PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Ccrn, 0 0 0IIeefs and Cabbaste By Bonnie Purdy n- yone Uoo9e Am 1 1th e Ieast of aur travel troubles. 1'm a thousand miles from , taying alive was the trick. home, watching the ramn corne atching a snooze an the trails dlown, the grass green-up, the we foilowed wasn't lurpractical, fog roll ouf and the mighty it was impossible. Affer iigging tidal bore roil in. I'Ls April in sorne six hundred miles aver Mvoncton, New Brunswick. the bvywavs o! No-thern New York. Vermont. New Hainp- Appropriately or nat, I ar- sbire and Maine-I vow neyer rived in Moncton right alang agi acmli bu h witb the Day o! Ail Fools. M state af Canadian highwavs. husband and I leit Cobourg at ten on the morning a! March) Frost heaves and 1pavement 31. We arrived in MaIncton at pits on these 'highiwa s?', were noon an April 1. Having haci stich as ta make the racky road ne Sieeo between there and ta Dublin look like a super-wa. here. we approached this fair Whaever laid ouit - thos-e upstate Maritimes city in a jtate of roads must have used a pago ;emi-supûr.stick. Actuallv. staviuug awake wxa> Natuiiallv, since arrivaI. in- N Whocver Laid Out Those Roada Used a Pogo Stick vellers will know the next hun- ly cavered without a word be-. 74. ing spoken. Husband attends ta S. j~.his driving and even lights is, awn cýigauettes. Wifc folds map Guess WVho Read Map Wrono? xith a flip. locks it in glove Pl campartment, falds hancis and nurnerable kind persons have vou can't tell th edilference. makes a great thing o! looking tald us of better routes ta aur Thats what I told my husband out the side window, even destination. If we had only fol- when wc took the wrong route thougb it's toa dark ta sec mny- ]owed such and such a mýap,! out o! Brewcr. Maine. But he thin.. This goes on untîl wfe they tell us. The truth ia. ofi didn't understand at all. l decidos husband has made a course. we dud have a map Once wife has made a mis- wrong turn at which point she and. as I cant druve. I was hi take in chart reading, and onei turns ta the mnap for vindica- charge o! mading it. Ever try that mstake becomes obviaus, tian. If, hawcver. husband's rcading a map while boauncing -suaily about ten or fiftcen wantunprvsabeme in the dark aver a road that is miles beyond the point ai eur- wishful thinking on wife's part aecond cousin ta a roller-coast- ror-husband will stop the car then she must sit back and er? You get your finger firmly with a great, grinding skid, watch for a "nice, dlean rest planted an Bangor, Maine, hit snatch the map and point 0,l ouf rom sign ta break the si- a bump and you end up in "what only a f001 could fail ta lence. Boston, Massachusetts. Trouble! see"-tbc right road! This being my first trip f0 s, being a stranger in the parts, As expericnced marmied tra- New Brunswick, ta thre Mari- Thcre's a diflerence, though. You're wide-awake ta thre future - a future fou youm family as brighit andi sure as you cari make it. That's why you should ai-range now for gr Iow-cost Mutuai Life of Canada Family Incarne Poiicy. If anything fak-es you out of the picture, your family is guaranteed a substantial rnonthly incarne until the f ire you would have reached age 65. In addition at that time, yaur wife or heirs will receive the full face value of the policy. On the ether hand. if yau live ta age 65, yeu may recci\e a monily retirernent incorne or a substantial cash sum. The Famîily Incerne Policy is a wide-awake investment you'll like - talk it over with a Mutual Life of Canada man Sean. 1889 - niftety years of leadership in mutucd 14fe insurance -1U bML-'4c ef Mearm aAve. REPRESENTATIVE FLOYD B. McKINLEY fflowmyanville, Ontario Phone MA 3-5372 GA l r,. '-- A- y Foundry Union Holds its Annual Banquet The annual banquet held by