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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Mar 1959, p. 7

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THURSDAY. MAR. l2th, 1939 - ?HH CANADIMi STATESMAN, EOWMAKVMJL, ONTARIO PG LIEUT.-COL. AND MRS. H. NEWMANt Sperial visitors from Toron to ALL ARE WELCOME for the affirmative side ini West Ward 1. testified that there was flot a Bible at this poli. She stated that she inquired, and was told by the Deputy Return- ing Officer. YMrs. Madeline Gerry, that there were no forins there, and that she had neyer sworn in a scrutineer. Mrs. Shechan said that about a hall hour after the poil opened Mr. Lyle came in and she was given "a piece of paper to sign". She testified that the agents for the other side also signed as she did, but that no oath was ad- ministered or taken. Oaths Not Administered "The oath of office and the oath of secrecy at the Advance Poil were flot administercd verb- ally. nor were we required to touch or swear on a Bible. We were just given slips of paper and required to sign them," James Firth, agent for the af- firmative at the Advance Pol testified. Following the above testimony Mr. Strika with Mr. Lyle's con- firmation stated ha was prepar- ed to admit ail the allegations regarding the admission of oaths in paragraphs No. 9 to 20 in the affidavit. Mr. Lyle, the Respondent, statad that he had consulted with Judge Miller concerning the Advance Poil, who gave the opinion that one day -would bel enough for it, although the Act calîs for three days. Judge Ken- nedy asked Mr. Lyle to take the stand and make hîs statement so that it could be put in the record as evidence. This Mr. Lyle, did. Questioned On Count An advertisement headed "Liquor and Life in Montreal" was put into evidance by Mr. Ross and markad as Exhibit 2. Mr. Strike askad Capt. Coies to take the stand, and questioned himi en the recount which had bean made by Mr. Lyla, the Re- turning Officer, on the day alter the election. Capt. Coles said that ha as camnpaign manager for the negativa side, and Mr. Hughes as campaign manager for the affirmative sida, ware prasent in Mr. Lyle's office on Novembar 2th for the officiai opening of the ballot boxes. "We warc not in agreement on the totals on two questions from South. Ward lB. Mr. Lyle sug- gestad ha open the ballot box and count the ballots. Both Mr. Hughes and myseif were in areent, and there was no objection to Mr. Lyla doing this. The totals on one sheet had been put wrongly," Captain Colas stat- ed. Not With Intent Capt. Colas was cross-exam- incd by Mr. Ross regarding a dry advertisernant h ea de d "Liquor and Life in Montreai"j which appeared in the local press prior to the vote. This advartisement carried a statement by Cardinal Leger, Roman Catholie Archbishop of Montreai. Asked if he had plac- ed the advertisement in the newspaper ta influence the vrot- ers of Bowmanville Capt. Coles repiied: "'Certainly flot with in- tent to influence the voters in an undue fashion in the exercise of their franchise. Realv to bring their attention to liquor." He complied with Mr. Ross' direction to read the advertise- ment aloud. He admitted that ha knew that "gamiing dens, clubs where debauchary pra- 'ails and cabarets'" would not be allowed to open and multi- ply as the resuit of affirmative votes in the Bowmanvillc liquor election. He agrced ha knew such things are impossible undar the laws o! Ontario. 1 Mr. Ross drcw Capt. Colas' attention to the words "occuit protection" and asked him if he had not thought this would seem to mean that thera would be protection from the authorities for contraventions of laws. "It could be read like that," the dry campaign manager answer- cd. Ha told the court that the axcerpt o! the Cardinai's stata- ment had appeared in the Globe and Mail as an editorial on January Bth, 1958. He suid he' had received it fromn the chair- man of publicitY for the drys, (Gordon Ellott). ,,i put it in wîth the assistance o! people on thc Citizans Com.. mittee," Capt. Colas tastified. Asked what he meant by the words "keap the fires of passion burnmg"9 in the advertisement, Capt. Cales did flot give a de!