TEE CANADIAN STATTISMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTAR!O PAGE ~ Ladies' Major Bowling FELECTIRICAIL ICONTRMTING, WIRING -REPAIES Lydia Bates' crew downed Nor- ma Gays basementholders, and Doris Joll's team defeated June Bakcr's bowlers to complete the shutout picture. Although dropping a 2-1 de- cision to Lorraine Martyn's team, the single point piaced1 Shirley Bickell's pin-droppe ci in a three way tie for fourth spot with Beauprie and Joli. Joyce Lyle's crew edge.d Lola, Wright's team by a 2-1 count in the night's finale. Averages Name Ave. Onie Etcher - - -- - ------ 208 Doris Joli ---------- . ....--203 Bernice Buday 203' Ena Etcher-,.---------------- -201 Joyce Lyle----- --2001 Kay Beauprie ----------------199! Lydia Butes 1971 Jean Luxton --------------1961 Ollie Patfield----------------- 194i Lorraine Martyn --~ 194! Mary Wilcox--------------- 1931 Shirley Bickell 1891 Donna Preston 186J Peggy Haynes ----- -- 13 Helen Dunn 185 Norma Norris ----------185 Dell Vinson -------- - 184 Norma Gay ------- ------- -183 June Baker ---- -------- 182 Wilma Bates-------- --------- 182 Sadie Bucknell ------------- 131 Shirley Davis -------------- 8 Audrey Osmond il70 ? Dot Brooks ----------------179ý Ada Richards------------------ 17Î9 Joyce Tennant ------------ 8g Eva Whitehead --------- 1.81 Lii Hoopri ------------------- -177 Lola Wright -- ------- - 176 Dorc Mutton ----- ------ 17--li Kay Stephen --------------- - 173i Soundi go! Logica!, tool You see the normal job of the I ~ ~kidneys is to remove excess wastes an id I j -sofoten the cause of backache-fromn the * - aytem oudd's Kidney Pilla tmulate the * ' 1M kidneya ini iis function and 80 May bring 3'OU * that welcome relief from bacicache tbey have on Dodd's - in the blue box with the red band. 64 GEORGE THE Jean Musial -_____173 Dot Crombie _______172 H-elen Vivian ____1".2 Audrey Biekel ______171 Essie Cox ____ 171 Vel Miller _________1 Marg Perrds - -171 Myra Cooper ------171 Eleanbr Larmer ____-171 Betty Westlake 170 Helen Piper- 17 0 Grace Blackburn _..----- 16 Lou Lyle ______168 1Mary Harrison 168 A Eileen Holroyd 167 i Joyce Major --------- 166Q Thelma Forrester 1651I ,Molly 1-enderson 1651j Jean llarness 164 Evelyn Large 164 Bernicc Partner -163IA Nancy Bryans - - -- -----162,1M i ed eu Dot Fair - -------------I6 Ber ie e T rr ----- ------ - 160; Mable Lewis - ------- 160 Frijav's action did littie tol Joan Engley --------- ---- 160 leieth crw dstuio HIgh Scoresj at the top of the Mixed Leaguc Hig Sigle- Istandings althoughi the existi.ig" LorraSinge Mrt- - i28 tre x&y tie for first placel High Triple xvas broken. Stili eacli of Vic Olli Patield716top four teams are only sepa:-- HighAv~rge -ated by a sini point, wirh IHigh Aerage only three points between first Onie Etcher '08.and fourth. Team Standings , Jack Bond's bowlerseere Points Pin1 on top of the heap after defea t- * ua 7 22070 iag Mûrley Etcher's team 5-2. Buday ---23387 Both teams had been tied along E. Etcher ---------- 15 2238iwith Art Spicer*s club for firs. 0. Etcher -. 