PAGE FOURTEEN for A Weekly Talki By Rex'. R. R. Nicholson Us Religion Necessary? or One Iovely sumner cdax' II'P1Pdt1at foi, this mother uc'- raled at the horne of a littie 1:o{.ir X uwîný but vaitv girl who attended our Sundav ant i V" *.4)~f~rt * 'Sehool, but I received a trigd '1>"cl ~ Io ..reception. Her mother opened u 1 >b . R1lon 10 the door with obvious re> *> ,heitu tance. When shie peuceived 1 44 4 o0>)thi44) w'as a minister, her face hard- a't1'f4r4uvdcr lan> - ried and she did flot invite niePi > >*tiika et o enter her hon4i. Howevei% 1 t2I1~c introducd myseif and toid he'> l t .-nn' 1 wished. as pastor. te bcconîe >.oX414C 1*t acquairited with the p)ar-enits (uC..I I'4l li ail the children who cain" ýta o Lis ~4>>>*a~ * ur church school. 1 tari:.d - I , 41" '.,, \ t Ilii'invited her to attend our F H4* - hj vYiceS of %wn.dip or,>' su1ll4 > X I ' ,.e.îpfor4' -with her littie dauglter. br,! SShe disdainfully refused. 1 a ' k. sarcastically: "Because there is nolihing to it!" Our evv,.: t ion was brief, but I soon per- p., 1~ w>,' I.. 12 >4 '4 i.' 4~»~' w lina: ~4. loi. à. -gFPIT e l [li1' lseue r Ibogospel tw*ih 11» bloo.m ofyov&h 94 1 amn a social 1 Hlonest 1am. 1Ijust go for t the wonderfui sociability Always ini the best of tasi the budget. If you seek If deserve the best in ging h. TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO Easter Prom Queen and Princesses eme'" -i ("-7 44~ 4. 1, 4 '1."' began with 11u roet >tolîi ii 1910. luti bince then stec i Iî': Made 34,422RZîigt(bius of teei: Paid $933,OOO,0 %SO toe e mu loy-ees; Puid $244,O00,23 te govrnnent in Spent $1,765,009,00O0l'or tàoaterial-, ai %ervilues; IRYested $30 2 iii pùani and ri mnaterial soitrces. The above fi-ti'e., shîîîî liow Stelco bas to the weaith anidl'grs of Canada. T K. E STEEL CC1 àY OF Ci LIMITED MONREAL GANANOQUE HIAMILTON BRANIFOI '-,-,,.- nr iayior, r.- îonto. cdeul Iiuost caî>l>bix'v -b )Ot'4 >0 n.4î ct. a uathleî'(di ' '),if youIl )par'don >Ly 440 I'>d..\li.Hamilton i 4 the exni'ession stib.ect as ýgin'..: Tvr4oiie g44X'CI a r'epor't of liii' speake>r ut Ye1veiton Ulii<cl W.A. Coiwn ticn iof Leadci'..h::a Cliti'iîi on Sundav '. , Tuining Scliooi ut Five Ou -:- *Seî'erai fr cm tlhis' coniinnii- a secn'îd 1s 'ic>~fbY .is'tincec te Sacî" lî'4'i-da Pzutts. Mc4ugc!oseci 44041 lt ttied ii e Orono Odd Fehlows' > lnch ivas scrîved by M>'>. Xaf1- i rîg Phelfl inroipanti fdd*ri».Xlwc'* Hall on Thui'.sclccv evc>ing heid oi'.;G tpadALY i co-ili îictin XVitIl) .ale d'iv- > tVA m 'ei:g :1l hi iîeid -' iflg XXek. Coa>.fuble Pat Cor- j f e N h. ne_. [Tv unIIe.on XVcd ne,.' flhc Dcsmcit Point Sssenî and4( Fie j' ><' >iiuîol XV444'î,Iîîs A-- an\.I] br li i al T - Chain Piaetion. iiii144,ti Cpr:i resoanexaminatijolibased i>4,VnouX'j \ îŽ a c on kznowledge of rules of thel and Allri, Euîfield, Miss Dor- roa. Tedfor13h ad a.ý,cen Trewin axîd Mus. Fred lie 49 years a.