* 'C 0 1* W - &V4n - DUS&, 4 B m .&AW AN A »A I9RAN. bbWA --. .1.U T>AM 4 labsquaiter ragweed musta rds lody's tumb pigweed p ursl anc wild luckwheat shepherd's pur%. hemp nettie Apply Simazine 50W et plont- Ing time end f orget weed prob- terni for the meson. ORDER NOW fi.rtqyour lotalform guply deuer - in 3 Wlbubgs end 50 lb. dru ms. e ** **** meC ee* e . e 4 e -e o e * 'o'- * .'- - ** ~N. o * . e I I s e e e M Q e e e e domorethan e e.'..e.., lavafl. ,UggOcztmd flat a iiuf]i taie of 12 mtile ehoutl lieo ,t te rtn; ol - otingelicîes it f oictdeti-dt ncrth*ielxveî- SHAW'S Thé- April meeting or Shaw's i Home and Schotl Assciation I vas held jah the acheal April 1. Rusines.s w-as conducted by the preaideiit. W. M. Rabb. .4no- inating ucoramit teé cênuposed &f L. -f. Wôod. Alex Prout anid 017e Bfragg are to hrtng in iihe* slatp of afficers atth*flc nein nme.eting. jCha". Gikes wax ehairnan e? t-he progrant amd alied on 'e e. e e e e e e R e.. e F e e me- e e e e e e e e o e PLAN FROFI'FABLE CROPS WITH SHUR-GAIN IjREAMING là ' UK. hu it'us much mort rrantcol ta plan profitable crctps with I'Nipw P sSH-UR-GAIN .. . the ferrilizer that provides greater plant foetd vluând guar-antees worthwhile st;-ngs in rme and labour. T'hree yemrs ahead et'the field with 'Nuw PRocF.sS". SHUR-(;AIN is granuleri. . . is the original free-flofftrng feitlizer . . * as backed by 40 vears of ferilizer ex- perience. It has, been proven, the ine-x fertilizer for your good eartk. Here'. why- When granuler fertili7ec 's niixed wirh the soit more of the pbosphorutt in the fertitizer reinains readily avait- able te go to work; dclîvering greater plant food v~elue from e'ey ton. PLANNEIJ SAVINGS AL UNE WAY! «NEW PRoCFsq" SHItR-GýAIN with its ce*- trolled low moiiisnsve content, d granulutr texture suefa-oeV. it drills well, and there's almut a com- pl-e ab~f of g(duelf. SIUR-GAM- retauns its çmSoth flowing com.tcncN, despite long storage. Afftr eei.g SHUJR-GAIN, equipmeor ii. ea.y mud quickly cleaneni MARE DREAMS COU£ Tto£ ... m» PROFITABLE CRMf with "Naw PRO- czsg SHUR-GAIN, the lunftiae scientifically procmeed »e provi'de gpeater pleut food ve lue .. . gearmeeed -adia m CANA DA PACKERS LIMW!D tmm.uufW.rsW "New Pr.ssm siHUR.GAIN PsrtIzw hd * Gbdb. Roaid'Commission Blamned for Delay .nCounties Budget' 4 ;United counties ilillrwm rcourcil oit Co bourg W'einacd av- Six ir n~iI!tof thîqi- r$417,0. i 17was declared t ý af1 ' ro'c.Aril1 . wili hp eVoted ta road cen- * iI'%a minutes et the 1wd 1v BaSýd onf le 93 q* sesnen tr[içChofl and maintenanre. ýh4eting of the Northch- i- n.i9..~50L'29îIthe ii(\%-iil rate Thm uniited ecoLntiele budget, nlaL ad Durharn ,otlni!b - exopctedtor.s 8.1. however, wil! not b., introdue- * ----- d titil the meeting of Apri '28, th- third elav of a tlire.