14 21887 place. Spicer was edged 4-3 by Beauprie ------- - 13 22930 Bob Mýi-,chcl's outfit, with tho' Joli --------- ----- -- 13 21883 winners moving into a secoend Bickell ------------- - 13 21792 'place tie with the losers. Ar- Bates ------ 12 21836 nold Sb2:,-p's crew moved ta with- Lyle --- ----------- - Il 21361 in one point of escaping f -oa-i Martyn -I--------1 2115a4 the cellar by handing Al Hickz- Wright---------- --- - -9 20610 i ling's týam a 5-2 setback. Baker ------------ 9 20202J Art S picer, taking dead aira Gay --------------- - 7 213141 on the niigh averae leadership, 200 Gamnes had hiniself a big night, rollin-r Lorraine Martyn 281, 246, pbt h hg rpe75 .Grace Blackburn 277, 205-, Be r- land thý-e high single 337. Cec. nic Bda 24;Dors ol 2 ,; Mutton took the runne.r-up Olice Pafild245,or250, 2; ayposition in both departrnenis Olli Pafied 25, 20, 01;Kaywith scores of 745 anîd 276. Jini Beauprie 265; Lydia Bates 261,I Richards had a 689 triple while 236, Ada Richard 253: Norma Joe Nowlan rolled a 267 single Gay 251, 204; Joyce Tennant effort. 243; Audrey Osmond 235; Shir- Ta tnig ley Davis 231; Lola Wright 230; Ter tnig Eileen Holroyd 231; Helen W L P's Dunn, 225, 214, Joyce Lyle 224; Bond ----------- ------ 14 10 34 Dot Crombie 223; Eva White-! Mitchell --- ----- 14 10 32 head 218, 218, Mary Wilcox Spicer ---------- --- 14 10 3 2 217; Vel Miller 215, 207: Sadie Etcher ----------- -- 13 il 31 Bucknell 214; Shirley Bicknell. Sleep ---------------- -1<) 14 2I3 213;Eleanor Larmer 213, 205; 1 Hickling--- - - 7 17 16 Wilma Bates 211;, Donna Pres- Aeae ton 208; Ena Etcher 208; Joyce Aeae Major 208; Audrey Bickel 207;I Games Av2. Lii Hooper 206: Essie Cox 20 î;'Art Spicer ---- -- 24 20'l7 Evelyri Embley 200; Jean Mus: Arnold Slcep---------24 204 ial 200, Lou Lyle 200. Pat_Yeo 2------93 2011 DO T Il" MEN We were forlunate in obtaining this hankrupt stock ai -reduced prices and we are passing on the saving to you! BUY NOW FOR EASTER AT THESE GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. HAN DSOME WHITE DRESS SHIRTS Some Name Brands WHITE AND WHITE FUSED COLLA SANFI 'A ~Sizes 141L to 17 } f,~ "' Regular $3.99 SPECIAL PRICE 2.for ON WHITE PATTERNS ALRS AND CUFES FORIZED $3.49 MEN'S GABARDINE Tailored to Fit Corne in Grey, Navy and Brown 0 0 0 a 0 0 ONE PAIR TO A CUSTOMER BOYS' DRESS PANTS REGULAR PRICE $399$19 FOR ONE WEEK GNLY 0 0i0.,, WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE 0F YOUNG NEN#S WEAR IWINDBREAKERS - SWEATERS - SLACKS- SHIRTS ~owman ville Surplus Store 42 King St. East P-one MA 3-3211 pue Bowlinc Joe Ný,w!an ----- --24 Morley Etcher - ----- 24 Onie 'Etcher -- ----24 Cecil Mutton -------- 24 Jack Band------------- 24 Bob 'Mitchell'2 4 Bud Edinondson- 24 Jim Richards --------- 18 Len Eldridge ---------- 24 AI Hiclkling - ------- 211 Carole Oke ---24 Essie Cox ------- ---24 Joan Brunt -------- 24 Dot Bond --------------- 2- Gord Stringer ------13 Fred Luxton - - 2------4 Jira Cc)x - 24 Rick Could - -------- 24 Cliff Evans ------ 24 Duke Brunt ----------- 24 Pat Bariels_.