r -. - _________________________________________________________ *~* ~ -THMfA'.,ARW. tE-CAADA SA~IMMm 2vw Many Groups Co-operating in. Cancer Confrof Efforts During the Month of April April is Cancer Controi month j soning fears. Let us firid cour- door to door lni the followixig It is a timie of nIeaning for al age, borne of hope and knowl-1 connunities: In Darinrgton; of us, of hope for those who edge. ta act in imeun. Providence, Burketon., Haydon, have cancer, of gratiue fr Across the townships of DI' I En! eld, Hampton,- Courtice - *moe who have bee cured and lington and Clarke many Ebeniezer, Maple Grove, Salem, -- - - - - - - - »f aober foresight for those' Church groups, lodges, clubs Tyrone, ZMon, SaUnia and Bow- Iwhom cancer rnY trike. It ais and individuels ddicaed 1<> the manville. In Clarke: Antioch a trne for discrding supersti- cause of finding a.cure fôr tiiis School District, Crooked Creek, t1ins about cancer, and unrea- dread d.isease wilI be cauing- Cowanville. Newtonville, Les-.................. . . kar'd,. Clarke-Uailon. Kiby, Kiendal, Newcastle, Starkije:,..... ... Brown School District. Orono, No. 9 -School District, Shaw's SchoëlDiNstrict and Port Gran- Top seller in Canada amnong British-buit cars, the Vauxhali Victor for 1959 has by and District. We hope that been restyled to give it a longer, wider and lower appearance. A single rib lime on once agantsyear i! wl the hood replaces two shorter limes of the oid models. Bumnpers sweep in a smooth iyour magnerusSu li une around the fenders. The sculptured curve in the rear door-has been eliminated ~5t<>1tuemony rise into create a graceful front-to-rear sweep. The radiator and fan have been enlarged th!& campaign will 1be given to to improve cooling of the four-cylinder motor. A new model - the Victor De Luxe the Canadian scientists wbio are - has been added. It features individual front seats and luxurious intenior styling. keeping an u.ntiring research Above is the Victor Super. Other models in the lune are the standard Victor and program mgn to find a cure the Victor Estate Wagon. for cancer. while some o! the_____________________________________________ mahney ralsed will be used ini CaAIC E R ctio th e tepeoLj-ole Egthrough the srepa he with h§ckmup tin o errm cancr f Tring tb Kil! Goose aogkwnfrml ptoms appear and the balance lasibreathesadahrorsf ury hoque . o~~~f the money olce ilb h t L i G o d n E ls rah awro' fy spent ini the aeoptinsb 'g' ~~~the Women's Servie Co mt.T ba chere I~i ia inatin. Wld n dans- CàANAi DIAN tee. In this area the Women'sr nSvie oniteIshde S y quence to excite the eye and the Mr.W .Syer who in byop gerous games and wilder and er.tSOCIETY the patient's doc- "Apparently Canadia's Minis- which a few short montlis ago more dangerous combats pass rendr te flloingter of Finance, the Hon.. Mr. refused oui' request for fini.- bfr h en h iig serviclem-&g refused to acknowl- cmal aid, now cantkeov 32 plunge into battie with a re- Nmmlg ericsedge the fact that there la a million dollars, based on last ligious ecstasy. Naraig Sericessaturation point ini taxation of year's figures, from the samne The Kirk Douglas production TeSceyprovides free or a single product," stated Jesse product."wabsdonte ovl y chreoecl by the V.O.N. Gray, chairman of the Ontar;o Edis bson t he Poograpy oPuleHealth Nurse to de- Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers' *EbysJackMardsh!anll. si o m-h temn n nestepatient Marketing Board, "when hie C.~&.