- uke wî.Wednîesday. Several Yel%,ertoi-iaii.s a>- tended the Seed Fair held in Peterborough this week. ThvengR VL E prese'ut on Wedîîesd ay eeig S A K IL thriiied to the chîaums ef "ouiý pet Juliette" with heu ettex'ves- 1Mu. and Mi'>. John Stark and cent personality lai-r exuding> famnily visited Mr. and Mu-s. Le- chai-m. Her homnev soîîgs and gan, Manvers Station. Sunclay. ~friendly maimneîismn made ber. Mu. anîd Mus. C. Hoît, Toronto, evnmore appealing thian wben alt Mi'>. F. Stone's. taxes; vieix'ed on TV. Soie gai! Mi-s. Jimn Stark visited iin Tor- "At Home" ente. uecently. Mus. Bill Reid, Ouoîîo. hâd Rid On Friday evenuix several dinner with Mum. Brian Caswell. "d"grads froin this cern- Mu. and Mrs. Clar'ence Allen. munity et Blackstock High and fanuily. KirbY., al Mrs. Vir- Schoql attcnded their tirst "At 1er Faruow's. beld n Blckstck Mr. aid Mus. Walter' Simpson. *aw' Memorial Centre. There's noth- sa. tMrGodnTi'. ing to make an aid grad tee] OsaW. atMi'. eOtu T. i'im's. really old qukcker than attend-aiMsW.Puesaavstd ing onîe of these events. The M- ol~ oisn> con tribitted I students and teachers are 10 Mu. nd Mus. CBelt orrope. be conigratulated on tilis ven- vstdM'.Clel o- oe ture. The decorations (based Sunday. on oriental motif) weue simpîy Service at Shioh wss weh] wonderful, the music supplied attended. 1~ TeSevenaires" g'as ex- Sunday Rev. White puced ceptionai. the young fillies w'it-h his message on the Mystery of their gassamner-like evening tlîe Holy Birthî and its relation &NADAdresses were a sight. to behold! to the salvatioîi et each indiv'id- ; but the dancing floor (ugh) wa ual. He was pleased with an in-1 rotten. The crowning of the crease in attendance after the TOROTOchool queen wus an unterest- trying winter months. The choir RD OROTOing and pretty occasion. The is expected ta assist next Sun- I queen with ber attendant puin- day.- cess made a lovely ensemble. Shýiîloh W.A. met af tîLe home' We hope and trust this event of Mu-s. Orme Fals, Wednesdy wil continue ta be an annual afternoon last wcek. Mrs. CIar- 4 ocednn.ence Gih'neu and Miss A. H-all- Lcbby's Fancy Quiality TOMATO JUICE Free 1:1 Mare Deal SIMAONIZ PASTE WAX A&P NECTAR TEA BAGS A&P 0:ýR OWN TEA Jane ParkIer' (S",24-or PieX LC!?AON PIE A Penn HaA' Glas LIOUID WAX THURSDAY. APRIL lefh, 1959 LONG SÀULT Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibson and Sandra. Mr. and Mrs. A. Camp- 1 bell. Whîtby. attended the Oad Fellows Banquet on Saturdaý evening at Brookli. Mrs. Stan Goble and Mrs. Edith Murphy, Tyrone. were Thursday evening visitors at MIrs. McLaggan's. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Penwarden and Anne were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Mor- lev Ke11ett, Janetville. Long Sault Home and Scliool Club was held Apri!lot0i, \vith a good attendance. Mr. Miilson iwas chairman tor th-e 1Ioliowiný11 programme: Music selection, IGordon Baker and Sandra Gib- soli: Recitation bx' Jean Young- mtan: Long Sault Ladies kitchen band: Reading by Mus. MjiIlsou:. Pictures by ' Mrs. Miek BLOwn BwnnX ]:Solo by Sandra Gibson: PlaN by sciooli children .Liweh Ivas served andf jno ' ed b >Nait. Ivr . and M\rs. W. XaîeY.k vý erP Scturda~ e en4n visitors at Mu. Ind lYfI. Plin] Vanevk's. Ne\\, toliville. Mr. ard Mrs. Chazrlir Peil) ~vurden anld ail; v>Cwre Sr~a sun"Dei' guests ati Mr. an.d 7?'Ir, Y11%[î and iXirs. F1-lh 'kîp' ald t'ami]l-v, Eowxnrrville. ur- Grace Sr-nith we:c S1FX>X SUO per guests aI[.1 and iMrs. iL r old Murph v'S. Margo and Trevor Murph, *were Saturday stipper tî'ss al their grandinoth ers, Mus. Ed ithi M1rh' Tyroiie. .The fiist m' oi i Illhe 4-P C 1u b *'*4 P I ' . evear'1; April 8th. There were 21 girls pi'csent. The naine oft.. Unit is "Dre'> Up Home Grown Vegetables." We elected a new puesident ard officen, Ii i.4. 