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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Mar 1959, p. 3

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THE CANADIA!i SATtSMAN, ~OWMA1~, ~A~RTO FAGE TN~ Durham Club Speaker 4; By Aleen Aked Ihanorarv members and a past1 president: ta Mrs. L.B.Wi The Durham County Club of liams, Bowmanville, on Wher Tanto, hel-1 their meeting 88th birthday; to Mr. and Mrs. Thusv evening, Feb. 26th, at w .Mfs t aya hi theIOD E. Headquarters. Pre- 66th wedding annivcrsary and aident J. P. Lovekin's opening 1toMr, A!lan A Martin on the remarks paid tribute to three1 opening of the new Allan A. Martin junior High School by South Peel Board of Education -all February events. lose eùk ! A NEW PAIR FRE u the sole wow ont b 3 moths Now My ch grow their si can outwear shoes are cg and need n Their weathe rugged, lresi Proof. Snai &Il the He features. Priced at only ask for LIoyc Shi 49 KINg BOWM fidren wll out- The speaker was Mr. R. W. Harris, Public Relations Direc- tar of The AIl Canada Insur- ance Fedieration, which repres- ents 250 companies writing fire. automobile and casualty insurance. Mr. Harris told ter- rifying facts with numerous figures to substantiate them; of the 515 million dollars paid out by insurar'ce companies in Can.. ada last year, 90% of the dlaims werecp~used by the fally of bu- man bebavior and could have been avaided if care. courtesy and comman sense had been used. auuesbefr uthua ey Each one of us pays for the rthem. These stupidity of others by increas- ,ofortable, too, cd insurance rates. Last year no brealcing ln. erproof soles are the prem5Jums on Fire Insurance ient and skld incrcased 14% as lasses went rtly styied with up 661/ô: on Car Insurance, pre- wetson qualîty mniums 44%, lasses 77%; of 25 kinds of Casualty Insurance premiurns incrcased 4517v while 19' lasses rose 87% and of these 1 $49 only seveîý werc caused by acts of God (ligbtning, windstarms)j r th »Wthc other 18 by the fo01y"of bu- man conduct. Th is is flo t a E T OM cornpany problcm but yoursan mine, paîd for in sfeîg death ard dollars. Mr. Harris gave these exain- ples of stupidity which led ta dcstruct..on and death; Mr. A. put up 30 amp. fuses in his 15 amp. circuit-overheatcd wires burnt down bis house. Mr. B. left volatile liquids in an open J Elli S container-bis b'eloved work.. o stroyed. Mr. C. took a di endcd wrappcd around a trec- ýG ST. W. dcad! Young Mr. D. tried if his ANVILLE car would go 100 miles an hour -he will neyer get another try in that or anli other car! Mr. E. Spring Ras Arrived! at tT. GERTRUDE'S NEARLY NEW SHOP Thurs., Fri. - Narch 12 - 13 2 to 9 p.m. Pleasant Family Shopping Spring and Summer Cottons King St. E. Oshawa y.--- .1 '~ Iwouldii't wait a minute ta get! Mr. W. McNeill thanked the his car into a traffic line-lti performers and the speakeÉ' was his last!1 Miss Aked read amusing aid Auto insurance has becomeI minutes based on a Victrola. the la-gest class since 1952. In 1 The refreshments, were in Canada !raffic accidents last charge- of Mrs. O. J. Henderson Year caused 3,000 deaths injur- and Group 4. Coffee was pour- ing 65,000. On Highway il ed by Misses V. Philp and A. (Yonge St.) jr ane year as1 Aked. Mrs. Henderson and her manv people were hurt in ac-1 assistants were thanked by Mr. ciden ts as the total population AA. mi. A bushel of rosv of Th')rnhill, Richmond Hill, apples brought from Durhain Aurora, Barrie. Gravenhurst, Countv by Mr. Reg. Lovekin, haîf of North Bay and severai were enjoyed by everyone. other +owns which this report- The speaker for the March er missed. An accident report- meeting will be Mr. Thor Han- ed every sever minutes in Çan- sen, art airector for B. A. Oil ada. a W9,000 a day, a 32 ml- Company. lion a year loss. It does happen to, your neighbours, perhaps to Thu neoct;1* of stupidity. reck- KoppJer lessness, carelessness and a dis- increarýes the ratios of accidents each 3'ear. These in order of i\ r ivai importance arc the causes ùf car accidents: 1. Driving tao C ', fast-not necessarily breaking speed limits bui too fast under C o i g those conditions. 