i. --.----.-.----------- - ________ PG IyzmTHE CANADIAIi STATESMAN, BOWMANVnlLE, ONTAR!O TUSAMRHI Births de BRUIN-Bert and Annie are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, NancY. Grace. ai Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on February 25th. 10-1* HARVEY-Mr. and Mrs. AI C. Harvey (nee Sleep), Quesnel, BCare happy to announce the arrivaI of their daughter. Susan Lurana at Quesnel HosDital, Monday, February 23, 1959. 10-1 HOLROYD-Bjll and Jean (nee Lawrie) announce the birth of their daughter, Margarette Doris on March 3rd at Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville. (Stiliborn). 10-1* MANTLE-Jack and Florence (nee Murdoch) are pleased ta r-nnounce the birth of their daughter K a thl1e en Louise (Kathy). Friday, Feb. 20. 19.59, af Memorial Hospital. Bowman- ville. A sister for Joanne. 10-1 REAL-Don and Marie (nee Taylor) wish to announce the birth of their son Brock David, 7 lbs.. 3 ozs.. on February 28,' 1959, at Uxbridge Cottage Hos- pital. A brother for Louis. 10-1 Deaths WILSON, Helen Lovina - At Toronto on Monday, March. 2, 19,59, Helen Lovina Wilson, of 18 Chicora Ave., daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wil- son of Newcastle, Ont., and dear aunt of Mrs. Clarence Nash. 5791 Glencairn Ave., Toronto; Mrs. Alvy Prout, Bothwell: Mrs. Ralph Lavery. Linwood. and Mrs. Harvey Dafoe, R.R. 2, Paris. Resting at the Bates and Mad- docks Funeral Chapel, 124 Av- enue Rd. (just south of Daven- port). Service in the chapel, Thursday at 1:30 p.m. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery onj arrivai of motors. 10-11I Cards of Thanks We would like ta express our thanks and appreciation for al the lovely gifis given us at the shower held in aur honour by the people of Nestieton. Shirley and Jim Cree I sincerely wish ta thank al my neialbours, friends and relativesà the iovely gifts, C&rs n ts of kindness. Also ta nussand staff of Memorial Hospital and Dr. Ferguson. Doris Ormniston. Articles for Sale 1 Articles for Sale eCHESTERFIELD and chair, GOOD quality mixed hay. Tele- 1 cheap. Phone MA 3-3810. 10-1 phone MA 3-2403. 8-tf WATER for sale. Delivered. FIVE horse power garden tractor Phone Cliff Pethick, MA 3-2736. with four attachments. Phone 45-tf MA 3-5388. 10-1 500BALS oodcawha. FedSCOTCH Pine seedling:. 2-0 StevAens Pone Mw Ay2. Fedstock. $10.00 per thousand. Ap- 101Ont. Phone Betha4ty 20 r 111w. TIMOTHY seed. Spy apples, hay 8-tf and straw. Telephone MArket 40 TONS baled best quality 3-2354. 10-1 alfalfa hay, £28 tan. Delivered vicinity Bowmanville. Contact f.HAY for sale, 40 cents per bale. Frank Ellis, R.R. 1, Bath or tele- W. Eymann, Courtice. Phone phone 19 r 3 1. 10-1 RA 5-8288. 8-tf - ___ '%- HEARING aid service. Testing QUAKER space heater with fan, service and complete stock of nearly new; cookstove, reason- batteries and cords at Higgon able. MA 3-2062. 10-1 Electric Limited. 38 King St. E., - - --Bowmanville. Telephone MA LARGE size crib and spring- 3-3305. 7-tf filled mattress. good condition.1 Phone MA 3-3691. 10)-1 TO introduce the ail new Sew- mor Portable Sewing Machine, CHINA cabinet, small size, wal- The Royal Theatre will award riut finish, perfect condition. the holder of the winning tick- Phone MA 3-5924. 10-v* et a new portable sewing ma-, ____- ichine for $1.00. Draw Marchi SAVE on lumber, direct from1I7th. These machines can bel mil] to you. Phillips Lumber seen at our store anytime. Trade- Co.., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone in chesterfields, sink cabinet, 17 r 11. 3tFindlay coal stove, washer and refrigerator. Mlurphy Co,, King KEYS cut automaticafly, while W., Bowmanville. MA 3-3781. you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- 10-l* war, 3 Kng St. ., Boman- ville. 46-tf IWATER, hard and soft, deliver- ed. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 31-tf ELECTRICAL Repaîrs-Prompt service to electricai appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. F re e estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf DO your own floors and rugs- Rent a sander, floor polisher or rug cleaner (shampoo method) from Lander Hardware, 7 King St., E., Bowmanviile. Phone MA 3-5774. 20-tf! USED washer parts, ¼ý h.p. motors, $500 and up. Repairsý to ail wringer type washers. Guaranteed reconditioned wash- ers. Paddy's Market, Hampton. MA 3-2055. 9-4 TREATED gladioli bulbs for sale. Ail mixed varieties. Large, 60c a dozen; medium, 40e a doz- en: large, per 100. $4.00; medium per 100. $3.00. C. de Mooy, R.R. 1, Orono. Phone 18r8. 