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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1959, p. 5

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THUESDAy, TED. l9th, 1O5~ "M CANADAIAA W MM!YTT T --LUI &à>àlp" V l à-.W, -iÂTA l m- -v Durham Chapter, O. E. S., Celebrates 31sf Birthday Last Tuesday evening, Feb. 10, members of Durham Chapter, 181, Order of the Eastern Star, and d lsinguished guests celebrated the 3lst birthday of the Chapter. The I.O.O.F. hall xvas decarated in Valen- tine theme and a lovely birthdav cake graced the table. The officers are pictured abave. Front row, left to righlt: Mrs. Gladys Walkey, ,Adah; Mrs. Ermie Hallowell, Organist; l\rs. Florence Fergusan, Esther; Mrs. Meta Moffatt, Associate Matrôn, Mrs. Berneice Scott, Chaplain; Mrs. Isobel Reynalds, Marshal; Mrs. Audrey Martin, Ruth; Mus. Mabel Green- Thirfy - First Biîhday SCelebrated Here by Durham Chapter O.E.S. The I.0,0F. Hall was beau-r Harrv FrCeeni,1. A welcomin% tifully deccrated ýin a Valentine vocal solo was satng b.- Mr. setting on Tuesday evening, Nelike Prtngu. Mus. Edna An- Fcbruary 10, whcn Durharn dersoni, Past'Grand Matron, xvas Chapter, Order of the Eastern welcomnectanid eon-ratulated Star No. 181, celebratcd its 3lst uipon h2r clection ta the Grand birthday. lExectix' Commitice and pues- The Worthy Grand Patron, jented with a corsage, oinned on Mr. obet Coper an hi by Mus. Leola Thrasher, Con- Mic r. RobruCooper. ndsti.,ductress. ANso proenct xvere the DifstrDeuy CGran atrpresidirrg Vorthx- Matron, Mus.1 Distict eput Grnd Mtron arc Murexer, and Wor- Brampton, were honored guests ,rny Patron. Mr. William Aus-1 and werc welcomed mast sin-tn fPr ine swl s ceuely by the presiding Worth- Pt i of ors t Pe.atrwonsasd Matron, Mus. Eva Warren, and asmervr3 rois, P ast aosCaD presiding Worthy Patron, Mu r .~dPr oe ham, Martha; Mus. Amy Milligan, Warder; Mrs. Florence Tilîson, Associate Canductress. Back raw: l\rs. Helen Corden, Electa; Mrs. Beth Teeple, Secretary; Mu. Allen MT\offatt, Associate Patron; Mr. Haruy Fuee- man, Worthy Patron; Mus. Eva Warren, Worthy Matron; Mrs. Leola Thrasher, Conductress, Mrs. Vivian Pickard, Acting Treasurer. (Absent fuom the picture are Murs. Lola Freeman, Treasurer, and Mr. David Ail- lread, Sentinel). Eastern Star Heads at, Birthday Party During the c2rernonies Dur- hamo Ch-iîter was asked toaca- 1 cept a birthrlax- gif t tram th-e- Past Yiatuon-s CI-Lib-a Iectern for use on the Wo'thy Matron's jpedestaL. w mhich xvas made by Mr. M'm.Wr Founul, Past Patron~ of thie Chapter. Another beauti- fui l it \as prcsented ta the Chaptiir bx- Mis. Edna Ander- s;on. P.G.M., who made new ribbon roses ta guace the star- point 1":ow ,er bas;k-ts in their f4x-e r2spect1x-e colous. The Entle--tain nent Convener. Mus. Leola Thurasher, plannedi a ver'- d4ïgihtful puoguaro. The Worthiv Grand Patron, Mr. Cooper, \vu\- kindIv took tho place of ',U . Etel Sprar, Wou- t1w' Grarrci Matron, Duonvilie, w-ho w as' unable ta attend due ta ilines[n he' fami]y> , and the offie,-'rs doînced heart bonnets Present at the 3lst birthday party of Durhamn Chapter, Order of the Easteriz Star held on Feb. 10 \vas Mul. Robert Cooper of Brampton, Worthy Grand Patron. Pictured are Mlrs. Eva Warreni, Worîhv Matrlon;- Mu. Cooper; Mr. Harry Freeman, Worthy Patron; and Mrs. Edna Anderson, PGM -Photo by Rehder Iand presented a lovcly Valen- tine eeremony ta Mr. Coope. jI Ir-! ir Alsa on the pragram were two VWvâ%rd Day vocal solas beautifully rendered by Miss Margot Rankine. 