i - - t g PAON VO~¶'UIN qw ~&WAMAW WT'A~MVAW. UAWVA~fVffLI. ONTAM~ ?N!1RSAY. mARCm'leu 1I1i £R e7creation £k evîiws1 By Dougl1as Rigg New Telephatne Number 2lst at the Duffus Recrentioil The Reczeati'cn Departrnent's Allevýs in Peterborough. telephone nurrber bas been, The Touirnanie-it is open t: changzd from 'IA 3-5761 to MAeach comm-,nit-, in the Eaýt 3-3335, Extension 6. Central Zone including sîni (Go1f Iessons p iact-s aq Bownnvilie, Olaxa RTcreai ni.d Cx. (obout g, Trento,î TeBownativîlle Rce inItel4fvife. CoILX)LIîrîe anîd 1P.'. IDepartmer~t i;' co-uper-atico.tieroo g.Eavl-bow imiz vr' w,%ith tne Soutflývc-e Golf and ti]I ietw il be 01W>~nI ' Counti y Club ni e prepared ltu!(nî' os îco!f rive give golfirg le.s-uns tu begi:n- hr- gir'S. Taye Illînni foi ver_,âiA dgolfeir. I e Touornanent is 1i t'vemî andI If týnough -àinterest is shown undr r as (L Sefftmlwmi 1,.I two iJasses will be operated198 under Poeiinùl truutiorii A tropliv- will bv eeît v;ith o-e class for beginners and t rewimoz'ta îoj une class for golters. iIa , z.*le, Plans have tentativeiv been ul.so lie av:imîds toi. bovn s' ima mnade fGr an eight weeks cour;-e >sînmge, fiIq; l.z llg î~e t with the last tw o w eeks ta be tîýrce i iscore :mnd iit ii' on the golf course. The balaiic2 re anetuial .sc.'îe cf the :-ess.nîs *wiil be held iii- lîrt t' tmflalloo 0iOii door. \V e hope ta get the class- tact M.J:i k MuNI 1 k aN. CO 1 ' 1- es underwav during the first tr er t Ih- r.émand ai r 1Iiil(lr w.eek of April. C Lo.,tiiil in onr If you ari, interested in lak- v-ille. ing golf lessons please contact Seiior l'itifeniq t1he Recreation Office at NIA Tho n:exîi-'hn of thr Seni- %3-3335 or Mr. Ken Nicks. irCiti,,eiFnsCitb sponsored by Teen Age Bowling Tournament Club t.s mifl! U held ncxt Tuies- The East Central Zone i of thie iav . M 1901, t t t8:00 proi. Sociptv of Directors of lMmti:t-i- ait lie Lioi s C'oiini i v itýCei:- pal Recreatiun arnd the Bowvling itre Proorietors iri the- District have Mr. a-id M- Fritz Marti ýv'll planneà a Junior Bowl1ing fe toc * iests and wviiJ tell sarni- Totrrnanient for Satturdav. Mair. 1t-bingoa, lift in Jamaica, andI b Il12tb -YEAR 0F PUBLICATIONI CANADI N ALMANAC ANO DIRECTORY' A revised and carefully indexed directory of Dominion and Provincial Government Officiais; Post Offices, and Railway Stations in Canada; Judges, Court Officiais; Barristers and Solicitors; Chartered Banks and their Branches;, Trust and Loan Com- panies; Newspapeî-s and Periodicals; Associations and Societies; Educational Institutions; Municipali- ties in each Province; City Managers, etc., etc. Over 50,000 Jndexed Listings No library is coniplete without a copy of the Canadian Almanac and Directory. Order your copy frorn your local book store or write direct to THEf COPP CLARK PUBLISHING CO. LIMITED 517 Wellington St. West Toronto AUilql àgàin tup-todatçe in aur office since rrioçINit)g mur - tPntional reference volume nof thp "Canodiaen Atmanac and Dlrtov *\- LI-of~nt ha scrtd Rt the large lutmlnlt i' IARPF. for If lis over 50,000 indpf',edi ietinRet tb niokr, it tCasy 'tofind Ph oht ll)Va I o lokiuîg foi-. era çanrîî go, the' anadian A IMAIACa aInd i -anirt-y u ajust a small hontl~~,uh A!