ILocal 2375 o!f the Steel Work- e rs' Union at the Legion Hall, Qucen Street, on Saturday evenung was a mosf enjoyable event. Scatty Coutts, the pre- aident o! the Union Local pre- sidcd at the banquet. Grace was said by Tony Webb. Frank Blunt wvas the master of cere- manies. The committee in charge o! arrangements for thre banqu-t and dance was composed o! Bud Fogg, Frank WDolner, and Murray Adams. The Ladies' Auxiliary ta the Canadian Le- gvion catered for the turkey times generally, 1 am anxiaus ta sec as much a! theý area as possible before returning ta Cobourg. I have already stoad on the wind-swept Cape called Tormentine and beibeld the mist-smudged oufline o! Prince Edward Island, some twclve Jmiles distant, acrosa flic Straits of Northumberland. V've eateuî fresh clam chowder in Mone- tan and seen the stacked lob- ster -pots alang the shore by Shediac. I'm stili looking for- ward ta seeing Nova Scotia and ifs reiiowned Cape Breton Is- land. Bit by bit, I hope ta tell 'you ail about it; take you with me, as it were. To those o! you who are dis- placed Mamitimers, reared on Atlantic sea air and lobster meat, perhaps I can help yau reive precious znemaries ai home. On thre other-hand per- haps I cari glve the Maritimes Board o! Trade a boost by coax- ing tkuose of you who have yct ta visit the east coast o! Can-. ada ta retrace my .footsteps- !iguratively, that *is. One thing thait bas surpmised me most about New Brunswick 9a !ar is thre existence here o! mountains. Not Western Rocky ranges ta be sure, but moun- tains l thre same. 1 had no idea the interior of this Prov- ince was mountainous. Neither d.ld 1 reaUsze how heavily for- ested this area is. Next week l'Il tell you of my firet trlp through this mountainous re- gian; through Fundy National Park , o!'tie scenery and o! al thre wonderful people I'm mneet- ing along the way. Sec- you then? dinner. Comradc Millie Bates was the canvener. Local talent provided the en- jayable entertainment. Several plcasing selections were sung by lHlinry Lambert, and he te- ceiveti much applause. Clarke (Sally) Wilson and Frank (Gertie) Woolner as female im- personators made a great bit. They were hilariously funny with comic antics and amusing repartee. During tire evening dancing was enjoyed ta thre music of Ralpir Taylôr's orchestra. The attractive door prizes wcre won THURSDAY, APPLI Liberals Optimistic On Election Chanes. in Durha.m County IAuxiliary Sets Dates For Annual Spring Show tComrade Rena Bathgate and' Cateriftg canvenors were p IComrade Grace Murdoch have pointed as follows for events been appointed lunch conven- in the near future: Legion ors for thie Ladies' Auxiliary Bowling League Banquet, May to the Canadian Legion's Spring' 2nd, Comnrade Audrey Bate, Show nlghts Monday, April 2nd vice - president; Ladies 20th and Tuesday, April 28th. Bowling League Banquet, May The appointments were made 4th, Comrade Florence Knight. at the meeting of the Ladies' president of the Auxiliary; and Auxiliary ta the Canadian Le- the Legion Darts Banquet, May gian held in the Legion Hall lflth, Comrade Helen Wallis, on Monday evening. April 6. and Comrade Audrey Bate. The mnembers of the Oshawa CmaeAde aera and Whitby Ladies' Ali-iliarie.s CmaeAde aer ta the Canadian Legion will be an rnventory o! kitchen uten- guests of the Bowmanville La-, sus and cutlery, and it was de- dies' Auxlliary ta the Canadian cided ta bring bath up te par. Legion for the Spring Show on Comrade Minnie Wiseman of- Monday evening, April 20tà fered to donate a wedding cake The Auxiliary will have tî-ý knife, and Comrade Loretta members o! the Uxbridg-, Rilgannon offered to donatel 1Claremont, Ajax, and Dunbar- pew dish cloths to the Auxil-1 îton Ladies' Auxiliaries to the iary. Canadian Legion as guestis on 'It w~Sas anounced that