PACE TWO THURSDAY, MARC!! 5th, ig~m TE CAN~Ar>TAN STATIESMAN, IBOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO HeIp 'thE To E njoy Purchasi Carol is an 1-year-old, wvho today has a happy, wholesomne outloak on 111e despie the fact that the radium of her yaung warld is confined to the sîghts seen from a wheei chair. Yet only two years ago, Carol was unllappy, a worry to her parents and potentially a serious loss to society. When she was four years aid, Carol was stricken by polio- nîyelitîs. She survived the dis- ease only to face a life in a wheel chair. fier parents lit- erally smothered her with affec- tion and attention. They failed ta realize that this was a course that could have seriaus resuits because 'too much attention Many New At Sporfsm Starting on Tororta -Exciting new feil- turcs and attractions, an cxtet- sive dispiay of ail that is ncwI for sports and recreation, sum-, mer cottages and travel. and a sensational new stage and xva- ter revue w.iii combine ta mnake the 1959 Canadian National Sportsmen's Show. schedui2di lor March l3th ta 2lst, the best of its kind ever heid on this This \wasindicated bv Loyal, MU. Kelly, General Mýaniager, ini discussilig some of the pians Your nel DAà eign-mnade and dornestîc auto- Handiappedmobiles as well as sports and Hcin iccipedracing cars. Again this year bath the east CaM and w2,it annex of the Coliseu-n, as wve11 as the Industry Wing, xiii hoose bundreds of cam- Sur ermrc*l xibt icudn pas cottages, cars trailers, ultra- - odem televisian sets and the r et qipnn for ail sport,.; coui tae te frm I no pe- hndiappd thn se, njoing Duringl the eight days af the coud tketheforilof otper hadiappd hanshe ejoyngSport3nien's Show a new and mitting Caral ta develap lher life. By the end of the camp different stage and xvater revue own personality and seif-re- terni Carol xvas one of.the happy wi il b2 presentcd in the arena liance. group had appeared in a play, of t:îe Coliseum, twieé dai.,! By flhc time she ivas fine had ierned craft work a nd was xih a two-hour pragram 0of years oid, Carol was a problem ecage. ta go to school wvhen she excitinc entertalaiment. child, a bright, intelligent, but got horne. Practical applied - The 1tinsee international ail- embittered youngster. When psychology had xvorked its breed dog shows will b2 held 1 officiais of ftle Ontario Society wonders. o i ic181920ad1an for Crîppled Children, xvhose Easter Seals made camp lif e of he18. 1, 20 nd 21and nurses and therapists had aided possible for Carol, somlethinZ, en-lad prized dog nbt al hier, suggested she go ta sum- .iayed hast year by more than ladaa hn iteS lbtates i-i mer camp hiem parents recoiled at 1,200 handicapped Ontatlo kida n h nte ttsw the thaught. fier mother at firit xvho benefitted fram the Cern. be on cisplay. insisted she should accampany' paign af the Society and 221 On-. Another hîi-iight xiii bc the Caroi. taia service clubs ta raise fund.- selection of the "Outdoors Girl 1 Finally Camailivent ta camp. for the help of crippled child- 'of Ca:oada.'" Anv Canadian girl. fier first days wcre bad, yet ren. The campaign this year has with 1he- exception af profes*. within a week she hiad seen oth- an objective of $770,000 and lasts sionai models and athietes, who er yaungsters far more seriously until Easter Sunday, Mamch 2th'. participates in an outdoor sport _______________ -or eceation is eligible. Tie - I Cnadie Natinal vi nner, will receive a wide var- a il? 9)9Cnain a ionliety of valuable prizes as wcll Spor tsmen's Show xiii be C.laii t a Government ofI Canadi Features ada's hargest boat and marin? savini-s bond for $500. showv, ani International Mator;i _____________ Show, a iid life exhibit, a trii- enS 3nOW show a cottaue show and OB U Y thei"e iii be bowling and dart 1 comp-etitions, trick ice skating.,, 'MISS EMIIL'Y ALICE PRESTONi AIarch i13 asorts demonstration arc a,a demopnstration casting pol, BETHANY-iMiss F. ily Alîe- 1iniatire boat racing. and a Preston, azýed 87. 0 nz, dîed r for the, big outdoors i Lt a-Ivreî tohe ctre n Thursd&y, Feb. 26, in a Toronto' ganza. '-For se'. ral vCrars 110W attractions. lhospital aftcr a long rflness. Our SportŽmieli*s Show has had11 She xvam born in" M'anves' the reputatian of being the big- The Boat and Marine Show. Township, near Bèthanv, auht gest and best af its kind on will ha'. e the most comprehlen- d ro h aeIac avary tbis canitiicent," Mr. Kelly sald. siv2 dis-jlaY a bauiufcr-1 Preston and lived mast of lher. "But ce still trYing ta i o rs. sleklç sedans and runabout,, iifetirnc here. Hem parents were1 prove it ail ttimne. It is truc sailboats, rowboats and canoe;, among the pioneers aI the dist-1 we are defying superstition b--v inboard and outboard englflrs rict and cantributed much ta file! openiîvg an Friday thectîîi:. and file most modern boating movhatecmunt . Mis teentli but we are sparing no ecuipmniit and accessaries. Pre;thofthvas a IaityMmbe effort or expense ta make il- The Int.2rnationa1 af St. Paul's Anglican Church, the grcatcst Spart Show ever1 Show,. beins arranged by thie which lier father heiped ta buiid. r lieid an; wý,,here."1 British Motor Indlustry ini Ca:U- Surviving are txvo sister, Mrs. Amiong the nîany features tif ada, w: feature Briti:sh, For- Ida Carscadden and Mrs. Edith Bailey, both of Toronto. She! 1%vas predeceased by two broth- ers and a sister, Dr. W. J. Pre,- tan, Peterborough* Coi. J. A. V. Preston, Orangeville and Mrs.i William Sisson, Bethany. 