- diay -eîsson. two days cor whiril "'CO RN GROWERS! Ca;l.P for h inPf hae . tit ltpbuetn eoncla 70 t h. cou t f. Rhroad. rorissof ~Iff fl~bY Wai _n Garne Rickard. The roade corisisioui i,% an II I I ~appéonýpd kody andso ofil mmnbmr.carp tint rmembers or ~ .,Ii te ouictceF ounriji. W'ardmn Rickard i old tounicil tha1 there \vas un teaeon \WIW hm road? croninission k-tinlatmý S irh/ i oulid fot be prpsented *arl'v Ini .linccair\.As vet. the ~mn~ ninhsfot ;nSpected alH cf tac i'nade Anci h. .Slcested th âr J i:e oult in thp We fait ý' t h oirst neet .ic if th a 'l ývh eh t akf-.ý p1ïccý ain a . K 1 LS MOR ELaIrst Date Depiitv ceée&i'ornJones. Un- wolc eabie nosi t.ilcia'"- bornyard grass ~~tî yio ha\ cp.;oiiie refinilc wild bats .knoiedop of th@, cocînti*es' rmut yellow foxtailhfoemkn t ier crabgras[ lmtnp short discussion whicji crabrassprececded the derlai-ation of tap rc~ ootmili rat(-, Remve Lloyd Fonton. aa- %Qngoj roum. i-Club.w.s-he.--a t-1 er- G Mr- and Mrs, R. Gibîh eore PP cf Oron i h rtGl evening Zueats of NMr. and I(irs. 1ery o- Troto. Mr. Arthur Lis- S t&nletv Goble. mer ,N'ft ôis orm fthe aeven Mus .Shaw mand fap judges on the handïrmg commit- Oshawa. visited Mr. and -_ U j tee af thè Ontar-io Sôecietv cfç È. A. Virtue ard jo1w.Aru tisc W li c pspeaker' of telS M « =I Mr-. aitd N-.J-~pr vening.Fie gav:e a ver-v int2er- and àtns. pet erb~S-ugb. visiîet ' .jtftgaddresic on thepitu. RIU? RO My-. and mi-i. W&Itèr Park. on the Wall* whiciu wPt-e sel- RMU --O -MIr. aftd MMra.Cecii Pbm cted out of $00 ubmittedi for tRUSTNGA SO CLL Burketon. iiited %rý»nd Mr,.*ýromartand exhibition." Thel 0E l r 1959 apened at the Art Galler'u'Won ridèa% nigli. m B L PmîolI. »y!tii..'know noth- JIGET NMRB ijg about Ar-t but like the run-' A drsrAuin ir'- ilr - ier wav horst And ltheuotor car Mo 'ime if iis jlieteel 1 it if omewhat hard tô avoid" turee oa t acjh id# andion Top.1 , Whetvoit sêtt upvour casel the Fem'ric S*r',ie optri ad Oamnts vou "I ton]" gatih-ur ad'viaea.sketches but thp hurrman tout,.ru m _______________ j-the puitsopinion en art. Az LI: W1 *ol~pdt o<t e!* ~~Bt~w painr ngfi houàef at IO W A m &4 Of g ÏAI 1,I 10 EIl i* Creek near Sai-aota, Fia.. a & tu kû W A N T E V , a lady and littie girl caine êLlng - ~ bPLt Ii&~L>jb t b bd. Old and <1rîpped Iot dmie mr hndiorkan FAIM STOCK saad: -If 1 coulti makp a prett'- Pfekd UVPpa te baf ' p>ctag hlke thai 1 I oldpaint For sêrvire. md further information cali: tii Pst ~ Waeee mémthirug good-Iokirig ln tin Phone pace !ndwtôt t-emn oldDUEHAN CGUNTY Cebmurl- lm 1-3721 Voit aisoe et ait ides ai thm KEJTH WOOD - Orono 17110 Peterborough RF 1 ff value of Vour art. While I1 raz JAAN TAAVET - Welcome 2231 ~IKPVCONI paimtun g boau *bd hoat hom IK OD owsesM Y- 330 th font. àh aritwha lad liet fishing in DC ~<D.Bwnuil Akt330 tiw a.arby ««ek Camaie iog 4 f s s, i , -4 s. p fb 0 db- Champ Shoo& Auditorium of 1et* L.agg la ePia&no . Svra N ew H olste~inI h m urday night. tollowing an m-t r&tWca! number% were enàovec a- ,s Bertha Thomjpson of *oyable turkey diner servd amoni d e ;teciUoz>0, te « Toro.nto. titie vlage onI bv mêmbe.rs of the Neton~~- li-epano solo by Mrs. M. Rabb Ms Ralph Bouatien 's gel. called on Mt. C. Ç&rv.th tO uedtric gu ~b" Donn ckxMk eulW- aud t'ieWA. lwrd Qi~ Jting settled in her new home. present the trophv to the New- janoetg them *G.