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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Apr 1959, p. 20

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M!UBAT, APRMI t, luS TEE CANADIAN BTATEBMAN, BOWMALNVMLL, ONTAMtO_ 14, INN', - Births ANDERSON-Hugh and Joan (nee Greenfield), are happy to announce the birth of their son (Douglas Edward') on Fiday. April 10, at Montreal General DAWSON - To Thomas and Jacqueline <nee His) a baby son, Mark Thomas, bon April 2nd, weighing 8 lbs., at Sarnia General Hospital. 16-1 JACKMAN - Ross and Rutb Jackman are pleased to announce the arrivai of a son. Perry Tod, April 6tb. et Memnoial Hospital,I Bowmanville. A brother for Glen and Paul. 16-1* MAIRS-Mr. and Mrs. David Mairs are happy to announce the arrival of their daughtem Kimett at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville on Monday, April 13th, 8 lbs., 4 ozs. Thanks to Dr. Sylvester. 16-1* MIALCOLM - Lawrence and Gwendolyn Malcolm, Nestieton, Rre pleased to announce the ar- rivai of their daugbter, Laurie Anne on Monday, Aprîl 13 at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. A darling baby sister for Gail. Bonnie, Glenn, Barmy. David and Dennis. 16-1* PEEBLES-Mr. and Mrs. George Peebles announce the arrivai of their son on Tuesday, April 14, 1959, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. A brother for Tom and Kirk. 16-1 PURDY-Keith and Donna (nee Luke) are happy to announce the arrivai, of their son, Kevin William on Friday, April lth at General Hospital, Oshawa, Ont. 16-1 TAIT-Jack and Pat Tait are pleased to announce the birth of their son Garth William, .5 lbs., 9 ozs., on Tuesday, April 7th at Listowel. A brother for Jimmy. 16-1* Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Kemsey, Hampton, wisb to announce the engagement of tbeir youngest daughter Grace Marie, to Leon- ard James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Player of Elmvale. Tbe wedding will take place early in May. 1-" Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Leddy of Bowmanville announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Margaret Teresa, to Mr. Kenneth Noonan, son of Mr. and Mms. William Noonan of Oshawa. The marriage will take place on Saturday, May 16, at 11:00 a.m., in St. Joseph's Roman Catboiic Church, Bowmanville. 16-1* The engagement is announced of Myrna Irene, daugbter of Mms. A. Lunnernann and the late Mr. Manson Souch, to Steph- en John Matisz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Matisz, Pittsburgh, Pa. The marriage will take place on Saturday, May 9tb at St. An's Churcb, Pittsburgh, Pa. 16-1* Mr. and Mrs. Sam Buma, Bowrnanville, wish to announce the engagement of their daught- er Eppie Lize, to John William Thies, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Thies of Hamilton. The wedding will take place April 29th at 3 p.m. in the Rehoboth Christian Reformed Cburch of Coming Events Dance to Clama Nesbitt's Music Makers at Tymone Hall, Satur- day. April 18, sponsored by the Tyrone Hall Board. Gents 75c, ladies 50c. 16-11 Fourth Bowmeanville Cub Peck are holding their annual pop bottle drive. Saturdey, April 25 at 9 a.m. Boys will cali at the door. 16-2 Girl Guide "Rag Drag" will be held on Saturdey, May 16. Please heip the Guides by sav- ing old clothes and regs for them. 16-1 Beke Sale. April l8th at 2:30 in the hall of the Bank of Mont- mccl residence (door west cf Benk of Montreal entance). Sponsored by the Bowmanville Choral Society. 