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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Apr 1959, p. 21

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TRUSDA, ARIL15h. ,85A ~ £ ? ~ . A~.U A~P rngeD -~. -TUEAV U" J5wlan5T AEMM" Bow icL An LLi, gLiA JAAL AKTWZ -fi, V UM - - - - MemonRim AR QUIn loving rnemory of qr'7,ue who passed away A4~L3th, 1054. A in the book cf memory Is silently turned today. -Lovlngly remnembered by wife anxd faily. 16-le ]BRESLIN-In loving memory et à dear husband and father, Morris Breslin, who passed away A ril l5tli, 1958. Toughts to-day. Memories forever. -Ever reniembered by wlfe Edith, chlldren Pearl, Edward, Richird and David. 16-1 CHAMBERS-In loving memnory of a dear husband and father, Norton D. Chambers, who pass- ed away April 18th, 1958. Those who we love go out cf sight But neyer eut cf mind; They are cherished in hearts of those they leave behind. Loving and kind in ail his ways, lUpright and just in ail his days, Sincere and true in heart and mind, Beautiful memories he left behind. --Lovingly remnembered by his wife and farnily. 16-1 HURLBERT-In lovirxg memory cf a dear son-in-law Hollis C. Hurlbert who passed away, April 15th, 1947. In my heart your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and tilue, There is flot a day dear Hollis, That I do flot think of you. -.Sadly missedi by Mother Spen- cer. 16-1 p RUT-in loving memory of ~tas Eve*son Prout, who passed away April 13, 1943. Memories forever. -Ever remembered by wif e and REYNOLDS-In loving memory of a dear brother, W. John Reynlolds who passed away April 16, 951. Llngly rememnbered, sister Beas.16-1 «Smth -Tom" "«Loveing Memories fond & truc *ver linger on." "a dear Brother & uncle."* *Slster= Mary" Xeices-Mabel, Helen, Wilma, Jessie-, 16-1 SOMERSCALES, Rose-TI 1ev- Ing merpory of Rose who passedi away April 18, 1958. 'We. do flot forget her, we love her toc dearly I1or her memory te fade froni bur lives like a dream; Our lips need flot speak when our hearta niourn icerely IFor grief often dwells where t aeldom is seen. -"yremembered by mother CSc% of TR* 1 would like te thank Dr. Mikios anid the nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital, aise those who remembered me with cards, fruit, omokes and flowers while in hospitaL. Harry Deninis. 1 wlsh to thank relatives, friends and neighbours for cards, gifts and inquiries durîng mny stay in Oshawa Hospita.l and since returning home. A special to those who were se kind to'niy wifc. Fred Thomas. 4 ______ 16-1* I wish te express my sincere thanica te the nursing staff of Memorial Hospital for their kindness. Aise, to fricnds for flowers, cards and fruit during xny stay in ticeliospital. A special thanks to Dr. Hubbard. Mrs. Bert Johinson, Long Sault. 16-1 1 would like to thank the nurses and staff of Memerial CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTCLS FOR SALE LIVUSTOCI FOR SALE vos mvRENT -RKLP WANME CARS FOR SALE LOS? FOUND ETC. Cash RBtC" .4c p. werd wittba lominUM .0 $o Must h. paid by date ci insertion U cbwaqed. an additional 25c wili be added. AL charqe of 25e wilU b. made for uUI replies directed te, this office. IÇOTICES - COMING EVET AND CARDS 0F TmAliS dc a word with a minimum i 31. 00 fer 25 wards or le»s. SIRTES ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATUS $1.00 per insertion IN MEMORIAMS S1.00 plus 10c a lino for ver»e DisplT Clssifect 81.50 p«e inchwitha miimumcf one inch. Additioncil insertion& at th. same rates. AUi ClassUed Ade must be te office nottlter than 'clknonc. Wednedav. stamp et moey ord«e nud save money. Oip this out Wor andy reiereaoe SMonday thmuqh Fridcry 1 8:30 .. ta & p... Dial MArket 3»W Me Ciassliid Ad Service Auction Sales 300 Head Stocker Sale-The Durham Farmers' 6th Annual Spriug Stocker Sale will be held on Thursday, April 23. This sale will commence promptly at 2:00 p.m. in the heart cf the e o beef district at the Durham ounty Sales Arena, Orono. 