& A. posed and arranged« by Marlo I a hv whic are beyond the prepared his Budget sor the IJ I Ydf Nascimbene, contribute effect- fai;s financial resouroes. comiiig year." i vely. Ti otrshould apply direct- "'After the Governrnent rais-F~4~. W~~Ir Ito hisloa Unit of the Ccc- OcI cigaret taxes in the 1951 bI'eI'edI IHead'I of ai Cancer Society. Budget, cigaret sales droppedr uity C - pLe n Durig Te Mnth f ArilLocal Units of the Ontario lest eight months o! that year. Durng he ont ofAprl vison of the Cariadian Can- We can expect a similar pat- ROWMANVILLE BLITZ NTGHT - AVRIL 3th cer Society ai'e prePared tc suP tern ta, follow the latest in- Robert McKercher, Seaforth New M ethods. PIy dressings to your patients crease. district fermer, has been elected 7 - 8 pn. fTee o! charge. Requisition "We doubt that the average president of the United Dairy(" forms may be obtained from the smioker (the man who pays the and Poultry Ca-Operative Lim-IO f JIN.i %Cr - Please Be Generous - office o! your local Unit. bil) realizes just what hie will ited, following the resignation o! Paten Tansoraton now have to contribute to thie George McCague of Harriston. The regular monthly meeting ga'n rnPra1ý 9overnment coffers. The total Mr'.. M Cague, who bas been o h iet lbwslede Short range transportation ta governmnent revenue from to_ presîdent since the inception o! the Flying Dutchinan Motor elicis of the Ontaria Cancer bacco taxes lé, the total of!th the UDPC in 1958, sold his farm Hlotel on Wednesdayi April lý. Treatm.ent Research Founda- excise tex and sales tax. The recently' but will continue ta wih president Lillian Ho)oper tloft is suPplied by volunteers of excise duty is 8 cents per pack work in the interests of Ontario ini charge o!, the meeting. Ulva the Society who niay be con- cf 20; the sales tax la 11 per agriculture as a member o! the Lathangue reed the minutes o! tactÇd at the office of yaur lo- cent o! the mnanufacturer's new commission' appointed by the executive meeting and the cal Unit. Railway accommoda- costs plus the excise duty. This the Frost administration to study treasurer's report wes given by ~.tion, inellng a berth when la a tax an a tax of 1.9 cents ail aspects'o!fermi marketing. Jean Williams. The chairmen x4ecessarY, can also be arranged per pack o! 20 plus the excise Joseph Crutchley, Durham, o! the various committees gave trough the office, titis service duty of 10 cents per pack of was electedi first vice-president their reports. bemgý provîded in conjunction 20 which is e total o! 19.9 cents. to f111 the vacency left by Mr. The iast p roject o!, the; club,. - with the Ontario Cancer Treat- It eppears ta me that the G<N- McKercher. Bruce McgCutcheon, catering for the Teen .Town, mient 'and Research Foundati*n. ernm.ent is once again trying Proton, is second vice-president. Prom, proved to be a finencial nome VIsiting to kil the goose that laid the ,Mi'. McCague was one ýof two success. Nominations were helcI - Society ba voîwiheersgolden egg. 1 think it would be appointees fromi the United Co- foi' the19-0ecuve it i w b~I e o cip e a e a m k e v s d a i aetm e uf ctu er t e n n e m a n b o rd o! D P t e 19 59 -6meet n .é cu si o n i Tetragic for the industry if Cer- Operatives of Ontario to sit on the election to take- place et, il.s ta patients whom you Mlay were to increese the cost ta the directors, Harold Forrester, was held regerdin'g the, chie!