2. Driving on wrong side of road. 3. Reckless Bowmanville Womcen's In- driving. 4. In-4lnaired driving. .5 stitute annual Kopper Karnivai Failure to glive right of wayj will '.c held next Thursday, to, other.- vas the fifth largest March 1-9 at the Lion's Centre. cause of traffic accidents. Be- President of the Institute is tween 96% and 98% of the Mrs. G. Alîchin,. The Kopper driver s involved had more Karnival is the Womcn's Insti- than one Years' driving experi- tute oniy money making effort ence and 70 to 78% were in the and proceeds are uscd in com- 25-64 age group. munity work. Mr. Hî.rris compared how it Convenors of the Kolup2r took h;s grandfather three days Karnivai report ail in rcadincss to drive in ani ox cart fromn for the day. The convenors are« their farm ta Ingersol with a as follows: Tickets-Vfrs. M. 11/2 days' drive with a horse for Wiseman: Gifts-Mrs. G. Rich- his father while rccently he ards; Home baking, Mrs. G. drove it in 11½ hours without Clarke, Tea Room-Mrs. B. excessýve speed. Metcalf and Mrs. 'W. Corden. Connecticut cracked down Over fifty articles include on drivers and cut down the qu'its, Pillow cases, lineils, death ratie to a fraction since dishes, baby articles and many 1954 although ten thousand more. These are now on dis- drivers were suspendcd. "The play at Higgon Elcctric Ltd. point system miust have publie Ladies interested in homesbak- co-operation to work. Give it a ing Wîhl be anxious to visit this trial! Be patient, be co-opera- table and purchase its wareï.1 tive! Driving a car is a privil- Throughout the afternoon re-1 cge not a right." Mr. Harris freshmnents w4hl be served in concliided. the teP room for those wishing The love]y vcice of Miss Shel- them. la Mello)r, Who is a soloist at At eight a'clock Mayor Car-c Walmer Rd. Baptist Church, ruthers will make the draw for gave pleasure during the social the prizes assisted by Mr. D.i hour. Miss Barbara Cash accom-j Higgn.Five lucky draws are i: panied ber as she sang «'Hoini to be made ai, the closing tor ng",~~~~~~ "Ahrsa oeLl" olders of winning numbers. "Lewis Bridai Song", "Doni't Tickets are on sale now and tý Be Cross;" and a selection from ma 'v be purcbr.sed from mcm- "The Merry Widaw". bers.c Air, Rail or SteamshipMA L GR E TI1C K E T S M TEG TO VEYWHREW.M.S. Evening Auxiiiary F Consuit, The February meeting of Ma-r J UR Y & LO0V ELL Ple Grove Evcning Auxiliary 15 King St. W. - MA 3-5778 was hclà at the home of Mrs.E Bowmanville Steve Doyle on Thursday even- s for your The Canadien lIellers' Instituts Issues this sign only ta those who have passed its rigid examination in walchmaking. if Bs your assurance of compotenf. dependaobie wafch repair und maintenance, MARR'S JEWELLERY employs certlfied by the C.J. 4 Is Y.,,. Wafeh Due For A Check-Up? Urinq yeur wat<h whore yeu are sure it wiii receive CortiIied care. MARR'S Jewellery Bowmanville For T hase MEATLESS DAY*S DURING LENT Cheese Bread Pudding 2 cups Bread Pudding 1 cup Cottage Cheese (Glen Rae Dairy) 11/2 cups of Milk (Glen Rae Dairy) C:Tr"1 1/ cup Melied Butter 1/4tsp. Grted Lemon Rind 2 Eggs weii heaten 1 tbsp. Lemon Juice 1/ cup Sugar 1/4tsp. Sali Combine bread with cottage cheese, milk and melted butter, add remaining ingredients and pour into buttered casserole. Bake in a mod- erate oven (325 deg.) 1 hr. or until a knife cornes out clean. Serve hot or cold with cream. Serves six. COTTAGE CHEESE available daily at Dairy, King St. W., Bow- manville, and drivers. Also from: Dominion Stores and Tate's Red & White Grocery, Bowmanville, and Tom's I.G.A., Newcastle. RAE DAIRY MA 3-5444 £ O ebuaUry 26. The meeting opened with E bYtnn. Secntary's repart was gi. yeni by Mrs. Percy Flintoff and 1'011 callcd to show 21 present. Mrs. W. H. Brown gave the Treasury report. President, Mrs. Steve Doyle annountced W.M.S. Sunday will be April 12. Mrs. Morley Flintoff gave a report on theh evening