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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Mar 1959, p. 11

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193* _________________________________________ - 4~ ~ ~J 4 dL 4 ~0LU~i~, DU WLVI.ftC( V~LiL~E, ~JNTAiHI~ A ID A~~A ID *~ A ~tD Lus ~ a A - - flewca st/e cSocaI and 9)ÇersonaI Mrs. Katbtleen Byam and son Bill a! Concordi were weekend guests with Mr-. and Mrs. John Voutt and family. Mi-. and Mrs. James Taylor o! Lindsay were Sunday guests with Mr- and Mrs. H. C. Dan- ris. Master Dean Breraton o! Part Hope was a waekend guest witb Mi-. and Mrs. Sarn Brai-e- ton and girls. The Rev. H. G. Craziex- of Wbitby was the guest minis- tae- nt the United Cburch an Eundav marning. The Rev. IM. C. Fishe:ý was at St. Stephens Church in Oshawa conducting icommtinion service and re( 1tion o! new rmembers. I Mr-. and Mrs. Wm. Butt( a! Smiths Falls spent a days visiting with Mi-. and 1 Wm. Stoi-ks and family. Mr-. and Mrn. Cas-I Gauldi famiiy spent, Sunday visil wlth Ms-. and Mrs. Har-ý E ina Newr-narkct. 4 Mr-. and Mrs. Gardon Gar Jr., Mrs. Wm. Storks and ch ren andi Mss. Wmn. ButtE motoraei ta Malton an Sun ta meet tha plana bringing' Harold Deline, home follo'? a month's vacation in Maxi( ýcep- erUl few Mrs. and :)aîy ild- eril iday M r. ing Badminton Club Enjoys First Round Robin Play NEWCASTLE-The Newcas- da Horkkamp. The honours in tle Badminton Club had a very the cj)nolation round went ta enjoyýabli, get-tog2ther on Sat- Mims Mary Margaret Banathan urday evening when the club and Trèicy Ernbley wha defeat- held its first Round Robin night md Miss Mary Dewdney aad with a good percentage of thýý George Hendry in the semi- rieml)ers'iip participating. Both finals. Courts were kept busy throu- F'ollowing the matches the ghout the evening with the members were served sand- wi;nnersý playina off an one and wichet. cake and coffee In the the consolation round being kitchen with same enthusiastie played on thu other. memnberç returning ta the courts Mis-3 Susan Gray and Char- again for some extra games. les Crovvther were the winners The executiva are planning of the serni-final round deleat- another of these evenings be- ing Gary McCullough and Nar- fore the end of the season. Leafs and Canadians Win Semi - Final Series In Pee Wee Hockey NE <CASTLE - The Leafilciefeated the Rangers by a score end Wings took their gamnes of 4 ta 1 with Scott 1Rudell (2), last Tuesday evening ta aven Peter McCullough and Bob the sem:-final playdowns of the local Pee Wee League at one Bandstra scoring the goals for game each for ail four teamns. the winners. Neil Voutt scor- In the~ first game the Leafs ing the ions marker for the1 Rangers. Penalties were given Ita Denniz. Rudman and Peter McCullough, both o! the Leaf. m i he sacond game was a ra 1Let's Look Back triller with thR Wings edging the Carnadiani by a score of4 10 VaraAgo n Nweatle t 3. Wizngs' four goals werea 10 YarsAgo n Nwrasle cored by AIt Alidraad (2), Pat t March 3, 1949 Goadwin and Peter Werry withc It was reported a fire of un assists by Werry and Alidread. known origin had comnpîetely Donny Rickard scored ail threea destroyed the home of Herbert goals for the lasers with as- Hicks, R. R. 3, (base lins) on sists hy Fred Aldread, Ronn'e Saturday îeaving two Goode and Ricky Pearce. Erie adult. and five childi-en home- Nayior and Fred Aildread, bath s less. As there was no Insurance, of Canalians were the penaliz- lthe Newc2stie Red Cross iinder ed piayers.c