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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Mar 1959, p. 17

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£=- wJ* Jn~cÂLiL , BJWMANVILLR, ONTARIO - __Aý uinte Cattie Breeders leur Optomis tic Reports )uring Annual Meeting uver two hundred farmers 1: id,.interestednperonstnu d- 1 Ai Provide top qualitY service to %d the aulnnueal- to~.-'p quality sires, thle associa. 1 1 he AnualMeeting of the tion la striving ta obtain prool RWQujnte District Cattle Brceding Information on their sires, even EAsocatlon on Marci 13 ini the mare tian they have .N.R.A. Auditorium at Belle. been able ta do in tic pasi. "Ville, More herds on production ts The jeain cvents of tic meet- In are neeessary in order to '9Were a speech dclivered achieve this objective. ý,y the vlsiting speaker, Roy At the present time, aIl sires ~nydèr' Who la Manager of the thet have ever been used by Weterioo Cattie Breeding As- tic Qunte District Cattle Foc iatlon. variaus committee tBredig Ascain hv wond manager's reports and a BsionCgAsprocition haneres raw for a purebred Holstein over otier tested cattie, by pri- ~eifer cal! wiich was given vately owned sires, o! more way.a a door pnize. tien 2 percent. On a large SMr. Snyder in his address numnber of cattle, this increase ý»elected tic toplc o! "Tic Van- in milk production represents slous.Aspects of Artificiel Insem- many dollars ta tic farmers. Unation and Their Importance, During 1959, approximetely .*ne ta thc Otier." Tic aspects 43,000 cattle will be serviced ývhIch he llstcd were: 1. Rate by this orgenization wbich re- *cof non-returns, or conception presents In tic neigibourhood ~eults obtained. 2. Tic people of 40 percent o! tic total cow hat are emrployed in providing population of tic six counties this breed improvement ser- tiiet are b2ing serviced froni 'Vice. 3. Tic bulis that arc used. tic Belleville Association. In elaboratMng on ecd point, ,le remlnded tic group tiat anc A Change of Luck could not bc oitained without Tic purebred heifer calf, tic other. A good non-retunn which was given away as a ýrate by a cattle inceding asso- door prize, was won iy James ciation was essential but tic se- Reynolds of Foxbono. This was cond and third points siould panticulanly appropriate, in tiet iiot be cullcd too sevencly in tuis member o! tic association, attempting ta obtain tic very hed lost his barn and uis entire gilghest non-retunn results. He herd in a lire not quite anc ,t-jtated that point number two, yeer ago. ,..people employed, was all Tie officers clected ta re- JWportant, and that if you have prescrit tic membership on tic ,good people, you will have a Board a! Directons for the year 'good non-returri rate and you 1959, which wene epproved on -will bave good sires in use. On Merci 13, are as follows: t-he otier hend, tic sires in use Durham Norti - President, rn-ust esteblish a satisfectory ion-return rate, and must de- be uls hatwil m- WESLEY VILLE 'prove tic ineeds concerned. Mr. Snyder also discussed re- Hligh winds, ramn and snow search in atificial insemina-'c on ad pontc outthatticare ielping Marndl ive up to its ariiilinseminatian industry namne o! blustening weethen. 'Is cantributing extensivelv ta Trdey rn's hflow ornd Fn-le zuch work. In tie neigîbour- teday niorgshgiwn he Jiood o! tiirty ta forty tliou- i. aksoe in 'spots so that tand dollars is being con- folk rcturning fnam town at r i b u t c d eci yer by noan, were stranded until thc reeding associations in On- -fOW plow came ta tic rescup. aria toward studies in animal 'Thei March meeting of the W. reeding and techniques invol- A. was hcld at the home of Mns. cd in artificiel insemination, Bill Ashby on Wednesdey eften- 38,641 Cattie Servlced noon MrchiIl, witli 13 ladies present. Tic business was con- Dr. J. M. McLean, manager ducted by tie president Mns. A. ftic Quinte District