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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Apr 1959, p. 15

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t' - __________________________ THIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE. ONTARIO C.OF. Ladies Present -ffnjoyable Dinner, Dance ÀAt Lions Centre, Saturday TIc enjoyable dinner andi diance given by the Ladies' Lotige, Court Venture of the Canedian Order of Foresters it the Lions Community Centre on Saturday eveningwas a gala event. There were 116 members andi their guests present at the cinrier, and more guests at- tendcd thc dance. The colours of the Canadian Order of Foresters. red. white and green, wcre used effective- ly in the decorations. Beauti- fui bouquets of reti andi white chrysanthemums interspersed with large green leaves graccd tIc tables which were ligchtedl by greups of taîl tapers of tiie same colours in crvstal candie- sticks. Tom Masterson was thc master of ceremonies. Those at the lcad table werc Helen Twining, District Dcputy High Chief Ranger, and 1er lu.sband, Ted Twining,,both af Oshawa. Elsie Prout, president of the Ladies' Lotige, Court Venture. andi hem husband, Glen Prout; Seth Hunt, chief Ranger of the Men's Lodge, Court Bow- mnanville, and MýIs. Hurnt, Tom Masterson. the M.C., anti Mms. Masterson, andi Everett King, District Deputy High Chicf Ranger of the Mcn's Lodges. The chaplin of Court Venture, Betty Westiake, saiti Grace. A delightfui program of en- tertainment was presenteti by i people N !to donated gifts Ken's Mein's Wear Marr's Jewellery Lander Hardware Cowlîngýs U'r-jg"r McGrecr's Drilf,, Scre Ellis Shoe Store Maher Shoe '- ore Glen Rae Dairy Stanley 's Bowmanville Cleaners & Dyers Denhemtog's Clothing Store Crystal Dairy Severn's Bakery Laverty's Bargain Centre Goodbrand Fabrics Joan's Beauty Shop Murphy's Feniture Store 'z, ? I 'i, ; t ' l mlvnýi:izLter ol hea'th and wVe kîvîv,..-; ta'ue of s l:onins. She also knoxws that thcy cost rnv i ha,, ai cagle eye for thc large econony ivSz( in v\itaifils, andtimany otlier things. whien she shops. This wvay slio keelps the fainily budget in liue. The Mlinister of Hualth and MWelfare at Ottawa his *a buidget too. i-Te uses it to pay for various importLant *services. Amilig tv are Farnily Allowances and Old Age Bencthe.. Money for t!ke Minister of i-eath and MWeIfatre*s budget cornes throughi the Minister of Finance. This is truc of other departients aLso. If*s no secret how the Minîster of Fin.-nce obtains this money. Hle gets it largeiy in taxes from maillions of Canadians like you. If hie spentis more than he gets frein you, le nst turu around and borrow fremu you the amiount hie has overspent .- or else create new Mrn'. The cruatiofl of new money is eue factor that leads te inflation - when the dollar buys less anti less. Se, as a thrifty Canadian, you are wise te ask gevernment onlv for those services you aie wiiling to pay for.. with taxes. Personally, you try te pay as you go, te lve within youIr income. It is important that gevemnnent try ta do theUi saine thing. You want Io live ucli now and te reclize ail your gimbition.s for the bcst possible future. That future ws lied up ivith a sou nd dollar - a dollar whose purchasing S power you can depend on. A SOUND DOLLAR MEANS A BET1'EB LIFE FPOR YOU T1iE FIGHT AGAINST INFLATION NEEDS YOUR ACTIVE SUPPORT L ?S'c A PMMC SERVICE MESSAGE FROId THE UFE MU4RMi.C OMII1S flU CAADA for thc Qucen Contest: OL horne's Sports Store's Groceteria VW'deman's C-'cry Ana Shoppe lr.tsSmoke SI'op .Jack's Smoke Shop Bei'sLadies' Wear MeGregor Hardware Ltd. .Masoh & Dale Hardware Higgon Electîie John Seto Olympia Restaurant Jury & Lovel Abernethy's Goheen's Handy Store VqVanda's Beauty Salon Ella's Gift Shop Berry's Book Store Hooper's Jewellery the Teen Age Group of Orono Unitedi Churdli. They put on an amusing show on the pattern of the popular "Amateur Heur." The Can-Can dancers were re- warded with speclal applause, and the dancers ini The Polka aise picaseti the audience. Four men dres"et in feminine cos- tumes danceti a hilarious ballet, and the fashion show of womn- en's smart wearlng apparel with mnen as the modela was a Jhighlight of the proceedings. ILou DeweUl's orchestra pro- videti a varieti program, of pop-' ular music for dancing. The Catholic Womcn's