*THURtSDAY, APRIL lSth, 1959 %Mayor Praises Park sfor O ut standing Work '1Opens Daffodîl Tea The Memorjal Park Associa- tion was congratulated for its good work by Mayor Wilfridi Carruthers on Saturd.ay, Apr. 4. Bis Worship opened the Daffo- dii Tea and Sale hceld b the a-sociation at Memorial Park Cliubhouse. Mayor Carrutheýrs ]auded the efforts of the Mem- orial Park Association to raise funicLs- with which playground equipment has been purchiased and the clubhouse improved Specials - PERMAN ENT WAVES W-tved by: MARGARET SMITH JOSIE DEMAINE FROM MONDAY TO THURSDAY Reg. $10.00 For --_ $_7.9 Reg. $12.5095 For 9.95__ Reg. $15.00 For -_____ 1 1.95 SPECIAL (OLD WAVE ai $5.95 Mr. Huyck will be here on Tues., Wed. axrd Fr1. to do the- steam and regular waves Phono MA 3-5703 FOR APPOINTMENT Huyck's Hairsiyling Studio 67 King St. W., Bowmanville His Worship also referred to Memorial Park Accoc. spon- sorship of Cub Packs and Guides. He brought out the fact that the fine work of the asso - ciation relieves taxpayers of ex- pense, and pointed out that asq long as parks are so well hand- led by such an organization it is not necessary to set up a Parks Commission that would add to the tax rate. Be statedF that with Memorial Park in the south, Franklin Park in the. north, and the new park being prepared below Vanstone's bridge. Bowmanville, will bel well served.1 The president of the Mem- anial Park Association, Mrs. Vi Thampson, was general conve- or for the Daffodil Tea and Sale. Mrs. Margaret Jeffery Wds the tea convenor. She was as- sisted by M-s. Wynn Barrett I M&s. Charlotte Clarke was the convenar of the good used clothing table. Mrs. Betty Pi1 per was convenor of the Baz- aar booth. The home baking table was convened by Mrs. Helen Cooke, assisted by Mrs. J. Taylor. Mrs. Dorothýy Lea- man, assîsted by Mrs. E. Mit- chell, was in charge of the can- dy. Mrs. Annie Clapp looked after the door prize tickets, and Mrs. Rose Overy and Mrs. R. Cowan were in charge of the special draw. M.rs. Nell Wilstbn was kitchen convenor. She was assisted by MýIs. H. Davidson. ' Mirs. T. Westlake, and Mis, t Muriel Terry. Two young Girl r Guides, Glenna Park and Be-b verly Bradley, sold balloons. The spacious room was at- t'ractively decorated with flow- ers for the occasion. A lovely bouquet of daffodils in a vase was placed on a pale blue em- broidered shawl that graced the piano. The tea tables were adorned with ceramic vases of daffodils. Mrs. Wilfrid Carruthers, and Miss Ada Dadson, the past pre- sident of the association, pre- sided over the teacups at the beautifuily appointed serving table. It was centred with daf- fodils and iris in a sîlver bas- ket and lighted by tali yellow tapers. Mis. Yvonne Edmond- son, Mrs. Greta 4~uxton and SAVE! PAINT SALE Nationally Advoriisod Linos of Paini heing offorod ai a Great Discount Odd inos for as low as HALF PRICE Both Interior and Exterior Drushos - Ai Great Saving See our window for some samples of what we are *offering at this great paint sale. AT THESE REDUCED PRICES - TERMS CASH A BERNE THY'S PAINT & WALLPAPER 33 King St. W. MA 3-5431 BO WMIN VILLE It's fabuluscious. ! Your new lo( (&J(1/N/TIJi TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAMUO Mayor Opens Daffodil Tea His Worship, Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers is pictured above opening the Daffodil rea and Sale held by the Memorial Park Association at. the clubhouse on Saturday, April 4th. Reading from lef t to right above are: Mrs. Vi Thompson, president of the Memorial Park Association, the Mayor of Bowmanville, and Mrs. Wilfrid Car- ruthers. The Daffodil Tea and Sale is an annual event, and has always proved to be one of the most enoyable affairý- of the spring season. Miss Jean Cully and Miss Su- san Rivers assisted in serving. Tom Parks, as pianist. played an enjoyable program of var- ied selections during the after- noon. The door prize, a handsome handbag, was won by Mis. Kit- ty Shred, 107 Liberty Street South. The prizes in the special draw were won as foilows: Cof- fee pot, Lance Plain, 100 Duke Street; casserole, Mrs. L. Welch, 174, Liberty Street, wool blan- ket, Irving Buckler, 10 Brad- shaw Street: Luncheon Clo>th, J. Firth, 62 Division Street and Place Mats Set. H. W. Ham-_ Mothers and Daughters Join for C.G.I.T. Banquet The C.G.I.T. Mother and Daughter banquet was held in Trinity United Church Sunday School on April 8th. The Wom- an's Association with Mrs. A. Lobb as convenor was respon- sible for the catering. A sing- Mrs. R. Ames mond, 266 Libeèrty Street North Th daw wremae yTom N ew President Park. Home & School A ged Home The Bowmanille Home and ulrmeeting on Wednesday, Contra ct Let April 8th in Central School wt ence present. President Mrs. D. At 25 00McDonald