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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Mar 1959, p. 6

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1 Branch 178, Canadian Lee-ion, four classes: two for Public sored th.e Public Speaking con- held thcir regular meeting in Sehools and two for High test and the committee under the Le-'on Hall, Queen S,., Sehools. A list off topics wilI be the chairmanship off Ab Mavirn Thursda 1 evening, Feb. 26, made available to those stu- is hopýng for a large entry list.! mith Prc-sident Ed. Rundie in dents interested. Entries wocfld Sportý Officer Jack Knightl the chair, have to be in before April lOth reported that Bowling Tourna- Cornrade Jack Adams report- as first step will be Zone coin- ment -,ould be held in Peter- ed on behalf of the Public. petition held in Bowmanville. borough March 2lst, and Crib- Speaking Comimittee. Principles Legion Hall April 15. bage in Oshawa, April 4th.' of Bowrnanville Public and High Wýinners of Zone competition Entertainment Committee has Schools have been contactel could go on to District, Provin- planned a -Paddy Dance" for and are anxicius to have pupils cial and Dominion Finals with March 21st, and annual Ladies' participate. Rural schools are prizes being awarded at everv Night wý:l1 be held April 181iý bein g cuntacte2d immediatel*v. level. This is the first v ear th .e with banquet, entertainment Comrade Adams said there are local Legion Brancbhas spon- and dan ce. BLACKSTOCK Due to the heavy snow fail on Monda ', the Brownies, Guid- es and Cubs meetings were can- celled for the weeic. Just 18 ladies and two child- ren were present at the United Church W.A. on Tuesday after- noon at the home of Mrs. Rich- ard VanCamp. President Mrs. Ross Duff presided and after WANTED D ad, Old and Crippled FARM STOCK Plcked Up Free of C harge 24-Hour Service Phone Collect Cobourg FR 2-3721 Peterborough RI 2-2080 NICK PECONI Peterborough - Ont. the opening exercises the rol (duîe to a cancellation off rink) eall was answered bv 'Some- mixed Jitney Bonspiel was thor- thing I read in the Observer." oughlý enjoYed on Blackstock The devotional period xvas cornnk Tuesda.v night. Six teams ducted by Mrs. W. Archer, using competed. For most off the ladies the verse I'Thv Word is a Lamp Ibis x,'as their first attempt at onto my Path" as the basis off Curling. \inning teamn Harold ber remarks. After a hymn and 1 and Josie Hamilton, Roy Werry. the correspondence. there was Dorothv Venning: second- Boyd a business period when the final Ayre. Gladys Trewin. Frank plans for the Tiîrkey Supper and Muriel Hoskin. Ahl report were made. a very pleasant evening. Group leader, Mrs. Fred Cow- ling then called on Mrs. Glenn Larmer who gave a splendid talk on Home Nursing. The group served lunch and a social haîf-bour xvas enjoyed. There was a good attendance at the LOB.A. euchre party Tuesday night. Prizes were won by Mrs. Percy VanCamp, high lady, Mrs. Elgin Gray as bigh gent, Mr. nhos. Campbell won the door pnize. .1 A veryv hurriedly arranged Enden Shampoo - 98e - 1.69 ;iW h 1 MoiW- w.wC.aro Resdan _____1.50 Sabol Shampoos 1.75 Cocoanut 011 Shampoo --_- 33c, 49e 2.50 size Lustre Creme 1.98 Woodbury Shampoo --69e 98e Lustre Creme -- 79e Melozets ______1.50 Ayds ___-3.39 Sucaryl Liq. 1.15, 3.95 New Thin O Tabs For appetite control 100 tablets 3.95 1.00 size VITANINS Ni'ves Suave 1Creme Now 79o Scntis Emulsion - 1.00, 2.00 39c-69c-1.25 ____________ lampole's Extract ---- 1.50 _______ Haliborange 1.19, 1.98, 3.49 Phospho Mulcin- 1.00, 1.75, 3.00 Ens Plex Tri VI Sol- 1.55, 2.80, 4.00 Sait ~ 2.50 - 4.25 Enrgt 3.95 69c - 1.09 Specials Specials i65e ITInds Crearm 2 for 98e 89e size V Botte 79e COLGATES FASTE Vacuum B--e 9eLADY'S 65e size HALO SHAMPOO NYLON HAIR BRUSH 2 For 98C Both for 89c 300 A.S.A. Tablets --49e 10 oz. size Noxzema - 1.25 Brylereem and Comb -- 9e Dristan Tablets or Spray .