League oa- tereti for thc delicious turkey dinner. Mis. Stewart Chlsholm was the catering convenor. The winner ef the door prize was Bill Ailin.. Winners of the prizes for the spot dances wcre Mr. and Mis. Ron Lonsberry, adM.and Mn. Ray West- I akte. MANVERS STATION Mr. and Mrs. William Lendli, Victoria Roati, were in tie dis- trict on Saturday calllng <>n sanie of the aid neighbors.j Kenncth Horner, 3 year aid son of Mi. andi Mis. Lorne Hon- ner, met with an unifortunate accident when he got bis hanti cauglit inthc wringe-. It was badly squeezcd andi swoilen but no bones broken. Mis. Alvin Olan was hostess for the April meeting of thc W.A. on Thusdiay aftenoon with il members, one visiter andi eight children present, president Mrs. E. Cavano presiding. Mis. A. Johnston took Uic Bible îcad- ing and Mrs. Olan the topie "Love yeur neiglibor." Mis. M. Bradley read a chapter from thc study book on Japon, entitled, Chiristian Saga. Mis. M. Logan reati thc minutes andi caliedtheUi rail, Which was responde t t with a verse or quotatian. A sumn of money was given te thc Presbytery "4 Seasons Retîcat" an Rice Lake to assist with the furnlshings of thc new building. Mis. F. Youngman conducteti a vemy interesting contest and Mrs. N. Porter reed an article on tIhe experienees of a ininister and his wiifc a't Yellowkniife. A home baklng sale was held and a del- icious lunch serveti. Mi. andi Mrs. Douglas Falis, Bowmaenville, were weekcnd guesta wit¶i Mi. andi Mis. Earl Fallis. Major Monks andi Mr. andi Mis. Brooksý carmeclown from Tor- ente during thc weck ta sec how their surmer homes surviveti the severe wmnter. Visitais with Mr. anti Mis. W. N. Porter during the week were, Mr. andi Mn. Alfred Jolunston andi Mis. W. Brsdicey. Sunday supper gueste wcre Mrs. J., Smnith, Mrs. Leo. Smith and Nan- cy, Port Hope. ENNISKILLEN, Mir. andi Mis. Roy Trewin and Carol, Mimico, Mr. and Mis. C. E. Horn, Oshawa, were recent tea guests wlth ?&. andi Mis. Earl Trewin. Mr. and Mia. Keith Ormijaton, Karen, Rose Mary and Mich- ael, Ebenezer, Mr. andi Mrs.1 Charley Langmaid and family, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Me- Gi andi Dale, were Sunday tea guests of Mi. andi Mis. Roy Me- GlU. Mr. andi Mis. Earl Cross, andi family, - Maple Grave, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Howells. Mr. andi Mis. Charles Os- borne, Ebenezer, were with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland. Mr. and Mis. F. W. Werry. have arrived, home from the Sunny South. Irs.,F. C. Davidson, Oshawa, mpent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Begley. Miss Ruby Virtue, Toronto, spent the weekend -with Mr. and Mis..Raipli Virtue andi ac- companîed them on Sunday when ail visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Sanderson, Columbus. Mis. Reg Petscomb and Cyn- thia, Vancouver, Mrs. T. Tay- lor and Ailan, Enfield. Mr. W. Wcatherîlt, Caesarea, Mr. Rus-> sll Coates, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Coates and family, Shirley, were recent cailers at Mr. and Mis. F. Toms. Mr. Bert Norman and Sheilp, Bowmanville, were Sunday tea gucsts of Mt. and Mis. Ed. Cox. Mr. and Mis. Lyal Brack, Bowmanville, Mi. and Mis. Roy McGill. Miss Reva MeGili, wcre Sunday dinner guests of Mr. ard Mis. Keith MeGili. M.andi Mrs. Floyd Beckett and family were with Mr. and NIxs. Re.g Wcaving, Thonhil. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore re- turnled home with them f rom holidays. Miss Pat Hoskin, Blackstock. Miss Diane Blair, Mr. Ray Lar. mer, Oshawa, werc Sundav calris t. an IsWlac G ars at i. adMs alc 1Mr. and Mis. Cortenay Gra-j ham, Purpie Hill, Miss Joyce Graham. Brooklin, were Sun- day visitors cf Mr. and Mns. Fred Toms. Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Cox, Bawmanville, Miss Elenar Cowles, Bob Catch, Oshawa, Miss Carol Cox. andi frlcnd, Brighton, were Sunday evening guesti at Mr-. and Mis. Ed. Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson were visitors with Mi. and Mrs. R. Bottreli, Newcastle. Mr. and Mis. Russell Griffin, Miss Mary Griffin, were Sun. day evenipg tea guests of Mr. anti Mn-. Wallace Griffin, it being the occasion of Wallace and Heather'a birthday. Mi. and Mis. Clarence Avery and farnily. Burketon, were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. andi Mr&. Albert Oke. