- - t-t.Q........ ........ . .. ...*. . . . . . . . . ..- ?RUESDAT, TEB. l9th, 1959 q'uv #~AVAI~YA~Y *qqAg5qW~iAy ~P~1mIA Mm? V W PM'I~AWY#~ 44~ ~ W4~4~ hi 4 ~ 4 ~5hi~4 ~, 4JN.J TV ~TJ.LI&~ V 4~&i~ ~J~I 4 £~4~4~J PAcE SEV~~ MI.ssAudrey Rushbrook,Kings- ton, %w"p a recent weekend guest of hefi ain, Mrs. W. L. Pater- son. - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin, Toc- onto, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ames and Jîi. It was good to see Mr. A. E. McGregor uptown hast Friday for the f irst time since bis iii- ness. Mr. and. Mcs. A. J. Clarke and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Clark spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. AI Elliott, Oshawa. Dr. and Mis. V. H. Storey at- tended the funeral in Dixie on Monday of ber brothec-in-haw, Col. T. L. Kennedy. Mr. and Mis. H. C. Osborne, King St. East, marked tbeir 55tb wedding anniversary quietly at home on Tuesd'ay, Feb. 17. Hear- ty congratulations ta the Os- bornes. Mrs. Mabel Bagnell and Mrs. M. E. Leaek also Mis. Kay Haw- kins, Rome, N.Y., returred on Monday formn a six week tnip ta Los Angeles. On the return trip they called on friends in Van- couver, and Calgary. An interesting article appear- ed in a recent issue of Farming Todeay, publication of Massey- Ferguson Lîmited, Toronto, on Charles Osborne of Bowmanville and bis project of raising Hol- stein heifers for sale. Mr. Wilfrid Carnuthens was In Ottawa this week attending the annual meeting of the Can- adian Horticultural Council as a representative of the Ontario Fruiit and Vegetable Gnowers of which he is vice-president. Elva Kinnear, daugbter of Mr. .ancl Mrs. R. J. Kinnear, 36 Nel- son St,. gathened a bouquet of pussy willows last weekend andI kIndly presented a few ta the Statesman.. This is surely very early for pussy willows, espec- fally this çold wnter. Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, Mrs. W. C. Ives, Mr. Earl Osborne and Mr. W. Courtenay- from Trinity United Church, and Rev. HaroldI Turner and Mr. O. R. Bragg from St. Paul's attended OFhawa Pcesbytecy at Ajax United Church on Wednesday. Mr. and- Mrs. Gardon Martin andl dau.gter Doris, Jane St., attended the opening of the AI- lan A. Martin Junior High School ln Pont Credit, named in honour of Mr. Martin's brother, Mc. Allan Martin, inspector of public schools for South Peel. STB JOHN'S CHURCH <'ngUcan) S..én d Sunday in Lent, HOLY COMMUNION 10 and Il - CHURCH SCHOOL MORNING FRAYER 2:30 - UB-PCSUNDAY" CHURCH PARADE Boy Scouts, Cubs and Local Association, Girl Guides, Brownies and Local Association 7 - EVENING FRAYER Favorite Hymn Played at Dedication Two hundred and fifty stu- dents, 50 from Onono and the balance from Bawmanviîîe High Scbaol, attended a special mat- inee of the film "A Tale of Two Cities" provided an Tuesday af- ternoon by Mc. and Mcs. Robiert Gi, proprietors- of the Royal Theatre. A meeting of the Bowmanville Branch of the Canadjan Cancer Scciety will be beld in the Coun- cil Chambers at the Town Hall on Monday, Feb. 23, at 8 p.m. President of the Ontario County Unit, J. F. Riley, xill be present and cancer films xill be sl'own. This meeting is open ta the pub- lic. Mr. ard Mrs. Don Wright, Mr. andI Mrs. Jim Firth, Mn. and Mrs. Ron Johnson, Mn. andI Mrs. Bun Weish, Eowmanville; Mr. and Mcs. John Weish, Tweed; M. andI Mrs. Colin Green, Wbit- by, enjoyed Saturday ev'ening as the gi -ests of Mr. and Mrs. Den- ais Joncs when they attended the Printen's Bal beld at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. The first meeting for the New Year of the Sunshine class was beld at the home of Miss Jean Rundie, xvhere the evening was spent makîng dressings. Minutes wece read antI treasurer's report given. Canrespondence was nead1 by the secretary. Lunch was sec-1 ved hy the Hostess, assisted by Mns. H. G. Saunders and Mrs..S. G. McMurter. The next meeting ta ;oe at the home of Mrs. L. Dewell. Mr. an-d Mrs. H. G. Purdy and family, and Mn. and Mns. Craw- fond, Campbellville; Mr. and Mns. 