THUREbAT, APEU1 lOth, 1958 W~ U~AIZAflYA M Lq' A 'W'U!«I.1A3T Rf'~WA~.1'Vft.T U A E~V ~.Y~.TU'~U'M fbl ..P . * - rn~.rn a. ...a. ana. Durham Team Cornes Secondi M* J. Fart * ée Ontario Caunty team1 W6~n the Agrico TroPhy fon bé- ing tops in the seed judging competitien among the junior fannera o! tiglit counties. Tht award was tht highlight of Junior Farmners' Day at the Menicrial Centre. tht final day of the Central Ontario Sprlng Show running Tutsday, Wed- nesday and Thursday o! lasi week. In an unuaually close finish, the junior f armera o! three Counties finished their compe- tition tied wilh 2.484 pointa. ]But the Ontario Ceunty tem eked cul a win aven the Dur- ham County and Petenborough County teams by citing better reeans for thein Judgmnents. The top three for Ontario County wene Lloyd Wilson et R. R. 2, Uxbnidge; Ross Steven- son o! Sunderland, and Law- rie Taylor o! R. R. 1, Peffer- 18mW. They wene coached by1 agriculture representative H. L Pain and assistant representa- Il -ý Mr. and Mrs. Cli!! Cooper, Mr. anai Mrs. 0. S. Cowan-- spen Snday with Mr. and Mrs. MSorlty Brooks, Picton. Mn.and Ms Lewis Cryder- n-ia, Ms. oui Heison, MT. 1 earned the money at home for a whole new outfit , a fter teaching Wmyself to type with F 1emington's new "Type Right Away" boolet and portable typewriten Why don't you become one cf tht thousands cf wotaen who earn extra money by typing et home? If yau've neyer typed before, the first thing te eo-je came in or cail for a FREE copy of Remington's "Type Righ t Away" bookiet. Thousands cf other women have fouaid it a quîck and easy way te train thtmaelves for added income an a Remington Rend Portable. 4 d eut how easy il t itear 4 arai. AVAILABLE AT T 91 Canadian Stalesman mers Seed Judging tive A. M. BIMdè. The competltion wu a efted by 59 Young farmera frôm the Counties of Ontario. Durhern, Peterborough, Viecria, Len- nox-Addington, Hastings, Nor. thumberland and Prince Ed- ward. High scorer in the competi- tien was Ralph Frisken of Len- nex-AddixLgton who got 849 points-le more than Ross Ste- vensoni of Sunderland or ?ran- cis Doris of Peterborough-the runners Up. The buddlng farmers of this Central Onttario region were asked to Judge on wheat, oattS, barley, claver, ai aif a, a gen- eral quiz and Identification of weeds and grasses. Top trio for Peterborough County were Francis Doris of Peterbbrough Joet Lyrich o! Pe- terborough and Harry Hamil- ton cf Lakefléld. For Durham: William Tamiblyn of Orono. Marie Kent of Newcastle and Lorne Tink o!_Hampton. For and Mrs. Wm. Wilbur BaMp- ton, visited Mrs. Fred ý'amnblyn on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. King, Mar- Ilyn and Nancy, were weekend guests o! Mr. and -Mira. Gary Vasey Bradford. Mns. Keith Meflenald and hen sisten Mra. Ian Hooley, Wind'- son Ontario, are sailing next Monday on The Empresa France from Montreal ior a visil in England. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mn.. Douglas Walle- tht form- er Mrs. Barbara McLaren o! O&hawa and Orone on thein marriage lu Toronto on Aprnl 4, 1959. Mr. and Mns. Milaon Tamblyn returned home lest week from twc montha In Van Nays, Cali- foi-nia where they visittd 1h tir son, Glenn. Mns. Tamblyn and family. Mns. J. E. Richards spentth weekend lu Toronto and Port Credit. Mr. and Ma-s. Beary and deu ghter, Markhamn, visittd Mn. and Mrs. Bob Johnson and iamiiy. Ms-. and Mns. Fred Brooks and Ohris, Oshawa; Mns. Gea. Or'aw- tien, Charles and Jarnie, New- cale, visited Mn. and Mrs. Chantes Wood on Saturday. Mr. and Ma-s. Jack Ba-yson andi daughters, Bow'manville; Misa Berth