Chamber of Commerce Views More Scholarships Needed For Ontari"o's Farm Boys Top priority should be given 1to advise others on better farm- A study of 300 farms in On- to Providing more scholarshipos ing practice" he points out. "Our tario, macde in 1956, leaves little et the Ontario Agricultural Col- governmcnts and industry re- doubt about the need for a hign-1 lege, dlaims a spokesman for quire graduates just as badly. er lev&l of agricultural educa- the Ontario Chamber of Com- "Actually, s0 many more pea- tion. Annual farm earnings Inerce. 1pie are involved in agricultural w.ere shown to be $1,313.00 per R. IL Williams of Hamilton, services today than 30 or 40 family. The 1oiv standard of liv- chairman of the Chamber's fyears ago (such as feed, fertiE'- ing implied obviously cannot Agricultural Committee, states! zer, 'chemical, farm machinery, support a college education for1 that everyone is directly or in- 1 oil, packing and canning cao- ils sons.t directly interested in farming,! panies, etc.) that industry«s Surveys in U.S. show that1 and evervyone wants to see- a need îs just as great as farmer.,' high sehool and college trainecd higerstndad f ivig orfor trained men" farîniers operated: 57% ýoff farms1 ou'- farmers.1 In Mr. Wlliams' opinion, for produc'ing $ 10,000 a year ori 'Better education is the an-j too few students are enrolling more. 401,;,off farms producingf swer", hp declares, "and On- 1 in Ca nadian agricultural col- $5,000) a vear ta $10.000, 31%'1 of1 tario's farm boys need morelleges to meet the cauntr 'ýs re- farms prn-ducing $2,500 a year help in the way of scholarships ' quirements. During 1955-58 in- ta $5,000. and bursaries".1 clusive, there were fewer than Farin operators with 8th These inducements, Mr. Wil- 300 graduates per year in ail Grade education or less operat- liams continues, should be of Canada. e d: 69'? ,off the farms producinig sufficient value to partiy cover $2.500 ta $5,000, 75% off the livngexenesaswe l ti frs producing $1,200 to $2,- tion fees.I-,%, 000. 8 of the farms prôduc- "At present we need more, Im Co-opîng 1es than $1.200) annuaiiv. degree men in agriculture to r e-j h. hw that the more suc-t turn ta the land in the interestslSayS Bu ine S far nir have had morec off more scientifie farming, and S y u ieYcas ;11 school. Mr. Williams ______________l__ L)tC1, cs .\\'hieli ve consider that ii 0111v 5 -off th2 farmiers in Cari- A s Usuai ada* ni'ade enough money inv i 1.15 IopaYincrnetax-thein ]Be Prepared "e il onine oaseni11e an elhgsttepcYn vr 0ý li omtigi industry in exact]y the î d *ast :eilv %rong with thisoce for businesslike fashion ve hn o been using under the offi ai *S aie aece or industries 1 authority vested in us throtîuýh n 1ll d suvport prospective stu- ii Spring Thaws Ac o Onaro, sttcdChrl, W. McInnis, president oe t zvrmn departments are ta tl Ontario Hog Producers Co- b c\o bv adequately train- ti wltb a operative. el g u t it" Hre made the comment in 8! At thoe Ontario Agriculturai c( statement issued Februarv '15 on R 1'~Astud ont niay attend ir behaîf off the board of directors fourvear coursiiýes leading ta de- aý of the Co-operative. gr1, inawie age of sub- ir The latest court proceeding,, ie*- for considerably less than- D U R O of last weeksuggesting that thie Ne )yotld have o pay alto:her Sment officiais, has no reai effect Possi ble for mare farm boys ta upon the present modern mark- tako acixantage of these courses, eting plan." hie said. Mr. W*liains cancludes. Thev Mr. Mclnnis also pointed out cannot 'attend at present because With 25 feet of 11,V' plastie pipe that the plebiscite taken in Julv, Of loxv farm earnings. There- 1958, when Ontario farmers vo t- fore more schalarships are vit- d( ed 68% in favour of the current aIly neded. t scheme, does