THTiTtSDAY, APEIL l6th, 1959 .V'flY ~!A M A flr A M ~ '1'1'~~, A Y.? ~rin7Y.I A Y.T~~ i V I'SM'I' A Di% - WaNA Ofl hJ~ .* S S~flJSflCL&~~ N.D ...... v c~~g ~** c ~nn~ PAUI ~ -April 12 -18 e State of Reading in Canada How Do Canadians Rank As A Reading Nation? Very poorly. 0f ail the Eng- lish-speaking nations, anly the; 'United States has a worse re- cord ln reading baoks. The niosi recent Gallup Pol on reading habits showcd that almast ancl Cartadian ln every three (32%) hasi not reasi a book in more than a year. Simlariy, ai thel timne of the interview, less than one Canadian in ihree WAS readlng a book. Do Canadians Use Their Libraries Often Enough? Not nearly enough. Oniy anc Cariadian in every eight is a reg- isteresi barîaweî ai a public library. Even caunting only those of reading age (six yeaisI andi up), enly ane-seventh of the Population aie registeresi bar- rowers. Does Canada Have Enough Libraries? Only a litile over hait of the Canadian population - 61 per cent - is served by libraries. For every 1,000 people servesi by ai district libuary, only 36 books are withdrawn in a yeaî. Ai-, though the population af thei country is 17,000,000, only: 10,300,000 books weuc on stock Jn libraries i the mosi recent gavernment survey. Do Canadians Support Enough Bookshops? Na. Reflecting tbe iow de. inansi far books in Canada, THE OPOS ARE 2 TO 1 ... that yeuî assurance pragFram needs attention if it hasn't been revicwed uecently by an exper- jencesi undeuwriter. A change of beneficiary perhaps . .. mortgage protection . .. or less lite assur- ance ansi more provision for retiremeni. Lei me review your assurance - my years af experi- ence with the Sua Life Assur- ance 'Company ef Canada are ei your service. Banner Passant represeatative 3 258 53 Brown St. Bowmanvilie Canada ranks 141h among tbe Iwoiid's nations in the number of bookshops per capita. Wiih one bock store for every 18,125 peaple, Canada trails a long way -behinsi tbe leading nation, Austria, which has a boakshop for every 2,745 people. Other 1nations which rank aheasi of ICanada i this respect are, in larder, Denmark, Australia, Italy, 1the Unitesi Kingdom, Neiher- lansis, Beliuin, U.S.S.R., West Germany, Fiance, Switzeriand, Sweden, ansi Norway. Are Improved Reading Habits Mout Needed By Adults Or Children Adult lagbehinsi chilsiren in lbayuage. Even though they foîm by tai the greatesi peu- centage of the population, Can- adian aduits account fou only slightly more ihan hait (53%) of the books circulatesi by Canadian libiaries in the tive-year peulasi of 1951-56. Hu Television Reduced Reading In Canada? On the cantrary, the asivent of televisian 'seems ta have stimulatesi reading rather than ,cuutailesi it. For exaniple, 11- brarians point ta, the increase oti 42 per cent in total circulation' et books in Canada between 1951-6, the periasi which also saw the ettabiishment af Canasi- ian TV. la There Hope For Improvement In Canadians' Reading? Detinitely. Libuaîy caverage of Canada is increaaing by about three per cent a year andi, in thje period tuom 1951 to 1956, circu- lation af books increasesi by 42 'peu cent whîle the population 'increasesi only 14 per cent. But much Impravement is still neesi- ed. lu Anything Beint Dons About h? 