Cai, were dinner guests Sunday o! Mira. M. S4-ier- wln. Tht occasion was Mi. Bry- sen's; birthday. Miss Jean Wannan, Miss Mex- ilyn Quantnill, Miss Doreen All- daed, Mr. Beyde Wood and Mn. Harold Moffat attended tht wed. ding of Mn. and Mns. Rois Dwl- ght Brown, the fnen Milss Ina Taylor, Klnby School Tea- cher, at tht United ,Cbýunch, Brucefield, Ontario. Mina. Chas. Barris rturned home on Sund-ay aller over six weeks in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. .Mn.. Alfred Pigott, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Middleton visâted Jini's sister, *Mirs. Aldmne Hamlin, Mankhamn- followlng ber ne- cent opqrat on. Mra. W. L. King entertained hen Bridge Club from Brad«ord at two tables of bridge and lun- cheon last week. Mn. and! Mns. Douglas Wallle, Mn. Arnold Mooney and famlly, Osh-awa; Mr. and Mss. Mianson Mooney, Toronto, visitedi M. C. S. McLaren. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Davey mnoved, last week ta the Fouaid Bouse. Mn. Dane Founti plans ta opeai a Barber Shop andi Pool Room in tht Davey Store. Out aof towr guests attending tht Kudla&-Dabrowski weddlng in Tornnto lest Salurd-ay inclu- ded- Mn. and! Mrs. Stanley Responti and d'aughttr Joanna, Mr. and Mns. Ted Rospond, Mn. and Mrs. Williamn Kudia. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Halik and! !amily, Mn. and Mirs. Edwand Hyncanuk and family, Mr. and Mns. John Halik, Mn. and Mrs. He!iry Jas- kloski, Mn. and Mrs. D. Tureski, Mfrs. Stephen Sqiuk, Mrs. Vuo- let Hs±lik, Mr. Joseph Zoîna, Mrs. Mary Rutkewski, Mr. and 1 Mvrs. Anthony Gwodz.1 Viet6tia: Kén ?riff nof Woôd- 1ville, Dênnis fotaghàa of Oàk- wôod and John AltOn o! Lornie- Wayne FllndtII of 'renton, JIm Rusk of Brighton and Barry Fliridail of Trenton. For Ha&-' tinga: Paul Beagle or 1Harold, Gien Heagle of Harold andi ]Ronald Heath of Stirling. A dinner wuas erved ln the late afternor, attended by about 10Ô junior farmers and guests. Durlng the dinner the Agrico (Agriculturël Chemnicals Challenge) raophy was present- ed. Wellington± Sutton, president of the sprlng show, was chair- SMan. 1 A social evefting foflowed With lCay IHoman, presiderit cf thé Ontario Junior l'armners' Amsoiation. glviftg an illustrat- ed lecture on her recént trip ta the Uftited Klngdôm. - Exam-1 i WLJI)I L.j( KUDLA - flABftOWSII 1 Gladioli decorated St. Jose phat's Greek Cathollc Cathe dral, Toronto, for a weddlng cj Saturday, April llth, whéi Lorraine Mary Anft Dabrowàk was united in mnarniagewil] Leslie George Kudla of iOshaws The bridé Isa the daughter o Mr. and Mrs. Julian Dabrowsk a! Oi-ono, formerly of Oshawa and the bridegroom la thetso of Mr. and Mns. Leslie Kudli of Toronto. Blshop Boreeki per formed the ceremony. Mis Jean Koledzle o! Oshawa play. ed the weddlnx music anda a companied Mn. Frank Roset tani o! Whitby who sang "Oî This Day 0 Beautiful Metherz and "Partis Angelicus." Given in marniage by her fa. ther the bride wore an impart ed gown of cyster white Itallat silk. The Victorian bedice fea. tured a scailoped neckIine be. 10w the deep yoke of ChantUIi lace ernbroidened in pearia, lacý also highlighted the long shea4t sleeves. Appliques of the sarn lace accented the full lengtl pnincess panel and the billow. lng skirt whlch swept intoj Cathedral train. A crewno seed peanls held her finger tij vel of tulle Illusion, anid ahE carrled a cascade o! white gar. denias and feathered carnations Miss Dianne Dabrowsk lc Orena was mild of horior fai hen sistmr, and the other Atten, dants wene Mrs. An-thony Bonm. an o! Toronto, sister a! the brldegroam, and Miss Patricia Glbbens cf