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Strutt, Oshawa. were recent visitors at C. Pethicks. Mrs. E. Strutt la out of hos. pîtal and is ainlroving. Mr. and 3&n. Lorne Lamb were Sundey visiton- at Cecil Wflaon'sNestieten. Un. C. R& Walton, Mr. m~d Mrs. Rosi Walton and Rege, Miss Eileen Whitehead, King- ston; Mr. Ted Waiton, Toronto, were visitors of Mr. and Mns. Howesid Stevens andi Gordon. How. Your Tax Dollar Is Spent, Mic above diagmam shows low thc tax dollar is spent in Bow- mianville. The circle represents thç tax dollar. andthetI slices de- depicts the percentage spent on services, departments anict aü- Ininistration. Twenty-fivc cents of cverytl dollar paiti by Lfle peopie ai Bowmanville is spent on cdu- ctnanti 19 cents goes for debentures. TIc next largcst slice o! the tax dollar, about 13 cents, is for public wo;A.s. Pro- tection for citizens anti property takes 12 cents o! each dollar. County expenditures take ai- most Il cents of each tax dollar, while civic administration costs are appraximately 10 cents out o! every dollar. Ticee and thîe quarters cents go into thec re- serve, thîce and a haif cents is spent for relief and welfarc, anti two andi a third cents cover ne- creation. The remaining haîf cent in echo tax dollar is spent for the conservation of hcaîtth. Taxes for 1959 are payable as fallows: lst instalîment. April 24th; 2nd installment, JulY istI; 3rd instalîment, September I Sth, Nesilelon Station Congratulations to Mr. and Mms. Frank Viieger, nee Grace Stroop, who were married at Fruitland, Ontario, and are liv- ing now on the Ed. Armstrong fanm. We welcorne Frank back. te Cartwright with his new bride. Mr. Arc'hie Hay came for Mis. John Dickey te take her to stay with her niece Mrs. William La- urenceson ini Toronto. Mrs. Em- erton lias been looking after Mrs. Dickey ail winter and Mrs. Al- bert Wrighit spent a few days with her before she left for Tor- onto. Her many friends wish her a happy, healthy visit. Two of ou- ladies are back ini their own, homes since the warmer weather, Mrs. Jos. For- der who spent some tiime with Mr-. and Mrs. Harry McLaugh- lin and Mrs. Wes. Campbell who visited Dr. and Mrs. R. ]?onrey, Gait and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Camnpbell. Ivan Rolirer was abole ta be home this wef-k from Port Pcrry Hospital ioilowing a bout of quinzy. andtihUi 4th installment, Nov- ernber l6th. There will be an ad- dition of anc hlu of one per cent pcn-lty on the first day a tax instalment is overdue, and on the first of every month af- terwards in which tIc default continues, until the endi of the year an additional 4 percent will be atideti. Any ratepayer wrho pays al o! tIc instalîments on or before April 24th will reccive a one per ceilt discount on tIe instail- ment, a two per cent discount an the third, andi a three per cent discount on the fourth in- stallment. In the Town Council budget for 1959 the costs of general government are given as $64,652, Protection to people and proper- ty, $80.296: Public Works, $88, 650, Health, $3,930; Unemploy- ment relief, $21,100; Education. $179.188; Recreation and comm- unity services, $16,335; Reserve, capital expenditures out o! re- venue, $22,257; Debentures $130, 810;, and, County expenditures, $76,000. John Gmîir, a member of Uic W. G. Bowles fanm, lef t iast week by air for a visit with lis parents in France anti Switzcr- land. Ted Freelove o! Peterborough, visited lýis grandfafher, Arthur Hulbeit on Sunday. Jerry Bowers l'as begun waîk in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mis. Jim McMullcn and Carl, Ballyduff and Mr. anti Mrs. Maurice Samiîs andi Sharon, Peterborough, werc Sun_ dlay gucsts ot Uic girls' parents. Mr. anti Mis. L. Hylanti. Miss Jan Sterling o! Hamil- ton was a weekcnd guest o! Mr. anti Mis. Cari Elliot. Mr. anti Mis. Carl Elliot anti Davidi were Sunday gucsts of Mi. anti Mis. Morley Ross, Ux- bridge. Sunday dinner gucsts with Mrs. W. Camp:bell wcrc Mn. andi Mrs. S. Staples, Lindsay. Frientis are pleasedti t leamn that Mi. Leonard Joblin wili be in lis own home a-gain hs week aiter spending thc winteî in anr Orono nu.rsin'g home. Mis. Fay Supple took her daughter Christine ta live with BOWMANVI LLE T---- her ini Toronto. Christine has been stayixig with Mrs. L. Hy- land. Miss Dorotliy Harris, Toronto, is spending smre ne with