~Jk PAGE E!GRTEhW Mr. and Mrs. Çleveland Cav- erley, McArthurs MiUls, were weekend guests of hem sister Mr. and Mms. Marshall Chatter- ton in their new home on Centre Street. Mrs. E. Ford, Toronto, visited lier son John Ford last wcek. Mms. Wm. Watson is a patient 'In Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ervan RaineY were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Allun, Shirley and Steven following the baptism of Steven. Mm. and Mrs. Kennedy Gray and David, Cadmus, visited Mr. and Mrs. Reg Suttan on Sunday. 1Mms. John Morris had a f amily dinner party on Satuirday even- ing. Dr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor, Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack 'Kerr, Boiter, were weekend guests of Mr-. and Mrs. Orville Chatterton and Camai. Mms. Norman Kennedy is spen- ding a couple of weeks in Geor- B. J. BROOKS BOWMANVILLE ~..3 - ONTARIO ROBERT SISSON DETHANY ONTARIO1 RESTAU RANT getown. Mm. and Mrs. J. C. Ganiey me- turned home on Sunday from three weeks motor trip in the Southern States. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood who quietly observcd their 49th wedding an- niversary on Sunday afternoon with their family at the home of their daughter Mrs. George Cmowthcr, Charles and Jamie, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Gco. Morton visited her sister Mrs. Ralph Boughen of Newtonville who is in Peterborough Hospital. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Chatterton on their 37th wedding anniversary Sunday Mai-h 22nd. Mr. an'd Mrs. John Beary and baby have moved to Markham and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnson and family have moved inta the house they vacated. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. Mult Morris and son Ross. James Power, Oshawa, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Power. Recent visitors witli Mr. and Mrs. Luther Barraball vere Mr. and Mrs. Jules Van Gunten and da.ughtems, Pharolin and Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Essery and Scott, Courtice; Mr, Jack Kiv- ell, Miss Pearl Leach, Solina;, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gimblett and Sharon, Maple Grave. Miss Carolyn Jones, Oshawa, spent the weckend at her home. Mr. Richard Mor-ton has been ilU at his home. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mms. Clarence Allun on their lSth weddiiv., annivemsary, Mai-ch 25. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Van Horne, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bryson and claughters, Bowmanville, spent Sun4ý%y with Mr. and Mrs. Ern- est Bryson, Kirby. MrS. Albert Morton w« as patient ini Oshawa Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powers, Scarborough, visited Mrs. Cecil Powers on Sunday. Mr. John M. Moffat !sa patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Mm. Arthur Biewett passed away in Bowmanville Hospital, WYed. Mai-ch l8th. The funerai was heid Friday from Orono United Church. Mrs. Blewett predeceased hIm last October. She was fOrmerlY Miss Ruth Hamm. The Orono H-igh School Gee Club under direction of John 'ord took part in evening service tà Orono United Church on Sun- day. They sang five numbers whic~h weme appreciated by the cong'regation. Canadian Red Cross disaster workers weme on the job within haîf-an-hour foliowing the "bump" at Spinghill, Nova scotia. BOWMANVILLE' Situated at Highwey 401 Cut-off ýZi~ nnei1 Fres'h Lobster Cocktail ____________________________________________________________________________________________ --'- --' T~ fANA~!AN STÂTItML EOWA2Yff LU. oeTAm Big Guns' of Canada's Navy No, notthe big guns of yesterday's battleships and Loaded with lethal bombs of far greater explosive power battie cruisers, but anti-submarine mortars cf the Royal than Second World War depth charges, the mortars are Canadian Navy's modern destroyer escorts, rated as the controlled by electronie equipment that locates and tracks most