Oshawa. They al] wore full length gowns o! Par. is blue allk organza aven tai. fêta, having crossover bedices with short aleeves and draped skints. Thein hats were wide bniinmed modela ta match thelr gowns. They each wore short white gloves and carnled white and tirâted blue carnations. Miss Susan Dabrowski, smnail sister of the bride, wus flower girl wearlng a full akirted long frock cf Paris blue silk argan- se. a bandeau headdress and short white gloves, and she too earrled white and blue canna- tiens. Mr. Henry Sarnovsky of Oshawa perforzmed the duties of best man, and the ushens were M1r. Wlilliam Kudia of Oshawa and Mr. Fred Romani of Unlonville. The reception wa$ held at Park Plaza Hotel, Toronto, which. featured a wedding din nen and dancing. To receive the guesta the bride'& mether wore a Delphinium blue sheath dress o! Chantilly lace over ta!fe'ta with pearl embnoidery below tht portrait neckline, and a matching wig hat and short white gloves. Assisting was the bridegnoom's iother who chose gnty Chantilly lace oven pink taffeta, a pink hat and nnatchlng accessories. They both wore corages of pink ros. es and feathered white canna- tions. For the hôneymeon trip le Florida, the bride donneda beige boucle with mink collai accentlng the short jacket, a white wig hat and corsage of white gardenias. On thein ne- lurn the couple wili reside Ir Oren.o, OÙtario. Guests were present frot Oshawa, Auburn. N.Y., Buffalo, N.Y., Guelphi, Fort Erie and St. Catharines. SPrIING GREETINGS FROM asAIR STYLJNG .-~- ~with a new neat Spring Main-do The "SMOOTH lE" Cut and PERMANENT WAVE with oun own conception in permanent waving, blended to youn individual needs. PWMNE P& 5-m8631 OSIHWA FIECE PARKIN( AT RZAI FOR APPOINTMENT 110 KING ST. EAST 5- à- ki th. 'a. of ki la ýr- t- e th a ip ie r te la le Ir ýe ýg 1- f kt ,e r h ýr H Orono to Receive Grant 'word o?'«u ùn iSUnday services. e gl Mu. Helen McHoIm. «rgma- To Offset Rink Repairs ' itamoanetesle Seventeen members o! tht Park. Mn. N. P. Porter asked The 11ev. A. W. Hardins en- Oronci Chamber of Commerce about the Camp Site prpsa arxed upôn the worda of his met in the negular monthly din- at tht aouth of the ak 0te x ae rmAt ."n ner meeting necently when var- which Mnx. Rutherford said the: ht went on his way rtjolcing". lou réant o!projects were Department had turned it down Ti aa bjc esnw receeAie dunlng the course but which ceuld b. undertaken, would do wtfl ta Ponder aven. of the meeting tht prelimlnary with assistance froan the Parka IDo we in aur dail3r contact wlth plan for tht Village et Onano Integration Board. pol by oui' conversation and was utlnedby n. . B Ru- I~i. W H.Caran ! ~ conduct give on neceive seme Police Tedb ruS ees.Mr. .rcat Cmtte t he;measune of loy and pleasure or therford o! thetoieTutýs Mrhc' omte inform- 'tht reves. If we art happy Mn. Donald Staples, president. ed the meeting that this Mom-; we impart happinesa ta others, chained the meeting with tht mittet had circulated a petilion: a discontented persan la sel- firat report belng the financial amongst thé local merchants idam welcomne and generaily position o! tht ink account. regarding local store heurs. avoided. Mr. Staples pointed out that Thirteen merchants signed the'Sna eoa a eda $665 had been bonrowed frem pétition favouring closlng Wed- udyShowahe t tht Bank li order ta meet aUl nesday afternoon and Satun- iIl a.m. There wtre 33 present. the acoounts.