16-i Cobourg Iiltie Band will pre- sent e veriety concert in New- tonville Cornmunity Hall, Mon- day evening, April 20, sponsomed by W.A. Admission 50c and 25c. 16-1* Woodview Communlty Centre -Monster Bingo. Twenty games -twenty dollars; five games- tbirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jeckpots at $250. Door prizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf Lions Cl ub Bingo, Monday, April 20, in the Lions Commun- ity Centre at 8 p.m. 20 games $5.00, two special games, two jackpots of $25.00 each. First jackpot 6 numbers. 2nd jackpot. 5 numbers. Admission 50c. 16-1 Corne and enjoy a variety concert in Enniskiilen Hall. Fni- day, April 17th at 8 p.m. Along with other talent the program includes beautiful slides sbown by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown of their trip to Nassau. The Par- sonage Board. 16-1 SOUVENIR TEA and HOME BAKING SALE (Souvenirs on display) on 'FR1- DAY, APRIL 17 from 2:30 to 4:30 at the SALVATION ARMY, 35 DFVISION ST. 16-1 Dance in Solina Hall ,Friday, April 17th Admission » $1.00 per person 1 Jim Fishers' Orchestra Cars for Sale 53 FORD, good condition. Tele- phone MA 3-2224. 16-11 '51 MERCURY, perfect dition. Phone MA 3-3623 6, p.rn. con- efter 16-2* '47 PONTIAC six, in iair con- dition. Reasonable. MArket 3-2682. 16-1* TWO-ton International truck with racks. Good condition. Telephone MA 3-2385. 16-1 '52 CADILLAC convertible, al power equipped, 45,000 miles. Pnivate. $1,395. Phone 58 r 3 Bieckstock. 16-1 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months to pey. F'or personal service et youm home cell Oshawa RA 5-2802,ý collect. 2-tf1 jauwltailv41Z.'47 PORD tracter witb front-end D eaths leader; '53 Chev. 1-ton truck _________________________with power take-off: Gill pulv- BRAY Noren eloî-In erizer and Lawn Seeder; Power BRe NoAman Su -ndaArlEd-Mo wems and Landscaping Equip- 199nonmlandnay, Asecond2,1ment. Cen be seen at Snuffy'si son of the late Mr. and Mrs.IAUte odyShp, ingSt.W. Samuel Bray, Enficld, Ontarie:o; mnil.1- husbend of Eilecn Bray; father FOR NEW FORDS cf Betty (Mrs. M. C. Smith), and Guaranteed Used Cars London, Ont.: Robert N. cf Hemn- C ilton; brother cf Irene H. Bray, Ci Toronto; George J. M., Toronto, JOHN STUTT and Frank H., Oshawa. Fuîîeral Fniday, April 17, 1959, 1:30 p.nî R A46 MOTORS LTD. froni the Bennet and Pincornbe R -63Ohw Funeral Homne, 412 King Street, Residence MAmket 3-3174 London, Ont. 16-hf 9-tf BROWN, Vera-At Ontario Hos- BL'1ING OR SELLING pital, Cobourg, on Saturday, SEE Apnil luth, 1959, Vera Bro-w'n, Td a daughtem cf Elizabeth and i,,t e Cam inl Moiaîrs late James H. Brown. Rested ai RA 3-4494 - Res. RA 5-5574 Northcutt & Smith Funerai;l7KngS.Es Homne, 53 Division St., Bowman- 607Kinstt East isnR. ville, wheme service was held on (Js atoIisnR. Monday, April i3th at 2 p.m. OSHAWA Interment St. John's Anglican 10-tf Cenictcry, Blackstock, Ont. Eveett16-I1 COME ON IN! JONES, vrt Holston-Sud-!Be considemate cf those m ho ride dcnly et Memroial Hospital, wlth you and reward your,,elf by Bowmanville on Seturday. Apnil buying a sharp, used car frorn llth, 1959, Everett Hoîston 7' CA Jones, eldest son cf Alice Mary ART CA MARKET Moase and the late George Wil. 194 and 196 Church St. M[amn Joncs; brother cf Melville Bowmanviîîe MA 3-5064 and Willis. Private funeral 134* service was held et the esi -_______________ dience, Newtonville, on Mondey, SPRING is here!