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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1959, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT TI!E CANADIA!< STATESMAN, DOWMANVff.!Z, ONTAR!O THU1~sDÂY, l'EU. 1,Ih, IU Ontaric drivers, wbether ziewly licensed or wlth manyi years' experience, will find inuch of interest or value in a iew publication ofi the Ontario * epartment cof Transport-The * river's Handbook. 'Safe driving and the pro- tection of ail who use the streets and highways," Hon. :ohn Yaremko, Minister of Transport announces, "is the basis upon which the Handbook svas planned. If has been writ- ten clearly andl has many illus- trations, so that ail drivers may > àeadily undcnstand its contents. 1 Anyonc reading the bookief will agree with the remark in fthe introduction that 'driving a n automobile is a full-time job, requiring tlie driver's com- Iplete attention." The Driver's Handbook con- tains the latest information and Sîxplanations of the nules o! the road, parking, what ta do in case cf an accident, vehicle equip- Irient and maintenance, how fa get and keep a licence to drive, Cet Cash To-day For Old Appliances through STATESMAN C LAS SI1F IED S Phone MArket 3-3303 by ELSIE CAIRUTHERS LUNNEY ,-WHIO SAID SPRING? Docs if mean anything fa you that a littie over a month from riow samething occurs callcd flic vernal equinox? At least if sounds like spring. On or about Mardi 21 the days and niglits are o! equal lcngtli. and up ln fliese nortliern parts we date thie beag4nning of spring from that fime even if there is a bliz- zard raging outsîde. Af James Bay or Flin Flan fhls must secm even funnier. Ah well. That was a beaufi- fui ice storm lasf Saturday. Did you ever sec anYtLhing more spectacular than flic ice laden frees and bushes on Sunday with the 'sun dazzling your eyes with ail the colours o!flihe spectrum? Two icc storms in onc week arc not fie kimd o! record breakers wc appreciate, but fiere is no use d2nying flic urearfhly beauty o! the resuits. If is no wonder fiat people In northern latitudes go sliglit- ly mad lu the so3ring. If is like a releasc frorn prison f0 sec fhe earth brcak forth again, and if we break forth wifh it, who's fa biarue us. I jusf hope flic birds don't corne back tao soon fIls year. M'I neyer farget fIe ycar we- watcîed a Sang Sparrow bumped disconsolately in aur apple tree on Mardi 21 wib the snaw deep ail around him. S urely flere slauld be sasse way o! warming the migratary 'bi rds. Many werc losf in lasf year's starms in the nortlicrn United States. * There is a bird language, if anly we knew if. An Englisi Sparrow anc day lasf wcek came ta fthe Wrcn's bouse and made a greaf to-do. He nearly stran- gled iimself frying fa gef in thc entrance which was muc fo smaîl for hlm. But lic kcpf on trying, and when lic gof fircd lie clirnbed up on flic roof and -affer a fcw seconds' rcsf gave severai clarion cails. Tirce marc sparrows appeared as if jerk- ed on strings. Thaf cali certain- ly said somcfhing. Wiaf was it? Anyway anc ispected flic small bouse flat had caused ail the excitement, but fIe other two seemed unimprwaed and soon !lew away. Just whilc on the subject of birds, a couple o! wceks ago we were tbrilled to see several rose colourcd bîrds witî their duller spouses in the rowan tree at my parents' place. Tliey were Pine Grosbeaks, beautiful birds. They are very fond of! rowan and mountain ash ber- ries and tliey stayed in flie free, whicb is laden witî fliem flua year, for most ofi the affernoon. Tliey are occasional winter vis- itors in these parts. I fbink if was a couple o! winters ago that I saw a small fiock. LOOKING FORWARD TO STRATFORD Harry Golden, author o! "On- ly In America", tells in thaf un- usual hook that sucli great men as Thomas Jefferson and Ben- jamin Franklin did flot believe in cluttcring their minds with details and information that could be looked up. This seemed very comforting when we firsf read it. For a whule we did mot icel so ashamed o! not being alle to remember fities, names, wbere we had read sucli and sucb an item. But we soon dis- covcrcd a snag. The flieory is entircly workable-so long as you don't throw ouftflie sour- ces of information. Ever since we heard that «'Othello" was ta lie ome of the plays at Stratford (Ontario) this year we have been trying fo remember thie name of the Eu- ropean actor who played the rois at flie Crcsf, causing much controversy, and who