advanced submarine killers af loat. The twin-mou nted the submarine and then f ires the weapons at the correct triple mortars are the destroyers'- principal armament. moment and with great accuracy. -National Defence Photo Durham County Farm Calendar Principal dates of interest ta cd Cal! Club. Durham eounty farmers ai-e lis- May 22: 7.30 p.m. Durham ted in the calendar te the mid- County 4-H Club eoaching night. die o! June. Some dates, such May 29: Durham County Live- as that for Hope township mixed stock Judging Competition. caîf club and Durham County June 1: Agricultural Repre- 4H Club caaching night and the sentatives Conference, OAC, livcstack judging competition Guelph. have been announced, but ne ue1:Dra hrhr venue is given. These wiîî be June, 17: DrhtmetSh oria-m announced with more particulars dCluba, T Pot HmenGl. a at a later date. c4i.an ot oe Calendar April 1: 7:00 p.m. Durhamn Shorthorn Club, Banquet, Sauina Hall. 8.00 p.m. Poulti-y Produc- crs meeting, Orono Township Hall, Ron Brooks, Bowmanýville, in charge. April 2: 8.00, p.m. Organizationj of Dur4ham County 4-H Agri- cultural clubs, in Town Hall, Qi-anc. Ail fairm. people 12 to 20 years of age- welcome. April 7: Central Ontario Spr- 'ng Show. Memorial Arena, Pet- erborough. April 8: Ontario Farm Forum annual meeting, Seaway Hotel, Toronto. Apr4l 9: 8.00 p.m. Safe Driv- ing Week, meeting sponsored by Dur~ham County Federation of Agriculture, OdIdi Fellows Hall, Orono. Safety Quiz. April 14: 8 p,m, Hope Juni*or Parmer meeting- Report on Conferenice. 1April 28: 8.00 p.m. Organiz- ation meeting of Hope 4-H Mix- ai~fl7 ~~Ç.J/ y 77vt Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail Relish Tray Soup du Jour or Choice of Juice Tomato Pineapple Grapefruit or V-8 FJying Dutchman's Salad of the Day Assorted Dressings Roast Haif Spring Chicken, Crabapple Jelly Baked Virginia Ham, Pineapple Sauce Broiled N.Y. Cut Sirloin Steak, Fried Mushrooms Roast Prime Ribs of Red Brand Beef, Yorkshire Pudding Deep Fried Sea Scallops, Tartar Sauce Broiled Loin Cut Pork Chops, Green Applesauce Roast Leg of Spring Lamb, Mint Sauce Breaded Milk-fed Veal Cutiet, Mushroomn Sauce Sliced Cold Roast Turkey Plate, Cranberry Sauce Assorted Cold Sea Food Salad Plate, Celery Fleart Choiùce of Two Fresh Vegetables Oven Brown Rolis Assorted Fruit Pie Mint Parfait Tea - Boiled - _or Whipped Potatoes Muffins Butter Fresh Fruit Jello, Whipped Cream Cheese Tray French Pastry Cofee A LA CARTE FROM -OUR BROILER Porterhouse, T-Bone, Filet Mignon'. Steaks, served with Mushroom Caps and French Fried Onions MiIk Poor Public Relations ? Fi-rn The Fammer's Advocate Sir:-You refer ta "Tactics of Fammer's Union," as snapping at heels o! the Fedemation of Agri- culture and thus making for poor public relations. (Nov. 8 issue). We believe your paper goes into many famm homes and is read by a large percentage o! the folk in those homes. We, of Enniskillcn Farmer's Union Local No. 78, feel you have erred editorially. The faim competîtion you refer ta between Canadian companies is largely a myth. For example, did an Amemican Procesging Company pay fourteen* million dollars ta maintain faim competition, or ta effectivcly Put comp9tition on the skids? Just how many can- nîng factomies have they closed ta date, thus memoving fi-rn the Canadien famm family those use- fui cheques rcceived in the fail for cash craps? The Fermcr's Union was quick ta point out just how useleas were the support prices for farm products instituted by the St. Laurent Government. The handiers, not the producers of food, were supported. In 1946, the Dominion Govemnment pass- cd the Agricultural Support Act and set aside $200,000,000 ta sup- port agriculture in the switch from war to peace conditions. This amount constituted the lass- es which the govemnment could tape as the resuit of purchasing and havîng ta x-esell purchased praduets. Outside of $70,000,- 000 spent in the spring of 1952, for Hoaf and Mouth