---------- 24 Bill Charles --------24 A my W, nacoltt- ------- 21 Jean Evans .__ - 24 Marg Perris - ------- 9 Dorc Mutton - -------- 24 Audrev Sleep -------- 24 Mary 1'o'wyan---------294 Marie Yeo------ - 23ý Ruth Mitchell ------- 24 Ron Mutton - ------- 24 Em Str'nger----- - 18 Muriel Ilolrovd -1 Doreen Charles 24 Joan Eidridge-------- 24 Kav Luxton --------21 Marg Hickling ------ 21 Rubv Spicer ----- 21 Everett Winacott 18 Ladies HIgh Singile - Audrey Slecp ----- Men's Hi"gh Single - A rt Sp icer ------------ Ladies -iigh Triple - Ruth eMitchell-------- Men's High Triple - Ar -Sicr -- r~'rgionJ 200 Jack Geddes' league - leaders, 196 doubled their marcin atop the 1-45 Legion loop, when they smash- 131ed out a 7-0 w-m over Jim Fairs loi.) team tri send the losers bank into the cellar. Tonmmy Gra- 181ham's outfit bounced out of tle 14jbasemo~n' position ail the. way 180 to third place. after pulling ai 737-0 cipset istory over BOI 17 4 Bates' bowlers. The loss drap- 171 17 12 171) 161 1F7) 16- 162 162 16 135 117 13THE DEST VALUE 775 theen eBowling Intheby' iiinLw H. Vanstone------------- ----. 5 Highfields team finally lialted J. A1i:ison -l--------- the leade.:s' raympage, hanging a C. Huopter -- ------------------- -141 5-2 setbaek (in Larry Pýiper's K. Beauprie -------------144 1vrew to narrow the gap betwe-n S. Rivcrs ----- --------- 1.39 the txvo teamns to ten points. Ray J. T7 -rtl- --------139 Twist'- tuam kept Pace with E. B-2nctt ------- - --------- 139) H-ighfield. downing Jira Mooi--M. III (. àre ------------2----- craft's outfit 5-2 to remain in a A. Spic-i --- - -----_rlý. - second piace tie. Bob Iicar 1. Mandûay - --------------1271 ceilar-dwellers pulled a 5-2 up- A. Leddy .------ ----- --127 set wi.i over Ben Thompson's J. Cull - ----------------- 1131 squad.j B. Beýd',ey -- - - ----- - 105 Don Ellis was rî.ght inti -___________ groove, iolling games of 202",l Things could be worse. Bnp- 372 and 250 ta make nup an ex- 1 cýc1Ient 824 triple. Larry PiPe-r p'ose your errol-s were tabulat- with scwes of 253, 230 and 247Z cd and p blished every dav, had a 700ý and Ken Park had ali ke thoso of a balîplax er. 745 totqi on gamnes of 174, 2q.1- and 32î, as thieze three boys really turned it on. Barbara Brown's bowle-s bounccd back into first place, as the rezult of a 5-2 win ovc Connie Osmoncl's team in ac hattie foýr the lague-leader- U-hip. Virginia Brown'e crew were joltý.xl by another 5-2 count at the hands of Linda Brook- ing's last placers. Linda Brool.ing wvas the onlv with a 615 mark, folloi'ed 1.'-L Jeanine Allison 585, Virginia Brown 584, including a fin(, 2 70 single, and Barbara Browii Boys' Team ç Larrv riper Lowe'1 Highfield ,Ray Twist . ---- Jim Mcorcraft Ben Thompson- Bob Richards Girls' TeamS Barbara Brown- Connie Osinond Vi-gin,a Brown Standings Pins Points 26305 431 -25224 33 -25182 33 214 849 29 24731 123 23574 23 Standings -ring points -20150 38 -19689 37 18783 -2A Linua B:UWillg --1801 Averages--Boys L. ip er ---------- ---- -- 'D. Bagneil1 -----..------..--.