ý 'atiavIugrew. sud (id this crrtuefltlhrni if iufilrinott On Ci(anadiafl affn tît i ttlv iiif it-,îdes more t-han ~tît1 ~ge nidclAHld une(Iis i -l v ,çete- v 11cmni lf t-s thousands Of liaI ga t t 'rfillv revised that- the 11m111blil r tijo 'va an env'iable reput-at-ion foi. ae't a.snd t; accppt-ed as t-ho stand- aî-dl ricrqlice %work wherever men and The MP.P. for Wentwort-b, A. J. Child, bas crtlticizcd the Ontario Hydro for piac- ing some of it-s equipment orders in Bt-it-ain. Mr. Child thinks t-bat Hydro Chaii-man Duncan "is quit-e sincore in his appi-oach t-o t-he low bidder receiving orders," but he argues that- when orders do not- go t-o a Canadian manuifacturer "it- is flot in t-ho best- int-erest of the economic fut-ut-e of Canada". The Toront-o Teiegi-am takes issues wit-h Mr. Child. "I-vdro's pîîrpose," ar-gues t-ho paper. "is t-o supply ample power at-t-he lowest- possible rat-es for- Ottario industry, commerce and homes. To do this, it- must- buy its supplies and eqtipment- at- the Iowest- available prices. If this means buvihg from Brit-ain, b.v ahl means Hydro must- buy fr-om Britain". Tbeî-e is a lot t-a be said on bot-h sicles but if ail Canadians--pubiic and prix'at-e corporat-ions, and iadividuals- bought solely on a basis of low price there would be a great- many Canadian workeî-s waik- 'show a filir. Mr. Don Williami will 4-' guEr.t soloist. Mrs. Ida Goddard wdll be taking the reading group. There wil! be a Senior Cifi- zens MtvIrinee at t-fe Royal Thea- tre. or Wednesdav, Maých 18t-h zt 2:0)0 p.m. Througb thbe kind generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert- Gii tlbis matinee will be free toalal Senier Citizens. Tick- ets for tb&ý Matinee will be availabe at *t-is meeting, but if vcu em-e iîrnable to attend you rnay pick thiem up at t-he thea- t-ne on March 18th. Playground Supervisera The Bowni&nville Recreatiomi Depà-tinent requires personnel t-o act as playground supervis- ors on the Eowvmanville play- grounds this coming summer. The wage seule will run fromn $1700 tio $3000 per week ac- cording ta thbe qualifications and experience of the appli - cants. The hours will be from 9:00 arn. Vo 5.00 p.rn. each day except Sat-orcday and Sunday. Employme.t will be on a sevoîx week basis start-ing July 6t-h. Ail sucecesstul applicants must attenci a Playground Leaders Training Course to be held June 2Jst t-n 2&tW Applications fox-ms wifl h -Ref. $1.O-SAVE 4. FAB 5e ~ DAL ~ ngSi1 99C FRUIT & VEGETAILE sole, Rg. 2-lb 5l-4AVE 4o SPECIALI1 MARGARINE 2 -lb pkgs 47c CaIfornia,. uk.p 4 Royal Rom 2 J!pkgs 270-SAVE 50. ll'Pll luePaee«f INSTANT PUDDINGS 4 pkgs 49C N VL Poney Quality Re. tin 47*o-SAVE 5* .