- . feel would benefit from th o ers, ba ding rcet inMaed y th UCOba sit o apn t-eret . et othe yne Cr-Ë friendly service. Sznallgif ts are cosers, a in rcetly1%U.Mlboy theUown, basitnapon t-e ret -ai the e ari-t often taken and forms o! sim- Fleming's blow ta the tobecco UDPC board in the place of Mr'. val ta take place this suînmer. pie occupatiorial tiherapy are industry," continued MI'r. Gray. McCegue. Other UDPC direct- Attendence et this meeting was provide d. "The Board hed sought a l0 ors are: R. R. Hennam, Guelph; 95.5 percent. Several members ww 1 ~ * rrHostel Actomnssdaton million dollar loan secured by Alfred M1onk, Ha ver;, arold plan ta attend tha inter-club. D e in highIu roteiun asture TeScey a rvd d l-beto ab adin* . Shntz NeHaynes, Vil Cle mreting i ayat Port Hôpe. up to 3 weeks ahaad of schedulel Hanulton in close proximity ta some -rades. This was bedyNv.fr h lzbthAdnCm thd Princess Margaret ~Hospital needed by the growers but The UDPC began aperetions --- anthe Hamilton Cliuac o! the turned down by the Govern- as a provincial co-operetive on Newactve EROUREA heps ou rowOntario Cancer Treatinent Re- ment. Now in my opinion the Octobei' 1, 1958. Priai' te that New aciveAER UEA*hels yu gowsearch Foundetian et Hamilton Canadien tabacco fermer cen time it lied been the dairy and hish, nutritious grass paste ... get >yo General Hospital Admission ta only look for reduced produc- poultxy marketing ,division of aniiaisgraingproitaby u to3 wjm he"this accommodation la under the tien end once again.lhe will the United Co-Operatives, but aft ni rma ra ing p oitbe. W 3 w e a a e dJuridictian o! the clinic direc. fincI inuel! carying the full a need was fet to, re-organize o( henoma tetors Involved and arrangements reslx>nsib.flity for the tobacco the oPerations, Mo* that, the ce- should be mcde through hini. industry," ciaimied Mr. Gray. operative could have individuel Acro Urea is a 45% nftrogen fertiTvzr prffledfrHm f"s himn9 h aba-frmer-members.. The UDPC easy handling. Top fesseomei spring erviceass c arn-Bofrdthe Tcon- was formed fromf this division ~ ~ "~ ~~ easyhlmdin&Top resed i sprng,ît rjeacg Te Soiet Proide hom plus the mei'ger o the Dundalk fineditel aailblenirogn t ge te nrsigheries frvda hmecluded,"11Iid it difficuit to and Blyth ca-op creemeries. The imedatlyavilbl ntrge t gt icpasture nusn evcsfraperiod4 understand how a Govi'nment, UDPC also ccquired the Perth Off toa aquick start-with highc r potein content. oftwm ee. Tin sesnaofbeea trem nee. Tis my bear-creameries and Durham milk re- Patr syu ceps ed S e coU«ranged -through the office of ~ . celving fecilities. Pas ur n îmyou rh apens o ee. e lo t Aeo Ucy i î a nt The mphasis placed on higli geLyoiranmas razngsone.. <eyHousekeeping Service i quality by the UDPC lias re- .. make profitable Wight gains andIfocmruiy evces sulted in new andI enlarged no cmmunty srvic lsmarkets for milk powder, but- bigrmilk cheques . while >. available, yqur local Unit a! lter and egg«s and dairy by-pro- St., fsowmanviiie; Secreta ry, forFR ode,"unsg (Teclinirauma zand zTechnicolor). *- ___ Mrs. flan Frank, 10) Reider Wle i.Fw N..nt oa har - M ~~~~Ave,. Bowmanville; Treasurer,.Tusa.ArlS2 1 EMr Clarence Bell, 137Lirt A mighty action drarna. Stun- F ET L ZRS.N., Bowmanivilie, Women's ning photography rec r ecate s Service Committee, Chairmian, fleming page out of the pest. .. ,,... 1 Mrs. Stan McMurter, 129 Li- with the clash o! steel cnd the Be Ready for $pring bertyr St. N., Bowmanville: um conflict of wifls. We have here . Campaign Chairman, Mr'. M. R.cvsulpetleadsi'ig . Steplens, 4 Thid St. ~ow-tale that will draw every ~ ~ - wtaPo rLanMwrmanvilie. youngster and beguile his eIders. The naines of Patients reoeiv- Titis Kirk Douglas production, inR aid from the Cancer Society in Techniranxc and Techinicolor, "Law n Crusier" 1 are lept in strictest confidence thunders ecroslthe screen in W"sr uim even to the members of!lher pageantry. tia blockbuster f cig tbucsbc n MfARJN IIE rom the word go. Jiminshed. With fi:bretex, Uri- ATheARGAIN PuCES can't msswanted