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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1959, p. 2

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if z jr.- e- z ~ w- .- -~ z ~-- *... -.~. --.. - PAGE TWO1 Present Brief to Frost B &P U rges Penal1 Reform A group off womnen represent- ing the Business and Profession- al Womnen's Clubs off Ontario m-et Wednesday, Feb. 4th with Premier Frost and some off the rnembers off the Ontario Cabinet ta* discuss a number off matters on which legisiative or gaverru- mental action had been reques- ed at the Ontario Conference off Business and Professional Wo- rnen's Clubs. Leading the dele- gation wvas Miss Nazla Dane off TXoronto, Ontario President. Speaking in connection with womnen and juvenile offenderi, with reference ta specifie reso- lution- off the Business anid Pro- fessional Womnen's Clubs off On- tario in regard ta Penal Reform, Mrs. Margaret Whitney off East 'Toronto, chairman off the Panel Reforni Commnittee, urged aga'n that the Federai Juvenile Delin- quentsý' Act be proclaimed for the entire province and that juvenile-and-Famiily Courts be constituted in thase judicial areas which stili lack thern. The Act has flot yet been proclaim- àcd for Lanark Counity or Vie- -toria-Haliburton Counties, and ilhere are no Juvenile-and-Famn- i1v Courts in these two areas. Shý- also requested that action be taken on thair request off January 21, i958, that the age limit for juveniles ta whom the Federal Act applies be raised fromn "under 16 years" ta "4un- der 18 years". Mrs. Whitney suggested that the change bel adopted first for girls, as the DRAPERIES BROADLOOM DRAPERIES By The YARD VENETIAN AND CLOTHBLINDS CUSTOM MADE DRAPES DRAPERY RODS AND TRACKS INTERIOR DECORATI-NG SERVICE Howard Vice Proprietor TELEPHONE OSIIAWA RA 5-3144 926 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa increase in numbers would be small and little difficulty would be encountered. It was recomn- mended that the province as- sume the costs of administra- tion, services and Detention Homes of the Juvenile-and Family Courts throughout the province, with a view ta im- proving the standards of those in the more impecunious areas. Some assistance has been given for a number of years ta a f ew are as. Discussing Penal Reform for Women, Mrs. Whitney statedt that no appointments had been made of women pr-obation oUfi- cars ta serve the aduit courts a, London and Sault Ste. Marie. Statistics showed that an un- usually high percantage off worn- en passing through the jails in those communities continue ta be first offenders, the type off offander toward which the On- tario Probation Act is primaril.v directed, and the ones who wouid benefit n3ost ffrom pro- bation. The delegation reciuasted that, until suitable personnel were L.vailable and other arrange- ments for the proficient hand- dling off offenders were com- plated, the opening off the On- tario Women's Training Centre at Brampton be postponed. It aise continued ta raquest that a suite ble wornen with profea;- sional training be appointed Di- rector off Reform Institutions for Women and Girls. It was feit that this was needad more than ever at this time off ex- pansion of facilities for female offenders. Stili continuing their crusade against air pollutlïm, Dr. Mar- guerite Bailey off Toronto, chair- man off the Air Pollution Com- mittee, brought to Mr. Frost's attention the recommaendations passed at the Ontario Confer- ence that the two-year period allowed for implamentation off changes aftar the passing off the by-iaw in R community ha deleted frorn the Act, as thîs scamed ta be allowing too much tima ta make the requircd al- terations ta aquipment, and that the exemption off damage by suiphur fumes ini the Damnage by Fumes Arbitration Amend- ment Act 1958 ba delated. Dr. Bailey stated that damage ta vegetation around Trail, B.C., had been greatly lassaaned since the smoka ffrom the smelters was scrubbad with ammonia and suiphurie acid extracted thereffrom. Mrs. Jean Goodhue off the Chatham Club brought ta the Government's attention that the Business and Professional Wom- an's Clubs off Ontaria were con- tinuing ta press for the exten- sion 'of the franchise ta urban dwaliers on the same basis as ta rural