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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Mar 1959, p. 21

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W~UDA!, MAL 39mb, t*U *C~ ~44~ ~ 4 ~ C ~ ~ YV ~U4*I*~i~I V .U.,.Lab, L5L~ Jft.p.L~J _______________________________ 9m É!Aw AnYA W *q'A'P-u!@,A w miA mmev i - -uv PAGE TWENTY-O>IU un-dyMaCh 20. 1. 8t. Patrlck' a 2eSoln Cenii nh~rh a',Marh 1.031M FblÉm's sta. Admission *.0per pIuOI. 12-1 1% notClaa Nesht'. Mus- en TyoneRaUl. Satur. ~~,Mrch21,sponsored >y nýsrnta l76c, ladies SOc. 12-1 ttarlo Farrnr' Unionuchre cerne.12-1 ~go every Thureday - 20 tegulay es, twm $36 jackpot r mu. o I ame m er $4.00. Parish Hall. J.p Jrouth bowm.,wlue Cv.b Pack are hç>ding ai% cuchre et Me. moai Park Club Rouse. Thur*- dayZýa4ch lotIt et 7:48 .. i A~nlsI~40e. LteIt. 1-2 Setielder Supper at St. An- drews Church, March 19 at 8:30 pan. Supper and film. Tickets $1.00, available àt Jury & Loy- als Chartran's Men's Wear, iBaik of Montrial. 11-2 Jack and MII Club, Tnlnity 'United Church, are presening Cornz-a-Poppmn' 1959, Town ROI, April 2, 3, 4. Admision 74e. Studente 50e Thursday eûly. Tickets available fromn Club nierbers. 12-2 WooylaCornmuffi7 Centre rtnoer Bngo Twety gMnes je .ntjy cohiars; fiveganes- ttty dolai'; $150 jacpot, end two jackpots et $250. Door pr1zes.Set Monday, 8 p ni lÏedflarit, Oshawa. 4 Basket Social, Ba&Uyd.uaf Church. Saturday, March 21, a Ad. uission 35c. School ag. and ladies with baskets free. Sand-P wlchp ad cotie avalable. XLted progrartmeIncluding on. at play "Bhotgun Wedding". 12-1 Tbe Women's »*uxiliary' of Xetýiçrial Hospital, Bownian- ville, welcome you to attend the mattual Tiosptal Birthday aety en: Thux'sday, March 1 , from ,j te %, the Lions Coni- inwtity Centre. We will be plesed to sec you and your Ccwds of Thcxnks To th ýe eommunity et Hamp- ton 1 would like to *ay thank yo"« theuseful gta I receiv- uy hower. Thankirg 16.~~ar1yIAnin. 12.1 1 wish to thqink the trlends1 who thoughtfully remnembered Me duzing the bereavemeni 0f M-y ather, Ernest Thateher Ja T ~Evelyn Beard. 12-16' would 1ke to thank niy relatives, friends and neighbours who helped make my 90th birth. dey a happy occasion. A apectal thanks for the many beautiful erds, jifts and flowers receiv.. ad. Mrs. Neitie Cole, <-nee Blackburn). Werdi canitot express niy tmaks and appreciation te rela- tivs, frienda and neigitbors for h. niay lovecards, letters, flowerstreats, telephone oeils end Inquiries, aIse for their vis. Its dqr'ng =y uta>' ln bospital. SDeeial thanka te Dr. MeKentie, ZD%--Arold and te aUl the nurses encist f fMenoins!Hospital, Mrs. Lerne Paeden. 12-1 b p W. owe a debt of gratitude te A anl our friends and relatives for thifr unfailing kindness during G Miebsels illnea. The many h~ thoughtful <its of books, Icys, C «te., carda and invaluable lci- t tari have brought great pleasure *ad comfort to us. Please se. epti bur loving thanks. Alan, Ileen. Michael and Kenneth Taylor. 12-1. hi 1 EPAIRS te aIl makes oet nw- 1 tsmachines. Fr.. pickup and jo WeIery. Laverty's3 Bar»¶n Cenre UKing W. PhoneUA 3.7931. 44-tf PC MEAHIS to ail inakes of re- frJuetosdometem en ee eilý; zý eooleýrs. ilig- eetic imied.38 King 84.Phone MA 3-3305. MIt Personal SAVE you 4 drinkirig probleni? Write Aicoholices Anonyynous,1H »«x 371, Bowmanvlilqg. 