the Tuesday ev.aning, April 28th. Zone Rally of the Ladies' Aux- Comrade Helen Wallace, the iliaries ta the Canadian Legion lst vice-president, and Coin- will be h.eld in Oshawa in June. rade Georgitna Carter, the cai-! The telephone committee was teen convenors, will be in instructed to phione ail memn- charge of prizes for bath e-ien- bers of th- Bowmanville Aux- ings. illary ta f md out how many An application for member- plan to attend the Zone Rally. ship in the auxiliary was re- Comrade- Gwen Gibson wasý ceived from Eva Bragg, and the winner of the attractivel approved at the meeting. Cori- draw prize. At th.r close o! theI rac'e Pose Overy was aipoin'l- cen a c~c lunch a ed coinveror for catering for t!ie served by Comrac'e Jean Firth Men's Major Bowling League assisted by Comrade Vi Flet- Banquet ta be held at the Le- cher and Comrade Margaret La- gion Hall on Saturday, May 2. tham, Activities and History Trans Canada Airlines O0utlined to Kinsmen Kinsi-nen District Deputy A cheque for $100. a dona- Governior Jack Gleason, Lind- tion for the Kinsmen Club's say, was present at the dinner Artificial Ice Fund, was re- 'meeting of the Bowmanville ceivecl from the Women's In- IKinsmen Club held at the Fly. stitute. A $150 donation for this ing Dutchman Motor Hotel on fund was also received from i Tuesday, April 7. Hie coiipli- the Kinette Club. mented the local club on its An interesting accounit of achievements. and spoke brief- the inception and growth of ly on Kînsmen aims and ideals. Trans-Canada Airlines was Others at the 1h.ýad table in given by Jack Finley, the guest addition to the District Deputy speaker. As travelling sales re- Governar were Dr. Charles presentatîve of the comnpany, Cattraui, president of the Bow- Mr. Finley is in touch with ail manville Kinsmen Club; Don phases af thie present vast op- Stutt, lat vice-president: Mur- eratiansR of T.C.A. ray Larmer, 2nd vice-president; He told of the start of T.C.A. Gardon Wilcox, the fr.easurer, 29 years ago when ifs first run Osborne Williams, the secre- was started between Vancou- tary; Jack Fin]ey, Toronto. the ver ani Seattle with one plane.. guest speaker, who is the Tra- This same -plane was also used velling sales representative of for the second run o! the com- Trans-Canada Airlines, and Pany betweeri Vancouver and IGardon Stringer, who intra- Montreal when it was coniinen- Iduced the guest speaker. ced. The original T.C.A. plane Dr. Cattran presented a meim- had a 10 passenger capacity, he Ibershîp pin and dinner badge said. ta a new member. Bob Guth- Mr. Finley outlined the de- rie, Bowrnanville, who was wel- vélopment o! T.C.A. from this comed by the inembers. The sma]l beginning through the president. Dr. Cattran, also years as services were expand- thanked W. 1. Smith, the chair- ed. He spoke o! the inaugura- man, and the other members tion of trans-oceanic flight.s by o! the committee in charge of T.C.A. planes, and pointed out arrangements for Lad ie.s' that today. T.C.A. planes go ta Night, Art Hoaper, Walter every continent in the world Frank, Ray Lathangue, Harry With the exception o! Africa. Collocutt and John Living. who The speaker also spoke of lwere largely vesponsible for the impravements initiated by the success o! the enjoyable T.C.A. for passefnger sa!cty, event. com!ort, anti specd in transit. Ken Hockin and Harvey Rowe He pointeti out that modern air ably led the sing song, and the travel has become vitally im- Mystery Main o! the evening partant ta many, businesses, was Clarke Wilson. The birth- and férecast that in 1961 T.C.A. days of the following miembers: would change ta jet propulsion Roy McMullen, Keith Lathan- type planes. gue, Clarke Wilson, Gord Stur- Bert Sycr moved a vote o! rock, Stan Dunn, Larry Dcwell, thanks ta Mr.