- 1.25 COWLING'S PHONE -i~SOE WE FIT MA 3-5695 DRUG STOR TRUSSES Two Malinees Sat. - 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. -DYNAMMTIO1< .., e flhlIflhI!N IiI Technicolor'> l'HfR.ud.bOIAWE à MOA?INGSIDE PROOÙCION ___ A CotIJMBIA PICTURE Extra: Disney Color Short and Cartoon Twvo Coniplete Shows at 7 and 9:0.5 p.rn. NIEXT MON. TO WED. - MARCH 9 - Il Aduit Entertainment B10 BOID DRAMA 0F LOVE AND CONFLICTI N-G-M PRESENTS IN MGM CAMERA 65 MONTGOMERY CLIFT ELIZABETH TAYLOR EVA MARIE SAINT. ciiNIGEL PATRICK - LEE MARVIN Print by TECHNICOLOR One show each evening at 8 p.m. Adiilts, 65e Students, 50c Children. 25e TO PLAY HERE IN APRIL "The Inn of lhe Sixth Happiness" based on the noveI '*The SnmalI IVoinan" 1>3 Alan Burgess. Iiighly reconimendeci! Couples Clubý The Couples Club met at the home off Merrili and Norma Van- Camp. Wedn'esday night with an attendance off 26. For the pro- gram there were three ten min- ute debates interspersed by gam- es. First debate "Resolved that it is better to buv for cash than cred it". Affirmative was taken by- Harvey Graham and Noreen Malcom, Negatix'e b.y Ivan Thompson and Jean Kyte. Se- cond debat- "Resolved that ib s better b lie married at 20 than 30", affirmative- Dalton Dorrell and Dorobhv Ma-low. negative- Neil Malcolm and Helen Dorreil. Thiird- "Resol- ved that il is hetter to live in town than country." Affirma- tive- Harold Kyvte and Gwenibh Tbompson, negative- Jim Mar- low and Elaine Romeril. AIl de- bates were very interesting. They were not judged. The secretary read an invita- lion from Newcastle Merry Mar- ried Couples Club asking if we would care to enter a Square Dance compebition and inviting us to their Annual Dance on April 24. Decided not to enter competition but several would like to accept the invitation to attend. Decided that our club plan a dance in May. Next rol caîl is to be a suggested name for our club. Devotional was taken by Peggy Larmer. A loy-_ eîy lunch %vas served by the group. Eigbt girls werc present -nt the Explorers meeting Thurs - 1 day afternoon and worked on their newspaper project called The North American Missionarv. Calypso musie from a record was studied and the rythmn practised. Tbhe usual business was followed by., exploration No. 7. The story being about "A Boy' in Trinidad." Worship was con- ducted by Linda Kyte with the assistance off Betty Brad.burn, Linda Butt and Ma-rilyn Adams. The service station off W. H. Vine on 7A Highway betweeîî Nestleton ai-d Caesarea was bro- i ken mb oFnidaxr nighl. A small amount off money, cigarettes and lighters were taken. Sincere sympathy is extended Mr. and Mr s. Harold Forder and girls, Port Perry. on the death off their nine day's old baby. Harold xvas a Blackstqck boy. Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Pascoe. Enfield, visited Mrs. Thos. Smith Fn day. Mrs. Ernest Larmer and Mrs. Murray Byers and Messrs, Ralph Larmer, Leslie Taylor and Wal- ter Wright, atended the annual convention off Agnicu ltîîral Se- ciebies off Ontario in the King Ed- ward-Sherabon Hotel, Toronto, on Thursday. Seveî'al from here attcnded W. IL Brown's Case Show i tBOwmanville Friday nigbt. Mîrs. B.nAshton was one off the for- tnte prize winners. Miss M. M. Van.Camp is at- bendingc the Dominion Bar Count- cil at the Seigneury Club, Que- bec. March 2-6. Miss VanCamnn who is president of the Women's Law Association is tbc first ladyN Law.yer 10 be elecbed 10 the Dominion Council. Miss Helen VanCamp, Oshawa, spent the weekend with ber mo- ther Ivrs. W, w. VanjCamp. Mr. and Mirs. Milton Hanlan and Donna spent the xveeken-d %vith ber parents in Kirkfield. bM.iss Catherine Bailqy, Wbit- bLadies' Coliege, sj5ent the Iweekend at bom-e. Three teams from Cartwnighti compebed in the Bonspiel at Port Perry Satuirda.v. The bear-1 off RvTurner, Wallace Mirlow, Joh Carnaghan and Roy Werryî won fiffîlipnize.1 Followving from here atended the Junior Farmers Banquet and Dance in Nevjcastle Friday nigbt MIr. Donald Green and Miss Bebhi Mciillen, Mr. Jack Green and Miss Hielen llonev. Mr. and MUrs. Kcith VanCamp, Mr. and Mrs. Merciii VanCamp. Mr. and Mlr s. lIarve.v Grphp.m, Mr. and Mvrs. Glenu .arî tMr. and Mcs. Everett