L TH!IRSDAY, MARC Sth, I95~ ~'Uv à~A~.?ATWAM *~AqVEATZ- - *£ JMUfl, LJWMWAMVMLLPZ, UARIO AETV ~ayor Us First Buyer Bowmanville's Own Timmy" Presents First Sheet of Seals. Donna Pingle, age 10, Hamp- ton, wvha has been chosen by the Bowmanvjlle Rotary Club to be the local "Timmy" for the important Easter Seais 'Campaigui, was an honoured guest at the club's luncheon mneeting on Friday. It was held at the Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel. A. A. H. Strike, chair- man of the Rotary Club's Eas- ter Seals Campaign Committee, introduced Donna. *His Worship, Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers, was also a special guest, as were Miss Lena Tay- lor and Miss Dora Purdon, nurses of the Northumberland- Durham Health Unit. Out of town guests present were: Os- MAKE HAY IVHH E THE MOON SIHINES ENROLL AT ONCE IN THE OSHA WA BUSINESS COLLEGE ADULT EVENING CLASSES in Practical Business Training Phone or write for FREE Literature Oshawa Business College 111 Simncoe St. S., RA 5-3375 IDRAPERIES BROADLOOM DRAPERIES By The YARD VENETIAN AND e CLOTHBLINDS v CUSTOM MDE DRAPES r DRAFERY RODS AND TRACKS INTERIORb \,DECORATING SERVICE c Howard Vice Proprietorc TELEPHONER OSHAWA RA 5-3144 926 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa i Don'! Miss car R. Pingle, Hampton, Donna" father; G. Gardiner, Englehart; Lance Beath, George E. Charl- ton, Lloyd Hayncs, Charles World, Ian MacDonald and Wil- liam Minette, ail of Oshawa. The birthdays of Ross Gil- bei-t and Tom Palmer were ob- served by the Rotanians. The hockey draw winners were: Donna Pingle and Keith Jack- son. As the Bowmanviile and dis- trict "Tirrimy", Donna Pingle in a dlean young voice express- cd ber appreciation cf the as3-1 sistance given te ber by the Rotai-y club tbnough ifs Ci-- pied Children's Committce. James Stutt, chairman cf this' cornmittece was at the bead ta- "I would like te thank the Bowmanville Rotai-y Club for hel1ping me and ail the other crippied childi-en cf the dis- trict. Also for making it pos- sible fùn me te attend camp in summen, and Miss Taylor for being .so good te me", Donna said. She turned te Mayor Car- ruthers and stated At was a great pleasure te present a sec- tion cf Eastei- Seals te him. "It is an bonour te, take part in the inauguration cf your val- uable Easter Seals Campaign by purchasing the first lot of ,geais, "The Mayor said. I hope the people of Bownmanville and the suri-ounding district will buy a large numben te help with this wortbwhile work," Mayor Canruthers added. He aise extendcd bis best wishes to Donna for a cemplete recev- ci-y. Mr. Crlppled Cbildren The guest speaker, Reg Hep- per, Toronto, a directon of the Ontario Society for Crippled Chiidnen, was introduccd by Mn. Stnike, chairman cf the Easter Seals Campaign. Mi,, Stnike told the meeting that 'Mr. Hopper was a Rotai-ian cf long standing. He had belong- cd te the Ottawa Rotai-y Club for many years, and is new a memben cf the Toi-ente Rotai-y Club. He studicd social work at the University cf Toi-ente, and aften graduation became a social service cemmissiener in Ottawa. Mr. Strike pointed E out that Mn. Happer is chair- man cf the Crippied Children's Feundation and Honourary Se- cretary of the Canadian Crip- pied Childnen's Society. He iss .nown as "Mr. Crippled Child-c ren," Mn. Stnike said.t Tribu te te Former Members A tnibute te two former mcm-c bers cf the Toronto Rotai-y Club, wbc new are Bowman- P ville Rotanians, was paid by Mi-.si Hopper. He spoke cf the indus- nrous efforts on the Crippied dl Children's cemmittele there cf a R. P. Rickaby and A. E. Ribey. C Mn. Hopper mentioned the T1 impi-essive broadcast heard on aý he previeus evening for the tJ- officiai opening cf the Easter Seals Campaign across Canada. He told of the great work fer handicaopcd childi-en being donc as the resuit cf the sale of Easter Seals fi-cm coast te coast in th.is country. Good Response in 1958 There are 221 clubs in On- tarie doing this work in addi- tion te the Bowmanvilie Ro- tai-y Club, Mr. Hopper said. "You are fortunate in baving