YE~EBDrAT, m gem, - - TE! CAWADIMI UTA'~MiI EOMM<V~tE, OUTAR~ ~ PAGE ~VUq'1~ lCkssimfimed ~M~moram 1 Cacsof Thanks GRAk~oving memrory of Very sincere thanks for ail hueband« father, Mr. Alfred. thc kind care and attention re- Grace, 'W passed away Marchj ceived at Memorial Hospital and 20, 1955. for beautiful flowcrs and cards. In my heart- youm memnory rcceivcd. lingers, Mrs. Arthur G. Brooks. AlW Ys tender, fond and truc, 13-1 There'. not a day I do not thinlc - .of you. To the Citizens of Bawman- É-Lovigly remembered by wifc1ile Sincere thanks for your -etta,-and sons William, Harry, co..aperatian in making the A]fed.13-1* pape r drive a successfui anc.1 B:OIN-Inlovii meary 1' Me axnount of taper collected R04Ný--n lvingmeroryoffcamne ta twenty-four tons. Euh- May Horn, aged 74 years, Bowmanville Boy Scouts. Mwho paased away on Easten Sun- 13-1 Way morning, in Memorial Hos- Ipita1, Bowmanville, March, 1956.1 Mrs. Wil Gray and family 0*weet meinories will linger wish ta express their siincere Sfoever, thanks ta their friends for M Tme cannot change theni, It', aympathy and a special thanks truc; Ita ncighbors of Enfield for Y'ears that may came cannot beautiful flowers and deeds of sever kindes during their sad be- Our. lavîng remembrance o! reavement. 13-1 'Evenrremcmbened by husband, I wish ta thank relatives, W. W . Horn, Hampton, and son friends and neighboms for carda, »r. Wallace Homu of Montreal. lfruit and candy, also ail those 13-11who inquired about me while lapatient in Wellesley Hospital, 'XOMBOUGH-In laving me-IToronta, and since netumning rnory of aur sister Anne ROM- home. b6ugh, who passed away March Mrs. Sidney Luxton. 28, 1958. 13-1* ..-Sadly missed by sisteran____ Bdlla, Jim, Allen ! My sincere thanks ta Dr. K. - - Slemon and hospital staff for ~ROMOUGHIn îvîng kind came during my stay in bas- "XOMOUGHIn lvingme- pital. I cxtend my thanks ta the mary of Mrs. Anne RoiTbaugsh j1=n y friends wba rememnbered wýha paased away March 28th, me with flowers, fruit, letters 1958.. and cards, msa ta those who God took her home, it was His were s0 belpful ta Mm,. Johns will, duing my illness. But in aur' bearts she liveth stili. Chas. A. Johns. 13-l* -Ever nemembercd by Mar-___ garet, Paul and Ruth. 13-1 1 wish ta express my sincere IWMBOUGI--In laving me'thanks ta the nursing staff of m~&'y i der nec an ca IMemo*l Hospital for their AmiRoof gh, wbc ad oupsie, kindness, also ta friends for Away 28thMbrch, w1958. edflowers, gifts, cards and letters. aday h w8p away ai195 arsA special thanks ta Drs. K. Sie- -o Threla f e ath, no ptain, omon and R. Rowsell and ta Rev. Ser s.n 1th opan oW. Logan for visits and words An ltcya on nt im o f encouragement duing my For thyars, t ie ystay in the baspital. Fo there is no night there.Mr.(v ea 3l 2-Ever with us, Aunt Bella 'Poolton and Cousins. 13-î* 1 take this appartunity of ex- pressing a very sincere "Thank IIROMBOUGH-In ioving me- You"t my relatives, 'friends irnofa Mrs. Anne Rombough,, and organizations who so kind- 49.h *'passed away March 28th,1 ly emnembered me this winter 958., with cards, flowers and other Shc bad a sntile, a pleasant way, gifts. I also appreciate al aur A helping band toalal she neighboms did for Len during . knew. my absence. A very special .Sewas s0 kind, sa, generaus tbanks also goes ta Dr. Storey 1 and truc, and Dr. Shaw for their kind at- On cath she nobly did ber tention and came. best. Laila Richards. 13-1* Grant ber, Jesua, heavenly rest. ;..--Ever remcmbered by Rasas We want ta truly thank al Ptombough. 