Ccr- imîin and Mcs. Albert Bal-oni. Solina, visited Mr. and NIrs. Er- niest Larmner Scîndax. Recent gues1..;off Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer last week: Rev. and Mcs. Bruce Seebach, Han-1 over: Satîîcdav Mr. anîd 1\1 .,,* Frances .Jose. Newvcastle; Mon- da- Mr. and Mr-. Donald Tay - ~lor and William, Solina. iMr. and Mrs. Walter Wrigbt and familv vîsited ber parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Stinson, Ye1- verton, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ginn, Cadraus, visibed bis mother Mrs. Jasq. Ginn Sunidav,. MiîSS Gertrude Hcnrv, Toronto, spent the weekend ati home. Mrs. Albert Wiblt spent a ffew days last week w,%ith Mrs. Wm. Lawrenson, Toronto. Ent riçs in by April 10 Public Speaking Con test Launched by Cdn. Legîor LONG SAULT Mr. and Mrs. Tom Turner and family, Toronto, spent the week- end with ber mother, Mrs. E. Harper and visited her father Mr. E. Harper in Memonial Hos- pital, Bowmanville. Sorry to re- port Mr. Harper was rushed te the hospital Thursday night at midnight wibh a serious heant condition. Hope for a speedy re- covery. Mrs. Wm. Clark. Toron- to, visited her father Friday af- ternoon. Mr. Stanley Fletcher, spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. G. Fletcher. Mr. F. G. Smith accompanied Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook to Bra- mpton on Monday and attended the funeral off a n'epbew Mr. Russell Kidd off Inglewood. Club 50 ladies will mecl Tues- day evening March 10 and Home, and Sehool club meets Friday March 13. SALEM Salem W.A. held its Fcbruary meeting at the home off Mrs. Gerald Shackleton. President, Mrs. Gcrald Shackleton opened the meeting wibh the theme h-- mn. Mrs. E. Twist and ber group were in charge. Bible rcading and devotional were given by Mrs. Twist. Mcs. Bob Craig and Mrs. Deug Reynolds favoured with a vocal duel accompanicd bv Mrs. S. Bubterv. Mrs. L. Welsb gave a reading, Eric Shackleton favoured with a pia- ne solo. The guest speaker, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Don Coulter, Downsview. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred and family, accompanied by Mrs. Fred Couch, Mrs. A. Samis and Mr. Les Allun, Newcastle, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes, Bowman- ville. ELIZABETH VILLE On Saturday the 4H Club held their Achievement Day. Mrs. MeAllister, Mrs. Thickson, and th-e four girls, Linda McAllister, Geraldine Woolacott, Kathlyn Wheeler and Glenda Mercer at- tended. It was in Cavanville Hall Mis. Mann Home Economist fromn Peterboro County assisted Miss Lampman. There were se- yen clubs attended. The skits, demonstrations and e x h i bits xvere excellent. The Cavanville Institute ladies served a splen- did dinner off hot vegetable pies, rolîs, and pies witb tea and choc- olate milk brought by Miss Lam- pman. The girls had skirts and jumpers off almost every color and style. The day was complet- ed with the girls modeling their skirts or jumper as the case migbt be. Mrs. R. P. 'Beatty celebrated her 90th birtbday on Sunday. Mr. Clarence Mercer re-turned home on Satiîrdav from Well- esley Hospital, Toronto. Miss Gloria Quantrill, Suz- anie Tbickson, Marie Mercer and Glenda Mercer spent Sat- urday evening at Orono skating rink. It was Gloria's birtbday. Mr. David. Lockwood, Toron- to, and Mr. W. Moore visited M .AUNT MARY'S BREAD ÔCA LOAF Tacte's Grocery 55 KING ST. E. (RED & WHITE) MA 3-3367 TRIS WEEK ! is your last opportunity to purchase the four Heat Resistant Bowls AT 99C A SET SPECIAL FRIDAY ONLY FREE HOT CHOCOLATE Compliments cf BORDEN'S MILK mmm - -v - m -~ BEST BUY Libby's FANCY PEAS BEST BUY - Fancy Libby's CREAN STYLE CORN "FEATURE - "In Tomaýo Sauce" Libby's 15g SPAGHETTI .. . "'FEATURE" Libby's TOMATO CATCHUP "FEATURE" Libby's PEAS &CARROTS "«FEATURE" Libby's BEANS "FEATURE" I Libby's SAUERKRAUT "FEATURE" Libby's - Fancy FRUIT COCKTAIL YELVERTON m a *a 15 oz. tin m-03For 49C 15 oz. tin m 4For 59C oz. tin m 2 for 29c 11 oz. boite - ~ - For 35C 15 oz. tin m m 2 For35C 3 u 3or49cj 28 oz. tin » 2For 