PAGE SIXTEEN ________________________________ - . *.s.**-c..'...., T.IUBDAY APRL IIi,195 TECANAflTAN STATIEAN iT fflUAmvTTULP.nmTi' A Thir ,e~- " le$ "~s. ý~' 1 vio showeti coîoureti sldes on Iti tanm 'çtO oO, .< eÇJee Hydraatic Kransm C 0 e - %, gr-oup canducted tic worshii JJ. 'çAP '1 eROT VEr custom radio. One Ççýe c'C' -, àUflUe i 11car. 2-tone in coral ai 6tc perioci anti sorveti lunch aftcn mbe&aabm eh4man Read by 24,000 Prospective Customers the pîctunes. Bill Barnowclough went ta Millbrook last Suntiay. Apnil 5ti with the Pont Hope Citi- zen's Baud. Mns. A. Austin anti Mrs. L. Holtiaway attondedth le meet- ing sponsoreti by tic Sonoptim- iîst Club Thursday evening. jThis meeting was helti aI Hew- son Memorial Hall for lie pur- pose of forming a women 's aux- fliary for tic Home of Vie Ageti. JMrs. H. Reeve spent a e 'tays of tic past week witi ber daugliter, Mrs. D. McColl at Don Mills. ISevenal of tie Sunday Sehool members attendedth Ve annual 'film nigit at Canton Friday evening, , April lti. Donna Ougitreti, Bonnie, Pearl andi Marie Austin accompanied. by Muriel Austin sang a sacreti number. Work on auz churci is con- j inuaily ,pnogressiug. During tic past week tie floor has been repaircd anti sandeti. Suntiay School was helti Sun- day morniug as usual with a .good attentiance of 56. Bill Bar- rowclough readtihVe scripture. Weekcnti visitons with M-. anti Mns. Tom McGuirk andi farnilv wene ber brother, Mni. Donald Wilhelm, Hamilton anti Mr. Joseph Hatci, Quebcc City'. Miss Canohyn Monison, Osi-' awa. was a weekend guest witli Susan Mayberny. Mr. George Tentioney, Ban- croft, spent tic weekend witi Mn. anti Mrs. Cynil Barr anti family.i Mr. and Mrs. Murray MeKin-' non, Cambray, spent the week-; cuti wîth themr niece, Mrs. C.j Russell anti family. Mn. anti Mrs. Tom McGuînk' anti family visiteti Mn. anti Mrs. 1 George Hall, Islngton. anti Mn. anti Mns. Charles Coben, Bres- lau, last Suutiay. Mn. ant i Nrs: Stirling Mari- son, Oshawa, werc Sunday vis-' itors with Mn. anti Mns. Ken 1 Mayberry anti family. A girls' 4-H Home-making Class nus been organizeti at Ma- ple Grave, witi leaders Miss Mildncd Snowden anti Mrs. Ron Brooks. This year's course Is "Dressing Up Home-grown Vegetables.", Mrs. C. Barr, Dianne, Bren.- ta aun. Danny, have neturneti lni Considenab lic speaking by the entn dian Legion held by E Legion Hall The jutiges dle, D. B. Mv ter at the School for E O'Neill, Mns, Mrs. David Corade chairman of, charge of ani Oratorical ( othen membi Jack Adams vid Hilton. welcomed thi audience. 1 the Zone Cor Bill Beaton, Rundie, pre 178 of the Cý It was an rade Adamis be three juti and that th: anti not confg from a week's holiday with Mr.C M en o Tom rrowand Mrs. Alfred Tenthorey atc L'Amable, Ont.t oteen Entries Participate CMenatufaiTnsmorriswBar wanis Festival, held in Hamil- -egion Speaking Contesi o eenl.i ùe talent for pub- The entrants were divided into The winners of the Oratori- Spicer, and also Mrs. Walter was demonstrated three categories as follows:i10 cal Contest were announced by ýant.s in the Cana- Pupils of Grades 1 to 6; 2. Pu- Comrade Ed Rundie, presidezit Richardson in Toronto, over the1 Oratorical Contest puls of Grades 7 and 8, and 3. of Branch 178 of the Canadian. Seey otweldaglt 2 Branch 178 at the Junior High School students Legion. They were Group Ms Wly Both-el auhe on Friday evening. fromn Grades 9 and 10. The Grades 1 to 6, Peggv Milison. 