fIat sum- mer played Shylock in "The Merchant ofi Venice" at Strat- ford. We saw botb performances and thought bis acting marvel- lous, thougli a good part o! bis lines were uninfelligible. He bas since died. No, no. Don't tell me now. Aiter looking tbrougb masses o! programs, slips of paper, nofebooks and a column done on Stratfofrd tbat sumnien, the name was still missing. But im- mediateiy on starting te asic someone else about if, the name lcapt into my brain-Frederick Vaik. Anyway, we are glad fhe Stratffrd Company will do "Othello" wifh Douglas CamP-1 bell in the lcad role and Fran- ces Hyland as Desdomana, and "'As You Like If" wifh Irene Wortb, will make a deliglifful contrasf. It is bard to say how adverse comment startg,, but once sfartcd, if grows alarming- ly, and foolishly. Up ffli now there bas been nothing but en- tlusiasm and praise for the Strafford Festival. Why flic sudden chili wind? The plays are good choices, fhe directors have high repufations which tbey have earned through fIeir1 successes, the festival is well establislied, witî ever increas- ing prestige on this continent and abroad. The director o! "As Yeu Like It" will be British Peter Wood wbose recent productions in- cude O'Neill's "The Iceman Cometî" in London's West End, and "Mary Stuart" for the Oid Vic. "Othello" will lie directed by Jean Gascon, directon and founder o! the iamed Le Thea- tre du Nouveau Monde o! Mon- treal, and Camadian actor-direc- ton George McCowan, .last sea- son's co-director oiflice Festi- val production o! "Henry IV, Part One", a marvellous pro- duction we thouglif. What if Michael Langham will pDnly acf in a supervisory capacify? Tbese directons can stand on their own feet. There were those wbo thouglit fthc wbole tbing would collapse wben Tyron Guflirie leit. But Mn, Guthrie found*ed well and fruly and the Festival bas since grown and flourîsbed and ex- perimented and expandcd. As if will continue to do. The feel- ing o! most people wbo attend, is to look forward te it more each year. I sec ne reason for amy change in thaf attitude. 35 members were brave enough to attend. Mrs. E. Bantlng atd ag mistress o! ceremonies on be- hli o! tIc sponsoring group, Club 15. The meeting apened wîfh the piaying o! "God Save flic Qucen" followed by a tap dance number by two young Bowmanviile dancers, Shirley Pat!ield and Canal Sheehan. These youngsters rccently ap- pearcd on a TV talent show. Canolyn Stacey, a student at Ontario Sf. School, prcscnted a vcry interesting speech an "Camping". This speech was greatly enjoyed by everyonc present, and if was plain to sec why Carolyn bad donc so well in the recent District Public Spcaking fina]s. Miss Vivian Sadier dcllgbted fthc audience wifh two favorite vocal numbers, "Blesa This House" and "IGot tlic Wbolc World in His Haxids". Miss June Wood acted as accompanisf fa Miss Sadler. Affer thamking all c enter- tainers for their excellent per- formances, Mrs. Banfing intro- duccd Mr. Howard Foley, who togeflier with Mrs. Folcy and Mn. and Mrs. A. Saunders, re- cently affemdcd flic Confenence o! Ont aria Recreafional Assoc- iation in Limdsay. Mr. Foley stated thaf aIl four o! thcm had fhorougbly enjoyed their day in Lindsay, and lad came back wifh many ideas for making their Senior Citizens group more active and varied. He menfioned mamy projects being carried on by similar clubs in flic district, cammenting on flie fact that many of these groupa wcrc more indcpendent flian the Bowmamville group in planning and organizing thein owm activities. He !inisbed by fbankimg flic Recreational De- partmemt for makîng their trip possible. Mn. A. Saunders flien added bis fianks, and comment- cd uponflic craffa displays fIat lic liad found panficularly in- tercsting. Mrs. Banting th-en announced flaf Mrs. Gilo!flie Royal Theatre was again planning a special mafine fIat would lie o! parficular infenest ta Senior Cifizens. Tickets for this ma- fimee would be available at flic next meeting on Manch lOfh. The mafînee fa lic bcld on or around Marcî 17 would feafure Barry Fifzgerald in "Rooney" and "Tic Golden Age o! Com- cdy" wîtli favorite old-time comcdy stars. Tables were flen arranged for card games, and a very en- joyable rcmding group was con- ducfed by Mrs. E. Pafferson in flic Green Room. Mrs. L. Nicholîs also gave a lumorous rcading and Mns. M. Burgess read a vcry intenestimg leffer from her son Bob in Pa- kistan. Lunch was tIen servcd by Club 15, and flic mantbly door pnize was won by Mns. Mc- Quarry. The next Senior Citizen meet- ing fa lie lcld af flic Lions Cen- tre on Tuesday, March lOfli. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week of Feli. 0 - 15: A~dmissions - - ------------ 41 Births, 1 maie, 6 female __ 7 Discliarges --------69 Major operafions -7 Mincir operafions 14 Emergency treafmcnts 13 Visiting hours 2:30 to 4:e0 P.m. and 7:.00 ta 8:30 p.m. In fIe firsf balf o! 1958 cor- poration profiitsin Canada ta- falled $722 million, a decrease o! 16 per cent from the $864 million #,arned in the uar»a per- lod of 1957. __ ____ road signs, tra!fic liglits, road mankings and recommendations for safe driving under pon or difficuif conditions. Questions and answers typical o!flihose. asked applicants for licences are aiso included. If concludes with a description o!flice De- menit Point System. "The Ontario Departmcnt o! Transport," said the Hon. Mn. Yaremko, "will continue to look for and put into effcct cvery possible means o! making On- fanao streefs and higliways thec safesf in flie world. The Dri- ver's Handbook ia intemdcd to give ail drivers flic opportunity o! re-examinimg their own driv- ing and making ixuprovement s wlere needed for their own and ofliers' safety?" Tic Diver's Handbook may lic obfaimcd from amy office o! flic ..en Domc f o!Transport in Ontario or liy wrifimg tic Deparfmemf at the Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2. Senior Citizens Enjoy Evening At Lions Centre Thc Fcbnuary meeting o!fIe Bowmanviile Senior Cifizens was bcid af flic Lions Centre on Tuesday, Feli. ltI. Despite fie cold weafher and icy streets, Red Cross Plans 81litz To Provide Local Funds For Extensive Pro gram The BoWmianvillP andl District missioner for' Ontario, and.W. R. Branch of the Cana "an R ed McAdam, assistant commission- Cross jil serve the enire area, er, both' from Toronto, were the President, J. D. M4rsden present at the meeting. Mr'. Me- gnnouriced at the meeting ofi the A am outlined the work of the organIz#tion h'eld at the Legion Red Cr'oss Disaster Comniittee. a on Friday eveniflg.~ It --as Assistance Is given in minor as a weil attended gathering with weUl as major disasters. A teami representatives of other organ- is sent at once to the scene of a izatioui5 present. major disaster by Red Cross A Red Cross Blitz Campaîign headquarters. Supplies are pro- Canvaas will be held onM on- vided for mass feedting, clothing, day evening, Mgrch 28 between and medicatiori, A registration 7 and 8 o'clock. Fitnds collect- is made o! the victims, and in- ed will be cevoted to Red Cross formation centres set up. work in this district. The cam- Minor disasters are handled paign committee will be led by entirely' by the Disaster Com- Mr. aîid Mrs. Rai ph Ames and mittee o! the local branch, Mr. Mr. andi Mrs. Nelson Osborne. McAdam said. Temporarî sheit- It was announced tliat the er is found for fam lies in cases Loan C - ppboa rd Committee has o! fire. Food anxd clotbing are acqilfred spgce at Mpmorial Hos- supplied. He suggested a sur- pitàl te keep articl ,es to be loan- vey of potential hazards be ed, such es special beds, crutch- made now by- the cornmittee. es, wheel-cbairs and other sick- The appointment of a chairman room equipment. of the Pisaster Committee of Mne. Wesley Cawker is chair- the Bowmanville and District mati of the Loan Cvipboard Com- FRed Cross Branch will be made mittee. Mrs. George Young was shortly. Members ofi the Dis- appp4nted on Friday evening to aster Committee named on Fni- assist lier. Other members of day evening were W. W. Bag- the committee will be namred by neil, Ray Cooper and Mrs. Ralph Mrs. Cawlcer. Ames. The cliairnean of the Blood Donors Committee, Jack Bishop, pointed out that the Red Cross M I is In sole charge of blood banks M OI tbroughout Ontario. All blood for transfu~sions is supplied to hospitals by the R~ed Cross. R V E Two mobile cliriics for blood donors wMl be beld in BoWman- ROYAL TIJE4ITRE ville each year. Wednesday, Mon. - Wed. Feb. 23 - 25 September 3rd was s'.A as a IN LOVE AND WAR tentative date for the first Red With Robert Wagner, Dans Cross blood donors clinic to be Wynter, Jeffrey Henter, held here. Hope Lange, Bradford George A. Vinish, R. L. Dilliman. Downey pnd Ray Cooper were (CinemaScope-DeLuxe Colon) appointed ,members of the Blood Many-splendored drama of lionors Commîttee to assist Mr. love and war. Large and out- Bishop. A donors