& E 1OKY SLO a, n89 Lc ORANGES --e" À p SPAGHETTI CHEDDAR CHIESE f £g.2pirgu .w-sp.VE 4 215-et pkips 3 1 "Reg. pkg Sie-AVE 0* 1-lb pkg 49c 516e.fol kas 545C SurperORlght Quallti Meat Spoeials! BEEF ROASI SALE SUPER-RIGHT TRIM BLADE BLADE BONE REMOVED nleÉ SHOULDER FULL CUT PRICES IN THIS AD QUARANTEED THROUGH MARCH th, 1M6. i I womeri require information about Canada- and Canadians. In large and small offices, libtraAfes, bornes, schools and colleges, the Canianitii Almanac and Directory is extremely use- fui for checking addresses, spellings, and procise titles of government officiais, association execut-ives, etc. Even a *ursory examiriation of - the Direct-ory will illustrate the variedman~d aut-borit-ative information it provides co n- cex-ning institut-ions, customs and t'ariffs,. government- and other officiais, as wl as many ot-ber subjeets. The Canadian Aimanac an&dDirectory is an indispensable reference work in any* office or library. ing t-be streetg. There are manufacturers in Japan, Hong Kong, China, Western' Europe and the United Kingdomn whose modern plants plus iow wage rates could prtt-y weII back Canadian producers t-o t-be wall right- here in t-ho Canadian mark- et-. Anci U.S. firffis, even with high wagos, have t-be advant-age over our own pro- ducers of a mucb larger home market- and vtolume out-put-t-bat cuts unit costs. Su t-bote are probably very few t-hings used by Canadian industry and by individuai Canadians t-bat someone else can't make' cheaper t-han wve can. The theory t-bat- "Hydro's purpose is t-o suppiy ample powor aÏth -e Iowest- possible rat-es" bas t-o be balanced against- the fact' that- cbeap power won't keep Ont-aria indust-rv operating if it bas no orders for is goods. It- is questionablo if the>Tele- gram it-seif buys wbet-eve-r prices are low- est. More likely it- does as much of its shopping as possible wit-hia Canada. Low price doesnIt always make a buy a good bargain. available athtfe Recreation Of-!-Son (at ins) Brd-y fice njý the Lions Centre eax-Iy Yourth, Ted Brown (John Phit-' next week.: lips) an4. Pat Vinish w.ere the Little N.H.L. ;goal geiters f.ar theTigers. Art- Foran seorcd t-he Cubs lone On Saturciav, Mai-ch 7th, Ille goal 'n the 1ast- minute of play Eastr'rn Ontario Little N.H.11-. in t-be gaine Wayne Devitt Champlonship Tournarnent W: (hoo'iing) of the Tigers. Pau;l be hr"ld atihe Trenton Aren:i, Petersc'n (slashing). and Eric st-atingat 1:00am.Fern]und (trippîng) o! the Cubs Twalve teams representing! collected t-he onl.v, penalties of Bow'-anville (3), Port Hope the grlne. The win moved the (3), Cobou1-jý (3), andI Trentonl Tigers ini a first- place tie with ,13) whIil Y- in action in tiwe the I-urkies. three diffe'-ent categories. Theic age groupings are Junior A1 Pee Wee League 'Atom> under 10, Arnerican Ta the first- Pee Wee game League (Pee Wee) under 12!played laist Saturday mornipxg and National. League (Bantani; 'the Red W*ings: and Bruins play-, ander 14. P.1 ages are o! August ed ta a scoreless t-e. The tie, Ist-, 19.57. moved thbe Bruina t-ta wit-hin one' Liýted below is the schedtîle point of the league leaders. , -cf games times for t-be Tourna- In tho second Pee Wee gaine ment: 1 o! the morning the Giants .won (I) Cbotrgvs. Trenton- a close one from the Canadians 11:00> arn.--Junior A.j by a 3-2 score. Brian Arn'.- (21--Port Hope vs. Bowmnan- strang (2) and Gerald McDon- ville-12:00 noon-Junior A. ald were the goal scorers for-the M3-Trenton vs. Cobourg - Giants. with assists going ta 1:05 p.m.