1 e e A de.icious lunch, completei e e r l c witl brtnay cake, was pre- pared hy Mrs. Anne Stephen- son and her committee, ca-con- vencd by Mrs. Vera Allun. For T hase DAYS DURING LENT COTTAGE CHEESE RINGS 1 ibsp. Unflavored Gelatin 1/ cup Cold Water 2 cups Coltage Cheese (Glen Rae Dairy) 3/4 fsp. Sali 1 tsp. Sugar i tbsp. Lemon Juice 1/ cup Cream (Glen Rae Dairy) 1/4 cup Mayonnaise Fruit or Vegelable'Salad Soften gelatin in cold %'ater in top of double hoiler. Place over boiling water until dissolved. Combine remaiuing ingredients except salad; blend thoroughly. Add cheese mixture to gelatin. Pour into individual ring molds. Fill centres with fruit or vegetable salad. GLEN 98 RING ST. W. RAE DAIRY MA 3-5444 0f Protesta Womeno of the Protestant churkes in Bowînanville united in the aînnua I World Day off Puay ric îes held in St. An- drewsi Pres.bx terian Churuh last Friday afteunoon and ex-en- :oFr . 13. 'The prie tel fo n cf wexexas aclaptcd t'ram anc prpairCd by the w amen of IEgypt. Trie aifternoo imeeting wvas rond, ic'cd b-s lMirs. W. 1. Pater- sun. pros:dent off the Eveoing Axh n-v at St. Aidrew's. and the sp :'ker %vas i\Iu YJ.ID.C. Jack-,,ife of the mninker of St. AindiE-evs Presbyteuian Chrh at ('ob1u)trg. Leading tii- serv;ce in theeveoing uwas \Ius. W. B. Andre\x-s. \lus. IXu: jCoîbison of Tuinitx U ni t L-'d Churca gave thL ac1drers. MUrs. IL . S'1uv %vas genc'ral con- veno î'oai ce sel v ce.stu of jMrs. Jark look th lin-- o fhe be;gar blind frorn bir-a nca:ed Lib,.,-Je~sus, forng the~ trieme off thîs vear's service. arc- Lig th}e groth anud affirma- lion of lis faith. The man s n&gbiusudd ont bhieve th.' beggar xvas the sarne man an~d look hini before the ne hrsees. the rciianis leaders wvho w-ere suppo;,-d ta krow the answers la aIl qurostions an, religion. They raled nuto' he nman performning the mraulewuas a siffler, since it w-as peusormed on toc Son- bath, The congregatian of Jews-. hefore uwhomi he uas next qai?- zed taok the easy wvay out anîd said ihat the beggar xvas not t1e sarne mon. H:s awn parents, id2entifv-ing him, w7ouN!i take no responsibilitv as ta ho-x he wu; healed. T.-weie w o tataku- th'e pàbnrt\ but noithtie ruane of boing catiout k- :Ce co- grega',.on.- sa.J Mus.. Jack. --D - e 'n, ~ ns.k i ~nt.i:~todiÀà 2 iTae b.;gr, Of P rayer by Women !flf Churches 1 bowex'er, w-as convinced that h is benefaî-tor was a mon af God, and oni meeting Jesus af- terw-vard said, "Lord, I believe," and worshipped rilm. Froin this w-c leaun that the beggar obe '-ed unquestianingly, and that he witnessed repeated- Iy%. -Does aur faith mean evervthing ta us?" the speaker asked. "Are wc not otten blind ta the r.eeds of the sick, the Ionely, the clderly and th,- panI-; t aur awn 5105 off se- fishnesýs and self -righ teousness?' Like the beggar, may we be made ta sec Gad's plan, ta be- lieve and wouship Him in word and deeed, she concluded. ghost with resultant lack of On the platform in the after- YL VERTONALI.L service. noon rind taking. part in the! Congratulations ta aspiriflg service with Mrs. Paterson wvere1 Three more of this vicinity'si musicians who were successful Mrs. Gordon Scriver of the inhabitar.ts have begn indispos-'in passing their piano exams at Pentecostal Church; Mrs. F. ed ta the extent of being hos- recent exaininations in