list will be standing cast. Will win wide compiied in readiness for the audience appeal. clinic. Mr. Bisbop, who prev- An entertainment o! lavisb iously bas donc excellent work and sprawling dimensions bas in charge o! the Canadiali Legion been fashioned in this Jerry Blood Bank, bas started the Wald CinemaScope-DeLuxe col- task. The minimum sét f or tbe or production. Set in World War clinie in Septemnber here is 250 11, the story examines the lives donations. The second clinic and romances of a group of wlll be held here in March. y.oung people and etches the R. Springer, Red Cros%, Com- effect the war bas on them. The TAK~E YQUR PICK ... TAKE A REVEALINO OBITUARY HARRY C. GIBLETT Funeral service for Harry C. Gimbleft, 650 King St. E., who died in flic Oshawa Gencral Hospital Saturday, Feb. 7, in bis 61sf ycar, was bcld af fhe Mclntosh Funeral Ciapel Mon- day, Feli. 9, af 2 p.m. Mr. Gimblctt had been ill for the pasf 10 days. He was boru in Toronto, June 10, 1898 and, was thc son aifie late Piciari and Margaret Gimnblcff, He was married in Belleville fa the for- mer Audrey Burgess. Al bis if e was spent in fhis commun- if y. For flic pasf 23 years he lad been cmployed af flic Oshawa Public Utilifies. Mr. Gimbletf was a member o! Sf. PauI's Prcsbyfenian Clurci, and Le- banan Lodgc, No. 139, A.F. & A.M. In bis earlier life le was a weli known borseman and mIso I 5,000 500 95 7,500 750 M,5 10,000 1,000 240 I (*maximum deduction allowed for tax purposes) For full information and assistance in selecting the plan best suited to yoiur needs, mail this coupon, postage free. r------------------------------- ITa-. Director, Canadian Govemment Annulties, i IDepartment of Labour, Ottawa (Postou. k..> SIPlease send information showlng how a Canadiqn Gorgt.I SIment Annuity con bring me retirement Income et low sI. jMy nom ./rils A L va.................... ................. OUR ........................ DateofBSirth ................ UR Age when Annuity ta erf .............I. phone............1. 1 und.rstand that information given wNiI bu held strktly çwoief4pl DEMONSTRATION DRIVE TOPAYI Chrysier Corporation of Canada, Limifed PALMER 20. King Street E. MOTOR Bowmanville Phone MA 3 -5i4/1 w New Driver's Hand Book Issued by Department Al thre e..all new.. AND ONE JUT RIONT FOR YOUS jargç cast ysçnbil4f@r the a br"der of fancy poultny w1lich Rev. BruceMls ri proceedings la one o! joy f on tha h e eghibited at the Royal Win- patno S.Pu A ipAgrquee. toç Fair, the C.N.E. and many ian Churçh, coQp41ictçd ep. The slicli and polisthed screen- o ther prominent shows. vice. Interment WU~el~ play by Edward Anhalt, b4sed Hie is survived by his widow;1 ion -Cemeteny. on a nove, 1y Anton Myrer, one daughter, Jean, and cime Lpbanon Lo44p held a me- opens as t nee marinas, <>n son, William, both o! Oshawa;, morial service at the uerel leave from the Pacifie, crsth two grandchilciren, andi a sister bonis Suncl'y,V ferry to San Francisco. They Vena of Toronto. p.m. ~ ~ are Jeffney Hunter, a bard, pro-? fessional soldisr; Bradford Dill- man, a sensitive, inteliectual, rich' man's son; and Robent Wag- S VE ON I Y JK U ner, poor, well-meaning, a pro- duct of thc slums. The diverse trails oiifbe fhnee in San Fraîî- cisec are followed and contras- ted in vianattes tbat shuttie I CM A back and forth. The brie! stay in FnIsco over, flic boys slip out to fIe battie w i.y u s v tbeatre in the Pacific. Here theIcl o -a e film moves witb brisk and ex- plosive action. Philip Dunne bas for retirement directed the war scenes witb a strong sense of! excitement. Fin- ally the war is over, but if ba4s taken its toîl. Hunter dies on- Canadian Governmnent Annuity Pre- tbe field o! battie. Wagner and -u smynwb de ct fo Dillman refurn, the latter to re- m.m a o eddce ri unite witb Miss Nuyen. Wagner income for tax purposes, withiii visits the wîdow o! Hunfer and if seems a sfrong bond wil de- Certain ImiÙts. velop between them. Leo Tover lbas donc an ex- cellent job ofi pbotograpby, in SAMPLE TAX SAVINGS botî tbe war scenes and the domestic cimes. And the music for a married taxpayer whth no depeudist by Hugo Friedbofer, conductcd based on 1958 Incorne Tax rates) by Lionel Newman, adds ap- precinhly in reaching the desir- I Uoed Incarne Contribution ' Tex Savlns cd effect.j te Savingt Plan'* 1 & 3000 1300 _ TnE CANADLAiN STATICSMAN, IOWMANVn£X, ONTARIO PAGE EIGHT "IURSDAT, M.

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