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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Mar 1959, p. 6

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wvqwý *er to the Nosta) ear Editor John: On Saturday last a car drove Into Bowmanville and the dri- ver remembering the ticket he received the last timne he park- cd, bought two hours worth of lxnmunity by deposIting ten cents in the curb meter. He had brought bis wife and young married daughter frorm Toronto to do their complete Spring shopping at Breslin's, but after accompanying tbem into the store, he found it very dif f i cuit to remain. The reason was obvious. He missed the canger, jal welcome of the proprietar who passed away just a year &go. But he was made very welcome by the staff and the proprietres.s who called every custamer by first name as they came along. Realizing that bis women folk would be busy for some trne, he meandered out an the istreet and siowly made his way down ta vour office. Can you imagine his disappointrnent at finding the doFor ciased? Twv hours to kili and flot a soul to talk to him. It was just at this mnomnrt that I, stepped up t( SPECIALS 1.23 ize Bufferin -___98e 10 os, aize Noxzema - 1.25 98e size Lustre Creme - 79e 73e size Cream 011- 63c 2 bot. Hlnd's Cream 98c Dee Tee For Coug Moth Ruer 1 M.bag59eDristan Tabs -______ Coldene LIqu Kold Ease - Moth Buckley's MI Proofer Pertussîn - 1.39 Vlcks Syrup NEW Thin O Tabs For Appetite Contre! 100 lahiels 3.95 One-A-Day M- 1.40 - 2.50 cowI PHONE MA 3-5695 DRUG TRIS FRI. AND SAI Holiday Matinees F THE LONE RANGER uncovers a city of gold and planges"'> into bis newest, Mnost exciting adventure! ..I . CLVTU OR M . ng LOWE R&1«9I San. Nid-nile, Mon. a Naýinee Mon., M~ "Jailhous Starring Elvis Prt Extra mid-nite only: Mon. and Tues.: Eli WED. AND TMUR! "Senior F "Joy Lasi tim "The Spider" ar Tm CA2<AM!AK TATE8MA1R, EOWI£AN1Vff1EONTAIM Editor fgia 15 Incurable him and asked if 1 could help1 fromn 1917 te 1920 to be exact. ,eI him. 1 knew it was none of my: Ne has been through the town i. business, but I was just curiaus. countless number of Urnes, but e Do you know what? This man always in a car. He ha.s made - jwastalingta himself as he many visits hrbtte )f stepped back on the sidewalk.f ended 8 or 10 years ago. Ne n H e was reading your sign over knew people in the towfl to- dand over: day because he named themn g James Publishing Company ta me. But as he sald, he rièver oJob Printers took the time to look at the 9 The Canadian Statesman town before. With twa houri ýr In Existence Since 1854 ta spare, he wvas going ta take ýe I thought that if yau were a walk. Did 1 want ta corne -around you really could have along? I sure did. And s0 we is gatten a story from him. I' started. ,_ tried ta get hlm té talk but it "Starting down at the cor- ýr wvas difficuit. Fînally he loosen-1 ner of Scugog Street I sec the r ed up when I asked hlma if -he aid mil is still there" he said. y' knew any of the James'. "When spring ice broke up e "I was just thinking of the there were bushels of suckers yr first time 1 tried this doar taken out of the water wth y' back in 1917. Johnnie 's 'grandi- nets. Right across the road father was the editor. This pa- from here in one o! those build- n per was aid, then -cet 1 see it 15 ings, was a bustiing hotel, the estili in the sarne place as it was Bowman House. I suppose elong ago. That makes me feel Bowmanviile got its name ya bit at home" from there. Traveilers used ta Ui Now. while I arn a newcomn- display their merchandise asi t er Sa to speak in Boxvmanville, samples, and a horse drawn bus *I have lived here avec