Bow. Kooey, Christian Reformned; pitalized-our good neighbour, manville - Miss Carol Stacey. Mrs. A. Hodgert, Salvation Ar- Mrs. W. H. Stinson was admit- i Grade 3: Doris Griffin, Grade 7«. my: Mrs. H. Smythe, St. John*s;: ted into Peterborouigh Civ;c1 Lloyd Wilson, Grade 8. No hon- Mrs. D. Armistead, St. Paul's; Hospitai this w'eek for treat- . ours tluis time? Slippin'? Mrs. S. R. James, Trinity. Miýss'nment and M'vr. Jacob Van Dam-1 Recent guests at the David Masters of St. John's, also took the genial jake, also hospitaliz- 1Wi]sons were Mr. and Mrs. Rav part, and prayers were given ed in Port Perry. Mr. Robert1 McGill of Oshawa. The Wilso '" by Mrs.' Bert Parker of St. Stinson of ne-ighbouring Lotus were recent callers on Mr. and John's; Mrs. Wm. VanderByvl,: was also removed ta St. Joseph's1 Mrs. Erie Capstick of Lindsay. Christian Reformed: Mrs. G. EÉ. Hospital, Peterborough, Satur- Eric had recent misfortunè of Leno, Pentecostal; Mrs. Wm. K. ý day. A speedy recovery ta thesa losing the ends of fingers off Housiander, Trinîty; Mrs. C. S. invalids. his lef t hand with a power saw Pollard, Salvation Army. Last Sunday guests at the at work. Miss Louise Osborne was at; Ralph Malcalms of Peterbor- the orzan and a beautiful duet, "IKnw y edemr ivs"ough, inicluded, Mr. and Mrs.1 HOW DOES THE FUTURE "I nowMy edemerLBell Rov \Vr;iht of Islingtan, the LOOK FROM WHERE was'sung by Mrs. James Bl Rae Malcoms of Janetx-ille, and YOUT ARE SITTING? and Mrs. D. S. Ferguson. In the the Harvev MaIcolms of you Tou can enjoy Security evening Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Fer- nwwee odPy-Avnenn gusan sang "Angels Ever Bright know where. S.No.1,dndP e-stig e en and Fair", accompanied at the PuisoS..N.1.adPete organ by Miss Leta Bragg. A their teacher, Mrs. Robt. Sisson, Enroil at once in the choir compased of choir meim- were hasts ta innumerable pre- Aduit Training Program bers of ahl churches taking part schoolers. their niammas, and of the led in the singing at bath ser- friends an FridaY for a Valen- vices.F tire Party. A good time was Ohw What Do We Believe? a by ail with the possible Speaking on the theme in the exception of the teacher. Business iCollege evening, Mrs. Collhson said, A rink of Yelverton curlers 111 Slmcoe St. S. "From the women 'of Egypt wvere present at Sunderland for RA 5-3375 cames aur servce and the mes- a bonspiel sponsored byCart- sage of our cail ta warship, 'I believe'. The great question is, what do we believe?", We believe in God, the speak- er said, that H-e is a powerful, intelligent, loving Being. We sec a universe of design and beautv,ý and wc sec multitudes of people in the world. What is aur relationship ta them? Uii- der al the differences. we he- lieve that wc are alike and therefore aur love and service should reach out toalal ma"i- kind. We believe in Jes-as Christ, that there were no flaws in His life and that bclievingi must try and shape aur lysa1 in Him. we become like Hi m. We must try and shape aur lves accarching ta His precepts. "Jesus said we must love our neighbour as aurselves. Thi~s raises the question, who is aur neighbour? From the story of the Good Samaritan we know that ail men are brathers," said Mrs. Collison. "In some small way through the Day of Pray- er we have found the secret of unity in spirit." Women of 140 Countries Since 1927 Canadian women of various denomînatians have jaincd with similar groups