37C 28 oz. tin m m m m 45c1 ILLUSTRATED B(WOTNE ENCYCLOPEDIA BUYON UEPOPULAR SCIENCE EDITION EAS TO BUOGET BOflI A MEJ(PLAN 99C Each -7kg* Fresh ___ Produce Canada's Finest - No. 1 P.E.I. - 50 lM. bag POTATOES - Crisp, Juicy McINTOSH or SPY 3 lbs. cello APPLES Golden ripe. delicious BANANAS Mlild, sweet, large size SPANISH ONIONS Perky and Crisp CUCUMBERS BIRDS EVE FROZEN Fillets of Cod, 12 oz. pkg. Cod Fish Sticks, 8 oz. pkg. THERE'S $1019 29c Lh. 19C 2 For 25c Fa. 25c FOODS 27c :3c PAGE SIX - -eSPECIAL OFFER! $end the labels front two 15-ex Uni <one from Corn, one fromn Pea), te Llbby's, Chatham, Ontario; Libby'* wll send you 40 0 ln cash! Off.rifinijted to one per famlly. BEST BUY Crown Brand CORN SYRUP 2 XLb. Tin 29c BEST BUY Salada Orange Pekoe TEA BAGS 60 baga 73c "FEATURE" Royal INSTANT PUDDINGS 3 rîgm. 35c "FEATURE" Wagstaffe's Raspberry or Strawberry JAM 24 oz. jar 2 For 89C "FEATUJRE" Sunspun SALAD DRESSING 32 oz. jar 59C "«FEATURE" Orange Pineapple CREAM ROLL Fa. '.9c Fcatherstrip LAYER CAKE ELa. 55c -Quality Meats- Swift's Prcmium Branded Beef BLADE ROAST ib. 53c 1.59C Lb. 79c /Lb,. 47c Lb. 55C L'b. 35c lb1 . pkg. . 45c A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU Cancer Society Plans Canvass 'Late in April A meeting off Bowmanville' te attend one off their meetings. Branch of the Canadian Cancer Mr. ilvaurice Stephens. Chai- Societv was held in the Coun- Man of the Campaïgn Commit- cil Chamber on Monday even- tee, reporte-d that considerable ing, Feb. 23 with President Bert organization work had been Syer presiding. done 10 prepare for the Ca-- Mr3. Mary Syer, Chairman Paign which will be conducted off the Women's Service Com-th en ofApl. ganhs milce reoredthat the Sun- year, ýhe Campaign in Bowman- shine Greup had turned in 1, ville vill be carried out byý the 117 dressings for 1958, also at Suns'nine Group and the Can- Christimas, ditty b a _,s and adian Order off Foresters Men's 'Christmas stockings filled wilhan Wmn'Logs toiletries and sundries were We Were pleased to have Mr. turnd ~f to bc sppîvcuo-Jack Rilev'. President off Ontarjo boad f te itte.Red Door Countv Unit, present at the bnOawoa h tl. meeting and Mr. Riley showed in Onawa two films entîtled "The Warni- Mrs. Sy2r also reported that ing Shadrow" and "Man Alive". a group off newlv formed Ran- Mr. Walt Pasroe expressed gers i this district were in- the appreciation off the Branch teresfed in making a part off 11 Mr. Riley for braving the their sErvice prog--ar Cancer bad weather and taking the work. and she had been invited timne to attend this meeting. iii! F. Reed, Hampton, gave a very O.N .O. i-oiaS interesting and informative pa- per on the "United Nations". We decided 10 bring our oid Christ- Skatin and mas cards to the next meeting. the meeting. Car Pa iyattended the Junior Farmers' BLACKSTOCK: The ONO. banquet at Newcastle last Fni- skating party Thursday night day night. was considered x'ery successful. (Intended for last week) There were 27 skatinig and eight Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig were who do not skate played cards. Sundav visitors with Mr. and Prize winners in skating were, Mrs. Geo. Pirie, Toronto. Lucky Spot- Gwenitb and Ivan Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn Thompson: Elimination- Eileen and family were Sunday visitons and Harold McLaughlin: Back wîth Mr. and Mrs. Len Brock, up and go- Jessie, Gunter and Toronto. Jim Marlow. In euchre, high Miss Gerda Craig enbertained ladx' -Mrs. P. Bomeril; second, several off her nursing class ma- Wilma VanCamp, low- Bettyý, tes at a party on Friday evening. Staniland. High gent- Rev. P.6 Romeril. second- Florence Col- Lake Shîore, Clarke lins; low- Gwen Bal]inglah. P 1 Following these activities, al gathered at the Parsonage and Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and a "Pin" contest was enjoyed with family were Sunday visitors RubyVanampthewiner.with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Then hot dogs and coffee ibro- Avery, Bunketon. Mr. and Mns. Robin Alldred ugit an