Breeding Austin, during which ten dollars ssociation, in reponting on ticwsvtdfr h urn e ociation's aciievements dur- Cwas vote for ie curreksntRd ng 1958, statcd tiat a 10 per- Cro ss mp'aign. inks and cnt Increase in cattle bred iad go ihswr ecvdfo cen achicved during tic pest Mrs. Hayden for her valentîne. car. A total o! 38,641 cattie An invitation ta share in tic Eas- ere serviced for approximate- ter meeting of tic Port Hope v4,000 fermens in the Quinte W.M.S. was accepted witi plea- istrict. Service is now aveil- uredrnoed conditions as elways île ta four dainy and tîrce woul determine those aile ta e!f breeds. Along witi con- go. nucd efforts ta continue ta Tic programme was in charget o! the leader o! tic gnoup for1 _ ticenmanti, Mns. B. Ashby. The tieme for devotions was "Trium-t phant Love" with Mrs. R. Bcst - - rcading the ecipture and Mrs. Harold Best giving tic explana- i tian. Falowing prayer led iy Mrs Ashîiy, Berniece Best con- dueted several contests, with of participants Mrs. Ashby an-v nounced thase leading would I receive a icautiful rcd rase fromn the floral centre admIred by ail tic meeting. DiscussionE o! the ways and means for as-V / -isting in dhurci renovation was continucd, during servin.g of * / efresiments by tiose in change. a Sunday monning's downpour9 put eaclamper on Sunday sciool f attendance. Muriel Austin con- ducted tic opening exercises un- til tic arrivai o! George Tufford, Scipture wes readi by Lanry Asiby, and tic girls' class was augit by Mrs. Clarence Nici- aIls ini tic absence o! Mns. Snell. t Rcv. A. W. Harding continued d, is Lenten serinons with the ' theme o! Tic Test of Disciple- B ship. S On Tiursday evening of lest K week sevèrel o! thc neigibours f' cent in to thc high school where arecital for tap dancing classes lie was held. Garfield Payne was a CE sailar boy with a group o! sail- R * or girls and did is part riglit Weil.L Congratulations ta tic Port M Hope High Sciooi orchestra. They won first place et tic mu- Cý sc festival in Peterboroughi last w Saturdey nigit. Tiose taklng is' part framn this district are Bill mon, wha gave a meditation on 'Prayer" prepared by Dr. Ho- ward, a former principal o! Al- b'ert College. Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. F. McL'eugin. Mrs. J. Slemon. group leader». called on the following prograin. A letter received from Mrs. Ar- mistead, Bowmanvîlle, who is Christian Stewwrdshlp Sec. of Oshawa Presbytcry, was read iby Mrs. M. Stainton, who also gave a« to M )y le re "e i- .e d d v Mr. and Mrs. Ted McLaugh- lin and family, Burketon, wer4 recent visitors at Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Wearn's. We are very pleased to report that Mrs. Gordon Yeo lias re- turned home from Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. Bert Norman and daugli. ter Sheila, Bowmanville, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrm. Ed. Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Walker and girls, Tillsonburg, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs, Russell Griffin. Misses Gail and Darlehie Mas- bers, Bowmanville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ra- Ipli Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Werry, Toronto, Miss Elenor Leighton, Bowmanvil le, and Grant Werry. were Sunday dinner guests of [Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill, attended the funeral of lier grandmother, the late Mrs. Jef- ferys, Colbourne. Mr. Allan Wray, Bowmanville, M4r. and Mrs. Don Lamb, were ,vith Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright. in company with their daughter [Miss Marguerite Wright, St. Ca- tharines hopped a plane on Fni- day night past, to visit three weeks with Mru. and Mrs. L. J. Bradford and son Bruce at Tuc- son, Arizona. We hope they have had a pleasant trip, Mrs. Brad- ford is a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Roy MceGiII, Mr. and Mrs. M. Stainton, were re-i cent visitons at Mn. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert's, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp and Linda were Sunday visi-tons of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue's. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tamblyn, Cambray, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Orm- iston. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wemr, Sandra and Sharon were Sun- day tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Oke, C)shawa, were Sundlay visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke. Misses Nancy Wood and Lois &shton liave ibeen iii with meas- ts, we wisli them both a speedy recovery. Regular C.G.I.T. meeting w-as held Monday evening in the hurcli with Pres. Doris Wright ýn the chair. Sec. Linda Stain- tn read the minutes. Carole Begley, Pats), Ellis and Mauir- en McNair .wcre in charge of Worship Period. Mrs. W. A. Lo- an who is directing the Mission Studv planned an action pro- ?ct with the group which is to ,nsist of a "Welcome Kit" for iteen-age girl to be sent to our art worker at Halifax as well is a money gift to missions. Mr . 3Anderson, Peterborough, dis- rict representative of the Na- aonal Film Board ibrought a novie filin "The Ný,ewcomens" id directed a discussion with e group at the conclusion of the li. nhe group appreciate Mrs. 'anan's assistance in operating he projertor. Plans were bc un or an Eister ,sunrisr -*ie ext meeting Apr. 5 with Bet!t' 'night, Carol Yellowlees P.n1 ath.ryn Slemnon in charge. Thc rîs will be arourid wîtli the nnual chocolate sale in aid of ýamp Pretoria. Meeting closed ýitli taps. Mrs. E. A. WerrY vas hostess the W.M,%.S. March 10 in the ternoon. with a good attenckn- c.Mrs. L. Ashton- opeied the ieeting witli prayer, followed y worship led. by Mrs. J, Sle- tc ei m gý as B. tpr ti( ai, fil Ni gil an w. to afl ce. e Tie Mai-ch meeting of tic O. N.O. was hehd et tic home of Elairie Romenil wlth a smell t group, ow.ýing ta bad we'athen and roeds. Final plans wcnc made~ for tic family dance April 3rd. Mrs. Pcwtress, Miss Stecie and Mns. Dick of Cobourg wene prescrit and showed a film, enswered rquestions and gave e talk on the coming Tubercuhin Test S'urvey whici wiil lic hcld in Bleckstock Junte 5 for ahi Cartwright. Jean Kytc agrced ta be ciairmen for survey witl Kathleen Dorrell, Nore--'n Malcolm, EMaine Romenil and Dore Martyn toaessist her. J A dainty lunch ended tic cv- cning and aIl hurnied away ion- 1 ing ta get home tinough the dri!- E f s. Tic Apnil meeting is- ta be held ettflic home o! Rena Butt and fie rail caîl is ta be a Hou- sehold Hint. Constrble ard Mns. J. K. Strang and Tom, Ottawa, spent lest week witi hen parents, Mn. and Mns. Ernest Lermer, 1er ira- tiers and sisten and families. Mns. A. E. MacDougald, St. Mary's. spent -a few days witi Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer. Donald Green attended theI Junior Farmers Conference in Guelph aven tic weekend. Mrs. Gea. Fowlcr la spcnding this weck with her grandson AI- ja Rutherford, Oshawa, vhl his parenrta are attcnding a Taxi convention. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Whccler and Dienne Hastings visitcd Mn. and Mrs. Glen Wieclen Satur- day. Donna ansd Billy Pargater, Pont Penny, sperit a tcw days witi their grandparcnts, Mr. and Mns. Mcrwyn Graham and uncle Roy. Mns. Ira Argue and Mn. Russel Spinks, Oshawa,, visited ticir sisten Mrs. Ed Dancy Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Lawrenson, Toronto, spent lest wcck with Mrs. Ed Harris. Mn. and Mrs. Gohdwin Feint and !amïly, Toronto, spent Sun- day witi her parents Mr. and Mr.Elrcr Archer, Marilyn and Jim, Whitby, ite Sis parents Mr. and Mns. W. Ar- cher and Mr. Deven Sund-ay. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Turner, Lorraine anid Janet, spent tic weckcnd with thein grand-par- ents in Winchester. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Mertyn anid boys visited Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome and boys, Saline, on Sundav. Cartwrighit 'C entfral Public Sciool pupils macle a gaod show- ing et tic music festival in Pc- terborough Monday. Tiey r e- ceived 7 firsts and tince second pnizes as followxs !rom tcn entries - lst rhîythm band Primary, lat triple tria, lst iboys' chorus, 1st I;irls' chorus, lst achool chorus- soprano, alto and bas: lst sc4ioolî chorus: lst two part echool cia r-I tis: 2id schooi chorus grades 1.1 2 aici 3: 2nd triple duet; Z'nd school chorus- two part- cles3 Air, Rail or Steamshlp TO EVERYWHERE Consuit JURY & LOVELL 15 King SI'.%V. MA 3-5778 Bowmanvllle Decide fo Posfpone Forming Police Force Darlingfon Township Road accounts amounting to Company regarding a proposed $4,159.54, and general accounts road. This campany maintaîns o! $2 1,058.86 were authorized a piping station near the Prov- for payment at the meeting of idence School. It had requested Darlingt.on Township Counicil a newv road. The Darlington. ield at thc Township Hall, Municipal Council iad egned Hampton, on Thursday eften- providing the compeny paid noon, Merci ti. A telegnam haîf the cost. In the cammuni- was rcad from tie Minister of cation from the firm, read at Municipal Affairs wanning of council meeting lest week, tie flood danger. It was referrcd company asked tiat the road be ta T. K. Stewart, the Roads Su- defenred for the present. perintendent, for appropriate A ylwsmartthon action. pAssdby thsmilr o ticancl It has been decided that the Towned by ircenty orathle Ontario Provincial Police wiî ToweniCoNcircengyomte continue ta Police Danlingtoitlicesing o!Nusin Hme for the present. A delegation wa-asd composcd of Reeve Roy W. Ni- Mn.. Rundie re.ported on tic chois, Deputy-Rceve Garnet progrcss nmade by Bowman- Rickerd and Walter Rundle, the ville Town Council regandin*g Township Clcrk went to Toron- engaging a dog contrai officen ta rccently rcgarding this mat- and- erecting a pound. Darling- ter. Tic Attorney Generai's De- ton and Bowmanvillc are sien- partment realize tic iandsiip ing the cost o! this undertaking. tic financial burden of organ- Derlington Townsiip Council izing a county police forc2 autiorized a grant of $100 ta would be, and It was decided tic Saivation Army. Council ta defer this matter. will iold a budget meeting in A letter was received from tic Town Hall,, Hampton, this tic Nonticrn Gas Pipe Line1 afternoon. theandon"awacs, iicane 0Wesley Werry, Hampton, Vice- it-etig gout fthvmg-a -Pres., Ralph Glaspeil, No. 4, îjtes, uturalan t orithe lig., fBowmanville. iuclua n itrcllf a Duham outh- Pesidnt, f te many nationalities in the Durlam Suth Preiden, ieig'ht islands included. leMcl McHolm, No. 1 Port Hope; Tw firtlne on Vice-Pres., Russell Osborne,.Too u tlne on Newcastle.' musicians, Maurren MeNair and D Frontenac - President, Wm. 1 K<athiyn Slemon favored witl, Simpson, No. 1 Kingston; Vice-i piano music. Mrs. R. Stenger Pres., Hughi Wilson, No. 1 neported on United Nations, Kingston. dealiuig mainly with the Berlin " Brighton - President, Her- 1 situation and the refugee prob- "bert Taylor, Hilton; Vice- lem in Hong Kong. Mrs. L. Ash- "Pres., Douglas Fox, Woolen. ton, President, gave a report of CamPbellford - President, the past Presbyterial executive W. Aylmer Petlierick, Camp- meeting held in Oshawa recent- beliford; Vice-Pre.s., AMex Mer. ly. A successful bake sale and rilI, Campbellford. lunch served by group 3 conclu- Cobourg - President, J. S. ded an enjoyable aiternoon. Macklin, Cobourg; Vice-pres., Rev. W. and Mrs. Logan enter- Wm. F. Moore, No. 4. Cobourg. tained the parsonage board Tue- Harwood - President, Wal- sday, Mardi 10, for their annuel lace Buttar, Gores' Landîng; election of officers and business, Vice-Pres., Robert Jibb, Cold and a social time was