fifteenj was either coming or gaing * ears. I discovered that this' most O! the day. The railroadi s man lived here. and wvorked in wvas known as the Grand Trunk o, one of the stores in his youth, and it was the means of comn- Imunication. I actuaily made a *UUU MUIMMUUUUU~'hspeech in that hotel in later years before the Lians Club, sp you can tak.e my word for SrLEAALS it, it was a hotel once". "There used ta be a few cBrylcreem and Conib - 69e banks here. This landmark an Vacum Bttle __ 79o the lef t is stili one of them. Vacum BUles79o Glad ta sec the aid Post Office l9e size Colgate Faste stili standing even Il it is a Lady's Nylon Hair Brush library now. They couldn't have put it to a better use. There were a good lot o! en- Both fr 89cterprising merchants in those days. Couch Johnston and Cry- derman carried everything down te coiared silk tbread hs & ColdS Larve, spoals. Nichols always sold Ll~nd iThe logan fascinated me throu- _____1.25 ghout the years and it cornes 1.09 - 16 back ta me as if it were yester- ild ___ 1.10 day. Mason and Dale had an -____ 1.25 outdoar display of lawn mow- Ixture 59c, 85e Fly-Tox ers and wire fencing. Knight's Bomb had a large lnviting provision 75c, 1.25 Bm store (groceries to us to-day).1 J. B. Martin at 80 eould swing ________ 6e 89 - .39 a sack o! seed easily. and hap _____________________ over his counters with the sup- port af. only one hand. Ne had the gracery and hardware store Gerifolnext to Todd's. And of course G riolI couici always smell the feh Contalns Vitamins and bread baked daily by Todd. Os- Mineals- Lqui orTabets car Pattenick made bis outside Mineais- LquI orTabetu display very effective. Ne was a real merchandiser as time bas 1.35 - 3.29 a5.49 proven. Ne runs a whole chain of stores throughout Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes. Ne useci ta bank bis money every week, and I arn told he neyer lultpleTabetsborrowed a cent inibisIlile. Jimn Infantine of course sup- a3.95 - 7.95 plied the selection of fruits. 0 But that lavable rascal taught mne some Italian wards which I later learned couldi not be S repeateci in the presence cf la- * C!dies. No wonder he laughed when I repeated the words so IN G proudiy in bis store. In place WB FIT of the garage, there used ta ha a large iivery stable. 1 rented STORE M TRUSSES a horse and buggy many times IUUUUMUMUUUUUUUUUMU' Harry Allun could always ha seen coming diagonally acrossg the road from his littie shap. 1 could tell you a! ane of bis pranks played on a waman 6L3-58 who was aiways bothering him sey Martin ran the bowling r.- AR H 7 8 alley and in between ol gle handed. Frecidie Martin was rri. and Sal. 2 p.m. the opposite of Casey and as aid man J. B. once said ta me uoU be haci two sans Cain and Abel. LoDu Right here you coulci met your, ABBOT11AosTELLO wthb otrDvt h ' at two minutes ta fine. Doctar Tîlley took care of my throat. -. ~q1 Dr. Bonnycastie told me ta hbel adentist. Dr. Hazewood was the cheerful busy man an bis ' caîîs. ___ "There were industries in the ~, town and run by fine people. I 3TrýA CRAZY, ... thought because of that Bow-2 MIXEP-VP' . manville wvauid one day be aC COMEY. thriving community of fi!ty CMRIAit hirw~k thousand. The foundry, the pi- ano factory, the box factorv Evening Shows: which was. a new addition, and "Ranger" at 7 and 10 the Goodyear still here intact "Henr" at :20 ere a forerunner of the fu- tur.eBtryok"t wat as:ap0 bottie of that and yau feit ;e R ock"higher than a kite. The jokeJ ;e R ockwas an the dry town of Bow.