1 ofMrl adls was ommeded o ie were Walter Run- Elementary School pupils Baker's Sehool; Group 2, recent ballet est, n hwa. 4. Hume, headmas- speeches were to be f ive min- Grades 7 and 8, Gary Crombie, rcn alttsi saa Ontario Training utes each, and the Junior HIgli Vincent Massey School; andBihdygetnstRay Boys, Comrade Joe School students were to have 1 Group 3, junior High Schoul 4 Snowden who celebrated witho 3.Sid Martin, and approximately ten mainutes Grades 9 and 10. Bernard Bal- apryo audy etr Wilson. each, he announced. jtus, B.T.S. :of the fat wsahrouBert was Ab Mavin was Choice of Several Topici Contaet An Annual Eventh , wien the cornmittee in The entrants had a choice of CmaeRnietakdtegm ragmnseaudience for comning to hearl r n r.SmSodn Tagmnsfor the the following subjects: Cana- t trca net HelMr.Sm Sodn Cotsad the da's Role in the United Na- pointed out that it was the first .. with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rogers ers ere omrade tions, The Welcome to Princess venture in this field by the Io hrdyeeig and Comrade Da- Margaret, Daill Life of the Es- Legion and he considered it had M. and Mrs. Robert Murray, te omnrasde Aamh km Build ersno Canada,tLa been very good. In years t Detroit, Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. e nrnsadteBidn aaa h t a-corne the Legion will make it. Robert Rogers Sr., Bowman- Hle also introduced rence Seaway, and Life ini MY an annual eventC, ComnradLe ville, visited 1r. and Mrs. Ron rumander, Comracte Community, Comrade David Rundie said. Rogers on Saturday. and Comrpde Ed Hilton stated. He announced He paid tribute to Ab Mavin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snow- sident of Brandi that the winner of ea ch cate- the chairman, and to Jack den, Bowmanvîlle, called on his andin egon gry woîd reeie 1 Adams and David Hilton, mem- i. parents, Mir. and Mrs. Alan nounced by Com- cheque and a Certificate of bers cf the committee who had Snwdn n r. ,nih. i ges fo eherevent, go rt. Therenton in Mayto takeall done an excellent job. M.and Mrs. John Aitchison, iy would sit apart part in the sectional contest, of Bowanvil17lefshol e Lproud Blackg stckwe r. Sundy uîfl Fer with each other. and those who qualify there andiBach8o the Legitde frcion erget wt r adMs wjlî reccive an ahl expense tr1prnteýr~~dr:~1 Alan Snowden. to Toronto where they will take Beaton the Zone Commander KenMr. and fMrs.VPr opMc-, ~y part in the Provincial Oratori- s tated. "This is my model 1 ezeadfînlPr o e cal ontstit as nnonce. bi It s otstndig i th .. and Mrs. John Morrow, Bo- E caiots, twsanone.banc. I s . anigintemanville, were Sunday gueSts' Tliirteen Enter Contest Zone and District, and I have of Mr. and Mirs. Jim Geddes I hro wre furetrnsgreat admiration for it and its>a and family. n sin the first category, five in the work," the Zone Commander Ms ri ie nk h on as hw bv r eret iv n econd and four in the third. saîi. He spoke of the good eyug1asshw boeaeHebi, ieanur.ireilwin Piulpernas eenn Ail the contestants did well andi showing made by the contest-j haif years, and Crsohr