session of Oshawa Presbyterial which was beld on February 17. Birthday grectings were sung to Mrs. Percy Flintoff and Mrs. Morley Flintoff who cclebratcd Februarv Birthdays. Mrs. Cecil Milis gave a read- ing on Christian Stcwardship. Mrs. John Noble was in charge of the worgbip service. Theme was "Race Prejudice Exposed." Mfter a hymn, Mrs. W. H. Brown offered prayer and Scripture David. Mrs. S. Doyle gave a reading and prayer was offered by Mrs. Arthur Burgess. A chapter from the Studiy Book "Indian Canadians" was prcsented by Mis. Jo1hn Noble. Mis. W. H. Brown gave the Ris- 7tory of the Evening Auxiliarv wb ich was formed 13 years ago on January 22. Meeting cioscd with the Benediction. A lavely lunch was served iby Mrs. John Noble's group. Sieigh RidIng Party The Country Couples Club hcld a sleigih-ridÀig party from Maple Grave United, Church on Saturday evening. About 15 cou- ples enjoyed riding an two sleighs wbicli were drawn by tractais. Others enjoyed a social time in the church basement. Cardis werc cnjayed by al until lunch time, when a box social and coffee wcrc served. Prizes for iucky numbers went tO Mrs. Cecii Milîs and Mr. Samn Mainn, Mrs. Wes Down and Mr. Stephen Jcffery. Those in charge were Mr. and Mis. Howard Brad'ley, Mr. and Mis. Jack Hurrie. Man*y f rom Maile Grave ai- tcnded Mick Brawn's Case show in BowmanviUle Town Hall on Friday evening. Don Brown op- ened the program by welcoming the capacity audience. Bob Brown, now a teacher in an Osh- awa sehool acted as master of ceremonies for the pragîam. Those present enjoyed thc var- ious numbers, espe'cially Billy Wade fîom Courtice and the several dance and baton num- bers by Barbara Brown and ber Barbctts nunibers. Miss Carole Greenham is anc 0f the Barbetts. Those whe won prizes from Maple Grave were, Mrs. R. Bar- rabail, Mr. Jim Holtby, and Mrs. Russell Bimblctt, Mrs. Jim Hait- by and Nancy Martin who won the girl's prize. Maple Grove Girl Guides and Browinies oelebrated "Thinking Day" at their meting an Tues, day evening by wearing flags frorn differentt countries. Their leaders servcd a cake ta com- memorate the birthday of Lord Baden - Powell, who founded their arganiza-tiori. The Guides sent a cornbinied l"Get weil" mesage teo ne of 'Wise Owl at Sportsmen 's Show One of the many features of the 1959 Ca»adjan National Sportsmen's Show will be a wildlife exhibit sponsored by the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests. The big sports extravaganza wiII be held in the Coliseum, Toronto, from March 13 to 21. Here Bey Maclntosh poses with a wise old owl and a snapping turtie. their leaders, Mrs. Jim Gedde! who bas ben a patient in Bow* man-ville Hospital. Miss Lois Staîker rcad a storý an the life of Lord Baden-Pow. cil. The Guides are trying ta ho. cate their travelling baskel which seems ta have d'ropped out of sight. Would the persan now in posscssion of it please pass it on. Mr. and Mrs. Ken, KuhnkE and Bette Ellen werc Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Myles Stoughton, Oshawa. The March Home and School Aissociation meeting wiil be held in conjunction with Open House next Wednesday evenin.g. Class- rooms will lie open for inspec- tion of parents and visitors. Mr. an-d, Mrs. Michael Heenan, Courtice, ca'lled on Mr. and Mrs. Jim Laverty on Sunday. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W~. H. Brown last Friday were M,'essrs, Keitb Wilson, Kevin Fitzgerald, Harry Gray anud' Ken )ougbty, all from Peterborough, Mr. Cleve Larwell, Ottawa; Mr. Ed McGill, Bolton, and Mr. Rus- seil Woods, Georgetown. Pleased ta repart that iittle Tammy Rogers is improving. af- ter another operàtion in Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Milîs and family were Sunday visîtors with Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Shunk Port Perry. Couples Chub will meet in MaPie Grave Church basement cn Thursday evening (tanight). Mr. and Mrs. J. Laverty, Mary Jane, Mihaci and Theresa, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wray Hinan, Unionville. Sunday supper guests with Mr. End Mrs. Rager Lebel and fa- y were Mr. a'nd Mrs. Jean Le- crie, Malartic, Quebec; Mrs Ro- lnde Lahaie, Miss Fernande Naud and Mr. Fernanid Rantre From Senneterre. Quebec. Satur- iay visitars were Mr. and Mrs. -leter Lebel and Mr. -and Mrs. 