2. > f1 s 444 o .4>e %v e c('1 i Lu0 r; .' i nv..o a ig>t-0 ide~ 4>I ~5>4 l 4140 ( d. eu Prof)1-1 IH. Buve- '*' À tte' k isM IIiI tcis 0 44n The attractive young ladies pict.ured above ar'e thedecision were Mayor and Mus. Wilfrid Carruthers, Mr'. and ill, bil îI!ii 44oi(414 af4ik intt W 04+ ~> 44 41(1 idtihlapipV j Queen and four princesses of the Teen Town Easter PrýomMrs. Rex Walters. Mr'. and Mus. Glen Landet' Dr'. and stilkI4'; .2 held last week in the Lions Centre. Seated ini theMrs. Charles Cattran and Mu. and Mrs. Doug Rigg(. For But .4. 04 4 441 04)t'centre is th~e Queen, Donna Akev, and the four princessesthis Teen Town hicshlight the Lions Centre was decorated iV .44 f4Ih ý,ý I ad hIdie: not are from Ieft to right, Pat Foster, Kendàl; Karen Orm-iri an Oriental themne and the excellent rnusic was provided s(iflt'4I, XnPI' 120 Sl iston. Courtice; Linda Brooking and Connie Abbie Darch and his orchestra. i., p i pu: off cm ionda Te uge woha tedifficuit task of making the -Photo bv Relider day4s. i i 1)4 nng 0the jOur ihought about. ande our' ie- oweil ga4ve 'the devotional pou.- supor(4t <of a 44rîh.Il i.,;neti lationship ta, the power ,vliciiI tion. MiJiiii Stark cnducted imtriil-socal ctii- adeus.72 ear ww edthe bu siness> discussions. Aftcî fies. D I L P.41 .. ,4t c4al actvs- R eligion i s necessary be7 1 Y a r s W e di N ý.oîn îîg a C 44144) ('14 b 4iid i<4o-Tri deth.e i]a- lie. ir. i.P. a nI)i~eî svscause il, is natural ta man ti tW5e44 dacits r uîi ttnt4M5. ~ii»ra pros, ~grude i bs ey ontiution. Sabatier said. "Man SIfnevt e nwo edansi loniigrt Mus.XVprf. %the formern Mar- ',ant seuve. aen Mre'-* tue pieuh- j o a 444(1V ..>24it" ncurably religious." A Cana- love! ' b nairedaid lviI1cin 18(i-the vear oftal anIMu. al'vhs Rcîu4> i- >1ii, Xvitalpar dian editor wrote these wordsl 'Bu..tliaf s the Wva fi swit4i Coni'eieî'atioîî. Mr'. Worth wasZvstr t Le of ou1'4'42 11frc. Il sthe lite ne years ago: "A manri dsus." chuekzled Mu\,I. andMrs. Sain- born iin Toronto in 116. XVeloeieîd 'is ite. As t \ Li .4)1.)' niai>. ~~~~~~~rligonas lie neects sunshu nel eWorthî as tecelebratec u opeî'îibîi~dte'~v' xi.\isNrn ruand luesh air and good fod,' tbie 72nd weddiîîg anniversa Y the Oî'der ofthte Eastern Sta", Cas\well. Leslie anid Beverlev-. and~ t Fe'e~ and for somewhat sinilar rea- at the home of tlilro-r-a> o'ieii'hl 'itiV54IMs ee aiwl n ' Wluilil-Z ere i a isons. He cannot b sound. n and daughîeru. andti Mù-ý. frna.vtafacitr is ee'aIý n -- Si'fi+ývit'h1 ik eaiii.ihottheac ra M.P e bers otCbîi-i Vi-ý aurice Ilalloivehi. "Bel4 0) 45fi)'~ t04)ept .;usne. anid wholesome. and Fr'ank W.il1fonri 71 H-umbher 'ai eius n 1-1bPr R e o 1 is tcý onupt v(,i leaitiý, wihou th on an Tril.Mus. John Stark is