- inition. Judga Kennedy drcw his attention to thc words "1sul- lied hearts". Asked by Mr'. Ross if he ba- lieved "pornographie sheets would, or could. be aliowed ta circulate ta spraad everywhere the brimstone o! hall" Capt. Colas said. "No." Healaso ra- piied "No" when askad if he thought such indecant literature could ba spread in beverage rooms. Capt. Colas admitted the contention of Mr. Ross that "'The W«ar Cry", the Salvation Armyl periodicai, was the only paper 1 aliowed to circulate in bavarageý rooms.1 "'Yes, there are a number o! Roman Catholics in Bowman-1 ville," Capt. Colas repiad. Mr. Ross suggastad ta Capt. Colas that the advertisemerit consti-1 tutes undua influence becausal the Roman Catholie is an author- itative church, and when its adherents read a statement by Cardinal Lagar, the second high-1 est R.C. officiai in Canada, it would have a great affect on them. "'Yes, it couid hava. Wc in- tendad ta influence the Roman Catholic vote and to stir up other faiths," Capt. Colas tasti- fied. Ha said ha had the ex- cerpt confirmed by thc Ontario Temparance Fedaration. Many Breaches of Act Among the irregularities on Novembar l9th set out in Mr. Hughes' affidavit and admittad by Mr. Strike as counsel for the drys were: breaches o! secrecy, failura to administer oaths ta poli workars, iack o! an election clark, iliagal opcning o! ballot boxes, insufficient elaction sup- plias at the poils, directions for guida-ce o! voters not postad in the vating compartments, fail- ure to seal ballot boxes, prasance o! unauthorized persons in the polis, unauthorizcd people pres- cnt during the count, over- crowding of polis, iniproperly recaived v o t e s, unquali!icd people who votad, and breachas of security. HBockey Nigjh t (Continued from vDage ona) Training Sehool for Boys' pool on Tuesday evening. It was tharafora decided that further registrations for the course will not be accepted. Mr. Rigg told the meeting hae is working on a survey now be-' ing made by the programs branch o! the department of education. This is a compre- hensive survay and will cover the activities of every organ- ization in the town. Bowmanville Minor Hockey players wili take part in the Robinhood Oats Tournament to ha held soon. Trophias will be given for the hast players. The trophies- wili be presentedj on Trophy night, which wiii ho heid sometime in April. The Mînor Hockey Mothers' i graup are planning to give tab crcsts to ail thc minor hockey players. This includes the Atoms, Pea Wces, and Ban- tams. Mr. Rigg told the meeting that the recreation diractors in this area are planning a teen ae bowling tournament ta ha held in Peterborough, March 2lst. Five boys and fivc girls from the teenage bowling group hare are eligible to perticip. I Plans are being made for the summer recreation progrem in Bowmanvilla. Applications for the positions o! pieygrounds su- pervisors will ha accaptad .now by Mr. Rigg. The training camp for playground supervisors wýl ba held at Quin-Mo-Lac, JuneI great and good end. bas, by thaï I very rasolution, scaicd the chie! barrier ta it.-Tyron Edwards. j REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanville MORNING SERVICE - 10:00 arn. - English EVENING SERVICE - 7:30 p.m. - Dutch SUNDAY SCHOOL AFTER MORNING SERVICE Ï FI ilBack To God Hour" Broadcasi CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.m. every Sunday 8:30 &.m. every Sunday, CFRB Toronto Mon (Continued fromn page one) age 26, Stockton Road, Toron- to, elso recaived treatment for cut and bruises at the local hoq- pitai, but later was allowad ta return. Young Mr. Gaboars is sur- vived by his wife, the former, Betty Patter. They wcre mat- ried iast August. Ha is also sur vived by his parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Geboars, Temperance St. and