13-1 aur fiends and neighbours for their help and quiek response -T'ORD IFF-In .memory af Mar- with fire extinguishers. This ~grtJesse wba died on March prevented a disaster which 90Mt 15 5. mlght bave followed, as aur ,As angeis keep their watcb up water aupply wes nil. A special there,- thanks ta Wîfred Bawman and Picase, God, just let bier know bis men who were heme carlier !fliat wg., down bere, do flot and Mra. Bowman who kept the 'cr*fI et, children and contaeted neigb- k'~ dand miss hem so. boums and fire department. a Jjtnissed by busband Pat and Rod Simpson. ed,ànd sons Donald and 13-1 W.Coming Evexits j Reception Eastern Star Daffodil Tee and iMm. and Mis. Cmighton Devltt, *BRoeiibaking Sale at- Lions Bowmanville, will be happy ta Centre, Friday. April 10th, 2:30 receive their relatives and to 5:00 p.m. Proceeds for Re- friends at the Lions Community li0oaus- Training Awards. 13-3. Centre on Tuesday, Mamch 3lst Xastr Dnce Satrdà, Mr hfromn 2 ta 4 and 7 ta 9 p.m., on Eestr Dnce Satrda, Mrchthe occasion o! their golden wed- 2 Cdsrings' Ontario. Jim ding anniversary. 13-1 ter' s Orchestra. Dncing better heatb-join us. Admiss ion $1 each. Repairs Bingo cvery Tliursday - 20 RADIO and televislôn repeins. regular games, twa $25 jack~pot Prompt service. Pick-up and Saines. No game under $4.00. delivcry. George's, 85 King St. Ais» eigbt doorpizs Admis- E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-t! *uon 50C. St. Joseph'- ar, 13-1 GUARANTEED television and radio service, toalal makes. Jack and Jill Club, Trinity Same day, service. Televisi*onl United Church, are presenting Service Co. -Phone MA 3-3883.1 Comiz-a-Pappin' 1959, Town4-t Hiall, April 2, 3, 4. Admission 15c. Students 50c Thursday Qnly. Tickets available from Club members. 12-2 Woadview Cammunity Centre -Monster Bingo. Twenty games ..;twenty dollars; live ganes- tbirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and twa jackpots at $250. Door R rizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., edBrOshawa. 46-tf *Win a chance an a 1959 Olds- :mobile "88" Hardtop, plus 20 iregular games, 2 special gamea a.nd 2 jackpots, at the Canadian Legion Bingos every Wednesday night at Legion Hall, Queen St., 8 p.nv Admission 50c. 13-3 Lions Club Bino, Manday, March 30, ini the Lions Comn- munity Centre at 8 p.m. 20 gaines $5.00, two speciai games, two jackpots of $25.00 each. First jackpot 8 nuxnbers, 2nd jackpot 43 nuxnbers. Admission 50c. 13-1 D ANC E Solina Communily Hall Friday, April 3rd Ad1missfon - $1.00 Per person 311W FISHER'S ORCHESTRA 13-i Pouliry and Egg Producers' Meeting Orono Town Hall April 1sf, 8 p.m. Do you want te organize under J>arm producta' Marketing Act? REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- atures turned, toalal makes of electric motors. Higgon Elec- tric, 38 King East, Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf REPAIRS toalal makes o! sew- ing machines. Free pickup and delivery. Laverty's Bargain Centre, 59 King W. Phone MA 3-7231. 44-tf IREPAIRS toalal mekes o! e- jfrigerators, domestic and com- mercial; milking coolers. Hig- gon Electric Limited. 38 King St. E. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf Wanted to Buy USED refrigematar. Telephane MA 3-3242. ' 3-1* ALL kinds o! live poultry wanted. Highest prices paid. M. Fiatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phone 7 r 13 collect. 9-tf HIGHEST prices paid far used fumnitume, appliances, television, sewing machines, etc. Aiso seli and exehange. 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-7231. 42-tf HIGHEST prices paid for live paultry, goose feathers, feather ticks, scrap iran, rags, metals and rawv fuma. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa, collect. 48-tf Business Opportunity WE need people ta raise Chin- chilla (they anceflot rabblts). Write Stanchause Chinchilla, il] Iladdington Ave., Toronto 12. 