A wwJM A MYA U *n'AmmlmD A Ut k^IUqUDA uUW 1 ÉNWA eT THE CA~AIJZAr i ÂTATWMAYAt, .B'J VYNUL .LiLV A tKLJTN15APrAC a II By Frank Mohun MA 3-7234 COBOURG- PORT HOPE VS. NAPANEE This reporter took in the second game of the Cobourg-port Hope - Napanee series in Cobourg Friday night, and witnessed the best Intermediate game of the season. In case you haven't heard, Napanee won 6-5 te take a 2.0 lead in the series. How- ever, Cobourg-Port Hope while probably deserving ta win, did at least show the B.O.C.'s how ta play against Napanee, and also how flot to play against them. As long as Cobourg-Port Hope could keep skating withI Napanee and fore-checking strongly, they were just as good (in this game anyway), but once they let up for an instant, the! powerful Ontario champs. were quick te take advantage. On two occasions in particular, the Combines were very slow in clearing, resulting in two Napanee goals. It should be quite apparent that against Napanee you ean't take that extra few secondis te make a play. They don't do it, and that is why any goals scored against them have to be usually well-earned. When you get the chance to watch this Napanee club as a spectater and.flot as a B.O.C. fan, you are able to see just what a good team they are. But aren't the Bowmanville-Orono Combines better than Cobourg- Port Hope? Undoubtedly they are, meaning that if the locals go ail out in the same manner as C.-P.H., they could upseta Napanee.1A Napanee 6 - Cob.-P.H. 5 First Period Napanee - White- Perfect blueline shot Cob.-P.H. - Doris- On speed alone ______ Cob.-P.H. - Campbell - Pin-point passing Second Perlod Napanee - Gerow - Poor clearing Cob.-P.H. - Dowle - Tremendous effort_______ Cob.-P.H. - Campbell - Maracle penalty Napanee - Jacklin - Jones made a good play Third Period Napanee - Gerow - Poor clearing Napanee - Brady - Disputed goal -_ ___ Cob.-P.H. - A. McKeen - Goodfellow penalty Napanee - McAllister - On second try _ t t t t t 0:581 10:30 19:04 2:45 12:57 15.451 17:04~ 2:55 9:42 15:30 17.46 B.O.C. VS. MINDEN What we failed to mention ln the above article Is that the E3.O.C.'s have to beat Minden in the other semi-final set, or they don't have ta worry about Napanee. Although the Combines did drap the opener, they didn't appear te have any trouble winning here Saturday night, and by the Urne this paper is being read, should have a 2-1 edge in games. According to the information I have, Minden's Jaek Graham will have ta appeer before the O.H.A. executive for his part in a stick-swinging duel with George Westfall during which he was given a match penalty for deliberate intent te injure. In spite of bis wild antics, Graham's probable suspension would be a bad blow to the Minden chances., It was nice to sec a larger crowd at Saturday's game here, and if and when Napanee and the B.O.C.'s clash, the Arena should be packecl. Looking back ta last year, it seems apparent that the locals play their best, win or loue, ýwhen they have a lot of support. Let's give then'! that support. t t t 1t t GOODYEAR HOCKEYà Anyone interested in attending the Ail-Star game in New1 Toronto on March 22nd between Bowmanville and New Toronto Goodyear clubs should contact either Don Masters, Jim Coyle or Jack Baker imfmediately, as tickets are limited. The banquet will be held on Saturday, I4arch 14th at the Siemorial Park Club House, at 6:30 p.m. No tickets will be sold en the day of the banquet, se contact your team captein as soon es possible if you are golng. t t t t t !OWN LEAGUE HOCKEYt Tonight's action pits the Murdoch & Welsh Blockbusters ,J *geinst the Dept. o! Works in the 7:30 opener, with Brooks Con-I struction meeting Front Street in the second game at 9:30. 