- day evening at 6:00 p.m. Ail the session was conducte5i by S. B. Rutherford reported for other days and ,Friday evening 1 1&. Fred McConnell, assistant the Onono Police- Truattes and they would nemain open. Four supenintendent. MNrs. E. Wilson staled that the Trustees had en- mendiants signed te close ail was li charge o! the aduit Bible quired about a grant on tht ex- day Mkonday rtmaining opte n . penditure of, $3700 an tht nink the rest of tl4e week and on by the Chamber. Il was appar- both Fniday and Saturday even- Cnt that a grant was available ings. Mr. Carmian then rnoved O T P L and that the Chamber shbuld a motion which carried: that N YP L receive around $680 which the Orono Police Trustées be A fain attendanot was prés- would wipe out tht bank boan. asked te pass a by-law aettlng eut for qunday School an~d This was welcome news fon the UP tht store heurs as requeit- Chureh services on Sunday Chamber. ed by the majority o! the mer- imônning wlth pasto? Flev. Bon- Aise in his report Mn. Ruther. chants and te have sucli a by- ateel in charge. ford said that the Truatee;s had law euforced. made contact with the Parka Discussions arose on- the issue iMn. Bill Hackwood under- Integration Board and that a on the classification o! retail went a seriaus opération in St. grant o! 50 per cent was - jil outlets but na action was taken Joseph'sa Hospital tht past week.- able ta extend the preperty of other than the motion. C. C.- the local park and ta further Cornish pointed eut that gro- lt-s equipment and fixing-up. cery stores did net faveur thé He suggested that the Chamber i ai! day opening on Wedntts- support the Oreno Park Board day as the vegetable dispiayTh just four heurs. N. F. Porter felt it was onily right and fair TLLP'%LLlt the shoppers te have uni- iriankç-Oimiering forin shoppin-g heurs. The Tc Furhertoohis report W. H.' i'Carman suggested that tht A t St. raui's Chamber support the Police d Trustées in setting up a by-law M issionte govern overnight parking onl M issio Band the Main Street (business sec- tion) and a portion oi Park, - Thte Thank- offening meeting Centre and Chureli Streets. H. o! St. Paul's Mison Band wasM Mercer feit that first some held eo- Wednesdy, Apnil 8th Provision should be made for with 28 mernbers present. Thý off-stneet parking. No support lnvittd te ahane the Mission fonin of a motion. Band programme, and a large Colt Stake Rae nepresentation were présent. A Dane Found brlefly outlinedntc gutats by ira. K, MeQuarnie. txpected te attract close ta 40! The meeting was opened by the herses to Orone Saturday, June' ship ai Clarke hy1 cbfldren repeating the Mission 2th. The event is being spon- 1ýand urpos, foilowed. by the aored by the Orono Chamber Mission Band. hymn. ~with the starting gale opening aofArl19, Misson Bnd lymnat 2:00 eclock. Mr. Faund poin- Eleve'n me"n*ers teck part in ted eut that $500 wiii be ofter-; avtaihoeco necithng an a=rslic "Servie Glad- ed ini pnize money ofwlchavoe fth lc i ly," each child representmng a meat o! it will be made Up aofuinaiw i letter. Those takinig part were tntry fees. a usinojhc Jodry Scott, Floyd Hosien, Jam AdmiJsson te Ibis évent bas Scott, Suzanne Graham, Judy been sel at 50 tenta with asise"'Are you in a Qattes, Georgeann Graham, Na- a amaîl grandstand admission oni Basien, Gale Adams, Dale charge. There will be ne wag- Stewart. Janiet Davits anid Eltii ering stated Mn. Pound. E!