-Best in used Aýpril l3th. Interment Lake-- cars. '54 Buick Century sedan, view Ccmetery, Newtonvillc. I excellent condition, customa hnt -i,-tJ-tnnp-'aU LUXTON-At Memorial Hos- pital, Bownianville, on Thurs- day, Apnil 9, 1959, Fredenick J. Luxton, in his 92nd year, bus- band of the late Emima Heani and dear father cf Percy, Sid- ney, Ethel, Mildred (Mrs. Clar- ence Edmondson) and Dorcas (Mrs. Cccil Mutton) al cf Bow- manville. Service was held in the new Morris Funemal Chepel. Bowmanville, on Monday. Aprîl 13 at 2 o'clock. Interment Bow- nianville Cemetery. 16-1l '51 Butick sedan. Ai condition. $45000: '51 Chcv. coach, sharp car, $39500, '51 Chev. sedan, good condition, $295.00. More te choose from. Low down pay- ment. RA 5-4513 or 5-7456, Buck's Body Shop, Oshawa. 16-1 Personal WHY FEEL OLD? Feel years you nger. Ostrex Tonic Tablet, revitalize thousands past 40. CnhIv 69c.At all Hruza.ists. Pets for Sale %/1 I. zt. -ýal t 1- HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber 1959 ]FEMALE Dachshund, pure- goods) mailed postpaid in plain bred. Full pice $29.95 or bestIseeled envelope with rice list.1 offer. Low down paymient , if Si\' samples'25c. 24 samples prefcrred. Convenient terms, cf $1S.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, ooum Telephone MA 3.5064.j Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham-1 16-1* ilton, Ont. 1-52 4 Articles for Sae DUCK eggs for hatching. Tele- phone MA 3-2892. 16-1 HAY for sale, good quality, bal- ed. Telephone MA 3-2964. 12-tf DRY rails, one foot length, $10 per cord. 17 r 3, Blackstock. 16-1* 'HAY-300 bales. C. H. Snow- den, Kingston Rd., MA 3-2380. 16-1 W4 TRACTOR, good rubber, mechanically good. Telephone MA 3-2196. L. Smith. 16 -if SAVE on lumber, direct from miii to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. 13ti ALSCO - Canada's outstanding convertible storm-screen win- dows and doors, railings. Lorne Ailin, 1 Prince Street. 16-1*ý KEYS eut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. -46-tf WATER, hard and soft, deliver- ed. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 31-tf 18"1 LAWN Cruiser rotor lawn mower with recoil starter. Mow- er in excellent condition. Phone MA 3-3724. 15-2* ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service to electrical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf REGISTERED Garry oats. Bal- ed oat straw. Slightly used bay fork rope. J. A. Rosevear, Tyrone. Telephone MA 3-2868. 16-1* SCOTCH Pîne seedlings, 2-0 stock, $10.00 per tbousand. Ap- ply Sam Manetta, Pontypool, Ont. Phone Bethany 20 r 111w. 8-tf INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmansbip guarantecd. F r ee estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf PULL-OUT camp-bed, library table, picture frames, coffee table, small end table, clothes press, rocker, floor polisher, heavy quilts. Telephone MA 3-5736. 16-1 22-GALLON range boiler com- plete with insulation ' thermostat and two immersion beaters; a set of 18 foot land harrows, reas- onable. Phone Clarke 2811. 16-1 USED washer parts. 1/4h.p. motors $5.00 up. Repairs to al wringer type washers. Guar- anteed reconditioned washers. Paddy's Market, Hampton, MA 3-2055. 15-10*, THREE-quarter bed, springs and mattress; one rocking chair, five dinmng-room chairs, one exten- sion table, small parlour table, lawn mower, quantity quart size jars. MA 3-3169. 16-1 DO your own floors and rugs- Rent a sander, floor polisher or rug cleaner (shampoo method) from Lander Hardware, 7 King St., E.. Bowmànville. Phone MA 3-5774. 