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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Mar 1959, p. 7

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TRTJRSDAYr, mARCH th, 1059 ~'WI I~A1'A1YA?~ M?9'W.~MA? ~u,~IAztri? V %M~'UPA - se.e ~(Mrs. Elde Launchry, ]Bancroft 'sPert the wekend with Mrs. M~ E.Leask. Mr- and Mrs. Glen Martin hav4 returned from their trip to Cal ifornia and Hawaii. Mrs. Elsie Rirhards left fror Malton Airport on Feb. 25 foi a vabation in Las Vegas an< Mexido. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Muttor and Mr, and Mrs. Frank Paris( are vacationing in Fort Lauderi dale, Fia. Mrs. L. B. Williams bas beer in Campbellville this week visi. ting ber daughter, Mrs. H. E Purdy and farnily. Mrs. Kathleen Hawkins ire. turned to her home in, Rome o.. n Sunday after spendini two weeks with ber cousin, Mrs M. E. Leask. Mrs. C. Johns, Bowmanville and Mrs. J. Broome, Tyrone attended the Johnston -John wedding in Oshawa on Saturday afternoon. Miss Tanya Goddard, Torontoý Mr. Sandy McKay, Queen's Uni. versity, Kingston; Mr. Ted God- dard, Powassan, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Goddard. Mr. Gerald Morris. Legal Af. fairs Division of the Department of External Affairs, Ottawa spent the weekend with hlis parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Ward H-offman and family, Ellwood City, Penn., and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. James and family, Toronto, were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. WI'. James. The competition, "Stars of To. >'norrow," being sponsored by the Bowmanville Choral Society. has extended its losin,,g date to March 31, so if you have been thinking about entering, here's your chance. For particulars, tee Coming Events. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Adsett, Carrying Place, and Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldread, Mr. Leslie Allin, Mrs. Norman Samis and Mrs. Fred Couch. Sr., Newcastle, and Mr. Glenn Pollard, Streets- ,ville, were .-isitors at Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Holmes, Simpson Ave. Recent visitors witb Mr. and Mvrs. P. Hayward were Mr. N. Fiodgson. Mrs. Margaret Baxter, iss Georgie Forsyth. Miss Coyle, M. Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilcox from Oshawva. Many friends will ibe pleased to know Mr. Hayward is much improved Jn health. F0 Barry Armstrong and Mrs. Armstrong and sni'all son Phil- lip arrived home from Germany end after four week's holid'ay will leave for Winnipeg. They àre visiting their parents. Mr. -*Vd Mrs. A. E. Armstrong ai and Mrs. H.Sme. Lý .r L. C. Mason, local barris- kr. is 1959 chairman of the Bow- rnanville Planning Board. Other ST, JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) 8 10 h 7 Fourth Sunday alin Lent HOLY COMMUNION CI id 11 -ý CHURCH SCHOOL WORNING FRAYER KVENING FRAYER off icers for the year are G. I- dec, vice chairman; J. A. C secretary-treasurer: Mayor fcid Carruthers, Morley «V stone. Ivan Hobbs, and ex-ma Nelson Osborne. '1 REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanville MORNING SERVICE - 10.-00 ar.. English EVENING SERVICE - 7:30 p.rn. Dutch tSUNDAY SCHOOL AFTER MORNING SERVICE 'Back To God Hour" Broadcast CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.rn. every S\inday 8:30 a.rn. every Sunday, CFRB 1 ::- -- . -: t: - - Wil Van ayc ýn Mrs. Ken Nicks, Bowmanville )r Mrs. A. W. Rundle, Mrs. G. R dh Metealfe, Mrs. M. Kashal, Osh- awa, attended the Toronto Bus- n mness and Professional Women'4 ;e Club bridge and sprinîg fashio. show held in the beautiful new Canadian Roomn at the Royal n York Hotel, Toronto, hast Sat- -_ urday afternoon. Mc. and Mrs. J. Forbes Hey- land returned on sunday froc -eigbt weeks in thE British Isles. Mc. and Mrs. Heyland spent g about six weeks in the south 5.part of England' and the last toi days in Scotland. While in Eng- land they xisited their daughter and son-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. s John Moir, Christ!ne and Sheila. y in London. The Htylands ce- turned bx- plane. Mc. Harry Allin, 6 Edsall Ave., -celebrated bis 8'st birthday on -Sund-ay March 1. With Mc. and: d Mrs. Aluin were members of their family: Mr. and Mrs. Cc- cil Snow. Toronto; Mc. and Mrs. -Wilbur Miller. Oshawa; Mc. and tMrs. Jack Allin, Johnnv and El- Siabeth, Cobourg, Mc. and Mcs. Loine Allun and Julie, Town, and Miss Margaret Allin at home.