THMSAVMAIRff th,1950 .--. f'!AWalTWia 25OPUWTa ~ AlI JL]liU-..u ý à 41AWeekly Fdeature' Ic CRTOON CAPERS CONTEST! SIXTEENTH WEEK $1000 WEEKLY UN MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES $1 00.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE AT FINISH 0F CONTEST Advertisers Merchants. on This They wilI Page, We( at al times be awarding ýeks, they wil give you the best value possible at the someone award $10-00 someone in Merchandise $1 00.00 Certif icates in merchandise Lowest Prices. Each Weeki Patronize your and at the End Home of 26 Certif icates. DO ROT NEGLECT TO ASK FOR SALES SLIP WREN DOING BUSINESS WITH ANT OF THESE FIRMS - READ THE RULES CAREFULLY Bach week there wil be an extra word lnserted ln a few cf the adls appearlng on this page. Read the ads, find the extra words, put them together and when properly arranged they will give you the titie cf the cartoon. Write these words on a piece cf paper and list the firms in whose ads you found each word, then see if you can write a better titie. Send in your entry te CARTOON CAPERS, c/o THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, NOT LATER THAN MONDAY NOON. SHEPPARD m AN OD III 96 King St. E. LUMBER Bowmanville MArket 3-5715 Does Your Organization Cater te Banquets and Dinners We have a quantity of CHINAWARE AND STAJNLESS STEELWARE suitable for this purpese at greatly reduced prices. HOOPER'S JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP 29 King St. E. Bowmanville For The Bout. Famous Reading Anthracite Stove - Nut - Pea - and Fuel Oil Briquets Finest Quality Stove and Furnace Oil Call Dance STEPHEN FUELS DA 3-5410 Bowmanville Paint Clearance Your choice of Flats, Semi-Gloss and Gloss Ail Name Brands - Flo-Glaze, C.I.L., etc. Values up to $3.25 qt. $1 qt. Lender Hardwarwe 7 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5774 They're Puncture-Proof! PLASTIC PUDDLERS Pair $1.98 Your oid puddlers have taken plenty of beating around this winter... take a look at them. and then treat yourself to new pair for only $1.98. Fiat-for flat heels Waiker - low and cuban heels Taper-for slim illusion and high heels. Full Size Range Lloyd Ellis .Shoes 49 King St. West Bowmanville "SERVES YOU WELL!" JURY & LOVELL MA 3-5778 TIRED "SA VES YOU MONEY!" DON BROOKS GENERAL CONTRACTOR THIS ""No Job Too Big. . . ..No Job Too Small" We Do Them Ail! PHONE MA 3-5602 special! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY CREAN GOODS 6CEl store Heurs: l'in Open Ail Day Wednesday Closed Frlday at 6 p.m. SEVERN'S BAKERY us King St. E., Dowmanville Phone MA 3-5654 PR ESCR I For the Best inl: New or Used ý PLUS - Dependable Cars Service SEE ROBSON MOTORS Limited 166 King St. E. MA 3-3321 The winners of last week's contest: Jim Fair 107 Scugog St., Bowmanville Winning title: "iCare to have your back scratched, Ma'mp?" Ross Nesbitt R.R. 1, Bowmanville Winning title: "M.ay I drop you anywhere, Ma'm?» We thought both equally good causing a tie. Correct title; «Sorry Toots, the shovel slipped!" Advertisements in which words appeared: Abernethy's Paints & Wallpaper, Cowan Equipment Co., Robson Motors, Marr's Jewellery, Cowling's Drugs. Improve Your Home NOW BUDGET YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENTS HERE You Can Now Buy Floor Tiles as Iow as 81/2c See Back Page for Floor Covering Bargains McGregor's Hardware 95 King St. W. Limited Phone MA 3-3386 The best one selected each week wilI ho awarded $10.00 ln merchandise certificates, good nt any of the stores participating. IF YOU WISH TO COMPETE FOR THE FEATURE PRIZE 0F A $100.00 CERTMFCATE TO BE AWARDED AT THE END 0F THE CONTEST TOU MUST-ENCLOSE A SALES SLIP WITH YOUR ENTRY or something te prove you have done business with any cf the firmis participating, as the best titie sent in during the contest, tliat lias proof of purchase attached, wil win the $100.00. Winner wll be publlshed eseli week. If You Have Seen ihe Resi . . . 