- Trustees of ihe T] MeQuannie. AU thte abers fonts, he said, are being made jointd i singlng their Priend- to bring in same childnen'sata- issue cf twenil sh-ip Son g, aise an action song, tractions such «s a merry-go- accompanied them at tht piano. August Street Fair 7,O.O o A poem 44Oui Family" was Mn. Berb Duvail reported i om rsho then recited by JoAnne Steph- that tht boat, mon and trali- i orj sà enson, Lindia Bibien, Vivian er had been purchased as tht: Graham, Margaret Wenry, Nan- prize for the Annual .Street tho nfr e cy MeRoberts and Wayne Mc- Carnival in August. Tickets for Roberts, each child reciting a thia draw will "oon b. on sale.' Adtk ntc verse.A filnstrip was shewn aIn connection with the street A dtk oiei titled Peter Flying Eagle. Mrs. fain Mn. Found atated that heG R. Sott rtadïing the script. was endtavourlng ta run tht 1320 pasod on the Tht Wonsh.ip service was lead features ie the afternoon if ta h oea h by Mrs. K. McQusrnle. The cf- something feasible could be an- ta h oeo h fering was taken by Edyth Tho- i'angtd. mpson and Lynne Adiams. The R.- Plannig ho takon an Wedneà meeting clostd with the children R.C Forrester gave a brie! singing, "Fallier of Ail Little oulline o! the course taken by th. houri ai 10c Children Everywherc." A social the Police Trustees in conntc- hal! heur was enjoyeci with tht tien with planning. S. B. Ruth- ai th. aito'noan IM W.M.S. ladies servln'g the lunch. erford then outlined the pré- limlnary plan which has been nacuma u L complled by tht Planning Con -ace an l *th rono Girl sultants, Marshall, Maekili, lr O rono G iA Ný~~onaghan Limited. In bis Ialï>kl lrs he deait with planning fon the Hon re w th area. along with wattr ai POLLING PLACES Many Parties MORRISH Newtonville School Boue Antloch Sehool Bouse Mliss Lorraine MarY Min Da: Mr. and TvLs. Fred McCon-LkhrachoBus browski e! Oreno, Ontario, for- neil and daugliter Dianne, re LohraSho os merly o! Oshawa, whese mS-r- turned home on Thursday,- Kendal Sehool Rouge riage, te Mn. Leslie George Ku- 1 Ap.,nil9t ate ap-aan-tp-cLaa&-holHo- 0 Oshawa, wnen tl71 fUu~urebictUi after Easten vacation, part of areceived a television set frem which was spent in Detroit r ber parents, an oak dinette where his mether, Mrs. Frank t aset inem. the parents o! tht Anderson, was visiting ber bro-: ,f prospective bridegnoom and a ther and wife, J&. and Mrs. R. handsoine sum e! moneY from K. Boldaway, returning by car the assembleti guests. Ohrwith his mother on Monday, gifts presented included an March 30th te, spend theTrest of elctcM xmn a s t t r, sek o dyonth home farm. knives, ironing board, electrie f e offer heanty congratula- cleckt andi household linens; tiens ta Mr. anti Ma-. Jan Egas aise dishes. Tht party was an- woclbatt1i Ot ni by Mira. Waler HaIsIc s r e e2thei arn n rageti GMs.Walte r a Wil- versr ofte mrag on Mr.Anthony Goz r. i, Sunday, Apnil 12th. We wish I liarn Latawce, Mrs. Lorne Cur- themi manv more happy years rie, Ms William KLidia, Mý,iss' éogetlîer. A smnall farnily gath- ULnie Dabrowýki, ail ofOsi-e'ing was held Sunday evening.ý awa. Ivrs. Anthony Roman of; wiih dinner. Terehte, andi Mïss Patricia Gib- Measies and 'flu are still pre- ben.s, of Oshawa, who served! sent in aur conamunity. We are a bot dinnen, and dancing sorry te say tient are sorme very roundeti out tht evening.h. sick victims ef tue 'flu--othera Mrs.Willam udlaof Oh. ave adegooti recovenies and, Jawa, and Mrs. Anthony Roý- are anound as usual.1 Iman o! Toronto, were hoatess- Miss Iriez Symonds invited' es ta a personal shower aI tht several yeung friends to aïn: f onme's home, Osh*awa Boule- in a trip ta Taronte an Sun- i yard, Oshawa. A buffet lunch dy pi 2it ne u iwas served. Miss Patricia Gib- ..pop, concert with her. This i bens of Oshawa and MrLs. Ed- is an annual event for Miss Sy- ward Trestik o! Toronto, enter- -~i n ihyapeitt taineti et a miscellaneeus show- by aur yeung people. er ai