- Mc. and Mrs. Pat Pcoctor and family, Brockville, m'ere 001 able to attend but convevcc stheir best wishes by telephone Several friends from Oshawa also called. Fighteen members cf Bow- manville Lions Club attended a Past Presidents Night function, at Peterborough on Monday ev- iening. They were: Lauirence sGoddard, W. J. Ommiston, Bill Burk , Dr. Ed. Ewert .Herb God- dard, Bon Hethecington, Chaîr- ence Horkin, Stu James, Claude Kilmer. Glen Lander, Fred Cole, O. K. Oshorne, Vie Miller, Dr. Ivan Woolsey, Nels Osborne. Ralp.b Ames, Cuth McDonald »and Lloyd Clifton. They tmav- [elled by Garton's bus cbartered Lfoc the ocras-ion. Close to 300 Lions attended from clubs in Ibis area. Twenty - tItree member5 cf Bovmanville Senior Citize.ns attended the officiai opening or Saturday afternoon of thý new recreation centre for senior citi- zens ini Port Hope, knowTýýn as Hem-son Memorial Hall. Renova- tion and furnishing of a building for this purpose was made poss- ible by donations from firms and organîzations. a town canv\ass. grants from the town and labour donated by various firms. Mayor W. N. Moore rut th-e gold ribbon and the building was dedicated îby Canon C. H. Boulden. Mrs. Helen Upper of the Port Hope Guide staff was chairman of the Building Committre. Patrons of Bowmanviile Pu b- lic Libramy will see a most inter- esting and attractive displav there featuring our Nortbland. Among the original paintings are sevemal by Alice Paterson o! scenes in and around Moosonee and Moose Factorv which Mrs. Paterson visited last summer. The beautiful picture of a hand- some Samoyed dog, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tcemeer's "Baron", is bv the-well know-n Canadian Artist. Audrey McNaughton, whosr por- trait of the Hon. Lotis St. Lau r- rot is being presented to Mr. St. Laurent this week. Don't miss seeing the attractive dis- pl-ay in the library Ibis week.- 0f interest ta many in this district will be the nows that Mr. Richard Bowles. teacher of the staff of Kirkland Lake Col- legiate and Vocational Institute, spoke last Sunday in the United Chuccb tbere, the theme of bis 1.- il- 1n- or R. 'j- )n th it )r )t f Two Year Councifl Term Won't Start Until 1960 Due to Faulty By-Iaw At '.le meeýting of Bowman- ville Town Council on Monday evening a by-law was passed to provide fuc a two-year terrm cf office for members of Council, the Pub!li c Sebool Board, and the Public Utiites Commission. It was necessary to enact thîsi by-law foc Biennial Electiolls in the towvn, because the one for this purpose in 19.57 wasi improDoeri' drawn, and the for- mer 'roWn Clerk did not obtaini the nercssary apprcval of the Municipal Board wvitbin the re- quired six %veeks. Und-'r b.v-law 1710 passed oim Mondas' evening March 2nd, proviîîla is marie that rom- mencirg with the elections to be held :n 1959, elertions w:il1 thereaftec be beld ev'ery second Iyea r. A by-law designed to proteet home owners by seeing that proper jobs wiil be insPected by a crmpetent person was passed by Council. This by-law, No. 17î14, adop)ts sections of the National Euilaing Code of Can- ada. Need Permit if Over $100 Undr2r thîs by-law il will be neressary to obtain a permit it ,structurtai changes of more than $100 are to be made. The, fee for a permit will be $1,00 