1 t t t t t MlIDGETS AND JUVENILES Here are a couple of hard-working, determined teams whoU have really been bowling over ail O.M.H.A. opposition in quest e of Midget and Juvenile Champlonshlps for Bowmanvllle. Once0 more, as in the B.O.C. case, the crowds have been improving, 1 but how about getting right behind the boys as bath teams will I be in the semi-finals in the next round.s Teams playing off in the Midget group according te our latest information, are Collingwood and Newmarket, St. Thomnas and Wallaceburg, and Burlington or Stamford and Brampton. The next home game won't be until next wcek as far as wc ko.In the Juvenile group, the Leglonnaires meet either Col lingwood or Gravenhurst here Friday (tomorrow) night in the first game of their semi-final set.1 t t t t t TREMENDOUS COMEBACK1 Monday night in Whitby, the Brooklin Jr. "C" Hockey Club won again, this time 8-5, ta square their best of seven series at three games apiece. "Archie" Crossey,. Ted Fairey, 1 John Mason and Bob Mari errison comprise the Bowmanville con-n tingent on the Brooklin rester. Ted scored twice and "Archie" 9 once in the lest game.h After dropping the first thrce ganies, the team, facingp eliminetion every time they stepped on the ice, has bounced backa ta display the form which gave them first place i the reguler schedule. We look for Brooklin ta make it four in a row ta com- plete a tremendous comeback, well worthy of a tip of the hatg from this corner.a p:m:pmsum:.s:Is::ISS:21000000 L ions Midgets Win Round 21-5 Over Trenton Bowmanville Lions Midgets lied littie trouble repeating their win by cight goals here, when they blasted the Trenton Flycrs 10-2; Saturday night in the air- port town. Couplcd with the 11-3 score lest Tuesday night, thc locals took the round by a ,whopping 21-5 margin. Trenton outscored Bowman- ville 2.1 in the second period, but thc Lions had roarcd into a Goodyea r BowlingI The lowly Fan Beits stunned t.he ieague-leading (Cbmbines lest Thursday night when they' administered a 7-0 treuncing to the usually powerful Combine crew. ta rack up the cellar- dwellers' flrst wln o! the second schedule. ThLe Hose Boom teok advantage te move all alone ta the top o! thc standings with a very close 4-3 decision over thc !ifth ranking Machine Shap. The Office turned back a Lead Press bid to take over Uic place, rebounding from a irs±. game1 à= a teWin the n'ext t 0an 15-0 flrst period edge and rapped .in four more goals in the final isession. iAlex Wiseman and Brenton Hughes paced. the local attack, pikng up three goals apiece whie single markers went to LRon Johnson, Ross Turner, Joe Bothwell and Nelson Yeo. McRory and Chard accounted for Trenton'a final twogoals of the season. earn a 5-2 decision. Murray Grant held thc spot- light with thc night's high tri-. pie o! 892 and also high singec o! 298. Behind Grant, in the triple division were average leader Arnold Lobb 686, Ted Clae 683-and nat swcaing a bit, Paul Chant 657 George Dadson 657 and 30e 1!iper 650. Foilawing the machlne-shop- jr r's 298 carne Art Spicer 293, Joe Piper 275. Stu Carson 269, Bil Joli 267 and Paul Chant 265. Team StandingsPont Hase Room ________39 Combines _____-35 Office -__________30 Lead Pres______24 Machine Shep -_____24 Fan Beltz _ __ _-14 ti .5 ti f( e( e: tE gý SE Series Evenl1- 1 BOC's Win Saturday Despite Fightîng Goalie Bownmanville - Orono Comn- bines scored their first playoff win, downing the Minden Mon- arcbs 9-4 at the Memorial Arena, Saturday night, in a ra- bher uninspiring hockey contest, unless you came ta see Bob Shropshire figbt (?) or Jack Graham swing his stick. The ex-Oshawa Generals' goahie wice went out of his way ta >ecame embroiled in scraps vith Raye West and Syd Ar- nold, while Graham was ban- ised from the game with match penalty in the second period,I for deliberate intent ta injure1 [uring a stîck-swingîng melce with George Westfall. Getting back ta the hockey proceedings, the B.O.C.'s play- d well, but didn't have ta over exert themselves too much af- ter