10-40 WXY P)TEL OLD? Feel years SOstreZ Tonte Tableta »Vtwu ailn spaI 40. owtoc. Ataudruc<glts. lm. RYOWNC supplies - (Rubber god)mallecl'postpaid in plain ueldenvelope witii pric*. L. Mxauis25c, 24 a1pe Iv.ubber B.,o 1,Ra=- Dio. Oônt. 1-52 Not ice Township of Clarke NOTICE TO MROPERTY OWNER Notios te boreby uvn i pteety ownesn tULte 3'7,1 and »lae Coessions 4, 5 as the oute «"«rMtte.etL thu Tmshlp» et CuI"** that tU C«eu IIet tâtaTowusblpq Clarke prepsespaustg a by-la, Io lesignato tbessii usesas&4 area of sub-oUvIaS eosarela te be known s: ^A IF SVu-DIVIUOI CONTIEOO NIYmUER eaeerdanet wil etii .tI2 4 q Tii. Planing Aci. 1555. Th wMllbe resi ent at il beelr Osueil Meeting te b b*ll in the Co.unetlChbawb QOIe.., suAvuil 7tb, 1oup, ?x e at lei 1S.M.Asite sais persmwtsiug te disu'l ibis by.?aw la Çuneil mai, 4 éo iurftg the send vesding 1 the rai preosed by-Iaw. N. E.R(ILLQ'NCleul Irish HoId Euchre The. Et. Patick'& Pay Euehr a111 Bridge given by te Cath oic Womqns Leaguein si Joseph's Parlih Hall onTuai 44Y evlenlng wu, a suecteuiu and enjoyabléeeVQnt. Thor were 23 tables of cucitre, dgh table* of bridge, and titres of Duteh card gamne called Jokei Uri. Stewart Chisholin wa ini charge of ticketa at lte dooz M4. Bert Payne wa4 the~ kit cheft convenor, amssted by Mi P. Verîcyson, and her daugh tçr. Miss Elisa Vericyson. cleliclous lunch was served b, the niemnbers of tht Catholi Wcnien's League. Shamîcks and 'the wearnn cf the greent' wçre tnuch mn cvl dencç ir' honeur ofthlie 417th o Irelan.d', St. Patick'& Day Tal lies& and the napkins for li lunch were deoorated 'witt Irisht symnbols. Tom Masterso: wot-e his tai! hat decorated wihI shanirocks, ,Joseph Cuc1i dahes hua green tain of lbi Royal Can an Irish Regimeni and niany green dresses, trim. mingsan dgreen îdes were worr by the card payero. Prixe winners at euchre were: Una. H. Itorder', Mns. R, Jarvie, mapie Grove, Paul La, prade, Lloyd Cragç, anid Mri L. Harticastie. Those who wor *e tjoker were Mrs. P, eltteveen, Mrs. John Bruina. mu,. Mie. K. RoUsi, and A. Vatderlielsi. Thtprise winneni MI bridge were Gordont Strin. Uer, Mi. George Young, Mns , .Stringer and Mis. A. Mil: Uing. Park Assn. Plans Tea With Bazaar At the. meeting of tlb. Mcm- crial Park Asociation heid last wrek uttbie club house, plans were discussed for the DaJfodl Tea and Buzaar te be held on April 4th. Ib. president Mms Vh Itionpom Is fihecnvenor. Mrs. Thcmpsnwas also ap- pointed Bno couivenor for April. Pinel plana were made for the Goodyear Hockey buet te bbe held on ?Zartit 14m. Mr". Rose 0v,ory waucaterlig couvenor for the ovent. Mr. and Mms How- ard Bradley werc narned con- renors of outslde property. PermIstion was given te the 1th Oui, Pack parents to use lte ýa11 at Mémorial Park club bouse n March l9th lor a euchre tM >hnson's Drug Store, N'ewcasle T. Enwright, Newcastle .3. Brown, Newtonville lrter's Gar'. Store, Newtor'v'1Ue C. Pethlck, Enniskilien T. XL Slemon, Enniakillen Fr. L. Byani, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton' TrulI'a Store, Courtice A. E. Ribey, Burketon Iyth's Gen. Store, Blackstoek Keith Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrreli, Orone Wm. Turansky. Kendai lnderson's Bock Store. Oshaqwa Hous. That Jack Buit R.R. 4, Oshawa Ickab Ltd. - "31<200 J. Berry Jmck's Sinoke Shcp Rite'& Sinoke Shop Goheer"s Mandy Store Jury & Loveil Oke's Sinoke Shop The Fiying Dutchma7 The Statesman Ofiee oe et de s te ;t- 8. r- as k. ri t] d. 9l Te With thousands of crippled children needing transportation to hospitals And clintes, schools and surmmer camps, the mem'bers of Easter Seal service clubs are special chauffeurs. Not only do they help the children in this and other wayu, but