20-tf BOWMANVILLE Home Im- provements features aluminum doors. windows.. awnings and railings. We offer a variety of floor and wall tiles. For freeii estimates Phone MA 3-2753 or cail at 22 Division St. 6-tf H AY 100 Tons Available 4-ton order (or over) delivered, FRED MOORE Phione Napanee 911 r il or Bowmanville MA 3-3938 1 4-4:1 OFFER expires April l8th on i 42-piece service for 8 in 18471 Rogers Bros. "Spring Time," I, "Daffodil," "Heritage," "Flair" patterns for only $79.95, and receive FREE a 16-piece servicc for 4 in International stainless steel "New Venture" pattern, $16.95 value. Hoop)er's Jewel- Articles for Sbale BALES of straw. - Phone MA 3-2745. 16-2* DIAL MA 3-3842 for quick pick- up and delivery. 16-1*1 1500 NEW red bricks, $75. Tele- phone Newcastle 3006. 16-1* BICYCLE, boy's, new. Reason- able. Pbone MA 3-7127. 16-1* TABLE potatoes and fence posts. Phone MA 3-2126. 16-1* GOOD quality mixed hay. Tele- phone MA 3-2403. 8-tf TWO three-quarter beds in brown. Telephone MA 3-5764. 16-1 * WATER for sale. Delivered. Phone Ciiff Pethick, MA 3-2736. 45-tf QUANTITY of baled hay. Ap- piy Eber Milîson. Phone MA. 3-2263. 16-1*' 1.2 H.P. Elto outboard motor (1957). Phone Bowmanville MA 3-3689. 16-1* 400 BALES timotby and alfalfa bey. G. Kovacs, Tyrone. Orono 12 r 10. 16,1* BABY carrnage, practically new. A. Camick, Hampton. MArket 3-2831. 16-1 COOK-STOVE, Findlay, wood or coal, small size. Pbone MA 3-3218. 16-1* RASPBERRY canes, w h i t e beans, potatoes. Caîl at dinner time. MA 3-2886. 16-1 CAR radio to fit '57 or '58 Ply- mnouth or Dodge. Installed. $40. Phone MA 3-3970. 16-1* SET of team barness, cultivator, set of barrows. Harold Salter, MA 3-2142. 16-1 FOURTEEN-foot boat,. 7% b.p. motor, and trailer. Chëap. Tele- phone MA 3-5057. 16-1* FOUR tons loose mixed bay, weil cured. L. A. Squair. Tele- phone MA 3-2223 after 7. 161* THREE-piece cbesterfield suite, suitable for recreation room or cottage. Phone MA 3-3783. 16-1* TWO sets of double bunk beds, 36" and 39" wide. Play pen and .22 calibre rifle. Phone MArket 3-2890. 16-1* QUANTITY of Cobbler and Se- bago potatoes, grown from certi- fied seed. Apply Bruce Ash- tôn, Blackstock 76 - Il. 16-1*I THREE h.p. Simpiicity gar( tracter with wheel weights, plough, cuitivetor end rotý tiller. Allyn Taylor, MA 3-5;î EASY Spireletor weshing r chine, Frigdeire deluxe drieri venting needed). Mattress. springs for single bed. Ail îte excellent condition. Cal 1 3-5075. 1 HEARING aid service. Test service an-d complete stock batteries and cords et Hig, Electnîc Limnited, 38 King St. Bowmanville. Telephone1 3-3305. I ONE modemn welnut dini: room suite, includes buf chine cabinet, table and chais-wonderful condition- four humner gas range, lat automatic oven. only used( yeer. Diel MA 3-3787 Sel days only or apply 37 Odeli Grass Seed Mixlur( FOR BACKYARD Specîelly fommulated te prov a strong endurance grass. 2 lb. bag 85c; 10 lbs. 40e 25 lbs. 38c; 50 lbs. 35c lb TERRACE BRAND LAWN SEED A blend of hardy grasses Loi thick permanent lawn. (Reg. 89ecIL) 1 lb. 60e: 10 lbs. 55e 25 lbs. SOcelb. SUPER GROWVTH LAWN SEED Highest grade fine grasses deiî.ýe veivety lâ%vn. (Reg. $1.15 IL) 1 lb. 80c; 2 lb. bags $1.55 10 lbs. 75e; 25 lbs. 70e lb Garden and Lawn Fertilizeri Bulk Garden Seeds STEWART'S SEEIJ BOWMANVILLE 0?O 1 TV T Escape fram unsigh: wires - Add'1 40 foal sel{-sur sel in cement bz 1On Sale TO0V -den 324. For k(ent FOUR.roomdapartment, separate entrance. Phone MArket 3-2151. 16-1* HALF acre cnoice garden lot in Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-3908. 16-1 HEATED apartment for rent. Adults only. Phone MA 3-3408. 16-1* APARTMENTS fo; rent, 3 and 5 rooms. Heated. Phone MA 3-5578. 16-tf NEW four-room modern apart- ment, heated. 105 King East. Beatrice Annis. 16-1* HEATED apartmient, five rooms and 'bath. In Tyrone. Couple preferred. Phone MA 3-2530. 