- 'esey.Jud Tyermanville becau se the stuff wan r acey udyla erdut mostly alecol. Tt had a tre. ,,: Draula"(Adlt)mendous sale and I stili remern- vis at 7 and 9 ber the crawds holding their NOM ....... WMýsingle dollars aioft for the bat-ý E. - PRIL - Z lIe. Onlv once did I see a man S. - APRI 1 - buyfour bottles. Either he knew what was in the bottie, ohe was a stoage for the âhow. ro m and orcarne to that conclusion as 1 rorvr, e vas a mavie show but R ide" I rarely attended. The flu was for the first time ,dur- ing that perioci and people were dying like flues. Tt was suppos- p e Ib-nufe cd'to be contagious in crowds, 0 s0 naturaily as a kidi ef fifteen ad "Braineaters" I had ta stay away. We did a lot ofhorsean buggy driving -Ilon Sun'iaYs. Gardening and ap- p*picking rmade sammer ipas- Urnes. And li later years the secret trout fishing expeditions. F.very member becamne a secret service man. No one disclosed where he caught the tish. 1 cani stili taste the fresh. pan fried speckled trout. But in the wlnter we hed fun. T'he rink wus further down the street the Balmoral Hotel. (Look here, thre place is closed. Did they have a tire?> Hockey was the sport. Cobourg, Wbitby, Part Hope and O5hawa junior and interniediate teanis played ta a full house. There were plenty of games and when there were no games we cauld always skate. Funny, years la- ter I was in the tawn the night the, rink burned down. It waà tull of new General Motors cars. It just burned and burn- ed and ail we could do was to pour water an the bouses near- by ta keep the tire tram spread- ing. ll neyer forget the sad expression on Mo Breslin's face. 'There gaes the oniy thing of intere.9t we had in Bowman- Iville. The poor kids. What will they do now?"' As it was getting near five o'clock and my walking corn- panian was about ta return tQ 'bis family I wondered how ire feit about Bowmanville."Feel?" I he asked. "Wbat can 1 possibly feel but nostalgia. I have been trying ta live in the past which is n-either passible nor advis- able even for twa bours that I have waiked the streets. I could bave done better ta stayJ in my car and imag-ine nothing ever happened". Before bie left I wanted ta get bis name. "Naines 'mean very littie ac- tually", he repiied. "I coulci be anyone of thousancis revisiting the scenes o! their youtb." Your Newcst Subscriber, Bill Bresin Business Direclory_ Accountancy_ RAY J1. DILLING Certified Public Accauntant 93 Church Street MArket 3-3861 IM. J. H. COGGINS ChateedAccauntant Second Floor New Library Building Cor. King and Temperance Sto. Phone MArket 3-3612 TALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auditors Llcensed Trustee in Bankruptcy 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa, Ontario B. L. Yale, C.A. F. Frledlander, B. Com., C.P.A. MONTEITH - MONTEITH RIEHL & CO. Chariered Accountants 135 Simcoe, St. N., Oshawa RA 5-3527 Bowmanville - Cail ZEnith 45750 Partners: Han.. J. W. Monteitir, F. C. A. A. B. Monteith, B. Cern., C.A. G. W. Riehi, C. A., R. I. A. (Licenseci Trustee) RG. E. Tretbewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfaot, C.A. C h ir op ra c i c G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office- 15 Elgin St., cor. cf Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment. -4 --D e ntal1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in bis home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Phone MA 3-56014 0 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday E. RICHARD LOVEKIN U.E., B.A., LL.B. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appointrnent1 oniy. W. KAY LYCETT. B.A. t Barrister andi Solicitor In the offices o! R. R. Waddell, Q.C. Main Street, Orono, Ontario Friday, 7 p.m. ta 10 pa. Saturday: 9 arn ta 5 p.. LEROY HAMILTON - ORONO1 Phone 1 r 16 First Mortgage Funcis Residences - Farrns Business Praperties t Opfo m e fr y KEITH A. BILLETT Optometrist é 141 King St. E. - Bowmanvlie t Office Heurs: By appaintmms*e Telephone MArket 3-3252 a Monday ta Saturday 0 9 arn. ta 5 p.m.a Wednemdays: 9 to 12 1 Thursday eveings a Screecl 1 By Chaffl eTrim On Friday, February 27. four students fromn B.H.S., Màrg Vanstone, Connie Osmondi, Howard Rundie and mysel!, îtravelled te Hamilton te take part in the Second Annual Higir Scbaol Student Council Con- terence for the province of On- tario. 1Tis year thre cenference was 1held at Hamilton's Teachers' College and students tramn Sait-I ficet Hxgh Schrol. con ducted i othre gathcring. The whole purpose ef this conférence t, te discuss and trade ideas with ether scirools. It also gives students a chance to) compare their scirool with other schools in the province and by doing se may heip im- prove the,-schaol's extra activi- btics wbich are a vcry impor- ta nt part of aur educatian. PeriraPs by -describing tire conference we shahl be able ta Point aut te you the purpose o! and need for such a meet- Ling. 1 On Friday unarning at 4:55 tire four eariy birds a! B.H.S.1 left Bowmanville which wvas as deaci as a graveyard. When we arriveci in Toronto we chang- I ed trains andi reacbed Hamil- ton at 8.30. On arriving 1 tele- phoried Saitfîcet High Scirool andi a car was sent ta take us ta tire Teacher's College wbich was located opposite McMaster University. When we reacbed tire tea- cher's college we each paid $3.00 registration fee andi maved ta the auditorium where wc were welcomed and tire dav's routine was outlined. The morning was broken I down into three discussion i graups ail taking place at the I sanie time. Connie and Marg went ta tire conference roorn with the bead- ing "School Spirit". Howard went ta tire room witb tire titie "Tire Year Book" and I went ta tire roomn wiVh thre heading "Procedure and Organization". At noon we ate at a nearby restaurant and at 1:15 we a- ended tire a!ternoon discussion groups as follows: Marg - Scirool crests and finance; Con- i nie-Scrool spirit; Hloward andi I-Student activities. We were cacir biileted out ta homes in Harnilton and nearby Burlington foc tire nigbt and met at 7:55 Saturday morning :for tire return jaurney. Tire train reached Bowmanville *at about eleven o'clock and our triP carne ta, its end. On beiral! o! tire tour o! us I xvould, like to thank our Principal foc allowing us ta attend tire conference and I hope that some o! you will be able ta be present at tire next canference wirich will be helci In Sudbury. By Barb. Brown Peor tire Past few weeks the Bible reading iras been done bY ROY Atkinson, Bob Capp, H I-eather Bissonette, Phylhis Howells, Gardon Smnala, Berta Higgon, Terry Joyce, Barb Ver- meulen. Barbara Ann Aidreci, Wayne Mavin, Heather Webh andi Margaret Harvey, Gary MeCuilougir, Betty Locke, John Allun, Bob Archer and Bruce Bowman cead it this woek. Here are tire resuits of tire last girls' basketball tourna-j ment twa weeks aga. Tire Juri- lor Championship was won byI Bowmanvilie. They defeated O.C.V.I. 19-7 witir Sandra Chas- kavicir coliecting 12 Points and Donna Bragg 6. In their second game, Donevan was defeateci 19-8. This tirne Donna Bragg' rieceived 14 points wirile San- dira Chaskavich got 4. Congra- tulations ta the Juniors'fo their splendid playing ai emca - son. Our Seniors' turned on morne seam andi playeci the greatesti ail season ta end up in second place just behmnci Central. Tirey stod furt ingirls piano solo in a class of eighteen and Chervl Metcaif stood fifth in piano sol. o class of twenty-four. The turkey supper served hy tire W.A. of thre Unitedt Chuncir on Wednesday evening was con- siclered very successful. Tne la- dies kept their goad reputation o! providing an excellent mneal. Tire cuchre sponsored by tire Farrner's U n i a n Wednesday nigbt was well ettended. Prize winners were: ladies higir, Mr&.