- Finley for vivid Bill Smith and Don McGregar accaunit o! the grawth of this were celebrated. Garnet Sager Canadian enterprise. The pre- and K. Lycett, bath of Bow- aident, Dr. Cattran, also ex- manville were gucats at the vressed appreciation of Mr. Kinsmen dinner meeting. IFinley's informative speech. by Mrs. Betty Reid, Mrs. Vera Bigley, Mrs. Tony Webb, Mrsi Evelyn Cowle, Mrs. Helen Schmid, Mrs. Stella Camp, and Mrs. Walt Woolncr.1 The winnem.à of the spot dance lýrizes were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Begley, Mrs. Betty Bahl and David Reid, Mr. and Mrs. H. Couch, Mrs. Jein Woolnerf and Walt Woolnem, and Franki (Gertie) Waolner and Mrs. Alice Fogg. OBITUARY FRANK DOWNS A piano tcchni cian, Frank Downs, 81, of 2027 Hazei. £e- trait, Mich., was buried Monçiav in Acacia Park' Ccmctery after services at 1:00 p.m. in the Mc- Cabe Funeral Home, 185701 Grand River.-s He died April 2 in Womnan's Hospital following a heart at-I tack. He haci been enîployed by Grinneil Brothers for 58 yearsi and was head of the piano re- pair and tuning department. Mr. Downs was a Shriner. a member of FPriendship. Masonîc Lodge and the Fourteenth Ave-i nue Methodist Church. He is survived by his wife, Veluna; a son, Douglas: a daugh- ter, Mrs. Burton Harrison, a sister, Lola Downs, Bowman- ville, Ont, and four grandchild- ren. Il for economy dependability1 59-62 1 I I 'I. NOTHINO DOWN, EASY PAYMENTS OVER 5 YEARS ON MONTHLY CAS BILLS Seo theso NATURAL OAS advantages AUTOMATIC CLEAN DEPENDABLE SILENT ECONOMICAL MODERN CONVENIENT COMPACT SEST SUITED TO AUTOMATIC CONTROLS FREE BURN«R SERVICE Natural Gas Hsating Equipmunt <osts fois ta bey, legs te instuli, f.f les a t. iltul. Your Gus company duos not employ dcer-to-door malesmen nor telephont convasberm. For information about declers lcanied by the Ontario Fuel Baurd ta mli and insfali natural gos .quipm.nt cail or write the Sales Department of «You'iI always b. glod you ch<t.. Hotutal Gai WANTED YOUNG EXECUTIVE WITH SENSE 0F ADVENTURE If you like excitement and have ambition to go places, then here 15 just the opportunity for you. Qualifications are simply this. You muet have a sound business head .. to appreciate good value and economy. You must like travelling..ini first class style. But most important, you muet be adventurous enough to recognize and enjoy the exhilara- tion of things new and different. If you are this kind of man WE WANT YOU ... to enjoy a happy drivmng future. Apply in person to your local Pontiac deler's ... drive the beautiful Pontiac model of your choice ..from that day forth there'll be no holding you back. À The Liberal Party's chances un Durham and throughout the province in the forthcorning provincial election are excel- lent. R. C. Honey af Port Hope, a former Libemal federal can- didate, said today.. M.Ir. Honey maid E. R. Woo.1- yard o! Orono, the party's pro- vincial candidate, were dele- qates at the arinual meeting o! the Ontario Liberal Associa- tion in Toronto last weekend, as were Gardon Trick o! Mill- brook, Harrv Wade o! Newton- ville, and Thomas White o! Pontypool. Mmf. Haney said that Opposi- tion Leader John Wintermey- er's capacity and enthusiasmn for hard work have inspired Lîberals throughout the prov- ince, and he said the enthusi- asm at the meeting was the grcatest in provincial Liberal ci rcies in ycars. "There bas been a great change in the spiit o! the or- ganization," Mr. Honey sald, sound program and a crack or. ganization."1 W. J. Henderson, former MX. P. for Kingston, was re-elected President of the Ontario Lîb- erals. MtONUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY \4F STAFFORD Stafford Iros. Monumental Wsrla 318 Dundat St. E-. Whitb, Phone Whitby, Sf0hawk 8-3552 "andMr.Wintrme 4r aCa Replace that costly WO-RN-OUT FURNACE!1 Sp ecify MNaturaiGa