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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Mar 1959, p. 20

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PAGE TWENTT THE CANADIAN STATESMAK, EOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THU1~8DAY, MAIICH Sth, Three of BowmanviÎlle's Pee Wee Hockey Teams ~ - ....-. .«.-.r. .0.'.Y.S. . . .«.O. . CANADIANS - Front row: Arthur Kooy, Tom Veitch, David Tonkin, Paul Sweete, Leon Carr. Back row: Robert Bothwell, Jim Mclntyre, Ron Harper, Glenn Rabb, Richard Bailey, John Lockhai4Phillip Bragg, Gary ,Butler, Dick Bailey (coach). Missing: Brian Forsey, Michael Russell, 1 Pack Rose. FIAWKS- Paul Lucas, Michael Bothwell, Wray Rendeil, Michael 1 Carter, Jeff Gilhooly, Robert Large, Ricky Dewell, Don Giihooly (coach). Gilhooly, Brian Ogden, Glenn iFinney. Back row: Bud Depew, Tommy 1 Missing: Lanuy Burns, Michael Cawker, Roger Swan, John Ballantine. BRUINS -- Front row: Harold Cooney, Casey Denhertog, Jamie Manduck, Ivan Milîs, Ken McDonald, Peter Vansione, Ray Acicocli, Bcrt Johnson Mîchael Leddy, Bruce Barrctt, John Gilb2rt. Back row: Tom Depew (coach). Missing: Danny Lemon, Dennis Lemon. (coach); Bob Fernlund, Gayland Truli, Henry Kooy, John Kilpatrick,l MANVER STATI nd gllsis schol) also threc grin he different types of -box lunches* enjoyed. hsZO The .A. ld socal een- W'e ere sorry to Icarn of the acre plant. The yearly payroll returned home following his stay Atî hteAaa~ 7%e .A. eld socal een-death of Mrs. Jas. Crowley, who 1 is 62 million dollars. Mr. Eric in hospital.ArhrW.tnvAjx Ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. dieci quite suddenly at the home 'Dunham thanked Mr. Sanciford Sorry to hear the two chilci- Alvin F.i-ýer attendec, the we- M. Logan on Saturd.ay night, of her son, Mr. John Crowiey in for making the tour posible. ren of Mr. and Mrs. Jim McGre- dn iRbr ostea> six tables af cards \vere played Millbrook in ler 87fh year. A Back at the school the regular gar have been in hospital. Miss P:t.rýLia Brunsoii at Brigii- w1th the high score prizes going native af Newfouindland, Mi-s. meeting took place with Mrs. V.f Sympathy is extended *ta Mr. ton. '1h alza visited Arthu:- ancMr. lvinh ad been quite active Catn reiig nd Mrs. Wm. McKnight in th-, y parc!r1s. Mr. andi Mrs. CrawleJa.vogs adIIr thi inutig antdig.Whitnov at rigtn Olan. Consolation awards t ov and wxas hostess ta the W.M.S. Mrs. Len Bradley, Mrs. K. ils of tqr ifatdaughter. IVrIl i utMm; *ves Camerai-i M. Bradley and Mr. Clifford Gi:- about twýo wecks ago. *Genreac m W.HgisI1stc ~Je aeos iI bank. Mrs. D. Loan gat te ~ Dntfre afe the birds volunteered ta look after a bake Ten Tw1e brook, on Th-jrsdav. prize. It sounds like spring ta hear the sale wvhich will bc held in thei T w e sj Mr. and %i Mm. Harry Palaz: Several fromn here attendeci craws around again. near future. and Stephen, Oshcwa', wel - the funeral in Peterborough on Founders' Day is celebrated By Ruth Goheen SundaY SLIpper guests at R. C. Tbursday of the late Mr. MDl TIR this nionth. Try ta attend your There viill be a Teen Town Staintù ,n'ý-. CO omean Seoolmetins echDanc'e this Friday night, Mar. t Mis3 Bcttv Nun spent f',- ville Johnston who dieci in hîs C Uj Hme nd s ths eetis a mae t he Lions Cet. Yuwekîcwih erpensa 7Mt year. a former resident ofaiha hshlst aeete Yuwec..iwt e aet a Manvers Township. Thev moved A v'ery enjoyabIe eveng was better understanding between may iv:ar whatever you walit Simcae. to North Monaghan in 1914. He spent recently by the 'West parents and teachers tu a at this dancs- The admission Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fisn- wa is lce otetwsi ortc HmvndilolAs n bettrudrt _- ilb 25c. for members and er and Kirk, Oshawva, xvere council in 1#34 and serveci as sociation xvhen tii,\ evcre aken wecn the teacher and the child. 