*' i*. t t" ~ 4 d 4. n '~ '- ............... .. .. .. ...... . . . . lut7 '"n7TTN STATESNi T.A O"Vt,ANTLL. ONARTO p-4m " Liberals Pick The""ýz h . ý For Annual Meet. ~ Plan ta DitrbLn~~ À lugertpre.entatlve gath- SLd»zu]s of Durham n1fty stodda imeeting of 1» È*èmtve of the Duham Cbdhy Librul Association held IA*-NM Odé low Hall in Orono ~IIoI~bvenifng, Mareh 9, RUU.Pteslnt Elmore Scott of NoeTdwtmhdp wesas rman beMtes elect.d to the An- MMU MeUngof the Ontario Li- L Asoiation In Toronto on éPi,1959 were: E. R. "Ted" ONWwdlOrono, Provincial bi,êk EC. R.Lovekin, Newcas- ,ýiA1Ue Cleary, Port Hope, UeKent, Bowrnanvllic, S1fn e Sufly, Port Hope. la affiWon the Ltberal can- tbfWâ n . past elections, Da- V 79daftI Russel C. Honey Mfl *k'@fIldo delegates to the ««OVOI QMt. Alternêtes elected *ft William Bragg, Darling- 1«4 Eý1nO3* Sôtt, Hope; Harry 'Vade, Clarke; 'lb'nnas Wh-te, 17~OlIrrank Riekard, New- m gi*N@1eii Malcolm. Cartwright. Tne rneetinrtg decîtiedto altel a drive for îere . vt Associationwt.:.I all persons fi>" " in a Liberal C "t' ," arlo will :n'.v ' withthe on ,» e.. the flear Iýti t" t'sl bers of iho xr'"e Kv be o:oil Ù- i'; vi ti from thse ttih ,j'i t ie cards wil1. the fr îcnî' pi-ign. Spe,,.ker '/ ,-*n v E. R. 'Te-d" ..t, 'i vised il'ils at 'i ' 12I,, wvas a trcis'l l. f ' t' it'. ' ais in On! ' î , î !o,,, : - ', advanttst'o e , "b'i i <' explainnfine"tà* Frost Gsi. showing .î:. to gve tlhe p' ei t.'t er for' 17 ' bisre cr."'s' r',', ~ * 't' '~a~ 'il' 5~ t 1-' t t' ' i. t' "t t"..' 'i. ~ i., .1 li~ Il Corne in and Con3!5':-f T'he nov station wagon wL niroom for the ieasî ~ 1LimryService Free To A Il Town Citizen s of bts lt"t rcr~arvfor t!,e ,n- it\'V tk: " ut t'hat a biiY ik 0, ti ( f! bc 0-* z,. .'t' eî, n c' Liiu -y vv eeK, Iî ~i'" ~--~"~~ i Te o I nmx nisfld PiUbliLi- had been submitted tota hricirt t: t 1 '. ' t ler Ille p"oplc nt, board. 'Miss Higins imoved - " t' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r- 1- 0,,t, .c **"*i ~r~ :'~ mî':ibî'r"'sîp that accouints be paid. This vxx, 'w , i iC aH m-,p'iiite,, e tsecondied by M.Thompsonan oF (icb' 1bo arried. * . ti uîi tTher ~S It wvas annotunced that Nation- iw) ai nor !i piopl tri join, al Library Week will be held ur . d ter books is this ycar froin April 121h -ta * . t.i ,, ' I "tM' e eit vn qApril l8th. Mr. Vice and Ur, 1' "' ...,'t'c c be Hanlyn wvere appointed to bc C' .:î;" reît" anunt-in charge of publicityfc(r lite to,,i g)li',evernt. Itwuýas decîdQd t "kea * . vr i.,,Lvii '. vt'li' e Otquarter page ad\v, rti.icrn 'at in; :_", Ti)(-the Ar t meof The Ct " -! V '.î rs.,ioer 'uitUted.the e _liIl owing Iibrairiitîn's r.îe t liii .½ i t < fer a Fcbruary: There imere 1,2"N r ti " eiuer- b iooks of adult fi,'tion d'rul" in a: teape ergi" ex- the rnonth. ant 4 j n.'