President Tc Wade were YLaading a dri*ve for furniture, clothing. etc., ta se-establish the !smiiy'. A large advertisement head- ed "Does Newcastle Want An Arena'" was spensai-ad by the Ladiesn' Snftbail Club, Vetesans Assooiajairn, Lions Club and Baseaal Club us-ging citizens ta attend a public meeting to .,.Ie ha hld ara Mai-ch iIlth to give a resounding araswas- ta this question. The obituary was published o! the late Olga Atkinson Glb- son w.ho had been the New- castle carrespondent for the Canadian Stalesman for' the prviaus four vears. Ms-s. Gib- son, a nieca of the lata Joseph Atkinsora had bean a resident o! Newvcastle fcr 40 years. The Piight Hon. C. D. Howe and the Han. Lester B. Peas-son were schedul'-J ta address the nominating convention o! thre Dus-bain Libgral Association tao contest the riOing ina the najct Fedcral election. 4,500,000 Motorists Choose State Farm Why? They enjay top. notch protection and rock-bottam rates on auto insurance. Do you? Cal S DIRK BRINJCMAN Mill St. N. E~I Telaphone 3671 ce - Newcastle St. ru Mtut MAtW ati um UMecq Canadian Head Office: Taronto WIJ a si Ti * * * On Satus-dav marning the LLeafs and Caenadians took the 3rd anad final games o! the semi- final s-ries tu eas-n the right ta meet ira the final series ta decide the champianship of the local Pea Wee leagua. 9 The Leafs de!eated the Ran- 1 gi-s 3 tao 0ta take their saries by 2 gamnes ta 1. John Brink- man, Peter McCullough and Dernms Rudmara wes-e the goal scores-s with an assist going tD Bob Bandstra. Jim Stephen.son and John Brinkman o! the Leafs and Peter- Lake o! the Rangers liad ta sit out two mia- utes eaeh ira the penalty box. In the second game the Can- adians defeated tbe Wings by a score ai 4 ta 1 ta eas-n tha iight ta meat the Leafs in thef finals. Don Rickai-d anad Wayne Megît wth two each were the goal scores-s for the Canadiaras with Riekard picking up an assist on ana o! the goals. The Wings ' goials w as scos-ed by Pe- ter Wesry fv roni John Cunning- ham. Penalties were given 1;o Danny Has-ris, Fs-ad Allds-ead and Bihl Scott of Canadians and Wayne Ilancock and Al!. A:!- dread of the Wings. Brownies HoId Service for Th inking Day OBITUARY 7/te~/Vewcad/eY4e12e#d.#d ENNISKILLEN The Februa:-y meeting o! the W.A. was held at the Pai-sonage on Tuasday a!ternoon, Feb. 24. The Devatianal entitied "A New Commandment" was given by Mrs. Aima Yellowlaas. The s-oh caîl was answered witb "A fa- vourite Wintas- Pastima.'" Treas- u-es's report was given by Mrs. F. Toms. Mi-s. F. Beckett, Con- venor of Group 2. apened the Pi-Og-am with a poem, -Why People Go ta, Churcb", !ollowad by a hymn, readings -by Mi-s. J. Slemon, and Mrs. R. McGill; a vocal duet by Mrs. Ashton and Mrs. Ivan Sharp; piano salas by Maureen McNair and Kathi-yn Siemon. The meeting closed witb a bymn, theme sang and prayer and a delicious lunch served' by the group. The Senior Choir is holding its last Crokinole pai-ty for the season an Saturclay evening Mas-ch 7. Everyone weicome. Mis s Sheila Cax, spant the weekend witb Mi-. and Mrs. Gea. Jui-anics, Oshawa. Mr-. and Mrs. Arthur Lead- beater and boys ware with Mi-. and Mrs. Lai-ne Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bi-unt wera Sunchay visites-s w it h . --- -.