enjoyable evening t0 atended the funeral on Fniday FAMOUS -FOODS, -Deep Browned 15 oz. tin SHORT RIB ROAST Delicious PORK TENDERLOIN Meaty, Juicy PORK SPARERIBS Swift's Oncole - Store sliced BREAKFAST BACON Swift's Premium HEADCHEESE Swift's Brookfield - Skinless - SAUSAGE - - BOWMAN VILLE - Wm. H. Tate MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteria KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KING ST. - EAST 0F TOWN LINE ORONO - Cornish Marketeria BLACKSTOCK - Blyth's Market at Thickson's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thickson cele- brated with Mr. and Mrs. Lock- wood on Wednesday evening it being the occasion off Mr. Lock- wood's birt.bday.. Don't forget that next Tues- day, March 10, is the Home and School meeting at Perrytown school in the form of a euchre party. The W.A. will hold their meeting March 11, at Mis, C. Beatty's home. The Summary Day for the unit 'Saving Dollars to Make Sense" bas been postponed from Mai'. 24, tli April. Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowler spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. A. Sheppard. BETHANY Mr. and Mrs. Ross Davidson motored to Markdale on Satur- day to attend the McKay - El- lison wedding. Ralph Challice, with the R.C.1 A.F. at Trento n, is home with bis mother, Mrs. Richard Chai- lice for two weeks. The Bethany Community Band are holding a concert in the Town Hall on March il. Don't miss this opportunity 10 hear a band off which the community are x'ery proud. Mr. and Mrs. Normani Neals, Markdale, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carr on Sunday. Mrs. Ida Fair, Fairmount, syn'nt the past week with her mother. Mrs. Richard Fallis. Glad to report that Mrs. W. H. Stinson (not Mr.) and Mrs. G. E. Wilson are both home f rom hospital with improved health. Mrs. G. E. Robinson is staying with the Bert Visers off Cavan since her daughter is under doc- tor's care. We trust Edina will soon be feeling better. Messrs. F loyd Stinson, How- ard Malcolmn, Norm Wilson ai-d Bobbie Sisson (Skip) made a good showing at the three game bonspiel in Lindsay Ice-House on Saturday. Unfortunately flot good enough for prize money. On Wednesday evening a meet- ing off Yelverton United Church Session was held at the Arthur Rowan's. Business included; 1. admiring Art's brand nexv car- too bad its a Ford product; 2. Examining old church records with an eye to incorporating al Yelverton's past churcb history mbt one legible record for post- erity. Certain gems were un- earthed in early records in min- ister's comments on weddings. One nib tickler- "Big shsow- small fee!" Others- "4 nice crisp dollar bils"- "Wonder how this will turn out?" Messrs Howard M alc olm. Floyd Stinson off Yclverton and Eric Fallis off Millbrook are scheduled to represent Durham County Hog Producers at a meeting in Toronto on Monday. No doubt the recent judgement. TNE CANADIAN STATMM", BOWMANVMLLP. ONTARTO L , ý *ý -, TNRMA?, MARCW lIt, handed down re the vote will be subjct of discussion. From whet we learn the vote will nlot ff t either the directional pro9y"1t undertaken or method off selltik hogs. It is unfortunate that a certain segment of f armers ( t-u. necessarily hog producers) shou ) Id add to the confusion ania- weaken their Hog Producers cause by repeated demands for changes in the program which might be desirable but which un- der existing laws and circum- stances are flot feasible at pre- sent. We favour the stand that the hog producers who are el- ected democratically and to-ge- ther formulate the policy whîch they deem to be most advan- tageous for everyone should be supported to the full. Is Spring really just around the crner?- Those noisy black rascals are back cawin-g their heads off, the cheery Horned Lark is back xithi its hippity-hop manner off flying, also a hawk was seen swooping over the snow'v fields in search off some careless mouse. Gel Cash To-day For Old Appliances through STATESMAN C LAS SIFI E DS Phone MArket 3-3303 it

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