the mid-way point in the ame. The win tied the best of 5even semi-final set at onei game apiece. Playing coach Syd ,Arnold shook up bis forward lines, using himself as a pen- alty-killer and on the power play. Art Rennick took over at centre between Keith and Jun- ior West, while Gerry Robinson returned to the line-up in place of the absent "Chuck" Arm- strang on a line with Dean West ard Ross McGill. Jackie Gerrnond, George Westfall and Raye West comprised the thîrd line. Arnold scored the only goal of the opening period at 9:47, after taking a perfect behind the *net pass-out fromn Keith West and rîfling a drive into the rigging. Copeland was serving a penalty at the time. Copeland's blue line blast found the mark after 17 seconds of second period action and Junior West carried the length of the ice to set brother Keith up perfectly, littie over two Early Lead Gives Minden 5-3 Win Over Combines Ini a typical playof! game, Westf ahi combined ta set Raye cieanly played ail the way, with1 West up for the second B.O.C. each team picking up only twoi counter after five minutes of penalties, but featuring close- third period action. Dean West checking, Minden Monarchs ended the scoring in the garne's ciaimed a 5-3 win over the Bow- final minute, with assists going manville-Orono Combines, in ta "Chuck" Armstrong and Ross Bobcaygeon, lest Wednesday McGill. night. The Monarchs, fourth place finishers in the regular schedule, -,ri took a 1-0 lead in the opening Ho e & School period, and rammed in four more second period goals ta take a commending five-goal lead be- Bo ln fore thec Combines were able ta put ane past Shropshire with The Sparrows and Canaries eight seconds left in the period.1 split t ho points, with the Blue- The locals scored twice more in javs taking two from the Blue- thei final, but the last goal didn't ibirds. Robins took 11/1 points came until the 19:06 mark. 1 from tie Canaries. The Spar- Nichols scored the loue mark-1 rows and Canaries are tied for er of an evenly-played first! top place with 10 points each. periad, with littie over a minute! Joyce Lyle had a nice double remaining. Minden won tne, with 201 and 227. Top bowher game in the middle session when' for the ray xvas Shirley Davis they outplayed the B.O.C.'s for, with a 249, Marg Coyle bad a most of the 20 minutes. Shrop-' 2,1, A. Osmond 237. 0. Fat- shire scored et 2:45 on passes fiei'd 207, A. Sleep 203, M. from Mousseau and Graham, and 1 Crowe 201 and M. King 200. kiowe cuuipleteu a '..rouvVeI- McDonald set-up four minutes later ta make it 3-0. A pair ofi quick tallies were what event- ually killed the Combines' chanc-1 es, ben onsbrryand Nich-1 ols (bis second) scored 59 seconds apart; late in the period. ýGary Copeland finally put the Bowmanvilhe-Orono club on the scoresheet with an unassisted drive et, 19:52. Averages Davis - -------------------- Etchcr - ------------- Patfield------------------- Buttonsha.w - -------- Hodgson ------- ----- Bucknel ------ King ---« --- - --------- Osmnond ----- --------- Jackic Germond and George H. Rundle 160 Men's laor BowlingP Haliman Has Big Night. Russ Halîman "the flying Dutcbman" really had a big night. Dutch had three good games 280, 212, 318 for 810 ta win thc high triple and boost his average from 232 ta 237. This put hlmi first place in the averages, 5 points up on Pete Dobbins. Hallman's team. won ail their games and now they have a 3 point advantage over Dale and Brack. They also had high single score 1394 and high tri- ple 3641. Yes Sir, Old Dutch put an a really big show. Six bowlers had 700 triples. Frank Samis 789, Fred Cale 740, Dave McKnight 739, Hank Janzen 730, Bill Bates ai-d Carl Raby ticd with 706. Our new bowler Carl Raby is imprcving every week and this Wednesday won the high single prize. Carl bowled 341, Russ Hahîman 318, Dick Pat- field 310, Jack Lander 