one and a haif years. T heyad M.unitc Dv Bf-e their speeches showed thought- ants, anti offereti thern worth- are the sons of Crsohee and Mrs ifeVnNstto adwl S.,ad rsh av e Bon- et ful preparation. Those takn while advice for the future. rn rsGogeBw Aitc'lua part 'il Group 1, Grades 1 ta Comirade Jack Adams poi-gadhlrno r n Ms ereBwr n r n a Te 'l. ein fMal sold my busi- 6 andi the subjects they select- ! ed fine entertainirient Pdunvinge Mrs. Herbert Vine. -Photo by Hornsby Studio, Oshaw i Grave Home andi School Asso- ed were: Nancy Kelly, Vincenti the evening with several clever ciation met in the school vi%,iLitý sh to thank my Masscy School, "Canada's Re-;. and arnusing recitations. Thc President, Mrs. Robert Both- fi sources" Peggy Mlson, Bak Ladies' Auxiliary to the Cana- well in charge. Due to sa much fi ersSchool, "Canada's North-ý, dian Legion scrved a deliclous siknsnds he-mmniy ho have been land": Charlie Kehoe, Baker's luch oacokiesad maî d sîknss in thrconunty lunch f cookes andsmallthere wcere not as many rs School," esr iie; cakes with cocoa for the con-1 cnt. The usual reports were.S urnDi toe anc Ormiston, Vincent Mas-1 testants and tea and coffee foi' then given. Those in charge of U Di Igmystree 11U 1r 1 scy School, "The Daily Life of the adults present. Comiade r e îliceo t h ballot box anti nominations e the E kimlo": anti Glen rs rnc ngt h rdet are Mr.Carles Hester, M-s. hl 3owanile. Vincent Massey School, whlo was convenor for thc lunch. - DRDtt F Harry Windsor, Mrs. Roy Bot- also spokc on "Thc Daily Life B .R Wilson, Dsrc oetrwcll anti Mrs. Bob Johnîson. The IfE of tic Eskimo.".1Daeof15 ihn esn wnsadtale phay mothers of Mrs. Black's rooni The four contestants in IDtsof15 ihn eao id n raeît ahasere uc.C IGroup 2, Grades 7 and 8, wc re.Joe C.ooper1 For Lindsay Forest District froni drifting snow. A combi'n- srvd unh ik You, Gerard Kehoc, Bakcn's Sciool, Couïîties - Halibu.rton, Vie- ation of spruce and cedar, thre * Couples' Club "The Daily Life of an Eskimo N f 'l . oria, Petcrborough, Northuan- rows wide, gives gooti protec- Abouît 30 couples enjoyed ac 'uella Glasford !auew vceîeVinent Mase rIN 'w rr sland~ Durhani-Speck- tion. Qne hundreti white cedar' bounteous pot luck supper lu Nations"; Gary Crombie, Vincent Kamnloops Trout-May Istat at a cost of $200 will plant 300, nual Courtice Circuit dope's Massey Sciool, "Life in My HlI N ame Soc. Sept.' 15. 1959; Lake Trout -_ foot of windbreak.; Club supper last Saturday even-A Community"; and Lana Morrj;_ May lst ta Oct. 5th, except Hal- Haidwood or deciduous trees, ing. Tiose in, charge of tic pro- Isý ~oesson, Central Sehool, "Tie St. There was a good attendance iburton County Jauuary ist tci cala also bc usedti t cause thei gram wcre Mr. and Mrs. Jack'ai ooesLawrence Seaway." a h meig oftc HoyOtbe tReopens Nov. (;,\windti t scour snow fram lane- Hurnie anti Mr. and Mrs. Narm ~~s Wear The Junior Higi School en- Name Socicty icîti in St. Jas- 1959; Pickerel -May w1s5tha tauondam a nn cKihtgv es Wear ~trants froni Grades 9 andti)1 eph's Hall on Monday evening.1 Oct. 15th. ecp aiuti aewt o fmpe nJ1& al cngtgv were Robent Alison, B.T.S. The spiritual dinector, Rcv. F. County May 15 ta Dcc. 31, 1959- cither side uses this scouring îsanie vialin music accampan- vi i'manville "Tic Daily Life of An Eskino".;: K. Malane, opened the meeting Pike-May l5th ta Oct. 151lciontee rma- 1ispeakerM. osmerscalPintheofi Vicki Pickering, Bowmanvillce with a prayer. Members of the 1 1959; Black. Bass-Julyltta uuain on he tveorMrJsp Pta fB HigiSho; ae ocrnexecutive present were thelOct. 