ètiri Rmacv takf a faney â.e-tio rnor a large Centrai. Ontario Cattie Breed- with Mr.aM-. CPtn a- hl ofils t epwoderenabe- For Town" andl -The Touci of herd or cattie ta produce a irgAssocat:on at Map1ê check. rw tih MaAqtera Hand.*" Dick T..ve- champion mhker. Bill milke 18 eti for himn. . r -D, nut sonted te stnd: as they w*n ranti- ki,1 intronticieed km rother icows. does ail the work 'imsef Mr. MeQuarrietu. ws t St- re.sk LEst and is with lis daugii- Tufforei. Ted Laite, Bill Wade. Jams. eacer t . 1I. ingard oerats n ve" pact- d hecause Vera ix a daugliter ter. Mrs. Donald Eflliott. i JTtm Gilmer. Bill Ells, Ken Collegziate. Scarboro. who spokecpIai ha.si. Vet hie ba! clévelopohd of Pabet Walk(br Ollhe. One of Mi"s Wylene Wilson of Ne*w-1 Dawlev, Javk NMantie (better on h teh e -etç,Wats Wro';g o Cn eai anha i-1olsteiOlnI butte- l ,batterv of bu.ý; in the Ce- ct. spent the weekend i XIknown as **Red"). Bill Nichol- Wih li Prets ad . av CnaanChmon orb tte. iat nitiartificial breedýig M.and' Mrq:. Sid Brown. 1 ol. km i Murphy. CharE.9 -!ant inteîes;tlng tceon isonce fat 0durtion in iesno *su li a ieve v ine YMr. and Mrs. Don Vîie rmnan oe Westheuter o f thé, ioblerms nfteachers &)-id 1 ear-old vc1az« or hie .05 dm-t venge or 11.309 Ibs. Miik apd were Su iday visitent w~ith MIs,ç èentpésn ii ire the varioux attitudec oet paren'. 'di\,.<sion on twtcm-a-davnilkirg. 44,1 Ili. fat on hig il cda:r-. li-inlVnk1e andl gon Paul, of:wèed net presllgent. JimGiime loarS c[ictin ,oaý. 'r Tp e%, hapin .&Bo- eri that have completed 1îwo-Belvlei entatives from all four teams. J. Trudeau tharukedl the 4oeak- lieur Vera Pabst wNho produt:- vear-old records. Aiso 'il Dev- i. and Mrs. A. Currie nt who referred to the enijoyable er and ail) thos. whn took par-t edi 18.107 lbs milk, contaifl:ng cent, of his classified dauzhtes îgson pet ouleý seasor j ust Massed. and aise reà in tihf y r. and Mvhrs .percentbu ft.eragtescît 3.n49 rate Gôod Plus or bptter, an da.vs w'th Mr. and Mrs. Bren- grettecisa manv nienibers Nwere plnobibý r.ad rý .pecntbttraii sith X""onlscr.nan. unable ta be pDresent. Apprecia- GlksMi. antd VrF. F.. Cex. v-hamno:,onshîip mark. ThiF re- xetol Rev. Thos. Waliac-e iF criti- tion ta the ladies_ was voiced bx- Mr. anid Mrs. .1. Trudeau arid tard stancLs fiftli in Canadi? for Vr"i herseif eclassiffted cLallv':,il ai the home Of IIýs Howard QinnevP\ and respond- *Mr. arnd Mrs. D. Lovekin. Lunî-<î mllk in itseia&ç. Continited on VryGod li ecn hges augtr.M1 .GoreBer C d te by Mrs. H. Wade, thé W. wa.