the formen's home on Bunk Regular churci service was1 Street, Oshawa. Mrs. James held at 10 a.m. on Sunday, Gibbens o! Oshawa assistes! tht April 121h. Tient was an aven- hostesses In serving a buffet aecnrgto ihteRv lunh. rs.Waler ali, GbbsA. W. Harding in charge. There Street, Oshawa, was hostessata were 12 members o! thc junior a miscellaneous shewer et ber choir present. The selection hoeeiorerOshawa neigi tsgienby therniduning the Wor- were forer Oshaa neighors. si Service was "Speaka Miss Venonica HaUi aassted Word o! Cheenful Kindutas" I er mother ini senving. follawed by a duet «Lead Me A supper party was arranged Lord" sung verv nicely by Ruth 1 by tht girls o! the Office Buid- Mri n ayFno.A ing Services, General MoIora of liadMr etn 1Ca-naa, Oshawa, andi helti at the Cadillac Botel, Oshawa,t ' wien tht bride elect received Gel Cash Ta-day Stwo Borg fur nugg. Fi-cm the seme division, tht bride-to-be For Old Anuhiances waa presenleti with an oil paint- ing, as a wtdding gift. through Tht future bnidegron, Mnf.1 T T S A Leslie George Kudla receiveti an T T S A electnic coffet percalaton frôm! C LA S S 1 1E DS tht Sales Depanimeni a! Gen-j Phone MArket 3.3303 erlMatons of Canada, Oshawa. _________ for tht purpose of appc the final summing up ci one person ta attend ai interested in and desiro said Question and a lii and desirous of prometi Born Necar Elizabethville Destroyed byý Fire Sunday Fire destroyed a large bank ho! for approximnately five barn and three farra out-build 'manths. Mr. Kloosterhof is em- ings owned by Mr. Nlck Klaos- ployed by the Arbo Leather terhof,' approxlmately one mile Co. of Port Hope. north of Elizabethvllle, Sunday Aogwt h anadot atenon at approximately buildings, approximately 600- te 1:30. The farm, la the former 700 bushels of grain and a con- Wilbur Beatty place and has been owned by Mr. Kiooster- aiderable quantity cf straw were destroyed in the blaze. Damage was estimated at $10.- We understand that he la mak-! 000, which was partly coverè?d ing satis!actory progress. ibv insurance. Ten pigs were Mr. Ken Fallis is home agaîn saved from the inferno. after spendlng a week in hos- Mr. Kloosterhof said h. was pital. burning some brush, around the Mn. Elgin Budd cf Simeoe, house and barn, when the fire spent Tuesdav in our village. caught onto a straw stack be- He planned ta attend the Bel- side the barn and the blaze. glan Horse Sale in Lindsay the fanned by a fair breeze, caught following day. o nte the barn. The burning Mn. and Mrs. Grant Stewart barn in turn set a large field of and Mr. and Mrs. Ken BamfordI long grass on fire and a govern- have moved ta the farm home ment reforestation plantation o! Mr. Gregoras, better known was endangered. Mr. Kiocater- as the Bill Smith property. ho! called the Port Hope Fire We are -glad ta, learn that Brigade, which raced to the Wr. Bert Richardson is able to scene and prevented the fire be eut around the ývillage. Bert fr43m spreading ta the planta- is recoverîng from a sisfc-tien and alse ta the bouse on tory eye operation. the farmn. For the !irst hi in four The farm buildings were wir- rnonths I was able to sèe our ed for electricity only six mail box. It had been covèred'weelcs ago, Mr. Kloosterho! by tram two te four feet of1 said. Mr. an-d Mrs. Kloosteriio! snow. Sure sign o! Sprlng. 1 have six children.