three brothers, Anthony;, Ryon and John. and two sisters, Neilie and Joanne. Ha came ta Canada with his family five vears ago from1 Eindhoven, Holland, and had' made many friands in Bowvmen- villa and tha district. Hae vas ta have received his Canadien citizenship papers et the Court Good BALL RETRACTABLE ACTION STANDARD REFILL Corne in House iln Cobourg on Monday.' Mr. Geboers was employed at General Motors, Oshawa. He rested at the Morris Fun- eral Home until ha was takan to church for his funaral on Tuesday. There were many beautiful floral tributes. Mr. Geboers' funerai was on Tuasday at 10:30 a.m. at St, Joseph's R o man Catholic Church, Liberty Street South. The Rev. F. K. Malane officia- ted at the Requiem Mass. The palibearers were Paul Laprade. Joseph Van Dyck, Hans Van Dyck, William Van Dyck, Rich- ard Krakenberg, and Don Cros- sev. Interment was in Bowman- ville Cemetcry. Herbert Bauter. age 28, the driver of the Buick that coilid- ed with Mr. Ge-boers' car, was charged with Criminal Negli- gence in Bawmanviile Police Court on Tuesdav. The case was set over until Tuesday, March 24th, and Mr. Bauer was remanded on bail until then. Opens quickly. Ties under chin. replace in its case. 25C Value W ax Paper Toilet Tissue Bath Sait s Wask Cioths Minerai Qi! Heating Pad Floor Wax ~PAPER NAPKINS - e White, Box of 70, -reg. 18e 16c 2ZFr31c WRITING, PADS Letter size . 0.a.a.4b . 49C A INote uize .....0 a. 25c CGLD CREAN I SOAP Reg. 2 For 2 for 29e, 6 for 85e 25c, 6 For 73c Af te Or cr w Easy ta 100 ft. ral reg. 31c Pink. Yellow White Jeanette Brand 5 lb. bag reg. 98c lects Off icers (Continued from page one) Hopkins, Bowmanville; Prasi- dent-Mrs. M. C. Fisher, New- castia; lst Vice-Pres.-Mrs. F. Raed, Hampton; 2nd Vice-Pras. -Mrs. H. A. Mellow, Oshawa; 3rd Vic-Pres.-Mrs. H. Fcrg- uson, Bowmanville; Recording Secretary-Mrs. T. F. Lean, Oshawa; Corrasponding Scc'y- Mrs. R. B. Galbraith, Oshawa; Treasurer-Mrs. C. Dolley. Osha- wae: Christian Stewardship Sac. -Mrs. D. W. Armistead, Bow- manville, Mission Circies Sac.- Mrs. L. Kemp, Whitby; Affiliat- cd C.G.I.T. Sec.-Mrs. W. C. Gibb, Oshawa-, Affiliated Ex- plarers Sec.-Mrs. E. Laask, Part Perry:, Mission Band Sec.- Mrs. W. Warburton, Oshawa, R. R. 4, Baby Band Sec'y-Mrs. N. T. Holmes, Oshawa; Associate Members Sec.-Mrs. J. Patter- son, Brooklin; Candidate Sec.- Mrs. D. Duchemnin, Oshawa; Christian Citizenship Sec'y- Mrs. E. Mountjoy, Oshawa R.R. 1; Commnunity Friendship Sec.- Mrs. R. C. White, Newtonville: Literature Sec.-Mrs. M.' But-. tars, Pickering; Missionary Monthly and World Friends- Mrs. W. Jeffs, Oshawa; Supply- R.R. 2; Press-Mrs. J. L. Pegg, Oshawa. This pen and the other items shown are only a few of the money-saving specials available during our MARCH DRUG SALE* M see ali the specials at Positive protection against math Harniless ta fabrics. I Reg. 2 for 27c Terry Clath Reg. 19e each 16 and 40 ounca Regularly 55c, 1.10 Save 96e Regularly salis for 4.95 I.D.A. "Easi-Gloss" 1 pound tin reg. 59e WASHING COMPOUND Tri-Sodium Phosphate A, helpful cleaning aid which [ssens your work. Can be usad n popular types of floor tile ind painted surfaces. Remnoves wax. Cleans paint brushes. Dne paund package___19C; pound bag damage. 59C 28C, 2 for %.5C 2 for 25%C onIy 79c 2 for 2ï5< 43c, 87c 3,e99 45c, 2 for 89C 1.1)A. ]Brand HALIBUT LIVER OIL 100's reg. 1. 15 89C Capsules 250's 500's reg. 2.29 reg. 4.29 1.89 3.49 I.D.A. Brand NILK 0F NAGNESIA K16 and 32 oz., reg. 35c, 60c 29c 49C TABLETS 100%s 300's; reg. n9e, 89e 29c 59C W m PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. 'McGregor, iWe Deliver Your Local ID.A. Drug Store Drugs Phone MA 3-57921 Quality POINT BUY A DOZEN OR MORE Save 2.00 on a BATH ROOM SCALE Reg..9 6.95 OnIy 4 Sale lasts until Saturday night, March 21, as soon as you ca n to your leisure. Keep your hair dry in drizzle or downpour! PLASTIC RAIN HAT PARADICHLORBENZENE Moth Crystals OnIy 19c PAM sulvm

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