30d, Frank Samis 302, Jim. Levett 300. Glen Lander -for the third weck in a row bad the low sin- gle game. Glen had 118. Cecil Mvutton also bowled 118 anid Eiarl Leslie 119. Glen won the low triple score 405. Last week he won with 423. We believe Glen is trying ta smash ail pre- vious !ow records and the xvav he is bowling we thînk he wifh1 succeed. Attention ail bowlers. April 2th is the date you keep open for thc major league banquet. Features First nLme is this weck's fea- turc. Second name is this schcd- uic: High Singlc-Carl Raby 341, Tom Cowan 366. Ifigh Triple-Russ Halîman 810, Elton Brock 853. Low Singhc-G. Lander, C. mutton 118, Si Trewin 89. Low Triple - Glen Lander 405, Morley Etcher 391. High Teamn 1-Haliman 1394, Hallman 1394. High Team 3-Haliman 3641, Halîman 3715. Low Teamn 1-McKnight 912, Williams 828. Low Tcam 3-B. Oke 2987, R. Oke 2744. Standing End of 8th Week Znd Schedule Team W L Pts f1alalman 18 6 13' Dale --------------- - 15 9 l51 Brock --------------15 9 151 Mine -- ---- -----13 11 13 Williams 13 il 13 R. Oke --------- 12 12 12' Rundle 1l 13 1l Larmer --- ----- -11 13 1h Osborne ----- ---- 10 14 10 B. Oke -------- - 9 15 9 Bagnel --- ---------- 9 15 9 M cKnight --------- 8 16 8ý Averages IName Games IRuss Halîman -------24 Pete Dobbins ---- ---- 24 Elton Brock ---------- 24 Ah Osborne------------ 21 Ernie Perfect 24 Franik Samis------ ---- 24 Jack Gay -- --- 24 Hap Palmer 24 Bill Hearle 24 Bill Oke--------- 21 Bill Bates----------- 24 Dave McKnight 21 Hank Janzen - --- 24 Mcl Dale ------ 24 Bill Wcsthake 24 Russ Oke--------- 24 Bruce Milne 24 Frank Lcwins 24 Murray Larmer 24 Bill Steven ---------- - 24 Jack Lp,:..der ---------- 24 Ross McKnight ---24 Jack Parkcr ------24 Doug Taylor -----21 John Fard------21 Pat Yecc --- --- --24 Ed Leslie --24 Al Sanelîs 24 Ted Bagnehi 24 Jim Cahian ____24 Matt Harrison 24 Dr. H. Rundhc____24 Reg Hearie ---- 24 Frank Williams --24 George Stephens- 24 Bud M oses - ---- 24 Fred Cale 24 Ab Piper ------ 24 Dr. K. Siernon 24 Tom,~ Cowan 18 Jim Levett 21 Dr. C. Austin ___-24 Jack Bond ---____21 Ralioh Kelly _____24 Bob Wilîams ____22 Carl Leslie ----- 18 Morlev Vanistone 24 Harnld Bennett ---24 Jack MLînday - 24 Ave. 237 231) 224 22.1 2U3 222 220 220 219 218 217 217 217 216j 216 215 214 214 214 2.11 2131 213 212 212 2111 211 211 211 211 210 209 209 2019 208 207. 206 205 205 204 204 203 203 202 202 202 202 201 201i minutes later, as the Combines appeared to be on their way. Minden bad two men off and the B.O.C.'s were one man short when the goal was scored. Jim Shropshire scored on a slap-shot and George Nichais campleted a nice checkerboard play witb Lonsberry and For- bes, as the Monarchs tallied twice in 59 seconds to get back in the game. Art Rennick stole the puck from a Minden defender ta make it 4-2 just after the Westfall- Grahamn set-to. While the five minute match penalty was in farce, Dean West scored from the circle at 11:52 on passes fram Arnold and Robinson. Bob Growden got one goal back, but Walker, Keith West and Mc- Gill rattled in three goals in three minutes ta put the game on ice. Junior West and Dan McDonald matched third period. markers ta end the scoring. Mercantile Hlockey Bowmanvihle's entry in the Oshawa Mercantile League, playing under the Oshawa Mer- chants banner, won a sudden.