Emcrgency, how much of this pmamised amount have the farmers mccciv- ed? Agriculture Is the most health- ful, the most useful, anîd the most noble cmpioyment of man. The creation, development and perpetuatian of beautiful and practical foi-ms o! animal life is the particular branch o! agri-i culture callîng'for the exercise o!f the highest order of human nm-I tellect and skills. The Ontario Fammer's Union brie! submittcd ta the Royal Commission on Price Spreads o! food products contained 14 me- commendations (sec Oct. Il issue). Surely a careful study of these mecommendations will prove the Farmer's Union has corne up with sound ideas ta im- prove the position of agriculture. Otto R. Bragg. Durham County. NESTLETON The March meeting o! Nes- tleton W.A. and W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. Meeting opened witi the Theme, followed by W.A. Benediction. Dvotional and prayer was given by Mrs. Hedge. Minutes w2re read and approved, correspondence in the foi-m o! thank you cmds from aur sick friends %verc ead. Oui- business opened with a given estimate on re-decorat,- ing church ceiling. Moved by Mms. Hedge, seconded by Mrs. Malow, we have a committee o! our pi-esident and g.%:oup leaders meet with members ül the Church Board ta discuss same. Meeting was called fnr Wednesday evening Mai-ch 25 at 8 p.m. in church basement. Plans were mnade for a Con- gregational family su pper. Moved bv Mrs. R. Sadler, se- conded by Mrs. Bowers 'e( have a pot ]uck supper witii maple syrup dessert. Suppgr ta be held April 3 at 6 p.m. Silver collection ta help defray ex- penses. Mrs. Adelbert Beacock expressed regrets, not beini able ta attend the Bay of Quinte Confrence, due ta wea- ther and oad conditions. Rc.ll cail was a.nswered with 'la la- IL y - vourite hymn". Collection was $3.40. Programme was in charge of Mrs. McCoy's group. Mms. C. Adams gave a very interesting paper on Christian Education; Poems by Mrs. Adams and Mrs. McCoy were enjoyed by ail. The game "Wishes", conducted by Mrs. Hedge, provided a laugh. Meeting closed with Mizah Benediction. Mrs. R. Sadier thanked oui- hostess, Mms. Heas- lip, and Mrs. McCoy kindiv thanked hem gmoup for a fine programme. Following the Blackstock Un- Ited Chumch's splendid turkey supper the other night, the Farmer's Union, Cartwright Local 73, held a euchre party. Winncms weme: Mrs. Snow, Mms. Jcnny Balley, Mms. Reta Burn- ham, Ailan Bailcy, Geo. Croz- ier and Edna Gibson. Mm. and Mrs. Wilbur McCoy and family, visited their fam- !lies in the east, Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins, Mm. and Mrs. Royi McAdamns, Eldorado; Mm. Hamry McCoy, Madoc. Miss Mary Steward. Toron- to, visited hem sister and hus- band, Mr. andi Mrs. Grant Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Sadier visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sadler and Vivian, Bowman- ville. Mi-. and Mrs. Geo. Ker, Pearl and Bruce, Mrs. Wes. Me- Gill and Gwendol.yrn, visited Mm. and Mrs. Vic Malcolm. Mm. and Mrs. Malcolm, Em- erson, spent a couple o! days hast week in Barrie, attending the funemal 'of the late Mms. Wilton Creed. KEDRON Palm Sunday Service was held at the regular hour of 2:30 with Rev. Love's Message on "How Do You Regard Christ?" Daffodils weme placed in the church by Mrs. Howamd Brown and Miss Jeanine Werry was oganist for this -service. Good FridRy service will be held at Columbus United Chumch, Mai-ch 27th. at 7:30 p.m. -Appreciation to Mm. Jack Francis who thls weck has er- ectcd the newly painted church board and also a new sign over the community centre door. C.' and K. Doubles meeting wili be held In Kedron lower hall, April 4th at 7:30 p.m. Ail couples are invited and a special invitation has been ex- tended to the childmcfi for titis intemesting night cf pictures which wiil be shown by Mms. A. Stocks, Brooklin. The scenes which we will enjoy are of Dr. and Mrs. Stoec's trip ta Europe. The enroliment cf 16 Guides took, place Thursday evening