1 Funeral services ,vere held on! Friday night, Feh. 27, from flhe Turner and Porter Chapel !il~ Toranto, Burial was in the family 'platr at St. Mary's Cemeiery, Manvers; Town!iship, on Saturday. PONTYPOOL W(ýe weme very pleased to Te- ceive a Jeter from Rex-. Victor Bawins of Gainsborough, Sask. Victor spent considerable af his boyhood days here andhbas jmany friends and relations in this cammunitv. fie lias an Iarnalgamated chlarge, peaching four times on, Sunday with a milcage of 70 miles. Twao o his churches are in Manitoba and two in Saskatchewan. Sevemal former Manvema citiz- ens attended his chumch. Among the names mentianed were Rusk, Fred Shawv and Mrs. Geo. t Reynolds. Elmer Rusk xvas ais- ed near Ballyduff, Fred Shaw lived eat of Pontypoal and at- tended Fee's Sehool, gaing west in 1890, and remembemed my father quite wei. Mrs. Re yn-t èw dî l ex hange inaids taught school saulh aI Pontypool; la naw 87 and very w di! e cha ge had hoped holave Victor as etpec e t rOag L iflY flUable ta corne east until much n T i M ater. His many friençis herer nnmr i un opens next Summer! That'g right! On August 3th a new dial exchange wiIl open in Hampton to serve niany former custorners of the Bowmanville exchange . é Custoniers served from the new Hanmpton cxchange will get coni- pletely new telephone numbers starting with COlfax 3 and four figures. An n. . . August 3th ail calis between Hampton and Oshawa wilI be f ree of long distance charges. You will continue to cail your friends in Bowmanvllle without long distance charges. We'll keep you post- ed as work on your »iew service pro- gresses. J. W. LOWRY, Manager wilil be glad ta knowv that lie expects la bc present et th-i . Décoration Serv'ice at McCrae's i Church the first Sunday ln AugusI. NE WTON VILLE Miss Alice Nesbitt of Toronto, came dawn ta spend the week- end with her sister, Miss Anne' Nesbitt. IMrs. J. C. Moore of Hamilton ;ent a few days witri her sister, I s. Cieland Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rawe af IVie w Lake visited his sister, ~Mrs. J. T. Pearce, an Tuesday. IMr. Laurie Stapleton, former- ly baokkeeper at the Haraldr Buley Garage, has accepted a position with the Dept. o! f igh- Iways4 Part Hope. Mr. Chas. IMeneiiley naw has the positioni at the gerage vacated by Mr. Stapleton. Mr. and Mrq. Arnold Wade and son Grant spent Sundey i with Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Henderson, Bowmanvilie. Mr. and Mrs. Earie McEwen and family of Peterborough spent the weekend with Mr. and ,Mrs. Cecil Burley. The Robinson Brog., Ewart and Morley, have purchased the Clinton Brown cottage for their mather, Mrs. Ralph Boughen. The tenants, Mr. and Mrs. L. Beaulieu and family have mov-1 ed ita Mrs. J. T. Pearce's apart- ment. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mar- low, Blackstock, spent Sunday' with Mr. and Mrs. Wiilis Jones. .Sunday visitars with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Brown were Mr. and' Mrs. Jerry Rose, Keith and Ken- rieth af West Hi. Mrs. Victor! Wagg eturned home with them.! Mm. and Mms. Jerry Adams,1 returning fmom their trip ta Quebec, visited his grandparents, IMr. and Mrs. Andrew Reichrath. Mr. and Mms. Bryan Nobi t of Scarbomaugh spent the weekend with hem paents, Mm. and Mrs. Frank Ovens. Sunday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones were Mr. and Mms. Leur- ence Savery, Oshawa, and Mr. Ceeul Payne and his sister Mms. 1Allan Harris of Port Hope. Satumday evening, Feb. 21. the Newtanvilie Community Hallj was well filled with friends and relatives wvho gathemed ta honor the nexlyweds, Mm. and Mms. Wallace Baughen. Mma. Arnold W'ade read the addmess. They were presentedwith a p latform rocker, a step-up table, card! table and chairs andi a tiighti floor lamp. Farrow's orchestra provîded the music for dancingi after which lunch was servedi. What Your Money Does . 0' Here are a few of the thing,,s that the Rotary Club Entertained 19 guestg at our Annu with the help of your Easter Scal donations have Party for Crippled Children of the accomplished in the past yeam. *'Looked after the following: * Provided transportation to both Merry-%'ood Camp and Blue Mountain Camip for 7 Cipplcd Children Special Braces--------- from this district. MjrOeain * We have 20 eilidren on our active list and duning MjrOeain the past year we have mîade expenditures on 9 of Several children supplied wlth crui themn. corrective equipment. BUY EAS TER SEA AND USE THEM! PUT YOUR DONATION IN' PINK AND MAIL TO-DAY. A Receipt wiII be sent f0 you for Income Tax purposes 1' mal Chrisrnias edistrict. 2 atches and LS THE ..~' .tIppwJ EU ENVELOPE 1 PAGE Tnro -IWUPMAY, M-4,,RM sth, 1959 lemalomm