1 Now See if ROY Oldsmobile - BOWMANVILI- MA -3922--- SEE US FOR Lay-Away Deals 011 New Johnson Outhoard Nofors Lawnfloy Lawnmowers or a New Boa! Any Size or Type Inquire about our Buy-Out-of-Income Plan PALMER Motor Sales Cities Service Station Plymouth - Chrysier Cars Fargo Trucks Simca Dealer for Bowmanviiie and District 20 King St. E., Bowm anviiie Famiiy Size BARBECUE CHICKENS with dressing Try these large size chickens just full of stuffin'. $2."49 Please allow us four hours ta fi your order. Regular Barbecues - $L59 BOWMANVILLE FRIfIID LOOKER SYSTEM PHONE MA 3-5578 73 King St. W. " THE CHEV" 's The BESTI8 Now on Display ai W. NICHOLS Chevrolet Cars Chevrolet Trucks LE ,COURTICE Infroducing the 1959 Frigidaire Appliances ULTRA MODERN Refrigerators l anges Washers and Dryers MASON & DALE HARDWARE 36 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5408 Ladies . . . Don'! Miss BRESLIN'S Parade of SPRING FASHIONS Bowmanville High School Wednesday, March lltIi 8:00 p.m. Undeir auspices of Club 14, SUNBEAM FRY PAN Complete with Glass Lid .Special m-m m-m$16.9,5 While They Last Laidies' Wear HIGGON IELECTRIC GLEN RAE DAIRY MILK - CREAM - BUTTERMILK Cottage Cheese, Skhn Milk, Krimo Chocolat. Flavor "If It's Glen Rae It's Good" Fresh Daily to Your Deor or at 1Your Favourite Grocery Store Phone MA 3-5444 - ________________________________ a _________________________________ i ________________________________________________ I I e The Ready Mix Jeiied Alkyd Paint TH IX The dlean way te paint No Thlnning, Dripiess, No Runnlng Ail Colours FLAT q1t. $2.60 SEMI-GLOSS, qt. $2.85 Abernethy Paint & Wallpaper 33 King St. W. MA 3-5431 PTIONS Alex McGregor Drugs Phono MA 3-5792 We Deliver Radio à Televtslca Bales and Service Dealer fer ECA VICTOR Radio and TV MARR'S JEWELLERY Experf Waich Repairs Authorized BULOVA Distributor Bowmanville 40 King st. West Phone MA 3-5463 For the Best Values See PETER KOWAL Real Estate Broker Residential -Commercial Industrial - Farma 99 Kiug St. E. MA 3-5868 I SE. .. Plumbing - Heating 9 Division St. Round Phone MA 3-5675 FREE ESTIMATES ON MODERNIZING YOUR PRESENT PLUMBING AND IIEATING INSTALLATIONS EJen 15 King St. E. "Cloihes of Qualiiy for Bowmanville Young Men 6 bo 16" M - SPECIAL TIRE DEAL $21.10 6.70x15 SAF-T-MILER $16-95RAYON TIRE Above Prices with Your A-i Trade-in Tire JAÀMIESON TIRE King and Silver Streets TOP QUALITY 1957 VOLKSWAGEN 1956 PONTIAC 4-DR. SEDAN 1954 DODGE CONVERTIBLE 1956 MONARCH 2-DR. HARDTOP Low Down Payment Up to 30 months te pay USE ECLIPSE FLOUR 'For Cakes and Pastry Manufactured by Va nstone Flour and Feed 116 King St. W, MA 3-5777 PLASTIC BODY PATCH B o n d s with tremendous strength to almost any sur- face. Hardens in 5 ta 15 minutes. 1-lb. 2-lb. 4-1b. 85c $1.56 $3.00 TIRE & AUTO IUJPPI.Y LTO. ASSOCIATE STIEL King St. W. Bowmanvile NycE. CREOPHOb 16 oz. $150 Cowl ing's DRUGS il King St. E..* MA 3-5695 TYRONE FEEDMILL Custom Grinding - Rolling - iing SHUR-GAIN FEEDS General Wood Working Shop rYRONE, ONT. LET'S PHONE MA 3-5316 St PARICKSCARFInrat Quality ST. ATRIK'S ARDSNYLONS EASTEB CARDS DRESS SER Napkins - Matching Tablecloths 51 gage 15 denler for these special occasions. 2 Pr. $ 1.00 134 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5689 - - g ex nowmanviîîe These Town Rules m "M CMA"UW STATIMWAW- nimÀLww% ý- MAý 1 7 King St. W. ooys i $ Wear 134 King St. E Phone MA 3-5ffl pqFqý 4v