44-tf this meeting and KiîVe AT E TO Ireyu Asciton Route open for tobacea dellvery M1t ~ ,ln charge of Zone Re. Cen bc operated:on a Duram County Fedenation or ESTABLISHED ACCOUNTS Agriculture. 1- Must bave car or smail truek 3.1Minimum returps $53 Ver week $2,000 cash requlred Waitdfor stock andi iventory For ful icantwrite gh4ing Z>and clppled farrm stock, naMe, address and telephone te pcked up prornptly. Phone MNA j]POSTAL STATION Q, 3-26î9. iMargwÂiIJFur Jarm, JBOX 247, TORONTO Ads Work Wanted FOR pick up and delivery cal MArket 3-3842. 13-1* CUSTOM chain-sawing. Phone Oshawa RA 5-5959. 13-2* DRESSMAKING and ail altéra- tions. Phone MArket 3-7228. 13-1 CONCRETE and masonry work. Box 1083. L. Turner. Phone 3-5820. 9-tf FOR the lateut in hair styling and permanent waving eaUl MA 3-5157, Taunton Road. 13-1 RUBBER footwear repaired, heels, soles, rips, vulcanized. Jamieson Tire Shop, Bowman- ville. il-tf PLUMBING, heating, caves- troughing; free estimates. Harvey Partner, Tyrone. MA 3-1240 or Orono 1782. 6-tf Plasfering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NÎEW %VORK R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. 31A 3-5030 6-tf Anger Construction Co. LTD. COIMPLETE BUILDING SERVICE BRICK WORK - BLOCK CHIMNEYS -CONCRETE AND CARPENTRY DOUG - MArket 3-3373 ROT - MlArkct 3-2273 27-tf Harry Lee Laundry 19 TEMPERANCE ST. Phone MA 3-7021 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Pick Up and Delivery! MONDAY TO SATURDAT QUICK SERVICE 12-tf1 Help Wanted_ PART-TIM4 girl for cafeteria. Phone MArket 3-3172 afterý 5 p.m. 13-1* TEACHER for Clarke Union School. Modern achool on thel pavement two miles west of Orono. Willpa good salary. Apply with references ta Herb. N. Scott, R.R. 2, Orona. 13-2 EXPERIENCED married man for dairy and general farmn work. State wages, former cmi- ployers and family. Write Ad-, vertiser 926, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 13-1* PHYSIOTHERAPIST for Osha- wva and District Cerebral Palsy Schaai and Clinic. Duties divid- ed between nearby institution for full-time employment. For J particulars write P.O. Box 82ý Oshawa. 12-2 WANTED: Man'for steady trav- el among consumers in Durham County and Bowmanville. Per-1 manent connectian with large J manufacturer. Only reliable hustier considered. Write to- day, Rawleigh's, Dept. C-140- 131, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. GARMENT manufacturer rc- quires wamen ta operate knitt- ing machines in their own homes. Good remuneratian and four years guaranteed womk. Small investmcnt nequired but no immediate outlay if suitable. .Write Advertiser 927, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Boxi 190, Bowmanville. 13-2 LARGE United States and Canadian Manufacturing Com- pany requires Field Representa- tives for Clarke and Darlington Townships. Exceptionally high carnings. Guaranteed repeat business. Automobile essential. Agricultural or farming back- ground rroat important. Sales training given. Reply to Box 84, London, Ontario. 10-4 Hydro Lineman (Continued from page one) ion Falls, Peterborough, Brock- ville, Campbellford, and Bow- manville. He took up bis dut- ties with the Ontario Hydra here in November, 1956. "We greatly regret this un-1 fortunate accident", Rex \Val- ters, manager o! the Ontarial Hydro, Bowmanville, toid the Canadian Statesman. "AI Hick- ling was one o! our top lines- men. He was weHl iked by the staff, and fittcd in well," Mr. Walters said, and added that Mm. Hickling wiii be missed considerably. Mm. l{ickling is survived by bis ivife, the former Marguer- ite Frego. two daughters, and anc son. His daughters are Mrs. Jack Baker (Mary), Fenelon Falls, and Mis. Percy Calberry (Anne), Lakefielcl. Constable James Hfickling, O.P.P., Water-j down, Ont., ig bis son. Mrs. Ba- ker, Mis. Calberry, and Con-I stable Hickling are staying with their mother at present havig been called ta, Bowman- ville by their fathcr's sudden death. Mr. Hickling was e member o! the Holy Name Society, and o! the Quarter Century Club of Ontario H.