--~- - w'-- -r rURSDAY, MARC~H sth, 1950 TpM C~aANAi NsTATMMASIOWM AN~VM!I. ~,ONwTIO PG TE Classified Ads - ~Mring Events. In Memori 1 St. John's Evening Branch ALLIN-In memory of rny Uwx ea and Homebaking mother Beatrice Allun who pass- ~xte Parish Hall, April ed away February 27, 1956. 0 t 5o- . 10-1 We mourn for ber in silence No eyes can see us weep St. Patrick's Dance, Solia 'But many a silent tear is shed Comxnunlty Hall, March 21. jim While others are asleep. -Pisher's Orchestra. Admission -Lovingly remembered by -1.00 per persan. 10-1 Evelyn and family. 10-1l Dance te Clara Nesbitt's -MILLSON-In loving memory Music-makers at Tyrone Hall onof a dear mother, Annie Bertha Satuwrday, March 7. Sponsored 1Mllson who passed on in by L.O.L. Gentlemen 75e,iMarch of 1954.1 jbdies 50c. 10-le- Time passes on, months have passed Euchre and bridge. Everyone Since death its gloom, its 'kelcome at St. Joseph's Parish shadows cast Tnall, Tuesday, March l7th,i Within our home, where al 8 o'clock. Good prizes, refresh-J seemed bright, inents. Admission 50c. 84 And took from us a shining, light. Olde Tyme Dancing: Friday, We miss that light and eveý, will, March 6, Coldsprings, Ont. Jim Her vacant place there's nane Irish night, Saturday, March 14,, Down here we mourn but not in 9:30 sharp. Admission $1. 9-2*! vain, For up in Heaven we will Î; Trinity United Church Amicaý meet again. Club presents two one-act plaYs! -Lovingly remembered by sons O'Twelve-Pound Look" and "The and daughters. 10-1* rlIa ýpy Journey'" on March 20th____ sion 2s5in0oc.Hal.A8~- TEBBLE-In loving mernory of -Bowrnanville Women's In3ti- Sarah Alberta, who passed away -'tute Kapper Karnival a t Lions suddenly March 7, 1958. Marc 12 Ovr 5 Ou lips cannot tell how we ,~e,25 tickets 25c. H orne msir Bkg.Aftcrnoon Tea 25c. Our lhearts cannot tell what r -Drw t 8 p.m. 10-2* ta say, îo ems Euchre party spansored by hier 7a.rmers' Union at Tyrane Hall, In a love that lu lonesome 1 March 6th, 8 p.m. Prizes, re- today. Ireshments. Admission 50c.! -Lovingly remembered b y Everyone welcome. Proceeds ta' daughter Irene and soz-in-law iksond delegates ta Ottawa, March Howard and family. 10-1* ~10th. 10-1l I-Goodyear Employees Recrea- jVINE-In loving memory of aur dear son and brother, Ralph X Club Dance, Saturday, Kenneth, who passed away ch7 in Legion Hall. Danc- ýMarch 3rd, 1953. ~ig 8:45 p.m. - mîdnight. Recrea- Gone from earth se swiftly tien members 1.50 per couple,: Just like a flower in bloom, .x»n-members 2.50 per couple. 1Sa young, se fair, sa loving, .Couples only. 9-21 Yet called away sa soon. Woodview Communty Centre' We shaîl meet him corne glad -i-Monster Bingo. Txventy gaincs . morning -twenty dollars; five games- e s ting yowater fai thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and H swiigfrarcmn two jackpots at S250. Door In the upper garden there, Êrizs. ext ondy, 8p.m,!:Safe in the arms of Jesus. ,Red Barn, Oshawva. 46-tf,-Ever rernembered by mother and dad, Eleanor and Reg, Xil- The annual meeting of the frcd and Helen, Charles andi Community Memoriai Hospital, Trudie. 10-1 Port Perry, will be hield at the Llbrary in Port Perry on Thurs- Room and Board .ay evening, March l9th, 1959. _______________ .,T-he public are cordîally invited ROOM and board available for to attend this meeting. 10-2 two girls or elderly lady. Write The omens Auiliay IAdvertiser 921, c/o Canadian The ome's AxilaryOf Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- 1Memorial Hospital, Bowman- manville. 9-21 Ville, welcome you ta attend the annual Haspital Birthday Party onThursday, March 19, froml Wanted to Buy ?.3 te 5 p.m. at the Lions Com- rnunity Centre. We will bo PIANO, good condition. Phonol pleased ta see you and your Oshawa RA 5-3914. 10-1 ~rîends 10-3ANTIQUES. old la.mpa, aid dish- A St. Patrick's euchre and dance spansored by Bethany Cub1 ýand Scout Mothers' Auxiliaryl %vil be held in Bethany Towvn hiall on Friday, March 13 with ekOl,-llahey's Orchestra. Ad- ýiEt dults 75c, children 25c. ment booth. Prizes. Jr. and4 l. Euchrc, 8:00 p.m. Dance t:3~. -9-21 Plan to attend the Annual Meeting -of the Quinte District Cattle Breeding Association in B~elleville C.N.R.A. Auditorium . n Station St., Marclh 13 at 1:30 p,.m , Guest speaker will be Mr. Ro Watderoanaeredfnthe Wateloo attl BredingAs- sociation. A purebred heifer caîf will be given away as a ,door prize. 