-American League. Georgc Moor-e. Lockie MeNair (4-Bownanville vs. Port and John Corners. Brian Forsey Hope--2:10 p.m. - America-1 and Gary Bu-nIer were the goal League. t J get-ters for the Canadians. C r*s- (5)--Bowinanville vs. Tren-1 Quintcn o! t-be Giants collect-ed torn-3:20 pr.-National Le-a- t-be only penalty of the. gaine gue.1 for trizopiag. - (6)--Port Hope vs. Cobourgl In the third and final Pea. -4:2à îp.m. --National Leaguxý Wee game of' the morning t-he Finals Rangers scored twice, in the (7) Winaer No. 1 vs. Winner last- five minutes of t-he gai 2 No. 2--7:00 p.m-Junior A. ta hand the Hawks their first (8)-Winner No. 3 vs. Win- playoff! defeat by a 3-1 score. non No. 4-8:0>0 p.rn.-American- Ron 1-ooper (Walter Rickard>, i~eague.Gary West and Wayne Down (9)--Winrer No. 5 vs. Win-j (Raadvl Dewrel) accouit-ed for ner No. 6-9:15 p.m.--Nationai the Rangers' goals. Paul Lucas Lýeaglte-. (Bud Depew) scoied the Hawks' AI! Junior A games will be lone goal. Bradley Lucas cf t-he two 20 minute periods wit-h t-be Rangers collected t-ho only pen- 1 st five rninutes boing stop alt-y of the game for tripping. turne. American and NationalMieteau Leagmue gaine' will be tbnee fi!- Mde ege teen minute periods with t-be Iat-he finst Midget gaine Iast five minutes o! each gaine played last Saturday aft-ernoon being stop lime. In case o! a t-be Orpbans scored twice in tie gaine oventime will be plav- t-he first- period t-o defeat t-be ed-the first- goal decides t-be Raiders 2-1 and move into a gaine. first place tie with the' Cornets. The Bowiranvilie t-earns wilU Jimi MeNight- <Larry Jamieson) travel t-o Treniton by bus. Ail and Sam Gould (Bruce Ogdezn) players are requestod ta be at account-ed for t-he Onphans' the Arena no lat-er t-ban 930o goals. Larry Piper (Larry arn. Welsh) scored the Raiders' Ion., Results cf t-he games wiil be goal. John Carter (2) and Sain telephoned ta t-be Arena for Gould c'ollected penalties for anyone int-erest-ed in atteadinig thbe Orphans. "Larry Piper. pick- the final garne if BowmanvîUle ed up a t-ipping penalty for the bas a team entered. Raiders. Minor ockeyIn t-he second, and final. Mid-' Mino Hokeyget game of theatternoon the' Ail Mihor Hockey t-cams Corne-ts defeat-ed - the Generals qwung back int-c action last Sat- 2-0 to move into a tirot'-place urday aft-er a woek's laya!!. The playoff positions for Minor Hockey Night- are at-jl very pete 12 You m"n t much in don bt-. The next fow Setunday monngs should fea- turc some vory good hockey as Eddie: ".Pm holding ap r t-he boys fight- for the right- fa.. play or. Minor Hockey Night- on s1hdla t'Youm, JdI. March 25t-h. j Bantam League toe .m' lIn the first- Bant-am League ~Hu on< gaine piayed last Satundav 1 l morning t-be Lions came frorn"'ms behind t-o hand t-be Pirates contractera chos their tirst- dofeat in t-he playoff Js.i~ na schedule. Taullie Thompsan,> , -pipe m o -Bob Hellam (Wayne Wnay) and b uljtt a Rad Taylor (Brian Bradley) to fll ordoers. .5vj were t-be goal getters for t-he Lione. John Hughes (Bill De- aaiy pew) aceount-ed