à y 3" Nèéarly 600 Fil! Hall For Annual Case Show M )ton, on Tuesday. The Barbettes, a graup o! The annual meeting of the Port Hopc Telephone Company Ltd. was held in their office at NewcastIle on Saturday atter- noon, February 2lst. The manager's report, pres- anted byr Mr. M. Jones, statad that telephonez during the yeai- increased by 49 and that a ti- tal o! 1157 telephones wera naw installed bv the Company. Grass revenue incs-eased by $12,219 to a total of S74,343. ITotal a&sats were set at $205,- 8 12, The manager stated that this inerease was a good bai-a- matai- rzading a!f the growtis in thea as-a, which we must en- deavoiar ta meat. . ha dis-actors approved an in interest rates tri their loan-hcldIers and com- mencir'g AprH l st, 1959, the CampanY will pa.v an intarest rate of 6 per cent instead uf Mr-. D. A. Noble, Tabe-, AI- osi-ta, spent a few days with Mi-. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper last week. Mi-. and lVrs. RussellQi-mis- ton, Enniskillen, visited Mr-. and Mrs. J. D. Brown on Wednesday hast waek. Mi-. arad Mrs. David Gay and infant son Chris, Oshawa, are living with David's father Mr. James Gay and farnily. Mi-. and Mrs. Charles Reasor si-d son David, Markham, visi- ted bar sistar Mrs. M. Sherwin on Suraday. Mr-. and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell and childi-en, North Oshawa, uisited bis parants Mi-. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell. Mr-. and Mvrs. Chas. Taylor spent the weakend with Mr. and VIss. Ross Taylor and famiiy, Ottawa. Mrs. Etta Page, Enniskillan, visited Mrs. J. E. Richards. Mi-. and Ms-s. Bs-ucc0 Mes-ces- 'isitad Mr-. and Ms-s. K. Baird, Cobourg, hast Tbursd'ay and Mr-. Ies-car attendad the Fii-emen's meeting. Miss Carohyn Jones, Oshawa, spent the wakend at ber home. Ms-s. Norman ICennedy retura- ed home iast waek fi-rn visiting in Georgetown and ina the States. Ms-s. William Davey retUi-nad r] sr ec Lions Midgets Play Keene In Semi - Finals JNEWCASTLE-Havirag alim- iaated Os-ono anad Cannington ira the Ontas-io Miner Hockey Association pîaydowns the New- castle Lsons Midg-et Hock-,y Club as-e now scheduled ta meet the Keena anti-y in the semni- final sas-las. The gaines wes-e scheduled ta be non off this we2k, but with lack a! ice locaîîy, due ta the mild spaîl, and the Bow- manvii-:c As-era booked ta cal- acity tIha fis-st gama is sched- uled for the Peter-borough Ci- vie Asena on Saturday. It is expacted a good turnout af IbLai fans wilI ha on haiad ta see the game on Saturday and cheax- tha boys on ta an On- tas-io cl.ampionship. NEWCASTLE--The Newcas tl Bowiished her w Talent M onth Thinking Day Ses-vice at their reguiar meeting in the Cam mnurity Hall last Wadnesday.Pa n d b The Bi-ownîes meeting ai-e b e- ing held aach Wednasday fromnF~ lf~ ~ / 6:30 ta 8:00 p.m. E e ig W A The fis-st hait bous- was spent ina pîaying a coupla of naisy NEWCASTLE- The Evaning £omes and then ths meeting Bs-anch o! the Woman's Aux'.- prapas- operaad with the Br-ownî- sas-y oa St. George's Chus-ch mer les Six Sang, Prayes- and the in the Pas-ish Hall on Febru- coliectir.g o! the Fais-y Gold. as-y 25th for theis- regula- meet- Eaen Brownîe was given a ing, opeining with the W.A. colourcd flag bearirag the name prayar and thE Las-d'a Praye-. o! a caunatry Ini which the Brow- Followîng the s-eading af the nie or-ganizat!an is opes-atincr minutes and the offices-s' s-e- and ira tumra aach Bs-ownie soaparts, the Litle Helpars' Con- up hr iag ightng cadlevenor rajas-teu four naw mean up har ILia ihig ad bers )! the Little 1-elpers. beaid itAfter soma discussion it was Whihe this was being done decided ta maka tha Month o! tha Brown Qwl and the Tawny Mas-ch Talent Month for tihe Owl and Miss Joan Young aach branchi. During this montn gave a short reading