10-2 Recreation Department's Chor- àl Group prescnts "Stars of To- rnorrow Contest". Open ta al residents of Bowmanville in-1 cIuding any students attending P"anville High School under 1959.aof age as of January 1, 15.$50 prize money ta be alvided between top three con- testants. Application forrns avail- àble from Recreation Office or Miss Helen Nelles, 76 Elgin St. Closing date extended ta March 1,1959. 1- es, ni-d - furnitur-e, etc. Ph-one MA 3-5633. 10-1 ALL kinds of live poultry wanted. Highest prices paid. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phone 7 r 13 colleet. 9-tf HIGHEST prices paid for used furniture, appliances, television, sewing machines, etc. Also seli and exchange. 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-7231. 42-tf FIGHEST prices paid for live poultry, goose feathers, fea ther ticks, scrap iran, rags, metals and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043. Oshawa, collect. 48-tf Personal HAVE you a drinking problem? Write Alcoholics Anonymous, Box 371, Bowmanville. 10-4* WHY FEEL OLD? Feel years yone.Ostrex Tonic Tablets revitalize thousands past 40. Only 60c. At ail druggists. 10-3 HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain scaîcci envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1 .00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham- ilon. Ont. 1-52 Magician s Tricks ThriII Kin Sons and Daughters 4I.The EBowmanville Kinsmeni ~5e Club heid a much enjoyed Fa- ther, Son, and Daughter Night T h ie ve sat the Flving Dutchman Motor Hotel on Tuesday evening. It * xas a inemorable event a-id Ieveryone had a deliehtful time. H a ve l i A deliciou.s chickon dinner 9 as served. The president, Dr. welornd te cilden.A sp- W eekend cai draw wias held for the attaciveýy stuffed animaIs Four service stations and a wcre wcn. pumbing îquppiy shap were en~- An entprtaining program was tered in a series of break- 1ns presented by Ray DeSilva of In the district over the week- Port Hope. The children we,.e end. Constable F. J. Ricard, fascinated bv his sleight of O.P.P., is investigating, and lt hand fricks, and his ciever ma- là expected that the culprit, or gician sact evoked tremendous culpritz, wiil soon ho arrestedi. applaue2 The Sunoco Service station Jack Lander, a past president, operated by Junior WeIst on 33 Vas in charge of- the program. highw:;y, south of Orono, was Mr. Lander thanked Mr. DeSil- *ntered earlv Saturday mora- va for his excellent entertain- Ing, and a small amount of cash ment. end a carton o! cigarettes wvere The. coming Zone Meeting ta stolen. Ken Adams' Esso Sti- ho hel in Lindsay on Frîday tlon on No. 35 highwa. v ws and Satiîrday, March 13th and eao broken into on Saturday l4th, was discussed. Irvine nmorning. and money was takern Brown. Immediate past presi- fromn the riut and pop machines, dent o! the Bowmanville Kins- nX'e third service station eii- men Club. w.11 b. a candidate tred on Saturdav marning was for the office of district deputy SId Barrball's Essa Stat'on at gover:ior in the election tu bo Ebterprisc Hill. There wvas con- held on Saturday, March 14th. siderablo maliciaus damage atlA good representation from tha gare.ge. The cash register Bowmanville Kinsmen Club smashed, and other belong- wil Se at the meeting. ggço! Mr. Barraball's were The first two tickets in tie bkoken. Kinsmcns' Special Draw -,%ere Eit~ lae Frdaynigh ordrawn cn Tuesday evening. The in tïÙtev Fors ! a ngt r winning numbers were 291 and inorning a break-in occurred in __________ Nw stle. Thie R. B. Rickard's; pl, !jing, Heating and Electri- Ail social life, stability, pro- cal upply Shop w'as entered Igress. depend upon each mans end $25 i cash was stoien. confidence in his neighbor, a re- On Sundlay evenin.g W lrr ' ance upon him ta do his duty. SheilIStation at Tricke ' 's Cor- -A. Lawrence Lowell. ners en highway 115 was brok- Whatever it Is vour duty to g ,en into and tools, car accessor- do, you can do without harm to los and cash were stalen. yourself.