î Snaw, Scugog; second. Mcm. F. 1 Bailey, low, Mcm. Burnharn, Scugog; gnt's higir- Ailan Bar- Iey, second, George Crazier as Iew gent, Mrs. F. Gibson, Nes- tieton. Only five childlrerr attended i Mdission Band Tuesday after' sirool (severai tired atter tire big day at Peterboroughr Mon- day. Also looking focward te thre turkey supper Wednesday evenin g.) Mrs. Butt conducteci an informai meeting. For war. ship sire told tire Easter Stary and led a discussion on Easter. Then each member reaci a short &tory or poem on thre saune THURSDAV, MAlt. I8t1~l4US theme. Mfter the closin exer- cises gaines were played. On Tbursday evening the Ex- plorers spent tiroir hour in pi- paration and rehearsal for their affiliation secr vice Tirursdey, Mai-ch 26th. Mr-. and Mrs. Roy Taylor, Mr-. and Mns. Anson Taylor, Oshawa-, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Murray andi girls, Cressweil, and Mr. Anold Taylor were Sunday cvening guests o! Mr-. and Mrs. Harry MeLaugirlin and Lawrence in ironor o! Mrs. J. Forder's 86tir binthday. Heartiest congratula- tiens Mrs. Farder. Tire W.A. o! St. John's Churcir met in tire Parisir Hall, Thurs- day afternoon with fourteen present. After tihe opcning hy'mn tire Scciptune Passage was read by Mrs. W. Van Camp, thre Lit- an'y led by Mrs. H. MçLaughlin and thre members prayer repeat- cd ini unison. The regular date flot belng canvenient for aur guest speak- cer, Mcm. Fuller, it was decideci to hold tire meeting Fridey ev- ening April 17t.h. Conisiderable business was deaht with. Decided te send tire bale ta W.A. House for tireir dis- tribution. We accept with tiranks Mrs. Brown's kind offer o! an- other quilt top. Secretary was authorized ta send a, note et tianks ta Mr. Harold Nesbitt for bis donation of quilt tops m rade iby bis motirer, tire late Mrs. Cea. Nesbitt. Tire quiltîng at tire home o! Mrs. Scott was quite successtul. Thre rest a! thre quiltings are ta be ireid ini thc Parisir Hall on later dates. Decided ta accept 1,vith regret Mns. Bone's resignation as ne- cording secretary due ta trans- portation difficulties. Mcm. Shem- ult kindly consented te take ber place for tire remainder efthtie ycar. Decided te purcirase Eas- ter flowers for Vire d-iurcir. A musical number by Mrs. Sbemn- lit, a W.A. contest arranged by Mrs. McArtirur, and prayer by tire rector closed tire meeting.' Miss Gertrude Hem-y, Toronto, spent tire weekend with ber meo- tirer, Mrs. Jas. Henry and Mel- ville and Doris Griffin. Mr. andK Mrs. Glen Tennant and ehilciren visited iris parents at Leskard Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Beacock and Mrs. Ed. Darcy visitcd Mr. Russel Spinks and Mrs. Ira Ar- gue, Tuesday. Mr. and Mcm. Merv-yn Gra- ham visiteci Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fiett,. Fenelon Falls, Sund'ay. Mr. Grant Jackson bas solci his twe farms ta Mr. Grant Ed- gertan. Mc. and Mrs .Welr Swain, Tarante, visited Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Marlow and Bill, Wed- nesdlay. Mc. and Mrs. Clarence Mac- low and Bill accompanied by Mrs. O. Carhey o! Whitby, left by mater for Florida on Satur- day. Bill intends ta f ly on ta Mexico City sbontly. Mrs. Zack Adarms, Bowman- v;Ille, ànd Mrs. Walter Ferguson, Enniskillen, spent Wodnesday night witb their sister Mr-. and Mns. Fred Dayes and famîly. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Lucas, Toc- onto, were weekend guests o! Mr. and Mrs. 0cr Venning. Glaci ta repart 0cr is carning along nîceiy after iris recent operatian. Mi-. and Mcs. Frank Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Grace, Glen and Elaine, Beaverton, were Stinday guests of Mc. andi Mrs. Wilbert Archer and Mr. Dever. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Watt, Mr. Rosi McC'ann andc Miss Marie Hartness, Oshrawa, were Sunday supper guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahm and tamily. Mr. and Mrs. Angus McDonald Couctice, wcre Sunday aftennoon an.d evening guesti e! Mi-. and Mrs. Richard VanCamp. MIrs. Herb Taylor spent a fev deys last wveek with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Malcolm, Yelver- tan. On tire Sunday Mai-. isti a number o! relatives cehebrated witir themn their 44th wedding annivensai-y, aise bath Mr. and Mas. Malcolm's birthdays. Wedneschay evening Mrs. Tay- lor accompeanied Ne&ýt9ý f rie. nds ta visit the funeral parla- in Barrie where the late. Wilton Créed (Mactalen&a Emfi- erson) wlis resting. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Say- well and - M argaret. O (> w were Sunday supper ge mrs. W. W. VanCanip. 7Look no further foir complets proper1y insurance protectilo«n If you've been lookiliýf? complete insurance coverag&1 for your home, y'ou'll heli. tercsted in aur ".oi~, Package. You get rire, thft liability Insurance with Ol -policy . .. anc premnium. You.- can save money . . . or jet more protection than witit separate policies .. . or ba~t., ,Cail us ... today., STUART R. JA14ES INSURANCE REAiL LSTA+*8 Office, MA 3-5681 King St. E. I7 PZ7FILL YOUR eEACTER ~ GEST BUY - SAVE 4e j* Niblets Fancy - 14 oz. tin KERNEL 'CORN 2 For 33c BEST BUY - SAVE 2c Heinz In Tomato Sauce - 15 oz. tin SPAGHETTI 2For3ic BEST BUY - SAVE 5c Swift's- Jewel - 1 lb. pkg. SHORTENING 2 For 5iC BEST BUY - SAVE 10e Johnson's » 32 oz. tin KLEAR WAX - $1.09 BEST BUY - SAVE 7c Blue or White - 5c Off Pack Free Face Cloth - Large pkg. BREEZE DETERGENT 37c FEATURE - SAVE 16e Swift's - 11½ lb. tin CANNED HAN m $1.391 FEATURE - Heinz Fancy - 20 oz. tin TOMATO JUICE - 2 kor 29c FEATURE Reynold's - 12" wvide, 25 ft. ral CELLO WRAP ... 29c1 FEATURE - French's - 6 oz. jar Prepared MUSTARD 2 F-r 25c FEATURE - SAVE 6c Supreme i1lM. celle BLANCHED PEANUTS 39c. Suprerne 1 lb. celle SPANISH PEANUTS Swift's - Short Shank - Ski Premium - Fully Ceokcd Whole or Hall HAM lb. Swift's Prenîjun, - Sniokeé Cryovac Wrapped Portions HAM M -Boneless Ready te Eat COOKED PICNIC Swift's Prernium Grad Cryovac Wrapped - 4 Dufferball TURK Swift's Brookficld - SI SAUSAGE Swift's - Sliced - Side Eversweet - Sealed1 BACON -' Fresh Pr Tropical goedncss - Li Pi neapple Ontario Roi House RHUM Luscious, juicy, Anjou PEARS - - Vitamin rich- No. 1 YAMS -- Extra Green- Fresli BROCCOLI FROZEN F Libby's Frozen Strawb 15 oz. pkg. Birds Eyc Tasty Dinnc Cbicken, Turkcy, il Birds Eye Orange Juice 29c FEATURE - Grimsby - 48 oz. jar SWEET GHERKINS - 65c Aylmer Stuffed - 8 oz. Ice Box Jar MANZANILLA OLIVES 39c Sunbeam Feature Cherry Fudge Layer Cake Ea. 55c Hoi Cross DUNETTES Doz. 39c THERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE l' BOWMANVILLE - Wm. H. T MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KING ST. - EAST 0F TOWVN UNE ORONO - Cornish Markete BLACKSTOCK - Blyth's Mar Tai Gr MA 3e Bowmanville rACKET ~9c ihnlss a Lb. 43c ihnless a - 1,b. 43c * ag sz 12.'veas SB lbh.29c 2 Lb. 25c «AR Fa.29c oz pk. ea2 9c e, 6 oz. tin 3/77c EAR YOU' roceteria a Il 1

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