?TrrIRDAY, IM. l2th, ionl 'rThl! !~ANAflTA?< ~'rA'rW~.*A,.T DI~~u*AMwi9 I%~ADr~ LJS~ * *~j~fl* ~ * CA~S.~ ~OW S14 V fl Zone Chairman Rickard Vis ifs His Home Club NEWCASTE-The chairman of Zone 10 south, Lion Bren- ton Rickard, made his official visit and was the guest speakeri at the regular meeting of his home club on Thursday even- ing last, in the dini.ng-room of the Queen's Hotel. With 24 members and one visitor in at- tendance, Lion President Chas. Gilkes presided for the dinnér and conducted a short busine.zs p-criod. It was announced the Lions Midget Hockey teama would Ineet Keene in the Peterborough Civic Arena on Saturday even- ing in the first game of their two gaine series for the Ontario Semi-finals. The return game to be announced. A furthFýr grant of $50 xvas allotted to the Scout committee and after somne discussion it was decided to hold a bingo on May 22nd when the draw will be made for th2 large rnoney prize on which the mnembers are now selling tick- ets. Introduced by Lion Presider.t Chas. Gilkes the Zone Chai- man gave a most interesting t.alk on "~Our Club" starting with a few words of construc- tive criticism of the behaviouri of members of the local club] during the course of a meeting and gaing on to urge the mm bers to bring in new Lion t bring the club up to the quota' suggésted by the District Gov- ernor. Lipn Brenton saici to be proud of our administration '"we should first of al try to conduct our- selves at our regular meetings in a manner to create and fos- ter good fellowship and thec dignity of the club." naming the periods in which hiharity should give way to the dignity of the occasion. He mentioned the office of Tail Twister whîch he said is relied upon to keep the meeting jovial and yet ar office rno one in the club xvould voluntcer for. Also mentioninC the reading of the minut2s an-I the roll cail when members should pay strict attention't procedure. He urged the mem- bers to be a credit to the club. Going on to the matter of new members Lion Brenton said he was happy to announce that by December 31st this Zone had an average of two new members per club. He sa:d there were f ive clubs whose membership had increased and four clubs who had decreased and he was sorry to report that Newcastle was in the latter ca- tLegory. He sad the club needls seven new ;members to bring it up to where it should be and suggested that this is only one for each six members in the club. Suggesting that wheii the ' are brought into the club they xiii be hooking to present membership to lead them in fellowship, opportunity for ser- vice and community respect which the club stands for. In closing he said "It bas been said ibhis club is becoming a knife and fork club. I would like to prov3 tu you that this is flot the case" He said that since July lst hast, the club bas carried out 20 activities and projects and there is a draw underway now. Witb th2 An- nual Carnival and Fiehd Day still to come. Friends of Mr. -Saxon Graham wil regret to hear of the death (suddenly) of his twin brother, Mr. Norman Graham, of Elgin- burg, Ont, on February 2 lit. Mr. and Mrs. John Voutt and Neil visited with Capt. and Mrs. Archie MacCorquddle and Mlrs. K. Byamn in Concord on Saturday. Mr. and Mns. Archie Martin and family of Toronto, spent the weekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Kelsey and fain- Mr. andi Mrs. George Kimbal and family, visiteci In Oshawa on :ILet#sLookBackl 1 ' à ears Ago In Newcastle March 10, 1949 Tt was reported the Newcas- tle Lions entertained the To- ronto Central Lions Club at their dinner meeting on Thurs- day evening. The program in- cluded accordion numbers by RESTAURN oir Fresh Lobster Cocktail Sunday wîth Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ogden. Mr. Jack Howley of New- market, spent the weekend vis- iting with Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Gould and family. Mrs. Ronald Pingle of Bow- manville, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hodg- son, Miss Helen Allun of Toronto, spent the weekend visiting with hec parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Allin. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jose visited in Brampton on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jose and family. Mrs. Link, a vocal solo by Glen Allin and a comic song by Lions Ted Belsey and Ken Stephen- son. A highlight of the March meeting of thbe Womens' Mis- sionary Society xvas the pres- entation of a lite înembership in the society to Miss Stella Blackburn. It was made possible by ber sister Mrs. Cole. The opentng of the Bowman-11 ,ee/ýendc mner]7 Relish Tray NEWCASTLE - The Tý meeting of the Merry Ma Couples Club was held ii United Church Sunday S Hall on Wednesday evi last. The president conductec business period duringi it was decided the mer would tour the General M~ enu Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail Soup du Jour or Choice of Juice Tomato Pineapple Grapefruit or V-8 Flying Dutchman's Salad of the Day Assorted Dressings Roast Long Island Duckling, Orange Sauce Deep Fried Jumbo Shrimps, Cocktail Sauce Broiled Baby Lamb Chops, Mint Jelly Breaded Milk Fed Veal Cutiet, Tomato Sauce Roast Prime Ribs of Red Brand Beef, Horseradish Sauce Roast Young Tom Turkey, Cranberry Sauce Broiled Club Steak, French Fried Onions Southern Fried Haîf Chicken, Corn Fritter Sliced Cold Virginia Ham Plate, Potato Salad Assorted Cold Sea Food Salad Plate, Celery Heart Choice of Two Fresh Vegetables Oven Brown Rolis Assorted Fruit Pie Mint Parfait Tea - . Boiled - or Whipped Potatoes M uffins Fresh Fruit Jello, Whipped Crear Cheese Tray French Pastry Coffee A LA CA-RTE FROM OUR BROILER Butter m Milk Porterhouse, T-Bone, Filet Mignon, Steaks, served with Mushroom Caps and French Fried Onions Niarch arried n the chool ening, ci the which aibers lotors ville Arena was reported. John James, President of the arena committee presided while thbe Rev. J. dePencier Wright was in charge of thbe dedication ser- vice. Music was supplied by the G.M.C. Vets Kilty band of Oshawa 14 strong. [t was anriounced that Archie H-endry of the Lakeshore had been awarded the Robert Bruce Scbolarship for 1948. He was attending Queen's University. John M. James was chosen federal candidate at an cirer- flow Liberal Convention Mi Or- ono on Thursday evening. Jas. Dyer of Newcastle led the large crowd in a sing song xvhich waq interrupted by the entrance of the main speakers, Rt. Hon. C. D. Howe and L. B. (Mike) Pearson wbo were given a rousing welcome. Gardmon gi,, M«l plant for their next meeting on April l4tb and memnbers The worsbirn period was con- ducted by Jack 1Holmes and in- cluded a reading by Mrs. Es- ther Allin and a duet by Mes- dames Jean Holmes and Jean LAlldread followed by prayer led by the Rev. Mr. Fisher. The meeting was favoured with a recîtation and encore by Mrs. Marjorie Gray and a musical number and encore by a qjuar- tatte composed of Mesdamnes Jean Holmes andi Jean Alldread and Messrs. Ross Allun aud Jimn Barnes. Thegustspeaker, Mr. Jimn duced by Albert Pearce. He ii the Vice Principal of Sunny - view School for Cripphed and Deaf childr2n in Toronto. Mr. Rickaby took for his subject were urged to keep this even- ing open for tbis tour. "The Deaf Child", explaining the methods used to test thc hearing of the children of var- ious ages. A vote of tbanks t Mr. Rickaby for his interesting ard informative talk was mov- ed by Gordon. Groy. To close the prograro Mrs. Gray gave anoth2r' recitation and encore and Ross Allun con-' ducted a period of recreation, after which, members of the comrnittee in charge served a delicious lunch and the mieet- ing closed with tbe repeatinc, of the Mizpah Benediction in unison. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week of March 2-8: Admissions------------------ 54 Births, 4 male, 6 female 10! Di&rdharges .-----61 Major operations -___ 101 Minor operations 22 Emergency treatments -----7 Visiting hours 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. and 7:00 te 8:30 p.m. 1 Wiarton, Ont. March 2, 1959. Dear Mr. Editor, 44ed Phone 3621 MAPLE GROVE eAir.and BbbRochesterm NY., Mnr. and BbMRs.cWilliam D.ch- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Doyle and family, Richvale, were Sunday guests ofIMr'. and Mrs. Steve Doyle and family. Mrs. L. C. Snowcten, Mrs. Otis Pritchard and sons of Manotick, visited Mr. and Mrs. Sain Castie and family in Peterborough Sun- day. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Windsor were MIv'. and Mrs. Charles Dickso:î and Barry, Tor - onto and Mr'. and Mrs. W7. M. Smith, o! Lindsay. Mrs. Pritchard, Mrs. L. C. Snowden and Miss Mildred Sno- wden attended the weddin-g of Miss Sheila Munro and Mr. Har- ry DeLong in Toronto on Friday evening. ývle Mr. Merton Hill. Boýwmnle. was a xveekend guest at h homne of Mr. Ross M/etralfe. MrF. T. R. Metcalfe visited lier aunt Mrs. A. Challener. Hlamp- ton. on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. I-on Brooks spent Tues- day with hier parents Mr. vmd Mrs. Gordon Rodman, Little Britain. Mrs. F. Swallow, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford, Swallow were tea guests DUI rn Devon Brand - Rindless Side Bacon Pre-Dressed (Grade A) Chiclkens Caldwell's - Skinless Wieners Caldwell's Sausages, NIEDI When you buy meat at DOMON you can be absolutely sure of complets satis- faction. You can b. sure because DOMINION's experienced meat buyers go right into the packing houses, and carefully select only the choicest mats. DOMINION'a trained butchers skillfully t cut and trima right in the store, ensuring N you of the utmost quality and economy You can be sure because ail meat at DOMINION is 100 % guaranteed. Switch to DOMINION ibis week. ' - Everyclay Low Prices Richmello - Creaniy ' 16 or. jar' Salad Dre ssing Kraft Salad Dressing - 16 oz. jar Miracle Whip Christie's -lb pkg. Premium Sodas Richmello - Iffandy Cheese S lices 9 oz. pkg. 33c 47c 37c 29C (2% to 3 lb.ý 1 lb. pkg. lb. 5Ç!c lb. 35cý 49c 1 lb. pkg. 49C1 Lenten Feature! Statesman Fancy Red - %'s tin Freshly Ground! Cohoe Salmon 3forL.OO Richmello Coffee -lb. pkg. 67c Always Fresh! Enjoy Often! Buàv>er l a-..Ji.. .1.. I should like to correct an 1 111 ur in.ce opxg. ecroneous opinion, one of your f readers seeros to have, of the Snùley, and I aminont a relative,BsciFet-! an employee, not even in his BsutFaue age group, nor a member of tule Party Treat 1 lb. celle pkg. same church.G i Wben he began to write "Sugar and Spice", 1 must ad- G n e n p 9 mit I \vas a bit shocked, and more than once told hlm so. B,,it Cut Bread Costs at Dominion! I have comne to know, be is just Richmello - White 24 oz. loaf putting on a front. Hus children, Hugh and Kimn, are said by their teachers to be Sliced Bread lac among the nicest and best be- halt~d in the school. That lie Stop That Cold! takes some responsibility is Sunkist - Concentrate 6 or. tin shown by the fact that he takes time eut, to accompany tbern to the Kiwanis Festival, ando J i e2 fr 9 aIs: our local Music Festval.L m o u c f r9 AsMr'. Sùe so h Club House - 'Manzanilla 8 oz. jar movement in tovn, and is a-riL. active councillor. He and h;s t f e O i e 1 wife are inembers in good standing of the Anglican cburch, lutSly-Wt etn2 z a and the cblîdren go to SundayAutSIy- ihPein2o. a School.R a He has other things to bis Ra pberr>' Jar'r 45c credit. As a fîve,,r in World War Il, he was shot down, srpent Margarine - Regular lb. pkg. long montbs in a German pri-1 son camp. Wben he returnd' i te Canada, he entered U nive-1M rg sity, but xvas found to have 1 3 3c T.B. Se he had te spend mor2 months in a sanatorium. 1,Sof t! Absorbent! Wh;an bis brotber-iiu-law wbo 'Ballet - Assorted Colours 2 roll pkg. was editor of the Echlo, w-as drowned, Mr. Smile 'v came here t epout. He becamn er-I oiuet Tissue 27c ested, so bas remained,' a ýid1 says hie prefers sial towa Ihe il.ecads oda or oiinSoe iie to tlhe crov.-ded citv*1.lmrhnis oda orDmiinSoe iie Sincerely, is unconditionally guaranteed te give 100% satisfaction S. L. Values effective i Bowman'ville until closi.ng time 15. 9_1 have knowin 8 or l aur10Mac 4t,15 edito-s here, and respect r.ore StraMrhlt,15 oi Làemnmore i.laa -BI .5sinieï. DOMINION STORES LIMITED ~.a Ea r y Morning Coffee lb. pkg. 39C Fresh Fruit & Vegetables Just Arrived- Direct from Israel - Sweet - Seedless Fuill of Juice- Easy to Peel - 5 lb. poly bag Jaffa Oranges 5 9C Florida No. 1 Marsh Seedless - Size 96's Grapefruit 10 for .5,5C California - Garden Fresh - Crisp - Good size 30's Lettuce 2Ifor 29C A sure sign of Spring - New Ccoi) Excellent with any meat - Fresh Asparagus California - Fancy and tender lb. 49c Florida No. 1 . Green Pascal- Crunchy and Crisp Celery Stalks 3forI9c Arizona - Garden Fresh - MiId Green Onions 3b hs2.5c, CUT F00D COSTS AT OMINION ~'j Iwith Mrs. Annie Creighton, Osh- awa, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gimb- lett and Sharon visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gimblett, Colum- bus, on Friday cvening. Mrs. Eldon Essery, Courtice, called on her sister, Mrs. Russell Gimblett, on Tuesday. Birthdlay congratulations to littie Ware David who celebra- tied last Friday. His grandfather "UI. H. B. Kîdd, Ajax, was a supper guest on Friday. Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rogers were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Davidson, Toronto, and Saudyguests were Miss Mar- gart SowdnMr. Len Goozi- murphy, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Sain Snowden and Ray, Black- stock; Mrs. Harry Snowden, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rogers Sr. and Ralph, Bowmianville. Messrs, Harvey and Bon Brooks, attended the dinner for the DeKalb dealers in Lindsay on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Whiteman were Saturday evening guests of bis brother, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Whiteman, Oshawa. Mr. Bill Snowden, Toronto, spent Suriday afternoon with his grandparents, Mr. Wm. Snow- den, Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens. Mr. Douglas MeNairn and Toronto. are spending a few days with her grandparents Mr. end Mrs. R. R. Stevens and Mr. Wm. Snowden, Sr. The "L.N.O." Circle held a card party in Ma pie Grove Church basement on Saturday evening, with n good crowd ini attendiance. Ten tables of euchre and one table of crokinole were phayed'. High prizes went to Mrs. Don Brooks and Mr. Cedric Rus- seli. Low prizes- Mrs. Faskitt and Mlirs. Sidney Brayley, from Oshawa. Orono Pasi At Shaw's i Shaw's Home and School As- sociation held its March meet- ing at the school on Wednes- day night with the president, W. M. Rabb, presiding. It was unanimously decideci to hold a second card party this season and it was left to the executive to plan the event Anneabelle Rickard presenteci a plea for support of the Can- cer Society soon to launch a campaign for funds. Lola Cox spoke a few words on the Farni Accident Survey being condue- ted in Ontario. Mrs. L. Atchison atnnounetd that Open House in connection xith Education Week would be held at the school Monday, March 9, when pupils' work tvill be on display and teachers will be present to discuss prob- lems xith the parents. A pan- el will be present to answer questions and the ladies will serve refreshments. Mr. L. J. Wood was chairman for the program and called on Mrs. Ralph Camopbell who spoke of the work being done by the Oshawa and District Cerebral Palsy Parents' Council for phy- slcally handicapped eilîdren. She introduced two guests. Debbie Bothwell, four' years old who sang a littie song, also Ehwin Bacon who repeated the Lord's Prayer perfeetly alth- ough he is only five years ohd. These children who %v ere wear-, ing heavy braces and usingc crutche.s are receiving physia- therapy treatinent at Simcoe Hall, Oshawa, and are only two of eîghteen receiving dai- ly aid there. Their Open House s March 13 and the public is $1O OCOST OF A $100 NEW SUITE CHESTEIRFIEî.DS RECOVERED "6LIKE NEW" Richards i 1, aife to iveyouthebcst wormanhtat your emýl O'y othaie, ie n yea S f expeéen S Your mehpthtY Cai >os y Stafford B&os. Monumental Works 318 Dundas St. E.. Whitbi Phone WVitby MO0hawk 8-3552 e severai choruses and this or S e k brought the programn to a close. C i Thanks were exptessed to al b taklng part and a special round of appreciation given to Rev. Fil& S C ub Long. Thq committee planning this worthwhile prograrn were welcomte. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. J. Wood, Glenn Rabb and Ray Ripley Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lane and p]ayed a piano duet and pupil s Mr. and Mrs. Everett Wood. froin the junior room enter- -The meeting closed wvitIh tained with a square dance. singing of The Quer-n and lunch Girls taking part were Pat Ru- was served by Mrs. G. Riekard, d2il, Karen Jones, Eleanor Mrs. P. Newefl, a.ssisted by Mrs. Smith and Kathy Lovekin. 0. Bragg. Their partners were Ray Rip- 1ev, David Robinson, Charles Next regular meeting will be Friedricks and Dominic Galli- Weý,-dnesday, April 1. Ieo. Mrs. John Killeen, teach- er in the junior room gave two readings, "Suppertime atl Shaw*ss", and "Foolish Ques. Mr Wo Introduced Rev. i I Basil Long of Orono whio gaveI a very interesting address. Hie, strassedi three main points,1 Home, School and Church andI in witty and concise mannorl brought many excellent ideasl before us. Ten senior boyg sarg Tlewca stde cSoca/ and' ÇersonaI MilNUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY MIARKE~~ OF STAFFORD \~I5Ev OROS. J dosthorhed Dee1r Couples Club Hears Address on Deaf Child Fu'om Sausage t SirUoln. a. ALL M EATWS BOWMANVILLE Situated at Higbway 401 Cut-off 't 's t -'i -e J -'il Guaranteed Quality Meats ORONO 17816 I. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. RMWMAMMlr.IM- MMARTn lbktsle wr q