flot affect the val- P idity of the present operating BUR 4rnethods. The plan was once BU IETON d laandeciared valid by the P Court off Appeals of Ontario just Mr. Charles Stephenson, Pon- a last January. At the same timo, typoal, who has been visiting fe Mr. Mclnnis pointed out that last his son Mr. Wm. Stephenson, re- Aý year's vote does not affect the turned home on Monday. U J A CIK BROU GH validity off the plans, regulations, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Weston, th~ or the orders directing farmers (neec Helen Stephenson) were A PLUMBING and HEATING jta take hogs to the many as- hnue ihamselnosD semb]y yards piaced in conven - snoneaure wtha mionseanu D Divisicn Street South lent locations in Southern On- shoeigb r iatNes ndonelatives.ay MA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE tario. eeîgb red n eai's "We are opecating 'as usual'" Th.ey wcre also presented with a Ur said Mr. McInnis. studio couch and a clothes ham- lui per. a The C.G.1.T. Hi Tryers graup wý held a toboggan party on Satur- su re e ! re i day at the home off Mrs. L. Ar- tal gue. Elcven girls attended and aithough the slight ain that fell pa Fre e, Fr e O fr aihileduring the early part Hc afth itecnoon, kept t ëe girls te: indoors most of the aftecnoon, sta BLAC DIA ONDthey enjoyed themselves witl1 fac B L Aparticipati ~ionina few games and f il a sin-song led by Mr. A. J. de STA M S Tunbul atthe piano. After far ST M P artal ing ofa vr oni a with every outth slopes around the Ar- Off img had a most enjoyable time o urchase of gas A vote off thanks was tend ere al purcas orgo . Argue for thie useof her I hmand the entertainmen t. der at Mr. and Mrs. George Walien al and Nancy, Mackham, were Sun- wa day visitors with Mm. and MmUs. cre V g rO lR. Bone. h u, SERVICE STrAION meeting Thursday, March There wvill be a lenten serviecon CORNER 0F MANVERS ROAD )canducted by Rev. W. Logan', flg AND FIFTH CONCESSION and. later, during the regrula- Ený Phone MA 3-29)9 course off the meeting, a portion A.( Mrs. GPeofrllioon Suda. c'los5 Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Reid, thou and family, Sundecland, Miss bej .~.~~,Irene Brown, Scugog Island, stre5 were Sunday visitors with Mr. off tl and Mrs. Eacl Oliver. vide The churcb service on Sun- acci( day xvas poorly attcnded and ciffic fquite a xumber'off people mnissed und( hearing the inspiring address by HE Rev. W. Logan, entitied "Re- will conciliation." farn IMr. Alian Larmer, Toronto, tion spent Surnday xith bis parents OffJ «Pioneer is the saw designed Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lairmer. He E apeciflcally for the Canadien Little Ann Argue m-as the Iv 7 waod cutting induatry. It is guest off Mr. and Mrs. R. Banc ferec known profesonatly for ita on Tuesday off last wc-ek. On port, low cost of operation. It has Wensa Anclb'tdhrport.ý been proven by 15 years of fWednesrtdav and ciebad aber ta leadership. A proven quali ty PfNERifethnmtdy Iad haga. be ato P'ioneer RA Chain Saw gues, John ne BHodgean cati costa $199.50. You get aMa ealeBlwa n ed saw that. u'on't ktvou down. Mrs. Dolores Bylow, Orillia, rp ,Ask for a free demnonstra- ,vwere Sundayv isitors with Mrs. grau tion. Enquir.. about Our P. ' J"iA S TD Forence Caughiil and Messrs. fo convenient finance-plan. Wm. and Chester Hoskinq. able jMr. Aiden Hubbard, Mr. ard se ýMrs. Stan McCullough, Mis. Joe Hilli; S. S M o ton So Ho-ervorst, visited Mrs. Esther tion 5. M rton& "o -irochn and Mr. J. Hoger- outt BQW ANVLIE ON ARI jvost, nt Memorial Hosoital Sun- tix'e BOW MA VILL, ON ARIOdav even ing. Mrs. Carnochan ho wili be confinod ta bospitai for peopý fseveral wes and Mr. Pager- Thi vo-tis iîmproving nîcel.t, heir 'ence speeoy recovery.Mr TRI CANA1DIAN STATESMAN, BOWMÂQ<VILT. ONTAIR!O "MDT