they also take it upon, thernselves te raise the funds through the Easter Seal Campai gn to provide the treatment and care so necessary for the handicapped child- ren of Ontario. The Easter Seal Dollars and the willingness of service club mnen and women to help these children make it possible to provicle assistance for more than 13,500 crippled boys andi girls of our province. The 1959 campaignrn ni Zaster Sunday, Mdarch 29th, and has a provincial objective of $770,000.guunutl on Lit e th" as a obby-Gardenint Tops of course, potatoes are tendei Few necreations or hobbies and t1he tops will freeze. But il car' give anything like 'the ia- takes them quite a while to tâ,faation ont d3rive4 trom gar. corne through- the ground, and dening. Golf la a lot of fuin li te meantime the weathen and se I1s fishing and bird wlll be warming Up. watching. But mewards of gar- BeCrulWt hs denlztg, as ont Canadian writer eCrflWt hs bas so well expressed il, "are Ini the semi-hardy groun, sunely among the mcii satisfy. Ihere ia a muai wider man.ce lng tai man car' enjey." To anid witi Ihesa ir' both tlowers pick up a handful'of richi! l1and vegetabies titre is na in the spning. tb plant some, hurry about plantix-g at ail. tiny seed, and lien a few days Most of ten will stand some later watch tie llny shoota ap.Icool weathen and even a nip pearîng, to see a pîctune ai ai froist. But tiey prefer bath colon aand beauly gradually un- wamm soil and warm air and folding throughoul the season ltre la ncthing te be gained titis .la real and full living in- inr planting them until we are deeci. pretty sure there is no danger And frorn a practical stand- of serious frost. In Ibis group point there is another greai ad.-1wlll be about hait the flowers vaittage. Ont doesr"t have toanard vegetables listed in' mosl sptnd large sums of man-ey oni Canadian seed catalogues. equipment, or lngheurs of Fiender titinga toe iawll praclise. There are no greeniytne hgstoeta wl tees, no clubs le join. With a jnet stand any frosl at all. few dollars for toals and les I mong the flowers are zin- titan liaI if r'ecessary for seeds Inias, peturiias, dahlias and be- and plants, one car' produce genias an'd sevenal more. In beauly eut of what was a bar- vegetables are melons, cucum- mer' Patch of soul, and 'eget- bers, tom-atoes, corn, peppers ables that "have a flavor in., and others. camparably superior ta any- Spread Them Out thutg we car' buy". And rigitt here ai lie starl Firat Planthtis ai a new gardening season it Il la muai t io early ini moal should be cmpiasized that with parte of Canada yet ta thinic lie hardiest or tic- most ter'- of actual planting. But Il wilI der, 1h e gardener who gels flosi do ne harm leo make plans and satisfaction neyer plants allite itlsh always advissble te eider seed et any fiower or vegelable esnly, while stocks are ample aI lite same trne. He spreads 1: and quality la highest. Con- o ut lte plantings making at veniently, most flowens and least two and sometimes threei vegelables divide themselvcs or four fram 10 days ta two.1 int three broad groups-hardy, weeks apart. In titis way hite 1 semi-hardy an'd tender. coverng bis bets so to speak In tie fîrst are tiese thir'gs for if tie firsi planting gets thai oar' be planted just as soon frozer' or washed eut on tramp- as bhe soil lu fit to work. They ed on, ite will still have anc -in' dor"i mind a bit. cf frost, in resenve. More important, he1 fact lhey preter to gel a starti will have something coming oni while te weatiter la