-The Guide, Corporation of >wnship cf Clarke O-,TIC E lE ELECTORS bo Council ai the Corporation ai the Town. lis By-law No. 1319 passed on the Tenth 9, has enacied that thero ho, subniied to )rs ai the Township School Area ai Clark. :h the iollowing is a true capy; vour of the application of the Board of rownship School Area of Clarke for the r year debenlures in the amount of he construction of a two room school [ section number 9 and a Iwo room rschool section number 4". lhat the said Council by is Dy-law No. BTenth day ai April, 1959, has appoiniod , said electors an tho said Question shall bsday tho Sixth day ai May 1959, botwoen o'yclock ai the lorenoon and 7 o'clock Iaylighi Saving Timo, ai tho following iollowing depuly roturning ailicers aini le DEPUTY RETURNINO OFFICER Mr. Tupper Johnoton Mr. George Stapleton Mr. Donald Staples Mr. Ceeil Malley Mr. Herbert Holland Mr. Arthur Thompson Mns. L. Greenwood POLL CLERK Mr. Ennest Webster, Ir. Miss Olive Johnston Mrs. Donald Evans Mns. M. Pedwell Mn.. Hatcher Foster Mn.. Herbent Mercer Mrs. Garland Catheart i Fniday the Firsl day cf May, 1959, at the heur cf aiternoon, Daylight Saving Tint, at the Council iship Hall at Orono the head of tht said Council or ited for that purpose by ils resolution, will attend eointing, if se requested, two pensons te attend at of tht votes on tht said Question by the Clerk and t each poiiing place on behaif o! the persons .us cf pnomoting voting in the affirmative on the ke number on behaif of tht pensons interesled lin ting voting in tht negative on tht said Question. And take notice that on Wednesday the Sixth day cf May, 1959, ai the heur of Nine o'clock cf tht af ternoon at tht Council Chambers in tht Town- ship Hall ai Orono tht Cierk of tht municipality will attend and sun up tht number of votes given in tht affirmative and negative and declare the resuit cf tht voting on tht said Question. And take notice thai a tenant who desines te vote on ihis maiter must deliver te the Clerk, H. E. Milison, at the Township Hall ai Orono, not later than tht Tenth day bef are the day appointed for taking the vote, a declara- tien made in accordance with the provisions cf subseclion 3 of section 276 o! The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1950, Chap. 243 and Amiendinents therete. And take notice that any Corporation wishîng te appoint a nemineetat be àdded ta the voting lisi must, acconding te law, file with the Clerk at Orono an appoinîment li writing net later than the Tenth day before the date on which the said vote shal hé taken. And tae notice ai any turne net later than Five days before the day appointed for taking tht vot, a judge, upon tht application cf any persan whose name is entered on tht lisI cf veters prepared by the Clenk an cf any person entitled te b. entened on that list, may strike frein tht list the name cf any persan who is dead or whose naine bas been wrongfully entered on it, and may add te the list tht naine cf eny penser> whose naine hes been wrongly ainitted frein tht list or whe, if a tenant, though he had net made tht declanation pnescnibed by subsection 3 cf section 276, estab- lishes that he has tht qualification prescribtd by that sectien. And take noie that if tht assenu of tht electors la ebtained the Question set oui herein will be taken lite consideration ln a speciai session of Cauncil commenciaig at Three a'clock in the afternoon on Tuesday tht Nineleenth day cf May, 1959, te be held in the Council Chambers in the Township Hall ai Orono, Ontario. And further tae. notice thatI , the undersigned, hereby centify tht above Question ta be a correct statemnent cf the Question submitttd. Dated " is bh day of April, 1959. H. E. MILLSON CLERK. E. The Orono News Telephone 127 Tau MAT, AMM 16th, ion Tm C.AXAMAN ATAIIMMAN- iltinurbEANvnix ONTAJM VAMV. inmvlitm llr"nnllytlq