if the estimated cost of the wock to be done is more th $100 but not more than $0) Where estimated cost is more 1 than $500 but less than $1,0001 Mrs. L. B. Wîiiîams Hon ored on Her 88th Birthday Mr. and \'lrs. H, E. Pur-dy many congratulatory birthdav and fan:iýlv of Campbellcroft, cards arnd letters of. good wish- pavedhottoanenloyabie es from- her many friends near ea n c- Sunda.v afternoon- and far. given 'n honor or Mrs. Piurdy's jO audvaironMs mother, ,.sL, B. Williams, at I Oilîas rid aifron m v- lier him"- on 73 Temperance St., 1j ora frivedicllding M, . Bowvmanville2. on the occasion eJam e .Lovin Preint of, of MVrs. Wiliamns' 88th birthday thes .Lv.iPei to on February 21h. thee o Durham Club of Toronto, Relativcs and friends aledofwhich the late Dr. L. B. Wii- duritig, the atcrnoon to extend jliams w-as a beloved and on- cordial goocl wishes and cn thusiasti._ president for several gratulatinîs to this remarkahîje years. It should also be men- lady %% l;ose activity of mind tioned that at the regular Feb- and b-J,,, belies hec advanced ruary meeting of the Durham aein the octogenarian class. Club aill-i enbers present sign- Mrs. urdvassised b hered faigev zldo rsisedbhir c au otifu brthday car 1aiyeo r. Norval C.wmhxa ett r.Wi Wotten, Solina; Mrs. Sain Dew. liams as a token of the esteem- ell, Hamipton, and Mrs. Char- and h,h regard felt for Dr. 1 es Denton, Town, served a de- andMi. Williams' friendship licious iur.cî to the guests in and active participation in the t he din:ng-room xvhere the ta- club for many years. hie was centred with a most1 Duciing the afternoon the hap- attractix elv decorated birthday py party gave vocal expression cake of which Mrs. Williamns 10 the guest of honor by sing- had the honor of cutting the ing -Happy Birthday to Sarah fi--St niece. Jane", and before the guests Tlw iv ing-room where Mrs. departed thev ahl joined hands Williams received the guests and sang '"Auld Lang Syne"' \vas br',ghtered w'th spring with A. Collison, organist floxvers 'and plants 'as well al of Trini-Y United Church, being other gifis. These also incluýed accompsnist at the piano. 90- Couples Attend Jr Fcirmers Banquet Heur Talk on Rabies The banquet and dance held! by the Junior Farmers in New- castle on Fridav evening wore a docîded succoss. There were 90 couples pres-ent. The banquet was beld lin the Newcastle Un- ited Chur:-h Hall. The prosident, Bon Broo)ks, presidod and wel- comoci the guests. Catering for tbe del,!icicuq meal was done by the F::ýcndshîp Ciccle of th e church. Mrs. Alfred Graham, the p:-esident, was the convenor. Miss Ann Harrison, a mem- hec of the teaching staff cf Vinrent Masey School, Botv- manvil-~, rceeved the trophy and a beautiful desk set as the winner of the Junior Farmers' Ducharn County Public Speak- ing Contest. Bruce Taylor, pr(-- sident of the Federation of Agriculture made the presenta- tion. Miss Marion McCamus and Allai-iMcCarnus played "My Happiess" and several other excellent guitar duets. Their music Was much enjoyed. Officers elocted for the corn- ing year are as follows: Past President, Ron Brooks, R. R. 2, addressbeing "Religion and Ed- uation ' n honour cf Education eek in 'Ontaclo. Dick as he is known to friendis hece, is a son of Mr. Wilfrid Bowles, Nestle- ton, and grandson of Dr. R. P. Bowles, ex - chlancellor cf Victoria College also cf Nestleton. H, taught ast year at Bllack- stock High Sebool. The in- tocesting news came to Mrs. William Paterson in a letter fcom bher daughter-in-iaw. Mrs. James Paterson. who is aise on the teaching staff at Kirkland Lake Collegiate. Last week The Statesman bad a phone cail from the Plaza Theatre ini Oshawa and another from the Times-Gazette, botb with thp sanie quer ' v had we file copies cf the papes for 1912. This -week. beginning tonight, the Plaza is running the film "A Nightto Remember" which