really Ial bhc lime, fresit corn and cool. In ibis category will belj peas net just for a few days1 grasa seed, sweel pes, cosmos, but for many weeks and bou-1 and other tlowers that norniaily quets of beautiful flow-ers ioo. sced teniselves in titis alimaIt. Wih planlings well spread out rTe sooner lte first of titese go tht garder' should be blooming Li ir' the spring tic bebter. In and producir'g abundantly fram the vegetable Une ir' the same laIe in June unlil snow an-d group will be the final plant' wih a few special lips and .ngs of garder' peas, lettuce,1 short cuis whiélh you will be roniog, radish, spinacit ar'd hearing about in our n ext ar- Perhaps jusi a few bis of cx- J hcle, we car' add severai weeks tra early potatoes. Normally,1'ta lte normal season as well. Lands and Forests Weekly Report week af February ai titis wItt. ter, Ihere bas beer' 30 percent more sunsitine than ln the cent. parabla pcrlod lasi winter, le. 187 hou-s, af sur' te 144. Fox Attuks Dog-S. Simtone The siglit of a fox alinking anour'd bi3 tarin buildings last wcck, sent a tarmer oi *oulh Ops townîsbip, scunmying for bis gur'. Unable la locale Il, liè releascd bis dog la de battît with lte red aoated Roynard. Aile: a short fight lhe fox wasj khlled. The body bas been aeni away for examinatian ta. doter. mine If lte animal was rabid. lInthtir meantime, itowever,lte. dog has been put urider quar- anime. ilie fox proves ta have bean rabid and tie dog must bý destroyed, the farmer will doubhless regard his four dollar bounty pal-ment as smaîl cent. pensation for tie bass cf a good pet. Prices Up At Blackstock Shorthorn Sale The Annual Sale aI Blmck- stock, spor'sared by lte Durhtam Shcrtborn Club, brought lm. proved pnices, with bulis averag. ing $413. seme $62 higiter titan I lasi year's sale. Females, a good' lot,1 averaged $282, approximate- iy lie same as lasi year's fi"ur. Good Polled bulis, espeaially good type, Performance Tested bulis, were in demand. Top pnice of $550 went la Roy Piip, Pont Hope, lte purchaser beinig James Patton, Canninglon, Sec- ond bigi, $510, wcnltet John Rickard, Newcastle, lte purchas- e: being Milton Stainton, Bow. manville. Top pniced female, ah $400, also came frcm tic Pilp iterd, with Ken Russell, Unionvilie,t lie buyer. Consignors bt tis sale wene: John Howden, Columbus; La-. vemn Pailensar', Orono; David i Beath, Oshawa; Albert Wright, Nesileton; George Carson, Oro. ne; E. P. R. Osborne, Newcastle. John Carnagiian, Blacsok Hugi Miller, Clanemont; Garnet Riakard, Bowmanville; Ro Pilp, Port Hope; John Riekard, Newcastle, and Lance Beath, Oshtawa. What Others Say MODERN HOME DESIGNv Montres! Gazette. Many cf the suburbar' homes available boday are designed with automobile accommoda. tien taking fimal priority. The face of suait a home la blank garage doors, ai utreet level or slightiy below il. To one side, almost as at-I R.. n n- iýqn C-lassified Ads i1j The Cagn ROW sufAELv T31E FONT p ag 0ec a ne"s srbing tecltanUln<iie etipeea' ane t'vetU eus. ,Xfflntly.ui ffine dali pipra of Amerc jargest c&ly were au&pýended for I 111 g owlng to a atrike of delivry mont. In New York, whsre titis happsned, people sud Itl "wa like ?urr'îng on' the llght" when the. strike ended and. 11lampea agin appearect ')n lte sht. Dsvite newer mei- 4lur'~ uct S ra$io and TV ipeaple like, *and depend on, the presat tonrig-thenm the details Sof th rews. TAKE TM E FOlqT PAGZ 91 *"Toronto nrewopapeî 1which mcdally"caU~itsglif "Canada'. Naiontal Nqwspapen' for ex- ample. 