TH±UI1.SAY, MAX . iZî, 1959 Ail Bow man ville Teams Eliminated at Tren ton ln Littie N.H.L. Sertes Bowmanville teams readied Paul Lucas' goal mid-way thro- t4 finals in ail thr-ee divisions ugh the second session gave of the Eastern Ont. Little N.H.L. Bow-manviile the 2-1 win. Buddy playoffs held Satuxday in Tren- Depew and Jeff Gilhooley drew ton. But the local lads were un- assists on the play. able to take any -one of the titles Cobourg, who had blasted home, losing twice to Cobourg Trenton 7-0 in the other pre- teams and once to Trenton. liminary affair, were held to a Atoms- Jr. "A' 1-1 first period tie by Bowman- Simmons staked Port Hope ta ville in th~e Jr. "A" final, btut an early lead*, but Randy Dewell broke baose for four second stan- counted on a pass from Wray za markers to win 5-1. Robbie Rendeil to knot the count in the LjaRge scored the bocal's only final minute of the first period. gal PreeWe- A.H.L. Peter Werry, Bily Depew and Peterb rough John Hughes scored a goal a period as Bowmanville bounced Memoral C ntre Port Hope out of tihe running in Memoral C ntre the A.H.L. preliminaries. "Cor- presents ky" Burgess turned ini a fine goal tending display to eas-n the shutout. The local lads dropped a heartbreaker in the final, when Ferguson notched the winner for Trenton with 48 seconds re- iN maining in the game. Hughes PERSON netted the lanc tafly of the open-. ed twice'in the second to send Bowmnanville into a 3-0> lead ibefore Trenton finally broke the ice ini the second and added three more in the final, capped *I off tby Fcrguson's winner. Bowmianvillc and Trenton playcd on even terms, in the prelixinary tilt, before Andy Mathcws' third goal of the game o gave the Bownianvillc crew a 4-3 win in the second overtime period. Mathews had scored twice in the first and David plus an ALL-STAR REVUE period of play, ran the margin to ln a 30i h eodadaddao BIG SHOW AND DANCE 3- i er olsnend ad, adddana- \4/e n e d ay a single reply by Mathews to game. Bowmanville players were in APRIL 1tesolgtiwt ik a 8:30 te 9:30 P.M. best player and Andy Mathews as tihe pick for the N.H.L.'s top Dancing 10 p.m. to 12:30 sAn. performer- Ronnie Carter was Tickets now on sale at the edjudged the outstandin.g goal- Memorial Centre Box Office tender in the Jr. "'A" division. 1Men's Major Bowling Bfickell Stages Comeback Karl Bickeil has been having a bad season but this week came out of his slump and bowled 306 ta win the high single score of the wcek. Only two other bowl- crs hit 300. Jack Gay had 302 and President Bill Bates had 300. Pete Dobbins won high triple with 752 and boosted his aver- age ta 234, just anc point off the pace set by Russ Hallman. Russ Oke followed Dobbins with 743, Jack Gay 736, Bill Bates 732, Kari Bickell 730, Dr. Keith Siemon 722. Bruce Milne 721, Dave McKnight and Ted Bag- neli bath had 717, Bill Steven 706, Don Bishop 705 and Russ Lane 701. Five bowlers bottlcd for low honors and aur Treasurer Fred Cale won the prize with 104. Elton Brock, anc of aur star bowlers, hit 105; Cliff Trewin Home & School Bowling O. Patfield led the scoring for the day with a 425 double. High single was 243, with the honours going ta A. Trewin. Other 200 games: O. Patfield 240, S. Davis 232, H. Rogers 220, M. Crowe 210, H. Simnick 201 and H. Rundle an even 200. Sparrows and Canaries are stiil tied with 12 points ecd, Bluejays remain in 3rd position, Robins and Wrens have 61/ apiece, and the Bluebirds don't believe Spring is here yct and are trailing wîth 5. 