PAGE EIGETEEN TEE CAMADIAN STATErSMAN, EOWI*tVLLE ONTAIM 'JRDYMq.1 I er took hiîm into the barn these are, somehow I think they1 store do you cail this?" r-oertveCmpltsScesuIYa hr heewsapl f Io-r tb rltdf y"i hhtereod- reo rdscnbeaea pietes I atoes and taid him ta put the 1 Master's Voice"l dog and the cisions-if yoru want tn <,e < During the eleventh annual meeting of Durham to right, Manager Ernest Spry, retiring Secretary Elvin Farmers' County Co-operative last week at Orono, it was Blewett, retiring Vice-President Bruce Tink and Director disclosed that the organization had completed yet another John Knox.- Lower photo includes Directors Orme Falls, successful year's business. Upper photo shows retiring Howard Quantrili, Donald Meteaif, Donald Staples and President John Stone discussing the report with, from lef t Cai-Îos Tamblyn. how complicated our lives had become! Durham Club' s Minutes It recalled a favourite story told by one of our speakers re- cently-I cannot give you the date as I have onl'y the old miin- ute books-"A farmer had an Editor's Note: In the fallow- ings arc usually the theme for put in a needie, bought Harry the aid man. Finally the fam Iig article, Miss Aked recounts our meetings and the men frorn Lauder records for laughs andfa- some of her recollections in- Durham seierato be among the oeofCrsfrGadOp spired by reading copies of the first to accept new ideas. era. MyofCathrs orcGsanatOph tyinuesofTrtheDrh. Con In the minutes of Nov. 18,1 next table to Caruso in the din- ty lubof oroto.1918: "This meeting was at the ing-car on the Detroit train and B>' Aleen Aked residence of the President, Dr. he always said that althoughH w What makes these oid min- James L. Hughes. As the meet he had neyer heard Caruso sing o' etes so interesting? Is it be- ing partook largely of the char- in person he had certainly cause they recali people and acter of a reunion, no special heard hlm drink his soup! places we have known or per- nrogram had been prepared The best part of that Victro- haps past events in our lives? but somne selections from a very la was the large cardboard dog Reading through the minutes choice Victrola which had listening ta "His Master's wiI of the Durham County Club of reached the house that day de- Voice" which the salesman gave Toronto, 1 compare past years light'ed everyone."tom.Bcmprsnura- withthepresnt nd Ibeleve I remember the arrivaI of ily recently bought a Hi-Fi re- ,our lives are naw much more1 our Victrola. when I was a lit- cord player and radio from complicated. Current happen- te girl. We cranked the handie,1 Eaton's. It was then I realized Ladies . a. we have "Scrubless" Vinyl Sandran The besi floor covering for every room in your home "Sandran Floor Covering" WORK-FREE - Styled for Luxury Tastes - Priced for Budget-wise Homeniakers - Permanent Beauty -STAINLESS - SCRUBLESS - GREASEPROOF No more scrubbing The world's mosi work free and care free floor covering Sandran gives more wvear for youir floor covering dollar than any other floor covering "PRO yEN BEST BY TEST"f 6 foot wide $1.15 9 foot wide $1.69 p er running foot per running foot McGregor Hardware 95 King St. W. Limited Phone MA 3-338 ?IGWATATTANTIC a ACIPIC TEA COMOANT LTO. i m