ccmmunity leaders as commît- tee chai-men, and tbey arc do- ing a magnificent job. Last year this club sent eut 7,000 lettens and received $3,542.86 for the seals. This is a geod respense, and you hope fer an even betten one this ycai-," the speaker asserted. He spoke cf the fine spirit of neighboli-liness with wbich the Bcwmanville Rotanians ca-ried eut their cripplcd children's work. He remanked that ail should be preud cf living in a free cuntr-y; and able te do these things for those who ap- preciate and need the service. Fraises Family Physicians Mn. Hopper aise praised fam- iiy physicians for the cane they. give te the ci-ippled. He ex- plained that there are reiativeiy few specialists. People can rel.v on family doctons and the ex- cellent self sacrificing service they cive. "The medical board cf our socicty decided several years ago that a mnuch needcd Crip- pied Cbildi-en's Centre must be built. Land was bougbt near Sunnybnook Militai-y Hospital, from the federal government, il acres at $2,500 an acre. Plan- ning stai-ted toecct the best centre cf this type that there is anywnere in the- world, the speaker said. 105 Beds at New Centre More than 300 childi-en daily will ha heiped by the centre's outpatient services, be stated. Childi-en who live in places wbere there arc ne clinical fa- cilities will be brought te the centre, where there will be 105 beds. There they will have tneatment and other necessarv tberapy. A motel will be bulît next te the centre whei-e par- ents can stay wbilc their child becomes oriented. The motel wiil aise accommodate mothers who can stay there later while tbey leai-n massage, and other continuing therapy te give their childi-en. In this way after the initial stay many chýldren wi]l be able te be caned foa a home, and cniy retunn fer a checkup, Mn. Happer explained. The woi-k fer crippled child- i-en is one cf the first avenues for service for Rotarians, Ross Gilbert stated as he moved a vote cf tbanks te Mn. Hopper. He pcinted out that the enligbt- ening information giv2n theI Bewmaniviiie Rotai-y Club by the speaker would increase the efforts cf the local Ratarians in the Easten Seals Campaign. tt2erge Vice, the president- elect, aise cenveyed tbe appre- ciatien cf the members te Mr. Hopper fer his inspiring talk on the wonk being donc for han- dicapped ebildi-en. C of C Holds Seminarl To Discuss Problems And Their Solutions The Ontario Chamber cf Com- merce Regional Seminan beid Iast weck in Peterborough was on cf 50 bcing spcnsored iby the provincial Chambers cf Comm- er-ce from coast te coast this yeai-. It provided an opportunity fri Chamber cf Commerce pi-es- idents, committee chairmen, and scretary-managers ta meet, dis- cuss pnoblems and thein solu- tions, and te excbange ideas. The Bowmanvillc Chamber cf Cmmerce was represcnted, at the Regional Seminan ey the pncsident, GIen Lander, and the :ecretary-manage-, K. N. Morris. The workshop was jcintiy con- [îuctcd by Trevor Hamili, Ont- ario manager cf the Canadian. Chambei- cf Commerce, and J. T. Wilson, manager cf the O nt- rie Chamber cf Commerce. In the monnin-g the delegates divi- a a 0 THE STYLE EVENT 0 F THE YEAR PARADE OF SPRING FASHIONS BY BRESLIN'S Under Auspices of Club 15 AT BOW*,MANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL WED., MARCH il 8:00 P.M. Feaiuring some of Canada's Top Canadian Professional Models Tickets Available from Club 15 Members or at Breslin's Ladies' Wear ded into two groups. one con- sisted of elccted officei-s, and the other was cf secretary-managers. Luncbeon was served by the La- dies Auxiliary te the Canadian Legion. During the first part cf the aftennoon there were thi-ce dis- cussion tables. Eacb was assign- cd several topics. The chairman cf cacb stubsequently repoi-ted te the entii'e meeting. In this way spccialized subjects were cov- eu-cd in the one day conference. ]KENDAL Miss Margaret Hayden spent the wcekend with friends in Kingston. Gordon Martinell, Roseneath, was witb bis mother, Mrs. Hattie Martinell for a few d-ays this weckend. Mi-s. George Clark, Toi-ente, was