'les, a campaign ta stimulate îeading of ail kinda la being con- cluctesi in Canada ibis year tor the tirai time. The two-month program la being conductesi on a national level as weil as by local committees in bundreds cf towns ans i dues across Canada. The campaign will cuiminate in Canadian Libraîy Week, Apîil 12-18. Who Sponsors This Campalgu? Canadian Libîary Week Coun- cil, a group et leasing citizens dîawn tram business ans inh- dustry, libraîles ansi publishing bouses, educational institutions, andi so an. How lu It Financed? By contributions tram the Canada Council ansi other inter- esiesi well-wishing institutions. However, it docs net invalve fund-raising among the general public. What Can You Do To Support he Several things: 1. Join an cxisting Canadian Libraîy Wcek Commitie i your communîty, or help ta faim one; 'SAVE Some people say tbey just haven't âmne to go to the Banik. If you are one of these, you need the streamnlined B of M bankçing-by-mail systemn. 'You can get full details, wilbout obligation, at your nearest B of M branch. Why/4 not cal li or write today? 10il z 0119 1171(1heSipe The B3 of NMs mail deposit faim - made of "'no- carlbon-i-(qturcd paper - elijîinates the need for repetitive writing or rnessy carbons. Yoti nike ou( oniv anc deposit-slip. Presto, uhere's a second copy which cornes back from the Bank as your re- cipt ... and a third copv l4bich you keep for your records. We supply a pre-addressed envelope with aur form which y ou cati use for your nCe.t (eposit. It cones back ti tub v re011 mi linna il iwitli'wWt your reccipted deposit slip. bo l s o lt's easy ta save when you bank by mail atf'"MY BANK" SAsic for one af aur Bankr. ing-by-mai fa/dors. If con &ove you lime, trouble and shoe-leother. 2. Create and use opportun- ities ta make the CLW program and aima knawn through any îerganizatian wiih wbich you are associaiesi - company, club, church, publication, radio-tv îstation, etc. 3. Above ail, reasi - andi hehp te stimulate more active reasiing among others. BLACKSTOCK Mission Bansi met in the Sun- day School Primas-y îoom Tues- day alter schooi wiih Mis. Stu- art Doîreil in charge. The story was entitiesi "New Neighbous ai the Crossroads".. The sculp- ture verse which they memoriz- ed ansi on which the worship talk was based waa "h was glasi when ihey said onto me, lci us t ant tihie bouse oetihe Lord." ruaine Turner ansi Leanne Daureil sang, "Birds arc Sing- ing". The windmill game was p layesi. The cuchre isponsoresi by the L.0.B.A. Tuesday night was were attendesi. Puize winners wcrc Mis. Beelby, Part Perîy, Mi. Haroldi Calbeiy. Port Peu- ry, ansi Mus. Jas. Gibson, Nea- iletan, won the doar prize. W.M.S. met ai the home of Mis. Gardon Strong Wednes- d-ay afiernoon. with 18 ladies andi tive childien present. Meet- ing apenesi by president reasi- ixng a poem. A hymn was sung and prayer offeresi. Mus. Stan- ford Van Camp In charge of the Devational reasi Psa. 95, gave a fine paper on "The Puiviiege of Worship" ansi led in prayer. The effering was dedicatesi by Mus. J. A. Johnston. Roil caîl was answered by "a highiighit ram a book I bave reasi". ansi num- ber of books reasi nd caîls madle. Trcasurei's report sbowed aveu anc quarter oftihe year's allocation touwarcled ta Piesby- teuial treasurer. Membeis weîe informesi thai the Preshyter- !al is asking ail women ta pause sometime between twelve ansi anc o'clock each day ansi offer a prayer toi the work of the church ansi different argan- izations. An invitation tram the Anglican W.A. to visit tbe'm ann April l7th ai 8 p.n'. wýas ac- ceptesi. Mis. (Rev.) Fuller, Port Perry, la ta be guesi speaker andi show a film. Mrs. John McKce kindly don- atesi a quili top. A cammittee was appaintesi te secure liing, etc., ansi arrange for a quilting. Several gitts toi the bale for Plenina weîe buought in. Miss M. Romneril ansi Miss V. Hit- chen presentesi a very pleasant programmie as they displayed same ot the woik of the In- clians, stich as, a Tigonagin, maccasmns, gaunileis, beasi wouk and snow shoes. They aiso showed pictures