PAGE ETGHT B& P Members Hear of Trip To Seven Countriees in Europe Members of the Bowman- Cross, and also spoke o! the or- They left New York in the af- ville Business and Professional ganization's aims and ideals. eno adflwtGner Women's Club hjoyed an in. She e laiedth the Re t ernoondand, fle te Gane ofesin a cop to sen urpean Cross i o in complete charge i xas refuelgd. She showed a of atripto evenEuroeanof supplying blood to hospitaîIs slide of the plane with its hap- Countries. It was given by Miss throughout Ontario. Mrs. Mc-i py passengers. Leslie Luffman of the Bow- Nulty told the meeting that the Shortly after the plane left manville Post Office~ staff, at Red Cross Blood Donors' Clin- Gander, dinner was served and the dinner meeting of the club ic will be held in Bowvmanville, those on board watched the held at St. John's Parish Hall, on September 25th.1 rugged and picturesque Outly- She illustrated her talk with Sh2 pointed out that evervm ilnd ffte1osto.Nw co&oured slides. service organlzation is being foundland recede fromn view#* The president. Miss Madlyn asked for 25 donors for this Miss Luffman told the audience. 'vWilcox, welcomed the gueàts cljnic. Jack Bishop, is the She said the plane accommoda- and gave a special welcomne chairman of the committee in tion was most comfortable, and back to a member, Mrs. Mabel charge o! the Red Cross Biood the meaLs good. ]Bognell, who recently returned Donors here, and Mrs. McNul- Arrivai At Amsterdam from a six weeks' vacation in ty asked that a iist of 25 vol- California. The guests present untary donors frian the B. and The plane arrived at Amster- were Mrs. Benson, grandmoth- P. Women's Club be prepared dam, Hoiland, at eight arn. the er of Mrs. Florence Tornlinson, and sent ta Mr-. Bishop. She foliowing morning, Miss Luff- who is a member of the club said that volunteers wiîî aiso man told the audience. She Mrs. Thelma Colins, and Mrs: be needed to check coats at the said that the tour started irn- Marlon Farina. clinic and help with the te-! mediately, and the sarne buses Regret and sympathy were freshment room. Were used throughout the trip, exprsse by he resientre- A beautiful bouquet of red going fi-rn Holland ta Belgium, exred y the nuisresieni-ed tulips, daffodils, and iris cen- Germany, Switzeriand, Italv, tha ring theinjrs Mrceied i' tred the head table which was Monaco, and France. Later the a mto acidnt ecntî. n lighted with tali tapers in crys- tour went on to England. a mtoraccden reenty. issta, ca ndlesticks. Ahl the tables Visit Dlamond Facfiory Wilcox told O! visits made to were effectivelv decorated with In Amsterdam, the party vis- taris , O t.,therlet spi-Eas ter eggs, bunnies, and chic- 1ited a diamond factory and tan pais, Ont., hereshf t1' kens. Miss Wiicox thanked Mrs.! were shown through the varlous a paien, b memersof he Mai-ion Jeffery and Miss Edith dprmns h pae ad local Business and Prafessional Laatette pae ad Wornen's Club. Miss Wilcox aycock, the piagi-arn conven- She told of the work of select- als satd it rgrt ha Ms.ors, for the effective decora- ing, cutting, polishing, an.d els sttedwit rgre tht Ms.tions. She also thanked Miss matching the preclous stonas, Ina' McNaughton is iii at her Dorothy Vutue for looking af- and rernarked that it was fas- Ao unQeenStreet. adeter the tickets. The Guildettes cinating to watch. Amsterdam hat themh nternaonaoo St John's Church catered is one o! the greatest diamond gres o the FedInernational on s- for the delicious dmnner. marketing centres in the worid gress ofnde P rofsinloens- Two iovely selections, "He and the cost of buying a dia'- Clus anillrbeshenl in'rs, Can Turn The Tide" and "You mond there is reasonable. Clb il ehl i aiWill Neyer Walk Alone", were Seaoeo h obe France, fi-arn July 2th to 25th. sung by Miss Carol Plummer. sretsp of the cty, a d i The Regional Canference will Sesa carpne n te ft e ardto walkdupon. be held in Trenton for District sh a copne ontehywr adt aluo. 5 and 11 on May 2nd and 3rd.paob MisPCehm. Motoiing through the Dutch AsksForBloo Doors Speciai Interest in Germany countryside the following day Ask Fo BoodDonrs Miss Edith Laycock introduc- enroute to Belgiurn Miss Luf!