170 head of Durham and Hereford steers ranging in weight from 500 ibs. te 900 lbs. each. Open and bred beef and dairy heifers. A number o! registered and grade hereford buils o! service- able age. This is a Farinera', Producers' Auction where buy- er and seller meet each year. Plan te attend this large sale. Cattie are sold in suitable lots by the pound. Ternis cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 16-1* Notices 1, Charles Bonathan, New- castle, will net be respensible for any debts centracted in my name on or aftcr January lst, 1959, without my written con- sent. 16-3* BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS REGISTRATION 0F BEGINNERS Children who reach their fifth birthday during 1959 and who live within the town limits are eligible for Kindergarten Class- es, epening in September. thirhlren tend wthcass- Ahïrilrenttwhodwihehcave- es are requlred te f111 eut a reg- istratien form for each child, and along with proof of age of the child, return it te the scheol A rticathe (Dhek fArit13a1e. Adurti (ithe o Ari 13-17. Passport, Etc.), showlng the chlld's date of blrth is required of ail beginners. (Birth Certif- icates for chiîdren born in On- tario may be obtained only frem the Registrar-General of Ontario, 70 Lombard St., Toronto. Cost $1.00.) Chlidren who reach their sixth birthday during 1959 who have net attended Kindergarten in Bowmanville and who wisli te enter Grade 1 Classes in Sep- tember are aise required te reg- ister as outlined above. Registration forms may be obtained froni and returned te the school which the child will attend, semetmme during the week cf April 13 te 17. Pd.,ase pass this notice along te any parent who requires this information. A. M. Thompson, jSupervising Principal. 15-2 TE CANGE 0F NAME ACT, 1950 TAKE NOTICE that the appli- cation cf Rudolph Werner Schlingensiepen, 118 Church Street, Bowmanville, Ontarie, te change his name te Rudoîpli Werner Shine, and that of his wife, Gerda Margaret Schling- ensiepen, and their two dauglit- ers, Monica Heide Schllngen- siepen and Ursula Heike Schhing- ensiepen, te Gerda Margaret Shine, Monica Heide Shine, and Penelope Heike Shine, respect- iVely, will be heard! by His Hori- our Judge Moore Armstrong Miller cf the County Court cf the United Counties of North- umberland and Durham, in Chambers at the Court House in Cobeurg, Ontario, on Friday, the first day of May, 1959, at 11:00 o'clock in the foreneon, Daylight Saving Time. DATED at Bowmanville, On- tario, this first day cf April A.D. 1959. STRIKE & STRIKE, 38 King Street West, Bowmanville, Ontario. Solicitors for the Applicant.1 15-3! Wanted to Rent 75 te 100 ACRE Pasture land. Phone MA 3-2885. 16-2 TWO or three bedrocin liuse. Abstaiuers. Cail MA 3-2287. 16-2* GOOD grass farm with'running water. Harvey Malcolm, Janet- ville. Phone Blackstock 83 r 1-1. 16-1* COTTAGE or 4 or 5 room apart- ment, furnislied, if possible. Cal Chef at Flying Dutchmnau Moter Hotel, MA 3-7242. 16-1 WANTED te rent by reliable couple-lieuse or self-contaîned apartment in Bowmanville. No children. MA 3-3986. 16-1 CANADIAN Tire service man nceds twe bedroom apartment. Two young chidren. Cail Ste w- art McTavish, MA 3-7111 or MA 3-7181. 16-1 BUNGALOW or lieuse in Bow- manville. Business couple. No« chiîdren. Phone MA 3-5063 day- time. Evenings RA 8-5137. 16-1 FIVE or six-room house with option te buy, or apartment. Within 20 miles of Oshawa. Must be near school. Write Ad- vertiser 932, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 16-1* Business Qpportunity YOU cau make money raiaing Chinchillas. Write Stonehouse Chinchilla, 111 Haddingten Ave., Toronto. 