lier parents Mr. and, Mis. Jas. Har- ris. Mr. andi Mrs. Edgar Hern Osh-. awa, visited with Mr. and Mis. Mfarvin Nesbitt. W. Meeting The Annual meeting of Nest- leton Womnen's Institute was hcld April ist in Nestieton Unitedi Churol withl fair attendance and oGpciin.g in thc customary mani- Ëf r. rThank you notes were rcad for baby gfts, andi appreciation voîceti for remembrances in be- reav'ement. A card of sympathY was sent fromn oui- brancli toaa Janetville member. Group lead- ers are te be Uic lunch commit- tee for the Short Course te be held in the pres'byterian Churdli on April 28. Miss Ruth Proutt. Sccretary Treasurer read Uic financial re- port and the auditors reported ail in gooti eider. A cheque for $20.00 was receiveti for the last finisheti qult. Splendid report of the year's work were given by the variaus Conveners: Citi- zenship andi Education- Mis. Wilford Jackson; Home Econo- mies and 1-Health- Mis. Harry McLaughlin; Historical Research and Current Events- Mis. Mal- colm Emerson; Agriculture andi Canadian Industries- Mrs. Her- bert Vine; Sunshine Committee Relations- Mis. Grant Thomp- son, reati by Mrs. R. Davidson. MLrs. H. Vine was appointed chair lady for the Election of Off i- cers and Mrs. H. McLaughli 'n nienber of the Nominating Com- mittee presented the following siate of officers for 1959: President- Mrs. Richard Day- ison; lst Vice President- Mrs. Malcolm Emerson; 2nd Vice President- Mrs. Wilfrid Bow- les; Secretary Treasurer- Miss Ruth Proutt; Assistant Secre- tary Treasurer- Mrs. Cecil Wil- son; Pianist- Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm; District Director - Mrs. Cecil Wilson; Directors- Mrs. J. Forder, Mrs. W. Steel, Mis. J. Watson; Auditors- Mrs. B. Heaslip, Mýrs. Grant Thom- pson; Standing Committee Con- veners: Citizenship and Educa- tion- Mrs. W. Jackson; Home Economic.s and Healtih- Mrs. H. Vine; Agriculture and Cenadian Industries~ Mrs. A. M. Bea- cock; Historical Researchi and Current Events- Mrs. M. Em- erson; Resolutions-.--Mrs. L. Malcolmn; Public Relations~ Mrs. G. Thompson; Sunshine Committee- Mis. G. Johns, hLs. M. Fisher and Mis. J. Hegc: Radio Reporter- Mrs. M. Em- erson. Mis. Davison resumed the chair, thanking ail for their co-operation over the past yeaî and hoping for a succcssful yeaî ahead, Another quilt was displayed and Mis. Herron kindly invited Uic ladies ta thcenianse for a quilting next week. It xvas de- cidcd fIat fIe Executive plan the May meeting and a date for program planning. Absent group leaders to be contacteti if they will continue for another vear. Mis. George Johns* talk on the d'ay's motto, I'Today is the To- morrow you wor ied about yes- terday" was e xcellent andi a reading "Daffoduls" was enjoyeti. Mis. Johns and her group pro- vided the usual pleasant social heur with lunch. Ail were remin- ded to -bring their plants and slips for the annual sale and exchange of garden slips and flowers t0 the May meeting. Freel1 LONG SAULT Mi. and Mis. Wm. SiM O0m- awa. wcrc Sunday supPer guestt of Mr. Robt. Sim. Mis. Simpson, Ajax, spent a few days with her daughter andi family, Mr. and Mrs. Jamnes Sawden. Mr. Stanley Fletcher, Toronto, spent tIc weekend with his par- ents Mr. and Mis. G. Fletcher. Mr. andi Mrs. Clarence Brsd- ley. Bowmanvillc, visitetiMr Robt. Sirn, Monday cevcning. ,Mi. andi Mrs. G. Fletcher andi Mr. Stanley Fletcher visiteti Mr. ar\d rs. F. Smith and Grae Saturday evening. The Germnan Measies seeni to be mib-ing the rounds in the community. Mrs. Sawden, Wvhitby, spent the weekend witl Mi. antiMr&. J. Sawden. He wla is finm and resolute in will moultis the world te himsclf-Goethé. Freel M ~URSDAYAPRIL 16t1, 1959 A f~1I! -Sincere«Thcanks.. Teen Town would like to thank the following BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every, plm purcîis2 cf gasf 'Vigor Oul SERVICE STATION CORNER 0F MANVERS ROAD, AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone MA 3-2919 Double St amp Day Every Tuesday -Corne Out and Sec Our Display of Gifts- Complete Lubrication at a Reasonable Price ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PRICE ON TIRES STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTIT! AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDATS R@YW. NiCH@ILI COURTICE 110, L PAGE MPTEM

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