they hasi taken, answeied questions ansi tisi of many interesiing experiences in their work ai Landsdown Nuis- ing Station, Nouthern Ontario. Alter the closing exercises, lunch was servesi by gioup thice wiih Mis. Ernest Laimeî, convener. Mesdames Murray Byers, Eu- nest Larmer, John Rahm ansi MVevyn Graham attendesi the District Women's Institute ex- ecutive meeting ai Maple'Grave Tuesday. The Explorers met at the par- gonage Thursday alter school. Chiet Explorer Nancy Doureli was in charge ot the business peîiod. Minutes weuc reasi ansi r-oll callwas answerecl by "My Favorite Story fuom the Study Book-Ten Pairs et Shoes".. M"iss Hitcben and Miss Rom- eril showed pîctures ansi spu- venurs ansi toisi stoîles of their woîk amonýg the Indians ai Landsdawn Mission. Meeting closed with worship by Mai- garet Carn.aghan. Heu subjeci- 'Whatisl a Christian?" The April meeting ef the D.N.A. club wýas belci ai the home et Renla Buti with twen- ty-tive membeus present. Min- utcs were reaci andi adoptesi ansi treasurer's report given. Busi- nîess included. a motion ta have Jim Fisher's Orchestra some- :îme in May or June. Date ta be announced hater. Ail enjoyedi Pa i sey. Principal ansi Cate~-, ine Baiey. The decorations fatureci wall murals of Orien- ai scenes, Japanese lanteuns i and stieamners hanging front,) the eîling, butteuthies, appie- iaossoms, ansi even a snow- cappesi mountain. One of the highhlightý oftihe1 iveanig was thc selectian oat the "C.ILS. Qucen" ansi two 1 urincesses. Mis. Liatt ficiateci 1 i the crawning ces-emeny as j epic Diuvesieyn was selecied ii is the "C.H.S. Queen". Esina bhemit ansi Nicole Forest ivere ýhsen as princesses. The girls 6ere presentesi with rsosegay 1 ýouquets et tlowers andi prizes i lonatesi by thc thice locali tores. A special birthday dance )rizc was won by Mr. andi Mrs. Fohn Venning. Winners ot the pDot Dance were Mr. and Mis. bo,.%ianvile Branch. Oshawa Branch: JAMES BELL, Manager JAMES MeCANS.M masau WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN !VERY WALK 0F LIFE $INCE 1817 Lbrary Week R.R. No. 1, Tyrone, Ontario, Apuil 7, 1959. Mi. John James, The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Ont. Dear Edutor, This past week 1 attended the "Teen Town Sprinig Prom"l ansi was gueatiy disappointed ai some et the rules that were in etteci. Before a girl becomes eligible ta became "Qucen", she muai ive in the town et Bowmanviile. This doesn't give ail the girls piesent an equai chance. The jusiges are home town poaple. They are tamiliar ta the Bowmanville girls, therefore, h hink they shouisi be oui et own people sa that no partial- .ty will be shown. Why do ihey noi make known what the girls aic Juclged upon? Theyv shoulsi eitbcr give every girl a fair andi equal chance or 'auget thc whole business ansi naybe by ibis, they might be able to make a profit ai this lance. Thank you tor the space in yaur paper. Yours truly, - A Regular Member. Neil Bailey. Duîing intermis- sion a bjffet style luncheon was serves by ladies of the O.N.A. Club. The dance was well attended by present stu- dents and graduates of previoias years. Guests were present tram Oshawa. Toronto, Whitby, Aurora, Guelph, Peterborough, Belleville andi Port Perry. Four of the younger students deserve credit for t he able manner in which they receivesi the coats Iof the guests, handesi oui f a. vours etc. Curling Club The annual banquet of Cart- wright Curling Club was held in the Recreation Centre Sat- urday evening; April l11h. Pie- sident Brian Hamilton called the gathering to aider. One minute's silence was helsi in honour of a late member, Carl McLaughlin. Wallace Marlaw led in