dramatizos the sinking of the "Titanic*' on April 15, 1912. Boa- son for the intorest in our files - the manager ot the Plaza, Mr. Dave Savage. was trying to ho- rate anyv "Titanie" sîrî'ivors or near relatives in this district to be bis giiests at the premniero tonight. Non.e were found bore or in Oshawa, but in The Sta- tesman of April 25, the late 'M. A. James. Ilhen editor and pub- lisher. -wrote of inspecting the liner "Carpathia' on hec arrivi in New' York. The -Cacpathia' dubbedi "Tht, Ftneral Sbip" was enrouteto th-e Middle Eastw-n summoned 10 the 'Titanýc"s- resc4_ue and carcied mnanv sur- vivors bac-k to New Y'ork. Mr. James wrote: 'Wr went through the Carpathia'ý; saloons and savw- w-hero the litaie i-wiiv spent thî-t-c'gi- .lmomc' n(dav.s.ani nighîs Linder îîisa oliditiolis. Officers and rrev-men of the1 CarDathiia so:iri the,,- ould nov- er again want to, witness such a tcagedy." Bowmanville; President, Gerald Brown, R. R. 3, Bowmanville, Vice-President, and County Di- rector, Don Green, Nestieton; Seccetary, Bob Carruthers, Bow- nianvý1llp. Treasurer, Jim Coom- bes. R. R. 4, Bowmanville. The Countv Director, Don Green, introduced Dr. Ivan Woolsey, of the Health of Ani- mals Branch, Department of Agriculture, who wvas the sp- cial speaker. Dr. Woolsey gave a graphie address on "Rabies" and stressed the sericus situa- tion in Ilhe county at the pres- ont lime as a result of the spread of Ibis dread disease from wild- if e. The speaker spoke cf the nie- cessity cf protection of animais from infection, and advised on the best precautions to be tak- en. He illust.rated bis points by citing exçampies., rom cases in the district. - Bob Car uthers on bebaif of those pr ont moved a vote of thanks o Dr. Woolsey for bis informative adidress and valu- able advice. The Junior Farmers held their dance in the Newcastle Community Hall. Jim Fisher's orchestra provided the musie for dancing, and several square dances were enjoyed. F a!he r Re mains CaIm Ronald Philp, àge 23, remnaîn- ed calm and efficient in an emergency last week, which could have frightened even the most stalwvact. Last lhursday morning et bis home near Caesacea he anxious- ly followed tolephone directions; from a doctor 10 miles away and delivercd fis wife cf a six poind, tbrer ounce baby daught- M'hen Mr. and Mrs. Philp dis- covered that the baby mwould arrive hours ahead of time. they j were unairle to contact their own doctor. Mr. Phi]p reached Dr. S. P. Kandel, Port Perry, by telephone. As soon as Dr. Kandel finist- ed his telephone advice to th e worried fathpr he hurried to the Philp home. Mr. Philp drove bis' wife, JoYce, and their newv baby daughter to the Memorial Hos- pital in Bovwmanville. B oth mother and baby were fine. "I would not want to go through that again." said Mr. Philp. Mr. Philp is also the fatlic-r of an 18 month old daighter. Hie is a son of "Ilap' Philp, a popular Bowman'. lic service station operator. His mother is a member of the teach- ing staff of Bomanville Cent- ral Public School. the fee will be $2.00 When the estimated cost of structural changes is more than $1,000 but less than $10.000, the fee wiill be $2,50 for eacn $1.000 Plus $3,00 for each per- Mit. II the estimnated cost is higher, the fees for permits in-- c'rease as foilows: When more than $10.,000 but not more than $50,000 the fee is 75 cents for each M,000 plus $3.00 for the permit; foc an estimated Cost of more than $51.000 but not imore thian $100,000, the fee will be 40 cents per $1,000 Plus the $3.00 for the permit, for a per- mit wher the estimated cost is $101,000 or more the fee will be 30 cents per $1,000 plus $3.00 for a permit,- No Charges For Calis To OshaW.a There will be fa long distanceý charges for calls between tele- phonos secved through the Hampton dial exchange. wbich opens in August, and Osbawa, J. W. Lowry, Bell