1%'e cher day i it ad 14 atonies, only titruestcfwiich wetrt local. Th* ottior il rang. ed front Lr'dor' to Paris la xqvan4 and Ottawa in engin, anad were supplled by the great International rtews - gatitering agencies sucit as the Canadian Prisa, lhe Asaoçlated Press, anà lte ue'ivlled service of the New York Time.. TRE STORIES TOLt) et pro- gr.s4 of tho revolutiop n ub: of Ge.,eral De Gaulla's plans te mnake Franee 4 peut itatioan again, oft the rescue cf an ohl tanker witich aplit apart off bte Atlantiecamai cf etPrime Minis. tqr Di efqnbaker cariceîîîr'g a *cheduled television interview, an'd of the deatit of a 12-ounce premature baby in Chicago. Tiest were net all, of coursr-, bu he ugigest the range of lusi nerestInlitthei tonies. WIIWPAPERS HAVE OFTEN item termed "the poor mari's university', and there ila4 imes- sure of truthIth ie phrase. A popular encyclopaedia says tbay are "ixita tote public scitools the grentsi ecucational factor Inr the world." Bach issue is es- timated te haviz an average i>f tte readers. Consider the Influence of a publication which bas a circulion exceedig 100.000 c9pies. How mucit of ,hurmanià Iion la uitaped by lte luxas3 read en the Front Page, or In editoriale. a>e. CANADA RAS ABOUT 1500 newspaperlo, with about a huit- dred publlited datly. The rest art weekly or #sni.weekly pub, Imeationa. And titere is a varit difference l inte treatinent of the news by lte two types of paper. The. dmlly, cf course, la pmarily concerned with the tine element lin *vents. Il fea. turcs the n.w. and aer'satior'al nature of happenings-a mur- der, a tragedy of any sort war and peace, crme and puni.,l- ment. THZ WZEKLY NEWSPAPER has a difféerent field - but' equafly important. Perhapsi more se. It ia cltiefly local in' chunacter, and beconies a per- manent recorder of the com-, muily affaira. Town and coua- ty council, sohoci, church anid lodige - lts. art its parlih. People as Individuals are mir-1 rored lIn theïr many ways. lb IMnt pei nterested in the auatoa1 - knowing it will ail change agair' tontorrow. Its readers didit't ataritot take the paper tbis week. Il has been part of the household for years. BITISH A"D AMZIUCAN r'swspapers differ greatly ini lheir stylo and make..up, as any 014 Counlry:persan knows. To Canadian eyts il seenis strange le see a Lâondon paper with "éclaslfied" advertiair'g on the front Page.And i wthic ro-, XbJ AJ. C. Tv AAi1A, iA.5trci aL reterj1itr r.aougrît, 15 tne entranice te---------------------- jlte living quartera upsiairs. scopia type ltai atrainu lie Wolf 011-A Cure For lon thffe days seenis ho be the above tic garages for the auto eye e But tht British have hicir Arthritis?-By G. Buie severily cf aur winler. Cern- mobiles. "boc4 anad thunder" klnd, too. Irisad Wildlife Supervisor paring the meteomological me- A century ago, there was th*e£ver ste t:io *'News 0f The unsul eiusl orasitaceiprsof tis urdalttuitnn wwhsitte wnrswh lvtmis or aTicrime.on ciait Cardon Buie finds that many Jprt fIbsyerwhils, house and lte coachhuouse Wrd" ? Teiantis meo.dn wely uare reued for aslime tanlie was needed, liaI we are indeed above tbe stables. a ciratilaticit txceedling igit ary bbcetiefon ticf Landa a expemîencing a "goad old fa ai- million' readers. &nd tie Daily byteDprmn fLnsadioned winter" around Lindsay. - .Xai1 and thoexpMress can Foresta. la.c nt"l headlies Jiisl about Ont aci reutTheasnreeived oaisubzero days '"FUNNIES" ARENPT VUS" Tas icuci as their Yankee cauxi- laeit c w e e t a s eer'îyed lnhî ci of1957 was only