on "Think- members wiil attempîte i-raise ing Day". A suitable proyer- money f:îs- the W.A. as indivi- >uas read and the service clos- dua!s rathas- than by group ed with the Loi-d'a Prayer. The prajacî.. District Cammissianer, Mrs. Thes-e was some discussion ATm. Rudell joîned with the about' matters o! pas-achial in- Browriies in the Thsnking Day tes-ast and about the Dos-cas ses-vice. wos-k. It wvas dacided ta holJ The Brawnies had a twenty a quiltir'g at the naxt meeting, minute wos-k pes-iod after which ara Mas-ch Ilh. aPaw Wow was farmed for a Thaernpeting was brought ta ing sang and their ciasing a concl!usion with tbe serving, rapa. oQI Lea. the existing 5 par cent. The fiva cent calîs and $2,00 fiat rates fromn Clar-ke and New- castle ta the Qi-ana exchange wvas discontînued. This now% means that pl.ýone calîs May be placed f ree of charge fi-arn Clarke and Newcastle ta Os-- ana. The repart also outlined thF recent proposaI O! amalgama- tion ;vhich bad been offered at the annual meeting o! the Qi-- ana Telephono> Company Ltd. A delegation of R. R. Waddell, Lyall Lowery and Robai-t Moi-- ton froln the Qi-ana Company wei-e present at the meeting on Satui The pYresent Officars were re-elected being Mi-. H. S. Bs-lt- ton, presidant; Mi-. George Fln- nie, vice-president; Messrs. H. E. Walkey. 'H. Jase and C. M. Signs of Spring Is It a signofo spring or are we living ini the backx'oods? Psiday nornlng hetween ten and eloyen o'clock two deer came along beside aur liause and cro csed the soad, disappear- ing somnewhere in the ncigh- bai-hood. Accord!i'ng te reports the deei were fir-st seein at the east enid et Andrexv street and followed the creesz ta Gorge street, then across M:11 where the trail m. lost. ELiher one of them ori other deer was sighted in1 sane . iîity on Saturday1 was scared off by dogs. It is beiieved the deer mi be living either in a dlump trees near this area on the p, perty of Stanley Graham or IwnCol will's% woods fart] tthe east. an- the but ilst if ina rier home on Saturday fi-rn Mar- ial Hospital, Bowmanvilhe. Ms-. and Ms-s. J. E. Gamey le!t on Satui-day fan a holiday in the Southern States. Rev. and Mi-s. J. W. Wilkinson, Durabas-ton, visited Ms's. Fi-ad Tamblyn on Monday. Sandr-a Marcas-, Cornelis Maai- tense and Mi-. John Ford., at- tended the Student Counc.ii Con- ferenca in Hamilton on Friday anSatus-daiy. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Stewart, St. Cathar-ines, were ovai--night guests o! har niace Mrs. J. E. Richards. Gos-don Cottes- is assist- ing Mrs. C. V. Wilson in the local Post Office. Ms-s. DavId Phasey and Way- ne, Tyrone, waseednnai- guasts o! Mi-. and Mrs. Chas. Wood ora Tuesday. Miss Kate Faste-, Osbawa, spent the weekýend with Ms-s. Thorraton Wilson and Mrs. Eari Grady. Congratulations ta Mi-. and Mrs. Robes-t Gerald May, the formai- Madeline Inýa Mae Caw- an Reg. N. on thais- mariage at Orono United Chus-ch, an Febru- as-y 28, 1959, Rav. Basil E. Long, officia ted. Mrs, Chas. Has-ris is a patient ina Memarial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Mi-. and Mrs. Russell Rosboi- ough, Niagara Falls, visited Ms-s. Wm. Cobbhadick on Saturday. Ms-s. John J. Cornssh, Mr. and Ms-s. Wm. Inwin ýare spanding a montb in Calîf&s-nia. Ms-s. George Crowtber and sons, Newcastle, visitad Mr. and Ms-s. Chas. Wood Sunday. Orono Public Schoai held "Open Housa' on Wadnesday evenýing, Mai-ch 8th. The regulatr meeting o! the W.A. will be held an Thursday evening. Mas-ch 5th. The ps- gi-arn will include a nisest speak- er, Ms-s, C. Ives of Bowrnanvilla, Fier tapie will be, "Let's takeaa look at W.A." Ms-s. Ives is the presidient et the W.A. Pi-esby- tes-y, Bay af Quinte Confei-ence. It is hop ed thera wiIl be a good attendance. Tea will be served it the close o! the meeting. Education Sunday A snecial service in keeping with. Education Weak wihh be seld on Surad-ay, Mai-ch 8tb, at )s-ono Unaited Chus-ch. 