-l, fiction books, a C!,l17 . ' e ~met'>g ' 'ee: This is "'n îîera'c't'"Ae kl)ui':vr1 Ci o'-. v; i " " Nte Il(e total nuiýr nr tf bf'. n - j 'V Dippeil, ]ated, 1, i9 ini Febr'îtt"". i '2 t -" "-"i *tJ", Ue CW A Th le librarian rii' îtt i..' " .3 ' . I . r .'tOd te lhec e ere 261 ni' m 'u ttr * lontncludling throe rA :4oite:.z Ji! "i, ~ .' é. . . .71,-'i ti t F et ruary. leu, be% nnd . tI . i "e tîîinagarin"'s on the rhelvi nttrk i i î 'l'il' ii 15 f. and lvte e i f) 15 :1 - t d ix'crcd from th'e (e i' t".?113oo9k Sric.Ttse N N'atdini simiil ih ""vi'-,," 4 k. ,~ ~ r, p0 'ci 'îL~'î. h' s Disuce u PioL'~TA" c 2 'f ~ 'rHURSDAY. MAIR. 101h, 1958 and within two to three years the labour force would ra:% 1M'anv other features wer4 îEC'ýCusscd and a followup is be in- conducted to, endeavour ! forni the Investmnent Co4pr.ý tton 'n order that the building LEi.i be cons!ructed. Ii c ien iustry is willing to slgn a1 'e- -car lease with the option o pu'rch-i"e through a rent. :..ase bas's.-Times. ?'Ç Ir TPLAN Mln a PersonaI licequing :!incit witl hclp you keep 1 tc kîw ser' ice charges Ied lhequeý, arc on file \ ttifer ~iî Add to It i .Iis egri.o v, you'It gain trit Our nearest branch now. "i 41. i '~ ,--.~ ~ ~'. i m t.' k p'~t""vi 'il £' ~t "i t .k~'~~'jj ~ i. .4 ,'~-, ""i "t 'i i C' i l~ id 't i i 't"-. -'4 J' 4' i~i 'i ' ' ' I 'v . î" ". ~ii:nirl ti vs ' ' 'MIýiIc n. s us aweivt .;tirCe il"' 'I'ii il "i i it"'i" t t'tt' '.1 t' L,'tit I.SS'C t~ 'i. I k I :'I:i ta - r; 'h I 1' - ""I-'4/DIAN s' f-,lMMERCE ACiZnSS CANAD'A TO SERVE YOU AL. HOOEY, Manager .5-J. C. PORTER, Manager t'-. --""i.'-, "t s' t I i i ""s f." t' "I it .~ .'. "! OUPRICES ON NEW LARK MOSELS START As LOW As... - 4¶t -- 14 [vit lit 21> p cii. t" MORN!I t( ht 'e"" i ' 't' l'i"lt','î t' ' ' i i 'i - ~ ,t<~ c J j ~ i i ' """'i fît '1. on (31' lie. 'i i i "t "il ['iii" i i 'i i i af't'lsuscci t,' i "t'e i lit 'i i' i. 'iii k> ~ I 3 'i h '-i An automatic electr'c u'riter iuut' gives you plenty of hot wvatei'fr :4 o housgehold needs. and ou.-ck ccve' when more hot water ; iV. ix1 .. for just a few cents a day. lvu betr..ELECT!ŽT 4tfeae, )MJ, l Jl i 'o i EOWNAYJLLEPIJBL~ ~r;~" "1r --"Il 74 iMan VL'T f " t t' r . ' ? - i i il 'il i ' 'i t 'i titi uIt' tif 't 'i t i.,,t. 'i f ' i t iii ileti oit lit.. 'i i i i 'i ~i ~" t 1' 'i~ lî'itil 'e rît i'~i iii I ' t, i 't t, n istil 'I i tii iii ~î'i1'. A. i ' il I lii il (i " t' <lilit i 1' i' i " jit tt t i'ii .~ ~ il îh't tht t ,lxi i t 1 ititi t i 'i i 'liii t 'i ' t il n i'i' il' ' ' i i ' ' iii .~l Il K ' ' . ' i " ili t CT "i' 'i i .11 t 'i I I , i t 77 il N 15 J i r""' ""s "~N ~' t" t i " 't t' 4.4 j i ' ~vit~' S] ii'i IPresident Don Maroden, [hiolue: MX L3-û882 i "i Ç1I~?~ i .11 L'~ Z."' 7 r.W- 23 'i ~ "'~DCROSS sor 'i ' ' j, b- - k~-' ~ ~' ~ y i 4 I I I s s 4 --ý1 V 1 rl r, ý Aljl ý'l , Iri, 1-1 zw P. 0. Box