50c' for non-members. Suncia, v v.iters tP At car last dance the doar Mý- r. :ci i. î San' Revefo enyersaci~vc na tour of the Gencral Mators Several couples fram the Cour- prj7e %wýs wo ib.v Terrv Joyce vîsîtecci a' P Dougla.sS:nM, warden ai Peterborough Countv SoLith Plant. Fo!lowing the tour 'tice Coupes Club enjoyed aijRm'ie osta h ~a~,< oudvn~t in 1947. Surviving are hiis wie thev \verc served sandwiches sleighing party Saturday night. Easter Proma will soon be he- M. 1 1 ToasMr 8sh Jane Rispii<; (a :ru andi cake andi coffce M.Sni After returning ta Maple Grave 1,o vo haci botter get your da*te fin.ti" va ,'<ia Io mbàol teacher at Carseazcidens ford gave an ir.tere7tirg --lk e-1 Chlirch, garnes werc enjoyed andi lincd Lp. Urge Support To Preserve F BLACKSTOCK: There was a very good representation from most of the unions at thce speciai County Farmers' Union meeting in the Cbmxnunity Hall, Black- stock, 'Phursday night. Mr. Lavern Morley, Middle- sex, a guest speaker took as his subjeet "Protect the Fanilly Farin". He deplored the fact that farmers leave the burden of looking after their business to officiais. They do not take en- oughf personal interest in their own organizations. The position of Agriculture is deteriorating at a rapid rate, forcing smaller farmers off the farin. The only possible hope for the family type fariner to survive is to support his own farmi union. He deplored the fact that too many farmers do not do their own thinking,- they believe anything they read. Farmers todey need a strong programme with full parity prices on ail farmn commodities paid by deficiency paymnents. But there must be a ceiling on thue amount paîd out to individ- ual farmers. He also stated that unemploy- ment could be tracedi directly ta OBITUARY REGINALD G. F.'ROBINSON The death occurred suddenly on February 22, 1959, at his home, 44 Hunt St.. Bowman- ville, of Regrîald George Fred- erick Robinson, aged 49. Mr. Robinson was bhum in Clarke Township, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Gearge Robinson. Hý, attended Newcastle schools and in 1930 was married to Maryv Beatrice Andrews. They lived first in Newcastle, and for the past twenty vcars in Bowman- ville. Mr. Robinson was an emn- ployee of General Motors of Canada, Oshawa. He was a member af Trinity United Church, Bowmanville. He icaves his wife; two sons, Donald Ind Reginald Jr.; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Georg,2 Robinson, Newcastle; also a brother Charles of Toronto, and two siste±'s, Mrs. Gardon White, Hampton, and Mrs. A. Langley, Newcastle. Rev. Win. K. Houslander of- ficiated at the funeral service which was held-at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Tute£day, February 21. Among the many beautiful flor- ai tributes were those of Gen- eral Motors of Canada Ltd.. Local 222 U.A.W., Receiving Deparinienit, Parts and Service of General Motors, the Boys from G.M.C., Rod and Gun Club V.E. 521, Karl Weyrieh and Einployees, Newcastle. Pallbearers were Messrs. T.1 Stephens, P. Gould, N. Couvier, of Bowmanville; A. Milisor, Tyrone; J. Turner and GeorgeI Turner of Oshawa. Interment was in Bowman- v Ille Cemetery. Simple duty hath no place for fear.