erjoyed. Springs. Napanee - President, Ralph Aylesworth, No. 5 Napance; BL C Vice-Pres., Arthur McLaughlin, BL C STOCKÇ No. 5. Bath. Consecon - President, Jas. WlT. Concert Broad, R. R. No; 7, Belleville; Those who failed to attend Vice-Pres., Morris Pulver, Car- the en-tertainment in the Com- rying Place. munity Hall Fridey evening Picton - President, Fred missed a real treat. The enter- Hubbs, Bloomfield: Vice-Pres., tainninent was sponsored by the Tom May, No. 8, Picton. Women's Institute and the hall Tweed-Madoc - President, displayed a "homey" atmnos- John Caskey, Madoc: Vice- phiene with the new drapes on Pres., Harry Coulter, Tweed. the windows. Belleville - President, Car- man Huffman, Conbyville; Vice. Mrs. Lorne Thompson, presi- Pres., Delbert McComb, No. 5, dent was M.C. for tie program- Belleville. 11 nme which consisted of two solos Sotirlin - President, Irvine 1 by Leonard Saunders, two read- Pot 0N. 3, Stir-ling; Vice-Pres., . ings by Mrs. Romenil. Mr. Gor- [Ross Jeffs, Stirling. don Paisley showed the pictures In addition tie following Di- lie had taken whîle on lis trip rectors were appointed as Bree.1 to Europe last stîmmer, also Representatives: Scotch Short- sorne local scelles. horn Breed-Russell Osborne, The B. and C. boys of the A. Newcastle; Hereford Bneed - B3. and C. trio- namely Bill Harold D'etlor, Stirling: Jer- Mantle and Clifford, sang two sev Breed-Arthur McLaugh- songs with guitar accompani- lin. No. 5, Bath, Ayrshire Breedj ment. Nine girls from the Pub- -Donald Kerr, Campbellfoni: 'lie Sdhool sang a triple trio, then Guernsev Bneed-Hugh Wilson joined by sevenal otiers, sang a No. i, Kingston, Dual Purpose [ chorus. Boti of these numbers Siorthorn Breed - Scott Gil- theV are ta sing at the music more, Tamworth. Fes tival in Peterboroug'h Mon- day. ENISILENIWI. embers sold candy.Ms helpedi on the programme. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin were, The annual Durham County1 Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Shrthor sale which was 'held1 Geo. A. Scott's, Oshawa. Thrsdey at Mr. Ferd Trewin 's Mr. and Mns. Walter Oke were ars1laktcprvdvr recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. successful. Tirce chantered buses, carry ing 117 members o! tic Worn an's Association o! Bey c Quinte Conference o! tic Unit e d Churci o! Canada tuniec off tic banc main higliway o toa enaraw, snaw-covered rna tiat follows tic winding Granc River et Paris, Ontario. Stopý ping et tic doon o! Tic Hous( of the Interpreter et the FiVE Oaks Christian Workers Cen. ten tiese delegates from eiliý Presbyterîes, Rrenfrew Prcsb.y tcry tic oniy exception, w-Er condialiy greeted by Rev. Be. verly L. Oeten, B.A., B.D., 1R.E., tic Centcn's founder-dir- ector, and Mrs. Oaten, tic hast. cas. After registration tic ladies esscmbhcd in iNew Hall whcre tic Conference President, Mrs. W. C. Ives of Bowmanville, ex- tended greetings, foliowcd b3 prayer and a sang test led by _Mrs. S. R. James o! Bowmen- ville and Mýrs. Neylon o! Hamp- ton as orgenist. Mrs. Ives tien organized tic ladies for tic routine o! household duties tc be followcd for tic two days af tic Leadership Training Course, Mench lOti and lith; and they werc given tic plenned agen- da for tic full benefit o! lead- ership iy tiose well quaiificd ta iristruct in the diffenent phases o! tic work o! tic Un- ited Churci. Under tic able leadership of Rev. Stan Tos2 o! Paris, thcy wcrc instructed in tic organi- zation and work o! tic Educa- tion Committee o! tic chunci, which shaîl came urider tic oversight o! tice Session and sheli report rcguianly tinougi tic Session ta tic Officiel Board, this Committee Is ta un- ify and guide educationel pro- gramme in tic Sundey School, and ail Sunday anid wec-kday Christian educetion activities !