- Mrs. Mel McNulty, the B. and e<1 the special speaker. Miss man said the landscape was P. Women's Club Red Cross i-e- Laycock said that Miss Leslie typica] o! ail the. h ad heard presentative, toid o! the fine Luffman had been a pupil a o! the Netherlands. She spoke work being done bv the Red few years ago in ber German o! the flatness o! the land, the ciass, and while iearning the dykes, and the many windmills. language came La take a speciai World Fair In EBrussels interest in Germany. LasL sum- In Brussels, the capital city Be Prepared mer Miss Luffman loured Eu - of Belgium, the tour enjoye .d i-ope, and during her visit to a visit ta the World Fair. Miss Germany spent sorne tine in Luffman told of the exhibits for Cologne and Hiedeiberg. and the impressive buildings The tour left by air for over- beionging ta the different na- ,eas from New York on August tions. She showed pictures of Spin T awth 2and1 eturedeon Segrm-the Canadian, American,an by Jack Vinokur, wbo is him- Thailand building was truly re- witha self a civil servant, and 84 Can- mai-kabie. The slde showed it adian federal civil servants cîearly. It was built in a pago- made the trip. The cost of the da shape like a Siarnese temple, tour was ail inclusive, and cav- with a white base, broad white ered the ai-plane flights, hotel steps, and the upper part a U U,>expenses and transportation glittering goid coiour. D U R Othrough Eurdpean countries by Slides also showed the Colum- chartered buses, bus Hotel, Brussels, where the Miss Luffman said that the Pai-ty stayed, the water faîls Su mi Pu M p pas-sengers who boai-ded the at the World's Fair, and places Su m p Puplane in New York at the start o! bistoric interest in Belgium. o! the tour, were from every Cologne was the fi-st city visit- province in Canada with th e ed in Germany, and Miss Luff- Wlth 25 feet of 1,4" plastic pipe exception o! British Columbia. man told o! the sections that were heaviiy bombed dur-ing the war, and showed slides. She was enthusiastic about a Mu NE rboat trip the party took down the Rhine. She said iL was beau- $4 8.50 MAVAILABLEFORB tiful adpcue-utewd N ORTGAGES ste wr prh s idesnte maunitains.é J~~~~~1 ACK ROUGH Ini iiHiedeîberg t JÀCK BIIf B LPH lS). UJONESa Miss Luffman toid o! the par-a PLIJMBING and REATING Barrister and Solicitor ty's stay in Hiedeiberg, andt saa showed excellent siides o! the le Divlitn Street South 65 Simcoe St. S. Osaw city, the castle and the farned ' MA 3-5615 BOWMANVJLLE RA 5-3525 university. Whiie there she b--e- ________________________came iii witb a soi-e throat anýdt ______________________________________________had to remain for a few days t while the i-est of the party went ta Switzerland.S On bier necovery she went, byc II ei-self ta Frankfort by train.« At Frankfort she took a plane and flew ta Milan, Itaiy. There she saw the famous cathedral and other points of interest and ieft by train ta jain the tour in Venice. Miss Luffman said that Ven- ice was nierorabie for iLs beau- I We can supply ail the niaterials you will need. ty. She spoke of the canais, the gondolas lighted with lanterns SPRED SATIN for walls and ceilings. 1 at night, and the music and SPRED LUSTRE for woodwonrk, trirn. singin, as they-ghdeabout.