16-1 BASEMENT apartment, suitable for adults. $55.00 monthly in- cludes hydro, bot water and heat. Telephone MA 3-3623. 16-1 THREE-room heated apartment, one bedroom. living-room, kitch- en,. bath. Built-in cupboards, tile floors, central. No children. Phone MA 3-7201. 16-1* UPSTAIR flat witb tbree-pîece bath, beat, lights and water, $45 per rnonth. Hours, apply 8 to 7. D. Bruce's Barber Shop, three doors west of Black Cat Inn, Maple Grove. 16-1* ATTRACTIVE apartments, six and four roorns, private bath- roorns, self-contained. Finchley Apartments, Enniskillen. Close to store and school, children wel- corne. MA 3-2377. 16-1* HEATED apartment, 4 rooms and bath, upstairs; separate en- trance, possession May 1. Aduits preferred. Write Advertiser 931, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.R~ Box 190, Bowmanville. 15-2* FREE bouse. garden, hydro, three miles from Bowmanville, in excbange for board and care of gentleman. Middle - aged couple preferred. Telephone L. Squair, MA 3-2223 after 7. 16-1* NURSERY LAND, adjoining Brookdale-Kingsway on King St. E. 71/ acres, more or less, avaîlable at $150.00 per annum.. Phone Dr. John Hendry, MArket 3-5044, or write owner, Fergus E. Morrili, 929 Arbolado Rd., Santa Barbara, Calif., U.S.A. 15-2 Tenders Wanted ]Rteal .bstate for bale' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented Managed and Appralsed L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal Newcastle 5-tf L. S. Snelgrove Co. Ltd. 43 Park Rd. S. Oshawa $1,500 DOWN PAYMENT. Farrn consisting of 6 room 1 ½à- storey dwelling, 30 x 60 ft. barn in AI condition with neamly new aiuminurn roof, bydro througb- out, bog pen, high and dry land being approximately 50 acres. Located just east of Cobourg near the lakeshore. Sacrifice price $7.900 with balance on easy terms. BOWMANVILLE COMMER- CIAL PROPERTY with 9 roorn home in good condition. 82 ft. frontage on King St. with a depthi of appmoximately 194 ft. $5,000 down. Suitable for most lines of business or apartment buildinîgs. $9,500. FULL PRICE. Spot- less 6 roorn 11/2 -storey home, smail barn, 1/2 acre lot, excellent location. $800 DOWN PAYMENT. 6 oom bungalow, 11/2 acres, bigh and dry garden land. Bargain at $6,500 full price. 40 ACRE FARM. Clean, com- fortable and modern 7 roorn 2- storey borne, large ooms, 3 piece tiled bath, forced air with oul beating, 28 x 40 ft. baem with water bowls, 15 x 20 t. bog pen. 907 t. frontage on No. 2 Higb- way, 340 t. frontage on Maple Grove Rd. For further particulars on these properties or otbers please cali Sid Mertyn or Keith Peters RA 3j9810, RA 5-8761 or RA 5-4162 evenîngs. Members cf the Toronto and Oshawa Real Estate Boards 16-1 Help Wanted GIRL for general bousework. live in. Phone MA 3-2263. 16-1 OFFICE belp for spring season. Apply Brookdele - Kingswey Nurseries. 16-1 SINGLE man for deiry farrn and genierel ferm work. Bill Jewell, MA 3-2987. 16-1 MEN to work in nursery. Ap- ply Broolçdale-Kîngsway Nurs- ery. 16-3 WAITRESSES and kitchen help. Apply Mrs. E. M. Heatlie, New- castle 3136. 16-1* MAN for general ferm and orchard work. Board or supper1 at bouse. Steady empioyment., .rlecu Estate for Sale Orm Gerry REALTOR - ORONO Box 144 Phone 1191 We have two clients wlth Ail Cash for Farms. One Farm 75 to 100 acres One Farm 150 or more Contact us promptly please on these 16-1 Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Salesman - J1. A. Barton MA 3-3098 Beautiful 5-room bungalow on large lot with ecreation room in basement. This is truiy one o4 the nicest bungalows in its lo- cation. Only $2,500,00 down. 100 acre farrn near Lindsay with 7-room frame bouse. Large bamn, 2 wells. Hydro. Pmice and terrns aranged. Lovely home on Liberty St. N., 6 rooms, garage. Will con- sider $2,000.00 down. 4 roorn bungalow with garage. Priced te seli et $7,000.00. 