'Han-y Newman andI two grandehildnen, Toronto, were in tawn Sunday and attended the marning service at Trinity Uni- ted Cburcb, wben the dedication of Memonial Carolionie Beils antI Public Addness System was heltI in n-emory of Dr. Liew- elly-n B. Williams. They were af- terwards dinnen guests of Mrs. Purdy's, mother, Mis. L. B. Wil- liams. Mr. John Stacey, assistant el- ectnical engrineer with the C.N.T. Toronto, flcxv ta GandIer airpont three weeks ag-o ta supervise the finishing of ad ditional commun- ication uines in Newfoundland foc the C.N.T. At first, John warked out of St. John's on the east coast, but when the ibig stonm bit the island this week, John and his crew were in the western area, working east fcom Corner Brook. Apparently, the storm. bit more severely be- ween GantIer ançI St. John's than it did. west of Ganaei. found it bitter cald in St. John's with. exceptianally deep snow, even before the storm. John is a Ryerson graduate, 1957, and is the son of Mn. and Mrs. Mansel Stacey, Onchand-view. HAMPTON Mr. Chanlie Briggs, Toronto, spent a few days with Mr. antI Mrs. Cecil Siemon. Miss Giadys Edwards, Toron- to, was a weekend guest of Mrs. L. D. Sykes. Mr. antI Mrs. Bruce Caverly and son Brent, Oshawa; Mrs. Warren Bnown, Saginaw, Mich., were Sunday guests of Mn. antI iýs. Ken Cavecly. Mr. John Baker and grand- childnen Gail, Ronnie, Jean antI James Baker, Sauina, wece Sat- urday visitons with the Samn Dewell's. Mrs. H. E. Tink, Sauina, vis- ited. ber sîster Mrs. Joe Cbap- man on Sunday. Mr. anti Mns. Gilbert Adcock, accompanied by Mr. Harrison, andI Miss Marjonie Harrison of Part Penny visited with Mr. Trin ity United Church Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Hausiander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. 11:00 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP ""The Valley of Vision" 7:00 p.m. - EVENING WORSHIP "Hang Oui Your Light" 12:10 p.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL A FRIENDLY WELC OME TO ALL REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanville MORNING SERVICE- 10:00 a.m. English EVEN1NG SERVICE- 7:30 p.m.- Dutcb ,SUNDAY SCHOOL AFTER MORNING SERVICE "Back To God Hour" Broadcast CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.m. every Sunday 8:30 a.m. every Sunday, CFRB Trinity United Church's congregation participated in a special dedication service on Sunday ta mark the installation of a public address systerm an-d a n electronie car- ilion. Bath were the gift of Mrs. L. B. Williams in memorv cf her husband. The Rev. Wm. K. Houslander conducted the service andi onganist Arthur Collison playcd Dr. Williams' favorite hymn as the first selection ta be rendened, using the carillonie belis. Mn. Housiander is shown expressing his congregation's appreciation ta Mrs. Williams. 'Theory Resu For Conserv< The fallowrng is a Est of suc- cessful candidates in examina- tions held recently by the Royal Conse-vatory of Music of To- ronto in Bowmanville, Ont. The names are arranged in order of mernt. and Mrs. Bill Harrison, Coiborne, on Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dewell at- tended service at Trinity United Church, Bowmnanville, on Sun- day and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Aif Dewell. - "lMrs. Garnet Johns- ton and son Warren, Kirby, cal- led on friends here on Saturd-ay. Mrs. Hilton Peters, Toronto, is assisting in the home of her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. T. Salter and brother Harold, while Mis. H. Salten is a patient in the Osh- awa General Hospital. Mr. Gordon Wilbur is under care at Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, for a while, having suffened a heart attack on 'Thurs- day last. We wish thie hospital patients and other sick folk of aur community a speedy