- .smrvedlh- Mirs. Otto Bragg 1 test jrr1.65 days%. Vera made ratint attainabi. for bodvý, co;i- r in.A peiet arîd 1e cominitiep The next 1 20,290 lhs. milk and -774 Ibý formation. She \vas h"red o i.Gieo. Vea of HamptonA.pe,ýcnt I rguarmeein wiI . ed la. nîh sans ixîi ormk eei .1, Brown, Orono. . anrd Mr. and Mrs. Vaneyk of tnda.May 6. land tenth for fat iin Canada. On her besi da'- on test Vera Tyrone. Werf recent Nviýit0is; Reasoni i the imoqt actve On Fia April In. a rared No on* w as zmore surprîsed gave 72 1bee. ofrmlk (29 qaii t Mr. and mrs. Paul Van- humnan lactilty.-Mary Baker a Rt aS h-dat ih;.col than Bill Stons> w-len he fotind Sile ie a persistent oî-oducer. evk. Eddy. !!whl-ien twentx-two tanlei Of that Vmra had sotý a new -e- her second highlest mont1V? ýspro- -Mr. and Ms Wm. Browvn anhi d five hu»di-ed iver' ,e eoi-d.Hf, knew of course, triai dUctinii comîlng iii thle severvh and daug.hter., Karen of Sua'- la.prize winner.s in five latn- ah. was. milkint P#xcpotional.' month of lier lactation borough. spenti Suriday w CAR UT ER j re i ade' igi Ms.-Mr. arîd 'M'r.Harry Wade. C R U R R Lewvis W\ood: Inw .M Ar 1 r 1Mr. and Mrs. Kei*l Stephen- Gyraliaru: Vien'S higii: FrElncinîea'igterio CoN o~. ~ ~To-c av's News Stor,e.s iikandTwo aug end f SO UR TABLET <n a i ri:;: alf ra Niî i t h ic-ionsucia'l tenshrcs i ha. Io t a kw .daxs. ilMirs. Howard l A km b1-o Som eRecords to Mr. ar tii tici t he Frneet v,ý- itagh a...<.i-. 0'v.Ni ' arre on WThure :1 9m. Their daughter. Wh'1e ticcaoli'uŽi finu-t'e'i Lli.\d C1sciale. invitci A Wtiei p -1.1p ofA :ds îîîîîtv- c Fei\v n for t lia t evollilip at tlerrvnfgn N lyIe*n Aked and \vas much inîpresscd Wi \vc ineti.a!li .Fâ- rOIR VETERINARY lUSE ÇONt ei~ht Yldïe, ~xe. eutc~aa- .r iiim\- k.He -aid: -Wish vou rw r 1 aci presented p ii OEFR OR (ci in flic junior - in. Thn LinA pckd ptie i-rnri ha,"d býýell 1erc ast ek.Ia %Vr m.ý DOSwaOR CO c-îa~enicr ('")bmî a n a- r " 1wei ihad nocat.ukli a Spansrn îackePiP. W~ Mr. Everettl ones ;who bas 1 Gtve tail 6 taFet everv I b~isee m gansxeeNr.X.Rdi.tîuisthere \vwould ho.? ab1L 'i eau t. verv lat-ge' 1 w n ri ben iitti hs nother. Mrs. G.. Xdose. Mus. R pie«v. N-.G . ii 3P:: t kfn ie n11- lidni i- fhave g2iveti anythIng for A 1XV. J.ies foi the pasi. year andt au-c acu-I Mi.S.D. kreî.T r- 1 Illte Ijuiham Count3 ý,paintiîîg or il. if voLt had beeri all -pair rof lottel RïETVE0$ (couîînî:t.îe alniciparents xI< Cliii. Tu-e ieading "A Lad: li0,-o 1 would lhave pgivei \nri rr-g %w.elI ami FIichay,. As fe d; is- ta s dukyter tr«f ' 1tharîk theése adý7e Or r ;Pr ilr Ru tinaiwaý- Horse at Lîmîiý- pvm m dollar tn make a Pa:1-i îrese elnir1Lled a do(toi, wa 14 te % xvou-k w-till th,*. hildien. Sav' InV Bruce Wk*St. ÇcaUght ci'. gof iltfa,.i'ftýs th( r- -ldStudvro-igwh Luruen wasservedh,(-Mrs.