AC t,1 Four New Y For Marketi 'ards Open M.e. ood.e ! ser-ShouId Avoii Mm nd Mrs. Laurence Van of Hu~~nc Monsjou, Hans and Peter rnov~ T a ing of ogs emdmt'o« Montrealon Friday. TheirýO o a c friends homo wish themn weil in "This IS Part off Our plan ta their' new work. Muck for tobacco seedbeds, gradually extend botter service M. Lyal Noble's mother and besides having a fairly coarse to the hog raising counties off brother, Mr. F. Noble, Bob- texture, must be within a cer- the province," savs Mc. McIn- caygeon, viisted during the tain range off sou roaction if nia. "Our planning includes fur- lweekend with the Nobles. strong, healthy seedlings are thor marketing yards in othor Miss Jeanine eranM.tobpodc. ameas in the immediate ftr. Grant Specrwr nBap 1Last year the Cooperative sold ton, Saturday, when several b estfry thgoth off tobaccoi nearly 2,000,000 Ontacia hogs counties xvere represented at a bs o h rwho oac woth$10 ilin s hesaes1LdrsipSchoPi' plants, states Milton Watson, woch 10 miiin s he als aec~î colin S. àu'sExtension Specialist, Ontar'o agency for some 50,000 hog pro- United Church. The OrtarioDeatnt of Arclu. ducers in the province. The Ca- I County Quartette off which Joan- Dprmn f Arcluý opecative office in Toronto ce- j me and Grant are members Plants wili grow vory little doives information from tIp wore invited ta sing. in strongly acid soils. Tobacco assembly yards by telephone 1Mr. and Mcs. E. Maidman, pat idi adt o hi and teletype and then pcocceds jMm. and Mca. E. Parks, and Mr. propor nutrients in highly acid ta s2Il ta some 40 meat packiIg land Mrs. B. Hitchens attendod souls. Under the same candi- Plants in Ontario. ian appreciation dinnor for Scout tions, other nutrionts such as The countios ta be . sorviced Leaders in Oshawa, Saturday. lron and manganese, may ap- by Mc. and Mrs. R. Werry, Toron- pear in tovic proportions, and .. the new ma"keting yards ta n c n r.M esn ase root damage. afo Victoria, PeterboroughtadM.adMr.M esn a Durham, Northumberland, Has.: Carolyn, Gordon, Beaverton, The only way ta avoid trou- ýtigsLenoxAdingonFro. wome Sunday auppor guests of bla with saur muck is flot ta tings, Ln n ce Adnto, ron Mc. and Mca. C. F. Wecmy. use it, states the tobacco auth- tenc ad Pinc Edar . Former Young People attend- ority. The application off lime I ing service on Sunday were: wiil evontually reduce the acid- Mms. T. Ploasance and Susan ity off course, but not in tirne Four additional marketing as- sembly yards foc hogs oponod in eastern Ontario by the Ont. Hog Producors' Cooperative ac- cording to an announcement by Charles W. McInnis, presidont. The new yards at Picton, Hoards Station, Peterborough and Madoc bcings the numb-3r now in operation in southocn Ontar-«o ta 201. These supplement the two yards now opocating at Lindsay and Newburgh for eastern Ontacio. In oaening tho four new yards, tho Cooporative bas extended the directional order that eas-- cmn Ontaria farmers are ta soul through the Cooporative sales office rather than directly ta packocs. The dicoctional, ocder îs now in vague in 32 out off the 42 countios off southorn On- tario. Most Price For Vegetc Nogotiations for prices an tecîns off contcact for the 19, cops off peas, corn and tomatc( 'ave been camnploted. Representatives off the Ontari Food Processors Association mr ,vith directors off the Ontai Vegotable Gcowors' Marketin Board and agreement was reaci ed on the following basis: Corn-Price unchanged fror 1958 at $26.00 per ton, movisiar in the agreement will mean 'laser supervision off contracte acroage thus limiting plantingt th actual acreage under ca. tract. Poas-Prices and terrmsc ontract generaliy the samea in 1958. A clause has bei dded covecing peas barvestei in the 0 - 80 tendemometer ceai Farm Saf etl Endorses