15ti, 1959; Mask inong- î'oati.I Oshawa, spokc on his home- B.T.S., The Builders of Can- president, Nonman Hannan; tic July lst ta Oct. l5th, 1959. Now is the tuie ta sturly latnda 1easoswd and ernrd a]ýs, 3. ecrtary Bet Pyne th tja- our problem andti t examine sanie of tlic beautiful h~ ada" at; oradBl s .scretr, ert Paye n te -Limnits jthc methocis useti by sonle I work donc by his people. Mr. T.S.,B"uilders of Canada." urrJo Cuiaenttc Pickerel-6 per day; no size 1ornigbustacnra i annan thankedtheti speaker i rarshall, Don Thompson. exe-luit. Pike-6 per day; no0 51/c snow probleni. There are many!for bis very enjoyabie talk.tu Theelctin f te ew xe liit BlckBass-6 per day;1 fine examples of cnf os Ncxt meeting wiIl beth scutive for 1959-60 was helti. no size limnit. Maskinongc 12 l windbrcaks anti rows of hard- first SaturdaY in May. in thc ~ p A For Best Resuits ,I Joe Cooper was elected proMi- per day; 28 incios in lcugtii. 1 wood throu'ýhout the Lindsay foi-m of a bowling party, TRYOU!dent, and Tom Masterson was Lake Traut--5 per day: 1"0 5/2' District. Pcnhaps a simnilar ar- TYORelecteti vice-president. Joe Cuti- limit. Splakc-3 per day; 7 in- rangement of trocs will salve ~.(1. ,%41 i dahce was re-electeti treasuner, clles in lengti. Brown Trout- your probleni. w-IN ArCAR - Bert Payne was re-electcd se- 5 per day ;7 inches in Icugti. If vouLequirhassistacearke anti ThompsoVEwas Rainbow Trout-5 per- day; ' te tuse of trees ta salve thee~nrI,1aK cmiT GRsreety h fieofmr lce n egh pcke Miss Blanche Wotten andi Mr. roMACA W Sehleceit heofc fma-ice i egi pokîcti snaw problem, tic Department Elmer Herring, Oshawa. spent It as nnoncd tat icTrout-14 per day or 10 puts of Landis anti Forests will b, audywt Mat r.C Th cr as tatgiesyo aCom nonekfatfrtic plus 1 fisi; 7 luches in lengthi. jpleasedti ta eîp. Sat'rdy wt r n r.C HolyC NmeniociBtyak wist ote Possession Limit Shalh Not A Forest Giant r M. andi Mrs. Bey. Jayners that gleamning wax finish.* men anti boys of tic paish on1 Exceed One Day's Catch R. E. Brookland, Forest Ranger,! spen t Sunday with Mn. anti Mrs. LBIAINSuntiay morning, May 3rd at In waters lv ing souti of Haliburton L. Laverty, Oshawa. LURCAINSt. Joseph's Hall at il o'clock. Higiway No. 2 in tic Couties Seventy ycars ago, stands of Port Grn aeShon aont OIL CHANGE Tic Catiolic Women's League of DuAna nd tNothumber- Lat yar n aesi aonti CAR WASH will cater for the breakfasît. land tie seasan for takinwr virgin white pine or "yellowf of $75 was collecteti for tie The possibility of starting a Rainbow Trout us extenciea pine" as tiey were calleti b FISK TIRES club for married couples was framn October l6th ta ove ____thc old tume loggers, covereti discusseti. Joe Cooper, tic pre- ber 3th, 1959. osofHibtnCutyTo Turn Old Furnilure BATERIS sdet-eeet alo pok ofti Ah anhin sasos cos day, however, due ta ieavy à BATRESiKdngts ofC olumbuospS uree o ber llnli, 1959,s c ose onlogging anti forest fires, only m Knihtsof olmbu Sqirs Otobr 5th 199, unhcss scattereti individuals of this Ii Cash Club for boys 12 to, 18 in Osh- otîerwise specifieti. For atidi- once prouti race are left. One aw.tional specifie information sucli lonely giant was cut re-' with A Holy Name Meeting will be please refer ta tic 1959 On- centhy by tic Hodgson & SonI helti in Port Hope on Sunday,, tario Fisicry Regulations. 