and on Satumday the girls ac- companied their two leaders ta Toron ta for an intcmesting visit ta the museum. Congratulations to Barbara Rase Who rccently won a silver teaspoon with the Bmownies cmest. The awamd was third prize In a poster contest at Guide House, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Lee, Mm. and Mrs. Allan Werry, Ennis- killen, and Miss Lynn Farrow, Port Credit, attended the Bac-] calaumeate Service which was hehd at O.A.C., Guelph, Sunday, where Brian Lee is attending. Trinrity'Confirmation Class is Received Into Church Membeed&'" The Orono News Telep hone 127 confirmation. UMr. ifÇObrne asn clerk of the Sessin athe names and a.sisted fthe mùiIi. ter. Rev. Wm. K. I!nuslainder. ini welcoming the young peopI. into the fellowship of "th@ church. The members of the clan . -are as follows: Wayne Devitt, .»o. vid Allison, Pat Vetzal, Doug. las Oke, Bruce Hendry, eier, de Jong, Cory Vermeu1a, Nor- man Vanstone, Ronald Douklas Thompson, Richard Laftder, Darlien Ann McCulloch, t Su., sanne White . Sandra DilUtng, Chervi Lynne Scott, Judith Ca. .roi Scott, Patricia Gill, Dona Flett, Susan Allison. SPECIALS IN USED CARS 1955 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION Sport Coupe, low mileage, equipped, with overdrive-------- 1954 MERCURY 4-Dr. SEDAN Automatie, $,9 fully equipped-____ 1952 STIJDEBAKER 4-Dr. SEDAN -Signal lights, heater. ~ * Real Bargain -------$25 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN Deluxe. Real Bargain$39 1951 CIJEVROLET SEDAN, Deluxe, One owner.s 595 Exceptionally clean car - 1951 PONTIAC COACH, Rebuit motor Signal lights, etc., A-i shape59 1952 STUDEBAKER 1/2-ton TRUCK Motor completely overhauled, paint job -- -- ----------- $ 495 1948 MERCURY 1-ton Stake Good condition ______$425 GRAHAM'S GARA STUDEBAKER SALES AND SERVICE ' HAYDON MA 3.27O (2 miles east of Enniskillen) NE O! In a very inipressive service the confirmation class at Tria- ity United Church was receiv- ed into church membership on Sunday. Mm. Ross Richards, on behaif of the Sunday School, present- ed the members of the class for Mr. and Mrs. John Glover and baby Stephen, Toronto, spent the weekend at Kedron with Mr. and Mrs. J. Glover. Mms. C. Crossman, Mms. H. Pascoe, Mns. J. Glover, Mrs. H. Werry, were among tea guests on Satumday of Mrs. G. White, Oshawa. The Davis children are con- fined to their home with a virus infection. Frîends hope they will soon be back to church and school. Taking part in the Jr. Famm- er Revue prescnted by Ontario County Jr. Farmers, choir un- der the direction of Mrs. E. Dobson, were Jeanine Wemry, Grant Spencer, members of 1959 provincial vdnnera In the mixed quartette. Other Kedron members of the choir are Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mountjoy and Mrs. L.. Tregunna. Miss Eleanor Mountjoy and Miss Gail Hitchens assisted Satumday night at Bmooklin Township Hall as ushers. Mr. and Mrs. W. Werry and boys visited at Mr. A. Rowan's, Yelverton, on Saturday. SAVE HOUSEKEEPING DOLLARS BY BUYING YOUR SUMMER STEAKS AND ROASTS NOWM You can beat the summer high prices of beef and beef steaks by storing now. Beef is ai ifs besi ai this season, being grain fed in the stable ail winter, and superior fo grass fed beef you will buy during the summer months. IF YOU DO NOT RAVE A HOME FREEZER Corne in and see ours. We have lhem t I suit your purse ani kîtchen. from $24900 If yau cannai afford a Freezer now, make use of the lowesi cas! refrigeratian available ai aur plant. RENT A LOCKER They cost you Iess than 3'/2c per day. You have no operafing or upkeep expense. They hold 200 lbs.. lots of room for a quarter of beef and a supply offruits and vegetables from your garden to lai you through nexi winter. LIVE AND EAT BETTER BY LOOKING AHEAD Bo wman ville Frig id Lo cker System 73 KING ST. W. PHONE MA 3-5578 E t E t 0 f h a e f n 1 p p t] c ti ti b c 0 p c p i: 7,7 TEZ CAMAMM STATIML4x. BOWVAlqvr..= CMAYS& 1 - -- 1 I.- > ,Weeýe'nd