recov- ery from their illness. In the recent "March of Dim- es" canvass conducted by the Ladies' Service Club, $141.50 was realized, which was gratify- mng. Goodyea r Hockey League, The Hose Boom took a com- manding 2-0 lead in the best of five finals for the Goodyear Hockey Charnpionship, when they took a convincing 8-4 win over the Fan Beits, Sunday af- ternoon at thie Memorial Arena. George Heath scored mid-way through the opening period on a pass from Clint Ferguson, end Mort Richards made it 2-0 in the final minute, with Fenguson a- gain supplying an assist, and ah- s0 "Buck" Cowle. A pair of fast goals at 8:15 and 10:09 of the second period ran the Hose Room edge to 4-0 before John Mason bulged the twine on Bob Sheridan's pass ta end the second 4-1. Richards and Jerry *njerrison fired the Hase Roon, allies, with Fergus- on, Cowle uiid Heath picking up assists. The winnens continued to rol early in the final stanza, as Lloyd Hamilton on a pass from Cowle, and Richards with his third, scored witbin a ten second span of the first two minutes. Pete Stacey gave the Hose crew a commanding 7-1 lead at 6:16, B. Cole scored for the Fan Beits Cowle fired the final goal for thie winners, and Mason replied again for the lasers, ail in the space of txva and a haif minutes. Mason campleted bis hat-trick effort at the 15:20 mark with the help of Jack Large and Bob Sheridan's third assist. The two clubs meet in the third game this Sunday after- noon at 1:00 p.m., with a win for the Hase Room giving them the Goodyear Championship. Social & Çersonal Phone MA 3-3303 I t, alts Given , COMPETITIVE NUI atory Exams Grade V Theory Counterpo'nt and Form-Hon- ours-June bD Wood. Counterpoînt - Honours- Margot Rankine. Grade 111 Theory jHanmny-First Class Hon- ours-Jean Baker. Histoy-First Class Honour -Joyce C. Fisher, Patricia M SPECIAL VALUES AM Fisher (equal); Dixie Gili, Ca-i rol Plummer. Grade H Theory First Ciass H-onours-Margan- et Vanstone. Honours - Elizabeth Rowan, f Dianne Tink (equal). 7on Pass-Carol A. Ferguson, Es- îi ther A,. Rosevear, Gloria J.j Quantrill; Robent Webnert. Grade 1I Theory r1IA*SPIRIN First Class Honours-Rober L. Hamilton. TRAS MARK aOto. Honous-Jo Anne Hoar. Compared te buylns ASPIRIN Ilm tins Canodicun cf 12 Tablets Club (Continued from page one) million dollars a day in ail roy- alties, yet he is in debt ta the Word an. Hs eath i Famy Siz spent on palaces andI Cadillacs 1 I'4 wbile refugees are dying ini 100 TABLETS 9 f camps. 1 iT 9 2 ALT 9 Revoit In Iraq 2TBTS9<2TALS2< Yet in Iraq wbere 90 percent of ail royalties have been usedFA T R LE in the past ten yeacs in devel- FROM HEADACHE, DISCOMFORTS 0F apment projects of dams andI COLDS,, NEURMTS, NEURALIA, roads ta benefit the country, a, AND RHEUMATiSM bioody revohution broke out last ___- .___- July in wbicb King Feisal was killetI andI the prime miinister torn ta pieces. "Wbat are we ta do witb these people? One hundned and f ifty million Arab Muslims in tbe Mitdle East are seetbing CTFS EIFwt with natianalist aspirations." GTFSREIFwt Since the departure of the Bri- tish andI French in the last five , years, anothen party bas enter- GIN PILLES ed Middtle East poitis-Rus-M sia. For yeacs Bitain and FOR THE KIDNEY France were able ta keep Rus- sia out of this sphere. It took just two years of the Eisenhow- Reg. size b6ýý er Doctrine for Russia to b-e~ inta Mitdle East affairs ta th e conom"<""" 0 bult, Mc. Pogson said. West Failed In the speaker's opinion, the West bas failed miserably in the Middle E.ast. One of the reasons dates back to the cary- ing of this area inta artificial kingdoms following World War I. "It is my contention," he said "that the British and French who did the carving backed the wrong horse." The ail on which the whole Middle East floats-millions of barrels of it-is of prime im- portance ta the West. "Ninety- five per cent of the output goes ta Europe. If this