1_ Averages O. Pattield -_ _ _ _ S. Davis ____ __- E. Etcher ___ ____ A. Hodgson - J. Lyle------------- S. Bucknell _____ M. King -_______ A. Osmond _____ A. Sleep --- H. Rundie - CASHaAWARD CLARE BURT wonts to give his check for $100 to.every Canadian former who tokes part in the big Clore Burt $100 Cash Aword offer. Every former w*ho buys o new Ferguson 3 5 troctor wil1 receive a chieck signed by Clore Burt for $100. This offer is for a imited time only. For addition ai information,, contact - ~SID LANCASTER VOUR MABBEY-FEROUSON DEALER R.R. 2 Newcastle Clarke 2703 114, Ralpi Kelly and George Glanville 117. Cliff Trcwin broke tic law triple record of the scieduIE when he bowled 387. Morley Etcher had heid the honor since January 21st when he bowlec 391. Fred Cale had a nice triple of 420 and Ralpi Kelly had 421. Big John Stainton bawled 448. Ailey Chatter Tice entry form is posted ai tic allcys for tic Major League tournament. Singles and doubles will be on handicap basis. Teams will be picked by averages. Dutch Hallman's tcam has a 4-point edge in the team stand- ings and should win the second sciedule in a walk. L Averages Name Games Russ Halîman --27 Pete Dobbins ..27 Jack Gay 27 Elton Brock ____27 Ernie Perfect 27 AI Osborne _____24 Bill Hearle ___-27 Bill Bates 27 Frank Samis ---27 Dave McKnight --24 Bill Oke ___24 Russ Oke ----27 Bill Westlake 27 Bruce Milne 27 Hap Palmer -___27 Bill Steven 27 Frank Lewins ----27 Mcl Dale 27 Hank Janzen 27 Ted Bagneli 27 Ross McKnight - 27 Murray Larmer - 27 Ed Leslie ----_ 27 Doug Taylor 24 John Ford 24 Jack Parker - - 27 Jim Callan 27 Matt Harrison 27 Dr. H. Rundie ___27 Dr. K. Slemon 27 Reg. Hearle 27 Jack Lander .27 AIf Samelis 27 Pat Yco------ 27 Frank Williams -27 Don Gilhooly --- 27 Bud Moses 27 George Stepien --27 Jim Lcvctt 24 Ab Piper 27 Carl Leslie 21 Tom Cowen 18 George Piper --27 Bob. Wilhiama 25 Harold Bennett- 27 John Ford - - 24 Phil Cancilla --21 Dr. C. Austin 27 Russ Lane 27 Jack Munday 27 Standing of Teams Team W L Hailman 20 7 Dale ___16 il Brock -- 16 il R. Oke.. 15 12 Miýlne 15 12 Williams- 15 12 Larmer 12 15 Rundie 12 15 Bagneli Il 16 McKnight - il116 Osborne - 10 17 B.0Oke 9 18 Features Pins1 30476 30166 29950 30970 30019 28856 29376 28620 28876 28182 29613 28813 Ave. 235 234 225 223 223 222 221 221 221 220 219 218 218 218 216 216 215 215 215 214 213 212 212 211 210 210 210 210 209 209 208 208 207 207 207 206 206 205 205 205 204 204 203 203 201 201 200 200 200 200. This Week This Sciedule Higi Singie-Karl Bickchi 306 Tom Cowan-3661 Higi Triple-Pete Dobbins 752 Elton Brock-853 Low Single-Fred Cale 104 Si Trewin-89 Low Tripie-Cliff Trewin 387 Cliff Trewin 387 High Team 1-R. Oke 1226 Hallman-1394 High Tcamn 3-R. Oke 3549 Hailman 3715 Low Tcamn 1-Rundle 886 Williams-828 Low Teamn 3-Rundle 2966 R. Oke-2744 MAPLE GROVE W.M.S. Atternoon Auxiliary regular meeting was held on Mardi 4 in theh basement of Mapie Grove Churci. Tic mcm- bers joincd in sulent prayer for our overseas missianary, Miss K. Grecnbank of Japan. Tic tirve quilts completed at aur quilting on Februar), 2tl are ta go to the Salvation Armv for distribution by them ta necdy tamihies, thc layette ta g-) ta tic Supply Departnîent if needech or to be phaced in a bale for overseas. nec ladies are re- nuindd ta bring ahi woollcn goods ta tic ncxt nmeeting and gi-r"' them ta Mrs. J. D. Stevecns to be used for blankets. W.M.S. Sunday service is planned for April l2th. Mrs. J. D. Stevens gave an intcresting reading on rehabilitation centre be ing erct- Pd in Toronto under the Sali-a- tion Army. Mrs. Ross Stevens conducted thc Worship Service assisted iby Mrs. Cecil Jeffery. Mrs. Stevens also presented the programn telling a story of tie difficulties encountered by im- migrants ta Canada. Sic thi asked questions on this subJect which were ans\wcred by Mrs. Fred Stevens. There were 14 mera-bers and 1 visitor present The -U and I", Circle met in Maple Gave Chuch basement on Tucsday evening. Thc meeting opcned with a hymn. Mrs. Dave Bothwell, Jr. read ticeniinutec; anid Secretary reports. Main dis- cussion was on the St. Patrick Day dinner ta be held at tic church on Mardi 17. Scripture was rcad by Mrs. W. Todd. Mrs. Gordon Beech and Mrs. Arthur Burgess sang two lovely duets. Mm. Lloyd Snowden gave a r r Romp to 16-m5 Victory> Over Minden Monarchs The Bowmanville - Orono1 Combines, displaying a sharp passing attack, came up with their best effort in weeks ta soundly trounce the Minden Manarchs 16-5, last Thursday night in Bobcaygeon. The lop- sided vîctory, the