are welcome to use our budget plan 6 - 12 - 24 or 36 months to pay No payment until April 3Oth We wilI measure your job and give you a detailed sketch of how the work could be done Th is is Unique The service represents hundreds of bouses and is a compilement of the outstanding homos in al price classes that have been huiît across Canada in the last few years. A complete set of Plans and Specifications for Eleven Dollars. sur&AL BM L Do it Yourself Basement Recreation Rooms have heen a specialty with us for many years. We are qualified to guide you on the many important phases of framing below ground level. Take advantage of this LUBER SHEPPARD Am DA NOD III LUMBTER 96 Kig St E. owmavill We can arrange for one of our good Contractors to do it for you Check List Insulation Storm Sasb Extra Closets Garage or Carport A New Fonce Tule Floors Renovate Kitchen Modern Bathroom Recreation Room A New Roof Additional Room MArket 3-5715 BRAWINC NUE PRINT 'SERVICE TE 0 PAGE TWENTE Du ring the annual meeting of BowrVanvi11e's Liberal Association on Thursday, quite a stir was created when one of the members produced a late edition of a Toronto paper. It featured the news just released that several top Conservatives had made tremendous profits out of Northern Ontario Natural Gas Stock. This photo showvs newly elected President Glen Fry, Provincial Candidate E. R. Ted Woodyard and guest speaker Arthur J. Brown checking the huge headlines. MAT, PM. "tli, Io Bowmanville 96 Ring Si. E.