dwallers, and to urge the Governmant ta remove the limitations ta this as contained in Bill 160. Many clubs have been active in persuading local govarnmants ta includa a refer- endumn question at their next civie election in this connec- tion. President Nazia Darie stated that great disappointment was volced by the B & PW Clubs off Ontario that a woman bad not been appointed as a member of the Ontario Hospital Services Commission. Since such a large proportion off the people servie- ed by this Commission are wo- men and the area served one in whlch woman are particular- ly concerned, it was unanimous- ly resolved at the Ontario Con- ferencq ta again petition the Government off Ontario ta ap- point a qualified woman as vice- chairman off the Ontario Hospi- tal Services Commission and women commissioners ta a num- ber ini due proportion ta the number off women who will I)e afffected by the new hospital plan. Disappointment was alsa exc- pressed bp Miss Dane that a woman had not been appointed te the Ontario Anti-Discrimin- ation Commission constituted in March 1958 ta function with respect ta The Fair Eniploy- ment Practices Act (1951), The Female Empioyces Fair Remun- eration Act (1951) and The Fair Accommodation Practices Act (1954), as requestçd by the- B & PW Clubs off Ontario in a letter ta Premier Frost on March 26, 1958. "These Acts," said Miss Dane, "affect a large number off Ontario women and a qualiffiad woman on the Com- mission would be lielpfui, in lin- proving tha administration off the Acts, and in devaloping and conducting educational pro- grammes dasigned ta give the public knowledge off them". Regarding the training or ra- training off aider workers, Ms3 Joan Wilson off Guelph, chair- man off the Employrnent Condi- tions Committee, said that there had been sorte corraaspond- ence betwean Miss Elsie Gre- gory MacGill, immediate past president off the B & PW Clubs off Ontario and the Hon. Dr. W. J. Dunlop, Minister off Educa- tion, regarding the impleman- tation off Schadula "M" off the Dominion-Provincial Vocational Training Agreement off the Fad- erai Vocational Training Ca-or- dination Act. The cost off train- ing, re-training, or raffresher training off older persans ta meet the naeds off business and industry would ba equally shar- ad by the Faderai and Provin- cial Govarnments under this Act, and a large group off po- tantial workars could be added te Ontario's labour farce. It was recommandad that a permanent committee ha set up so that speady action couid be taken ta initiate specifie training in oc- cupations where thera is a de- mand for workers. Spaakîng off the nead ta ease the tax burdan on widows and orphans under the Ontario Suc- cession Dutias Act, Miss Elsia Gregory MacGill off Toronto commended the action off the Legisiative Assambly in Increas- ing from $1.500 ta $2,500 the amount that may be paîd from each insurance policy ta a nam- ed bcnafficiary upon proof off death and without officiai ra- lease, but stated that it was the feeling off the Ontario Confer- enca that other amendments raquestad in the briaf presant- ed last year should be impie- manted. Thase includad the adoption off the faderai practice re Quick Successions, gifts, and the inclusion off brothers. and sisters off the decaasad in the preferrad classes; that deduc- tions off $50,0000 be aliowad for prafferrad benefficiaries; and where one-haif off the deceased husband's estata passes ta bis widow, that, for tax purposes, one-haif ba concaded as having bean earned by bier and, thera- fore, be not subi ect ta succes- sion duty. The dlgation again advised Gentlemen: May I add mny sincere con- gratulations te those off othars, baving reference ta the bonour awarded to the "Statesman" ra- J ferred ta in your issue off Fab- ruary 12tb-first page. Your fine publication is de- serving off every honor-It lasa ful off interst-and I anjoy every "inch" offItL Sincerely yours, Hazai M. Warlng Tlmberidga Trail, Gates Milis, Ohio, Dea JoinFeb. 