terparts. yu ear aid ady a sir'quireigiffour, wiut ltecoldesi tempera- (Owen Sound Sun-Timtes) ** siea aold la, woîîil as a lf une beimg 8 deg. below zero, Atter ont has finished sean- .p<~z yfo remedy for a severe atlaak of, compared with 12 days of sub- ning the daily "comia" section ouTroallani" dcrMiedfrc e arthitlls. Tic lady bas been aci- Jzéro temperatunes and a very lte question Just naîuraliy pratice co ion a gen erai visd iataneffrtwîl b maie cilly low of -31 deg. (an Dec. cames ta mind "w iai bas hap- mo amoitg sane large cîy vlse thatn efor ail o l e ade 20h) for Decemben of tiis yea. pep r te ite comics?" Comic as dalie, cf eomm n agbenedtion toîffa o tam wlil, ora least ~Jar'uary cf 1958 iad just 7 sub- 1 de# ed by Mn. Webster la "te t21a01 ae3, of clorgth ed r.per renderdfat re whch ol iay e zero dayd witi a low af -191 excite inir h," "lte art of,,na- lna ameibu cfpink, o m ties Division af Researcht for hl e ii aur hetr hc rvksmn.Agreen - any caler. And at lhe ance ir' lie hope titey may be erur dropped below zero 12 present lte "funnies" ir' any of able la pravide fat frem teuiffeen days and on January t dailies or weeklies nuaithti bod cviy f ot i bcwoîve 26thtith coldest day aoflte' gamnut tramn serious crime, ÎOr- siffons through a harrasuing bhdy care issofione.otre iI nonli, bhe temnp. regislcred erations, flying itazards ciente tar jerber, and ends ur' feelinx ube a i 10 e fund oTr ttc -30 deg. and misundersîood children. only shsightly tntertained, and1 outslde cf a wolf carcau pr- This wlr'ier's snowfall far ex .Tic cdd f urny strip is complets- greatly relleved ltai the epocit ticlarv B ibs saso aithtceea ltaicf matwirîers ~ly lest in a welter af sad, worry has reacbed an en'd. howevcr yemr. Oil rendered tram lte fat sitowa by liese readings: Snaw f:lled, tragla and aitea Irritat- bitter. round lng talcs af modern berees an'd The apistal of lte fur'nies ls et raccoons. skunks an'd <roun- depth t a endi af December 195" - itenoines. A tew are really funny. uivensml, cone couli wlsh lit' hogs has long beer' regarded as, 58, 0 ln.; 1058-59 25 incites lacma dtt ppa ui .hadb i rcniedy for aprains, an'd es- Sr'ow deptat en'd ef Jar'ua.ny 1 aer i fsciaon lustwadmit.ngaI wîeas it bgîve us "scapthe pecially variaus forma cf rittu- 1957-58, 10 Incites, 1958-59, 20 -dera fsiainbywthnwrtr hgveu sa-p nialsin.Tits is hoever lit inhes.Sr'w dehit r' ebru bgo day, lteiteroine or hbo rca" comics. Tnibute Iln great mtiI Th lim w bvehear cfhaar 4h , 1957-58, 15 ion es; anc gotineugit criais afler crisis,1 lots ls due te lte few wia mati- use fer walf cil. Every effort 1958-59, 31.5 incites.on feels ccmpelied ho seethIe. age te brigiter' an otiterwise wl eptartla obtain theI current story thraugh t te Is end. heavy page of "camiac stnips." wol il fore put g ead , One chezrful note on r But they aren't funny . . . Of course ent musI aaknowl- anl ahfrti ae ay a e dre seldomnfesmvdt dethtte"une, un we sincerel, hope il gives he, tews o n nw ~ el ee etg iilt fnis"tna lte relief aie secks. . lis tiat this car aid Sol bas roar Pioud with hearty laugit- or otherwlsc. are still amang been inost faitiful in bis ap- tcer. Ratite:.tey are lîke lhe ltse mosi wldel.y rtad fealuresi The Weather!