the repue- foi> u t>"r)>X (i'XXl)c'i Smoue thian he cari wit'lt'li Te pioneet' couple recaliecl Ml'.Wor'th sprait over -i) si l'îi or thuis section toi' the J ut'poii:i n i fo 44.4'beiii î.0~Othr 'The mainto whoin .hi hi ediî a hc oorva>iîiaiftvaylite belore re- Farrn Accident Suvev anîd wi]] relata>'> 1(4 1141>1 uweî' a>d Gospel means nothing tends t.o place ini Westminster Presbv- 4tiriiiîgad liasbeîî a memb"" u* eeeix'ýe messages franvone in- îvOuIs' cor 1i4i, Xrhich resuits -ied. >indiv r 'Cuch oonofr la lvvavdi araci to' o * tIC>>)) 'becomie a one-sdd nelhteî'ian hici oolwa\ofIflic Masonic Oude" o ia' 'i'cli i cieto a froni c44444'fî cin l i'c 'Ia- iîl-foî'îîed mari. H-e bas leit 'bauk tni1887. 0'cusTegai. poîlvlmaed nde'tn R 4 F ' ilimltsi le soinefhiîig out ef bis lite ftlai,;'______________________ ______ 4+ii1C4t4'C Iho 10 1 4i i>X'llu 44.4 4.. is filu g- sa. mars. and liits L andMr an lfo R i li i>)41 1<1 44)1'ijito4e >weakens il. H-e Iray nîot bea YELVERTON HAYDON enterîained frieiîds Sattird.ay ev- icl n ii(vlaJc ticrn o er Ybdnai, an. the tlinig 'lie has left out lowers his ideais. eninng. '7 , îijarî'oîvs his outlook. perverts> ifs">?'a'ehudDîii >vAho.Tune pn ReX'. Wlite'(s messages have luis anmbitionîs, spoils lus hiappi:.! Mulco 111, spenl eý-ta C (av> Ihe'XC-ke al bis home. been «'4Xt41 aIer CHUC in the es.anîd injures his real i.'-,theiî' gianciiai'eiits. Mr'. ,Id *Mu. and Mus. Eau] Thîoips>>>îiîori'ung dcx ofioi>s duuing this f.ulnes;s." Mus. Bert McMullen whilc ur and fuiiuilY. Bowmuanville. a, week. I Mu~~~~~'is. W. Tiionuipsons'. i>Go'ou i "Religion is a toiei, anir i-> ray and Jovce attended ti-eNr r r. odnT spiration, a stimulus, a braccu! Home Demriating Show iin To. Mi'. andci .iVi'. JiiiiMki'X' vvre aftheibr coltlge recentI'>. for liie's dutie. a salace for ronto iis past xx'cI'ý(k. and iî inilv'. Bo\w'ununxiile, wein _____ its cares and trials, a Sstt<eadXviioi I i'ga!4 that al] along' its ulieven wal, 1 Scînad. ax '>-isu XV 114 Mis. 'Walter'Loveridgc's. o1 ý if n mal> eteki fr great thtno mari van attoi'd te bn' M NeilJohniî>if','. Rwiard o rth n ewl WitliO4ifrs.Ne'lMalcolm and X'hf'. afed On Misý. R4.44H)"('asl o rii at owl A tcly%%,idfll ecetIvcare àcNcl ad Ms. i. ro.smaifiîîclbot 1 -orace Marin. No one cair ever reach i te.v iVî'nfl ucitx ai \îN l n u.II >osîn h iîgnest heiglîts of Chrisýtianii i RY Robinso' ,' a wlîîn F riid y. jcliaracte>' and usei'ulîîess. wili- iîe fouinc a puise loackd %XXit>4 iXri W. Nf 4î f1144 an~d Airs. J. ettlîlitone inspiration, the saving Ibot at thie *oiclo eN o. i poils-. clid01,.'t and V['-. owmer ai-d the blessiiigs, whiclî and No. 33 Higihw'v.s. Howe">'cr'. ert FeugýusoIn. EîInisIkijleq. u aoo* ceaie thuough folloNvilii thîr being a gentlemn o feXifpa' 'Mu.aîdMs. Ar'thur Tri'îvfiî. ý)Vav of Lite taught by Jei>u *integuYilv\ and Lliiîqnestiouiiable Sjjodcl," ai*tci'iîori. sCii;3. Thils Way7 of Lile aid ionies.'. lit' ietuiin eflcpuii'i 1 Mi. >and ilE.W lac(buii4 aiiivolves. is known as t to th-i daiîel in ant'> uid' P aîl' Kcl~'.K eî1i Christiani Religion, or C1huis- kePft I> scOisci(-ï4(e t'li'au (and 4 ,n1("lor dte Don N>t:Is o Su. - tiuîitx'. lis poi-ket emlpty i ý I ay and called oinM'.anid M i'ý. . The supremene forin i auidy Ms nuî ati Blackburn and tanik]v -todav is d1vnamic Christian re- Heîid.