'Me spec- iah speaker wil e Mr-. W. W. Watt, Principal o! the Os-ana H.ig Schioolh.le Os-ana High ichool Glee Club will also taka part ira this service and ira Bow- nanvilie on Sunday avaning. HAMPTON The teachers and pupils ni Hampteni Public School ai-e oh- sas-vira- Education Week by hol- ding Opera House at the new achool frorn 2 ta 3:30 an the a!- ternoan of Friday, Mai-ch' 6. Parants wiilhbave an opportun- ity ta observe classes being tau&ht, as well as admiring the pupils wos-k books, art dispiays, Cnd discussing any difficulties with the teachers, 'Mea Home and School Club wihh serve light refi-esbmants. Everyone ira the commun ity intes-ested ira Edu- cation is cordialhy invitad ta at- tend. Mr-. and Ms-s. A. L. Blanchard spent sevas-al days iraTas-enta hast week atteadtin-g the Fais- Board Convention and Banquet at the King Ediward Hotel. Ms-. and Ms-s. F. E.Ci-orne, Oshawa, were Sunday visitas-s at A. L. Bhanchas-d's. Ms-s. L. Clam- eras and Ms-s. A. L. Blanachard attanded the funes-al o! tbe hate Ms-s. William Liraton at Robinson Funeral Home at Brookin. w. IMPLEMENT DEALER BROWN 91 Ring Si. W. MA 3-5497 NUFFIELD DIESEL TRACTOR DEALER FOR THIS DISTRICT (An addition to his regular line) Corne in and See the New 37 H.P. 3m.cylnder Nuffield Diesel Complete with independent live PTO and independent live Hydraulics with 3-point linkage. TLhis 3-plow diesel tractor will average 12e per hour on fuel consumption over year's work. AJia available is the 52 H.P. 4 mcylinder Nuffield Diesel (WITH SAME EQUIPMENT) Uordon Agn@w, LdIIor phone 3621 Free Telephone Calis Newcastle or Clarke To Orono Exchange 1 The Orono News Telephone 127 i. The Nfil Tractor Division of the British* Motor Corporation are pleased to announce the appointment of Bowmnville m m ne > PAGE IELP.VM The death occurred suddenly, at the Oshawa Generai Hospi- tai, Munday, Feb. 23, following an operation, of Margaret Mae, belovad ife of James Gay, of Qi-ana. Tha deceased was in her 49th year. Borri at Bav Roberts, New- faundland, March 27. 1910, the decea3ed came to Toronto in 1937 and has resided in Durham County since 1949, and in Oi-- ana sinca August, 1958.. Mrs. Gay leaves her husband; six daughters, Mrs. Arthur Hie- bei-t (Elsia) cf Kitchener, and Mary, Jean, Dorothy, Donna and Nancy, at home, and six Sons, David of Oshawa, and Willia-n, Gardon, John, Peter and Thomas, nt home, aiso one grandchild. Also surviving are two siî- tai-s, MrpQ. Robai-t Mai-tans of Egg Harbour. Wisconsin, and Mrs. Il. D. Schular o! Lorna Linda, California. Mrs. Gay rasted at the Bar- low Funeral Chapel, Qi-ana, until Thursday mornlng, Feb. 26. The funeral service, con- ducted by Eider Victor W. Co'- lins, af the Seventh Day Ad- ventist Churcii. Oshawa, was held ir., the Laing Mamorial Chapel, Orono, at 2 p.m. on 'Feb 26. Mrs. E. L. Cariey of Oshawa. was at the organ and Mrs.* L.L. Brock, also of Osh- awa ,àsng "God Undai-standsa'. Palîbeai-ers were Messrs. GAo. Russell, Frank Cannai-s, Steve Bautcher. John Heisler, How- ard Bautchar and Roy Curtis, ail of Oshawa. Interment wili be in Orono Cematery, frnends at Port Perry . Mr. and Mrs. Pat Tresîse and girls, Oshawa; Mr-. and Mrs. Fred Wright and farnily, Maple Grave, wlth Mr-. and Mrs. N. E. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hawksbaw, Bowmanvilla: Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Potter and famuly, Hampton, were visitai-s with Mr-. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson. Mr-. and Mrs. Fred Toms were Saturday tea guests with Mr-. and Mrs. Earl Trewin. Mr-. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert, Bowmanville, w are Tbursday visitars o! Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Trewin and Carol, Mimico;, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn, Oshnawa, were recent callers with Mr. and Mrs. E. Trawin. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin visi- ted Mrs. Roy Dickie and family, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin, Lloyd and Earle, Blackstock, spent Sunday witb Mi-. and Mrs. Earl Trewin. Sar-y Miss Marie Beckett is ili with measles. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Vu-tue wera visitai-s o! Misses Ruby Vu-tue and Viola Williams, Tor- onto, and with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Masters and girls, Bowman- ville. Miss Margaret Lapbamn, Eddie Blake and Keith Lamb, Bow- manville, were with Mr. and Mrs. P. Ellis and family. Mi-. and Mrs. Mal Sceal, Toi- onto, were Sunday visitars o! Mr. and Mrs. E. MeNair. Mrs. Ella Smith, Whitby, was a weekend visitor a! Mr. and' Mrs. A. L. Wearn. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stain- ton and Gail with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hope, Port Par-y. Misses Jean Strath and Fran- cis Dawes, Toronto, were Sat- urday tea guests of Mi-. and Mrs. Ross Sharp. SMi-. and Mrs. Allan Wer-y and girls were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lovaridige, Haydon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner, Tyrone; Mi-. and Mrs. Ai!. Brown and Jack, Bowrnanville. were Sunday visitai-s of Mi-. and Mrs. Ross Siiorp. Sari-y ta report Mrs. W. A. Logan is iii and in bed. We wish hier a spee-dy recovary. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp and Linda wei-e recent cailers at Mi-. and Mrs. Allan Werry's. Mi-. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick and Robin, Toronto, were with ri. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. W. Howalls were with Mi-. and Mrs. Russell Raid and Billie, Pickering Beach. Mi-. and Mrs. W. Be-gley an-d Carole qccompanied by Mi-s. F. C. Davidson, Oshawa, were visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Sh.unk, Part Pari-y. Mrs. T. M. Siemon bas i-eturn- ed home fi-arn two weeks' vîsit *vith ber cousin, Mrs. Eva Tyers, Taronto. Mrs. H. Stevens and Mrs. T. MI. Slemon ware dinna- guasts of Mi-s. Tharon Mountjoy, Hamn- oFAST RELIEF FOR COM MON SORE INHROA The excellent program given at the ToWn Hall by W. H. Brown's Case Show on Friday evening was a big success. A large crawd of nearly 600 filied the auditorium. The antbusiastic applause given the weil known farm implament dealer indica- ted the pleasure given by the entertainment. A -welcome was extended ta the Don Brawn. Ha also invited evaryone ta remain for doughnuts and coffee after the program. Bob Brown acted as master of caremonies. A fine salectian of doar prizas wera an display. The two special prizas for childi-en were a bill-i fald won by Bill Bur-ns, Bow- mnanville. and a necklace won by Nancy Martin, Martin's Road. Miss Ferne Crago, R.R. 