-J. WaddellI pearances. In' thc month ai De-c- unrent a-un cf iteavy drainas oi the papers. and will likely 1 1l'h main topie of conversa-.'cember, January sud the firal on television, ane watciteu, oe scotinMe té o e». Addition Inspection A Meail inupectionunit been establlshéd jin Saint J SectioCnd kame A= ~ tre theiinew wlU aiso ovrstores li Il ton andi Fredericton'. It is theq lSth unit 10 be up in Canada asie* 1954, Wiase thé total itumtber rnitetncntesn d ameas =r41t11M. $pet Choke Spot checks are ziade ol oe f tbood on retail à %Pl"Vtb-4alry product& 1 anid vegqtables, meat and p try pmdilet4s-to ensurts =4314nW up te established g sUntdsr4a. I la-te final ttpeetoc iNewspapers to R et ail i Unit s ithas foo poduaIs befasethey r ohn,c CropePd ito lie shoping baak- Ltin, 1te cfho us w v itien For each store, on a national aI af average, ltre ame'500 peo le And ont inspecter serves phe unit reeda cf approxixnately 100,000 foc- people. Stores Coeperate a a.ih Dr. G. B. Miller, bead of ltsé and section, says retailersarae co- r oi operating fully înd thework in cov- showlng neaulls. More imita are esndevenlually te cover clen ly populèted areas ln On'- t ail tarie. Furtiter, unils already store citabllshtd wlll be expanded. fruit UnIls are operatlng _new la 1ol Vancouver, Victoria, Edmoniton, rrade Wtn 'pg Tomnte, Hantilte Loion, IndEr. Otta, al r tfx ro i aat o, gamne lime te ue bazu'e1 dividual rdte old run "rearners" jin type of mon*s- iu.-Cobourg Stntinei Star. trous size. The térin amue r.- lqrred to the "treatmient" aiobte news, witich oflen was 1"sîmut. a tri" te suit the political bias of o eot théneappe. iecethetc. H pression wus one cf conlecnti1 on thetpartaolte publie, adlild iteant tl;at peaple placct littho rellabiîity on the content et »Y C. J. Nersis fltWs. Ite edîtora of the federal * 9 Sgevernmnt's Labour Ga7ette CANADA FORTT3NATMY have perforxued a xood servie ha few exemiples of 'yellow by publialIlng reàultp cf a sur- Journalism". Mfoat of ournenws- voy sbewlng liai profits ta maxi- papers, daily and weekly, &et a ufacturers Ina Canada lasi vear bigit standard in iandling stor- a%'oragcd 3.2 centis en saab dal. les Ire.e cf prcjudico. laithlt an at sales. As puat publie ov' maini our papers give an lim- inior' poils have established, ; partial coverage 91 bot local traaJorlty of aisople itold to the anid world news. They are lte aistakeii Idea that In rmang- Publia safeguard againtato.ul facturnx "The Boes" rnaikes at arallc actions b3r public bodies leat 25 cents or' every dollar's anci publie figures. worth of goods he shipa out. * * * "Me.Boss" could waishit m er* PWRAPS TRIC PIR 1Id1îtrue. exoaniple ef lte "Yellow" prQsa,, Silice lte Labour ftepart-ý soCallcd vas bbc chatn of Ain. i mneit'@ montlîly magazin'e xf- enican âamies *owned by the onces the tbir'king cf itundreds laie William Randoph gl.tonît ai $n officiais, who lI turii Mr. Hearst accauired a vaut for- 1ltluer'ce theq tblnkinx et thou- tune from biis ownership, and, sandu cf wage-eurners, the Gaz- th. polilical power wblch he elle article aliould go a long wielded (maaiy thougit unscru- unleiretanding of the trutit pulously) wai eninmous. way te im'proviitg wide-spi'ea4 q a lfte ceuml profit picture, NEWSPAPER CFAIN$ are Ai4, witlî 1,500 union eoriratte -t net peauliar taete Amonican jup for renewel titis year la i î scene iowever. Iii Bnrilsin, Lordl Canatda, tat could be vital te Kemrsiey built up a "chain" dl un'dustnial peace arnd te every- about E,,dazen papern, niosi mno.1 on*' hope of a holiday frein1 ï table of witich was-tlisLondon. iihg li'eing casts . 