4 roorn new bungalow in Kendal at only $4,500.00. $1,700 down. 50 acre farm very close to Bowmanvilie. Suit a familles. Only $5,500 down. 16-1 McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Members cf Oshawa and District Real Estate Board $15,300 is the full price for the best famm buy in Durham County to-day. Stately 2-storey brick bouse, 8 rooms, fumnace, running bot and cold water. 100 acres of productive land with trout stmearn. Barns 60 x 36 and 30 x 50 with water in stable. Located on paved road, 15 miles frorn Bowmanville. Terms arranged. 125 acre DAIRY FARM. Ex- ceptional 2-storey brick bouse, 2 bathmooms, furnace. Painted. Hiproof barn 90 x 36, wing 50x36. Excellent soul. Close to school and shopping on paved moad, 8 miles fnom Bowrnanville. Priced to seli. 10 acres of scenie land with, gravel deposit near Tyrone. $2,750. Terms. 3 bedroom bungalow, .1 years old, on large lot. Bowmanville outskirts. $11,500 with $3.000 down. Moving to Toronto. Must seli modern home at once. Only $2.000 down. Easy temms. Income home, one block from jI Jnoppingara. .rriceciv. T 's OS. me- I . ACrscedden, Omono North. We bave a large selection cf (ne b rono 35 r 9. 161* ande er farms, acreages, summer prop- MA t L Di.B ilg Average $2.00 per boum. No ex- WLE RN ;- C .ement BlockLS il peience neccssary. Write Rew- 177 Church St. MA 3-3986 tigleigh's, Dcpt. D-14O-VV, 4005 Bowrnanvillo ingf EXTENSION 0F TIME Rici dlieu, Montreal. 16-1 16-1 ýgon Sealed Tenders wil bee cciv- EXPERIENCED cabinet makers by the îîndemsigned until Tues- for rnaking sempies, moulds, anal eWIhRa Eil MA dayApril 28th, at 5 p.m., for jigs, aise know how te epeneteDeW i R alEte 7-tf the construction of a Cernent router. One man for table saw DAIRY FARM, 200 acres with ing- Block Building. operation. Apply Curvply Wood 8 '/2 cens quota, large L-sbaped fet, Plans and Specifications rnay Produets Ltd., Onono, Ont. bank baem with steel stanchions, six bie obtained at the Board cf 16-1 water bowls, steel boxes, 42 cens 1 Works Office. Teninerance Si., FEMALE-cektpspr bulk cooler instalied, 2 cernent rge aftem April l4th, 1959 upon de- tm E-cektpspr silos, etc.; 12 roomed brick one posit of $5.00 (refundable on re- t 14i2 boums per day, Monday home witb conveniences. Ask- ur- turii of plans). through Frîday, stanting et ing price $30.000. Easy ternis. ~t. cetifed heqe . 5 p.rn. Bowmenviile resident DAIRY FARM. 114 acres with .- A0 cf the ederucvrn preferred. Apply Robson Motors 4 cens quota, 100' x 30' benk 1- 10%(mpaf teatedh price must Limited, 166 King St. E. Phone hemn, running'water, drive shed, acoman echtender. MA 3-:3321. 16-1 etc.; 8 roomed brick home wîtb e orail a ntendr e ATTENTION! Men who went running wheoeto nytne o ter, kitchen cup- R. B.REYNOLDS, to meke money $$$$S$$! Possi- boards. Price $16..500. Terrns 'id Twn lek.bilities et cvery door you knock. anranged. 16-iGuernteewprouctste si 1a 50 oAcre farm loceted on a __________________ high commission - exclusive ter- 1 îhe ih200fe ie b. 1 ritery. Ask for- details. Familex, frontege, 40 acres womkablc, Lost Dept. 78 1600 Delonimier, Ment- 60' x 35' benk barri, workshop; ____________mcl. 16-1 7 roomed freme home, beavy BLACK and white Collie. wired. Pnice $12.500. Terms. lAnswers te the name of Teddy. SAY "No" te canvassing, dcliv- 125 Acre farm, iocated 3/ mile )r a Chiid's pet. Reward. Phone ering, collecting, soliciting and from No. 35 Highway, 85 acres Newcastle 3121. 