presided with Mr. M. 1 Beaton at the piano for the open- The contract for the kitchen ing exercises. equimen fo thenewwin of The secretary's report was equimen fo thenewwin ofgiven by Mrs. J. Cuddahee and the home for the aged at Co- the treasurer's report by Mis. bourg has been let at a price of C. Burdett. The chairman of $25,000, the report of the special the nominating committee, Mrs. home comn-ittee revealed when A. Samelîs, brought in the fol- it was read to the United Coun- lowing siate of officers who will ties Council recently at Cobourg. be installed at the next meeting The committee, along with the on May 6th for the coming yearý board of management, recently Past Pres., Mirs. D. McDonald visited the home for the aged at Pres., Mrs. R. Ames; Vice-Presi- Renfrew where the furnihings dents, Mrs. R. Kent and Mrs. C. were inspected. Henning; Sec'y, Mrs. G. Steph- In reviewing the costs of the en; Treas., Mrs. C. Burdett; Corr. adiinand the furnishings Sec'y, Mrs. A. Samelîs; Exec-1 purchased so far and estimating Mrs. E. Ewar, Mrs. G. Sturack the costs of other equipment re- aMrs. . SutMrsford; Puro-k quired to put the new wing into adMs .Smrfr;Po operation, the report said that gram Planning Chairman, Mis the final cost is expected to be V. Mathewson. $14,000 aver the original esti- Mrs. G. Stephen was pragram mates. Subject to the approval convenor and called on Mrs. R. of the Department of Public Wel- Ames to give a report on the fare, the committee asked that Ontario Home and School Fed- approval of« the additional eration convention. A film amount be granted and that haîf "From Ten to Twelve" was be included in this year's budget. shown and a discussion perîod The new wing is flot expected followed. Leaders who sum- ta be ready for occupancy until marized the findings of each' June 1.* group were Mr. C. Morrison and1 Mis. K. Sumersford. Mr. Ken Mayberry of Oshawa, accom- panied by Mr. M. Beaton, super- visor of music for Bawmanvillk Public Schools, delighted the 7.07audience with his renditions ol! qk- i lipsick!"Garden of Happiness", "'Twas! Only an Irishman's Dream" and.: "One Alone'. Social convenor Mrs. A. Lucaý 7f77 T~ 7and her committee brought the; evening to a close with lunch. liilI 12 excitîg new colors.. ( pale! shockinýg! off- beaU ! IThe greatest lipstick fasliion nesyet! Snowy pastel%, A 'Pink&, tangerines . .. even violets-ail so tempting you'f want tiree or four! I It's flattery ,imited! j OBITUARY MISS MAUDE RODWELL 1 Miss Maude Rodwell, agecU 83 years, who had been in fail- i irg health for some time anc, a patient in Millbrook nursing home was taken to Peterbor-1 ough Haspital on Saturday and died on Sumday afternoon, Apr. Miss Rodweil was born in, [England. came ta Ontario about I65 years aga. She resided with her brother William on a faIn in Cavan tawnship. Miss Ro- well was a faithful mnember, first of the Methodist Church at Franklin and later of the United Church at Bethany, ac8- tive in its Woman's Association and the Women's Missionary Society, as well as the Sunday Schaol. When she and her bro- ther retired from farming they lived in Cavan village for sev-. eral Years. After his death Miss Rodwell came ta, Bethany. The funeral service for Miss Rodwell was held ini the Unit- ed Church an Wednesday, Apr.1 8th, with the Rev. R. R. Bon- steel paying tribute ta her life- long devotion Vo the work of 1 the Church. Many, many trnes1 she walked the three miles ta' the village 4from her farm ta attend services. Although Miss Rodwell had no known surviv- ing relatives, there was a par- ticularly large attendance at the service, denoting the many friendships she had made throughout the years. Palibearers were Hector Mor- ton, Thomas McCamus, Mervyn Porteous, Donald Lowes, Wil- liam Rowan and Clarence Row- an. Bunial was in St. John's cemnetery, I"a sang led by Mrs. S. R. James was enjoyed by the 55 mothers, daughters and guests present. Edith Nimigon, president of C.G.I.T., presided. The guest speaker, Mrs. Bruce Rolling, Mount Albert, Chairman of York County Girls' Work Board, chose as her topic "'God's Hope Chest". The speaker was introducd by Libby Cale. Prior ta the bountiful repast grace was offered by Karen MeMur- ter. The toast to the Queen was proposed by Linda Thompson and Shirley Coombes played the Queen. Jane Lander pro- posed the toast Vo mothers and guests and the reply was given by Mirs. S. McMurter. The toast to the church and Sunday $10 O'ý B. The classic sheath ini silk and viscose with back pleat. Your choice of navy, white, fawn or black. Sizes 8 to 20 _____ C. The cotton cable check with deep back pleat in black and white. Sizes 8 t. 18 - BowmanvilleI School was given by Darlien McCullouch and replied to by Rev. Houslander and Mr. Ross Richards, Sunday