Telephone manager for this territory, an- nounced this week. The Hampton exrhange will serve an area in and arounid Hampton which is now served throsîgch the Bowmanville ex- change. Calis between Hamp- ton ard Dowmanville will also be free cf tol1 charges. There will ho no change in existinig callîng arrangements betwein the Oshawa and Bow- manvîlle exchangoes. Mr. Lowrv said that plans bo provide toll-free calling with Oshawa and Bowmanville foir I i COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE [R_ i aIià Il[jTl U] SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK Slargei f STRONGER TOO fWHIN WIT OR DRY *ECAUSX irs MELOBONDED! RECGULAR MAN-SIZER GET FAST RELIEF wilhNrr. GIN PILLS #OR TH4E KIDNEYS& heg. size bloc Economv IfÇ 1, VALUESI "- J & J - Reg. 73e size Baby Powder NORTH-RITE BALL POINT PEN wlth Gold Coloured Cap 75 1.00 value -_.____ 75c I.D.A. Brand - Reg. 35c, Aromatic Cascara = =2 2Fer 129 Llquid LANOLIN PLUS 1.50 size plus 79e Trial Size 15 Both for --- _ 1.50 - - -29c, 49c1 I.D.A. Brand - 300's - Reg. 89c Idasal - - - - - - - lUtility" - 3 yr. guarantee- Reg, 'Hot Waler BoUfle- - - .~SCHICK BAZOR wlth INJECTOR BLADE! Reg. value 1.89 _ ____ -59C1 ~. -9 - 149 1 WHITE RAIN LOTION 7ýl 9 SHAMPOO. 89C Reg. slze 2 For99 Hfinds -- Reg. 65e Honey and Almond Cream - 2 For 98Ci Cough and CoI.d Items ANACIN TABLETS 25c, 49c, 79c, 1.19 BAYER ASPIRIN ----- ----19c, 29c, 49c, 79c BUFFERIN 39c, 79c, 1.23, 1.891 ALKA-SELTZER 34e - 61e SUCRETS JBROMO-SELTZER 45e 1 29c - 55c - 98c BROMO-QUININE TABLETS 49c, 79c BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE---------59c, 85e CORICIDIN TABLETS- ----------75c, 1.15 CEPACOL 70c, 1.40 Cepacol Lozenges 60C ILISTERINE ----------------- SMITH BROTHERS COUGH SUPER ANAHIST TABLETS I.DA. BR COLDENE 1.10, 2.59 Coldene Tablets, Spray, Stick Chest Rub, each 1.25 ---- -------33c, 65e,' 98c DROPS ----- -15C -------------ý65 c, 1.00 ANDS BRONCHIDA COLD CAPSULES 1.25 BRONCHIDA COUGH SYRUP 85e BRONCHIDA CHEST RUB --.------------ 59c I.D.A, Baby and Children's COUGH SYRUP 60ne PRESCRI PTIONS 'li:w MISI COUGH SYRUP OR TABLIS Another milestone for medical science - at hast SAFE, speedy relief from irritating coughis due tc colds or smoking. with WAMPOLE EXTRACT of Cod Liver Compound If'SToniclime.Winter's coughs end colds ore just around the corner. Fielp your family to better heollh f bis winter, bultd up their resistance te colds.. give them Wampole Extradt regularly.. . Moart todayl 15 OUNCES . $1.50 34 OJNCES - $2.75 ECONOMY SIZE r SAVES YOU VU5 'Ge WM PLE'Etr*t ODY I A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregoro, We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store M Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 pt Trinity United Church Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. 11:00 a.m, - MORNNG WORSHIP "The Dislurbing Christ" 7:00 p.rn. - EVENING WORSHIP Film: "Light From Heaven"' The Orotio High School Glee Club wilI be beard i a number of selections during the service. 12:10 p.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL A FRIENDLY WELCOME TO ALL 1 1 1 -- THE CANADUN STATZSMffl. mmmAiqtm IbArqie elpirielvé Hamptoa customers resuit frorn Reeve Brough pi esented ger.- the continually expanding coni- eral ae-ounts of $36,47846 and! municipalities in the area. ized. The motion wvas carrieci hen the êamount of long di-;- 1o sýc aIse 5ont forte pavm$1t S u ite tance calling indicates that tlhe o pca c nsttlil 1 majority of customers in t\v3 789.24. (Continued from Dage one) neighboring communities wouidI Paynir-nt of. Industrial Coin- ch3rgebacl-:s to other munici- be best and most economicallv 1m-ission accounts am-ouritir.