16-tf WORKING partner, ne selling. Supply established accounts. A Brand product with sales of mil- lions cf dollars yearly. Higli in- corne for full or part time. Car and $1,500.00 cash rcquired te start. We finance our expansion pregram. Reply, giving name, addrcss and telephone number te Box 247, Postal Station 0,, Toronto, Onitario. 1- MAN OR WOMAN Estabiished Toy Routes Good Income No Selling - No Experience Necessary Operate freni home We Place and Locate Ail Racksi SPARE OR FULL TIME Excellent weekly earnings re- filling and collecting from our MAGIC TOY RACKS in your area. We wiil appoint a Dis- tributor te service a number cf t he sensational self-service MAGIC TOY RACK displays ESTABLISHED BY OUR COM- PANY in markets, drug, varîety stores, etc. Each MAGIC TOY RACK cama meoney. Simply re- place toys each week and collect money. Requires Only A Few Heurs Per Week This is net a job but a chance te get into something you may have always wanted - a bus- iness of your ewn. One that can be handled in spare tume and stili leave room for full time ex- pansion. Net A Get-Rich-Qulck Seheme Distributor acoepted must have car - references - five heurs spare tume weekly - and mini- mum invcstment of $842-50. For local interview - write at once giving name, address and 'phone numnber. Montreal, P. O Box 474 PLACE DARMES Montreai, Quebec, Canada 16-1 Rest Home ACCOMMODATION for elderly gentlemen in rest home. Phone 1771 Orono. 15-2 Seed for Sale HIGHEST quality Alfalfa, Red Ciover, Timothy, Permanent Pasture Grasses, etc. Including newest varieties. For iowest prices buy now at Stcwart's Sceds, Bowmanville. 15-tf NO0T IC E HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE Havlng written, some yeans ago and passed with honors the required examination ef the Ontario Insurance Depant- ment, 1 WILL BE CARRYING ON THE INSURANCE BUSINESS ln whlch I was associated with my late husband, Leroy Hamilton. To our many clients I appreciate your fermer business and trust ye wilil favor me wlth jour continued patron- age. My expenience ln the past wiIl enabie me te give te yen the service jeu are entltled te expect.- (Mrs) Sadie Hamilton Orono, Ontario 16-1 Seed Grain for Sale SEED GRAIN Sow Pedigreed Seed -This Year Pedlgreed Seed han varletal purity, ls free fnom weedi and other seeds. Cleaned snd graded se that onlj large kerncis remain. Rodney and Garry Oats York and Brant Barley Hardome Soy Beans Funks G - Hybrid Seed Corn ALL SEED TREATED FOR SMUT . READY TO S0WI The qusltty la highest - The prie. la the lowest An lâcreame of snc sud eue-bal! bushels per acre pays the ceat of pedlgreed seed. CERESMORE FÀRMS Garnet B. Rickard -Bowmanville, Ont. Work Wanted FOR prompt pick up and deliv- ery cail MA 3-3842. 16-1* PRACTICAL nurse wishes liglit, day nursing. Phone MA 3-5745w AIR.COOLED engines repaired. Any make. J. Hately, 93 Queen St. MA 3-3296. 16-4* DRAPES made or altered. Ex- eed. Phone MA 3-3283 or MA3-3857. 16-1 CONCRETE and masonry work. Box 1083. L. Turner. Phene 3-5820. 9-tf RUBBER footwear repaired, heels, soles, rips, vulcanized. Jamieson Tire Shop, Bowman- ville. il-tf FRAME and trimming, additions, alterations, kitchen cupboard and general repaira. Phone Oshawa RAndolpli 8-0310. 15-4* PLUMBING, heating, eaves- troughing; free estimates. HavyPartner, Tyreçie. MA 3-9i240 or Orono 1782. 6-tf WHITEWASHING and disinfect- ing stables, etc. Free estimates, ail work guarantecd. Telephone Clarke 1321. Bert Tompkins, R.R. 3, Port Hope. 16-27 $EPTIC tanks completely in- stalled: 500 gai, tank, 250 feet of tule, $300; govcrnment inspectcd. 600 gai, tank, $350. John Bar- rett, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Tele- phone IMA 3-5255. 