'aýul Lacroix, Osh'awa. T¶he Courtice Circuit Brother- iood will conduct their service )n Sund.ay at 7 p.m. at Cour- iCe United Chrurch. Mrs. T. Colliss and Mr. Ernest 7olliss were Sunday visitors vith Mrs. May Loonam, in New- narket. Mrs. Morley Burgess called on irs. Arthur Lymer, Oshawa, on hiuraday. Mr. aind Mrs. Harry Souch, ýenore andi Jud'y, Oshawa, vis- cd Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bur- rms on Saturday. The L.N.O. Group will hold a rdparty in Maple Grave 'hurch 'basement on Saturday iening, March 7. Everyone 'clicome. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cookson id family. Pickering; Mr. and Ers. Fred Cookson, Seagrave, vere Sundav evcning visitars vith Mr. James Cookson and ailed on Mrs. Cookson who is patient inn Bowmnanvillc Hos- tai. Don't forget Womcn's Institute aeeting ncxt Monday cvening. Mr. a*nd Mrs. Jack Whiteman cre wekend, visitors witb ber isetr, Mrs. Gladys Taverner, WIle ville. Mis. Pearl Whiteman, Osh- va, visited at the home of Mr. nd Mis. Jack Whiteman. T ai il h N fi d h( or ti( Ci 1 it( ge ci wi an wi wi ca a pji am an HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. Allen Graham, Alana andi Kevin, Fenelon Falls, were Sunday guests of Mi. and Mrs. Harland TrulI, Mis. Merwmn Mountjoy visiteti Mrs. N. Marlow, Nestîcton, an Thursday. Mi. and Mrs. C. E. Horn, Osb- Satu rday. awia,* visited relatives here on Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray visiteti at the home af their daughter, Mr. and Mis. Sam Keane, Osh- awa, on Sunday. Mr. Ken Player, Bewdîey vis-' iteti at S. Kersey's on Sunday. Mr. andi Mis. Sam Dewell wcre guests at the birtbday Party of Mis. L. B. Williams, Bowmanville, on Sunday after- noon. Mr. and Mis. Lorenzo Truil were entertained at a family dîinner Party at I'The Acres " on f OBITUARY MRS. JOEL WORKMAN Mrs. Joel Workman passed away 'n Meénarial Hospital, Bowmariville, on February 21, 1959. In her 88th year, Mrs. Workman had been 111 since early Noven-ber and was iin hospitai for six weeks priar ta ber deatb. Mrs. Workman was the for- mer Sarahi Hinson and was born in England, the daughter of the late Thomas and Elizabeth Hin- son. The family came ta, Can- ada in 1883, settling at Part Granby where the deceased re. ceived her education. On Dec. 6, 1894, she married Joei Work- man and they resided at R. R. 1, Newtonville. Mrs. Workman bad suffered the affliction cf being biind for 62 years and deaf fai-" the past 50 years. She was a member of Newtonvillc United Cburch. She is survived by two dau- ghters, Mrs. Alice Morris, Port Granby, &nd Miss Lillie Woîrk- man. R. R. 'l, Newtonville. Mr. Workman predeceased bis wife. Fune'-al service was held on Mondav2t, February 23, at the Geor!ge Funeral Home, Port Hope. and was conducted by the Rex'. B. K. Cronk of Port Hope. The body was laid ta rest etery. Burial will be in Lake- view Cemietcry, Newtonville. Pallbearers were Mr. Donald Willianms, Bowmanvillc: Mr. Oswald Wragg, Whithy; Mr. Cecil Payne, Mr. Jack Carnish, Mr. James Morris, a grandson, Part Hope; Mr. Fred Marris, also a grandson, Grafton. Amang thp beautiful floral tributes was that of the West Durhamn Advisary Board of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind.% Sundýay, March lst, in honoîîr of their 40tb wedding annivers- ary, and also at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Barran on Sat- urdray evening. Their Hampton fricnds extend congratulations on this happy occasion and trust they may enjoy many more wed- ding anniversaries. Hampton friends are sorry ta learn af the iilness of Mrs. L. Winterburn, who is a patient in Memoriai Hospital, Bowmaville, ad wish for -hei- a speedy rccav- ery. Womne's Institute will be held this Thursday at 2 o'clock. Meet- ing is in charge of the north group. G u e st speaker Mrs. Brown~, District President. Motta - "An Irish Blessing'~ Roll cal "Name an Irisih song." Mrs. S. Kersey visited Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pooler, Oshawa, on Saturd-ay. 71 KING ST. E. Hais Purses Gioves and Accessories We Pay for Others' Stupidity In Incrased Insurance Ra'tes Special ! BANLON SWEATER SETS $4.98 - $6.98 Re fre sh Buy the famaly carton of 6 bigj boules Smith Beverages Limited Bowmanville AUTHQORIZED DISTRIBUTOR BOWMANVILLK Nurses" Unif orms of Wasb and Wear Poplin and Terrylene BRIDAL HEADWEAR AND VEILS v !!TU~UTIAY, MA.RVN 5~, 1 UUARANTEED OhiIdr.m's Shou ,&690 '43 King St. W. WANDA'S BEAUTY -SHOP WE NOW HAVE A RETAIL SECTION GLEN 98 KING ST. W. EXPERT HAIR SHAPING AND STYLING' No Appoiniment Necessary on Friday Night: Ballet Pupils Practise for Examinations On Saturday afternoon the Ballet pupils from the Bow- manville Recreation, and the Oshawa Harvey Dance Acad- emy. gathered at the Oshawa C.R.A. on Gibb St. to demon- strate the Ballet Examination Syllabus. Many parents and Xriends were present to sec the exercises and dances of the young pupils as they will per- form flhern for the Examiner next March 7 and 14. Those takiag part in the Pri- mary were Lynn Calvert, Irenie Klocck, Joan Lewis, Mary New- ell, Irene Rechitzki, Beth Rich- ardson. Maureen Sullivan, Les- lyn Chamberlin, Diana and Janice Lockie. Shirley Saxby, Debra Tomaluk, Carol Brown, Joane CDonald.Betynn Hry.. Jann halBLty na awe cyshyn, and Linda Morrison, from thie Osh&wa class. Wendy Anderson, Frances Anger, Shel- ley Bothwell, Suzanne Presson. Rozanne Stackaruk and Louise Whitncv fromn the Bowmanvile Recreallon Class. Those taking the Grades were Bonnie Crimmings, Lynda Gin- gCere-;kf, Charlotte Kwiotek and Margaret Samuels. Shirley Fui- ler, Lind-?. Gcdfrey, Margaret Hart ford, Lyn Lee, Suzanne Lewis, Mary-Beth McClemert, Merle McConnell and Vickle McNab. Noreîen Arnold, Bonnie Crou- ter, Maria Drygala. Carolyn Forster, Sandra Scott, and Tina Wilson. Myra Lesnick, Loreen Ran- Turn Old Furnilure Imi Cash with STATESMAN C L ASSI F1E D S Phone MArket 3-3303 daîl and Lynn Shaw. To rnany in the audience who neyer had the opportunity of studying Balley themnselves, it was indteed a surprise ta see the technique of barre and centre floor practise, and how the worlt progressed from grade ta grade. It is wonderfui to see these young folks standing tali and straight. moving with strength, flexibility, balance and speed. edical Mirror When submilling questions, readers are requested NOT te enclose self -addressed envelopes. Questions lire incorporated hi these columns when possible. Q. «'I haro 1,ad on frrltaael bowel for 5 years. lu tlais thea same as coli is? uthere a cure?"t-An Ohio reader. A. The termn "bowel" applies to the entire intestinal tract wbercas colon" refers ta only the large intestine. Colitis is ail too common and severe cases are none too easy ta deal with. It varies fromi a mild spastic condition ta severe inflammation of the lining tissues. Cures are often possible in mild cases of colitis -less likely ini advanced cases. Surger is always considered when the condition bas advanced ta a point where life is threatened. The emotians seem ta play, a large part ini causing colon flare-ups. Let a colitis patient get aIl worked Up over some personal problem and he is- likely ta backslide far enough ta crase months of suc- cessful treatment. Doctors do everything they can ta, prevent these stress-caused flare-ups. Ansivers do flot necessarily reflled the opinion of ail doctors. The dlag- nosir and treatment of disease fr the Junct ion o! the patient': par- sornal physician. Questions directed to Science Editors, P.O. Box 396. Madison Sq. Sta., N. Y. 10, N. Y. will be lncorporated in these .oJ. umns when possible. OTHE i e««!S*TR!Io WmAmVILLEt 1 THE CANAD" STATESM", BOWMA"R", e"ARI" PAGE Tr£K»

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