'Lumber Company an their lim' S TA T ES MA N April l9th ta discuss -*a lay tcetr pnsa isi abn onhp rera.Norman Hannan, Geo. Duringte nieonsu-t nHabrTwshp about CLASSIF1EDS liard, Jim Laverty andi Neil son it is lawful ta angle by any 12 miles naiti east of tic vil- Phone MArket 3-3303 ) S RVI E S ATI I4J Ma~repla taattnd.cludes trolliug, drifting, cast- This pine, growing by itself ing anti stihi fishing. Ion a saut flat, was of excellent Tic more we do, the more NOTE-Tiere are no pike in 1 form anti quality, having no J-~I O W VW& V 8 . jwe can do; the more busy we (tic waters of tic Lindisay Foi--1 rot in it wiatsoever. It yielded are tic more leisure we hae est District except Dalîymple fivola g s, 12 feet long, four ofj William Hazlitt. hv. aksat'ha oto f thiwhich werepenirfec-tlyden antiMO 10 Camkpi lint masre 3 ichs nsdeti Canadian Cancer Society. A canvass. will be matie againj ;iis Spring thnough the Bow- manville brandi of the Society. Canvassers will be calling for yorcontribution soon. Mr. and Urs. A. Betiwin and Preddlie, spent Suntiay with Mn. and Mrs. George Skeîtiing Prince Albert. With Mn. andi Mns. Ross Aidams on Sunday wcre Mn. and Mirs. J. Brown, Sharon, Jamie anti Cindy, Mimico. Mn. anti Mrs. Adams spent Stinday with Mn. anti Mns. La- vrne Souci, Bowmanville. With Mn. anti Mrs. W. Adiams on Tiunsday werc Mr. A. Souci and Mn. H. Souci, Siiloh. Mn. and Mrs. Bull Lake speut Suntiay with Mn. anti Mrs. H. Skinner, Tyrone. Mr. anti Mrs. W. Adams anti ?Keith, spont Saturday evonîng with Mn. anti Mrs. Bob Ruth- erfond, Orono. With Mr. and Mns. Bill Lake on Sunday were Mr. anti Mns. Aif Brown, Bowmanville. IBROWN'S -Mrs. Lorraine Brown untier- went an operation at Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville, on1 Tuestiay morning. Wc wish hon aspeedy rccovery. Miss Linda Caîllbas recov-1 ered stlfficiently ta roturn tg lion sci'.ool work. Her canvales- cer.ce wvas brigihtonct consider- al,,v bv protty cards anti ifl Land sic was ticligiteti tat 5s mny cf ion fnientis nomomber- Mn. anti Mrs. Jack Hartwick and girls, Toronta, witi M-. and Mrs. Jas. Cunson. Miss Susan SIîmpson ente- taineti a numbon of ionr.small nionts on tic occasion of lier fifli birlhday on Saturday. Tic pupils of tic Seuni Raom hîcîti a homo party ou ;aturday evoning at tic home of Miss Nancv Simipson. They enjayrti fun anti dancing anti hope ta ho aile ta carry tiese out ecn- two weoks at tic ti- c'-ent homos. Bnown's Homo and School Club helti thein regular mouti- [y meeting on Tuosday evon- i gc, Apnil l4ti. Plans for tie aoming card party anti draw wore madie. Eucine was con- ucteti by Mns. Wilda Simp- son, tic winners bcing Mrs. Alma Farrow and Mr. Robort ýinpson, Mrs. Lillian Bennett âni Mrs. Wilda Simipson.j Tt Is a very easy thing to de- 1se gooti laws; tic difficulty sto make them ceffective.