15-4 Plastering Repa irs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 54 King St. E. MA 3-5030 16-tf Custom Roto-Tilling Reasonable Rates Prompt Service M. Shanizj 9 Liberty St. N. MA 3-7189 16-1* Anger Construction Co. LTD. COMPLETE BUILDING SERVICE BRICK WORK - BLOCK CHIMNEYS -CONCRETE AND CARPENTRY DOUG - MArket 3-3375 ROY - MArket 3-2273 27-tf OIL BURNER SERVICE aise PLUMBING and HEATING STOKERS and WATER PUMPS Norman Bothwell 95 Ontario St. Bowmanvllle Phone MA 3-5070 14-tf Harry Lee Laundry 19 TEMPERANCE ST. Phone MA 3-7021 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Aise do Wet Wash - Dry. Etc. Pick Up and Delivery MONDAY TO SATURDAY QUICK SERVICE 16-tf TV ANTENNAE Installations OF ALL KINDS TOWVERS - ROTORS - MOVING LEN - LOU'S TV Cail Lou Mayhew MA 3-3942 31 Waverley Road USED cernent mixer. Phone MA 3-5278. 16-1 * SET o! lady's golf clubs. Phone MA 3-3406. 16-lf LARGE size tricycle. Telephone MA 3-5528. 16-1 A PUREBRED Yorkshire or Landrace hog. Phone MArkct 3-2038. 16-1 ALL kinda. of live poultry wanted. Highest prices paid. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phone 7 r 13 collect. 9-tf HIGHEST prices paid for used furniture, appliancea, televisien, scwing machines, etc. MAs il and exchangc. 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-7231. 42-tf HIGHEST prices paid for live poultry, geese feathers, feathen ticks, acrap iron, rags, metals and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa, collect. 48-tf One Acre of Land ON GOOD ROAD Write V. Slaunwhite R.R. 3 DO WMAN VILLE 1 Wanted DEAD and crippled fan stock, picked up promptly. Phione MA 3-2679. Margwill Pur Tarin. Tyrone. 13-ti ROOM and board wanted for semi-retired business man. Write Advcrtiser 0~0, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- nianville. 14-tf Piano Tuning ARTHUR Collison. Telephene MArket "Mom" Plans to Expand Take Care of 200 More At Cost of $3 00,000 Mrs. Bertha <Moni>Whytc announccd this wcek that shc las plans undcrway toecxpand Whytdliavcn, hem 50 acre farm whene sIc canes fer homehesa! children, inte as mall village at a cost o!fS3M0,000. There arc now 135 childmen sheitered thene aud she lia a staff of 14 volunteer workers, Mna. WhYte said. She addcd that Uic plan- ncd expansion weuhd providc acconmedation for anothen 200 chidren. George Tonks, Oshawa ar- chitect, us dnawing Uic plans for the propoaed village. A con- tracter wil le himed and Mna. Wliyte expects construction te atart in May. 'Mom' Whytc's proposèl vil- lage includes a semies o! build- inga fading Ne. 401 Highway. There wil lice an administra- tion building with a gyninasinni, kitchen, dining hall and chapel. There wil aise be two se1.arate dormitenies for boys and girls, a schoel, a service station, a restaurant, a bake shop, and a home for uniarricd mothers. The self appointed foster .mother, Whyte, stated she is net worried about the money necessary for lier new preject, althougli she said she does not know whether it wiil came' frani thc gevernmcnt, a fund, on private individuals. "It matters littie where thc money comes froni. God will put us througl another test o! stmength. Ail He asks ia that we le faithful," 'Mêm' Wlyte stated. Stle predictcd that the pro- ject will be sel! sustaining, when it is cempleted. She ex- plained that she plans te have Uic eIder boys reccive useful: Clarke to Vi On New Pul . By-law No. 1319 regarding the construction o! twe public schools lu the township was given firat, second, and third reading and passed unanimous- ly at the Clarke Township Mun- icipal Council meeting held in the Council Chamber, Orono, on Friday afternoon. Reeve James Brown presided, and Livestock for Sale FOURTEEN six-week old pigs. E. Heckaday, MA 3-2985. 16-1* YORXSIIIRE Landrace wean- ling pigs. MA 3-2887. 16-1* 200 LAYING liens, Fisher 303. Phone MA 3-5311. 16-1 TWENTY yearling and two-year old heifers and steers. Phone Bowmnanville MA 3-2413. 16-1 HEIFER calves- and two calves for vcaling. Apply Z. J. Bens- cliop, MA 3-2926. 16-1 FORTY good pigs, 8 weeks old Apnîl 20. Can be seen Saturday mernmng. J. Hedge, Nestieten. Phone Blackstock 40 r 22. 