10, 1959. For a long time now I have been going ta write congratula- tions ta you an your staying on with the Statasmnan. You are doing a fine job. My husband and I appreciate the home pa- par as one off aur Christmas gifts from ,Mam and Dad, more than I can say. Hie may flot cnjoy the differ- ant locality news as I do, but dees enjoy the editorlal page, Ed Smilay and Eisie's coiumns, 1 might add so deoaur friands for 1 do leave bhc Statesman lympg around for aIl te see and enjoy, ib certainly puts aur lar- ger papes-a haro to shame @In many ways. 1 enjoy the adi as welI, for lb la well worth the time com- parlng .he bwo cauntries, prices, etc. In your paper a short titme ago somethlng was said regard- ipg succession cluties, young9 or oI cannot affford ta die. flera taxes are such one can hardly efford to live. Best wishes for bbc future suces off your paper and also for the town o! which so many of uâ are se proud off having lied grent 8,ssciations with, in the past, and hold dear Wo us always. Sincerely, Ms-s. Vas-na Switzer, (Nea Pethick) Free! Freel1 - R - 'CrAWAD!IAN TATESMAN. EOW?4MmKVLL, ONTARIO the Govrnmnent of the B & PW Conference reciuest that amend- ment to the Ontario Jurors Act je sought to repeal Section 3 (a> which provides that jury mervice mnay be optional for women. Miss Irene Helmer of St. Catharines in presentlng this brief stated: "It is not fair to the men who are called for jury service that womnen may elect not to serve". She stated that she was sure that any rea- sonable excuse made by awom- an would be approved by the Judge, as it ls now approved for men, and no hardship would be incurred b-v the womnan's home and family. Others present and taking part in the discussion were: Education Minister. Dunlop, Minister of Planning & Devel- opnient Nlckle, Miniâter of Re- form Institutions Wardrobe, Minister of Municipal Affairs Warrender and Robert Macau- lay, representing the Govern- ment of Ontario; and the fol- lowing members of the Busi- ness anid Professional Women's Clubs of Ontario; Jo Koenig andl Thelma Patten, Leaside; Mary Macaulay, Toronto; Milta Oka, Veronica Murphy, Trecia Kyle and Helen Armstrong, North Toronto; Alderman Mary Wood, Brantford; Mrs. Gordon Canant and Jennie Pringla, Oshî- awa; Mrs. Lillian Biren, Wood- stock; Mrs. Jessie Black, Bram- pton, and Pearl Creaso r,tIna Anderson, Margaret MeItoh Jeannette Beach, Dora Rich- aards, Vera Lawrie and Edna Childs, off Hamilton. Miss Dane thanked Prime jMinister Frost for bis courteous and sympathetic reception off the delegation. Business Direclory Âccoulliancy_ RAY J. DILLING Certified Public Accountant 93 Church Street MArket 3-3861 WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accouintant Second Floor New Library Building Cor. King and Temperance Sts. Phone MArket 3-3612 YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auditors Licensed Trustee in Bankruptey 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa, Ontario B. L . Yale, C.A. F. Friedlander, B. Com., C.P.A. MONTEITH - MONTEITH RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants 1 135 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa RA 5-3527 J. P. tonteith, MP., F.C.A. A. B. Monteith, B. Comm., C.A. G. W. Riehl, C.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. C h ir op r actc G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Ofc: Chiropractor 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment D e nia1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. dally Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S. D D S. Office in bis home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. dally Phone MA 3-5604 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephone MA .3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barriâter, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanville Plhones» Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA 1. HODGINE Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St. - Bowmanville E. RICHARD LOVEIUN UJ.E., B.A., LL.B. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2248 Consultation by appointment oniy. W. KAY LYCETT, 111. Barrister and Solicitor In the offices of R. R. Waddell, Q.C. Main Street, Orono, Ontario Friday, 7 p.m. to 10 p.Ms. Saturday: 9 a.m. ta 5 LZUOY JHAMILTON - QgQNo Phone 1 r 16 Virât Mortgalge Funda Residences - Farma Business Properties KEITUI A. BILLETZ Optometrlst 141 King St. B. '- Bowmpnville Office Hours: By Telephone M4rliet a-3352 Moriday tg Saturday 9 a.m. te 5 p.m. Wednesdays: 9 ta 12 Thursday eveningsq Two New Engines Feature Lork and Silver Hawk The two new enginas which as a reauit of the higher corn- will power the new Lark series I pression ratio. and the evar-populer Silver1 Other changes ln the 1959 Six Hawk modals are a vital part1 Include redes igned pistons ffor off the Studebaker story for greater strength, a new carbu- 1959. retor with autematic choke and "Tbey thought it was impos- new 'hat-type" carburetor si- sible ta maka aur six-cylindar ilancers for improved air flow. engine smalaer, and at the sarne The sharter pistons reduce pow- time improve car performance er-robbing friction inside the -sa we did,"' said E. J. Hardig, angine and rio langer need the chief angineer for Studabaker- aid-style- slotted skirt. Pack~ard. The naw carburetor làs ane of "Ib took a lot off hard work the inost efficient units ever and a lot of time,'" ha said, used b-v Studebakar, Hardig "wbiie wa radesigned the c'y-1 said. Throat size is reduced, lind-rr ead over and over [jets' calibrated for maximum again until wve found the an-I econormy and power enrich- swar'". ment contrais are completely Hard'g said that Studabakar, modernizad. wanted'an angine which would Oid-sty.le carburetors, lb was run effficiently on regulnr gasa- said, wasta fuel by mixtures line, whicb costs about tan par baing apriched the moment en- cent less than pramium fuels. gina vacuum falls ta a pre-set "We wanted It ta ba quietar point. This could occur on long than ther ig cmpresihis or during normai traffie thaine ostfhihcompresiondriving. The 1959 Studebaker tendancy ta, knock from shock abrtrhs h oe av wavas in the combustion cham- cantrolied b-v both vacuum and b.r"said Herdig. extreme gressure on the throt- be" ta tueakrstla padal. e saicof theatio Stu ea er's As a resuit, most drivers will econmy ff peraionis venseidom cail on the carburetor furthar improved by the ncw;ý for expansive maximum pow- 169.6-cubie inch L-haad six and an improved shortad strok-c er mixtures unless needed for 259- cube inh V- an passing or amargency use. The six cylindar devu--Iops 90 ".B st of ail," said Hardig, horsepawar at 4,000 revalu- "our new angines do every- tions par minuta with a torque, tingwa planned." rating off1145 et 2,000 lie said that comparative The V-8,, with standard twýA*o- test:-,betWaan the naw 1959 six barrai carburetion, develoins cylinder and the 1958 angine 180 borsapawer et 4,500 r.p.m. showed naar2y a 20 % improva- witb a torque rating off 260 etj ment în Performance wîth the 2,800 r.p.m. new engine at 35 miles an bour, The V-8 with optional four- -Plus an 8 par cent improvement barrai carburetor and dutai ex- ini fuel aconomny, in convention- bausts devaiops 195 horsepow- ai third gear between- 30 and er et 4,5100 r.p.m. with a torque 35 miles par hour. rating off 265 et 3,000 "With overdrive," said Har- The new six bas an improv-j dig, "the new Six shows a ed combustion chamber desigyn bettar then 8 par cent fuel with a shortar stroka, plus a econoiny improvement in the highar 8.3 ta 1 compression ra- vital 30 ta 60 mile an bour tioaend new carburetion. The range, whare moe out-off-tawn rasuit is maximum economy drivi ng is dona." and darability, combined withn smooth, lively performance. More efficient twc)barîi-1SOLIN i compression ration elhnc the ovar-ail performance an 'nie Wôman's Instituta mat economy off fle improved V-3 Thursdey night witfl. naarly 40 power plant. For those desiring prasent. The prasidant, Mrs. E. more power, duel exhausts and R. Taylor, conductad opening four-be'rral carburetors arle exercisas and business discussion a veilable optionally on V-8 mo- pariod. Plans ware made ta ar- dais. range transportation for the 4H "Onc thefinal cylindar haad Club girls and their leaders ta on tha Six was dynamameter- the AheeetDya aa provad," said Hardig, "we n-th latter part off this month. stalled a stif fer crankshaft ta ThaeEst graup bas arr.angad a shortan the piston stroke. This card perty in the hall on March accomplisbad two things - tha 6. pistons have lass distance ta The leader off Group 3 with slida for eveary mile off car tra- Educetion as the thama off the val and angine dispiaceniàent is program, Mrs. S. Milîson than raduced." . took ch-arge. P. Davis entertein- Hardi% said