dcwn te ber summer home and visited, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Alexander. Blake bas been con- fined to bcd this past week un- dei- the doctor's cane and is new feeling scmewbat better. Bobby Winn went inte Mcm- criai Haspital te bave bis ap- pendix removcd Menday moi-n- ing. David Lefthouse, Tbornton's Corners, spent tic weekend witlî his aunt, Miss Catherine Stew- art. Mr. and Mrs. Qi-val Zealand and family wene Sunday visitors with Mrs. Mary Luxon. Master Reid Fester had thec misfartune te bave the bone cf bis tbumb and first finger brio- ken last faîl. Last Wednesday he went te Civic Hospital, Pet- erborough, wbcre be underwent an aperation to bave tbem brio- ken and reset on Monday. Mr. and Mns. Allen Foster i-e- tui-ned home Sunday fi-rn their visit in Virginia. Mrs. M. E. Fos- ter remained witb ber sister and intends te visit ber son in Ten- niessee. Nice weatben repei-ted dcwn there in Virginia. Alec Little, Tarante, visited his mather, Mrs. Neya Little Sunday. Mi-. and Mrs. Vance Allen vis- ted Mrs. Wm. Mercer and Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux Sunday t evening. .1 Thie sun and warmth cf this d veckend h'as settled down aur naw cansiderabiy and almnost a made us forget flhe 7 te 8 inches v f sncw that'fell last Monday and jý illed in aur roads again. The ten Kend!al pupils wba attend E MIcLeans had a holiday as they E wei-e unable te get te scbool. The Surnmany Day for thc W. ii Us cf Durham an "Sew ta Save 1V, Dollars and Make Sense" te, be eld in i-ena Feb. 24 was also C ostpaned tili a later date, C The Kendai W.I. meeting post- Doned fi-cm Fcb. 11, was held cl Xednesday evening, Feb. 25 at Mv 1e boeeof Mrs. H. Foster with fr [nrs. Manders presiding. The i-cll1 ýl, "Industries cf Pioncer )ays," braugbt te mind theS ountless extra things oui-gi-a- Of idpanents and gi-eat-grandpar- Ul ruts bad te make or do for tihein- elves. b( In the business period it was ar lecided te sdil oui- twe mauve ud twe gaid blankets lnstead ba dselling tickets on thern- if b tyone wishes te buy them. The d V.I decided te hold their meet- In .gs on the third Wedncsday M ýthe month in future as the J '.A. changed theirs te the fi-st Vensdy Thene is a safcty S. eoject being undentaken thisW ear and Mrs. H. Fosten bas been an >pointed te look aftcr the "Farm bc kecident Survcy" in this scboo] ýction. She asked that anyone an Lving an accident ci- knowing cd fone repent it te her. Mrs. Wm. iransky gave the report of the vim heer Cornmittee and teck up Ci to thy mouth". Mrs. Ede Jong sang "The Lord's My Shep- herd", accompanied by Mrs. G. Brent. Friday evening Mrs. A. Ham- !Iton and Mrs. K. Davey enter- tained their Suncfay School class when 13 girls - were pi-es- cnt. 4-H Club members and their~ leader:s. Mrs. A. J. McL aggan and Mrs. A. Youngman, attend-' ed the Achievement Dýay at Ca- van on Saturday. Sandra Gib- son received County honor pin and certificate. Dinner was served by Cavan ladies, who i were thaîîked L-y Audrey 'Wood..! Each girl was presented with; a 4-H Club silver teaspoon. Thei next unit in this County will' be "Dressing Up Home Grown Vegetables" Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. W. J. Miller and Beth, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell attended the Snider-Judson wedding In Toronto Saturday, and re,_eption at Belle Aire Ho- Lel. Louis Real, Greenbank, with his .grandparents, Mr-. and Mrs. W. Il. Taylor. Mr-. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, H{ector and Ross, MnI and Mrs. Everett Wilson and Bryan'1 Stuart Clai-ke and Charlie Bol-1 ton, Oshawa, with Mr. and vIns. J. Wilson and Allan Sun- day.f Mr. and Mrs. Sam Samelîs and childnen. Bowmanville, 1 visited hier parents, Mr. and: M'rs. John Mitchell, Sunday.j Gail and2 Gary Scott visited Nancy and Wayne McRoberts, i Bowmanville.1 Clubh 49 held a quilting bee n the Sunday School roomn MIon lay. Miss Ai-villa Beckett and Mr. D. Beckett visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Beckett, Oshawa. Mr. an<e Mrs. H. Steele and ýhildi-en, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. D. Parks, Glenna and Iiend, Bowmanville. visiteri .Wr. and Mns. Walter Park. Miss Evelyn Pascoe, Mr. Carl ýargent. Peterborough, called )n Mr. and Mrs. K. Davey, Sat- irday evenin%. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbs and :os v1sited bis parents, Mr. rud Mrs. T. G'ibbs, Sundav. Mrs. W. H. Taylor vîsited ber laughter, Mrs. D. Real at Ux- )rdg.! Cottage Hospital on Sun. luy. Several boys attended Tyra's nthe Sundav School noomn rondav evenine with Rev. F. rJackson in charge. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilis, Mrs. T. Hoar. visited Rev. J. W. Vilkinson, Dunbarton. also Mr. id Mrs. Claude Watson, Scar- orough. Mr. andi Mrs. G. Snelgrox'e id fainilv, Woodbridge. visit- d Mr- and Mrs. Leon Moore. Mr. anmd Mrs. F. L. Bvain isited -Mr. ard Mrs. G. Willis, innington, Monday. John MurPaiy wes suffering fromn heart trouble and Mrs. Percy Burley hed returned, to s wd d Memnorial Hospital, Bowmian- s w r e ville. Mkl oi 9ya i For her motto Mise Catherine MBovlm e ph0rmamst erceî Stoew adopsn:-. rde ,cd $24,0 in a Supremne Court To lv e orepst with pie settlenierit, czimpensating hirr To iveth prset wthcour- for the death of his wife and age, Ipersonal injuries suffered in an And to face the future with accident 'more than two years faith, ago on Highway 2, near Port - That is our ci-ced. Hope. Miss Stewart convener of His-I Logic and his 28-year-old torical Research, gave an inter- wife, Helen, were on their way esting talk on the Industries of to spena Christmas with his Pioneer Days. She descri'bed the1 mother-in-law at- Ingersoîl making of their clothes, how the when they wene caught in the WOOl was sheared fi-cm their fatal accidmit, four miles west sheep then sorted, picked, greas- of Port Hope. cd, combed into roils, cardcd The L'>gies were travelling, and spun into yarn and dyed. west, near the Monnish Church Many of the dyes used were aise hîlI, about 10 p.m., Dec. 21, home made. After weaving they 1956, when their car was struck usually hiad a Party tO "full" the wet cloth. The growing and spin- Ne i Sato ning cf flax in Ontario for linen N elon Saij did not prove so successful. Rugs and r'ag carpets were aise Mrs. Mabel Harndcen, Toronto, Made, aise baskets fi-cm cor-n- visited ber sister Mrs. L. Hyland husks. As we look back we won- and Mr. Hyland. der hOw tbey found time to do Mr. and Mrs. R. Davison, Mr. this in addition to making their ' and Mns. Carl Elliott and David own yeast, breadi and butter and wene in Waterloo visiting Dougy keeping their floors sci-ubbed Davison. 1 white and spotless. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Byers, Mrs. Wm. Turansky conducted Bowmanville, were recent visi- a contest, "it pays to increase tors wit'h Mr. adMs rc youi- word Power" which Miss Heaslip. adMs rc Stewart won, with Mrs. Dobson Mr. and Mns. Edgar Horn, and Mrs. Mercer tied in second Oshawa, 'visited Mr. and Mrs. place. The ladies enjoyed a so- Mai-vin Nesbitt. cial chat over the delicious lunch Congratulations to Elmer Nes- and Mrs. Couroux moved avoebtwh cebredaitdy Of than.ks to Mx-s. Fosten and itwo eerae brha Miss Steart, Mrs. Turansky in- ofl Tuesday. vited the W.I. to ber home for. Friends will ïbe pleased to the Mýarch meeting. learn that Mrs. John Dickey was 'On Friday evening Ontario spend a day with the Nesbitt Farmei-s' Union held a meeting Jasil . HansvitdMs in the Orange Hall at wbich Mn. r.Js ari iie Mrs. Lew Wood outlined the aims of Wm. Willis, Toronto. the organization. TPhe guest Mn. and Mrs. Job.nny Arscott speaker, Mr. Laverne Morley of and family have rnovecl in with Middlesex County, stressed the Arthur Hyland, and Johnny bas need cf protecting the family i'esumed bis stage mail route, farm. He stated bow important Bunketon to Janetville. a liarger mem'bership is when Mi-. and Mrs. Douglas Sleep, gcing befoi-e Our Parliaments (nec Pati-icia Bowles) and fam- seeking policies helpful te Ag- ily of Bai-rie have bought the ricultur-e. Carl McLaugblin farm and will The attendance was smnall but be