----- ~K . Park ------ -- ---- --- iJ. M oorcraft - -- -- - R. Twis.t----------- - jB. Richards - .-------------- B.- Thompson............------- ID. Mine .----- ----------------- D . O ke - - ----- ------ L. H ighf ield ------ - ----- ---- iD. Slirk................--------- A. M asterson ---------- J. C lark -------- - ---------- D. Ellis ------------ ------- ---- H . R undie ---- ------------- .1. M cKrught - ----- --- - L. Rackham - - ----- -- T. BI ack . - - J. Bundie ---- - D . W elsh --- -- - -- - --- --- R. Crombie - - A. Wispman -..... . T. Calian - - - - .1. Jamnes ----------- ---- - B. MeMarus --- -- - - JW. Therteli------------- jM . C ha-les ---- ----- ----- B. Steven ---------- ------ T. Dykstra --------- - - V .~ M oI1oy - ----- -- ------ IL. Thcmpson -- ----- ---- J. Callan ----- - ---- - J. Ca rt cr --- ----- ---- J. Philliîps- jB. Hellarn IJ, Okce ------------ D. Masterson - ---------- IN. VanstoîIe -------------- A. Plurnnîer - jK. Veitc-h ----- - -- T. Thomnpson - - --- ---- D. Sw ec;ze -------- ----- Averages--Girls B. Br.owî'.---- ----- C. Osmcnd B. Oke V. B-vn - 205 204 195 194 193 l91 190 1 ô9 183, 186 102 111 1A9 17C 172 171 168 167 16" 1t66 164 li3~ 158 14S 149 148 13 137~ 171 PHONE OSHAWA each. Harold Bennett came ulg with a 667 mark. with Frank Samis and Bill Bates at 661. and three bowlers deadlocked at 651, namely-Tommy Gri- ham, Murray Grant and George Elliott. Following Dobbins in the hig-h single race were: Bob Rog- e rs 307?, Keith Yeo 290, 263*: Jack G2ddes 289, Bill Bates 278, Tommy Graham 274 and Bill Shetter 266. Team Standings f Pins Pts. Jack Geddes -- 24439 43 SBill Bates-------- - 24330 31 Tomm.y Graham 23649 25 rakSamis 23284 2 Ernie Pcrfect 22862 2 Bow ingJim Fair - 23584 119 ped Bates 14 points off the pace. Frak ams'ten- dwnd r- Turn uON Furniture nie Perfect's crew 5-2. to mnovc past Perfect into a third plaze InicCas deadck lzith Grahama. Pete Dobbines led the wav in with both d-'partments, racking up' a big 804 total, including a sin-I S T A T E SM AN gle gaineof 311.Keith Yeo ha'd C LA SSI1F 1E DS a 785 triple while Jack GeddeIS Phone MArket 3-3303 and Bob kogers tied ait 743 i VBâ WINC PBI By ,BLUE-PRIN»r S S M VICE ANYWHERE ASK OUR CUSTOMERS Wè are organi 1zed service RA 3-9329 O3 WRITE LOUPAN DEVELOPMENTSI (OSHAWA) LIMITED 3 Claybrooke St., Toronto 9, Ontario I YOU TOO ARE WELCOME TO USE OUR BUDGET PLAN FREE EST131ATES GIVEN to build quality and into your. project. LUMBER SHEPPARD m DAND OA0111L L U 1M BE 96 King Si. E. Bowmanville MArkef .3-5715 'ONTEMPLATING RENT - ~ARTMENT in BOWMANVI LLE RENT ON, INCOME BASIS SALARY 2,568 Io 3,210 2,904 Io 3,630 3,240 Io 4,050 Elevator Ser RENT $68.50 $75.50 $82.50 Completely Fireproof Construction rvice - Heated - Ho! Wai 100%,' Parking Space APARTNMENT SIZ1R 1 Bedroom- 2 Bedroom 3 Bedroom .1er SuDDlie'I IF YOU ARE JNTERESTED IN OBTAINING AN APARTMENT IN BOWNANVILLE SPECIALS Make inquires to: LLOYD METCALF 'REAL ESTATE PAGE TMTI-FM THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOMIANVILLE. ONTARIO 1 a a 0, 0 S 4g,999 $1.99