around the world until rîow wo- men of 140 countries unite in this service of prayer an the first Friday of Lent, Mrs. Call- son related. This service helps ta bring toîcrance and under- standing and a spirit of shar- ing with those who need aur aid. "On the iback of your puogramn you wi]l see how your money was distributed last year. EverY dollar tells a story of the pow- er off the pinted word made passible through your gifts. When wc give, may we give from the heart, and may aur prayers not end with this ser-r wrignt uurlers l.IDisplay of ability-pitiful. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Cook of Toronto, spent the we-kend with Aînt Em Henders. Mr. and Mrs. Ra ' Robinson,! Judy, Clare. QIentin and Dar-1 reli, were Sundav visitors itl the Ralphi Malcolms of Peter- borough. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. George Page of Bethanv who celebrated their 53rd wed- ding anniversary on St. Valen- tine's Day. Saturda 'v's ice storm provid- ed a nature's panorama of scintillating beauty for Sundav which even the least aesthetic soul would not. fail to admire and appreciate. The trees super- laden with ice crystals, with iimbra-drooping-a living per- sonification of tired blood (pos- siblY needing, a transfusion of "G-Eritol"> shi'mmered with their mnyriad diamonds ta hyp- notize indescribable beauty.1 IPenalty for this treat, disrupt- ed telcphone and hYdro service as weak aid uines give up the vice, but rise day by day n aur supplication be that al pea- pIe be anc in spirit," she con- cluded. Assisting Mrs. Andrcws in the service were Mrs. Alex McGre- gar of St. Paul's; Mus. R. Horni- gold and Mrs. J. -Ne3wman-St. John's; Mrs. F. Kooey-Chris-1 tian Refoumed, Mrs. Gcrtruac Adams - Pentecostai; M rs. J. Garvoçk-Salvation Army; Mrs. S. McMurter-Trinity. Taking the prayers wcre Mus. Arthur Bell -Pentecostal: Mrs. Capt. Norman Coles-Salvation Armvy; Mrs. E. R. Thompson- Trinity; Mrs. A. Vandergaast-- Christiani Reformed; Mrs. J. "LET GEORGE DO Il!" Specials in PERMANEN' WAVES Waved by: MARGARET SMITH JOSIE DEMAINE FROM MONDAY TO THURSDAY Reg. $1 0.00 ( 1 For ..... - -$ P g. $12.50____ 9 Reg. $15.00 1. For---- A SPECIAL COLD WAVI ai $5.95 Mr. Huyck wiII be here1 Tues., Wed. and Fri. to the steam and regular wav Phone 14A 3-5703 FOR APPOINTMENT Hu yck's 1 Hah-styling Studio 67 King St. W., Bowmanvil Special. for the Ladies!1 BANLON ~ SWEATERS Cardigans - Pullovers Ail Colours Sizes 14 to 20$.9 Reg. $8.95 A ON SALE 49 FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY MEN'S DRESS PANTS Melbourne Flannel Colours: brown, charcoal grey, grey and blue Regular Pnice $9.95 9 LIMITED TIME ONLY ----$4.99 BOYS' DRESS PANTS Regular Pnice $6.95 LIMITED TIME ONLY Bowman ville Surplus Store 42 King St. East Phone MA 3-3211 Ei h on' 15 IE on do es # # -more upaikie -Mer* for your mouwey '4i~ [[j, L~- -, MONUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY MARKERS ro, 0,no. jfuthorizel Deaer Stafford Bros. Monumental Works 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby Phone Whitby MOhawk 8-3552 Food Demonstration of interest to McLAUGHLIN Il XLL 338 Simcoe St. N, Os~hawa THIURSDAY, FEBRUARY 261h 8 p.m. Sponsored by the Oshawa and Distr-ict Branch of the Canadian Diabetic Association I beats thlret In a big WG-24 -11 il f ............e- - - - .- - - - - - - -. .. .. - - PAIMIE Invis

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