(1-06eVer--mînusmual tai 1esiae day 1 man touclî voitr i-membei advsc etrgtt 0ahs AL~ *?88 L ye.'.T. Taylor. M:-z. l,ilf epersolial hilman a inter- de aqmoec C. Gilket and Mr$. PE. Bowei est torch hic-tîatti-arcs' Cremn te w-ho nthe d aiWo i- ta' 1ambulance Io Meria iassîstd hYMis.,z.R. Campbllt. 1Quotiig part.« or mr. Wesfs ý Temn the was te d pia attieH asmv al 100 door vantung garidn xvorK. Halïspi.tal. Bowmianville. wher@ 1 1article: Evr '".anld hmci Re atIl 7,rJIg 1rie W-ould niak'e a lihe nassed away ahortly atter AT -der disi-overs eorne nid uýi -plnd uoe ad: -would 1 beiîg admitted. The funeral P<>lLIOWING ORUek TOICSg tM mopa et .eroiirn i like tnri aint xou' Ho- douit- 5he!d on Monday rmI' Hospial Gobe rip andMait<imîd:geau fîte.on5 esidence with the A. M7. Jury & Love1I reato-rs and sends them aîoii-o -pîd ti frrr e George FuAneral Dit-ectars. Port \A/eekly Report f0a n11.%.ht While sketching inthe Ring- 1Hope.*in charge. Rev. lex.cGC.o Forx1emkofAp. 0-1 iTherm-enthn ta se tîIoýng Museum of Ai-t von lie- 1 White w-ar, fficiating clergy. Ale 4ce For eek f Ap. fii2 tcius~-e briugbck the truC flavo'of a , orn an art eonnoisseur ald ! man.- Messrs. Cleland Lane. Rov g ,Admisiuîs10fo-----d--a--a. ik an gulide rothe general public. Th!» Sn-ilt. Fî'ani, Gilmner, I (. . i.O iii1 IBirths-5 male. i femali1. -o 5 ca dage1 MeGe skdaeto ma4 oe, CralC reg rP. . o ln * Dichages-------------6 rad newspaper. Lnokinit throuchb fliiftnakdoetir asJne.Cmai onii adBWM VIL 62lthe tatesi batch tie ntie' d;ay. tnit vcpaiuîted ihat prcii'e E ar- Waike\v acted ae hearers.i Nlajor operation8 -51.for instance. 1 v-a!thalted lu'. e n l -vrWeIl-ehre - wi v wasn Newcastle Towvn LeatueC.B T rri Mfno.r operations -m il ~~painted"' but ,wt7iieh .tîiC.BTyrl Miner pera-onlafte leadlne: Injrirdciix- Ruin rxt le ahons T'he Newcastle Town League Etnrer r-tet, 9awav Horse. iva ete Nahoo1,. l~lmrgeny troin-ents9 I nurid up the heekex' season1 ORONO f iitn ouir-s 2:30 - 4:30 P.m. The item thinwernt On te Our meetings were 4PIed Quite r whth. a anpuieî in thpi Sundai' W and tain8:.10 paii. tel] about heu Mrs. Hughes. regularlv al the Women's Art wîfe of Coi. Sain Hughes. had Association on Prince Arthur 1 been knocked down. by, a rui,-1 Ave. fi-r Nov., 1924 ta Dec. T YRONE away horse and buggy ini Lind- i , 193ý3 whici nminutes read: say while walking downi Cari-- The Cluib wa. pleased te wer ON B '-'" Th ana]Ohaa rsb-bridge Si.. oniie nighl cf July ctrne a, num ber of vieitorx froni O 'T BE *AISFI EDi~i Theannal sulawaPreby-~516.1901. -'Tho horse andrg Bwanilinttpse o tmeeting ofthe Woman'A wrroud~ig Bow-anpillf in teSpersnekof ,4àeitio i bengheiddal: Ty- eettn nar FénllCon FaIe Mayar and Ms. Geo. W. Aisôiatonibein Thr~ca~.thia mornin«L" the report con- J~ames. Mavor Jaee#wa, caled W 8l;~UfU D~ cl# hrb hrdy luded. on an-d made a short addreseo.