were cut off for six months, Western econ- omy would grind ta a hait." Russia contends that she is not interested in Middle East ail, but she is busy building mii- lions of tons of shipping in the Baitic, said the speaker. Canadian Oil Ina question period follow- ing bis speech, Mr. Pogson pro- phesied that in 20 years' time. China would be the leading power in the world. He also said he feit there would be a graduai withdrawal of finan- cial investment in the Middle East and that a good portion would bie transferred ta Canada. "I envisage Canadian ail in the next ten years going ta Bnitaîn,"1 he said. Britain is going ahead 7- rapidly witb atomic develop- ment to offset ber dependence on ail. Mrs. Witherspoon expressed the thanks of the club ta Mr. Pogson. A pleasant social haîf-hour when tea and refreshments were served preceded the meeting. Mrs. C. H. Dudley was at theV piano for opening and closir:g. exerc;ses. Alex. Delive r [CES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE ]ýý ijJfTl[]. * ýND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK Money-Saving Specîis!ý I.D.A. Brand - 100's - Reg. 29e A.B.S. & C. Tableis COLGATE ]DENTAL CREAM 63e Plus 2 cakes Palmolive Soap 63c Val-U - 1 lb. box Absorbent Coilon 'VICKS VAPORUB Reg. 1.09 plus 15c' size Cough Draps 1.09 Truvac- Reg. 98e Vacuum Boiflfe - 1.D.A. Brand HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 8 oz. Reg. 30e 24c 16 oz. Reg. 50e 4oz. Reg. 20c 16OC - - 23c1 i & BABY POWDER Tivo Reg. 73c______- 1.291 - - - - 79c1 Glant NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM 10 OZ. 1.251 79c1 Dec Tee BrandI A.S.A. TABLETS l00's SOISs 49C 44c 1 19C BE PREPARED for Sickness in the Home ADHESIVE TAPE-_ _ 29c, ALKA-SELTZER -- ----- 39c, 59e 34c, 68c BORACIC FEVER CASTOR ACID THERMOMETERS I 20e B-D 35I-60 30ec 45e 1.75, 2.00 up 5-60 Anacin Tablets _________- 25c, 49c, 79c, 1.19 1Bufferin 39c, 79c, 1.23, 1.891 Dettol --- ------------ -- 45c, 69c, 1.15, 2.00 Elastoplast Dressing Strips 75c, 1.00 Elastoplast Dressings ------ - 25c, 40c Eno Fruit Sait 69c, 1.09 Minard's Liniment Sloan's Liniment - Vaseline 50c, 90c 60e, 1.20 35c, 49c "Your I.DA. Druggist ean also supply ... Bed Pans, Ice Bags, Caps and Collars, Invalid Rings, Rubber Tubing and other sickroom equipment." PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY MCG regor, Your Local IDA. Drug Store 4MAN SIZE 19-MELOBONDED OI SUPER STRENGTH DRYORWETI 33c FIGHT WINTER COLDS with WAMPOLE EXTRACT of Cod Liver Compound lt'sTonic lime.WMinter'm coughs and colds ore luit around the corner. Heip your family ta botter heulth this winter, build up their resistance ta colds ... give them Weimpole Extradc rogularly.. . start todayl 15 OUNCES - $1.50 34 OUNCES - $2».75 ECONOMY SIZE SAV ES YOU - Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 BIG 10Ooz. f HOSPITAL siZE69e NURSERY SIZE39e Z.B.T. Baby Powder, -à . iz> . that continued throughout the BROWN'S ariaus grades and into High MatrlR WNST vraffic Schol lansse e g sotoldbof MatrKeith Cail celebratedth edogo rin abs bis eighth birthday on Feb. 1l,* E A and the m-octhwhile help given wben be entertained a few of Loog htt3 by traffic clinýcs. his young friends. On this da-, The speaker explained that also he was invested in the Cubs (Continued from Dage onel statistics show that there are at teir eetig in N't'1,200 dcaths front accidents in 50 hit meetiagdiuble% ewcast'e have more than 12.000 members. the one ',o five age groups. 