grace. The Blackstock IWomen's Institute served a de- rlicious turkey dinner at ter which Ernest Swain tendered the thanks ta the ladies.. Vice Presideni Dave Wilson presented the league standings. Brian Hamnilton pîeserited firsi place rink namely, Roy Mc- Laughlin, Esi Harris, John At- chinsors and Frank Hôskln, wlth the Merlin Suggitt Tro- phy and engravesi butter dish- es. Dave Wilson pîe.sented the second Place rink, B. Hamilton, N. Bailey, D. Davidson and R. L.armer, wlth candy dishea cen- tered with significant statue. A former club puesideni, BruZe Heaslip, made the presentatian ta the third p1,gce îink, B. Ash- tan, H. Swain, C. Graham andi H. Graham, of magazine racks. A special puesentation of a cuff link set was presented ta the caretaker Haroldi Swain, for providing the cuulers andi also the skateîs with excellent ice during the 1958-59 season. A film "The 58 Brier" was en- ioyed by all. Sec.-Tîeasurer Neil Bai1ey's report showed a very sucCestul year financial-« ly. Much discussion centred around the puîchasing of new equipment, rink repairs and bonspiels. Details were left to the discretion of the incoming executive. Following are of fi- cers for 1959-60: Past President, B. Hamilton; President, D. Wil- son; Vice Pies., E. Swain; Sec.- jTreas., N. Bailey; Comnîittee, R. cLaughlin, F. Hoskin, F. Reid, C. Page, M. Suggitt. Duîing the evening seven lucky draws were made. W. Marlow, M. Byers, F. Stinson,1 N. Werry, H. Hamilton, H. Mal- colm, R. Turner, C. Page, weue the winners, Meeting adjouin-1 esi with the National Anthem. The Pubie Sehoal are holding their "music night'I this Thurs- day, April l6th when the par- ents andi ail interested persans bave the privilege of hearing the selections which the differ-1 ent graups îendered at the mu- sic festival in , Peterborough. Members of the Kiwanis Club of Peterborough are caming ta present the tuophies.E Miss Reid, Guelph, was Fr.1- day nighi guest andi Misses Ma- ble and H-elen Van Camp Sa'- urday night and Sunday witht Mis. W. W. Van Camp. Mis. Jean Cook,- Oshawa, visited the Neil lValcolms Fni- day night andi Saturday. Misses Jessie andi Betty Me.c- Arthur, Toronto, Norman Dy-c sari, Peterborougb, spent thej weekend with Dr. and Mis. Mc-N Arthur andi Ardis. - Mi. andi Mis. Grant Fergu-c son, Ian and Mary, Toronto,e spent the weekend with Roy,t Bill and Sandra Fes-guson. Norih Nesileton Welcome /back ta Nestieton, Mi. Leonard Joblin, who wint- ered in Orano, and we trust, is feeling very much better. He has jusi spent a few days with Mr. and Mis. Rae Malcolm at Janetville. Mr. Harold Porteaus of Bow- manville was a. caller ai the Malcolm. Emersons, Friday p.m. Mi. andi Mus. Emerson spent a couple af days ai their soifs, E. Emerson of Don Milis. .Mus. -Emerson was hastess tai 95 King St. McGregor Hardware ELIZABETHVILLE Sunday schaol and church was held as usuai. Most of the tea- chers weue present. Shorily afteî church was aver a tire was repoitesi ansi it turned oui to be the bain on Mi. Wil- beri Beatty's faimn which. he sald last faîl. Most of the barn vas on tire before many gai there A guass tire spîead ansi burni a large aiea aiound tbe tarrn even cîassing the îoad toweaîd the nouth ansi east. Mr. C. Beat- ty lost considerable grain andi hay ivbich was storesi in the bain. A very large crowd, gath- eîed. The Port Hope tire truck svas oui but couldn't do taa much as the barn was taotai gane. Also the watei pu-rnp or valve didn't work îight and the water flew eveiywbeie but tbuough the hase. A crowd gaiheresi tram miles arounsi. Mr. 