*' 'Pianminth -t1f wornk 1Ythe . Tt took sevéril bat <car The meeting of Oct. 25. 1934 tehorn@i from the crowling fraffiri wax aims. beld althei.Atrt Ga]- * Mr. anid Mrx. John Hisl ac- l» thp viuinit' aof Kin-g and Ier-v and anothêr type of aic- B u* *Y eompaniied W%-.and NErg K. 'ork Ste.. l t atil mW ii&cir f0 .u- ere shown. From the Achesoýn. Scarboro. oni Sat r-. 1959 attr re.-ding thai oneC. minutes- "Dr. L. B. Wilms day te % jt ?Ur. and mrs. S. Thé ni'mameof Rughie& was ne- had faken a great deal of time i A Daw. Part Credit. and via4'e verabsent from the first 32 during -the summer monthà ini' theit- newr grand datîghler. Or. vears et aur, Durh-arn . Cltii7't- tking moving pictures in dîf- h V M F Ts Stmnd'- tev xisitd Mi. Anti minutersand like a golden icie-ut parte af the counv f Mrs. Tamr Dawon . Srnio, mtelhread wove ils faundatiati. people and olaces nft iitei-est in a;ee their nex grandson. 1An.other heeding in'-the stamne towusanid farni luef. Dr. W-l- Mrs. Alnio> Hatheriv retu.rn- * paper: -45 Years in Retrospecl. liama had. many requestis ta o*o cd horne Stindax- after sqpentd- BOîd Art Cavalier. Arthur Lim- thenl, but fhe Durham *Couity Quite a riumber gathered tCth:AhrLim ai- theni tirai andwe extend omît- the Cemmuruitv Hall Strd:iter who was the j>o1d and lin- t iat L orbigs oa *eràr4-g.te hotorth# newi.lV g hirmg as well as fizhtinz cava- te otîr assocîttion. The Picfure5 wèds, M-. and Mrs. Kennefiu lier of Canadas$ art adtventureç werp excellent. thé large audi- f,. Chatnberlain (m1ec Vern Mir- cgfthe '20%R and '30%. came akecwa delighte i'th. therni i edyfrSr Rebérts). cf Oshavra. Richard, teToronuto frein Montréal for àAS vPr emTl bS' 1heY wtfl e-. ihaPwrLw oe CGÀbbs was mm asâter Of rermoti- :the. *penng on Saturday af arme 'aluiab>lc and. appreciated wt ne anM wr i«s. Mr$. 8ttulley Gable reaid " retro&p@ctiv,* exhibition of 'hlz verNmiicli by Pthe vowriger g.,n. addrem. wJi" they werC orowerk ett he Laing aîeie. ratien as thev grô%w -un and Sented with a coffee table. step -Heliad net rhanged. At ont, beoomne rnterested un Durbam table, table tarop ,an.d acatter mment. lie wax off w ;h aCountv Lh i Crorv' r rug. W- 'T'yronfe ow>iflity - a: . ayng: "I have te 1l001,ail Quoting from 'leh.S ates-: Socal vein. ws ci 1he pictures. 1 haveiVi segn i nan's record of the Apr;I]7 with Yiany ,P1ayin cards. ,-Rônwcf thom ini40 .Vearâ.' La- I1,932mting-à amati poern iý AT SAMGAIN PuICES Mt- and Mr$. George Afl- tér 1t* wa* helping a ehild with 1 mandwirhed ailfthe end: eti-ead w-erseSaturday .vetn g a drawitng. Then ans'bodyj -- Ti, Phhuman Pouch fin the irisitars af Mr-. and Mrg. D. Ail- nuught have rercalled. that L1--woi thai eurts. dreacL Bowmnanville. - nCnd -dafwmc ituicfvîrlaead mg ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e intehm f t.Fe ~a m chd artand àthat.men 'Mh arm muicli more.A t'e ~I yRtmarbAy. A»m lÈtàý iè»