-John G. Whittier. RESTAU RANT Lmwm Union woudibe takdng Puat-m> FormUnin fll tme obsel»ewhere, iï'm! jobs were available. Family Farm their s Unalr"ion 1 governinent and alt, 1Z lack of buying of farmers. Also position Party Wednesd" y w far pepl ar tain jos fomsome 70 to 75 mien and,-wom farn popl ar tkin jos fomFarniers' Union Directr, urban labour and more farmers sent. SCHNEIDER SUPPER St. Andrew's Church MARCH 191h - 6:30 p.m. SUPPER AND FILM Tickets avallable at Jury & LovelI's, Chartrtin'a Men'sl Wear and the Bank of MontreaL. Admission- 10 YOUR IXALL-_________________ DRUGOIST SAYSB e a R ex aliZiirifr ShoopS. Get this 50ç Paickage-o! < Relief FREE when You buy neoeaiBfee n i of these famous Rexail products REXALL i~PLENAMINS provde 9 vaemins ncluding 612,12 minerais inciudlng lron, and liver. HeIp malnfain your resistance fo infection with onee easy-fc.swallaw daiiy fablet. No other vitamin product gives you more for ycur money. 1288 TABLETS ......... $13.95 144 TABLETS ......... $ 7.95 72 TABLETS.......... $ 4.95 r36 TABLETS.......... $ 2.79 REXALL T HR U There's nofhing like THRU * for relief cf muscular f~ aches, sprains and strains. THRU'S exclusive ingredient acfually Ca- ries ifs soofhing, comforfing mcdi. cation righf THRU the siin to reieve pain where if hurts. ln sccfhing liquid or convenient-fa-carry lei form. 2 OUNCE BOTTIE ...$1.49 rrn>IImy A In7 7 iT1 t2-92 BUFFERED PAIN RELIEF New Sufrered Pain Relieof tables, wor, fast ta relieve pain, and they're buffer.d fo prevent acid irritafloi-con'f couse UPSET STOMACH. They gef info the ioo stream qulckly ta reileveh aches, cold symptoms, reguIlF menstrucil pain, mina,' arfhrific and rheurnafic pains. Botlie of 100 ta bief,, oniy $1.49 REXALL BISMA-REX Gives fasf relief from excess acidity-re. lieves hearfbern. beiching, acid indi- gestion. Bisma-Rex 4. way action acf, fasf fa neutralize sfcmnach acidify, end th.e ew com. binafion cf Ingredienfs provides longer iasfing relief. 16 OUNCES..$2.89 4 OUNCES ..S.2 u..s,,.Mm ô UJ t. M1 SL b;g. r4u 1-- - - - OUNCE TUBE (JEU) ... .$1.49 2/4 OUNCES ...794 Jury and Love,~ YOUR REXALL STORE 15 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3-57-79 BOWMANVILLE Situated at F-lighway 401 Xx¶eeiendI £11) tnner Fresh Lobster Cocktail eënu Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail Re lish Tray Soup du Jour or Choice of Juice Tomato Pineapple Grapefruit or V-B Flying Dutchman's Salad of the Day Assorted Dressings Roast Haif Spring Chicken, Crabapple JelIy Baked Virginia Ham, Pineapple Sauce Broil&t N.Y. Cut Sirloin Steak, F,'ied Mushrooms Roast Prime Ribs of Red Brand Beef, Yorkshire Pudding Deep Fried Sea Scallops, Tartar Sauce Broiled Loin Clit Pork Chops, Green Applesauce Roast Leg of Spring Lamnb, Mint Sauce Breaded Milk-fed Veal Cutiet, Mushroom Sauce Sliced Cold Roast Turkey Plate, Cranberry Sauce Assorted Cold Sea Food Salad Plate, Celery Heart Choice of Two Fresh Vegetables Oven Brown . Boiled Roils . or Whipped Potatoes Muffins Assorted Fruit Pie Mint Parfait Tea Butter Fresh Fruit Jello, Whipped Cream Cheese Tray French Pastry Coffee A LA CARTE FROM OUR BROILER Porterhouse, T-Bone, Filet Mignon, Steaks,* served with Mushroom Caps and French Fried Onions Milk ~-. -5 -?Aor rWENT'r THE CANADMS STATESMAN, BOVebLAàýX ONTARIO TRUMDAT, ?"RC11 3th,

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