-z tnP31;1c, and from government served. bv the elimination ofj $144.54 -,vas recommended b%- giant of S939,31. long distance charges. steps arei Deput.y Re,2ve Brough and car- The 1xuiistrial Commissione.r, taken ta3 make such a change. ried. Counciillor A. H. Sturrock 'K N . M-n ris. subrnitted the fol- recommicnded paymient of Ceni-i lowin.g rcport for February ta eterv accouintz of $15-60. Tà i S '1o-wn Couincil: R d C sswasalso passed. 1 Comeiilekslpmn ted Fira- Department accounts meetin.g on Februarv l6tli was of $103-58. He \vas seconded bv informil that several local re- E quipment. CounCiEor Sturrock and paV- ta;Â esabhisihmeiits have suh Ava3ilà\ble son 'moved Chat Public Prope. di ion. The commercial devel- Ul-e x Bowmanvîlle rc of he.855.28 bc paid. This \vas ca:7- pal-able value and importance Rfed Coss Socviley s 0an aif-h ried. Th.e Police Department ac-i to the industrial deveiopment. ableta nyoe i Bovmaviie, cunt of$5394 erepreen1 It was established as commis- ableto nyon inBowmnvileed by the cornmittee chairman, 1 sion poIicy thlat every reasoni- Newcastle or surrourcling dis- Councfllor Keith Lathangue. abe ooertnadasi- trict Who is in need of sickroomn He moved that payment be ance bc given to both, provil- equipment for illness at home. made. The motion w'as second-i ing ever.v care is take-n to work These articles are loaned free ed byr Councillor Hobbs and 'in close ro-operation with local of charge with the approval of carried. real estate agents. the patient's doctor for a reason- - _________ able time ta those unable to be *'As* a resuit of continuing hospitalized. stud 'v of the toNvn«s commercial ~onsumerspotential several courses of ac- The following items can be Co s r e s to ere recommended ta obtained by contacting Mrs. W. Council by special communica- Cawker MA 3-5794- hospital tion dted February l7th. bed, wheelehairs. crutches, ena- "Bow-rianville representatives melware, thermnometers. (Continued frorn aee onel at the é[nner in Some further articles bave ai- town. plus any uncovered bv on Februii-r y lOth held by the ready been denated by interest- the hotuse-to-house survey, the Lake Ont ario Dev-lopment As- ed citizens and il je the hope of 1 letter stated. sociation %vere Councillor A. H. your local branch that a success- Sturrock. representing the Towa fuI campaign for funds on March A request was received by Council. 'E. T. Banting and K. 23rd will ena-ble themn to en- Touln Council from the Bow.ý- ,N. Morrîis, representing the In- lare tis ervcestiîî more. roanvill? Branch of the Cana- dustrial Commrission. and James lare tis ervcedian Cancer Society for per- B211 and Clarence Hockin, re- mission Io run a Cancer Bîjîz presenting the Chamber of on one oe the last four days of Commerce. 1 Aprîl. This permission waq "In anticipation of the dayr D og gatd The Cancer Blitz wilil vhen Bowmianville may be - fo boe our between 7 and able to finance and ronstruet -- 8P.M Permission was als) industriiol buildings on town P ound given the Cancer Society tu mlle, jesýètimates on cost place a metal ark containing of soi] tests have been obtained, (Continued from page one) free literature about cancer in also details of financial assist. itedtha WelareAccontsam-the main lobby of the Town ance a'.milJable from the Indus- ote i that $Lar0Accontad enHall, itrial Development Bank. ountrîgto $.47.67 ad eon A letter rereived from For- "uigtemnhoeids examined and recommended Rn's E.3so Service stating an in- tri protpemt asnwindoff, payment. Councillor A. H. Stuc-traposetw rienf, rock sec,nded Ibis motion and tention to rlaim damages for and tbree new ones reported." i a are.loss of business by reason of __________ it wa e closing of Liberty Street to The chairman of the Finance traffir was referred by the 1 bad rather do and not prom. Committee, Councillor Ivan Tow;n Council to its insurance lise, than promise and not do.- Hobbs, seconded by Deputy brokers. Arthur Warwic'k. F nq- M ' 1

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