movîn.g soon. the mai ority joined up. We are Mn. and Mrs. Alvin Marlow, expectin'g to hcld another me-et- Toronto, visited bis mother Mrs. ing soon and hoping the attend- Nelson Marlow. ance will be larger. Mi-. and Mrs. Clar-ke Williams, Port Hope, were Sunday visitors T YRONE hM-. and Mrs. Jas. Hdr Stewart and David, visited bis Hon. Georgre Wardrope, Mrs. parents at Pickering. W. Humphries, and childi-en, Misses Gwen and Eunice Wil- Toronto, were Sunday dinner son, Toi-ento, spent the weekend guests -of bis nicce, Mi-s. M. M. with theit- parents, Mn. and Mi-s. Hamilton and Mi-. Hamilton. C. Wilson. The cuchre party which was On Satunday evening a com- held in the. Hall Saturday even- munity shower was tendered the ingc was veny well attended. newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Prizes were awarded as follows' Westoni in Forester's Hall, Nest- lst for ladies, Mrs. R. Gibbs; leton. 2nd, Mrs. D. Davey; men's lst, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Freelove, Jim Coombes; 2nd, John Ma- Peterborough, wei-e Sunday vis- lette; consolation, Margaret itors with bei- father, Artbur Harvey and Jack Cook. Huîbert. Misticn Band met Sunday Mr. Aian Bnown M.A., was a morning with leaders MrS.fweekend visitor with Mi-. and Keith Davey and Lauraine Mrs. Er-nest Hernon. He is a Cook In charge. 25 childi-en gradruate of the University cf were present. Eighty-six chil- B C., and is now studying on a dren and adults wene prescrit Fellowsbip foi- his Ph.D., at Uni- at Sur.day School at the moi-f- versity of Toronto. ing service wvhich is held at il a.m. Rev. Fred Jackson took as bis text: "Set the trumpet SPECIAL!1 Clearance of KITCHEN CABINETS SELLING AT LESS TRAN COST (WHILE STOCK LASTS) May be purchased by separate units oDr Complete Kitchen EXTRA SPECIAL! STAINLESS STEEL SINKS Clearing Stock at Low Price of -- $12$115 May be Seen at Wnî. M. ALLEN CABINET SHOP 19 Scugog St. Bowmanville (Just Off King St. West) a 0 a CLIFFCREST C.LEANERS opening a! 71 King St. E. Bowmanville SATURDAY, FEB. 28 ALL TYPES 0F DRY CLEANING SHIRTS "A SPECIALTY Opening Specials I Continues Until Saturday, March 71h LADIES' PLAIN DRESSES $1000 ýCKS---5Oc, m m 50OC PHONE MA 3-7061 FOR PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Operaied by LORNE McE1UARRIE n Car Crash $24pOOO d n the i-car by another car dri- y_ en by William G. Cowle, 263, ct f Bownianville. n The impact drove the Logic car into the path of a Smithl Ti-ansDort, wbich collided with S it and then relled ever in the 'tI south ditch. 1 Both Thrown Out *IBotb husband and wife wcre thrown out of their wrccked *car. Mrs. L-ogie- was killed and bier buisband was severely in- jured. He suffened a fractured skul, *a broken shoulcuen, broken legs. a collapsed lung and othen in- juries. Logic claimed that bis eyesight was damaged and he now haste wear glasses. In bis statement of defence, Cowle admitted lie had been drinkiig beer that night with his father and brother, but he said he was not affcctcd. Thile brother, Donaldi Cowle, 22, was a co-defendant as be was the owncr of the car. The Cowles wene not injur.1 c d, non w-as the transpont dri- ver, Jean Louis Mahew of Cern- wall. W. Donald Bai-k was counsel for Logie. John Re-an wýs counsel foi thŽ Cowle 'brothers. The minutes of settlement were endoi-sed by Mr. Justice1 Wells at the Supreme Court jury sittings. The defendants agi-ced that darrages amouinted te $22,509, and plaintiff's costs, $1,500. State Farru Mutual Insurance Company, narned as third par- ty, Wîll pay a total cf $17,000. Announcemen t MEN'S 2-PCE. SUITS 10 Specials in PERMANENT WAVES lvived by: MARGARET SMITH JOSIE DEMAINE FROM 31ONDAY TO THURSDAY Reg. $10.00 For ------ $ 7.95 Reg. $12.5095 For - _------- __ 9 9 Rcg. $15.00 119 For - _------ _ 1 -9 SPECIAL COLD WAVE ai $5.95 Mr. Huyck will be here on Tues., Wed. and Fr1. to do the steam and regular waves Phone MA 3-5703 FOR APPOINTMENT Huyck's Hairstyling Studio 67 King St. IV., Bowmanville Li 1 I r PANTS OR SLA PLAIN SKIRTS MARCH Sth, 1951, TYM CATiAnTAlq q9mA9,wsmjL" p~fflàqvý $1.00