-Mary Baker Eddy. Mayor Buys Fi rst Sheet of Seals Mayor Wilf rid Carruthers, who purchased the f irst at the Bowmanville Rotary Club luncheon meeting which lot of Easter Seals to aid Crippled Children's work, accepts inaugurated the Easter Seal Campaign. Carol has been them from Carol Pingle, a pretty Hampton 1-year-old, selected as "Timmy" for Bowmanville and district. -Photo by Rehder Defends Board's Position1 Chairman Says No Appeasement ln Building Three High Schools Alan Strike, Chairman of the Durham County District High School Board had some definite comments to make in regard to the interview granted by Dr. Richard- son, a former member of. the Board from Port Hope, ta The Peterborough Examiner, a copy of which appeared in this paper last week. Dr. Richardson had accused the District Board of appeasing the small communities in deçiding to build three schools, one 400 pupil school in Darlington, one 4001 pupil school east of the Darlington-Clarke Line and one . 150 pu pil school in Millbrook. No Appeasement ]y grov t, 500 students by 1965. Mr. Strike said that in no A sehool easc of the Darling- sense o! the word had there ton-Clarke LUne would take 268 been any appeasement of the stude2nts n September o! 1960 municipalities, but rath-2r a and wvauld exceed 400 by 1965. longc detailed study of projeet- The present Bowmanville ed high school population fig school, which had an enrolment ures through uatil 1966 and con- of 744 in September o! 1958, sideration of growth of certain will a-gain reach this figure in areas and potential walking 1963 even with the two new schools. Mr. Strike commented that these projection figures were Lascd on present public 'chool population without al- lowance for increas2 by ne'v familles moving into the area and that therefore they wer'e on the conservative side. The Mlllbisook Situation In regard ta the proposed Millbrock school of 150 pupils, - - Mr Strik% stated that the stu- dents of 'the Millbrook areà iwould always be facedi wit a bus rps of up to 20 miles leavin g nt 7 o'clock in the morn- , i».~ ng andi arrivîng home at 6 S o'ciock in the evening, unless a schozal was provided for their immediate area. The present c lassroorn space, which is sha:- ed with the public school is colnpletely inadequate since the increasing, number of public school pupils in Millbrook re- quires mare rooms. Board Acted Wisely The Board has acted wLe-: ]y, Mr. Strike deciared, in con- Alan Strike siderinR the cost o! transporta- ~tudnt.. H rad tat he oai tion in placing schools in in- representativcs hadatle , can waik ta echool. In West'h tedd clte ~hr oesuct the Dêpartment of Education ifl Darlingtan there will be* close Toronto and had discussed t100sue s1akn ve tindthei school oulton oec-ul the school is opened, and this wto anth epâteholsta be bualit,1number will increase each year [wih te Dparmen Oficiis.due ta the large number o! pub- Projection Figures lic sehool pupils in the Westt Projection figures show that Darlington Schools. The Cour- a We3z Darlinion sehool would tice area alone now Ilas 421 have 321 students in Septem- public school pupils, w%,ith 84 ber of 1960 and would probab- pupils jr. the first grade. c±J gter of Mrs. D. K. 'iny B.H.S. tudent R. R. 3. Bowýmanvilie. Patricia piaced third. First prize win- ner was Leyone Newell o! Osh- Wins Cup. in «. P'L L Mr. Fred Jarrett of Under- Typing Contest wood Ltuc4. was the final auth-I Grity on all questions of mark- ing. Contestants typed for ton Larry Spires o! Grade 12, J minutes from new copy prepar- Bowrnanville High School, was 1 ed by the Association, and as runnr-upta the champion Li all were a bit nervous and us- aru ner-up orD sti ---- ing different equiprnent, their- a tpîg cntstforDitrit e.marks were below wvhat the ' 9 o! the Ontario Educational u-sually make. A.ssociation held at Part Hope last Saturday. Larry, who is Contpstants included Joan the son o! Mr. and Mrs. Everett Allin, Orono High School; Gail Spires, R. R. 1, Hampton, and Lawsoni and Joan Porter, Mill-, was the only boy i the compe- brook; Larry Spires and Patri- titin, , aspreente wih acia Barteils, Bowmanville; Shir- tition, casp eenet l l ey Austiand Mary Anne Ha- silverC~.P.german, Port Hope, Leyone Each .chool was aillowed two Newell and Clara MeCrimmon contestants, and the athier coin- Oshawa. Mirs. Patricia Bennett petitor frumn B.H.S. was Patri- is the teacher of typing at B. cia BartcLls o! Grade 12C, dau-. H. S.