School Super- intendent. The toast to the C. G.I.T. was given by Libby Cale. The speaker was thanlced by Louise Maguire who presented Mrs. Rolling with a corsage. Judy Brough thanked the mem- bers of theWoman's Associa- tion who cater each year for this banq:uet. A short program by the C.G. I.T. girls foilowed with a "take- off" on the Arthur Godfrey show by Miss Harrison's group and a skit "The Mutilated Uni- form" by Misýs Dora Purdon's Group. The program was brought to an end with the singing of "Taps". Special guest.s attending were M&s. W. Reynolds, chairman of Girls' Work Committee, Trinity United Church, Mrs. C. Trewîn and Mrs. S. Crago, representing the Explorers and Mrs. S. R. James, Christian Education Chairman of the W. A. OBITUARY NORMAN E. WINTER The death occurred at the Oshawa General Hospital Wed- nesday morning, April 8, of Norman Edward Winter, 30 Central Park boulevard. The deceased, who was in his 52nd year, had been seriously ill for the past month. A son of Mis. Emma Winter and the late Isaac Winter, the deceased was born at Orono and was married at Bowmanville in1 193 7. Be was a resident of Bowmanville for a year and for the past 31 years had lived in Oshawa. Mr. Winter was an employee of the costs departmnent at Gen- era.l Motors and was a devoted member of Simcoe Street Un- ited Church an.d of the session of the church. Promninent in MZasonic circles, Mr. Wmnter was a past master of Orono Lodge, No. 325, A.F. and A.M., and was an affiliated past master of Cedar Lodge, A.F. and A.M., Oshawa. He was a charter member of Parkwood Lodge, A.F. and A.M.,, Oshawa, and was a tyler for the lodge at the time of h.is death. Mr. Winter was a member of the Oshawa Scottish Rite Club and the Toronto Lo<dge of Perfec- tion. The deceased was also a highly respected member of the Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club where he took an active part in the club activities. With his wife he was the donor of one of the club trophies. He leaves his mother and his wife, the former Ellen AJlin and one son Larry. Also surviving are five sis- ters. Mrs. F. O. Cooper (Vina), Mrs. W. Irwin (Ettie), Mrs. J. Cornish (Annie) and Mrs. F. Lycett (Ethel), ail of Orono and M1rs. J. Leaman (Hazel), of Scarboro anxd four brothers, PAGE PMV Storage N BLACKSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Leask and family, Solina, were Sun- day guests of Mvr. and Mrs. Ivan Thompson and family. Mrs. Leask and children re- mained for a few days. The Big 4 Guernsey Club held a social evening of danc- ing, cards and lunch in the Community gU here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer attended the fellowship meet- ing of Oshawa Presbytery Young People's executive Sun- day evening. Mi1. and Mis. Stan Moffatt, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Jas. Henrv and Miss Gertrude Henry was home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. W. King, Osh- awa, were Sunday guests of Mir. and Mrs. J. Rahm and al visited Mr. Bob Keester in Ux- bridge hospital. Mir. and Mirs. Bert Ginn, Pe- terborough. visited Mir. and Mrs. G. Tennant and children and Mrs. Ginn on Sunday. Dr. and Mirs. Murray Werry, Kingston, Mr. and Mirs. Rupt. Werry, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hooey Sa,- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Beacock, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Brown, Cadmus, visited Mir. Gordon Harvey, of Whitby and Clifford, Roy and Gordon. of Orono. The funeral service was held at the Mclntosh Fuineral Chapel at 2 p.m. Friday, April 10. Rev. John K. Moffat, minister' of Simcoe Street United Church, conducted the services. Inter- ment was in Orono Cemetery. Palîbearers were E. Clem- ence, L. Allen, A. Penfound, R. Milis. D. Morgan and J. Lowry. A Masonie memorial service was held at the funeral chapel at 7.30 p.m. Thursday. Brown lni Toronto General Hog- pîtal, Friday. Miss Jean Thompson, Osh- awa, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr,. and Mii. Lorne Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Me- NaIly, Coibourne, were Sunday guests of M.r. and Mrs. Carl Wright and cailed ojk other f riends. DRAPERIES BROADLOOM DRAPERIES By The YARD VENETIAN AND CLOTHBLINDS CUSTOM MADE DRAPES DRAPERY RODS AND TRACKS INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE Howard Vico Proprietor TELEPHONE OSHAWA RA 5-3144 926 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa - Repairs Cliffcrest 'Cleaners 71 KING ST. EAST BOWMANIVILLE Dry Cleaning - Shirts PHONE NA 3-7061 PICK-UP AND DELI VERT LORNE McQUARRIE, Prop. *SKIRTS that are reailly going places Checked or Textured slpo:rtemp,,Ilos ClO. ta&. m 9A. Textured silk and viscose with side stitching and pleat detail. Black, white or fawn. Sizes 8 to 20