Nq A forwacd stop in farma acci lent preventian was realizec ,s week when mare than 30C orsons, ropresenting 55 Oc. aia caunties and districts, ou- losed a pcoposed facm safety )rograra which was the basis oi ttwo-day Facm. Safety Con- crence held at the Ontaric ýgricuitural Coilege, Guelph. [nder the joint sponsorship af he O.ntacia Depactmont of .griculture and the On.tario )epartmcnt off Transport. Saffetv' authoriti2s, from thli )ntario Governiment and the Tnited States, outiinod the na- -e off the accident picture in g-icultuco, and on our high- Jays, and rcveýaled the mnea- ures that have so fac been àken to curb accident toîl. Speaking foc the Ontario De- artmeiit off Agriculture, the [n. W. A. Goodfeilow, Minis. ýr off Agriculture for Ontario, îted tbat -it is a rocognized it th&, rnachinery, live stock, oes, falis and highway ci ent all contribute ta make irming a very hazardaus accu- ation. It follows that it is aur nty to undoctake a prograni Esafety education that will ssiat in pce2venting needless ss off life and injury. that is 1too common today." Dr. J. D. MacLachlan, Presi- mt off the Ontario Agricultur- College, painted out that At as useless ta strivo for in- rased productivity, better isbandry, and more efficien- in far ming if the price that id ta be paid was in.jucy and cid"'nts ta the farm people icerned. Prof. C. G. Down- ghead off the Department off ginecring Science et the O. C., disclosed that the idea off ormoting safety was nat nexv ih the 'Department off Agri- lture: for yoars the Depart- ent, thcough its agricultucal presentatives and thcough or- nized programs with 4-H has, ijomomakers, junior farm- sand rural people goneraliv, Id been engaged in a safety ogr am. But we havc fa go even fur- cr," states T. R. Hilliard, Di- tac off Extension, Ontario oartmt-nt off Agriculture, un- rwliose supervision the Farno ident Sucvey will b2gin an rch 1. "Just as improved 7ming practices arc the resuit sci"îmtific research appiied to tual farming conditions, so ia sound farm safety pro- im cesult ooly fcom reszeacch actual facm accidents. Once ceseacch la compioted, farij ety programa dan thon hc ised which aie based on ac- il farînîng conditions." rho Extension Director dis- ced that the sucvey will ce- id al farm accidents overl Sone-year period March 1, Mto February 29, 1960. ! uigh tho accident survey wili province-wide in scapo. ho ýssedl that a prime objectivei ho sucvoy would ho ta pro- l oe delegates to the confer- f( ?s*ý?pprted the Dopart- rf t's Farm Accident Surve', Gardon Greer, President of0. - - and Bnoue, Brooklin. plants already in the seedbed - - - ----- ible ret the time off its application. b CeiGowers I MORRISH M- nd îng bracket. The price in this od Silaae 59l category is ta ho $175.00 per ton Congratulations ta Diane MeIo d es and ra întended ta dîscoucage Connel vho was one off sovocal the harvesting off poas at tao childceni taking part in "Child- It is passible ta koep sîlege rio iearly stages off maturity. mens Choice" on Radia Station fcom getting moldy' *1FRVTRIAFUEO? et Tomtos-Prîces and other CHUC on Saturday morning. Yes. states Professor Mercitt FO TRNAYUE NL io temms similar ta 1958 other than Diane gave a piano solo "Squlr- Wright, off the Department Bac- DOSE FOR SCOURS mug evisians in the quota clause cols at Play". She is a pupîl off terioiogy, Ontario Agricultural Give calf 6 tableta evmr 6 hours foi ,h- which are intended ta facilitate Mrs. E. Wilson. DianÈ is practis- College. The following procau- 3 udoses. the handling off a larger drap. ing for the Music Festival to be tions will help ta prevent mold )M The general outlook for 1959 held et PeterboroWgh in May. gcowth (comember tbat mold PREVENTATIVE DOSE ýns ia a possible further ceduction off We wish ber every success