16-1* WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING PULLETS ON HAN» 200 DeKALB 101 Hatched December 4th, 1958 These pullets will begin te lay at 22 weeks o! age. Write or Phone fer pries H. J. BROOKS MArket 3-3961 Bowmanvil MA 3-3961 15-tf Repairs RADIO and television repaira. Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George's, 85 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-tf GUARANTEED television and radio service, te all mnakes. Sanie day service. Television Service Co. Phone MA 3-3883. 49-tf REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- atures turned, te ail makes of electric motors. Higgon Elec- tric, 38 King East, Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf REPAIRS te ail makes of sew- ing machines. Free pickup and delivery. Laverty's Bargain Centre, 59 King W. Phone MA 3-7231. 44-tf- REPAIRS te ail makes e! ne- frigerators, domestic and com- mercial; milking coolers. Hlg- gon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf Room and Bocard LARGE roem, gentleman, board if dcsirecd 205 King East. MA 3-3186. 16-1* Notice ta Creditors AND OTHERS In Uic Estates o! JOHN ARCHER THOMPSON and MELISSA ARCHER THOMPSON, deceas- cd. Ail persons having dlaims against the Estates o! John Archer Thonipson and Melissa Archer Thempaen, late cf R.R. No. 1 Burketon, Ontario, who died on or about the fourteenth and thirteenth days of Novem- ber, 1958, respectivcly are here- by notified te send particulars of sanie te the undersigncd on or before thc cigtlieenth day of May, 1959, after which date thc Estates will lie distributed, with regard enly tote c aims cf which Uic undcrsigncd shahl then have notice, and the under- signed will net be liable te any person o! whose dlaim they sali net then have notice. Datd a Tronto this tenth day of April, 1959. ELDON THOMPSON AND MARGARET ADALINE HENRY, Executors and Administrators, by their Solicitors, Ryan, McAlpine & Ryan, 1865 Danforth Avenue, Toronto 6, Ontario,. 16_1 training irurming tUicservice station and Uiceioder girls would le tnained lu thc rca- taurant which weuld le oper- ated on a non-profit basis. Mrs. Whytc did net commnent on the !act that Whytehavcn la now ou a dead end road, as this road la ene of Uic north-south roads that Uic previncial de- partrnent cf highways las clos- cd as exits sud entrances te higliway 401. ?&s. Whytc said ahe experts her home te be incorpomated as Uic W-hyteliaven Mlssion this week. The home wlll then cerne under Uic contrel of a board of trustees. When thc new buildings are cornpheted 'Mom' Wlyte'a cight neom farm lieuse. now a nursery. will lie turned into an isolation liospi- tai. Thc existing dommitorles, classrooni sud dîning-hall will become the nursery building.1 Mns. Wlytc stated she liopes te luy anethen farm lu the arca te further 1cr wonk. A Christian childreu's organ- ization in Hong Kong lias lie- came intenested in flic Whyta- haven home here, Mrs. Whyte told the press. If lias offereçl te suport 50 of lien charges by sending $5 rnonthly te lier, Mrs. Whyte said. She ncmark- cd that ahe lias already recciv- cd two cheques from Hong Kong te help her, and that Christmas and birtliday pres- enta will aise le sent Irom Hong Kong for, the chldrcn at Whytèehaven. When the village at Whyte- haven la cornpheted, Mrs. Whyte said that she and lier liusband plan te go te India to start aimilar work thene. rote May 6 ibli*c Schoglç rothcm members o! thc counCil preseut wcre Councillen Rus- seil Savery, Councihior Ernest Dent, and Ceuncillor Jon Stene. A piebiscite wil l e held ln Clarke ou Wednesday. May 6th, wlien the electors will vote on the following question: "Arc yeu in faveur o! the applica- tion o! Uic Board of Trustees o! the Township Sehool Arcs o! Clarke for thc issue o! 20 year debeutures lu the amount o! $75,000 for the coustruc- tien o! a twe roorn achool in fermer school