- She saîd she would neyer for- geL France and the lovely city For the convenience of Our customers over the of Paris where the party visit- cd the opera, the Louvre, No- tre Dame Cathedral, the Church E ASTER WEEKEND of eSacre Coeur, and Montmnar- a special service will be given from 9 tili il a.m. Saturday, March 281h Banking heurs Thursday, March 26th 10 a.m. te 3 p.m. Dank ofiMNureal The Canadian Dank of Commerce The Torouto-Dominion Bank Ilear Own Language The speaker tLd o! the tour- ists' delight on thein arrivaI, in England ta bean their own Ian- guage spoken by evemyone again. In London they enjôyed seeing the changing o! the guard aL Buckingham Palace, St. Pauls Cathedral, Westmin- ster Abbcy, Westminster Ca- thedrai, Madame Tussaud's xre- mnarkable waxwoi-ks, and the Oid Curiosity Shop. The party aiso Visited Windsor Castie. Enroute by air home their plane stopped for refuelling i Iceiand. It alsa stopped at Dor- val Airport outside Monti-cal, whene sanie of the passengers ianded, then !lew on ta New York whei-e the tour disbanded. .Mrs. Marion Jeffcr-v on be- hal! o! the club members thank- e d Miss Luffman for her inter- esting addresâ. Historical Socle ties Can B ring Pay Cheques Says Hist or y Teacher The importance o! interest- ing young people in the history o! the cornrunity, and the econ- omic value o! Canadians ta the tourist trade, were stressed by J. P. Lovekin, the speaker at the meeting o! the Oshawa and District Histonical Society meet- ing held Thursday evening. Mi-. Lovekin is a bachelor o! bistory and education, and his- tory teacher at R. H. King Coi- legiate Institute, Scarborough. Mn. Lovekin told of what has been accornplished by the New York State I{istorical Sa- ciety, which has iLs headquar- ters in Cooperstown, N. Y., In the home o! James Fenimore Cooper. This town is 15 miles frorn the neaiest main highway, and has a population of anly 2,800, yet 260,000 tourists spent ap- proximately $10 each there iast Year, the speaker asserted. This is about $900 per capita o! the tawn's population, he noted. He quoted figures to show the arnount o! money spent by tourists, in Ontario annually. He indicated that a large per- centaqre o! this moncv' is spent in places o! historical intcrest.j "A histonical society is not just a group o! nice people wha prefer ta live in tbe past. IL is an. organization vbich bhims11 COURTICE A specl Sunrise Service will be beld on Baster S-unday at Courtice Church at 6 arn. 'ne Young People will be in charge and Mn. Mel Smith o! Oshawa will be the speaker. This service will be broadcast on the Radio the sanie morning at 10 ar.. n Sunday School o! the Air. ENFIE.LD The chicken-pox cpidemnic is Laking the childi-en from sohoal in srnall groups. IL migbt be the badi luck o! same to nave iL dur- ing Easter holidays. After several postpanements oui- W.A. beld tneir meeting in the schooL. It was an evening meeting with 13 menibers pi-e- sent. Mrs. George Bowcrs enter- Lained with a piano selection. Mns. Wilfrid Bowman conducted a contest consisting o! questions pci-taining La affairs o! the Uni- ted Church, preparcd by Rcv. W, A. Loan. Mrs. Rod Simpson and Mrs. Stan Grills were the pair with the bighest numbcr o! correct answers. Miss Lauia Fielder, Miss Elsie- Samis, Mrs. George Bowers, and Mx-s. God- !rey Bow-nan !ormed a panel for "Twezity Questions." This taimorous interval wus foliawed by lunch. The mexnbei-s of oui- W.A. en- tei-taned the childi-en o! the Sun- day Scboi ta a sleighriding par- ty, Saturday. Mi-. Rod Simipson and Mr-. Cccil Hubbard providcd the sleig'hs which wcre weli fi- ed. Sorne parents wcnt aiong. lTbcy thought the childi-en nced- ed sanie adult supci-vision, but they didn't seeni to !ind: the job the least bit unpieasant. 