*n orden ta neaci ail cildren, youth and adults. Tic Commit- cee has supervision aven S. S. eciens and officens, thus sec- ng tiat tiey are properly quehificd and arc using praper esson nieterial and curriculum; also to supervise aIl otier lc2ad- nrs o! dcpertmcnts anid argen- zations in tic educatianal work o! tic Churci. Bible Study was led by Rcv. Beverhy Oaten, and Rev. Jane v"?nly Oaten, and Rev. Jane Boric, Staff Associete o! Five )aks. Tiese two capable lead- nrs led thc two grouDs ta seerci [ceply for tie real trutis in the teachings o! tic Bible, pointing out tiet witiout con- viction anc cannat influence, nd only a truc knowicdge will bring tuis conviction. Rcv. B. L.Oaten led gnoups in Spirit- eal Wonship studies, wicre uidance was given on mneti- )d o! prepering groups for tic xrsiip service, wiere aIl may ain a personal e.. -erience ar ýenefit fram tic t _.rvice. Tie h~ader must hersel! tnuly feel tic majonity vote and work ti t: L i uý g ae i- tie worsiip or sic cannot leed ia service o! worship. Sel! must f 1 be forgotten, so tiat tic wor- I- shîppers may be led ta teed ýd G-ad is nean; fan tic leader ,n mnust connect with tic Holy d Spirit and bring it dawn ta d touch ecdionc prescrit. More )- prayers siould be used in tic ce wansiip service, reguler hours 'e shauld be plenned wien ail the. i- gnoup pray et home, thus foi- ît in.- a strong prayer ciain. Mas. A. A. Crawle o! Oshawa 'e presen ed information on tic progrepýs being macle in tic new women'sorganzation of -o! tuis new orgenization wes beglun in 1953 and is icing for- smuleted, its goal is a united ewamen's onganization in tie Lchurci whîch wili kecp al .values o! tic prescrit arganiza- Y tians but furtier tic full part- nersiip o! men and women in tiec chc, thus enlisting ALL fon a total mission in tic ichurci, so tiat tiere will be onî.y-tic anc onganization et all Dlevels o! Conference, Presby- ft'eny, etc. Tic wank so tar ac- camplished in Genenai Cauncil wes outlincd in a skit by Mrs. A. A. Crawle and MAIs, W. C. Ives. Rev. B. D. Qeten cxplained tic purpase o! Five Oaks and tie greet work donc tiere. He and Mrs. Oaten anc devoting thiin ives to tuis wonk o! guidance and study fori tiose seeking a deepen knowl- edge o! -Christian life and e life o! service. Mrs. A. A. Crawle led a study period on tic officiaIs and onganizations wiich make up tic United Chunci, and at tic close o! the study pcniod e discussion tol- lowed enising tram questions pleced, ii) tic Question Box by tiose prescrit. In answcning, sic wes ably assisted iy Missi B. Wilson, cx-secretery for Dominion Council W.A. Mns. K. Chysdahc o! St. Ma- rys, Chairman of Leadership Educetion Programme Plan- ning of tic Conference W.A., in lien dynamnic wey rcmindcd members o! tic importance o! planning a programme fan W. A. which is not merely a busi- ness agenda, but ias a definite sîgnificence, and a ient o! in- tercst talal present; otierwisc tic Woman's Associations b2- corne glorified executîve meet- ings. Think, "Whet are tic aima o! W.A.?" tien ciannel tic programme ta tic aim - and reeci it. Use tic executive for planning and hendling bus- iness and organizational work. At the meeting, prescrt ticl workcd-out recommendations fon quick ecceptence or rejec- tion atten e brie! discussion. Do aIl discussing AT tic meet- ing, and NEVER outside tie dhurcih. Tiose wio do not at- tend, should flot criticize the work o! tiose wio do. Acccpt with thcm. Plan aIl program- mes months ahead. Mrs. Clyà- dale also stressed the import- Throughout alheicpcniod the skilful leadership and organiz- ing ability o! the Confenence President, Mrs. Ives was felt and appneciated. Thene mwene no moments o! time which wene not filled witli worthwhile in- struction. Miss B. Wilson and Mrs. Crowle gave guidance in selection of liclpful literatune ta be punchased and taken home for furthen study. -Mr. Stanley Bottir*g,. President of Kingston Presbytery, and Mrs. F. Dunnett, President of Co- bourg Presbyteny, acted as Courtesy Committee, and ex- tended