section nuniler 9, sud a two, room. school lu former aclicel section number 4?" Reeve James Brown will bu present in tIc Coundil Charn- bers, Oronc, on Friday aftem- noon, May lat, at thne o'clock fer the purpose of appointing, if se requcstcd, two pensons te attend the final sumning Up e! thc votes ou May 6th bY the Township Clcrk, Edward Mill- son, and alse te apDoint if ne- questcd, one person for cach o! the affirmative sud negatuve aide o! thc question for each polling place. Coundillor Erncst Dent was appointcd by thc Townshipi Council te le Clarke's repres- entative on Uic Central Lake Ontario Conservation Author- ity. The Township Assessor, H. M. Tester, was au-tîorizcd te attend thc Association e! As- sessors' Convention in Ottawa, May i8tli and 2Oth. TIc Town- slip Council decided te, pay a sun of maney towands Is cx- .penses. Charles E. Stapleten, the Road Superintendent, was given permission te, attend the ScIool for Road Supernten- dents to e hleld at Hart lieuse, Toronte, on May lltI and 12th. A portion o!hIs expenses wihl le paid liy the Township Coun- Cil A letter of thanks frai, the Canadian Girl Guides Associa- tien was rcceivcd ly the Clarke Township Council. 14 cxýpnesaed appreciation toteicTownship Council for alhewing the Brow- nies te, use thc lower hall in the Township building fer t41dm meetings. TIc letter was signcd by Mrs. G. E. Gander, secre- tary o! the local association. Thc Township Council au- tîorized Councillor Russell Savery te have necessany re- paira made te the CommuunitY Hall, Orono, inside and eut. It was dccided that thc Mll rate as applicd te the Village o! Orono for the coming jean le set at 3.5 nills. A petition was neccived frein a group o! residents in the south part of Clarke Township regarding a bridge over thc railway in that section. The Council dccided te forward co- pies o! thc petition te Uic Board o! Transport Commissioners o! Canada, and the Canadian Na- tional Railway witl a requcat that the bridge aven Uic rail- way dmrcctly south o! Newton- ville le renewed as at presunt 14 is inadequate lu strcngth sud la net widc unough. Council discussed the posai- lility of obtalning assistance froni the Ontario Department of Highways for Uheic npreve- nient andi devciopmcnt o! cast- west roads lu Uic sentheru area o! thc municipality. I4 waa pointcd eut that a number o! north-south roads have been closcd ly the department and that only two remain This las resulted in extra luavy use o! thc east-west ronds. Condltioneil Reflex A sliy young man brought his girl a\ bouquet of flowers. SIc thanked hlm ly throwing 1cr arma around hlm sud kis- ing lin'. He grabcd lis hat sud start- cd for tIc door. "Wlicrc are yen going?" sIc askcd. "I'l l e igît lack," h. as- sured lier. "I'rn mat geing for more flowers." Famed Sambro lighthouse, fading the entrance te Halifax harbor. wua erect.d li 1769. 1 Cassified Instead o! wasting timu scnd- giae Uitype ca pa endent mng delegationa te varions gev- uidane t is aale o! iugO cmumenta te try aud fjud uitlitlaasouel dsasc waste fight theC better iated with government sud poli. that are buying, processing and tcas sciling farrn preducts, !armn Good Farmers Muet Unite groupa must icante co-eper- "I can suni Up ln two sen- ste and deal lu a business-like tences thec message I have leen mannier witl these cempanies. tnying te convcy. Agriculture Ater all, they are the people la lu a cniticai state. The 50 who luy fanm products. and 14 percent of the fanmera Who me- la lad business to le continu- ceive 85 per cent e! the farra ally flghting witli your lest income. must unite and pi customers. Poasibly the argu- business inte frnming, snd peg ment againstt his la that the politica eut. packers, Uic cannera, Uic dai- Mr. Newell aise ahowed a ries. thc tobacce cempanies, numben e! intercsting cohourcd etc., are makiug encrmons pro- slides