'Me party ncturned ta the schoi ta a lunch o! hot-dogs and cookies. The lovcly weathcr ad- pay cheques to the community. It brings an industi-y without srnokestacks, heavy costs and taxes," Mr. Lovekin expiained. He pointed ta the New York State Historical Society ta il- lustraLe the manner in which high school students can be taught to take an interest ini local history. The society or- ganizes historical socicties wltbin the high schools, with badges, and a periodical maga- zine distributed ta members. Organization kits are sent ta the schoois interested in foirn- m-g a group, outlining the pro- cedure for settlng up a blstor-- ical association. Such kits are naw being ta bigb schoois in Ontario, Mi-. Lovekin stated. This is being done in the hope a!fai-rming similan arganizations. If the ne- sults show a reasonabie nuni- ber o! schools are interestcd the praject wii i-eceivc the support of the depaitment o! education, Mi-. Lovekin said. He suggestcd a wav the Osh- awa and District His torical *Sa- ciety can ai-ouse the intei-cst o! school childi-en by putting a number o! artifacts on display in the schools. He emphasized the!ac tht in arder ta main- tain intei-est iL is necessary ta change these displays o!ten. dcd, Up ta a good ime for every- anc. Several fi-rn bei-e attended "Open House" at Union School, Fridtay night. Miss Laura Field- cr's pupils presented a splendid varicty concert and Miss Louise Hartman sbowed pictures. The iast item was a presentation foi- Mi-. and Mrs. Ted McLaughiin and family who ai-e moving fi-rn that community in April. A bad chiminey fire caused a lot o! exciternent bei-e last Thur- sday wheni the neig'hbors rushed to the aid of Mn. and Mi-s. Rod Simpson. The quick ai-rival o! fi-e extinquishers confined the blaze to the chimncy and the Bowrnanviile Fi-e Dept. belped ta finish the job. Sympathy o! the canimunity is extended to Mns. Will Ga and sons in the death o! Mr-. Gray. Sevenai fi-rnbhei-e attend- cd the funerai at Toronto or cali- cd the previaus day. Messrs. Harold Ormiston, Wailace, Pas- coe and Godfrey Bowman were bearers. Visitoru: Mn. and Mi-s. W. Bowman, and fiamily, Mr. and Mrs. G. Bowcrs, Mr. and Mrs. F. Samis ail visited friends in Toronto. Mrs. E .Lee anid Mrs. L. Ste- phenson visited their mather, Mrs. H. Cowlin'g o! Whitby, who is ill. N e stieon Station Congratulations to Mr,. end Mrs. Jas. Harrns wbo celcbrated thoir 45th Wcdding Annivcrsary on Marcb 18th. Miss Dorothy Har-is, Tor-onto, spent the weck- end with ber parents. Mrs. Hermnan S'amdlls spent sanie ime in Toronto with ber nieces Misses Gwen and Eunicc Wilson and is now with Mi-. and Mns. Cecil Wilson until warmer weathe r. Mi-. and I\Mrs. Chai-les Gist were recent visitons with Mi-. BOWMANVI LLE and Mms Franci Gist ançI fam- ily, Laing. Miss Rose Mountjoy, Mrs. J. McCalden and Mr. and Mrs. Lor- eno Mountjoy attended the fun- eral of their cousin, Dora Mount- joy's husbaini, Harold Gay in Oshawa on Friday. Mirs. Wm. Laurenceson and the Misses McKay, Toronto. vis- ited their aunt Mrs. John Dick- ey. Friends who went to Barrie Tuesday evening to the funeral home where Mr. Malcolm Emer- son's sister Madelena, Mrs. Wil- ton Creed rested were; Mi-. and Mrs. George Bowers, Mr. and Mrs. R. Davison, Mrs. Herb Tay- lor and Miss Ruth Proutt. Sym- pathy of the community is ex- tended to the Emerson family. Mr. and Mrs. Han-y MeLau- ghlin entertained a family gath- ering on Sunday evening to cele- brate Mrs. Jos. Forder's 86th birthday. Those in attendfance were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor, Osh- awa; Mr-. and Mrs. Gai-net Mur- ray and daughters, Cresswell: Mi-. and Mrs. Arnold Taylor and Dianne. Best of tiirthdey wishes ta Mrs. Forder from her many' friends. Mrs. B3ruce Heaslip opened her home on Thursdtay for the March meeting of Nestieton W.A. Mi-. and Mrs. Clarke Williams, Port Hope, visited Mr.: and Mrs. Arnold Williams and other fri- ends. Visitors with Mr-. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip were Mr-. and Mrs. Melvi.lle Irvine and Carol and Mr-. an'd Mrs. Ken Heaslip and boys o! Lindsay. Friends are Pleased to learn that D9lton Fisher whio bas been attendlng Teacber's College in Peterborough, has secured a position on Scarborough Town- sh.ip staff. Mr-. and Mrs. R. Davison and Mr-. and Mrs. Oliver Rohi-er at- tendecl the Tirnmy Easter Par- ade o! Stars at Maple Leaf Gar- dens on Sunday. Warren and Douglas Rohi-er ,riSited Mr-. and Mrs. Donald Thornpson. George Bowers bas tapped a number o! trees and is hoping for- a good syrup season. 69 Mem bers At Meeting> Senior Citizens The Bowmanville Senior Ci- tizens met at the Lions Corn- munity Centre on Tuesday, Mai-ch 1th, with 69 members attending. Mrs. D. Gilhoalv, acting as M.C. for the spc%-oring Club 15, opened the meeting, and intraduced Mrs. N. Pring and Mi-. D. Williams wbo delighted the audience with Lwa dueLs of the World Go By". AfW I expressing her thanks r t delightful m u scal in r Ii . Mrs. Gilhooly presente M. and Mrs. Fritz Marti wlý gave talks, illustrated with fikns on Jamaica. Mrs. Marti palited a vivid picture of this be>iWul island with its year rouniç,4i. temperature averages 75deg., Jamaica, which has a vtry ro- mnan tic, but turbulent 'iistorYý. is the largest of the thirben la. lands in the B.W.I. fed#ation. ELs i ' million populaton is very cosmopolitan, being madé up of a dozen or so dilferent racial origins, nevertheless there is no segregation whatso- ever. Following this rrost ln. teresting talk, Mr. Mart. show- ed films of the beautiful beach. es and botanical gardeis, the mountains and lovely lowers, and the contrasta of iloderrn hotels and people riding don- keys to market, these films were accompanied by a most irltresting commentary. Mrs. Goodman of the Senior Citizens then gave a report of the visit to Port Hope )n the occasion of the officiai qpening of the Drop-in Centre fdrSen. ior Citîzens in that towe. .Following this most irterest- ing programme games' were played, and a reading group conducted in the Green Rooni by Mrs. L. Goddard, who read some of the "Sunshine Sket- ches" bv Ste phen Laycork. This was followed by a lunch and the singing of Happy Birth- day to ail members celebrating March birthdays. Mr. W. Allia won the door prize. "Asbgi-ove" and "Let the Rest PRICE I" liii ....... ...... Our dorsa re wideI WELCOME: This is trade-in time! If you're the owner of a '55, '56, or '57 car, any make c orneon inor 1oe, we're geared to give extra-special attention to ou neds...tosho yu al henew and It'sOLDSnobIIty rne!exclusive features of Oids for '59. In fart, no matter what year of car you're driving right now, Tak the wheel. get we can shoiv yoii how easv it is to make the hig ~//le~v~~'~e4» 4» nesaisfin ove up tao ldsmohile today. Cou"e one coe al! akea ride in a 1959) Oidsmobile and get That N'ew Olds Feeling! open *ALES AND QUALITY LEADER Op THE MEDIUM LIVING THE GOOD CANADIANS are stili enjeYing the werld's second highest standard of living. They can do this because of the contribution of manufacturing to our national progress and prosperity. Perhaps Canadians can buy senie things cheaper elsewhere than in Canada. But if they are net wiliing te pay Canadian prices for Canadian produets, our own workers will net for long be able te receive Canadian wages. Nor wilî Canadian governments receive the tax revenues they require to sustain Canada's welfare programmes. There is a price te pay for everything, including the Canadian standard ef living. TrHE STEEL COMPANY 0F CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO a style fer ae.y tasul AT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED OLOSMOSILE OUALITY DIALERS ROY w. NICOLSC COURTICE 1 ,1.1.ý;.-..- mumaim TflEeANATAN TATEMAN.EOWMNV~L~. OTAR! M .AIL --- THE eANADIAN STATESMAN, B07;NL&NV=X, ONTARIO mýýffl ) 0-22S" qqrnutmÀLW leàw tow Imm OF