11 Daily Sketch, a politically Con- Ini brief these were the findl ý servative orgai ' . In Canada the Ings of tie survey that covered. outstanding example et chaixi 1,069 companies with total net ownership is thc sornething i sales of nearly $9 billion. About more than 20 dailiet belogn 13 per cent, 139 companies, op- tQ Roy Thomsont. Tht Theom. eraled aI a loua ir' 1957. Avez- son string ir'cludes papers also age profit for te year wag It Flenida and (of all places) 3 .2 cents on oaci dollar of Ediniturgh, Scotland. The Thom-- sales. Titis compared with a sen newspapers do neat express 10-year average profil of i5.72 polilical blas ir' electionz. cenits, a high t a 7.1 cents Lat * O 1950 and a iow of 3 cents lIn THE SMALL-TOWN PAPER, 1952. and pariicuiarly lte weekly, Ili mamitactunintq, whiait ta hieu a definite noie te play In' tht noew Car'ada's principal 1ndushi7 * commur'ily, and may wield an an'd employa one out of o inifluence far beyond ils Immmcd- working Canadiens, profits &re iate area. One tixinks of te net toa bigla. Peritaps they ar;;;e lite William Allen White an'd not bigh eneugh, wiih inflat4*orL , the Eimporia (Kansas) Gazelle, maaklng te ianui'aclurerlpsy-, witich he made the moi-quioted muai more titan 10 yearsagoaRe amaîll newspapen on Ibis con- fer nepair, replacement or ex- tinent. White's opinions carled pension ef plant and .quipment weight at lhe White House, and Just as tic individuel persoti were read by editors fram coama pays more for vlnlually everY& te Coast. lting he buys. Peritape that ha" 4 *cebeen 'a major cause cf unern!- A COMPARATIVIZY NEW picymeral,fo the j ob-areating deveiopment In newapepers, ai expansion etflatdustry resta pni. leastin i North Ameria, lathie naaily or' its *bllily le ploir 'tableid" sheet whlch la largely profils back Inc business. a pictonial sheet. Exemples are. Certair'ly manufaclurinu pro- lte New York "'News" ar'd te fits do net stem enaough te> ab- "Mirror," bot dailles wlit cir.I sort atuother gêerai round of ~ culations of approximately two wage Inaneasca. &nd an the J million copies. Other large Iremiizaticnof that f act hangt cilles have lte sainie type.J the hope of a holiday froin, Brilti odels are the Londona more inflation, front higitea Il. "Star" and the "Sunday Pictor. ving coai, and a dollar ltai lal." T1icse papers aUl feature buys les. Main Office and Showroom COUITICE, NA 8-1121 AZAX, Ztnith 2-9860 I i I Iiews ln capsule forrn, and con- cise editorials. A WGHLY SPECIAUZED) aspect of newspaper work in' recent years has become the "celunmist" who expresse« a pursly personal viiew of thinga. Ini the political field perhaps the two best known Americar' côlumniosihave hem women- Dorothy Thomnpuon and Eleanor Roosevelt. Then, of course, there are the host cf 'gossip ped- diers" startlng off with Win- chel ad Dorothy Klgalieri. These people are net "report- ers" ln' the true sen»e cf the word at *IL. They are retailers of Juicy niorsuis they pick off througi t teir stoones. But,.if this sounds jaundiced. it niuai be admitted they have millions of readers. A" SO TT GOES, the. news- paper inirrors man'and his In- tersaIs .ý news, &ports draina, women, business - ai~i ln th& *ver-oharijing comnplexlity of thor rlaton. .Ev*rythir'g le Imtportant," 4 famnous reporter once reaiarked. And seo h la te isomebQdir. And tbat's why, we think, there'Il always be a pîsce for lte weekly paper. Its OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS STOM EAKS Below Gradé For Ail Building Needg Oshawit Wood Products Llnut.d I * 9 PHONEs TO SERVE YOU Do wntown Oshtawa 81 Sf1001 $7. S. &A 8-1017 BOWMAN'VILLE MA 3-2130 Tbintrii-i 1 we-1 1 1

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