ahewing thc entlre pro. fits, while the fariner la losing cess o!fliarvcsting, curing, and money and going broke. If that grading o! a tebacco cmop. or- la Uic case, why lanet thc stock ville Osborne moved a vote of o! these companiez thc lest thanka te Mn. Newelh for hi# seller ou the stock market? thouglit provoking and stlrnu- Muet Maire Normal Profit lating address. I wonder if Uic truth s that these cempanies are efficiently- AUTOMATIC 8WITCIN run business organizations th at lave te make a normal profit Autemnatie closet swltches are to keep operating. You cannot now available which tumfi on compare their total profit or the closet light when yen open losses with the farinera' total the door. turn 14 off when the profita or loases, simpiy beca use door la. shut, the Eiectnlc Ser. then. la too high a percentage vice Leegue ruported. Ads. Mons CHuve you cver wondercd <Continued from page one) wezTalthese canning fatories business forccd hlm te relin-'tro ntePeiel.adl quishhis ost.Western Ontario, are belng M4anagesTobsae ermentclosed? Why le the canning fac- Mr. Neweli wau bon in Ox- itory ln Bowmanvifl closed? 1 ferd, England. and came te Can- believe that thie prevailiug ada lu 1927,. ?&. Gibson said. public opinion h« 14 that a Mr. Newefl baz bullt up and large American cornpauy has 1Managed his own aud 10 other, bouglit thc factenies and closed tebacco farnia lu Durham Coun- them sa, that they can flood our ty. Re aise started a lumber m rarkets with Cali.fornia pro. business lu Newcastle, and la- duce. ter purchased this business. Mr. Could Net Operate PWolhtebil Newell met his wlfc, whose "Perliapa this in net the true home waa in Victoria, B.C., in reason behinci this move. I have north-west Europe where s>'e been infommcd that a number waa cngaged lu Uic nursing scr- o! these factories were closed vices e! the Canadian Ariy1 because they could not operate wlth Uic 16th General Hospital., prof itably when !orccd to pay From 1934 te 1939 Mr. New- Prices set by govenament spofl- searc forth enae lutbacof- sored boards, pnices which were ArcltforeicOttarn set high enough te try aud mak. Agriultue, ttaw. Imarginai farpas operate at a Farmlng la a Business profit. When ail oanng cern. L Canadian agriculture la in a panies are treated alike, aud dangerous atate o! flux and Uic wlen conditions gradualiy set- general public should know tic dowu, the future of the more about it, Mr. Newell said. canning iudustry lu Ontario Farmlng today la ne longer just should look more hopeful. an occupation. To be aucccssful Loans Should Be $30,006 now, you have aiso te be a uQualiflcd fariners willl have Ihard-lieaded business man te have sufficient capital te op. Farrnlng js a business, he peint- crate their business successful. cd eut, ly. The Canadian Farm Losu 50%o Reeelve 851% Incorne Beard have been doing good 1'Fifty per cent of the fam- work assistiug fanmera, witk ers receive 85 percent o! thc $15,000 long termn first mort.- fanm income. These are quality gages. This la sound goveru. crop fanmera, who niake a ment !inan.cing. It ls not a business o! farrning. Fifty per hand-out. However, under pre. cent o! Uic farmers ahane the sent conditions# and only for other 15 per cent. These are the farmers wlio qualify, I feel that farmers wlie make farming anI possibly these mertgage loans occupation only and that la ail, should lie raised te $30,000. A and what a fertile field in successful business must lave PollUies Enter Faim Seene More Attention tu Exports 'Nôw liere la where Uic dan- "We must psy more attention ger lies. In order te tmy t e ci»te our expert marketsansd this and aise te gain faveur from applies te tobacce. Naturally tbe farm vote, the varlous poli-,J the tobacco grower la dlsap. tical parties have tried te eut-. pointed with the lncreased ex. do one another lu fleer pnices, cise tax on