-Lord 3olingbroke. vistributors« If you are now distributlng other produets, or waould like to start in a dignified business for yourself, here is your high- profit opportunity. The Guardian Fire Alarin for home and farni is 3ales-proven and fully guairanteed. A comn- pact, self-contained, adjustable unit, it can be installed in less than a minute, battery operated, assures 24 hour protection a day. Manufactured for us by the internationally-known Penn Controls Ltd. this precision instrument will be offered to distributors on an exclusive basis only. Applicants must be honest, sincere and financlally responsible, as a sinall investinent for stock only Is necessary. Our supervisors wlll personally train you and your staff, and give you ail necessary aid In supervlsing your staff as it expands. To arrange for persona1 interview, write glvlng us your naine, address, telephone number, employment back- ground and any change of residence'in. the past three years. GUARDIAN SALES CO. 40 WAINFLEET RD. -t for a good used car .-- >buy at clearance prices. lean. )r. isslon, e owiier ind ivory. ln ioveiy bnape. lba5 Pontiac Coach 1954 Plymouth Sedan Dark blue, in A-i shape ALL RECONDITIONED Ail Privately Owned Cars ROY w. Oldsmobile and C DO WNAN VILLE Chevrolet Phone MA 3-3353 SCARBOROUGH, ONT. here is your chance 1956 Chev. Deluxe Sedan 2-tone, 10w mileage. One owner car. 1956 Dodge Coach V-8 with Power Flite trans- mission, custom radio. One owner car. Reconditioned and very dlean car. 1953 Pontiac Sedan 1953 Olds. "88" 4-Dr. Sedan 1953 Pontiac Sedan 1950 International Truck 4-ton, complete with hoist and dump. -READY FOR THE ROAD - 1VA yu neI '..if l ic NICHOLS. :hevrolet Cars Trucks COURMIE Phone MA 3-3922 HAMPTON t Mr. and Mirs. A, E. Billet accompî.nicd Mn. and Mrs. Keith Billett anti family Oni a trip to Burlingtoriovee weekend. There was an error u week's Statesman in tih *,,,LWý tan news. It was printeti: C .- gratulations to Mn. and Mrs. Eddie van de Veldie <nee 1Ntar- ilyn Allun) whose manniage tooîk place on Satuntiay in the churci. It shoulti haVe reati: Congratulations to Mn. andi Mrs. Etiwarti Ooms (nec Marily-,n.. Allin) *wiose manniage taok place on Saturtiay in the chunci. Miss Gladys Edwards, To- nonto, was a weekend guest or' Mrs. L. D. Sykes. Mrs. R. V. McKessock and' Mns. Bryce Brown, Oshawa. anti Mns. Alan MeKcssock,' Tiamesford, were Sunday vis.' itors with Mns. Joe Chapman. Masters Neil anti HerbJe Tink, Solina, visited Mins. Joe Chapman on Satunday. Mrs. Arthur Leigiton, Jim. mie, Jacqueline and Richard, Niagara Falls, N.Y., are spenti- ing a week with hon parents,. Rev. anti Mns. F. J. Reed. Mn... Leigiton also bati a short visit.- with lie Rcods last week. Mr. anti Mns. Sain Keane anti Douglas. Oshawa, were Sundavr visitons witi ber par- ents, Mi'. anti Mrs. T. Wray. Mr. andi Mns. James Saun-, tiers, Oshawa, visitet Mn. ad Mr.s. G. Adcock. Mr. anti Mîs. Harrison anti daugiter spent Montiay with relatives in Oshawa. lue Trhi Having ness, I whý friends w. sa loyal di years in 1 Thari Loi .Bc Ladie Bowi Yc ln Hc A 11 Outstanding Vailue!! 1957 FORD 2-DR. HARDTOP Automatic transmission, custom buit radio, 2-tone paint, white wall tires, low mileage. One owner car, like new. Dy 14M a PARSERVC