'andi Mrs. Ron Yariow andi tamily, Oshawa, wiih his uncle andi aunt, Mr. andi Mis. E. Fow- ler Sun day. Mus. Gea. Fowleî is spending a few dayis with Mr. and Mrs. Fawleî. Mis. J. Robmnson, Port Hope, la spending a tew days with her niece Mis. Fred Wbeeleî andi Fred. On Wednesday the Women's Institute met ai Mis. Russel White's home. About tifteen membeis. attendesi. Mis. Quan- trili orenesi the meetingc ansi Mis. Wheelei reasi the minutes. It was decided ié give $5 taeflhe girls 4-H club ta help ihemn out wvith expenses. Delegates weîe picked go ta meeting ta ha helsi in Part Hope ta forim an auxil- iary for the Olsi Foik's HHame. The meeting was ttîined aver to the convenor Mis. R. White who hasi Mus. C. Mercer andi Mis. McAllistei sing a duet. Mis. Thicksan reasi the prize essay by a Bethany Institute member. Mis. C. Meucer playesi an instru- mental. Lunch was seivesi. Mu. ansi Mis, 0. Mercer spent Sunsiay with Mi. and, Mis. Set- terington, Castieton. Mis. Knox, Mis. Wheelei, Mis. Thickson, Mus. C. Beatty ansi Mis. H. Muldrew attendied the meeting in Paît Hope, Thuisday evening ta faim. an Auxiiiary thi the Old Folks Homne. Mis. Thicksan wes elected as treas- urer. Don't foîget our short course Monday, April 27, 1:30 ta 4:00 on "Something ta Wear". Miss Birks Toronto, is ta leasi the course. Eveîyone is welcomne. BURKETONW The Burketon W.A. met at the home of Mreý Daug. Lane an Thurs. April 99 ai 2:30 p.m. withÉ il memnbers andi two visi- tors present. Thîe meeting open-j esi wiih a poem. and, meditation by Mrs. Bone. Duîing the busi- ness session, plans weîe miade ta take down the drapes in ibe chuîch ansi make alierations before having ihem dury-cleaned. hi was decidesi ta do ibis on Wed. April 22. The second part of the Christian Citizenship Stu- dy which. was gàven by Mus. L., Argue ansi Mis. H. Larmer, was, very well prepaiesi andi muh enjoyesi. The W.A. receivesia donatian of 10 yards of puinti andi thice steak knives, the prini ta be uSsifor apronr. etc. ansi" saisia aiheicFal baza-ar. The membeis of the W.A. weue îe- mindesi of the Service for affil- iation of the C.G.I.T. wiih theI W.A., which takes place on Wed. evening, MaY 6. AUl members were cordially invited ta attend. Some nicely em.broidered tea towels were donated by Mrs. H-. Larmer. D5ue ta a rather lengthy business session no programn was given. A very lovely lunch was served by Group 1 with Mrs. H. Larmer convening. Saturday evening and Sundey visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone were Mr. and Mrs. George Lawson and children, and Mr. and Mrs. George Wal- len and ehildren, ail of Mark- ham. The C.G.I.T. will hold a rum- mage sale in the church hall on Sat. May 2. Donations for the sale may be lefi ai Mrs. Bone's home or at Hubbard's store. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Knapp andi fajnily, Bownianville, were Sun- day visitais with Mr. andi Mis. Stan. McCullough. MNr. and Mis. Orvus Smtithi andi Ch ris, Oshawa, were weekend visitors of Mr. James Curran. Mr. andi Mis. J. A. Turnbull, Pat ai-d June, were Saturday tea guests of Mi. and Mis. Eric I Bairreti, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mis. Dave Gatcheli, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Ch.arles Terry, and Laurie, Zion, visited with Mi. and Mis. Howard Ab- bott on Sunday. Mr. Ohick Engllsh is epending Ia few days in Toronto this week. Misses Cheryl Rowan and Don na Yellowlees, Enniskillen, were Sunday visitais withi Mrs. John Carter. Mrs. Win. Stephenson entered Memorial Hospital, Bowrnan- ville, on Monciay, to undergo surgery. Ail her friends hope her soi ourn in hospital will be a brief one. The service on Sunday in Buiketon United Church was well gttend>ed. During the ser- vice, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery h'ad the naine of John Albert hesto=e upon him, in an impressive ceremony. Mr. and Mis. Frank Allison and family, Oshawa, visited with Mis. Pearl Avery an Sunday. Mr. andi Mrs. Heniry Wotton, Purpie Hill were Sunday guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wotton. Mr. and Mis. Duncan Reid,' Sunderlandi; Mr. and, Mrs. Ross Winters, Pickering, and Miss Irene Brown, Scugog Island, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. G. Ury, Ponty- pool, visited friends in the vil- lage on Fridlay. Mr. and Mis. Walter McDonald, Maurice and Scott, Brighton, visitesi friends and relatives in the village on Sunday. Mr. andi Mrs. Sinclair Robin- son, Port Perry, visited with Mr. and Mis. K. Roblin on Sunday. Mrs. Mary Dean attended the wedddng of her nephew in Osh- awa, on Saturday. I)ON'T LOCK THE STABLE AFTER THE HORSE HAS BEEN STOLEN And don't wat ilil lWs too late to register at the Oshawa Business Coilege Evenlng Classes for Adu Its Teenage Typing Classes Oshawa Business College 111 Slmeoe St. B., RA 5-3375 Ail EXCLUSIVE only at CLEANERS Featuring the new ~~'~~atFinishi sa~nitone Dry Cleaning for the same prices as ordinary Dry Cleaning. Tîy us to-day and feel the difference. Clothes have that "j ust like new" look. As adveriised in the Ieading magazines-Reader's Digest, Ladies Home Journal, Saturday Evening Post. Also Complele Laundry Services Pm»%hone or Leauve Garment t STEVENS# TAXI, BoWNqANVILLgC NEWCASTLE TAXI * NEWCASTLE BROWN'S STORE -NE WTON VILLE ZION (Hope Township) (Intendesi for hast week) Mr. andi Mrs. Don Gerow, Tor- Ono, twýre re2e'ý -visitors with Mus. aLIph Gerow. Mi. and INLus. Chas. Meneilley spent Goosi Fîiday with Mus. Arthur Geumnonsi, Osbawa. Mi. andi Mis. Del Whitney spent Easteu Sunday with ivs. Ada Mais, Oshawa. Mi. ansi Mrs. Norman Gerow.. motoresi to Wellingtonî. Kasi4er weekend and weue guesis of Mr. and Mis. Dan MaiSon. Mr. Chas. Ra4ay has been un- depr the Dr.'s care ansi spent sev- eral days in Part Hope Hospital. Mr. ansi Mus. Jack Meneilley, Orillia, ansi Mus. Arthur Ger- monsi, Oshawa spent Satuîday witb Mu. andsi ~rs. Chas. Men- eiliey. Mus. Don Moudon andsiosns af Wellington speni several days durig tbe holiday vîtb Mu. and Mus. Norman Gerow. Mis. Ralph Gerow spent Eas- ter weekerl. Te--C',f ner gon, Mr. ansi Mus. Don Ge*ow. Mu. Wihfred Sunday sufferesi a heait attack îecently ansi will 'I For the convenience of Bowmranvlfle eustomers signal the operator and ask for ZEnith 13000. No Toli Charge. J BANK OF MONTREAL e~.4 9À45klaS" ni -11F- -ý' 'Ir be confined to his bed for uev- eral weeks. A meeting of the Welcoe Circuit Quarterly board was held in Morrish Sunday School rooms lest Mondiay evening. Re- presentatives of ail four church- es were present. Mrs. Chas. Raby and Mrs. Chas. Meneilley attend- ed from Zion. Church services were held ait Zion, April 5 at il a.m. Rev. HIarding gave a very fine ser- mon. Holy Communion followed the regular service. Mra. C. R.aby (Elier) assisted. Sympathy of itis commnunaty is extended the serrowjng re- latives of the late Mr. George Hamilton, who passed away Eas- ter Sundev. March 29, following a long iliness. funeral service~s were held from the George fun- eral parlours, Port Hope, Wed., afternoon April lst. The death of Mr. Hamilton, a highly res- pected citizen and life Imember of Zion, always interested and active in ciurch, sehool and- commnunity affairs, means a great loss ta this district. Master David Raby, Port Hope, spent the Easter holidays %vith his Uncle Fred and Aunt Hilda Raby. THMMAT, APRTL l6th, 1959 TEM CAWAMAX lqmluLTr-quATJ- 1:tnwvAMVTLL19!. nNTAIkTn 1% à on IR &WWV r