Combines' third in a rowv, gives the locals a commanding 3-1 edge in the best of seven series. With thec rcam as a wholc clicking on ail cylinders, the B.O.C.'s spotted Minden a goal by AI Burns after but 33 seconds of play, however, "Chuck" Armstrong got it back 14 sec- onds later, and the Combines poured in seven more markers ta takre an 8-2 first period edge. Gar Vasey picked up ih Monarcis' second score. Ron Rowe scored twice and George Nichols added the final Minden goal, as thc lasers trailcd 10-5 afler two periods. Thc Bawmanville-Orono crew wrapped it up with six unans- wered tallies in thc final stan- za. Tic ine of Junior West, Syd Arnold and Keith West had a field day at the expense of goalie Bob Shropshire, picki.îg up a total of 23 points, as Jun- ior paced thc club wîth four goals and seven assists, and Ar- nold and Keitlî West caci cal- ]cctcd threc markers anîd drew tirce and two assists rcspec- tively. Armstrong also adctcd a hat- trick, while Gerry Robinson fired a pair and defenceman Mickey Walke'- scorcd the otiier goal. Tic B.O.C.'s outshot Min- den 44-30. [Town League Hockey Thursday night's double bill at the Memorial Arena saw a couple of unbeaten streaks and one los.,ng streak endcd, as the Dept. of Works downed Mur- doch and Welsh Blockbusters 6-5 in the opener, and Brooks Construction took the second game by an 8-6 margin over Front Street. Bath the Front Street and Blockbusters tearni had betn undefcated since Christmas, whilc the Dept. of Works' victory, wvas their first since the holiday lay -off. The Blockbusters wce thwarted in their attempt ta sew uP the first place position when Bill Lyle fired the win- ner with less than three m«ini- utes ta play atter the M & W crew had fought from behind to square the score at 5-5. "Chuck" Kilpatrick gave the Dept. of Works a 3-2 edge at the end of the first, after Cal- vin Blake had scored twice to cancel goals by Lyle and "Bun" Wclsh, Kilpatrick and Lyle blinked the red light again early in the middle session, bnt Jack Marshall cut the margin to 5-3 late in the period. A pair of quick tallies, 26 seconds apart, mid-way through' the final stanza by "Buck" Cawle and Phil Giliiier knoo- tèed tne count, setting the stage for LvlWcs third goal of the game which was the winncr. With onlv two minutes and five seconds to play in the nightcap, the Front Streeters. led 6-5 and appeared to have Complete motor job, guar- anteed. This car in beautiful shape, miust be seen to be ap- preciated. 1953 Olds. "88" 4-Dr. Sedan *reading. Prayer was offered by Mrs. R. H. Cannors. Mr. Jake Laird showed slides on "Minis- try for Men," fromn Elgin Hause at Muskoka. These were mucli appreciated and Mrs. Dean than- 5ked Mr. Laird. The meeting was 1brouglit ta a close and a lunch 5 f tarts with wrhipped creamn and caffee served. The Country Couples« Club ini Maple Grave Church basernent on Thursday March 5, with a good attenidance. Thc meeting opened with a hyrnn and Rcv- erend H. Stainton led in prayer. Secretary's reports following and invitations ta two dances were discussed. Worship service xvas conductedi by Mr. and Mrs. A. McDonald, Mr. and Mrsr. Ross Hawke. The Marly rage Four, con- Ssisting of four lovely and tai- ented singers framn Oshawa shop style. Mr. Stainton Introduced thc speaker Rabbi Norden tram the Oshawa Synagogne who spoke On, the Jewish faith and patient- ly answered ail questions. He also showed a descriptive film on Je\vish Feasts and Customs. Mrs. Hawke thanked the speak- er and Mr. Stainton movcd a vote of thanks, as wel]. Sandwiches, cup cakes and coffee were servedl by Mr. and Mrs. Ron Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bradley. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Russell and family wvere Mr. and Mrs. Alb'ert Catch- pale, Cherrywood, and Mr. and Mrs. John Polman and Manique, Osh*awa. Mr. end Mrs. Emikraszewicz, Paul and Kathryn, Oshawa. visited Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Goul last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Cliff Munroc. Hillier; Mrs. Andrew Haight and Mrs. Herman Weese, Consecon, werc Saturday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Gould last week. Mrs. James Allen, Oshawa-, Mr. Donald Allen, Toronto, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lab- recque On Saturday evening. Mrs. James Paterson and Mrs. Phillip Paterson, Taunton, visi- ted Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pater- son on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Brooks at- tended the Poultry Producers meeting in Napanee on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Aitchison and Billy. Blackstack, were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rog- ers on Friday. Mrs. Otis Pritchard, John and Paul, Manotick, spent a few days last week with lier mother, Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Ail Privately Owned Cars m'hKO W, UNCHOLS Oldsmobile and Chevrolet Cars BO WMAN VILLE Chevrolet Trucks COURTICE Phone MA 3-3353 Phone MA 3-3922 Faced with unforeseen household expenses? Want ta make some special major pur- chase? Need money for taxes-or ta meet a family emergency? Persona]l bans ta help people meet just such situations are being made by the chartered banks every day. You're flot asking a favour when you visit a chartered bank ta arrange a personal loan. The manager welcomcs opportunities ta nmake boans, repayable out of carnings in convenient instalments. And at a chartered bank, you can a!ways count on privacy and courteous considera- tion, whether you are arranging a loan or using other valuable services the bank provides. tic game sewed up. However, èF thc Brooks Construction outtit. came ùp ith a late rally, scor- ing thrc times in less thaft- two nÉnutes ta pull out a win.'- Larry Yýearwood fired the incg goal, and Lloyd Ha-nilt<4 netted the winner. Don Mâ;,k-" ters put thic game on ice, scor- ing into th? open ,net. aftet, -Slip"~ Rowe had been removcd in favar of a sixth attacker.J Bob She7idan and LloYd Stainton twice gave Front Street a lcad, but Sam Tiomp. son and Lloyd Hamilton coun. tered on each occasion, as the first pcriod ended in a two al tie. The winncrs 'vent in front 5-3 in thc second, as Dan Mas- ters scored twice and "Mor-t!O Richards one. against a single repi'- by "Jiggs" Cawling. Brian Hughes opened the third pcriod scoring at tic 30 second mark, and Clint Fergu- son ticd it up littie over a m:nute later. Hughes' second -goal of the pcriad, at tic mid- wvay no:nt stood un until the final two minutes when Brook.!q Construction stafed their tires goal explosion. Tie final games of tie regu- 1er sciiedule will be played ta- night, when Brooks Construc- tion wvill rneet Murdoch â& Welsqh in wvhat promises ta be a hard fouçght battle. A Brooks Construct:on win would gîve thcm a tiý w'ith thîe Blackbust- ers for the lea.gue leadership. Team Standings W L T P GF GA M&W Block- busters --- 9 5 3 21 129 q0 Brooks Con- struction -- 9 7 1 19 113 98 Dept. of Wlorks -79 1 15 Iliiq1 Front St. .59 3 13 87 133 f-) Air, Rail or Stcamship TI1C K ETS TO EVERYWHERE Consuit JURY & LOVELL 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 Bowmanviile If you are in the market for a good used car . . . here is your chance to buy at clearance prices. 1956 Olds. "88" 2-Dr. Hardtop 1956 Plymouth Station Wagon 1956 OIds. "98" 4-Dr. Sedan 1957 Che'v. Sedan 1955 Chcv. Sedan 1955 Pontiac Coach 1953 Pontiac Sedan 1951 Pontiac Coach Custom radio, back seat speaker. White walI tires. Very cIean car. Outstanding Truck Values! 1956 Fargo Truck 1950 Iniernalional 2%-ton, stake body. 4-ton, compicte with Low mileage, excellent con- hoist and dump. Gootd dition. Must be seen ta be condition. appreciated. 1950 Pontiac Sedan 1951 Chevrolet Coach 1954 Ford Coach - READY FOR THE ROAD - Mostly One Owner ,èeeso both are borrowing fromn a bank THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY TEE C-fflAD" STATES?&M. 13OVnJAIfVTLIE. ONTARIO SrAis 40.1- .-.- D 1955 Chevrolet Coach 1953 Chevrolet Sedan 1952 Chevrolet Sedar ALL RECONDITIONED