the naw Six was ed with selections on her accord- more ecbonical bacausa off the ian. Comments on the motto, reduction in size, more effficienit , "Tha abject off taaching a child copc1et 1 5- 1 1 1 - The new stationt wagon wilh 1h. masilmont for the leasi money! OU PICSON NEW LARK $19 SMODELS START AS LOW AS... *~ Doris likes people Two brief, but interesting, quotes sum up Doris Quilter's career with The Toronto-Dominion Bank- "an exceptionally capable girl" (from her manager) and, "I thoroughly enjoy my work" (from Doris). Presently master ledger keeper at the Wyandotte and Ouellette Branch in Windsor, Doris first joined "The Bank" in Stratford ini 1942. Well-trained, capable and helpful, Doris Quilter i8 stili another example of the friendly, courteous people you'll find at your nearby branch of The Toronto-Domini*on Bank. Drop in son andsec why .. people make the difference at TOROtNTOg-DOMINION THE BANK THAT LOOK$ AHCAD B. L BURK, Manager, Bowmanville Branch EXCLUSIVE DISTRIDUTORSHIP Immediately Available Thi s 1s an unique opportunlty for an aggresuIve person or company ta become the exclusive distributor in this county for an outstanding new eand indispensable produet manufactured by Honeywell Controls Limiled The prospective distributor must be in a position to purchase an initial stock In the amount of $1,294.00. Thera ill be oniy one dîstributor appolnted for a county and the territory is fully protected under cantract. Furthermore, tihe company wquld supply, at no charge, ail necassary advertising inaterlal, sales promotion, demonstration kits and local and national advertlsing. The amazing publia aceeptance of this produet makes It one of the best sellers to corne along In the last few years. Names of present distributors wili be submitted upon request to parties who are sincerely Interested. Inquiries weia'omed f rom business eoncerns as welI as private Individuals. This may be the opportunlty you have been waiting for. Applications wiil be handied In strict confidence. If you feal that you can handie this proposition, write today without obligation, tivlnc your name, address and 'Phone number to:- VEGA SALES COMNPANY LTD. DEPT. 'IF" - 4800 DUNDAS STREET WEST - ISLINGTON, ONTARIO BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas at Vigor Oil SERVICE STATION CORNER 0F MAN VERS ROAD AND FlnfT CONCESSION Phone MA 8-2$Je Double Slamp Day Every Tuesday - Corne Out and S. 0Our Display of Oifts- Complet. Lubrication at a Reasonaible Prie. ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PRICE ON TIRES STOVE (ML AVAILABLE IN AN'! QUANTIT'! AT THE STATION OPEN CEKNs AuD SUNATS 1 la to enable hlm te ept along witibout a teacher," were well given by Mrs. E. Cryderman, a formner teacher. The guest speak- er off the evening Wvas Rev. W. Logan off Enniskillen, His sub- jeet "The Christian aild the Law," proved educationil and interesting. Mrs. Ross Cryder- man conducted contesta and a deliclous lunch was served. Several Sauina ladies attended the World Day of Prayer ser- vice on Friday et Hampton. Mrs. Frank Westlaka, Jr. and Mrs. J. Knox, assisted in the service. Congratuilations ta Anne \Ver- ry on p'assinig ber Grade 8 piano exam with bonours. Mrs. Stan Milison had charge off the mlssionary program on Sunday affternoon. [t included readings by Joan Westlake and Murray Yellowlees and recita- tions by Brian Knox and Glenn Milîson. Mrs. Milîson also read I Comeinni tidComocre! mm 1 tHUMDAY, TES. l9t," an article on Canada'sT Province, Newvfoundlancl. Courtice Circuit BrolrjAJIoo4 will be guestu o! the ~toi% Circuit Brotherhood ai ld4 Feb. 25. Mr. E. Savag.wX %Osh. awa wili be guest speLJ i men off the commaunity .ii, vited, The Valentine Dance sponsor» ed by the Soccer Club wua~ very enjoyatoîe event ini the Community Hall with ak large crowd ettending. Jim Fisher'# Orchestra provided the mugie. The savere- ice-storm of the waakend caused many telephont lines ta be out off order and this Monday morning your carreg- Pondent is unable ta contact P eople, thereffore t.he columul jwill ha smaller than usual. The C.G.I.T. group met Set. urday afternoon. Affter tbe film "Africa Goes ta School,'" the giris worked on the layettes for j ý [Z.

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