-Ndro. He wvas a cap- tain in thc Bowmanville Mixéd Bowling League, and alan be- longed ta the Tront Lake Hunt and Gun Club. Mm. and Mm,. Hickling have taken a keen in- terest in community affairs, and have always been eady ta iie time and effort to aatt In welfare work andi other gogd causesm. Ms. HI-ckling wvas ta have been one of the canvas-j sers for theRed Cross on Mor.- day *venin&. Safety Being Stressed ln Speciaf Lectures To Public School Pupils The importance of obsenvlng Corndil. Thcy point out that the safety mules is being emphasized frozen ground during the winter by Bowmanville Police Chie! has net absorbed the moisture Bernard R. Kitney and Cônstàbie fnrom the exceptianally hCavy H. R. Corneli, OPP, on their onowfsil, and that waten froem visita ta ail the >Bowmanville meltin! snow is running off Public Schaols this week. and bas filed ditches, creeks, Chie! Kitney and Constable and bl.,. This bas created a Cornell are addressing the pup- dangeraus condition, and they ils in ail the scboolàini conjunc- wArn, childnen ta avoîd such tion with the Elmen the Safety places. Elephant Campaign #p.nsôned- PaMphlets on bicycle saafty by the. Eowmanvllle ftimlmefl and the Elnier Safety nu1es Club. Clark. Wilson la the were dltnbuted by the police chairman o! the Kinsmcn's saie- ofcas oinpcue ty camniittee, and is assisted by offici, ais. oion pctre Ray Lathangue, W . ip trik hm. and Gien Fry, The Safcty Cam- paign is being caried out in ce- Today Chic! Kitney and operation with the safety cern- Constable Carnnol will viuit On- mittee o! tbe Ontario Depant- tario Street Scbool. Tbcy visit- ment o! Transport. ed Central Public Sebool on Bicycle safety mules and the Wcdnesday, Vincent Massey caution needcd regmrding ditcb- Public Sehool on Tuesdmy, and es and crecks, are stressed by the Knox Christian Scboolelcr- Chie! Kitney and Constable lier in the wéek. Arnica Club' s Two Plays Enjoyed by Audiences At Town Auditorium Twa one-act plays, "The Twelve Pound Look" by J. M. Barrie, and "The Happy Jour- ney" by Tbornton Wilder, pre- sented by the Arnica Club o! Trinity United Churchi in the Town Hall auditorium on Fmi- day and Saturdey were much enjoyed by the audiences on, bath evenings. Mrs. R. W. Sher- idan was the director. Barry Cowling waa- the pro- duc m. Ken Kelly and Jim AI- lin were in charge of staging and stage praperties, and Mar- garet Holsfanstcr was in charge o! band properties. Others who desemved credit for the auccess o! the productions were, Dom- otby Samerville, costumes; Dom- otby Hoekin, make-up; B.arry Cowling,. lighting, and Walter Mollins, the bouse manager. Ken Kelly, who was the able master o! ceremonies, weleom- cd the audience each evening. He pointed ont that the presen- tation o! Uic two plays gave the audience an ôpportunity ta compare an English and Am.