16-1 invcsting. Say "Ycs" toeaeen- workable, 18 acres bardwood -- ings of $8.00 per evening, 8 te bush, 94' x 45' benk barn with Articles for Sale 10:30 4 or more cvenings runnirig watcr, drive shed, etc.; per week.Al appointmcnts pre- 9 roomed brick lieuse with fumn- arranged. Phione Mrs. Carm et ace, running water. Asking COLUMBIA and mcd raspbcrry MA 3-2758 for interview a p- $14:500. Terns errangcd. canes, rhubarb, lily-of-thc-val- pointmcnt. 16-1* 100 Acre farm, located 4 miles ley. strawberry plants. 8-piecel - -- fîom Bowmanvilie, 95 acres for oak dinînig suite. 41 Liberty llARCE Utiited States and1workable, large U-shaped baiki Str'eet North. 16-1* Cariaî inaiiuiacttuÏig coni- barn, implernent slhed, etc.;j - pany equires field representa-' 8 roomed brick house, heavy ea. NOW-Run your car Withcut tive in Clarke Township. Ex- wîred. Ail buildings in geoa e bprk.lg ceptionally higb carnings. Guer- pair. Asking $25.000. Ternis SS A Buy and try the all w anteed repeat business. Auto- 1arranged. SAFIRE INJECTORS - At mobile essentiel. Agriculturall ' Roomed home in Pontypool A. R 'S C R MA KETor farming background most im-i with new garage and ail mod- ARTS AR M RKETportant. Sales training given. ern conveniences, gas fumnace. )s 194 & 196 Church St. Reply te Box 84, London, Ont. Veny modemn, in excellent con- NT. Bowmanville Ontario 16-3 dition. Pnice $8,500 with $3.500 6-1 13.4* down. EXTRA meney cen be yours by GENERAL STORE i country joining one cf America's leading with net profit cf $3,500 or more cosmticLimns ow pcrtin inyearly. Ges pump and cil. Price Canada. No expenience requir- $8,500. Ternis arranged. O W E R S cd. Ail products unconditionally 5 Roomed home east New- guaranteed. No delivering or castle with cil fumnace. heevy collecting. A wondcrful oppor- duty wiring. Pnice $4,000 with tunty for you te substentiallyî $500 down.1 11y roof aerialsan guy supplemenit youn income in a 5 Roomed brick veneer bunga- dignified, respectable manner.I low in Bowmenville on double vau l ou om .Don't dclay, write todey for full lot with ahl modemncnvn valu to our ome.particulers end ern money now.1 iences. Garage, etc. Pnice and Dcpt. N., Peggy Newton (C ana- ternis ermangcd. da) Ltd., Dundas, Ont. 1611 7 roomed home with water on tep, on 20 acres lendf,baem, etc. ?poring V To ersLocated on No. 35 Highwey. n u6 roonied, almost new, brick ase - neguiarly 4$150 veneer home on 10 acres good land. Has ail modern conven- iences. Asking $ 14,000. Consid- NOW $09.50er trade for bouse. N W $0 50Building Inspeclor Cnat Wrltten applicationls for the John F. De Wilh VNE TV- position o Building Inspecter Realtor and General Insurance TVwlibe received by the under- Newca.stle Phono 3341 ý. 3-5522 Applicants to, state age, masr- Donald Mountjoy, Bowmasnville Ital status, experience, salary MA 3-3950 T'CVexpected, and any other pertin- Rs aisn ehn i LEASK et nt data relative to this position. Phone 21 r 6 16-1 R. B. REYNOLDS, Beatty Fee, Ida Town Clerk. IPhono Miirook Z224 t 2 15.2 16-1 Pedwell Real Esiale J7 acres cf good ganden soil mostly in sinall fruit, 8 rooni solid brick bouse nicely land- scaped, small barn and chieken bouse. Hydro througbout, 1 mile north cf Newcastle. First time offered. Reesonable, with ternis. 200 acres on paved highway, Lindsay area. Al womkable, well fenced, 7 oorn solid brick bouse, conveniences, large L- shaped barn, silo, buildings all paititeci. One of the most mod- ern farmis ave ilahie. Immediate possession, $35.000 with $10,0l0 cash. A rare opportunity. 