in will graov only when air is pro- Ulve 3 tablets dally for tlrst 7 toi a pea acroage due ta substantiel hec choice. Bannie Fenton, an- sent): 10das ed i stocks on hend. lother pupil off Mca. Wilson, was 1. Have air-tight wal]s and ta Tomato acreege may also be ion the same pragmam. She gave doars on the silo. 50 1'ABLETS 100 TABLETS ýn- somewhat lower due ta lacge l a vocal solo "Queen for a Day, 2. Harvest the crop ett(ho stock cacmyavom and cao bîgherla westecn cowboy sang. We rgîtm ata tcnan 22 40 off yields in 1958 have causcd many hope ta hear aur young friends onogt tmoistuo ta at tck oll 2.5S40 as pracessars ta change thoir estim- on this pcagram again befareto and kecp out air. AT en ates off the number off acres long; performing in this wey ed needed ta produce their requir- is educational in many weys. It 3. Peck the silage s0 that it FOLLOIVING DRUG STORES d- cd tannage. teaches tbem soîf-relience, self- will settle tightly egeinst the confidence and poise ta help waîîs. Jury & Lovel carry them on ta higher achieve- 4. If the drap is too mature M jmonts, or bas been frazen, eut it mbt Alex McGregor yr Co f re I Mca. M. J. Osborne, Mca. D. shorter pieces. If the crop is JHaines, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Os- very dry, water mev ho addod Pro r m l Iborne and famnil.v wero gùests at ta make packing easier. C P. R. Cowllng ew P o rthe edn fMs eie Moldy silage should awy BOWMANVILLE Cowan in Ocono United Church ho fed witb caution, werns thp 1- the Ontario Fedecation off Agri- on Satucday, Februacy 28. O.A.C. authority. Young stockC.B yrl ýd culture; Miss Kathleen Homan, 1 Regular church service was and stock in high production rea )0 Presideot off the Junior Facm- i beld as usuel an Sunday et are affected moat by maldy si- RN c- rs off Ontario; and Mrs. James lo0 a.m. There was a very good lage. j Haggecty, Pcesîdent off thq Fed- number present. Rev. A . W. _____________________ _______ 'y e reted Women's Institutes off Herding was in charge. )f1Ontario aIl pledged the support Sundey School was heid at i-off the accident sur vev by their il a.m., conducted by the Super- LO IA IDE R I ýorepetie organizations. intendeot Mr. George Harness L OA N E R O repeci'.with 39 present. Master Claude i Harneas eccompenied ail the N hynsonpiano. Congratula- NW YOU CAN CET SO NUCH MORE 400 Producers loonaCude epthsgo FOR NUCH LESS IN . I - r nSharon Wright I back et Exn ctr- a 'chool and getting along ncl e Ex ecte atwith hem crutches. Kind noigh- boucs convey bier theme and back. ' nvo' eeting i hao is cao keeping up withj hrSunday School. Bravo, Shar- n Some 400 hog producers arc IMcc. Wrn. McHolm and Mis sT!, L expected ta attend the 1959 Becketti wcre evening visitorsi The car t1iat hadLO 1appen. annual convention off the On-j with Mca. F. Camnish, Port Hope, (aria Hog Producers Associa- onf dedy h 5h tionat he ing dwad Ht 1 Mc. and Mca. C. Warner off Toronto, March 16 and 1ý7. Toronto visited with Mrs. Wm.TH 1Them2 of the twa day gatberirig i\tHolm egain on Sunday, wîll ha "Agni-Buisiness Introdu- 'March I. ces a New Ena." * *We expect this meeting ta heon ancaithe moat importanitiyS U E AR ever beîd by bog producera in Con troisbyS U E AR 1Ontario," statos James Boyii 1ton, secretary off the Associa- e 0 ;tion. "'We have a packed pro- l ;gram off meetings and business i EIin sessions ail desigoed ta develo,> tho new (rond in farming of business agriculture. The future dcvcloîîment off farming aeems i.f, s 2n e ta point ta a greater activitv 1,, (ho business spbere by farnu Viriinic dyscntecy iLae trou- gcoups". bl2somne disease in same swino Speaker at the cnual ban- hebrds f-rm lime ta time, co- quet wii h Robent Canbert, il, ports thie Ontario Veterinacy information officer, Canadian Collegoý. The