- death playoff game over Dur- no's 8-3 Sunday morning ta earn the right ta enter the league finals against Macko's A's.1 The locals ran up a 4-0 lead after two periods of play and outscored Durno's 4-3 in the final to post the win. Don Mas- ters and Jack Marshall paced the Merchants, firing a pair of goals apiece whiie singles went to Ron Burgess, Clint Fergu- son, Dan Girardi and Lloyd Hamil ton. Playing again et night, against the A's, the Bowmanville team was unable ta show the drive they had in the morning, and lost the first game of the best of five series, 7-1. Don Masters f ired the lone Merchant mark- er. CAR MAINTENANCE WASHING Prices Quoted O-n Any Job Defore Proceeding Town Lau Hlockey 1 Town League Hockey return- ed after an enforced lay-off, with their usual dauble-header action last Thursday night, as Front Street and Murdoch and Welsh Biockbusters battled ta a 6-6 tie in the opener, and Brooks Construction doubled the score on the Dept. of Works, taking the second game 12-6. Front Street jumped into ai 3-1 first period lead, with Bar- ry Cowling scoring twice and Jerry Marjerrison addl*lg an- other after "Buck" Cowle had opened the scoring for the 1 Blockbusters. Brian Hughes and Calvin Blake each scored twice in the second session, as Front Street led 5-3. Hughes and Blake matched hat-trick markers ear- ly in the third, but just when it appeared as if Front Street had the game in the bag, Cowle; and Phil Gilmer scored 24 sec-i onds apart to knot the count with less than four minutes re-' main ing. In t*âe nightcap, the Dept. of Works led 3-0 after one period on a pair of goals by Bill Lyle and a single tally off the stick of Bill Cole. "Chuck" Kilpat- rick ran the margin to four goals, before the Construction crew came roaring back with five goals in a free-wheeling second periad. when no less than a dozen goals were scored. Don Masters rapped in three in a row in the space of a min- ute and 54 seconds, Lloyd Ham- ilton s!2ored less than two min- utes* later, and "Squeak" Brooks shat the Brooks boys into the lead 45 seconds jeter. "Bun" Welsh tied it before a minute -more was played, and then the teams took nearly a three minute breather before going at it again. Hamilton found the mark at 11:08, Masters scored 28 seconds later and added another one at 13:05. Kilpatrick shaved the caunt to 8-6 as play cantinuedi to be wide open, but Hamilton got that one back in the last minute of the period. Sam Thompson, Hamilton and Masters scored in a more subdued final stanza to put the game on ice. Masters wound up the evening with six goals and four assists, wîth line- mate Hamilton close behind at a four goal, five assist clip. Inflation at home harms Cen- adian goods abroad by pricing themn out of the market. BeO.C. Star of the Weeký', KEITH WEST Although it took Keith West most of the season to win the Bowmanvile Surplus Store Award, despite his continuai fine play, the right wing sharp-shooter didn't waste any time in the playoffs, being chosen as this week's B.O.C. Star of the Week. It was in the second gaine of the semi-finals here Saturday night when Keith was particularly effective, collecting five points on two goals and three assists. West combined with Syd Arnold to kili off penalties quite effectively, with Arnold scoring oncq, while the Combines were a man short on a fine play by Keith. His two goals were typical Keith West goals, both coming on perfect goal mouth passes, on which he made no mistake. MEMORIAL ARENA Bowmanville FRIIDAY, NARICH 6 /~A.qjJUVENILE HOCKEY ONTARIO SEMI-FINALS 8:30 p.M. COLLINGWOOD vs. LEGIONNAIRES ADMISSION Aduits - 75e Children SATURDAT, MAUXH 7 51h Game of Playoffs Intermediate "A" HOCKEY 8:30 p.M. MINDEN BOWMANVI LLE ORONO COMBINES .ADMISSION Aduits - 75e Children -*ï WEDNESDAYI MARCK il 7ih Game wiih Minden, if necessary for better TIERVICE corne to ROBSON w1f - PAINTING - POLISHING mAil Repairs Fully Guaranleed Robson Motors Li*gmim'ted PONTIAC, BUICK, GMC TRUCKS & VAUXHALL DEALERS 166 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3321 & 3-3322 %"WHERE CUSTOMERS SEND THEIR FRIENDSM -~ -.pd MOTORS AND HERE'S WHY:- 1. Mechanics are Factory Trained PLUS active members of Technicians Guilde 2. CM approved methods carried oui. 3. Diagnostic ability of supervisory personnçl and equip- ment saves you money by pin-pointing trouble. COMPLETE AUTOMOBILE SERVICE - BODY WORK I 1 1 .ý M M 1 --- 1