for t-be Pirates' lono markers. Wayne Wray of the Lion.q picked up t-be oaly penalty of t-he game for hooic- USE ing.e In t-le second Bantarn game t-fite morning the Huskies PLAIN END VITRIFI scored fivo goals in t-be final perioci t-o defeat-thbe Braves 8-2 and move imb a first- place tic FITTINGS CC in t-be playof F standings. Keit-h Bail and David Woolnen iead the i-u5kies' attack wit-b t-bre- goals and an assist eacb. B i11 aitai.N uIti Embrugb ard J1aines Flan ccl- lect-ed the Huskies' at-ber goals. John Depe, James Fina (2), %lain dPipe tru Bruce Adamas and Andnew Schaafsr'.a also picked up a3- sists for the Huskies. Fred NATIONAL SE'i Scbackleton (Albert Goodwin) LMI and Brian Down (Bob Vnl- *,OFe.. lieres) ac<-ounted for t-be Braves' Saesofie two gaals. P-.ox 1, if In, the t-birc, and final Baii- OAKVILLE, ONT. tam garne of t-be morning t-be Tigers d.-feuted t-he (L'tbs4-I to c-halk upmp t-ir third stri-ag1mt-S ,P A game m-1thomit a loss in tliqS E P A plavnffs. Dingti the regulI,ýr seasor. the Tiners were oan ]v 96 %Kmna Sreet Eastf An Indispensable Book 1oho! yenare." ;ny engineer and 136 your Plain Enad i.nuwfuctwr dle k. mmogh soeuplings .his oupling nwans lDCLAY PIPE PIJPUNGS WRRPP ID- j)- Ne.Lna-.deino Pete & Eddir Bm,.auýY&ySWhe i fW. ,t@Wegu-d Tmade Mark PE Pipe ~ 4, sg.Ç TVLi &GILL LUMBER CO. LTD. Bowmanville, Ont ario - ,v~----- '*-'------ Not a Good Bargain JOB Es CANADIAN manufacturing in each montix of 1958 provided empîcyment for an average cf 1,146.156 Canadian men and wonxen. This represented nemrly 43 per cent of ail non-agricuitural, enpicymnent in Canada. The, corbined income cf those engaged in manu. facturing in 1958 was slightly Iess than $5 billion or »bout 31 per cent cf ail Canadian wages, salaries, and *supplementary labor income. Manufcrcturing is by far the niost im- portant part cf the Canadian oconomy. Manufacturing provides the greatest amount of ernployment in Canada. It makes by far the largest eontribution to government revenues. Its production enables Canadiang to enjoy the second highest standard of living in the world. Because of its contribution te our way of iife. Canadian naanufacturing deserves the support cf every Canadian through the purchase cf goods made in' Canada. Stee1l l the feundation cf al cur manufacturing, -«id Stelce is Canada's largest steel producer. THE STEEL COMPANY 0F CANADA LIMITED 11ONIREAL S.ANANOQUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO w III lý -.bo il 1 . - PACZ reeftm 'FM e"ABUN STATESUM. »VnLANVZ=. OWAM w jý tie. Paul Mutton' (Jon Man- A fll Arthur Read, Sunday. cock) and David Thompson AYLIJJJ Mrs. W. Martin havingaa (George Kennedy)- aoounted several days 'with Mrs. for the Cornett' two goals. Jim Sunday visitors at Mr. and guson, Oshawa, returned home Coyle (tripping), Bobby Sleep Mm. Lloyd Ashton's were 'Mrs. on Sunzlay. (Boarding) and Mickey Dick- Murièl Brownlee, Mr. Ray Ash- Mr. and Mrs. Alfredl.gr ena (fhcoking) collected the « ton, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ro-ts rard were Sunday visi at Com@'ts' .pen~alti«u. John Dyk- Sharp, Linda. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. L. Gr. > stra' piclced up an. . elbowing Russell Ormiston, Enniskillen, Blackstock. penalty for the Generals. Misa Florence Werry, Hamp- Mr..Pots n AtmLegeton. Martin, visited Mrs.E.S7 In~he nl At~n1eaueM r. and Mrs. Walter Rahm, at the Oshawa General on Sui. off taheoly Ao-edlatMonlay- Trone, Mr. and Mrs. Clern day. offternn-e am atMdefaedRahm and Allison, Miss Lily A good crowd attended the the Barons 1-0 to assure th-m-* Tabb, wvere Sunday supper benefi, card party which was selves of a place in Minor Hoc- guests at Mr. and Mrs. Roy held in the school house on key Njght on March 25th. Paul Graharn's. Saturdayr evening for the Charbon'neagx (Dor.t Jamieson) Mrs. Frank Osmond ,Mrs. S werdfiger famuly. Iiigh lady, accounted fàr the Ranis win-,-.Earl Thompson and Cindy. Mrs. Art Youngman:htgh gen. ning gc'itl. Stephen 'Wright ni Bowrmnville, Mrs. Rolad tî eman. Mr. Art Youngman; low' the Barons collecte7d. thé obhiv Thompson, and Heather, Hamp- lady, Mrs. Allan Werry. Scores penalty of -the gaine for cross ton, visited Mrs. W. Thomp- in crokinole were: High, Miss: checi .ng. on.May Tabb; low, Debbie Potts. checkng. '~1 P roceeds from card party, $33.0o. Play'oft standings Mr. Tom Potts and Ronad 1 O ther donations and card par* Atom LeaguePotts, Collingwood, spent sev- 1 t Aýorn Lat.*,e ral days with Mr. and Mrs. J Y Adnut Be t-o $59.00. W LT F AP Potts arnd family, last week. tiAdh cuit Bile cisaywU evet Rama .------2'0 1 9 4 à While there t-bey attended t-be itb hrhTusa vn Barons --- 2 1 0 5'2 4 hockey match at Maple Leaf Indians 0. 1-1 3 5 1 Gardens. Wednesday and Sat- Horn ets ------------O0 2*0 2 8 0 urday nights. Pee Wee Lesgue Mr.,and Mrs. Fred Cwic W L T F A P Blackstock, Mrs. W. Rahm, Ty: Giants 2 0 0 5 2 4 rone. called on Mrs. Richard I Ot RENR M1 Rangers - ------2 i 0 7 3 4 MNi.t YU REDYU Hawks_.-------- 2 1 0 6 4 4 .. Mr. ane Mrs. Allan Werr,.$I~E Bruins ------- 1. 1 1-3.5 3 Sandra and Sharon, visited Mr. - &A FRIEt(D Te wVoe Caaciaa . 2o ~62 and Mrs. Walter Loveridge N I 1ED Wings o .îio i .1 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hanna, Leaf o 2O o o) Rose Eller, Hampton, Mr. Gea. r Bantamt League Bertrim andI Georgie, Tauinton, WLTFAP'Dougir- and Ruthie. Oshawi, ?' Huskîes --------- 2 0 1 16 8 5. visited Mvr. and Mrs. M. Ber- SRI Tiger---------- 2 O i 9 4 5 trim anci farnilv. SRI Pirates..--- --2 1 O 7 6.4l'Mr. andI Mrs. Fred Ash ton, Cubs ----- i 2 0 5 7 2Toronî.19 called on Mr. and Mr3. Lion3 ----------- i 2*0 fi o102_ ______- Braýes-------0 3 0 5 140 Lions Midget* LP*ague cation., for the Choral Society*.- - -n--- ~ LT FA P"Stars of Tomorrow Contes"' W LT FA Phas heen moved back t-o Mar.' Cornets----- ------ 1 1 1 7 8. 3 Orphans ----0 1 4 3 3.i 3st. Raiders -----------1 O 6 4 2 1 If Yau art- intercsted in en- Dodgr~ - .~ ~~ 97 2tering tpis ccontest application Geirl 2 0 6i. 10 forms rn;-y be picked tup at theH ATN Generals - 2.~Recreatic'n Office in the Lionis ,* O4HUR Stariç of Tornorrow Contestii Cent're or from Miss HelonER7C The date for receiving appii Nelles, '6 Elgin Street.SEVC o 1 fe-W ..JOB 1