noise s trpped ad W A m T E D &SOTNR Janet Leig Xiacmted to the NcGRE LINTWD Pym marriege of a sinister king she D ad. Old and Crlpplod t.ONDON CANADJ doesa't love. On*a sea voyage, MA 3-3386 --IM STOCK en route ta ber marriage, she is Picked Up Free e Charge kidnap ed by c Viking warrior, 0RI W . ron 2-]«rSeric I A C K I KO if irk ouglaYu, ta be helcI for CASE DEALER n alls n lovePHONE 181 retb«»h a 2-48 Dtwm tret b h IS, a Viking slave, who actually 91 King St.W. MA 3-5497 NICK PECONI MA 3-5615 ,E is c prince, also falîlov _____________ Paterborough - ont. WNNILEwith Mis& Leigh. i lv Cornspiracy and intrigue Mm . w w uuw ttspeaker1 and was Introduced by Kinette Peut Frank. Mia. Smith hcd thbe cmplete ttention o!fcil membersa n ahe told of the riew metmode of akin care and1 dem.onstrated Uie' new liglit 0cc1metic shades for spring and mimmer. Three o! the new lip-' atieka were donated by Mia. Snth for thc usual club draw. Kinette Mlary Stutt on behal! of thie club thanked Mrs. Smith> for a met interesting address. LONGSAT Mr. and Mrs. James Sawden and !amily visited their grand- mother,Mrýs. Fowler, Wark- Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Smith, Bowmnanviile, visited Mr'. and M.rs. F. G. Smithi and Grace, Sunday atei'noon. Mr'. Stanley Fletcher, Toronto, spent the weekend with bis par- ents, Mr'. and Mrs. G. Fletcher. Miss Grace Smiith accompanied Mis. Howard McRobei'ts, Bow- manville, to Napanee lest week and attended the 401h session o! CORN GROWERS! This new ceiling has 100,000 noise traps! Johns-ManvilIe Fibretex Acoustical Panels quiet naîsy moins.. cost as littie as $28.56 fer an average celiig .. New bookiet toits you how to "*do-it-yousetf" PtaelignnoswthJMFretex Acoustieci Panels. Eahpn!i rlldi nfr rrandon patterais with hunrd fnietapn oe ht soak up 75% of roam noise. The panels are painted in white flaîne-resistant Giazecoat finish and have the fanions J-M Light. ning Joint that tompletely conceals nails or staples, Vaids alignment. You cen get thcm tfrom your J-M Building Materials Dealer. 12.pog. bookIst-'How to Buitd a Fibrotex Acoustical Callino" -- Gives you complet. details on instoNing a noise quwk% gFibrecoakc.ô g.W eyeur ce", eluIboUs.J-M Sv*dhtg Materioi Dealer list.d belaw, or s.nd 04 in coin ta Dept. BA.N2, Conadian Johns-Monvjll, POmt Credit, Ont. GSI JOHNS-MANVIL'LE FIBRETEX PANELS FROM MOR HARDWARE LTD. BOWMANVILLE 1FUEL & LUNE CO. IBN 1R N -E BULDIN MATRIA m held ln Graoe United Churcb,, Napane. cu Long Scuit Club 50 held their April meeting at thehosMe o! Mrs. Fred Partner wtth 13 members present. Meeting open. n ed with hymn 374 !ollowed b; the Loi'd's Prayer. Scripture reading was read by Mia. John~ ton and devotional by -r.Ba4 rett. Minutes ot last meetinm were read. The President, Mns. Vcneyk, teok charge o! the business. Committee for May meeting, is Mrs. E. Murphy and Mrs. Van- eyk at the borne o! Mrs. Jhns-' ton. Mrs. Gibson was presented with c gift on the occasion ot. her 3Oth wedding anniverary., Programme Committee. took. chre af Programme as follows: =gadng by Sandra Gibson, red- ing by Mrs. Gibson, reading and. recitation by Ethel Goble. Two contests were held in which everyoe took part. They were won by Mi's. Partnei', Mrs. Gib. son and Mary Penwarden. Priz- s were given. The president thon thenked the hostess and ail those wbe taok part in the program. Meeting was lb. closed. Lunch wcs served by prograin PAGE TEN SEASON LONG WEED CONTROL from planting to harvest Kilis weeds before they compote with tender young corn plants. from your local farmr supply dealer-in 5 ib. bugs, end 5Ô lb. drums. 'Trade Mark of Geigy Chamical Corfflaio. s' Tm- 59W