-l's, the W. J. MalcoIIiiîiŽ Mu. aind Mis. Walter Lo\v>'- lion ...* îio----in the life of eveuNi' ct*ý- an d Iamilv'. atleiided l ic lu- ridige xverîe recent XisiioI' a: zen. (cr441 of the laIe Di'. Ileiideris of- Mu und ciMis. ClýIItou-d Ter Y. ~ he pleasures oflfte ... like 'This isthie answeu te ourTouenlo. %iXhe uecelît<'Ž> i>c. omivie qutestion> Yes! Religioni today i, a stoleailc nrdba \W.A. April ineiiitigwas bi'lý So & fr2 ei y of Wilson's Ginger Ale. a1 ltl ncsayfu i.*scod0 )'ti» 4.ilasi XV"'Y t 4.'he onie of'N-lu. .J. Po2s SanAP o 2 eM te . . . defigbtfuiiy easary fon al. secoPndo e tnf.t isTui(.X'afe'on> r»d~reallY test thie vilues! Cotint1 3t ..dlghfll anyo inmedýate laI iii lyfruin tiîcir . 's.Lovd S1iiion üe'ied ll,. prices every day guarantee r ng e. Tci-t ~ 41(4M .J..e1s )1' T>ste the fodcs - serve yourf seilienocredit for generosity. un- A "euaj"e I'Te-5')C. i4lao oai0)'> r t~'n1'dta pieas ger aie rin . Iess vou cleny yourself sornethingiArpvznauwo'flT o oa.adyui ge;frt .perali'e Fcdeî'ation. N".I'ait. Good Siiaritaii. IXrs. Waittn tdy ad'441 g'e:frt lin tarder that you may91"'e-- AQ1ev.sclîooiteaclic i' 0f 1k -L(>X'iC4et'ci4)X ' d tfei'I oov- Reg. tin 33c-SAVE 2a 48-oz ti ri 31 c Reg. tcn 87c-SAVE 12r 1 -lb fin 75c AlAg. pkg 89c-SAVE 10r pkg of 90 79c Reg. pkg 89c-SAVE 10e 1i-lb plkc 79c Reg, 4q)c-SAýVE 4c each 45c Rtrç. tin 6Çc-SAVE 10r qî rart tin 59c Next meeting will be held April I2lst at Mrs. A. Rosevear's. Ty- Irorie. What about our mortgage? Pienty! Wlhen ýoLi take out a îIortgage o n your honmc, the bank protects its invest- mient %vith insurance, Make sýure fhlic>nnîortga-ed part Of' your homie - the part VOuJ'xe aIrcady paid for is insured. too!- Cali uis for a Property in- sîrnecheckup . . . Oî! STUP RT Il. JAMIFS I N S U Il. ,NUEI NA3-5f,'81 King i m : EST. 1I :i . E MA 3-5493 7P- ?-a7; C-le-lily N-at* berals! Bradler Type, 41 '2 ta 8-tb Average TURKEYS GRADE A OVEN-READY r069C 1 1-16pkg 5 9c 12-oz pkg 31c Ail God ,Smioked Rindiess SIDE BACON 1-16pkg59c Sliced Macaroni and CHEESE LOAF 1-1b pkg 5 9 Fresh Fruit 6& Vegetable Specials!, California. Fancy Grade, Suger Sweet NAVEL ORANGES 3-Ib celo bag 5 5C Ontario Grawn, Fancy Grade - Atmosphers-Controlied Gives Tkat "Just-Picked" Flevour APPLES Mfclu" t.ed 3-IbceIIo bag 35Î Ait Prices In This Ad Effective, Tihrough Saturday. April 18th, 1959. For the Best in Interior and Exterior DECORATING SEE W. He Rowe ROXATONING' FURNITURE REFINISHING BARN SPRAYING - INDUSTRIAL SPRAYING Free Estimales GIadly Given FIRST QUALITY PAINT GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP 4i Concession St. E. MVArket 3-7087 I Bow niait i'ile Extra Short Cut PRIME RIB ROAST Sliced Puckte and PIMIENTO LOAF Whatley Brand, Breaded COD PORTIONS THURSDAY, APRIL 16th, 1959 afui week's su.pply of food - to the savings . . . our storewide low 'more cash saved per shopping tri p! family the f,'esi anct fie foods tiîat OR VOUR MONEY BACK! Camnein aste and thift, jt's A&P! H 2