disease rnay affect Fedecat!oof Agcricultur2 0,, sivine off ail agLs. Lassos may ho "Wbet's Aiuead foc (ho Famil.y ras liah as twenty-ffive per cent ~ ~ 'c ;v ornwdmnîn~ Farm." The president off (ha and 1itnay ce-accur fcequen(lv seaddîeyu e ieso Associition, Charles W. MIu inaherd. Usuaily (ho disease imorn a nis will addness (lue Mondav, jis spread by bringing new an.:- i ooig Marclu 16 luncheon meeting as mals ino the3 herd from an in- ~ -" ' ar g theý kcynote speaker Off the fected farm or sale. Lasses fcam î' sessionng.f he hodiscase cani.ho minimized if G rjaia's G r g rîew additions ta the bord are secon day ill ec tw suhisolateci foc et l,,act twa weeks HYO j'-cts off b od iote'-est, one0 1ýoa -)y Field trials conducted by the.Ro Hrmer j. Mayhce, Fdrto College indicate (bat one off the E Markeing Srvice entitcci fWluracin group off drugs may '~ ~" 'Production and Quality". The' hc effietive inci cntralling vi- other wviil be "A Housewif2's brion; ce dysentecy outbreaks on Look i Pock Producta" by c ce- the ffarrn. An eacly diagnosis off OUJR PRICES ON NEW LARK ~ 4 presentatix-e off (ho Canadian t.he discase hy a veterinarian is$2 9 Association off Consumera. esseolial if (bis treatment La to MODELS START AS LOW As.. In jo;îut session with the AFs- ho used effeclivelv. sociatio.,xill he the Ontar.o Hg Producera' marketing, Board and the O.H.P. Coopera - tivo, (tue latter being the agenc'.'j . ... .... - selling haga iu Ontario for (t j F"ile~,mr~'"b' ' approximnalely 50,000 producers i dSour Muck~ Seed Bedsiý Saur muck can generally b recognized by its reddîsh bro'» color when dry. However, thèýý only sure way off determining the reaction of a muck is to have it tosted befoce preparing the seedbed. This can be done by aniy grawer if ho brings into the tobacco substation at Delhi or sends by mail, a sarn- pIe off muck consisting off a mix- ture of small quantities of muck taken from. variaus parts off the pile. It will take oniy a few minutes ta completo the test and there is no charge. Such a test now may mean the avoid- ing off trouble later, when iime is more critical. CARRUTHERS HERD CAN LOOK LIKE THIS! The four cows pictured above are ail daughters of ALMERSON SOVEREIGN SUPREME owned by Aylrner Petberick of Carnpbellford, Ontario. This Great Sire can be your Herd Sire for 1959 Improve the type and production in your herd by joining your artificial insemnination association. FOR INFORMATION OR SERVICE CALL: ,ET DURBAN COUNTY KIHWOOD - Orono 17110 JAAN TAAVET - Welcorne 2231 DICK WOOD - Bowmanville MArket 3-3405 Quinte District Cattie Breeding Association r KEDRON Rev. R. H. Love, in the serm- on on "God's Lave Abides For- ever", mcde mention off (ho beautifful solo, "The Lard is My Light and My Scivation", sun'g by Mca. R. Masos with Mrs. R. Lee, oganist. Ahl wishîng the "Observer" weme invited ta contact tho Sec- retary off (ho same, Mca. E. Mauntjoy, as soan as passible. A fine tomperance film wasi sbown in the Sunday Scbool~ Hour with Mca. B. Starc, nar-j cetor. The offfeing was mccciv- cd by Bannie Dyck and Bruce Gagnon. Walter Davis has campleted (bis montb off Febcuarv, as (cacher off the Adult Bible Class. Mms. E. Mountjoy was Bible Class Teacbec, Sunday. Mca. B. Reeves, Mrs. E. Mount- joy, Douglas McNclly and Dwight Cameron off Young People's Ciasand Mr. end Mca.j W. Wecry were presont ett(hoe Suindey Sehool Rally in Ashhucn Church, Sunday evening. "Rev. Brahem's nuessage on IMy Bible Accocding ta You" was very heltnful. The Young People off Asbburn Dhurcb led in (ho warsbip serv-j ce, when the Junior Choir brouglut a message in sang. Cheirmai off The Committee off Stewards off Kedron Churcb for 1959 is Mc. J. Franucis; Sec- etary-Mr. A. Wood; Treesurer -Mr. H. Crossman: Chaimman Of Property Cammniee-Mvr. W. EI w