cigarettes, bringlng purdhase of surpluses. aubsidies with it the possibility e! a 10w. and one-sided compulsory fam er home censumption. ifin legisiation.. Bureaucratic farrn 1959 wc can produce a h1gh boards have aven been given quallty crop, and be satlsfled somc o! Uic powers o! elected 'with an average o! 52 cents per gevemnment. Incldentally, I Pound, a price which would miglit auggest thaît ln the Uu- still lie competitive, our chan-. ited States tliey are lu a far ces on the expert market hava womsc mess wlth their soul neyer been better. banks, enlaidies, and aurpluses Need Our Quallty Tobacoe thon we are here lu Canada. "The tobacco situation thie Supports Are Uhort-Sighted jear la this: The United States "I arn inclincd te bdlieve that with ita price supports la gra. ail this support and subsidized duaily priciug itseif out of famrming under restrictive legis- world miarkets. Foreign buyers lation la a short-siglited policy. arc complaining toc, that the I amn convluced that tIe Cern- U.S. fanmer us net gradiug lis munistic world la amilllg aud tobacco as well as he. once did. hoping that for thc next few The United Kiugdor n sd the years, at least, the Western Euroeau market are turning farinera wll be satisfied to pa- te Rhodesian and Indian te. tiently eke eut a living under bacco. Hewevcr, they need our present conditions. higli quality tebacco, which lu Fessa Ecenomie War as fine as any pmoduced li the "We ail knew the bornro!o world, te give flaveur te their war, but gentlemen I ar nont cigarettes. uearly as worried regardlug thc Could Dauble Our Experts possibiity of a nuclear war Mm. Neweil stated thiat la with thc Communiats (thougli 1958 we cxportcd te thecUnitedi 1 realize we mnust reniain pre- Kingdom 23 million pounds of pared) as-I arn o! the pessibil- fluc-cured tobacce. Thc U.S.A. ities o! an economic war. If the cxported te them seven Uies agricultural labour forces o! this ameunt; Rhcdesla, over Msia aud Africa were scientif i. tîree times, aud India twice, cally harncssed te compete in this amount. Il Uic tobacce and supply ail world mnarkets, gowcrs wull atternpt teo w even though tley starvcd a hig±i quaiity crep, there lne themscîves, where would Can- reason why we could net deu. adiai? fanmera be? Governrnent bic our expert this year. ho subsidies sud hand-outs te 50 pemnted eut. per cent o! the farinera who Qualty Preduce the Keir . have only 15 Per cent of!thec 'Quality produce muet le far, ncoewould no longer thc kcy werds in our agricul- have any effeot. This la the turc. The tobacce mictions, and off, bt it lay bc satfew e! mr-they* r er ostay, are du gcfybft iug s e teay. nr.ticaily sorting eut the produc. genc facng u o! quallty tebacco frein Muet Appreclate Basdc Facte those who produce trash. Ail "We can meet this threat if producers o! ail creps muet lu. wc who arc fanmera can begin sust on centinually lmproved te appreciate basic facts. Can- quality. With quality productsu adian fans m.ust be operated they have a better chance to as sound business units. Mar- outsmart cai store niethods ginahly operating farrricrs, if o! selling, and try fer a bettes' they fail, will have te heave thc ahare of Uic consumner dollar. farrn and find employmcnt The public likes chalu atores, elscwhere. 'The good fanmer sud the fariner las te plan hi& cannot, and doca net, cxpect the business se that he m-ay learàa Canadian public te support him te live with thecr. by hand-outa. Remove O.A.C. Front Polities 'We have "ome of the finest "Now. wliereceau fanm groupe aud most productive land in get Uic basic guidance te make the world. We have a solid core a business eut o! fammiug? The of good -fgMarens. Wehave bthe OtaieAgncltrl-oleea 'i Il, Tau taDAir, APRM lm lm 1 etAvAnTAW WrAqqmuAv lckemw"Aww"Nm numAmin qft&fflqm MV»I@R»Mqw 1 ý

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