- enican play. WIII Enter Festival Mr. Kelly stated that, the Arnica Club wili enter cie of the plays in the Presbytemy Drama Festival, and asked that people would consider whlch one would bave the bast chance o! obtaining in the con- test, and so, advise the, club. Two years ago the Amica Club'a entry won the Presby- tery Drama Festival at Black- stock, and went on ta win at the Conference Drame Festi- val In Trefiton. Marilyn Spicer was the as- sistant- director of The -Twelve Pound Look." This play by J. M. Barrie was whinisical and nostalgie. The scene wes the den o! Sir Harry Sims' bouse in Mayfair, London, and the time approximately 1910. A portrait o! Lady* Sims hung over the fireplace. dre w fav- ourable comment. It was paint-1 ed bY Joan Crawford, age 14, e talented young Bowmanville1 girl. Twelve Pound Look The action o! the "Twelve ýa!ternoon eaf éw days before Sir iHarmy Ls ta eccciv. bis Knight. hood from the King. Lady Sims h as sent for a typist fram. an agency ta answer lettera of congratulation for Sir Harry. Beatrice Roddick played the part o! Lady Sima vell. She was gracions and pretty, and convex-ed the impression cf a wvoman trying to be plcased with the circumstances o! ber life, yet rueful. Tom Park had the difficult part o! Sir Harry Sirna, a muth- lesa man for whom success was a god. Hie had to exhibit a camplacent pride ini bis, achie- vements and possessions, and a camplete lack o! understand- ing of why be had b2en reject- ed by bis first wife. The crux o! the play was the uncxpected meeting of Sir Harry and bis firat wi!e, who had been sent ta bis bouse by her agency only knawing the address, not the name of ber temporary employers. Jerri Rosa was excellent as Kate, the typist. Ross Metcaif also was good as Tombes, the butier. The Happy Journey The assistant director for "The Happy Journey" was Marjorie Somerville. This play by Thornton Wilder made a special bit with the audience. The time was anytime, and the place, anywbere. The novelty o! Uiis play's presentation wvas that it was donc without scenery. and the only praperties were four chairs at one time, and later a sofa. The clever cast managed ta evoke. aimoat visibly, their surroundinga throngh their ex- ceptionally fine acting, and the naturaîness o! the lunes. Ma Kirby was Éo well acted by Moily Bennett that she had speciel audience appeal. She was a stmong character, ob- viously the head o! hem family, yet wvarinly maternai and coin- pletely leminine. Mertan fHi wvas realistie as Pa (Elnier) .Kirbv, ana bis cranking and driving of the non-existent car was a masterpiece o! portrayal. Judy Go«odman as thc deugh- ter. Caroline, was typical teen- age girl, 5h. looked beautiful, and hem yellow dress and bat gave the effect of sunlight which wvas most appropriate j for the drive. The car was sim- 'iy depicted by four plain chairs, the parents sitti g in front and the tw9 qhfldrçt Ini back. Joe -Markle played the ad- nlescert son. Arthur. tn perfec- tion. H. and hieaster wêrs moit amu.sing, and the entire play partlcularly entertaining. Carole Woraley aise did wel as Beulab, the merrled daugh- ter o! the family. Alvin Stacey as the stage-manager was de- cidedly humourous, and was me- warded with mucli laugbter. A quartet and chorus fromn the Oshawa Barber Shop Chap- ter sang severai enjoyable se- lections. The I'Chord Lards"' were Jack Hiscock, baritone; Normn Skinner, lead; Don Hen- derson, bas,;_ and Bill Corbctt, tenon TYRONE Plants are belng made for the dedication ai the new - chair gowns and. creat cloth at Uic Zaster Servite Sunday morning at 11. God. Friday Service ls being held at 8, when Sa.lem and Hay- don are invited. W.M.S. will be held April 1 at Mra. Edth Murphy. Mr. and Mme. A. Hamilton and famly, Mms. R. B. Hamnilton, viaited Mr. and Mrn. Herb Mac- Ide, Ebenezem. Mr. and Mis. David Phasey and childmen attended the 40th wed- ding anniveray cf bis grand- parents. Mr. axxl Mrp. Chas. Wood, Orono, on Sundey. A g'roup of L.O.B.A. v'lslted Bowmanville Ladies Lodge, Monday night. Mr. and Mm@. T. Pleasance wcre dinaier gueats Seturday of Mm. and Mmi. G. Byarn, Bow- manville. and attcnded Uic Spor- tsmen's Show. Mm. T. Fîndley, Tliemnhill; Mi-,. Pearl Hennie, Unionville; Helen Partner, Oshawa; Mr. Per- cy Bycrs, Bowmenville, vislted Mrs. O. Virtue Sunclay.J Mr. and Mis. G. Alldmead vis- ited Mrs. Herb Murray, Omonc. Mr. and Mrs. Allyn, Taylor and Lynd'a, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mm. W. H. Taylor. Russell Hardy, Taranto, visi- ted Mr. and Mre. G. Alldrcsd. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stevens, Hampton: Mme. Gertrude Ste- phens, Willowdaie, calied on Mmi. R. Burgessa e i home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor. Mr. a.nd Mrs. W. Rat=m were Sunday dinner giiests of Mr. and Mrfis. C. D. Hadasn, Bcw- manville. BURKETON A teacher's meetIngof &II the 1teachers ini the surrounding School areas was bcld in Burke- ton Public Sch~ool on Tués. ev- ening, Max. 10, with 13 teachers present. The moll call was an- swered with an idica for St. Patrick's Day or Easter. the business session a discussion took place on dif7erent ways of teaching Science. It was decided to hoid th enext meeting at Ba- kem's School in April. At ihe close of the meeting lunch was served by the local ladies. The W.A. w'ill hold. an Emter Tea on Monday Mar. 30, begin- ning at 3 p.m. It is hoped that as many as possible will avaiu themseives of this appartunity of enjoying a social houm aven a cup of tea. Next Sunday wilil be Easter Sunday. Theme will be a Gaod Friday Service held in thec United Church at Enniskillen. Mis. B. Hubbamd called on Mm. and Mrs. Russell Dean, Ma- ple Grave on Suinda.y. Mr. and Mrs. J. Marion an Mr. James Trickc, al a! Osh.awa The Siaiesman Sold Ai Following Stores: Reg. Edniund's Store, Bethany Jahnsan's Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle 3. Brown, Newtonville Porten's Gen. Store, Newtonv'llle C. Pethlck, Ennskillen T. M. Slemon, Ennisklllen P. L. Byani, Tyrone G. A. Bamnon, Hampton j Trull'a Store, Courtice A. E. Ribey, Bunketon f Elyth's Gen. Store. Blackstockl Keith Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrrell, Oronn Wm. Turmnsky, Kendal Henderson't Book Store. Oshawa Hôuse That Jack Built R.1%. 4, Oshawa - Bowmanvllle - Rickaby's Ltd. - "Big 20" W. J. erry Jaek's Smôke Shap Rite's Sniake $hop GOhrn'i KandyRtn .rly& Loveetr Oke's Smoke Shop The Flying Dutchman The Stateaman Office visited with Mns. Esther Carn- Orha.n on Sunday. Mr. Raip4i Ward, R.C.A.F., Moncton. N.B. visited with his sister Mrs. Wm. Pedersen and Mr. Pederson, for a few days. Mr. Ward experts ta be trans- ferred to Camp Borden very 'bon. Don't forget ta attend the So- cla. Evening ta b.held at the horne of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone an Friddy, Apr. 3. This wifl be the lest Social Evéning to be held until thc autumn. Misa Carol Haines and Mr. Tony Zeigger, Toronto, visited witli Mr. and Mms. P. Gatchel on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Greer and family, Oshawa, spent Sun- d«y with Mrs. Ethel Bryan. Misa Linds Siingerland and friend, Oshawa, îvere Sunday visitors at thc home af Mm. and Mrs. Bý. Hubbard. Sunday and weekend visitors at thc home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone, were Mr. aid Mis. George Lawson and children, Gayle and Pittie, Markham; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bone, Toronto. The Lawson w~ho were weekend guests, returned home with their pârént,*. Mai. H. Strutt and Mr. and Mra. B. Slingerlandt, Oshlawa, spent Tuesàdtmy of lest week vis- itinig with. Mr. and Mme. B. Hub- bard. Sorry to report that Mr. Jack Smith is not so well this week and will be off work'for a day or so. Reverend and Mrs. W. Logan were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wcston