thc thanks to ahl who helped to organize tiese two enjoyable and valuable days, and also to the leaders who in- It is six years since Fîve Oaks began operation, and fnom smahl beginnings tic building.; arc now vahued at $220,000. Thc spiit-hevei lodge, overhooking a wide woaded valley, -houses classrooms, librany, ciepel, as- scmbly halls, dining-nooms and other fecilities; tic main build- ing can eccomnmodate 80 dehe- gates; a motel unit houses 50; a propenty committee is mak- ing plans fan extension which is expcctcd ta cost anotier $ 100,000. Practically ahi build- ing îs donc by valunteen labour on work projccts. Tic facilities anc in usq at aIl times for re- treat.s, conferences, study cour- ses, and camps. Award Crushirr " on hfrsasitfn Rnal Timpsofastantde pertment o! iigiweys, was prescrit for tic opening of gravel crushing tenders et the meeting o! tic Derlington Town Couricil held in tic Township Hall, *Hampton on Thursday, Merci l2ti. Reeve Roy Nichais presidcd, and Coun- cillons Allen Tiompson, Earl Truil and Fred G. Smith also ettcnded tic meeting. Tic De- puty-Recve, Garnet Ritkard, wio is also Wardcn o! tic Un- itecl Caunties- was absent -on County Council business.. Tiecocntract for gravel erushing and stockpiling was awanded ta tieI-Way Con- struction Company. Thc tender for supply and application for FRED CROSS Roads Re-surfacing Comapaay, Chesterville. There wu a discussion re- garding an application that had ing on tie Town Line near Oshawa city limits. Two hydro engineers, A. Lusk, Belleville, and L. Ferenz, Oshawa, were 'present. The Town.ship Coun- cil asked them ta prepare es- timates of the cost, soa thàt full information regarding the pro- posal can be given ta the tax- payens. PARM T HROEATINGv IN '24 L£t-l 1,2 ' BLITz MONDAY MARCH 23 7-8p.m. This was a test between two groups This test was continued for two in Compositiori, too, Group "CA" of students. Group "'A" students years. Complete records were kept students did better. They wrote 'were given portable typewriters to more, they wrote more clearly and do their classwork; Group <B" cof the quality and quantity of work concisely. One student said, <It's used regular pens and pendis, donc in each subject by each group. easier to think on a typewriter." 0*4"Y $S 01 In addition to these great educational values, it must be remeý_nbered that in learning to type, these students learned one of the nio st practical skills of al-a rikill that is neuer forgotten. your Remington Rand Headq'uarters ýs .. youilocal REMINGTON RAND ~ DEALER for this fiType Right Awy r- LI1MI1T E 0 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA '- L. ~.. r7i -r 1I"NYRSAT*M& .lmt, Jse 1 Eught Presbyteries are- Represented at Five Oaks THE CAMADIAN qTA"-Quàv Each session was opened by a wanship service, those atter dinnen being conducted by Miss Irene White of Five Oaks Staff, everyone at the Centen attend- ing. The delegates were kcpt reminded o! thc spiritual life at Five Oaks at all times; five times a day they were called to meditation broadcast to al parts of the building and grounds by means o! loud speakers. Everyone paused and Af Following Stores: Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany Jhsns Drug Store, Newcastle T. J0fE»nwright,Necsl SBrown, Newtonville Por' Gen. Store, Newtonville C ethick, Ent!iskillen T. M SleonEnniskillen F. L. Byayn, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton Trull's Store, Courtice A. E. Ribey, Burketon Blyth's Gen. Store, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrreli, Orono Wm. Turansky, Kendal Henderson's Book Store, Oshawa House That Jack Built R.R. 4, Oshawa - Bowmanville Rickaby's Ltd. - "Big 20" W. J. Berry Jack's Smoke Shop ,Rite's Smoke Shop Goheen's Handy Store Jury & Lovel Oke's Smoke Shop The Flying Dutchman The Statesman Office ý Me 1 d% O.N.O. Club

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