9-2* 10-1 BOWMANVILLE Home Im- provements features aluminum We wish ta say a very sincere doors, windows, awnings apid "thiank you" to ail our friends, railings. We offer a variety of neighbours and organizations for floor and wall tiles. For free the gifts of maney, clothing. estimates Phone MA 3-2753 or food and furniture which you cail at 22 Division St. 6-tf Sa kindly gave us when our ___ __ home was destroyed by fire. ADDING machines, typewriters, Sterling and Georgina cash r e gist e rs, calculators, Swerdfigur. 10-1 cheque writers, filing cabinets, office furniture. New and used. James Gay, Orono. and family, Repairs to ail makes.' Frank wish ta express their deep ap- Office Equipment, 177 Church preciation ta their neighbours, Street, Bowmanville. MArket friends and everyone who ex- 3-3986. 3--tf pressed their sympathy during - --___________ their recent bereavemýent by PETERBOROUGH cedar strip sending flowers, cards and tok- boat, 14 foot, 60-inch beam, suit- ens of kindness. Also to ail who able for 35 h.p. motor. Like helped in any way. 10-if new. With hardware and tarp. Also 8-foot plywood pram with I wîsh ta thank friends and oars. For prices on Peterborough relatives for cards, flowers and Canoe Company kits and boats gifts sent ta me while in the Telephone MA 3-5519. 10-1 hospital, also those who visited j me, special thanks ta Dr. Syl- vester, nurses and staff of Me- TILE.WUJiS, marial Hospital, Bowmanville. ,R M Sincerely, Mrs. Richard McNeil. CE AM C ATTC' 1-*Tiled Floors of ail description 1 wish ta express my thanks Vinyl, Plastex, Rubber, Jaspe,j ta Dr. Sylvester and assisting Marboleum. Flexichrome, Mastic, doctors, specia] nurses, and nurs- Red Quarry - Ceramic es a.nd staff of Memorial Hos- Supplied and Laid pitai, Bowmanville, for their TTI kindness while a patient there. H. G . HEL A special thanks ta Rev. A. C. R.R. 1 HÀmpton MA 3-2902 Hierbert for bis visits. 5t Mrs. Norman O'Connor.2-t 10-i COTTAGE, complete with lot, $50 down and the balance on I The family of the late Alfred1 lowest terms in Canada; $30 Leetooze wish ta thank their'monthly, plus interest. Prices many friends and neighbors for range from $1,995 ta $3,995 for their floral tributes, cards and cottage or retirement home com- their many acts of kindness dur- ýplete with lot, on your choice of ing our recent bereavement. Ontario's best lakes-Sturgeon, Special thanks ta Dr. Rundie, Pigeon, Chemong, St. John, Dal- Rev.-H. Stainton and the Morris rymple. etc., also Otonabee, Funeral Homne. Trent and Fenelon Rivers, etc. Mrs. Leetooze and Roger. Also, cottages only supp]ied any- 10-1* where, pre-cut or erected. Free book of designs on request. Our deepest appreciation for Hundreds of satisfied purchas- ail the many acts of kindness, ers and aur years of experience expressions of sympathy and are your guarantee of satisfac- beautiful flowers received at the tion. To be sure of early spring time of aur recent bereavemnent; possession, write today for free especially ta Dr. Rundie. Rev. literature ta Pitts Homes and Houslander. Mrs. T. Stephens, Cottages Ltd., P.O. Box 222, Co- our neighbours and the ladies ofI bourg, Ont., or Phone Oshawa Memorial Park. Adh565. 10-4 Beatrice Robinson and family. Rnop -39 10-1* q 1 wish to express my thanks ta Dr. Sylvester. nurses and mtanviofle oriatHe saneflcae E Boï staff aefMeoriahe ospital, Bow- 1 received while there.Asot the indfrindsandneighbors who s0 kindly remembered me PEN CAUTIULEV El with flowers, fruit, cards, etc., g4you oour~ and my school chums who wrote o IIB me letters. Thanks, everybody. TvwO mfaT Irwin Colwell. A A 10-1* Words cannot express aur S grateful thanks to friends and 4 neighbours for letters, cards, - - flowers, fruit. treat~s and many 10 kindnesses folowxniýÈ ur motor La accident and during Ruth's stay mi in hospital. Special thanks to H doctors, nurses and staff of Corn- _171_ munity H Port Perry, i Nestieton W kwand Ladies' ,' R Aid and to oui' splendid family YOR SO E who kept the Poet Office, and g(Ig<jR V U SOR kind'neighbours the household, ____________ _deî running smothly during anxious FUl.OL-GASOI IN u ±ays. E MTO( VL -CRN ,'. prc Grant anid Ruth Thompsca. On. lBQui 10-4 Livestock for Sale ELEVEN pigs. Victor E. Cook- or, MA 3-2164.101 FWELVE Leicester ewes due in .,pril. Phone MA 3-2332. 10-1 ýORTY pigs, sevenvweeks old. tan Jones, telephone Clarke ý3SL. 10-1 iO WEANLING pigs sired bv ,ancirace boar. Phone Stanley [ilison, MA 3-2263. 10-1* ïOLS-TEIN heifer, due March 'Lh. Apply Taylor and Hall. R. 5, Phone MA 3-2402. 10-1* .zG producers Dekalb Chix *e bred for more eggs - less eath loss . more eggs per undred pounds of feed - more rofit. Buv Dekaib Chix now. )rchland Farm, H. J. Brooks & on. Bowmanvilie, Ont. 7-ti -~ ,.. ,. - 10 ce l. 4, m le ul 4 si sý fi a] '42,. 0-1 -ni ai si in l l Pl, 1 d C Y. tri . M 4-chi e. c/c YBo si BR: CDE a Agr4 and Pro]V BEA f Ir «r 1 V27- . 1 a m eev . 1 %ý - - . - - . .- - - 1 1 1