on Tues. of last week. Mns. B. Hubberd spernt Tues- day in Oshiawa vlsiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. K. Smith and fami]y, Orono, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Simpson and Mr. end Mrs. J. A. Turnbull on Sun- day. Mr$. J. Smith spent Thursday o! last week in Peterborough. The Hi Trycrs C.G.I.T. group met in thechcureh hall on Wed. evening Mar. 18 with 1l mem- bers and three leaders present. After repeating the Purpose in UnIson, meeting was called to w'rhip iby Carol Abbott, bY reading Lenten verse. Heather Lavery then read the Scripture passage andi Carol rcad an Eas- ter Story. Before the business Session tlhe girls enjoyed a sing- gong lead by Mrs. Logan at the Lin. At the close of thc busl- neas, a film was presented by MrUs. Logan cntitled "The Catho- lic Way" with Mms. Loan giv- ing an explanation and comnien- tary, befare and during the film. The meeting closed wlth thc slnglng of -"Tapa." ( LONG SÀULT Mrs. Sophie Koyacs and Mr. Gabriel Kayacs visited friends in- Hamnilton on Sundey. Mrs- Kovacs remaining f«~ a holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clark andl f amily, Toronto, witli Mr. and Mns. Wm. Harper. Sarry to re- port Mr. E. Harper la not quite se, well. Mr. Stanley Fletcher, Tomronto, spent the weekend wîth bis par- ents, Mr. and G. Fletcher. Plan to attend Good Friday service to ibe held in Tyrone United Church at 8 pa. A goodly number attendcd the Basket Social and social evenàng spansorcd by the tea- cher and pupils Friday night in the school. Mrs. Don Davey, iMiss S. Gibson and Messrs Frank Denby and Gardon Baker sup- plied music for the dancing with Wni. Johnson and R. Sim as ".callers" and those that didn't dance played euchre. Just before lunch Mr. C. Peth- ick auct.ioncer, sold tiie nic2ly decorated baskets, to those that didn't h-ave baskcets, lunch ivas served by the school childrTen. Miss Kocins thankcd ail mwha had helped in any way ta make the evening such a success. Tyrone L.O.B.A. 1244 In spite of slippery roads a goodly number of membersa t- tended our regular Marcb meet- lng with W.M.. Ss. Meg. Gibbs preakding. After the negular bus- iness. Sis. Reta MeRoberta and Sis. Grace-,Sniith were elected ta go ta Grand Lodge ta be held i Napace April 14 ta 16. it vras e,ded ta canvass for the Cancer Fund late in April and $1 0.00 wias donated to Uic Red Cross. Twelve o!f thc ladies had been. guests o! the Qucen Mary Lodge in Oshiawa, Mamch 4 and the lodge is irivited ta be guests o! Bowmanville 1291 Mondey night March 23md and guests cf Good- wood L.O.B.A. April 2nd. Lodgc closeci in the tîsual manner. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Kellett and family, Janetvilie. were Sunday supper guests at Mr. and Mrs. Earl Penwamden. Mr. and Mms. J. R. Parkinson and family, Cobourg, were weekènd gueats at Mm. and Mms-. R. Gibson. Ethel Gable and Bruce was a Thursday afternoon visitor at Mrs. McLaggan. Mr. and Mrs. Paul- Vaneyk and family, Neurtonville, were Saturdey evening visitars at Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk. Mr. and Mme. C. Penwardein and lamily wcre Sunday suPpet guests at Mr. and Mrs. Harold DeMille, Bowmanville. M.r. and Mr-s. Bill Johnsôn and family were Sunday visitors ab Mm. and Mrs. John Archer, Bur- keton. USED CAR BARGAINS at WINTER PRICES Spring Is Just Around The Corner Nake Your Choice Early Priced Righi - Ready to Go From 1950 to 1958 Models Corne in and look tbern over Palmer Mot or Sales CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH - FARGO SIMCA DEALERS 20 King St. East Bowmanville MA 3-5Q87 1 --.- MM CMADIM BTAIMLW. BOIMAUMM MTAM ,,, f,&. IBBAT, ILAX MiII4 m PACM MQM