4, Bow- manville, was the winner o! the Don McGi-egor Hardware elect- ric kettle. Priza Winners Other winnei-s were: Clarence Avery, Burketon, a Firastone tii-e and tube; Mrs. R. Gibbs, Ty- i-ana, an electrie toi-ch fi-rn Jacksaiu Supply Company, Osh-« awa; L. A. Squair, R.R. 4, Bow- manville, Martin-Senour paint, John Rozema, R.R. 1 Bawman-E ville, the H. L. Tuirner Company prîze, a grain auger; Jirn Holtby, 6 gallons- o! matai- ail fi-arn A. H. Stur-ock; Sid Cornish, Uamp-t fan, a caffea carafe and wai-rner fi-rn the DeLaval Company, Reg Elliott, Kendal, Ci-own Dai- i-y milking supplies; C. Varley-f sen, Hampton, a Hart Battei-y; and Mrs. Richard Giiffin, Bur- keton, five paunds a! hand cleaner fran the Bwmanvilles Aut o pts.)n1 on a Sffi peple wn ond bagsr o!m fetlinar. The winers wr Sa l omanville, Mr.Mro iBow-t manvil3, BoMrs ai-ian mr.Brue R.R.o, Bawmatni, DMrs. Bprc Bon Bus-et, Doug Hcsope, Bowmanvle, ad Mi-.FalesJe, y rNewcaste, and J. MalletteTy rafle. Tof folhoing won Leter pounid o fetiie cbMLst Er H.ighfield, owm.nî ll, Pr-s.E A.n YoNgatl, TyrmnhiPar riawasle, a rmen Wmhite tbornanvle, ov.And Mrs. im Hosl- tbr Miareie i-ove A beauthe l ver cigCarettempany, er fon J. ei. Cas on ny, wlnaun by erws Butsneraiak piefoan there xas peiinzefi A motion pictura <'The Great- est Milking Hand" pi-oduced by the DeLaval Mllkers and Cool- ers, poitrayed the woilder!ul as- sistance givan ta dai-y farmers by the latest equipmerat. The s-e- hiable machine milkers in use twice a day for 365 days a year were shown ta ha completaiy sanýtary and ta praduca moi-e with less labour, as well as ta keetn a bard in better healtb. pretty drum majorettes, lad by Barba-a Brown gava a mnagni- ficent demnonstration in perfect tinie ta music. Miss Bai-bai-a Bhlown and Miss Erna Litz wei-e deightfui in, a 'Twirling Dance? A film "Milky Way" pi-asented the latest dairy bard methads inl use in Canada and the United States. Miss Sandra Gibson, Ty- rone, sang several melodiaus numbex's and accampanied bei-- self on a guitar. Billy Wada, Canada's young- est drummer, made a hil with an outstanding exhibition. He was accompanied on the piano by his mother, Mrs. Margarct Wade. lhe audience also enjavedt an amusing motion picture carn- ady in wbich the aId favouritas, Laurel and Hardy, wei-e the Star$. Gainet Rickaid, Warden of the United Counties o! Durhamn and Northumberland, tbanked Mi-. Brown for tbë enjoyable evenlng. He pi-aised the fine service given ta those engaged in agriculture by Mi-. Brown and comrnended the fine products he sells. Ha apoke o! the wonderful assistance science bas made avallable ta farmers taday. Ha congratulatad Mi-. Brown on the fine local talent and the excellent program o! entai-tain- ment presented by the yottng people, and the talantcd son as M.C. He wisbed Mi-. Brown con- tinued succass in the future. Mi-. Brown was given an ovation by fhe audience when ha expi-essedi appraciatian o! the fine turnout. Ife said it was an indication o! the support the people hava given himn for bis services. He calîrd the salesmen. up to the stage for the finale. They were C. Larwill, J. 1. Case Company, Ed McGill, H. L. Tur- ner Company, Jack Haffernan, Firastona Tii-e; Ken Dougbty and Han-y Gray, the Crown Dairy; Keith Wilson and K, Fitz- gerald, Dabaval Millkers and Coolrs; and Nick Knapp, Jack- son Supply Corpany, Oshawa; Russ Woods the Swift Fertilizer 1 i 1 ý Tmmq$DAY. M"cn sth. leu as T", eq-AVA,"?Àm *IFAWAUAW àwàl&vmàmvm m

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