600 so i wasa doblecelebration. He also spoke of the Founder's accidentai deati's in the five to Congratulations Keitb! Fountain being erected in Hamil- ninc-,year-old group. and 350 ini Miss Sharon Eade spent the i tan ta honour the Association of the group agedi from 10 ta 14. weekend witb Miss Georgie Kinsmen Clubs. He told his audience that the Simpson. Dr. Charles Cattran, presi- greatest numnber of children's Mis Joy Ede s sayig ,i dent of the Bowmanville Kins- accidentai deaths are the resuit Mis Joy Ede s sayig wthmen Club replied ta the toast. of trafîic accidents. Falls cause *Mn. and Mrs. Caîl and finisbing An enjoyable singsang was led t he next largcst number. and out lier scbool year at Brown's.byIinBrnadKeHok drowvnng is the third cause of The children at the schoo)l en- in. Jack Lander was the critic! death for chîildre-n. He spoke of joyed a very nice Valentine par- for the evening, and Osborne1 protection gi,-en children who -ty on Friday aftecnoon in bath Williams %vas the mystery man. have leanned to swirn from com- the Junior and Senior noonts. Clarke Wilson, chaîrman of petent instnur'tors. Besides the usual excbange of the club's Bowmanville Elmeri .Mn. Hamt also spoke of the many valentines. the children the Safety Elephant Committee, importançe' of the Elmer the enjoyed lunch with cookies and întroduced the guest speaker. SafetY Elephant campaigns ini candy and drink and dixie cups George Ham, Toronto, dinector the schools as an accident pre- kindly supplied by Mn. and Mr-5. of child safety of the Ontario ventive. The accident rate for Kozub. Safety League. ýschool children has been cut by Thevial mprtaceof eah-this means he st atecd. He ne- Master Rickie Stephenson had Th. ia motac ftah marked that 2,-00 schools in a fw niedsin n ridy f-ing safety rules ta pre-sehool Ontario bave an Elmrer the ýjafe- t ew oos n on th ocainof-i children xvas stressed by Mn. tv Elephant progrant. w'hich is sixth ibirtbday. a, h mhtclysae 75 per cent inai instances be- that this is the responsibility of sng undertakon by Kinsmeii Mrs. H. Mclroy spent last parents. He stated that 90 per Cusa ti nBwavie week and this at Ottawa with cnoftehideofkne- He said that, the government of hec daughter, Mrs. R. Watson, garten age do not know the oaSoi snw aotn I ~ undrwent a operaton s m an fd aindorn tafficthe Elmer the Saietv Campaign Otawa hospital. Glad ta report erand tmare noat fge-officiai iv, and stated that be that Shirley is feeling some bet- saeymasrs opes thiat other provincial gov- ter.. He praised the n-edical profes- eraments xvii (Io the same. Mr.JimCuson Jr, os adsion and explained tbat 60 per On behalf of the Kinsmen Mn. im ursn, r.,hashadcent of the doctors in Ontario Ken Hockin th'tnked Mr. Ham a nasty haut of flu, but is feeling, are naw taking part in a safety for his instructive and intecest- some better. campaign ta benefit children. 1i mg addrc:s. ind rrcgsented him Sorry ta hear ihat, a couple When a new mather is ready ta with a qnft. \Vîc-Prcsi dent Don of nice people have suffered go home from bospital ber Stutt also expreý_-ed appreciation painful falis recently. Mrs. Aima physician gives hier a bookiet of the speaker's valtiable advice. Farro wfell in ber home and sus- cantaîning general safety hints The binthdays of Dr. John tained nasty bruises ta hec hip regarding the cbild ta the agej1Werry and Lionel Parker were as did also Mns. Bennett wben of 18 montbs. A second leaflet(1celebrated. she feul down the steps at ber i5 given the mother by ber i apa.tment in Bowman'ville. Easy doctor when the cbild is a year; doe it laies ad aspedy e-and a baif, covering safety in- doves t adean pe e formation between that age and Ge Cash T -a caver~r!three yeans. The third bookiet A speedy recovery is wisl-ed bas valuable information for For Old Appliances for Mrs. Lorraine Brown fromn children from tbree ta five years ber necent illness. of age. through Mr.andMrs T.Wilon nd Mr. Ham paid tribute ta school S T A T E S M~ A N family with Mr. and Mrs. Ells- teachers for their keen intenest Iworth Caswell, Newtonville, on in giving sehool pupils safety C L A S S 1 F I E D S Sunday, on the occasion of El- instruction. And he spoke o Phone MArket 3-3303 aine's birthday. the different safety programs 1 : 1- TfftnMAT, M. Igth, 1959 PAGE SEIVM nim (!AIWAnTAM qprA"-qvAv- MWMAWTM 1