10 acres full beaing pears and apple orcherd producing lest year 2,000 bus. pears and 1,500 bus. apples. Cliose te Newcastle, $6,000 beif cash. One good crop wiil pay for it. Salesmen : Maurtce H. Peaweil Phono Newcastle 3851 Wm. A. Heron Phone 12, Brooklin E. Jeffery4 Phone 238, Coihorne H. C. PEDWELL, BROKER Newcastle Phono 3856 16-1 Notice ta Creditors AND OTHERS Estate of Aima Mary Withcr- idge, deceased. ALL pensons having dlaimis against the estate of Aima Mary Witheridge, who died on or about the 7th cf January 1959 re e-e quimed to gond the unders3ig. .-j et eithem of tbe addmesses be j>t fulil particulans cf the same v or hefore the 1Sth day cf May 1959, after which date the assets cf the deceased will be distrib-~ uted having regard orîly to tk dlaims cf which the Executrk ,c shall then have notice. I RUBY JACKMAN, 89 Sherwood Ave., St. Catharines, Ont. GRETA HUNT, 143 Vachon St., Ottawa 2, Ont. do,4 à PAGE -1WENTY il' rPi- DISTRIBUTOR M FI LA (1 -.-OI1 mo'ro ow g -Il- ý7é, 9 --- m ,Lu-à" .- W- Rteail state for Sale& J. Van Nesi REAL ESTATE BROKER 118 King E. MA 3-3236A Odeil Street, duplex, 9 roons of brick construction. Edsall Avenue, alniost neW4Iý modemn brick bungalow. Tran.' ferred. Anxious te ccll. Beecb Avenue, to close estate,': large 12 room brick. Business block on King St. E., cf tbree stores, two apartmcnts- and 7 room adjoining bouse. jCali in and talk it over. I 16-1 Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER $1,000 down, balance one- motgage, $50 monthly te in-, clude intemest and principal. At. tractive 1%/ storey frame house-, in Newcastle. New cil fumnace. 44 acres, buildings, between, Oshawa and Bowrnanville. Real. buy at $20.009. $5.000 down. Highway diner, gas station,' bungalow. Price $19,000. Terma. Homes, farms, businesses too numemous te list. We welcome your listings. Four salesmen te serve you. Cail in! 52 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 100 acres, 7 room frame hous,' large L-shapc barn, implement- shed, veny productive farm. Price, $ 14,500.00. Ternis. 83 acres, 9 room lnsulbrick:ý bouse, hern 92 x 30, implement shed, near a town and school. Price $15,000.00. Ternis. 20 acres, 9 room house, large,, barn, good garden soul. Nice view. Price $11,000.00. Tennis. 2 acres at Maple Grove one pavemenit near school. Pnice,, $2,000.00. Ternis. 3 bedrooni bungalow, fulIY modern, full basenient, extraý lot, garage. Pnice $6,800.00. Lcwl, down payment. Several iota priccd very reas- onable. Salesman Bill Couiscu, Toronto Phone OX 4-1858, 189 Scugcg ,st, Bowmanvlil Phone MA 3-3644 1- Leask Real Esie. 33 acre farm on paved near Hampton, 4 roni: modern bungalow, oh Lurne,1 4-piece bath. Cement bldclc building 30 x 36, with wash- room. Creek and woods on property. Ideel setup for swim-' mning pool and picnic park. Easy', terms. 6 room 2-storey brick house,: new cil furnace, 3 bedrooms, til-'- ed and hardwood floors, insulat- ed, new garage. Iminaculate condition. $13,000-00. 8 rooni 2-stomey brick, 4 bcd. roonis, hardwood downstairs, cil'- furnace, fimeplace. C e n t r a 1. Fumnitume may be bought with bouse. To close an estate. Make us an offen. We have choice building Iota. 2 acre plot on paved road at Prestonvale, 1 acre at Zion witýi well and cuivert, 1 acre on Scu'à gog Roed with well and garage, 1 lot on Liberty St. N., besides. others. Consult us before buying. M. E. LEASK Real Estate Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowmanvllle MA 3-5919 MA BILL

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